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Latin America has been registering a fast decrease in fertility rates since the mid-twentieth century. This change can be linked to the modernization process these populations have been undergoing. However, research with Latin American indigenous populations, which are undergoing relatively similar lifestyle changes, shows very different trends in fertility. The aim of this study was to analyze fertility patterns in the indigenous Toba community of Cacique Sombrero Negro, which is experiencing a rapid process of economic and social Westernization. Fertility patterns were analyzed between 1981 and 1999, the period for which the most accurate records were found. Results showed an overall increase in fertility rates and changes in the age of peak fertility across time periods. It is hypothesized that the lifestyle transition this population is experiencing leads to better access to resources that, in the absence of contraception, allow for a higher number of offspring. Nevertheless, this higher resource availability would be differential, affecting mostly the fertility of younger mothers.  相似文献   

Short day lengths increase the duration of nocturnal melatonin (Mel) secretion, which induces the winter phenotype in Siberian hamsters. After several months of continued exposure to short days, hamsters spontaneously revert to the spring-summer phenotype. This transition has been attributed to the development of refractoriness of Mel-binding tissues, including the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), to long-duration Mel signals. The SCN of Siberian hamsters is required for the seasonal response to winter-like Mel signals, and becomes refractory to previously effective long-duration Mel signals restricted to this area. Acute Mel treatment phase shifts circadian locomotor rhythms of photosensitive Siberian hamsters, presumably by affecting circadian oscillators in the SCN. We tested whether seasonal refractoriness of the SCN to long-duration Mel signals also renders the circadian system of Siberian hamsters unresponsive to Mel. Males manifesting free-running circadian rhythms in constant dim red light were injected with Mel or vehicle for 5 days on a 23.5-h T-cycle beginning at circadian time 10. Mel injections caused significantly larger phase advances in activity onset than did the saline vehicle, but the magnitude of phase shifts to Mel did not differ between photorefractory and photosensitive hamsters. Similarly, when entrained to a 16-h light/8-h dark photocycle, photorefractory and photosensitive hamsters did not differ in their response to Mel injected 4 h before the onset of the dark phase. Activity onset in Mel-injected hamsters was masked by light but was revealed to be significantly earlier than in vehicle-injected hamsters upon transfer to constant dim red light. The acute effects of melatonin on circadian behavioral rhythms are preserved in photorefractory hamsters.  相似文献   

