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Noller HF 《Biochimie》2006,88(8):935-941
Prior to the emergence of crystal structures of the ribosome, different ribosomal functions were identified with specific regions of ribosomal RNA by biochemical and genetic approaches. In particular, three universally conserved bases of 16S rRNA, G530, A1492 and A1493, were implicated in the interaction of the incoming aminoacyl-tRNA with the 30S subunit and mRNA. The conserved region surrounding A1492 and A1493 was called the "decoding site", based on the results of chemical probing experiments and antibiotic resistance mutations. Crystallographic studies from the Ramakrishnan laboratory have now shown that G530 loop, A1492 and A1493 undergo localized conformational changes to form an RNA structure that positions these three bases to inspect the accuracy of the codon-anticodon match with high stereochemical precision, using A-minor interactions. Some results from the pre-X-ray era may provide clues to further aspects of the decoding process.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a family of complex polysaccharides involved in a diversity of biological processes, ranging from cell signaling to blood coagulation. Chondroitin sulfate (CS) and dermatan sulfate (DS) comprise a biologically important subset of GAGs. Two of the important lyases that degrade CS/DS, chondroitinase AC (EC and chondroitinase B (no EC number), have been isolated and cloned from Flavobacterium heparinum. In this study, we outline an improved methodology for the recombinant expression and purification of these chondroitinases, thus enabling the functional characterization of the recombinant form of the enzymes for the first time. Utilizing an N-terminal 6x histidine tag, the recombinant chondroitinases were produced by two unique expression systems, each of which can be purified to homogeneity in a single chromatographic step. The products of exhaustive digestion of chondroitin-4SO(4) and chondroitin-6SO(4) with chondroitinase AC and dermatan sulfate with chondroitinase B were analyzed by strong-anion exchange chromatography and a novel reverse-polarity capillary electrophoretic technique. In addition, the Michaelis-Menten parameters were determined for these enzymes. With chondroitin-4SO(4) as the substrate, the recombinantly expressed chondroitinase AC has a K(m) of 0.8 microM and a k(cat) of 234 s(-1). This is the first report of kinetic parameters for chondroitinase AC with this substrate. With chondroitin-6SO(4) as the substrate, the enzyme has a K(m) of 0.6 microM and a k(cat) of 480 s(-1). Recombinantly expressed chondroitinase B has a K(m) of 4.6 microM and a k(cat) of 190 s(-1) for dermatan sulfate as its substrate. Efficient recombinant expression of the chondroitinases will facilitate the structure-function characterization of these enzymes and allow for the development of the chondroitinases as enzymatic tools for the fine characterization and sequencing of CS/DS.  相似文献   

Chondroitinase B and chondroitinase C were separated from an extract of Flavobacterium heparinum induced with chondroitin 6-sulfate by using column chromatography on hydroxylapatite. Chondroitinase C was eluted together with the activities of hyaluronidase, delta4,5glycosiduronase, and sulfatase. The latter two activities were eliminated exclusively by passing the crude chondroitinase C fraction through a phosphono-cellulose column pre-equilibrated with 0.07M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). Chondroitinase C was then purified by affinity chromatography using dermatan sulfate-bound AH-Sepharose 4B coated with the same glycosaminoglycan. Purification of the enzyme was achieved 18-fold and in 73% yield. On the other hand, the activities of delta4,5glycosiduronase and sulfatase were decreased to 50 and 60%, respectively, as compared with those in the crude chondroitinase B fraction, after passing the fraction through a column of phosphono-cellulose pre-equilibrated with 0.1M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). The remaining activities of these two enzymes were then eliminated from chondroitinase B by affinity chromatography with heparin-bound AH-Sepharose 4B coated with dermatan sulfate. In the affinity chromatography used in the present study, non-covalent coating of the glycosaminoglycan-bound (covalently) AH-Sepharose 4B with the same or another glycosaminoglycan was found to be important.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases are endopeptidases that have a leading role in the catabolism of the macromolecular components of the extracellular matrix in a variety of normal and pathological processes. Human gelatinase B is a zinc-dependent proteinase and a member of the matrix metalloproteinase family that is involved in inflammation, tissue remodeling, and cancer. We have conducted x-ray absorption spectroscopy, atomic emission, and quantum mechanics studies of natural and activated human gelatinase B. Our results show that the natural enzyme contains one catalytic zinc ion that is central to catalysis. In addition, upon enzyme activation, the catalytic zinc site exhibits a conformation change that results in the expansion of the bond distances around the zinc ion and the replacement of one sulfur with oxygen. Interestingly, quantum mechanics calculations show that oxygen ligation at the catalytic zinc ion exhibits a greater affinity to the binding of an oxygen from an amino acid residue rather than from an external water molecule. These results suggest that the catalytic zinc ion plays a key role in both substrate binding and catalysis.  相似文献   

