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Locusts are the most serious pests of crops in greater part of the world. They locate their host plants primarily through olfactory cues, using antennal chemosensilla, which house olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). Despite the great economical interest of these species, their olfactory neurons have been poorly investigated at the functional level. In this study, we have used single sensillum recordings (SSRs) to obtain response patterns of ORNs from the antennal trichoid sensilla to various chemicals in the oriental locust Locusta migratoria. On the basis of their spontaneous spike amplitudes, trichoid sensilla could be distinguished into two types, housing two or three ORNs, respectively. These two structural types could be further classified into seven functional subtypes. Nine different odorants that are present in the locust feces were used as stimulants during SSRs. In particular, benzaldehyde elicited inhibitory responses in most of the ORNs tested. Moreover, in a majority of these ORNs, the excitatory responses obtained with trans-2-hexenal or 2-heptanone was inhibited when benzaldehyde was mixed with these stimulants. At least 16 response patterns of these ORNs to nine chemicals were identified by SSRs, suggesting a high complexity of the cellular mechanisms underlying chemoreception in locusts.  相似文献   

Summary In the eggs ofWachtliella persicariae the cleavage nuclei move relative to the surrounding ooplasm. This active migration is caused by an organelle whose ultrastructure was studied throughout the mitotic cycle. It consists of a greatly enlarged polar cytaster derived from the mitotic apparatus, linked to the nucleus by 100 Å filaments. The microtubules of the cytaster were found only during periods of active nuclear migration, i.e., from the onset of anaphase to the early prophase of the next mitotic cycle. They are always solitary and follow the course of the astral rays, which are known to temporarily adhere to peripheral structures of the egg cell and to exert tractive forces. In contrast to the cytaster microtubules, the microtubules in the spindle are bundled and persist from early metaphase through late telophase.During ontogenesis the first migration cytaster is built up between 3 and 12 min after oviposition near the anterior egg pole, in the vicinity of the sperm nucleus. In non-inseminated eggs time lapse films show a migration cytaster to develop autonomously in a region free from nuclei, but it does not follow the normal path of the male pronucleus. In several cases the female pronucleus, which remains without a cytaster of its own, was observed to move to the cytaster generated in the absence of the male pronucleus. Whether or not it is adhering to a nucleus, the cytaster divides into two at the correct time, i.e, corresponding to the first cleavage division in fertilized eggs. In some non-inseminated eggs this type of pseudocleavage has been observed to occur repeatedly, giving rise to an increasing number of anucleate cytasters.  相似文献   

Differential adaptation of antennal olfactory acceptors and electroantennogram (EAG) techniques were used to describe the acceptor population for pheromones and host compounds. All acceptors appeared to have some degree of specificity for the pheromone, frontalin. This conclusion was verified by both EAG and single unit recordings. The oxygen containing pheromones occupied a larger percentage of the acceptors than the hydrocarbon host tree terpenes. Pheromones produced by one sex occupied a larger percentage of the pheromone acceptors in the opposite sex. Single unit recordings indicated a chiral acceptor. (-)-Exo-brevicomin stimulation elicited a greater number of impulses in the cells recorded than equal quantities of the (+)-enantiomer. Electrophysiological data correlated well with behavioral rôles attributed the compounds tested.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptor neurons present in two morphological sensillum types on the male Schistocerca gregaria antenna were for the first time investigated physiologically when stimulated with behaviourally relevant odours. Neurons present in trichoid/basiconic sensilla showed clear excitatory responses to compounds present in the male-produced aggregation pheromone and also to a plant produced compound. Sensilla could be categorised physiologically according to the responses of their receptor neurons to the tested stimuli. Also receptor neurons present in sensilla coeloconica responded to aggregation pheromone components, but always in an inhibitory fashion. These neurons could, however, be excited by a plant produced compound and by some acids present in the nymphal odour. The antennal lobe of the male S. gregaria was observed to contain about 1000 very small glomerular structures. Single receptor neurons were stained from the antenna to the antennal lobe using a cobalt lysine technique. These stainings revealed a multi glomerular axonal branching pattern of antennal receptor neurons.Abbreviations AN antennal nerve - AL antennal lobe - RN receptor neuron  相似文献   

