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Circadian rhythm of feeding, oviposition, and emergence of boll weevil adults were determined at five different photophases (24, 14, 12, 10, and 0 hours) and a constant 27℃ temperature, 65% RH in the laboratory. Squares from Petri dishes, where they were exposed to boll weevil females, were removed and examined for feeding and oviposition punctures every 4 hours during daylight (0700-1900 h) and every 12 h at night (1900-0700 h) over eight consecutive days. Cohorts of randomly selected egg-punctured squares were sampled from ovipositing females at 0700, 1100, 1500, and 1900 during 24 hours and under different photophase treatments, and maintained in Petri dishes at 27 + I℃, 65% RH. Dishes were observed twice daily (1900 and 0700 h) for adults emerging at day or night. Circadian rhythm of oviposition was not affected by the length of the photophase. The boll weevil has round-the-clock circadian rhythm of oviposition, with a daytime preference. We observed that 82.4%-86.0% of the boll weevil eggs were deposited between 0700 and 1900 h, and 14.0%-17.6% between 1900 and 0700 h during a 24-h period. Feeding of boll weevil females in photoperiods 24:0 h (complete light) and 0:24 h (complete darkness) did not significantly change between 0700-1900 h versus 1900-0700 h, while the d .ally cycle of light and darkness in other photoperiods significantly increased the feeding punctures from 0700-1900 compared with 1900-0700 h. The circadian rhythm of emergence depended significantly on the time of oviposition and the length of the photophase. Investigation of boll weevil circadian rhythm provides a better understanding of boll weevil ecology and reveals potential weak links for improving control technologies targeting their reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Shoaling intensity in zebrafish Danio rerio is believed to vary throughout subjective day and night hours. This experiment examines long term variations in shoaling behavior. Adult zebrafish Dan io rerio were maintained under a 12:12 LD cycle (with dim red light serving as reduced visibility during subjective dark hours), and their shoaling behavior was monitored every hour for a three-day period of time. Our results show that zebrafish perform shoaling behavior throughout subjective day and under reduced visibility conditions, although mean shoaling times during the light phase were significantly higher than mean shoaling times during the dark phase. However, on the 3^rd day of the experiment, mean shoaling times during the subjective night had increased and mean shoaling times during the subjective day had decreased. This shift in intensity was not seen on the first two days of the study, and may represent the influence of experience on the behavior of the test fish. We believe this study shows that shoaling behavior changes with light/dark cycles and that fish shoal even during reduced visibility conditions.  相似文献   

Meteorological data are scarce due to lack of meteorology stations in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. This often results in an imprecise estimation of air temperature. A linear estimation of air temperature of an alpine meadow on Northern Tibetan Plateau at heights of 1.5 m–2.1 m by using MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data was conducted in this study. The results showed that linear estimation of daily maximum and daytime mean air temperatures from MODIS LST data were not accurate enough (P > 0.01, R2 < 0.10) during the growing season. In contrast, the linear relationships between daily maximum and daytime mean air temperature and MODIS LST during the non-growing season were both significant (P < 0.01, R2 > 0.40). MODIS LST data were accurate enough to linearly estimate daily minimum and nighttime mean air temperatures (P < 0.01, R2 > 0.55). Moreover, derived LST from MODIS/Terra platform (MOD11A2) had higher accuracies than derived LST from MODIS/Aqua platform (MYD11A2) in linearly estimating air temperatures mentioned above.  相似文献   

Meteorological data are scarce due to lack of meteorology stations in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. This often results in an imprecise estimation of air temperature. A linear estimation of air temperature of an alpine meadow on Northern Tibetan Plateau at heights of 1.5 m–2.1 m by using MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data was conducted in this study. The results showed that linear estimation of daily maximum and daytime mean air temperatures from MODIS LST data were not accurate enough (P > 0.01, R2 < 0.10) during the growing season. In contrast, the linear relationships between daily maximum and daytime mean air temperature and MODIS LST during the non-growing season were both significant (P < 0.01, R2 > 0.40). MODIS LST data were accurate enough to linearly estimate daily minimum and nighttime mean air temperatures (P < 0.01, R2 > 0.55). Moreover, derived LST from MODIS/Terra platform (MOD11A2) had higher accuracies than derived LST from MODIS/Aqua platform (MYD11A2) in linearly estimating air temperatures mentioned above.  相似文献   