NCOAT is a bifunctional nucleo-cytoplasmic protein with both O-GlcNAcase and histone acetyltransferase domains. The O-GlcNAcase domain catalyzes the removal of O-linked GlcNAc modifications from proteins and we have found that it resides in the N-terminal third of NCOAT. The recognition of the substrate GlcNAc suggests that the O-GlcNAcase is related in structure and catalytic mechanism to chitinases, hexosaminidases and hyaluronidases. These families of glycosidases all possess a catalytic doublet of carboxylate-containing residues, with one providing an acid-base function, and the second acting to orient and use the N-acetyl group of GlcNAc during catalysis. Indeed, we show that the O-GlcNAcase also possesses the catalytic doublet motif shared among these enzymes and that these two essential residues are aspartic acids at positions 175 and 177, respectively, in mouse NCOAT. In addition, a conserved cysteine at 166 and a conserved aspartic acid at 174 were also found to be necessary for fully efficient enzymatic activity. Given this information, we propose that the O-GlcNAcase active site resembles those of the above glycosidases which carry out the hydrolysis of GlcNAc linkages in a substrate-assisted acid-base manner.  相似文献   

Aspergillopeptidase B exhibits a strong preference for both the phenyl group and the carbobenzoxy moiety of carbobenzoxyphenylalanine methylester. The chloromethylketones of N6-tosyllysine and tosylphenylalanine do not inactivate the enzyme due to low binding affinities. Aspergillopeptidase B is slowly inactivated by the bromomethylketone of carbobenzoxyphenylalanine with an apparent second-order rate constant of 0.16 m?1 sec?1 at pH 7.0. A direct correspondence exists between the loss of activity, incorporation of tritiated carbobenzoxyphenylalanine, the disappearance of a histidine residue, and the appearance of a residue of Nr-carboxymethylhistidine. The rate of alkylation by carbobenzoxyphenylalanine is retarded by the competitive inhibitor N2-benzoylarginine.  相似文献   

ADAM's have various roles in intercellular adhesion and are thought to function by binding integrins through a 13 amino acid motif called the disintegrin loop. Xenopus laevis sperm express the protein ADAM 16, and peptides with the sequence of its disintegrin loop cause downstream events in eggs that require a rise in intracellular calcium similar to that occurring at fertilization. We characterized the portion of the ADAM 16 disintegrin loop responsible for causing egg activation. A peptide based on the C-terminal half of the motif, which includes a known integrin-binding sequence, is a partial agonist of calcium release. A peptide with the N-terminal sequence of the motif activates eggs in a manner virtually identical to the full-length peptide but lacks a recognized integrin-binding sequence. None of these peptides alter the permeability or fluidity of liposomes made from membrane lipids of X. laevis eggs. This result reflects the fact that the peptides do not cause calcium to leak across the egg membrane and indirectly provides evidence that they act through a receptor on the egg surface. The infrared spectrum of the full-length peptide has a strong absorption peak corresponding to a beta-turn. We predict this structure occurs at the N-terminal sequence MPKT. A rearranged peptide lacking any turns fails to activate eggs. These results provide the first structural information about the active site of an ADAM disintegrin loop. We interpret these results in terms of active site sequences from other ADAM's and the role of integrins during fertilization.  相似文献   