The response of antennal olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) of Monochamus galloprovincialis to several odourants was tested using single sensillum electrophysiology. Behaviourally active pheromone, and kairomone (host and sympatric bark beetle pheromone) odours were tested alongside smoke compounds released by burnt wood that are potentially attractive to the insect. The antennae bore several types of sensilla. Two plate areas in the proximal and distal ends of each antennal segment were covered with basiconic sensilla that responded to the odour stimuli. Sensilla basiconica contained one or two cells of different spike amplitude. The 32 male and 38 female ORNs tested responded with excitations or inhibitions to the different plant odours. In general the response of male and female receptors was very similar so they were pooled to perform a cluster analysis on ORN responses. Six ORNs were clearly specialised for pheromone reception. Responses to kairomone and smoke odours were less specific than those of pheromone, but a group of 9 cells was clearly excited by smoke compounds (mainly eugenol and 4-methyl 2-methoxyphenol), a group of 8 cells was very responsive to α-pinene, β-pinene and cis-verbenol, and a group of 14 cells responded to a wider range of compounds. The rest of the cells (47%) were either non-responsive or slightly inhibited by smoke compounds. Dose–response curves were obtained for several compounds. Different compounds induced significantly different latencies and these appeared to be unrelated to their boiling point.  相似文献   

Phytophagous insects detect volatile compounds produced by host and non-host plants, using species-specific sets of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). To investigate the relationship between the range of host plants and the profile of ORNs, single sensillum recordings were carried out to identify ORNs and corresponding active compounds in female Uraba lugens (Lepidoptera: Nolidae), an oligophagous eucalypt feeder. Based on the response profiles to 39 plant volatile compounds, 13 classes of sensilla containing 40 classes of ORNs were identified in female U. lugens. More than 95% (163 out of 171) of these sensilla contained 16 classes of ORNs with narrow response spectra, and 62.6% (107 out of 171) 18 classes of ORNs with broad response spectra. Among the specialized ORNs, seven classes of ORNs exhibited high specificity to 1,8-cineole, (±)-citronellal, myrcene, (±)-linalool and (E)-β-caryophyllene, major volatiles produced by eucalypts, while nine other classes of ORNs showed highly specialized responses to green leaf volatiles, germacrene D, (E)-β-farnesene and geranyl acetate that are not produced by most eucalypts. We hypothesize that female U. lugens can recognize their host plants by detecting key host volatile compounds, using a set of ORNs tuned to host volatiles, and discriminate them from non-host plants using another set of ORNs specialized for non-host volatiles. The ORNs with broad response spectra may enhance the discrimination between host and non-host plants by adding moderately selective sensitivity. Based on our finding, it is suggested that phytophagous insects use the combinational input from both host-specific and non-host specific ORNs for locating their host plants, and the electrophysiological characterization of ORN profiles would be useful in predicting the range of host plants in phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

Single sensillum recordings from Cydia pomonella male antennae showed three different types of receptor neurons. The most abundant type was most sensitive to the main pheromone compound (E,E)-8,10-dodecadienol, while its response to the geometric isomers E,Z, Z,E and Z,Z was comparable to a tenfold lower dose of (E,E)-8,10-dodecadienol. This neuron type also responded to the four behaviorally antagonistic isomers of (Δ,Δ)-8,10-dodecadienyl acetate, among which it was most sensitive to the E,E isomer. Cross-adaptation studies showed that these compounds were all detected by the same receptor neuron type. Receptor neurons specifically tuned to (E,Z) or (Z,Z)-8,10-dodecadienol were not found, although these two compounds are behaviorally active. A second type of receptor neuron responded to all isomers of (Δ,Δ)-8,10-dodecadienyl acetate and was most sensitive to the E,E isomer. This neuron type did not respond to any of the isomers of (Δ,Δ)-8,10-dodecadienol. A third receptor neuron type was highly sensitive to the plant compound α-farnesene. The finding that the receptor neuron type tuned to the main pheromone compound responded even to strong behavioral antagonists aids the interpretation of ongoing behavioral studies for the development of the mating disruption technique in codling moth. Accepted: 3 March 2000  相似文献   

