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Modification of a cylindrical bidomain model for cardiac tissue.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous models based on a cylindrical bidomain assumed either that the ratio of intracellular and interstitial conductivities in the principal directions were the same or that there was no radial variation in potential (i.e., a planar front, delta Vm/delta rho = 0). This paper presents a formulation and the expressions for the intracellular, interstitial, extracellular, and transmembrane potentials arising from nonplanar propagation along a cylindrical bundle of cardiac tissue represented as a bidomain with arbitrary anisotropy. For unequal anisotropy, the transmembrane current depends not only on the local change of the transmembrane potential but also on the nature of the transmembrane potential throughout the volume.  相似文献   

The bidomain equations are widely used for the simulation of electrical activity in cardiac tissue. They are especially important for accurately modeling extracellular stimulation, as evidenced by their prediction of virtual electrode polarization before experimental verification. However, solution of the equations is computationally expensive due to the fine spatial and temporal discretization needed. This limits the size and duration of the problem which can be modeled. Regardless of the specific form into which they are cast, the computational bottleneck becomes the repeated solution of a large, linear system. The purpose of this review is to give an overview of the equations and the methods by which they have been solved. Of particular note are recent developments in multigrid methods, which have proven to be the most efficient.  相似文献   

At the beginning of their aggregation phase waves of cell density sweep across the surface of myxobacteria colonies. These waves are unlike any other in biology. Waves can be linear, concentric or spiral and when they collide, instead of annihilating one another they appear to pass through each other unchanged. Moreover, the wavelength determines the spacing and pattern of fruiting bodies that will rise up presaging sporulation. The explanation for these waves was suggested by the work of Art Winfree on cellular clocks, and confirmed by a mathematical model that explains all of the observed wave behavior. The story of how this model evolved illustrates the roles of chance and scientific networking in the search for the explanation of a new phenomenon.  相似文献   

In this study various electrical conductivity approximations used in bidomain models of cardiac tissue are considered. Comparisons are based on epicardial surface potential distributions arising from regions of subendocardial ischaemia situated within the cardiac tissue. Approximations studied are a single conductivity bidomain model, an isotropic bidomain model and equal and reciprocal anisotropy ratios both with and without fibre rotation. It is demonstrated both analytically and numerically that the approximations involving a single conductivity bidomain, an isotropic bidomain or equal anisotropy ratios (ignoring fibre rotation) results in identical epicardial potential distributions for all degrees of subendocardial ischaemia. This result is contrary to experimental observations. It is further shown that by assuming reciprocal anisotropy ratios, epicardial potential distributions vary with the degree of subendocardial ischaemia. However, it is concluded that unequal anisotropy ratios must be used to obtain the true character of experimental observations.  相似文献   

We magnetically imaged the magnetic action field and optically imaged the transmembrane potentials generated by planar wavefronts on the surface of the left ventricular wall of Langendorff-perfused isolated rabbit hearts. The magnetic action field images were used to produce a time series of two-dimensional action current maps. Overlaying epifluorescent images allowed us to identify a net current along the wavefront and perpendicular to gradients in the transmembrane potential. This is in contrast to a traditional uniform double-layer model where the net current flows along the gradient in the transmembrane potential. Our findings are supported by numerical simulations that treat cardiac tissue as a bidomain with unequal anisotropies in the intra- and extracellular spaces. Our measurements reveal the anisotropic bidomain nature of cardiac tissue during plane wave propagation. These bidomain effects play an important role in the generation of the whole-heart magnetocardiogram and cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

This research focuses on finding analytical solutions to the mechanical bidomain model for cardiac tissue. In particular, a perturbation expansion is used to analyze the equations, with the perturbation parameter being inversely proportional to the spring constant coupling the intracellular and extracellular spaces. The results indicate that the intracellular and extracellular pressures are not equal and that the two spaces can move relative to each other. This calculation is complicated enough to illustrate the implications of the mechanical bidomain model but is nevertheless simple enough to solve analytically. One application of the calculation is to the mechanical behavior of active cardiac tissue surrounding an ischemic region.  相似文献   

Introduction: The mechanical bidomain model predicts forces on integrin proteins in the membrane. It has been solved analytically for idealized examples, but a numerical algorithm is needed to address realistic problems. Methods: The bidomain equations are approximated using finite differences. An ischemic region is modeled as a circular area having no active tension, surrounded by normal tissue. Results: The membrane force is large in the ischemic border zone, but is small elsewhere. Strain is distributed widely throughout the ischemic region and surrounding tissue. Conclusion: This calculation provides a testable prediction for the mechanism of mechanotransduction and remodeling in cardiac tissue.  相似文献   

