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From 1980 to 1984, 267 coyotes (Canis latrans) from Tennessee were examined for helminth parasites. Hearts were examined for the presence of Dirofilaria immitis, diaphragms for Trichinella spiralis, and digestive tracts for other helminths. Six species were found including 5 nematodes (D. immitis, Physaloptera rara, Trichuris vulpis, Ancylostoma caninum, and Toxascaris leonina) and 1 cestode (Taenia pisiformis). Univariate and multivariate statistical techniques were used to assess parasite prevalence and intensity. For prevalence data, a matrix of correlation among characters was computed, and the first 3 principal components were extracted from the original distance matrix. These accounted for 93.7% of the variation in the character set. Three-dimensional projections of localities showed spatial variability on each component. Significant relationships were found between principal component I and longitude, component II and latitude and mean January temperature, and component III and mean July precipitation and mean January actual evapotranspiration. For intensity data, no spatial variability was determined.  相似文献   

Total protein, albumin and serum protein values were determined on 19 male and 14 female captive, vaccinated, wild coyotes. Male coyotes had significantly higher total protein, alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulin levels than female coyotes. Captive, wild coyotes had lower values for total protein, albumin and beta globulins, and higher values for alpha 2 and gamma globulins than similar values for laboratory dogs. Albumin values determined by bromcresol green were slightly higher than values derived by electrophoresis. This difference was non-significant.  相似文献   

Seventeen coyotes, Canis latrans, from central Utah were surveyed for parasites. Five species of parasites not reported previously from coyotes in Utah were detected: Filaroides osleri, Physaloptera sp., Spirocerca sp., Ancylostoma caninum, and Cediopsylla simplex. In all, 11 genera of parasites were observed.  相似文献   

The coyote is a seasonally breeding mammal, with most copulations occurring between December and April (depending on location). The objective of this study was to characterize seasonal changes in serum testosterone concentrations, testicular volume, and ejaculate quantity and quality in captive male coyotes. There were seasonal differences in testicular volume, with the greatest volume (20.2+/-5.4cm2), mean+/-S.E.M.) in February, corresponding with peak breeding season. Circulating serum testosterone concentrations peaked (3.31+/-0.9 ng/mL) during January and were positively correlated (P< or =0.001, r=0.413) with testicular volume. Ejaculate volume (1.67+/-0.4 mL) and sperm concentration (549.2 x 10(6)+/-297.7 spermatozoa/mL) both peaked during January and February, consistent with the height of the breeding season. Ejaculate volume and sperm concentrations were positively correlated with testicular size (r=0.679, P< or =0.001 and r=0.499, P< or =0.001, respectively) and with serum testosterone concentrations (r=0.368, P< or =0.01 and r=0.208, P< or =0.05). Progressively motile, viable, and morphologically normal spermatozoa fluctuated seasonally, peaked (90.4+/-4.5, 84.8+/-4.1, and 87.9+/-2.9%) during the breeding season, and then subsequently declined (period of aspermatogenesis). All three of these end points were positively correlated with testicular size (r=0.589, P< or =0.001; r=0.586, P< or =0.001; and r=0.469; P< or =0.001) and serum testosterone (r=0.167, P< or =0.05; r=0.190, P< or =0.05; and r=0.221, P< or =0.01). In conclusion, there were intricate relationships among testosterone concentrations, testicular volume, and the production of both functionally intact and morphologically normal spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The tryptic peptides from α- and β-chains of coyote (Canis latrans) hemoglobin have been isolated and their amino acid compositions determined. The compositions are identical to those previously found for dog hemoglobin in all respects except one: the αT-13 peptide of coyote has only threonine at residue 130 of the chain. This indicates only one α-chain in coyote instead of two as in dog, which has one α-chain with threonine and one α-chain with alanine at this position. The α-chain from wolf (Canis lupus) is like that from coyote in having only threonine at residue 130.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that within social animals, subordinate individuals are less neophobic than dominant individuals. We investigated the effect of social status on neophobic responses using 10 captive coyote breeding pairs. Social status was determined from observations of feeding behavior and agonistic interactions during a series of reference trials. Once dominance was established, we surrounded an experimental area with novel stimuli (ropes adorned with interspersed flags) to create a novel context around a familiar food source. Contrary to hypotheses, dominant coyotes were first to feed, showed more interest toward novel stimuli, and eventually crossed the barrier, which subordinates never did. Our results indicate that dominant coyotes are less neophobic of novel settings that contain familiar food than subordinates are. Since a reduction in neophobia can be interpreted as an increase in risk taking, our results support previous observations that dominant (alpha) coyotes take more risks than subordinates. Our results also suggest reasons for differential observations of coyote behavior in the field: artificial selection against bold behavior in populations undergoing predator control.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of pregnancy in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) often employs specialized equipment, experienced staff, and the cooperation of the bitch. These procedures can be challenging when the subject is a wild canid, particularly in a field setting. In addition, reproductive hormone assays are unreliable as a diagnostic tool because the estrous profiles of pregnant and pseudopregnant canines are similar. However, research has demonstrated that the hormone relaxin can be detected in maternal blood after embryonic implantation, but remains negligible in non-pregnant females. We investigated the use of relaxin as a diagnostic marker of pregnancy in the coyote (C. latrans). A commercially available canine relaxin enzyme immunoassay (ReproCHEK) was used to test plasma collected from 124 female coyotes over four consecutive breeding seasons. Mating activities of the captive females were observed; then peripheral blood samples were collected at intervals throughout pregnancy, as well as after parturition. Results demonstrated that relaxin could be detected in the plasma of pregnant coyotes after 28 days of gestation, and in some cases as early as 23 days, while non-pregnant females and male coyotes consistently tested negative. Relaxin also remained detectable in the plasma of the majority of females tested 10-12 weeks after parturition. This qualitative assay for relaxin proved to be a reliable diagnostic tool for pregnancy in the coyote. In addition, blood sampling was relatively easy, could be accomplished with minimal handling, and did not require sedation or anesthesia.  相似文献   