The effects of brief light pulses (1-60 min in duration) on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity and/or the neuroendocrine-gonadal axis was investigated in male Djungarian hamsters. Exposure of hamsters free-running in constant darkness to a single 1-h pulse of light induced phase-dependent phase shifts in the rhythm of locomotor activity. The general shape of the "phase-response curve" was similar to that observed in other animals; phase-delays and phase-advances were induced by light pulses delivered in the early and late subjective night, respectively, while light pulses during the subjective day induced little or no phase-shift in the activity rhythm. Animals exposed for 7 days to 1-min of light during the night in animals otherwise exposed to 6L:18D resulted in increased levels of serum FSH and testicular weight. Daily exposure to two 1-h or two 10-min pulses of light (but not two 1-min pulses) for 10 days resulted in stable entrainment of the activity rhythm as well as testicular weight gains and serum FSH increases. When two 10-min pulses of light were presented 8 and 16 h apart, some animals showed a short-day entrainment pattern (i.e., locomotor activity confined to the long period of darkness) while other animals showed a long-day entrainment pattern (i.e., locomotor activity confined to the short period of darkness). Importantly, the stimulatory effects of light on neuroendocrine-gonadal activity were clearly dependent on the phase-relationship between the light pulses and the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although extraocular light can entrain the circadian rhythms of invertebrates and nonmammalian vertebrates, almost all studies show that the mammalian circadian system can only be affected by light to the eyes. The exception is a recent study by Campbell and Murphy that reported phase shifts in humans to bright light applied with fiber-optic pads behind the knees (popliteal region). We tested whether this extraocular light stimulus could accelerate the entrainment of circadian rhythms to a shift of the sleep schedule, as occurs in shift work or jet lag. In experiment 1, the sleep/dark episodes were delayed 8h from baseline for 2 days, and 3h light exposures were timed to occur before the temperature minimum to help delay circadian rhythms. There were three groups: (1) bright (about 13,000 lux) extraocular light from fiber-optic pads, (2) control (dim light, 10-20 lux), and (3) medium-intensity (about 1000 lux) ocular light from light boxes. In experiment 2, the sleep/dark episodes were inverted, and extraocular light was applied either before the temperature minimum to help delay circadian rhythms or after the temperature minimum to help advance rhythms. Circadian phase markers were the salivary dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) and the rectal temperature minimum. There was no evidence that the popliteal extraocular light had a phase-shifting effect in either experiment. Possible reasons for phase shifts in the Campbell and Murphy study and not the current study include the many differences between the protocols. In the current study, there was substantial sleep deprivation before the extraocular light was applied. There was a large shift in the sleep/dark schedule, rather than allowing subjects to sleep each day from midnight to noon, as in the Campbell and Murphy study. Also, when extraocular light was applied in the current protocol, subjects did not experience a change from sleeping to awake, a change in posture (from lying in bed to sitting in a chair), or a change in ocular light (from dark to dim light). Further research is necessary to determine the conditions under which extraocular light might produce phase shifts in human circadian rhythms. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 807-826, 2000).  相似文献   

Both sexually mature and sexually regressed male golden hamsters were transferred to asymmetric skeleton photoperiods with night interruptions of varying duration, the short pulses occurring 14 h after "dawn." Testicular function and accompanying changes in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone and spermatogenesis were observed. Sexually regressed animals exposed to a night-break of 6 seconds (sec) or longer exhibited maximal testicular development with a rapid rise in FSH secretion followed by a slower, more variable rise in LH. Full testicular size was achieved after 8 weeks. Night-breaks of 250 milliseconds (msec) or 1 sec induced testicular development and spermatogenesis but at a slower rate: levels of FSH and LH were still rising at the end of the experiment. Complete testicular maintenance was achieved by night-breaks of 1 sec or longer. Partial testicular regression was observed with a night-break of 250 msec. Night-breaks (60 sec) given less frequently than daily also stimulated testicular function and a night-break every 7 days increased FSH and LH secretion in sexually regressed hamsters, causing testicular development at a submaximal rate. Night-breaks given more frequently induced rapid testicular growth. Almost complete testicular maintenance of sexually mature hamsters was achieved with a 60-sec night-break at weekly intervals. Symmetric skeleton photoperiods also triggered testicular development in sexually regressed hamsters, with two 1-sec light pulses (14 h apart) being almost as effective as a normal long day. No difference in reproductive function was observed between animals on long days (14L:10D) and those exposed to maximally stimulatory skeleton photoperiods.  相似文献   

Three experiments addressed whether pronounced alterations in the circadian system yielded concomitant changes in ultradian timing. Female Siberian hamsters were housed in a 16L:8D photoperiod after being subjected to a disruptive phase-shifting protocol that produced 3 distinct permanent circadian phenotypes: some hamsters entrained their circadian rhythms (CRs) with predominantly nocturnal locomotor activity (ENTR), others displayed free-running CRs (FR), and a third cohort was circadian arrhythmic (ARR). The period of the ultradian locomotor rhythm (UR) did not differ among the 3 circadian phenotypes; neuroendocrine generation of URs remains viable in the absence of coherent circadian organization and appears to be mediated by substrates functionally and anatomically distinct from those that generate CRs. Pronounced light-dark differences in several UR characteristics in ENTR hamsters were completely absent in circadian arrhythmic hamsters. The disruptive phase-shifting protocol may compromise direct visual input to ultradian oscillators but more likely indirectly affects URs by interrupting visual afference to the circadian system. Additional experiments documented that deuterium oxide and constant light, each of which substantially lengthened the period of free-running CRs, failed to change the period of concurrently monitored URs. The resistance of URs to deuteration contrasts with the slowing of virtually all other biological timing processes, including CRs. Considered together, the present results point to the existence of separable control mechanisms for generation of circadian and ultradian rhythms.  相似文献   