Density-dependent mortality has been considered a symptom of intraspecific competition. We examined the occurrence of such mortality in the early stages of gall induction by the gall midge Asphondylia aucubae Yukawa et Ohsaki (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Female midges deposit eggs into young fruit of the dioecious shrub Aucuba japonica Thunberg to induce gall formation. Each host fruit received 0–67 eggs (mean 18.5 eggs) from multiple females, whereas established galls each contained one to ten larvae. Midges suffered intense mortality (65–90%) at the egg stage. Egg mortality occurred even in fruit in which no larvae had hatched, suggesting that this mortality cannot be wholly attributed to larval interference. Egg mortality was affected by fruit size, i.e., resource capacity. Midges distributed more eggs in larger fruit. Egg mortality increased as the per-fruit density increased relative to fruit size. In contrast, the mortality of hatchlings was density-independent. Our results suggest that A. aucubae intensely compete for gall-induction substrates, which are spatiotemporally rare resources.  相似文献   

The morphological sensillum types on the antennae of male and female Cactoblastis cactorum were visualized by scanning electron microscopy. Electrophysiological recordings were performed for the first time on single olfactory sensilla of C. cactorum. The male sensilla trichodea house a receptor cell responding to the putative pheromone component (9Z,12E)-tetradecadienyl acetate. The sensilla trichodea of the females were much shorter than those of the males and contained specialized receptor cells responding to certain terpenoids, the most frequent being the nerolidol-sensitive cell. The sensilla auricillica and sensilla basiconica of both sexes contained cells responding less specifically to terpenoid compounds as well as to green leaf volatiles. Cells of the sensilla coeloconica responded to aliphatic aldehydes and acids. Eight volatile organic compounds emitted by Opuntia stricta, a host plant of C. cactorum, were identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, beta-caryophyllene being the major compound. Five compounds identified by gas chromatography in the headspace of O. stricta elicited responses in olfactory receptor cells of C. cactorum, nonanal being the most active compound and therefore a candidate attractant of C. cactorum.  相似文献   

The effect of age and a blood meal on pheromone secretion by virgin and fertilized females of Culicoides nubeculosus was studied. In virgin females, the secretion varies in relation to age, the blood meal, and oviposition. In fertilized females, rate of pheromone secretion is very low after fertilization and does not seem to vary subsequently in relation to the above factors. Mating was found to accelerate oviposition. The role of seminal fluid in the decrease in rate of pheromone secretion by fertilized females is discussed.  相似文献   

The Rhagoletis species complex has been a key player in the sympatric speciation debate for much of the last 50 years. Studies indicate that differences in olfactory preference for host fruit volatiles could be important in reproductively isolating flies infesting each type of fruit via premating barriers to gene flow. Single sensillum electrophysiology was used to compare the response characteristics of olfactory receptor neurons from apple, hawthorn, and flowering dogwood-origin populations of R. pomonella, as well as from the blueberry maggot, R. mendax (an outgroup). Eleven volatiles were selected as stimuli from behavioral/electroantennographic studies of the three R. pomonella host populations. Previously, we reported that differences in preference for host fruit volatile blends are not a function of alterations in the general class of receptor neurons tuned to key host volatiles. In the present study, population comparisons involving dose–response trials with the key volatiles revealed significant variability in olfactory receptor neuron sensitivity and temporal firing pattern both within and among Rhagoletis populations. It is concluded that such variability in peripheral sensitivity and temporal firing pattern could influence host preference and contribute to host fidelity and sympatric host shifts in the Rhagoletis complex.  相似文献   