Although Yersinia pestis is classified as a "high-virulence" pathogen, some host species are variably susceptible to disease. Coyotes (Canis latrans) exhibit mild, if any, symptoms during infection, but antibody production occurs postinfection. This immune response has been reported to be against the F1 capsule, although little subsequent characterization has been conducted. To further define the nature of coyote humoral immunity to plague, qualitative serology was conducted to assess the antiplague antibody repertoire. Humoral responses to six plasmid-encoded Y. pestis virulence factors were first examined. Of 20 individual immune coyotes, 90% were reactive to at least one other antigen in the panel other than F1. The frequency of reactivity to low calcium response plasmid (pLcr)-encoded Yersinia protein kinase A (YpkA) and Yersinia outer protein D (YopD) was significantly greater than that previously observed in a murine model for plague. Additionally, both V antigen and plasminogen activator were reactive with over half of the serum samples tested. Reactivity to F1 was markedly less frequent in coyotes (35%). Twenty previously tested antibody-negative samples were also examined. While the majority were negative across the panel, 15% were positive for 1-3 non-F1 antigens. In vivo-induced antigen technology employed to identify novel chromosomal genes of Y. pestis that are up-regulated during infection resulted in the identification of five proteins, including a flagellar component (FliP) that was uniquely reactive with the coyote serum compared with immune serum from two other host species. Collectively, these data suggest that humoral immunity to pLcr-encoded antigens and the pesticin plasmid (pPst)-encoded Pla antigen may be relevant to plague resistance in coyotes. The serologic profile of Y. pestis chromosomal antigens up-regulated in vivo specific to C. latrans may provide insight into the differences in the pathogen-host responses during Y. pestis infection.  相似文献   

Tissue samples and feces were collected from a dead, adult female coyote (Canis latrans) found at the side of the road in late March 2003 in the Avalon Peninsula region of Newfoundland, Canada. The coyote apparently died of vehicular-related trauma. Samples of lung, brain, heart, liver, and kidney were fixed in formalin and submitted for histologic examination. The entire remaining lung and heart also were submitted for examination. The coyote was diagnosed with moderate, multifocal, granulomatous interstitial pneumonia with eosinophilic vasculitis and many intralesional nematode eggs, larvae, and occasional intravascular adult worms. Adult nematodes recovered from the pulmonary arteries were identified as Angiostrongylus vasorum. Small foci of granulomatous inflammation, often containing nematode eggs and larvae, were scattered in the brain and kidney. To our knowledge, this is the first report of A. vasorum infection in a coyote from the only endemic area of infection in North America.  相似文献   

Aim Coyote (Canis latrans) distribution in Mexico and Central America has expanded recently reaching the Yucatan peninsula, Belize and Panama, probably promoted by deforestation of tropical areas. Historically, the southern distribution of coyotes prior to European settlement in America was described as reaching only as far south as central Mexico and that introduction of livestock favoured migration of coyotes to southern Mexico and Central America. However, coyote fossil records in Central America and Yucatan, as well as observational records of travellers during the sixteenth century suggest that the coyote's arrival to the region was earlier. Because of the uncertainty of past coyote distribution and the possible economic and ecological impacts due to recent range expansion, the objectives of this study were to confirm if paleontological and historical evidence support the hypothesis that the southernmost limit of coyote distribution before the arrival of European settlers was the centre of Mexico, to discuss the possible factors that have influenced historical shifts in coyote distribution, and to model the present distribution of the coyote in Mexico and Central America, determining the areas where they could invade in the near future. Location The research area comprises continental Mexico and the Central American Isthmus countries: Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Methods The historical distribution (Pleistocene–Early Holocene, Pre‐Columbian, sixteenth to nineteenth centuries and twentieth century) was established from coyote records obtained from museum collections and specialized literature. Present coyote distribution for Mexico and Central America was modelled using the Genetic Algorithms for Rule‐set Prediction (GARP). Results Historical coyote records show that this species was distributed in southern Mexico and Central America during the Pleistocene–Early Holocene, the Pre‐Columbian period, and during the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century. Coyote records indicate a continuous range expansion during the twentieth century. Historical advance and regression of tropical forests in southern Mexico and Central America produced by natural and human events such as climatic changes and variation in human densities could help us understand the historical coyote distribution. The modelled present‐day coyote distribution included the north of Belize, the north of Panama, the north of the Yucatan Peninsula and a corridor on the Gulf costal plain of Campeche in Mexico. Also, the model predicted a region north of the Darien in southern Panama as appropriate for the presence of coyotes, although they have not been detected there so far. Main conclusion Coyote records in southern Mexico and Central America during the Pleistocene–Early Holocene, the Pre‐Columbian period, and early arrival of European settlers to the area indicated that coyotes were probably already present there and did not recently disperse from the north of Mexico to the south due to livestock introduction.  相似文献   