The endogenous circadian pacemaker of mammals is synchronized to the environmental day by the ambient cycle of relative light and dark. The present studies assessed the actions of light in a novel circadian entrainment paradigm where activity rhythms are bifurcated following exposure to a 24-h light:dark:light:dark (LDLD) cycle. Bifurcated entrainment under LDLD reflects the temporal dissociation of component oscillators that comprise the circadian system and is facilitated when daily scotophases are dimly lit rather than completely dark. Although bifurcation can be stably maintained in LDLD, it is quickly reversed under constant conditions. Here the authors examine whether dim scotophase illumination acts to maintain bifurcated entrainment under LDLD through potential interactions with the parametric actions of bright light during the two daily photophases. In three experiments, wheel-running rhythms of Syrian hamsters were bifurcated under LDLD with dimly lit scotophases, and after several weeks, dim scotophase illumination was either retained or extinguished. Additionally, "full" and "skeleton" photophases were employed under LDLD cycles with dimly lit or completely dark scotophases to distinguish parametric from nonparametric effects of bright light. Rhythm bifurcation was more stable in full versus skeleton LDLD cycles. Dim light facilitated the maintenance of bifurcated entrainment under full LDLD cycles but did not prevent the loss of rhythm bifurcation in skeleton LDLD cycles. These studies indicate that parametric actions of bright light maintain the bifurcated entrainment state; that dim scotophase illumination increases the stability of the bifurcated state; and that dim light interacts with the parametric effects of bright light to increase the stability of rhythm bifurcation under full LDLD cycles. A further understanding of the novel actions of dim light may lead to new strategies for understanding, preventing, and treating chronobiological disturbances.  相似文献   

Serum leptin concentrations were obtained from male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) and golden hamsters (a.k.a. Syrian, Mesocricetus auratus) housed on long [light:dark (LD) 16:8] and short (LD 6:18) photoperiods for 10-11 weeks. Blood samples were collected at 45-min intervals for 24 h from individual animals using an in-dwelling atrial catheter. In Siberian hamsters, exposure to short photoperiods as compared to long photoperiods reduced body weight (32.5 +/- 1.5 vs 47.7 +/- 1.1 g) and leptin (24-h mean: 5.3 +/- 0.4 ng/ml vs 18.6 +/- 2.1 ng/ml). Although photoperiod influenced the temporal distribution of leptin in golden hamsters, the main effect of photoperiod on leptin levels in golden hamsters did not reach significance (24-h mean: 7.1 +/- 1.0 ng/ml vs 5.1 +/- 0.8 ng/ml.). Body weights of golden hamsters did not vary significantly following exposure to short photoperiod for 11 weeks (178.3 +/- 3.6 g in LD 6:18 vs 177.8 +/- 7.3 g in LD 16:8). There was no nocturnal increase in serum leptin in either species. Marked interindividual differences were apparent in individual leptin profiles. Periodogram analysis revealed that only a few animals exhibited 24-h periodicities; the presence of a significant 24-h periodicity was more common in hamsters exposed to short days. Photoperiod-associated differences in the 24-hour profile of leptin secretion may be the result of photoperiod-associated changes in feeding behavior or metabolism. A full understanding of the regulation of leptin secretion in multiple time domains may enhance our understanding of the function of leptin.  相似文献   