大熊猫胃内纤毛虫检测初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Twenty three captive giant pandas, fecal specimens and stomach juice from five captive giant pandas(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)were tested for ciliate in 2004. Of them, ciliates of Epdinium spp.and Entodinium spp.were found in the stomach of five giant panda. Density of ciliates in each stomach of giant pandas were 4.21×10 4 ind./ml, 6.98×10 4 ind./ml, 3.05×10 4 ind./ml, 4.46×10 4 ind./ml and 4.38×10 4 ind./ml respectively. But all the fecal specimens were negative.  相似文献   

The diurnal activity rhythm of Clethrionomys rufocanus was studied under three different food conditions in a laboratory. The activity occurred both in the daytime and at night, but mainly at night (19:00--4:00). The mice fed with Mouse food exhibited six small peaks in their daily activity, and those fed with grass or hay exhib-ited seven, but the peak of the out-nest night activity was 2 ~ 3 hours earlier. The activity amount of out-nest was 30 518.0 ± 3 694.9 s for those fed with grass, the next was 21 811.7 ± 2 288.0 s for those fed with hay,and the least was 15 038.0 ± 666.0 s for those fed with mouse food. The activity amount of feeding was 10867.3± 1 612.1 s for those fed with grass, much more than those fed with mouse food and hay. The activity amount for drinking was 988.5 ± 79.1 s (fed with hay), 568.9 ± 60.9 s (fed with mouse food) and 139.3 ±47.2 s (fed with grass).  相似文献   

In short photoperiods, plants accumulate starch more rapidly in the light and degrade it more slowly at night, ensuring that their starch reserves last until dawn. To investigate the accompanying changes in the timing of growth, Arabidopsis was grown in a range of photoperiods and analyzed for rosette biomass, photosynthesis, respiration, ribosome abundance, polysome loading, starch, and over 40 metabolites at dawn and dusk. The data set was used to model growth rates in the daytime and night, and to identify metabolites that correlate with growth. Modeled growth rates and polysome loading were high in the daytime and at night in long photoperiods, but decreased at night in short photoperiods. Ribosome abundance was similar in all photoperiods. It is discussed how the amount of starch accumulated in the light period, the length of the night, and maintenance costs interact to constrain growth at night in short photoperiods, and alter the strategy for optimizing ribosome use. Significant correlations were found in the day- time and the night between growth rates and the levels of the sugar-signal trehalose 6-phosphate and the amino acid biosynthesis intermediate shikimate, identifying these metabolites as hubs in a network that coordinates growth with diurnal changes in the carbon supply.  相似文献   

<正> The influence of social upbringing on the activity pattern of lion Panthera leo cubs was investigated at three sites. Inthis study, stimulus objects such as sticks, grass, fresh dung (elephant Loxondota africana, zebra Equus quagga, impala Aepycerosmelampus, duiker Sylvicapra grimmia, kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros, giraffe Girajfa camelopardalis and wildebeestConnochaetes taurinus) and cardboard boxes, were utilized in an enrichment program aimed at encouraging active behaviors ofcaptive lion cubs at Antelope Park and Masuwe. Lion cubs at Chipangali were not behaviorally enriched. Activity patterns wererecorded for 10 days at each site. We recorded moving, resting, playing, grooming, visual exploration and display of hunting instincts.We found that behavioral enrichment enhanced the active behaviors of captive lion cubs. Orphan-raised cubs spent moretime moving, playing and displaying hunting instincts than mother-raised cubs, but the time spent grooming was similar acrossareas and suggests that grooming is not influenced by enrichment. Mother-raised cubs spent more time engaged in visual explorationthan orphan-raised cubs and this could be a behavior acquired from mothers or a result of confidence to explore because oftheir presence. Activity patterns were different among time treatments across our three study sites. Based on these findings, wesuggest that lion cubs raised in captivity could benefit from behavioral enrichment to encourage active behaviors essential foreventual reintroduction into the wild .  相似文献   