We present a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model that facilitates mathematical analysis of propagating waves of elevated intracellular calcium (Ca2+) in living cells. Modeling Ca2+ release as a threshold process allows the explicit construction of traveling wave solutions to probe the dependence of Ca2+ wave speed on physiologically important parameters such as the threshold for Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cytosol, the rate of Ca2+ resequestration from the cytosol to the ER, and the total [Ca2+] (cytosolic plus ER). Interestingly, linear stability analysis of the bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model predicts the onset of dynamic wave instabilities leading to the emergence of Ca2+ waves that propagate in a back-and-forth manner. Numerical simulations are used to confirm the presence of these so-called ‘tango waves’ and the dependence of Ca2+ wave speed on the total [Ca2+].   相似文献   

The potential generated in the smooth muscle of the vas deferens on release of a quantum of transmitter from a varicosity was analyzed using a three-dimensional bidomain continuum model. Current was injected at the origin of the bidomain; this current had the temporal characteristics of the junctional current. The membrane potential, intracellular potential, and extracellular potential, as well as the extracellular current, were then calculated throughout the bidomain at different times. Calculations were performed to show the effect of changing the anisotropy ratios of the intracellular and extracellular conductivities on the spread of current and potential in each of the three dimensions. These results provide a theoretical framework for ascertaining the time course of transmitter interaction at a varicosity following the secretion of a quantum of transmitter.  相似文献   

This work introduces a novel, unconditionally stable and fully coupled finite element method for the bidomain system of equations of cardiac electrophysiology. The transmembrane potential Φ(i)-Φ(e) and the extracellular potential Φ(e) are treated as independent variables. To this end, the respective reaction-diffusion equations are recast into weak forms via a conventional isoparametric Galerkin approach. The resultant nonlinear set of residual equations is consistently linearised. The method results in a symmetric set of equations, which reduces the computational time significantly compared to the conventional solution algorithms. The proposed method is inherently modular and can be combined with phenomenological or ionic models across the cell membrane. The efficiency of the method and the comparison of its computational cost with respect to the simplified monodomain models are demonstrated through representative numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper presents an implementation of the finite volume method with the aim of studying subendocardial ischaemia during the ST segment. In this implementation, based on hexahedral finite volumes, each quadrilateral sub-face is split into two triangles to improve the accuracy of the numerical integration in complex geometries and when fibre rotation is included. The numerical method is validated against previously published solutions obtained from slab and cylindrical models of the left ventricle with subendocardial ischaemia and no fibre rotation. Epicardial potential distributions are then obtained for a half-ellipsoid model of the left ventricle. In this case it is shown that for isotropic cardiac tissue the degree of subendocardial ischaemia does not affect the epicardial potential distribution, which is consistent with previous findings from analytical studies in simpler geometries. The paper also considers the behaviour of various preconditioners for solving numerically the resulting system of algebraic equations resulting from the implementation of the finite volume method. It is observed that each geometry considered has its own optimal preconditioner.  相似文献   

A biophysical model for defibrillation of cardiac tissue.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We propose a new model for electrical activity of cardiac tissue that incorporates the effects of cellular microstructure. As such, this model provides insight into the mechanism of direct stimulation and defibrillation of cardiac tissue after injection of large currents. To illustrate the usefulness of the model, numerical stimulations are used to show the difference between successful and unsuccessful defibrillation of large pieces of tissue.  相似文献   

Functional reentry in the heart can be caused by a wave front of excitation rotating around its edge. Previous simulations on the basis of monodomain cable equations predicted the existence of self-sustained, vortex-like wave fronts (scroll waves) rotating around a filament in three dimensions. In our simulations, we used the more accurate bidomain model with modified Beeler-Reuter ionic kinetics to study the dynamics of scroll-wave filaments in a 16 x 8 x 1.5-mm slab of ventricular tissue with straight fibers. Wave fronts were identified as the areas with inward current. Their edges represented the filaments. Both transmural and intramural reentries with I- and U-shaped filaments, respectively, were obtained by the S1-S2 point stimulation protocol through the virtual electrode-induced phase singularity mechanism. The filaments meandered along elongated trajectories and tended to attach to the tissue boundaries exposed to air (no current flow) rather than to the bath (zero extracellular potential). They completely detached from electroporated (zero transmembrane potential) boundaries. In our simulations, the presence of the bath led to generation of only U-shaped filaments, which survived for the 1.5-mm-thick slab but not for the slabs of 0.5- or 3-mm thicknesses. Thus boundary conditions may be another determinant of the type and dynamics of reentry.  相似文献   