This study tested whether light pulses with a dusklike offset or a dawnlike onset caused phase shifts of different sizes in the circadian wheel-running activity of Syrian hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus. Six experiments were conducted, each with 30 hamsters; the hamsters received first one type of pulse and then the other type a few weeks later, allowing a paired comparison. The six experiments represented the combination of two maximum light intensities (150 and 250 lux) and three zeitgeber times (ZTs) at which the pulses were given (ZT13.5, ZT14.5, and ZT20). Pulses were 30 minutes long, a relatively short duration to minimize circadian time effects. Aschoff's type II method of measuring phase shifts was used. In none of the six experiments did a two-tailed paired t test detect a significant difference in the size of phase shifts caused by dusklike versus dawnlike pulses. A three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the combined data from all six experiments (with pulse type, pulse intensity, and ZT as factors) also failed to detect a significant effect of pulse type. Statistical power was calculated and found to be reasonably good. These negative results are in line with those of a previous study in which a different methodology was used. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 413-421, 2001)  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to investigate the adaptation of blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and locomotor activity (LA) circadian rhythms to light cycle shift in transgenic rats with a deficit in brain angiotensin [TGR(ASrAOGEN)]. BP, HR, and LA were measured by telemetry. After baseline recordings (bLD), the light cycle was inverted by prolonging the light by 12 h and thereafter the dark period by 12 h, resulting in inverted dark-light (DL) or light-dark (LD) cycles. Toward that end, a 24-h dark was maintained for 14 days (free-running conditions). When light cycle was changed from bLD to DL, the acrophases (peak time of curve fitting) of BP, HR, and LA shifted to the new dark period in both SD and TGR(ASrAOGEN) rats. However, the readjustment of the BP and HR acrophases in TGR(ASrAOGEN) rats occurred significantly slower than SD rats. The LA acrophases changed similarly in both strains. When light cycle was changed from DL to LD by prolonging the dark period by 12 h, the reentrainment of BP and LA occurred faster than the previous shift in both strains. The readjustment of the BP and HR acrophases in TGR(ASrAOGEN) rats occurred significantly slower than SD rats. In free-running conditions, the circadian rhythms of the investigated parameters adapted in TGR(ASrAOGEN) and SD rats in a similar manner. These results demonstrate that the brain RAS plays an important role in mediating the effects of light cycle shifts on the circadian variation of BP and HR. The adaptive behavior of cardiovascular circadian rhythms depends on the initial direction of light-dark changes.  相似文献   


Human responses to alcohol—especially sensitivity and acute behavioral tolerance—are being studied within a behavioral genetic design involving comparisons of scores from monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins, nontwin siblings, and unrelated (adoptee) pairs reared in the same family from infancy. The planned genetic analyses must await completion of data collection. The present sample is, however, adequate for analyses of means and for some analyses of individual differences in responses. For most of the measures being used, we find the usual mean decrement in performance after alcohol dosing to 0.100 BAC, but individual differences in response to alcohol are large, and a few individuals actually improve in performance after dosing. Also, on two tests, Cancellation and Block Rotations, there is a significant mean improvement in performance immediately after dosing. As yet we do not have a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon. On most but not all of the tests, performance improves after the initial decrement during a 3‐hour period in which blood alcohol levels are maintained by additional hourly doses. This improvement may be due in part to practice effects, as well as to the development of acute behavioral tolerance to ethanol (ABTE). We are still exploring ways in which these effects may be disentangled, using data from concurrent placebo control subjects and from pre‐dosing test sessions. It is already apparent, nevertheless, that most of the variability in sensitivity and ABTE is related to pre‐existing individual variability rather than to gender, age, height, weight, or drinking history. By mailing annual questionnaires to all participants, we hope to be able to test the hypothesis that those who were relatively insensitive to ethanol or who showed a relatively large amount of ABTE during the test sessions may be at increased risk for heavy alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