Olfactory responses at the receptor level have been thoroughly described in Drosophila melanogaster by electrophysiological methods. Single sensilla recordings (SSRs) measure neuronal activity in intact individuals in response to odors. For sensilla that contain more than one olfactory receptor neuron (ORN), their different spontaneous spike amplitudes can distinguish each signal under resting conditions. However, activity is mainly described by spike frequency.Some reports on ORN response dynamics studied two components in the olfactory responses of ORNs: a fast component that is reflected by the spike frequency and a slow component that is observed in the LFP (local field potential, the single sensillum counterpart of the electroantennogram, EAG). However, no apparent correlation was found between the two elements.In this report, we show that odorant stimulation produces two different effects in the fast component, affecting spike frequency and spike amplitude. Spike amplitude clearly diminishes at the beginning of a response, but it recovers more slowly than spike frequency after stimulus cessation, suggesting that ORNs return to resting conditions long after they recover a normal spontaneous spike frequency. Moreover, spike amplitude recovery follows the same kinetics as the slow voltage component measured by the LFP, suggesting that both measures are connected.These results were obtained in ab2 and ab3 sensilla in response to two odors at different concentrations. Both spike amplitude and LFP kinetics depend on odorant, concentration and neuron, suggesting that like the EAG they may reflect olfactory information.  相似文献   

The neurophysiology and antennal lobe projections of olfactory receptor neurons housed within short trichoid sensilla of female Heliothis virescens F. (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) were investigated using a combination of cut-sensillum recording and cobalt-lysine staining techniques. Behaviorally relevant odorants, including intra- and inter-sexual pheromonal compounds, plant and floral volatiles were selected for testing sensillar responses. A total of 184 sensilla were categorized into 25 possible sensillar types based on odor responses and sensitivity. Sensilla exhibited both narrow (responding to few odors) and broad (responding to many odors) response spectra. Sixty-six percent of the sensilla identified were stimulated by conspecific odors; in particular, major components of the male H. virescens hairpencil pheromone (hexadecanyl acetate and octadecanyl acetate) and a minor component of the female sex pheromone, (Z)-9-tetradecenal. Following characterization of the responses, olfactory receptor neurons within individual sensilla were stained with cobalt lysine (N=39) and traced to individual glomeruli in the antennal lobe. Olfactory receptor neurons with specific responses to (Z)-9-tetradecenal, a female H. virescens sex pheromone component, projected to the female-specific central large female glomerulus (cLFG) and other glomeruli. Terminal arborizations from sensillar types containing olfactory receptor neurons sensitive to male hairpencil components and plant volatiles were also localized to distinct glomerular locations. This information provides insight into the representation of behaviorally relevant odorants in the female moth olfactory system. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Antennal olfactory receptor neurons located in a limited number of two types of sensilla auricillica, the rabbit-eared shoehorn and the regular shoehorn, located on the 5-30 flagellomere of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella, antenna were screened for selectivity to 11 plant compounds, the major sex pheromone component, three minor pheromone components and one behavioural antagonist. Both types of sensilla housed at least three neurons characterised by different action potential amplitudes. Neurons in both males and females responded to the plant compounds, ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate, (+/-)-linalool, (E)-ss-farnesene, hexanol, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, 4,8-dimethyl-1,3,(E)7-nonatriene, nonanol, the major pheromone component codlemone [(E,E)-8,10-dodecadienol] and the minor pheromone component tetradecanol. Additionally, (E,E)-alpha-farnesene and (Z)-3-hexenol elicited responses specifically in female neurons, whereas (E,E)-farnesol elicited a specific response in a male neuron. Neurons responded to 1-3 odorants, with sometimes overlapping response spectra. A scanning electron microscopic study of the antennae of both sexes supported an earlier study, apart from that long s. trichodea were present in a wreath at the proximal margin of the flagellomere and in addition evenly distributed over the remaining surface, and a previously non-described sensillum type with external basiconic features was revealed, distributed on the proximal and medial region of the flagellomeres.  相似文献   