An active pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase containing a six residue polyhistidine tag has been cloned from Treponema pallidum, and characterized biochemically. The phosphofructokinase has pH optima for activity of 8.0 for both the forward and reverse reactions. The apparent K(m) for pyrophosphate was 0.042 mM (V(max) of 141 U mg(-1) protein) and for fructose-6-phosphate, 0.529 mM. The apparent K(m) for the reverse reaction for fructose-1,6-diphosphate was 0.267 mM (V(max) of 42.4 U mg(-1) protein). The enzyme appears to be both a dimer and non-allosteric.  相似文献   

Klebsiella aerogenes urease uses a dinuclear nickel active site to catalyze urea hydrolysis at >10(14)-fold the spontaneous rate. To better define the enzyme mechanism, we examined the kinetics and structures for a suite of site-directed variants involving four residues at the active site: His320, His219, Asp221, and Arg336. Compared to wild-type urease, the H320A, H320N, and H320Q variants exhibit similar approximately 10(-)(5)-fold deficiencies in rates, modest K(m) changes, and disorders in the peptide flap covering their active sites. The pH profiles for these mutant enzymes are anomalous with optima near 6 and shoulders that extend to pH 9. H219A urease exhibits 10(3)-fold increased K(m) over that of native enzyme, whereas the increase is less marked ( approximately 10(2)-fold) in the H219N and H219Q variants that retain hydrogen bonding capability. Structures for these variants show clearly resolved active site water molecules covered by well-ordered peptide flaps. Whereas the D221N variant is only moderately affected compared to wild-type enzyme, D221A urease possesses low activity ( approximately 10(-)(3) that of native enzyme), a small increase in K(m), and a pH 5 optimum. The crystal structure for D221A urease is reminiscent of the His320 variants. The R336Q enzyme has a approximately 10(-)(4)-fold decreased catalytic rate with near-normal pH dependence and an unaffected K(m). Phenylglyoxal inactivates the R336Q variant at over half the rate observed for native enzyme, demonstrating that modification of non-active-site arginines can eliminate activity, perhaps by affecting the peptide flap. Our data favor a mechanism in which His219 helps to polarize the substrate carbonyl group, a metal-bound terminal hydroxide or bridging oxo-dianion attacks urea to form a tetrahedral intermediate, and protonation occurs via the general acid His320 with Asp221 and Arg336 orienting and influencing the acidity of this residue. Furthermore, we conclude that the simple bell-shaped pH dependence of k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) for the native enzyme masks a more complex underlying pH dependence involving at least four pK(a)s.  相似文献   

Pritchard DG  Trent JO  Li X  Zhang P  Egan ML  Baker JR 《Proteins》2000,40(1):126-134
Hyaluronan lyase is secreted by most strains of the human pathogen, group B streptococcus. Site-directed mutagenesis of the enzyme identified three amino acid residues important for enzyme activity, H479, Y488, and R542. These three residues are in close proximity in the putative active site of a homology model of group B streptococcal hyaluronan lyase. The homology model was based on the crystal structure of another related glycosaminoglycan lyase, chondroitin AC lyase, which exhibits different substrate specificity. Two asparagine residues in the active site groove, N429 and N660, were also found to be essential for enzyme activity. In addition, conversion of two adjacent tryptophan residues in the groove to alanines abolished activity. All amino acids found to be essential in GBS hyaluronan lyase are conserved in both enzymes. However, several amino acids in the active site groove of the two enzymes are not conserved. In the 18 cases in which one of these amino acids in GBS hyaluronan lyase was replaced with its corresponding amino acid in chondroitin AC lyase, no major loss of activity or change in substrate specificity was observed.  相似文献   

Xin Li was inadvertently dropped from the list of authors for this article. The authors regret this error.  相似文献   