L Debeljuk  R Bandera  A Bartke 《Peptides》1999,20(3):353-360
The effect of progesterone on SP- and NKA-like immunoreactive substances in the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary was studied in ovariectomized and in ovariectomized, estrogen treated Siberian hamsters. Neither ovariectomy nor progesterone or estradiol treatment resulted in apparent changes in the tachykinin concentration in the hypothalamus. No effect of the treatments was seen on the release of tachykinins by hypothalami incubated in vitro in presence of high KCl concentrations. Ovariectomy resulted in a significant increase in the concentrations of both tachykinins in the anterior pituitary, as compared with intact animals. Progesterone (5 mg/animal) significantly reduced tachykinin concentrations in the anterior pituitary, as compared with the values found in ovariectomized animals. Estradiol completely suppressed the post-ovariectomy increase in anterior pituitary tachykinins, and progesterone did not significantly modify the response to estradiol. Lower doses of progesterone (250 microg or 1 mg/animal) significantly reduced NKA concentrations in the anterior pituitary of ovariectomized Siberian hamsters, but SP concentrations, although showing a similar tendency, were not significantly different in progesterone-treated as compared with ovariectomized, control animals. These results suggest that progesterone may modulate tachykinin stores in the anterior pituitary gland of Siberian hamsters.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity in response to light in the coffee tree   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phenotypic plasticity to light availability was examined at the leaf level in field-grown coffee trees (Coffea arabica). This species has been traditionally considered as shade-demanding, although it performs well without shade and even out-yields shaded coffee. Specifically, we focused our attention on the morpho-anatomical plasticity, the balance between light capture and excess light energy dissipation, as well as on physiological traits associated with carbon gain. A wide natural light gradient, i.e., a diurnal intercepted photon irradiance differing by a factor of 25 between the deepest shade leaves and the more exposed leaves in the canopy, was explored. Responses of most traits to light were non-linear, revealing the classic leaf sun vs. leaf shade dichotomy (e.g., compared with sun leaves, shade leaves had a lower stomatal density, a thinner palisade mesophyll, a higher specific leaf area, an improved light capture, a lower respiration rate, a lower light compensating point and a limited capacity for photoprotection). The light-saturated rates of net photosynthesis were higher in sunlit than in shade leaves, although sun leaves were not efficient enough to use the extra light supply. However, sun leaves showed well-developed photoprotection mechanisms in comparison to shade leaves, which proved sufficient for avoiding photoinhibition. Specifically, a higher non-photochemical quenching coefficient was found in parallel to increases in: (i) zeaxanthin pools, (ii) de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle, and (iii) activities of some antioxidant enzymes. Intracanopy plasticity depended on the suite of traits considered, and was high for some physiological traits associated with photoprotection and maintenance of a positive carbon balance under low light, but low for most morpho-anatomical features. Our data largely explain the successful cultivation of the coffee tree in both exposed and shade environments, although with a poor resource-use efficiency in high light.  相似文献   

Syrian hamsters with intergeniculate leaflet or sham lesions were given tests with a series of light pulses of gradually decreasing intensities. The light pulses were given early in the night, at zeitgeber time 14–15. The amount of wheel running during the pulses was compared to that in the same hour on a night with no light pulses. Hamsters with intergeniculate leaflet lesions showed a significantly greater suppression of their wheel running in response to light than the sham-lesioned animals. The lesioned animals also had larger negative phase angles of entrainment to the 14:10-h light-dark cycle than sham-operated controls. However, phase shifting in response to light pulses at either zeitgeber time 14 or 18 was not significantly altered by the lesions. Preferences for spending more time in a dark than a light area were not abolished by the lesions. It is concluded that the intergeniculate leaflet in the Syrian hamster cannot be of paramount importance for masking of locomotor activity by light but may play a modulating role. Accepted: 30 January 1999  相似文献   