Miller CR  Adams JR  Waits LP 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(12):3287-3301
The principal threat to the persistence of the endangered red wolf (Canis rufus) in the wild is hybridization with the coyote (Canis latrans). To facilitate idengification and removal of hybrids, assignment tests are developed which use genotype data to estimate identity as coyote, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or full red wolf. The tests use genotypes from the red wolves that founded the surviving population and the resulting pedigree, rather than a contemporary red wolf sample. The tests are evaluated by analysing both captive red wolves at 18 microsatellite loci, and data simulated under a highly parameterized, biologically reasonable model. The accuracy of assignment rates are generally high, with over 95% of known red wolves idengified correctly. There are, however, tradeoffs between ambiguous assignments and misassignments, and between misidengifying red wolves as hybrids and hybrids as red wolves. These result in a compromise between limiting introgression and avoiding demographic losses. The management priorities and level of introgression determine the combination of test and removal strategy that best balances these tradeoffs. Ultimately, we conclude that the use of the assignment tests has the capacity to arrest and reverse introgression. To our knowledge, the presented approach is novel in that it accounts for genetic drift when the genotypes under analysis are temporally separated from the reference populations to which they are being assigned. These methods may be valuable in cases where reference databases for small populations have aged substantially, pedigree information is available or data are generated from historical samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the post-thaw effects of three cryoprotective extenders (Tris-fructose-citric acid extender, Tris-glucose-citric acid extender, and lactose extender), three linear freezing rates (-1, -6, and -20 degrees C/min), and three thawing rates (37 degrees C water bath for 120s, 60 degrees C water bath for 30s, and 70 degrees C water bath for 8s) on coyote spermatozoa. After thawing, the findings supported that cryopreservation of coyote (Canis latrans) spermatozoa frozen at a moderate freezing rate (-6 degrees C/min), in either a Tris-fructose or Tris-glucose extender, and thawed at a slow rate (37 degrees C water bath for 120s) or moderate rate (60 degrees C water bath for 30s), resulted in a more vigorous post-thaw motility (range, 57.5-44.0%) and viability (range, 64-49.6%) with the least amount of morphological and acrosomal abnormalities.  相似文献   

Two new species of tardigrades from Short Mountain, Tennessee, U.S.A.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tardigrades were collected from three seepage spring sites at 549m on Short Mountain, Cannon County, Tennessee. Three terrestrial samples and three aquatic samples were taken monthly from each site. Terrestrial samples included mosses and lichens from rocks and fallen trees; one sample of leaf litter was also collected from two of the sites. Aquatic samples included sediment, decaying leaf litter, and aquatic plants. Specimens of tardigrades were mounted on individual slides in Hoyer's medium. Species were identified and photographed using phase and differential contrast microscopy. Twenty-eight species representing 13 genera were recorded: Pseudechiniscus, Echiniscus, Doryphoribius, Ramazzottius, Hypsibius, Isohypsibius, Dipliascon, Platicrista, Itaquascon, Murrayon, Macrobiotus, Minibiotus , and Milnesium. One of the Pseudechmiscus species and an Isohypsibius species were new to science and are described in this paper.  相似文献   

This article describes an investigation of inter- and intraspecific variation in three small populations of wild Canidae-wolf, coyote, and dingo. The products of 53 gene loci were examined. Very little interspecies variation was observed, but the level of intraspecific variation was compatible with that found in man.  相似文献   

A multiple character analysis was undertaken of a broadly representativesample of three species:Canis lupus (wolf), C. latrans (coyote),and C. familiaris (dog). These species are clearly and significantlydistinguished by the technique of linear discrimination. Theanalysis provides a basis for the identification of skulls notobviously distinguishable by size or other diagnostic characters. Early populations of Canis n. niger and C. n. gregoryi (redwolf) are compared with the three species above and are foundto form a cluster with lupus and to be sharply distinct fromthe other two species. Additional comparisons show that whilelupus lycaon and niger both overlap with lupus, they are distinctfrom each other. This entire cluster is quite distinct fromlatrans, with niger being the farthest removed. A sample populationof C. n. gregoiyi, from the edge of the extending range of C.latrans, was examined and found to show too great a range ofvariation to be attributed to a single species.  相似文献   

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