We introduce the concept of a contracting excitable medium that is capable of conducting non-linear waves of excitation that in turn initiate contraction. Furthermore, these kinematic deformations have a feedback effect on the excitation properties of the medium. Electrical characteristics resemble basic models of cardiac excitation that have been used to successfully study mechanisms of reentrant cardiac arrhythmias in electrophysiology. We present a computational framework that employs electromechanical and mechanoelectric feedback to couple a three-variable FitzHugh–Nagumo-type excitation-tension model to the non-linear stress equilibrium equations, which govern large deformation hyperelasticity. Numerically, the coupled electromechanical model combines a finite difference method approach to integrate the excitation equations, with a Galerkin finite element method to solve the equations governing tissue mechanics. We present example computations demonstrating various effects of contraction on stationary rotating spiral waves and spiral wave break. We show that tissue mechanics significantly contributes to the dynamics of electrical propagation, and that a coupled electromechanical approach should be pursued in future electrophysiological modelling studies.  相似文献   

We present an electromechanical model of myocardium tissue coupling a modified FitzHugh-Nagumo type system, describing the electrical activity of the excitable media, with finite elasticity, endowed with the capability of describing muscle contractions. The high degree of deformability of the medium makes it mandatory to set the diffusion process in a moving domain, thereby producing a direct influence of the deformation on the electrical activity. Various mechano-electric effects concerning the propagation of cylindrical waves, the rotating spiral waves, and the spiral breakups are discussed.  相似文献   

Unipolar electrograms (EGs) and hybrid (or unorthodox or unipolar) monophasic action potentials (HMAPs) are currently the only proposed extracellular electrical recording techniques for obtaining cardiac recovery maps with high spatial resolution in exposed and isolated hearts. Estimates of the repolarization times from the HMAP downstroke phase have been the subject of recent controversies. The goal of this paper is to computationally address the controversies concerning the HMAP information content, in particular the reliability of estimating the repolarization time from the HMAP downstroke phase. Three-dimensional numerical simulations were performed by using the anisotropic bidomain model with a region of short action potential durations. EGs, transmembrane action potentials (TAPs), and HMAPs elicited by an epicardial stimulation close or away from a permanently depolarized site were computed. The repolarization time was computed as the moment of EG fastest upstroke (RT(eg)) during the T wave, of HMAP fastest downstroke (RT(HMAP)), and of TAP fastest downstroke (RT(tap)). The latter was taken as the gold standard for repolarization time. We also compared the times (RT90(HMAP), RT90(tap)) when the HMAP and TAP first reach 90% of their resting value during the downstroke. For all explored sites, the HMAP downstroke closely followed the TAP downstroke, which is the expression of local repolarization activity. Results show that HMAP and TAP markers are highly correlated, and both markers RT(HMAP) and RT(eg) (RT90(HMAP)) are reliable estimates of the TAP reference marker RT(tap) (RT90(tap)). Therefore, the downstroke phase of the HMAP contains valuable information for assessing repolarization times.  相似文献   

Prior P  Roth BJ 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(4):2097-2102
Optical mapping experiments allow investigators to view the effects of electrical currents on the transmembrane potential, Vm, as a shock is applied to the heart. One important consideration is whether the optical signal accurately represents Vm. We have combined the bidomain equations along with the photon diffusion equation to study the excitation and emission of photons during optical mapping of cardiac tissue. Our results show that this bidomain/diffusion model predicts an optical signal that is much smaller than Vm near a stimulating electrode, a result consistent with experimental observations. Yet, this model, which incorporates the effect of lateral averaging, also reveals an optical signal that overestimates Vm at distances >1 mm away from the electrode. Although Vm falls off with distance r from the electrode as exp(−r/λ)/r, the optical signal decays as a simple exponential, exp(−r/λ). Moreover, regions of hyperpolarization adjacent to a cathode are emphasized in the optical signal compared to the region of depolarization under the cathode. Imaging methods utilizing optical mapping techniques will need to account for these distortions to accurately reconstruct Vm.  相似文献   

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