Winter A  Yusof AM  Gao E  Yan HL  Sun SH  Hofmann A 《The FEBS journal》2006,273(14):3238-3247
Annexin B1 from Cysticercus cellulosae has recently been identified using immunological screening in an attempt to find novel antigens for vaccine development against cysticercosis. The protein possesses anticoagulant activity and carries significant therapeutic potential due to its thrombus-targeting and thrombolytic properties. We investigated the biochemical properties of annexin B1 using liposome and heparin Sepharose copelleting assays, as well as CD spectroscopy. The calcium-dependent binding to acidic phospholipid membranes is reminiscent of other mammalian annexins with a clear preference for high phosphatidylserine content. A unique property of annexin B1 is its ability to bind to liposomes with high phosphatidylserine content in the absence of calcium, which might be due to the presence of several basic residues on the convex protein surface that harbours the membrane-binding loops. Annexin B1 demonstrates lectin properties and binds to heparin Sepharose in a cooperative, calcium-dependent manner. Although this binding is reversible to a large extent, a small fraction of the protein remains bound to the glycosaminoglycan even in the presence of high concentrations of EDTA. Analogous to annexin A5, we propose a model of heparin wrapped around the protein thereby engaging in calcium-dependent and calcium-independent interactions. Although the calcium-independent heparin-binding sites identified in annexin A5 are not conserved, we hypothesize three possible sites in annexin B1. Results from CD spectroscopy and thermal denaturation indicate that, in solution, the protein binds calcium with a low affinity that leads to a slight increase in folding stability.  相似文献   

omega-Hydroxylation of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) has been reported in human and rodent polymorphonuclear leukocytes; preliminary information indicates that this metabolism is cytochrome P-450 dependent. Therefore, these studies were initiated to characterize the cytochrome P-450-dependent metabolism of LTB4 in other tissues. LTB4 was metabolized by rat hepatic microsomes to two products, 20-hydroxy(omega)-LTB4 and 19-hydroxy(omega-1)-LTB4. The formation of these metabolites was both oxygen and NADPH dependent indicating that a monooxygenase(s) was responsible for these reactions. The apparent Km and Vmax for LTB4 omega-hydroxylase were 40.28 microM and 1202 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. In contrast, the apparent Km and Vmax for LTB4 (omega-1)-hydroxylase were 61.52 microM and 73.50 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. Both LTB4 omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxylases were inhibited by metyrapone in a concentration-dependent fashion. However, SK&F 525A inhibited LTB4 (omega-1)- but not omega-hydroxylase. In contrast, alpha-naphthoflavone decreased LTB4 omega- but not (omega-1)-hydroxylase activities. The differences in the Km apparent for substrate as well as the differential inhibition by inhibitors of cytochrome P-450 suggest that the omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxylations of LTB4 in hepatic microsomes are mediated by different isozymes of P-450. Furthermore, several additional characteristics of LTB4 hydroxylases indicate that these isozymes of P-450 may be different from those which catalyze similar reactions on medium-chain fatty acids, such as laurate and prostaglandins.  相似文献   

The reactions of DL-1,4-disulfanylbutane-2,3-diol and 1,3-disulfanylpropan-2-ol with dodecacarbonyltriiron have been investigated. As main products, the iron complexes 1 and 2 were isolated and characterized by spectroscopic methods, as well as single crystal X-ray analysis. Additionally, the unusually large bond angles in the dithiolato bridge was investigated via density-functional theory (DFT) calculations. Moreover, the electrochemical features have been studied by cyclic voltammetry.  相似文献   

CcmE is a heme chaperone that binds heme transiently in the periplasm of Escherichia coli and delivers it to newly synthesized and exported c-type cytochromes. The chemical nature of the covalent bond between heme and H130 is not known. We have purified soluble histidine-tagged CcmE and present its spectroscopic characteristics in the visible range. Alanine scanning mutagenesis of conserved amino acids revealed that H130 is the only residue found to be strictly required for heme binding and delivery. Mutation of the hydrophobic amino acids F37, F103, L127, and Y134 to alanine affected CcmE more than mutation of charged and polar residues. Our data are in agreement with the recently solved nuclear magnetic resonance structure of apo-CcmE (PDB code 1LIZ) and suggest that heme is bound to a hydrophobic platform at the surface of the protein and then attached to H130 by a covalent bond. Replacement of H130 with cysteine led to the formation of a covalent bond between heme and C130 at a low level. However, the H130C mutant CcmE was not active in cytochrome c maturation. Isolation and characterization of the heme-binding peptides obtained after a tryptic digest of wild-type and H130C CcmE support the hypothesis that heme is bound covalently at a vinyl group.  相似文献   