Individual differences in sensitivity to bitter-tasting substances   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Perception of several bitter-tasting compounds was tested in52 subjects. Stable individual differences in the perceivedintensity of the bitterness of suprathreshold concentrationsof quinine sulfate (QSO4) and urea were found. Whereas 18 subjectsjudged selected concentrations of these compounds to be equallybitter, 17 found QSO4 to be more bitter than urea, and 17 foundurea to be more bitter than QSO4. These reliable individualdifferences were significantly related to threshold sensitivityto QSO4; that is, individuals who perceived QSO4 to be moreintense than urea at suprathreshold concentrations also hadlower QSO4 thresholds than did those who perceived urea to bemore intense than QSO4. There appeared to be no relationshipbetween the relative perceived intensities of these compoundsand rating of the bitterness of PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil).However, QSO4-sensitive individuals tended to find the bitternessof suprathreshold caffeine and sucrose octaacetate to be greaterthan that of suprathreshold magnesium sulfate, whereas the reversewas true for urea-sensitive individuals. This pattern parallelsthe pattern of cross-adaptation among these compounds reportedby other investigators. These results are consistent with theexistence of multiple bitter transduction sequences and suggestthat individual differences in response to various bitter compoundsmay reflect differences in teh relative availability of specifictransduction sequences.  相似文献   

The growth, morphology and biomass allocation of 11 liana species (six light-demanding and five shade-tolerant) were investigated by growing plants in three contrasting light environments (i.e., field, forest edge and forest interior). Our objectives were to determine: (1) changes in plant traits at the species level; and (2) differences in light-demanding and shade-tolerant species in response to altered light environment. We found that all seedlings of liana species increased in total biomass, total leaf area, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), height, basal diameter, root length, leaf number, root mass/total plant mass (RMR) and root-to-shoot dry biomass (R/S ratio), and decreased in leaf area ratio (LAR), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf size, stem mass-to-total plant mass ratio (SMR) and leaf mass-to-total plant mass ratio (LMR) with increasing light availability. Under the three light environments, the two types of species differed significantly in total biomass, total leaf area, RGR, NAR, LAR, SLA and leaf number, and not in leaf area. Only light-demanding species differed significantly in height, root length, basal diameter, RMR, SMR, LMR and R/S ratio. The mean plasticity index of growth and biomass allocation were relatively higher than the morphological variables, with significant differences between the two groups. Our results showed that liana species respond differently to changing light environments and that light-demanding species exhibit higher plasticity. Such differences may affect the relative success of liana species in forest dynamics.  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluated the autocrine modulatory effect of insulin on glucose metabolism and glucose-induced insulin secretion in islets isolated from hamsters with insulin resistance (IR) induced by administration of a sucrose-rich diet (SRD) during 5 weeks. We used an approach of two metabolic pathways (glucose oxidation and utilization) based on the measurement of 14CO2 and 3H2O production from D-[U-14C]-glucose and D-[5-(3)H]-glucose, respectively, in isolated islets incubated with 3.3 and 16.7 mM glucose alone, or with 5 or 15 mU/ml insulin, anti-insulin guinea-pig serum (1:500), 25 microM nifedipine, or 150 nM wortmannin. Insulin release was measured by radioimmunoassay in islets incubated with 3.3 or 16.7 mM glucose, with or without 75, 150, and 300 nM wortmannin. Results showed that the stimulatory effect of insulin upon 14CO2 and 3H2O production in control islets was not observed in SRD islets. Addition of anti-insulin serum, nifedipine or wortmannin to the medium with 16.7 mM glucose decreased 14CO2 and 3H2O production in control but not in SRD islets. Whereas wortmannin did not decrease insulin release induced by 16.7 mM glucose in SRD hamsters, it did in controls. We can conclude that the autocrine stimulatory effect of insulin upon glucose metabolism observed in normal islets is attenuated or even absent in islets from IR animals. Such decreased islet sensitivity to insulin did not prevent the compensatory secretion of insulin from maintaining glucose homeostasis, suggesting that, at least in this model, the islets can put forward alternative mechanisms to overcome such defect.  相似文献   

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