Individuals may reduce competition by temporally partitioning their use of a shared resource. Behavioral differences between sexes in ungulates may encourage segregation as individuals attempt to avoid antagonistic interactions. However, dominant sex and age groups may reduce subordinates' access to food resources, regardless of the subordinate's sex. We hypothesized that white-tailed deer Odocoileus Virginian us temporally segregated at supplemental feedi ng sites based on social rank (subordinate: yearling males and adult females;dominant: adult males) and that segregation was affected by phase of the breeding season and diel cycle. If deer temporally segregate according to social rank, we predicted that the resulting activity patterns would manifest in one social class being relatively more susceptible to hunter-induced mortality. We used a multistate modeling approach to quantify temporal segregation and calculated the probability that a feeding site was in a particular state during diurnal and nocturnal hours for each of the 3 phases of the breeding season. We determined that transition probabilities differed by season and diel cycle and dominant and subordinate social classes clearly avoided each other, with <1% co-occurrenee at feedi ng sites. During the pre-breedi ng seas on, the probability of a subordi nate being present during diurnal hours was 3.Ox more likely than a dominant being present, but did not differ during nocturnal hours. There was no difference for dominants and subordinates during diurnal or no cturnal hours during the breedi ng season .In the post-breedi ng season, subordi nates were 1.7x more likely to occur at the feeding site than a dominant during diurnal hours but they did not differ during nocturnal hours. Our results indicate that dominance status influences temporal segregation at feeding sites and is affected by the phase of the breeding season. Therefore, the resulti ng activity patterns may in crease subordi nates' risk to human predation during the prebreedi ng and post-breeding seasons.  相似文献   

青藏公路沿线白昼交通运输等人类活动对藏羚羊迁徙的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
裘丽  冯祚建 《动物学报》2004,50(4):669-674
To study effects of traffic during daytime and other human activities, we conducted surveys on the migration of Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsoni along the Qinghai-Tibet highway between Kunlun Mountain Pass to Wudaoliang,using line transects (LT) from June to September in 2001 and 2002, Data were collected for 64 days with 17 days in 2001, and 47days in 2002. The Stationary Observation Method (SOM) was also adopted for the investigation of status of the disturbance from traffic when antelopes passing the highway and the traffic situation from August 6 to 28 (6 : 30-19: 00), 4 to 20 (6: 00- 18: 00) and from December 21 to 29 (9:00- 19: 00) in 2002. The results showed that,the period of migration in 2002 was more prolonged than in 2001, and it took at least 45 min for each group to cross the highway, with success ratio of only 30.2 %, and the traffic flow of summer daytime was 76/h, while the winter‘s traffic flow was 29/h. Highway and rail traffic should be managed during daylight hours from June to August, to allow for the migration of the antelopes. Also conservation education and a further survey should be emphasized for the protection on the species [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (4) : 669-674, 2004].  相似文献   

Daytime activity patterns of captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) (n = 21) were observed for 2 week periods during October 1991 and January, April, and July 1992. A daytime bimodal activity pattern was seen with increased activity coinciding with feeding times at 1000 and 1600 h. The animals spent an average of 40 ± 10% of their time sleeping, 21 ± 10% resting, 25 ± 11% eating, 13 ± 9% walking, and 1 ± 3% interacting with other giant pandas. Adult females were less active than males or juveniles. During July, giant pandas were less active during the daytime than during other seasons of the year. There was no difference in activity patterns between pregnant and non-pregnant females. Two infants had similar activity patterns to the adults by the time they were 6 months old. Comparison with wild giant pandas (n = 5) at the Wolong Nature Reserve revealed similar bimodal activity cycles, although the time of peak activity differed and foraging/feeding time was greater for wild pandas than for captive animals. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Underwater vocalization monitoring and surveys, both on ice and underwater, were used to determine if Weddell seals ( Leptonychotes weddellii ) near Mawson Station, Antarctica, remain under the fast ice during winter within close range of breeding sites. Daytime and nighttime underwater calling rates were examined at seven breeding sites during austral winter and spring to identify seasonal and diel patterns. Seals rarely hauled out at any of the sites during winter, although all cohorts (adult males, females, and juveniles) were observed underwater and surfacing at breathing holes throughout winter (June–September) and spring (October–December). Seal vocalizations were recorded during each sampling session throughout the study ( n = 102 daytime at seven sites collectively, and n = 5 24-h samples at each of two sites). Mean daytime calling rate was low in mid-winter (July) (mean = 18.9 ± 7.1 calls/min) but increased monthly, reaching a peak during the breeding season (November) (mean = 62.6 ± 15.7 calls/min). Mean nighttime calling rate was high throughout the winter and early spring (July–October) with mean nocturnal calling rate in July (mean = 61.8 ± 35.1 calls/min) nearly equal to mean daytime calling rate in November (during 24-h daylight). Reduced vocal behavior during winter daylight periods may result from animals utilizing the limited daylight hours for nonvocal activities, possibly feeding.  相似文献   