Crystallographic B factor of critical residues at enzyme active site   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-seven sets of crystallographic enzyme data were selected from Protein Data Bank (PDB, 1995). The average temperature factors (B) of the critical residues at the active site and the whole molecule of those enzymes were calculated respectively. The statistical results showed that the critical residues at the active site of most of the enzymes had lower B factors than did the whole molecules, indicating that in the crystalline state the critical residues at the active site of the natural enzymes possess more stable conformation than do the whole molecules. The flexibility of the active site during the unfolding by denaturing was also discussed.  相似文献   

Mapping the active site of yeast RNA polymerase B (II)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Yeast RNA polymerase B (II) was incubated with a collection of 13 different nucleotide derivatives and affinity labeled by allowing DNA-directed phosphodiester bond formation. The 32P-labeled site was localized in the C-terminal part of the B150 subunit by microsequencing a proteolytic fragment, then further mapped by a combination of extensive or single-hit chemical cleavage reactions and analysis of the labeled peptide patterns. The affinity label was mapped to between Asn946 and Met999, within one of the nine regions that are conserved between B150 and the bacterial beta subunit. The results underscore the conservative evolution of the catalytic center of eukaryotic and bacterial RNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) is an exceptional member of the CA protein family; in addition to its classical role in pH regulation, it has also been proposed to participate in cell proliferation, cell adhesion, and tumorigenic processes. To characterize the biochemical properties of this membrane protein, two soluble recombinant forms were produced using the baculovirus-insect cell expression system. The recombinant proteins consisted of either the CA IX catalytic domain only (CA form) or the extracellular domain, which included both the proteoglycan and catalytic domains (PG + CA form). The produced proteins lacked the small transmembrane and intracytoplasmic regions of CA IX. Stopped-flow spectrophotometry experiments on both proteins demonstrated that in the excess of certain metal ions the PG + CA form exhibited the highest catalytic activity ever measured for any CA isozyme. Investigations on the oligomerization and stability of the enzymes revealed that both recombinant proteins form dimers that are stabilized by intermolecular disulfide bond(s). Mass spectrometry experiments showed that CA IX contains an intramolecular disulfide bridge (Cys(119)-Cys(299)) and a unique N-linked glycosylation site (Asn(309)) that bears high mannose-type glycan structures. Parallel experiments on a recombinant protein obtained by a mammalian cell expression system demonstrated the occurrence of an additional O-linked glycosylation site (Thr(78)) and characterized the nature of the oligosaccharide structures. This study provides novel information on the biochemical properties of CA IX and may help characterize the various cellular and pathophysiological processes in which this unique enzyme is involved.  相似文献   

Examination of the peroxidase isolated from the inkcap Basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus shows that the 42,000-dalton enzyme contains a protoheme IX prosthetic group. Reactivity assays and the electronic absorption spectra of native Coprinus peroxidase and several of its ligand complexes indicate that this enzyme has characteristics similar to those reported for horseradish peroxidase. In this paper, we characterize the H2O2-oxidized forms of Coprinus peroxidase compounds I, II, and III by electronic absorption and magnetic resonance spectroscopies. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of this Coprinus peroxidase indicate the presence of high-spin Fe(III) in the native protein and a number of differences between the heme site of Coprinus peroxidase and horseradish peroxidase. Carbon-13 (of the ferrous CO adduct) and nitrogen-15 (of the cyanide complex) NMR studies together with proton NMR studies of the native and cyanide-complexed Coprinus peroxidase are consistent with coordination of a proximal histidine ligand. The EPR spectrum of the ferrous NO complex is also reported. Protein reconstitution with deuterated hemin has facilitated the assignment of the heme methyl resonances in the proton NMR spectrum.  相似文献   

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