Wheat midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), was first detected as early as 1901 in western Canada. The first major outbreak in Saskatchewan was recorded in 1983. Today wheat midge infests much of the wheat-growing area of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and North Dakota (USA), and is beginning to invade Alberta and Montana (USA). In 1984, Saskatchewan wheat midge populations were found to be parasitized by the egg-larval parasitoid, Macroglenes penetrans (Kirby) (Hymenoptera). Through the successful implementation of conservation techniques, this parasitoid now controls an average of 31.5% of the wheat midge across Saskatchewan. Estimated value of the parasitoid, due to reduction in insecticide costs in Saskatchewan alone, was estimated to be in excess of $248.3 million in the 1990s. The environmental benefits of not having to apply this amount of chemical insecticide are a bonus. To minimize the economic and ecological impact of S. mosellana today, wheat producers in western Canada have access to one of the most comprehensive management programs of any insect pest of field crops. Forecasts and risk warnings, monitoring tools, cultural control, agronomic practices, chemical control, biological control and plant resistance are all available for producers to manage wheat midge.  相似文献   

Insect repellents are widely used to protect against insect bites and thus prevent allergic reaction and the spread of disease. To gain insight into the mosquito’s response to chemicals repellents, we investigated the interaction between the olfactory system of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say and chemical repellents using single sensillum recording. The interactions of 50 repellent chemicals with olfactory receptor neurons were measured in six different types of mosquito sensilla: long sharp trichoid (LST), short sharp trichoid (SST), short blunt trichoid I (SBT-I), short blunt trichoid II (SBT-II), short blunt trichoid-curved (SBT-C), and grooved peg (GP). A single olfactory neuron reacted to the chemical repellents in each of the sensilla except for SBT-I and SBT-II, where two neurons were involved. Other than LST and GP, which showed no or very weak responses to the repellents tested, all the sensilla showed significant excitatory responses to certain types of repellents. Terpene-derived chemicals such as eucalyptol, α-pinene, and camphor, stimulated olfactory receptor neurons in a dose-dependent manner and mosquitoes responded more strongly to terpene-derived chemical repellents than to non-terpene-derived chemicals such as dimethyl phthalate. Mosquitoes also exhibited a similar response to stereoisomers of chemicals such as (−)-β-pinene versus (+)-β-pinene, and (−)-menthone versus (+)-menthone. This study not only demonstrates the effects of chemical repellents on the mosquito olfactory system but also provides important information that will assist those screening new mosquito repellents and designing new mosquito control agents.  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定雄性棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera成虫触角性信息素感器嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态及中枢投射路径。【方法】利用单感器记录技术记录棉铃虫嗅觉受体神经元对性信息素的反应,同时采用荧光染料作为示踪剂染色标记嗅觉受体神经元;使用免疫组织化学方法处理相应的脑组织,标记脑内触角叶的神经纤维球结构;用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜获取图像数据,使用图形软件ZEN和Amira 4.1.1进行三维结构重建。【结果】记录到雄性棉铃虫成虫触角上长毛形感器对主要性信息素成分Z11-16∶Ald产生明显的电生理反应,并成功染色标记了该感器内的嗅觉受体神经元。染色标记显示该感器内具有两个嗅觉受体神经元,其轴突通过触角神经分别投射触角叶内的云状体神经纤维球和普通神经纤维球。【结论】单感器记录与神经元示踪两技术结合能够用于鉴定昆虫触角嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态和投射至神经纤维球的路径。与赖氨酸钴方法比较,使用荧光染料法进行神经元示踪,操作更简便,且易于进行三维空间分析,为调查棉铃虫其他嗅觉神经元的投射路径以明确外周气味受体感受与中枢系统的联系提供了有力技术支持。  相似文献   

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