大熊猫的昼夜活动节律   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
本文采用无线电遥测、跟踪和直接观察等方法,研究了四川卧龙自然保护区野外5只大熊猫1981-1982年的昼夜活动。大熊猫昼夜有两个活动高峰,最高是18:00时,次高是04:00时;有两个低谷,最低是09:00时,次低是24:00时;年平均昼夜活动率为57-66%。  相似文献   

圈养白头叶猴春季昼夜活动节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008 年3 ~5 月,采用瞬时扫描法,对上海动物园5 只白头叶猴的行为进行24 h 昼夜连续观察。结果表明:春季圈养白头叶猴一天的活动起于06∶ 00 左右,结束于18∶ 00 或18∶ 30。白天白头叶猴的主要行为为休息、取食和移动,平均频次依次是13.79 次、4.75 次和2.18 次。夜间的主要行为为休息、移动和抓挠,平均频次依次是22.13 次、0.43 次和0.26 次。不同个体昼夜活动节律差异很大。其中,移动、理毛、玩耍和其它行为的差异显著。夜间无理毛和玩耍行为,移动行为在夜间21∶ 00, 00 ∶ 30, 03∶00 和04∶ 30 出现高峰。在22∶ 30, 01∶ 00, 02∶ 00, 03∶ 30, 04∶ 30 和05∶30 则出现抓挠高峰。这预示白头叶猴夜间休息时处于一个“轻睡眠”状态。同时,雌雄白头叶猴昼夜移动行为差异显著。  相似文献   

This study reports the effect of daily mean ambient temperature on daily activity and habitat use by the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil. We equipped 11 giant anteaters with a global position system collar programmed to acquire a location every 10 min for 15 d. A temperature data logger left in the meteorological station at the study site registered data on ambient temperature. Giant anteaters were mainly active in open fields except during the coldest days, when they sought protection inside forests. Giant anteaters also used open habitats for resting but during the hottest or chilliest days they sheltered in forests. In the Pantanal, where temperatures are usually high, giant anteaters were active all night long, but as daily average ambient temperature decreased anteaters began and finished activity progressively earlier and reduced total activity. As a consequence, time spent active at daylight increased progressively and time spent active during the night decreased progressively, probably to allow the anteaters to expose themselves to solar radiation and to avoid heat loss during the night.  相似文献   

目的:应用遥测技术观察巴马小型猪在清醒自由状态下心电、血压、呼吸、活动等指标昼夜波动变化。方法取雄性6月龄巴马小型猪6只,行浅表股动脉VAP血管通路植入手术,恢复7 d后,用EMAK遥测系统进行24 h连续清醒自由状态下心电、血压、呼吸、活动指标监测,并用EMAK分析软件对上述指标进行分析。结果6月龄巴马小型猪心电、血压、呼吸、活动都有昼夜节律变化,白昼心率显著高于黑夜心率( P <0.01),且白昼PR间期、QRS间期与QT间期均显著低于黑夜(P <0.05,P <0.01),白昼平均心率为76.22次/分,黑夜平均心率为67.03次/分,白昼平均PR间期、QRS间期和QT间期分别为109.97 ms、42.72 ms、380.37 ms,黑夜平均PR间期、QRS间期和QT间期为112.32 ms、44.01 ms、389.24 ms。巴马小型猪白昼收缩压、舒张压、平均压都显著高于夜间( P <0.01),白昼平均收缩压、舒张压、平均压分别为129.57 mmHg、96.75 mmHg、111.73 mmHg,夜间平均收缩压、舒张压、平均压分别为122.81 mmHg、92.65 mmHg、106.19 mmHg,且黑夜收缩压、舒张压、平均压下降率分别为19.89%、19.05%、19.35%。另外,巴马小型猪在白昼的活动情况与呼吸频率都要显著高于夜间( P <0.01)。结论利用遥测技术可以对清醒自由状态下巴马小型猪心电、血压、呼吸、活动等进行连续监测,能真实的反应小型猪在24 h内上述生理指标的变化规律,为巴马小型猪在药理毒理研究中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

四川梅花鹿春季昼夜活动节律与时间分配   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
刘昊  石红艳  胡锦矗 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):282-285
1997年4月,在四川铁布自然保护区用直接观察法对220头次四川梅花鹿群的昼夜活动节律和时间分配进行了观察。结果表明,鹿群春季昼夜活动的规律性较强。白昼,鹿群活动呈现明显的双峰型,2个高峰时段为08:30和19:30前后,活动频率分别为71.9%和94.13%,其他时间多处于休息状态;鹿群夜间活动强于昼间,活动频率均在6l%以上,仅在半夜01:30前后有一个相对不活跃期。同时发现,春季活动高峰期约90%的活动时间被四川梅花鹿用于采食和移动。这可能与光照、食物及人类活动的影响有关。  相似文献   

Both 1 + and 2+ brown trout fed during the day and at night when held in hatchery tanks at low temperatures (2·7–3° C). Over 60% of the daily ration was consumed during daylight hours, but there were differences in feeding behaviour between fish of the two age groups: the 1 + trout had greater feeding activity at night than the 2+ fish.  相似文献   

The standing crop and daily production of honeydew by Ultracoelostoma brittini on Nothofagus solandri: var solandri was measured on 28-29 August 1990 near Oxford, Canterbury. In 64 quadrats of 125 cm², all 740 active individual insects were mapped by their anal threads and honeydew production was recorded every three hours over 24 hours. Mean production of honeydew per insect over 24 hours was 0. 1 69 mul, but ranged from zero (4% of all active insects) to 11.5 mul. Standing crop Peaked just after dawn, and production was apparently higher at night. Removing drops every three hours and covering the quadrats to exclude animals had no significant effect on honeydew production. The greatest variation was between the 16 trees. Ultracoelostoma densities were higher on trees with higher daily honeydew production per insect. The honeydew production per unit area over 24 hours represented 3.2 to 23.0 times the standing crop, depending on what time of day the latter was measured; for the daylight samples, production was 11.5 times the mean standing crop.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was carried out to investigate diurnal changes of behavior of three, one adult male, one adult female, and one juvenile female, Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) in captivity. The respiration and behavior of the porpoises were recorded for 222 hr across 42 days. Behavioral data were recorded for eight general categories: aerial display and fast swimming, begging for fish, playing, nonsexual socializing, sexual behavior, resting, rubbing, and miscellaneous (i.e., other behaviors not included in the above categories). Each behavioral category was scored using one‐zero sampling with 10‐min intervals. The adult male showed shorter mean respiratory intervals at night (19:00–7:00 h), whereas the mean respiratory intervals of the females were shorter during the day (7:00–19:00 h). Begging for fish of all individuals, playing of the juvenile female, nonsexual socializing, and miscellaneous behavior of the adult female and resting of the male were observed more easily in the day, and aerial display and fast swimming of the adults and resting of the females were observed more easily at night. No significant diurnal difference was found, however, in the remaining categories of each individual. Each of the three porpoises therefore showed a distinct diurnal pattern, but none was obviously more active in the daytime than during the nighttime. Results suggest that daytime‐only feeding schedules may be insufficient to meet the energetic needs of marine mammals that show a 24‐hr activity cycle, and that nighttime feeding may be a worthwhile addition to husbandry routines. Zoo Biol 0:1–11, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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