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Low temperature causes loss of neuromuscular function in a wide range of insects, such that the animals enter a state known as chill coma. The ability to recover from chill coma (chill coma recovery time) is often a popular phenotype to characterise chill tolerance in insects. Chill coma in insects has been shown to be associated with a decrease in haemolymph volume and a marked increase in [K+], causing dissipation of K+ equilibrium potential and resting membrane potential. High potassium diet (wheat) has also previously been shown to increase haemolymph [K+] in Locusta migratoria leading to sluggish behaviour. The present study combined these two independent stressors of ion and water homeostasis, in order to investigate the role of K+- and water-balance during recovery from chill coma, in the chill sensitive insect L. migratoria. We confirmed that cold shock elicits a fast increase in haemolymph [K+] which is likely caused by a water shift from the haemolymph to the muscles and other tissues. Recovery of haemolymph [K+] is however not only reliant on recovery of haemolymph volume, as the recovery of water and K+ is decoupled. Chill coma recovery time, after 2 h at −4 °C, differed significantly between fasted animals and those fed on high K+ diet. This difference was not associated with an increased disturbance of haemolymph [K+] in the fed animals, instead it was associated with a slowed recovery of muscle [K+], muslce water, haemolymph [Na+] and K+equilibrium potential in the fed animals.  相似文献   

Injections of low doses of living cells of Bacillus thuringiensis into larvae or adults of Locusta migratoria (Orthoptera) induce an in vivo protection against lethal doses of this pathogen (‘immunisation’). In the present paper we show that concomitant with the induction of the in vivo protection, an antibacterial activity appears in the plasma of the immunised insects. This activity is maintained for 10 days and disappears at the time the protective mechanism loses its efficiency. Antibacterial activity in the plasma of experimental insects is induced by injections of bacteria other than B. thuringiensis (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and non-bacterial substances (ovalbumine, iron saccharate): it reduces growth of cultures of B. thuringiensis and also of E. coli or P. aeruginosa under in vitro conditions. Repeated immunising injections increase the level of plasma antibacterial activity. Preliminary biochemical studies indicate that the antibacterial activity is linked to the presence in the plasma of a low molecular weight (<5000 daltons), heat-stable, polar bacteriostatic compound which is not inactivated by use of conventional proteolytic or glycolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The role of the oviducal nerves during egg-laying in Locusta migratoria has been examined. Section of the oviducal nerves did not inhibit egg-laying in any observable way. Electrical stimulation of the oviducal nerves resulted in a contraction of the common and lower lateral oviducts which propelled ovulated eggs up towards the ovaries. Recordings from oviducal nerves using chronically implanted electrodes showed that electrical activity was low during actual egg-laying, but high at times when egg-laying was not occurring (i.e. during digging behaviour, or following interruption of egg-laying). During these periods of high activity recurrent bursts of action potentials occurred. Similar patterns of electrical activity were recorded in semi-intact preparations using suction electrodes applied to exposed oviducal nerves of locusts which had been interrupted during the process of egg-laying. High frequency bursts of activity were recorded simultaneously from both left and right oviducal nerves.It is concluded that one function of the oviducal nerves is to inhibit egg-laying at inappropriate times, by inducing contractions of the oviducts which propel eggs back towards the ovaries. These nerves therefore provide a physiological basis for part of the adaptive ovipositional activities of locusts.  相似文献   

Starting on the day of adult ecdysis, the wing-beat frequency of Locusta migratoria rises exponentially. The initial frequency for both sexes is ca. 10 Hz, and the final frequency for males (24–25 Hz) is somewhat higher than for females (ca. 21 Hz). Initial and final frequencies appear to be genetically programmed, because they are independent of the culture cage temperature and amount of flight experience. The rate at which the final frequency is attained, however, is culture temperature dependent, being faster when the temperature is higher. After having reached the final frequency the wing-beat changes only a little up to the time of the animal's death.  相似文献   

The intestinal fluid of Locusta migratoria was purified by ionexchange chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column. Four fractions (PI–PIV) with endopeptidase activity have been obtained and characterized in further studies. All proteolytic fractions were found to react with PMSF. Therefore, they seem to be typical serine proteases. Two of them, PI and PIV, resemble bovine trypsin and bovine chymotrypsin, respectively. These proteases hydrolyse the B-chain of oxidized insulin and the synthetic substrates BTEE,2 APNE and BAEE, BANA with a specificity very similar to the bovine enzymes. Moreover, they show similar inhibition characteristics and pH activity profiles. Their molecular weights were found to be 17,000 and 18,200, respectively, according to gel filtration. Fraction PIII did not hydrolyse any of the applied synthetic substrates, PII was active only with GluPNA. The pH optima of these enzymes lay near neutrality. Their molecular weights were found to be 27,000 and 32,000, respectively. Probably they belong to a type of proteases hitherto scarcely described and not to be found in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Newly laid eggs of Locusta migratoria contain impressively high concentrations of conjugated 2-deoxyecdysone and conjugated ecdysone of maternal origin. These molecules are metabolized during embryonic development, the changes concerning not only the ecdysteroid genins but also the conjugating moieties. In the present paper the fates of the maternal conjugates were followed during embryogenesis in the eggs. The conjugates were separated both by silica gel TLC and reverse-phase HPLC and measured, before and after hydrolysis, by RIA. Fluctuations of radioactive ecdysteroid conjugates were also investigated in eggs laid by females subjected to massive injections of tritiated cholesterol. The results are discussed in relation to recent data on identification of ecdysteroid conjugates in Locusta and a model for the sequences of metabolic events leading from maternal ecdysteroid conjugates to the embryonic ecdysteroids is proposed.  相似文献   

Racemic synthetic 3HC18 juvenile hormone, dissolved in paraffin oil, was injected into adult Locusta migratoria and the excreted radioactive material in the faeces was determined. Within 48 hr two-thirds of the injected radioactivity can be recovered in the frass, half of it within 3 hr. The remaining one-third of the injected label is incorporated or is released as water. Adult locusts of either sex or of different ages show no difference in the metabolic pathways of the JH and its excretion rate.The excreta contain as a degradation product 7-ethyl-3,11-dimethyl-cis-10,11-epoxy-trans, trans-2,6 trideca-dienoic acid, the corresponding dioldienoic acid and the dioldienoic methyl ester. Unchanged Cecropia JH was also found in the frass. The radioactive hormone, as well as the metabolites, were excreted mainly by the Malpighian tubules; smaller amounts of the radioactive material were also found in the fore-, mid, and hindgut.  相似文献   

Coloration phase state, morphometrical ratios and the numbers of mature oocytes of Locusta migratoria migratoria were examined in a series of experiments to determine the means by which phase characteristics are passed to the next generation. Washing with distilled water of eggs from egg pods laid by gregarious crowd-reared females resulted in solitarization of the hatchlings after their isolation, indicating that a factor present in eggs encapsulated in foam is causal to gregarization. Such locusts showed a significant shift towards the typical solitarious body coloration, morphometry and number of mature oocytes as compared to locusts resulting from unwashed eggs. Gregarious coloration, morphometrical ratios and oocyte numbers could be partially restored when hatchlings from washed eggs were regrouped. When gregarious locusts were reared in isolation, they showed a solitary body color, whereas, morphometry and oocyte numbers were not affected by isolation.  相似文献   

Despite the great economical interest of locusts in agriculture, knowledge on their chemoreception systems is still poor. Phenylacetonitrile is recognised as a pheromone of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, triggering gregarization, promoting aggregation and inhibiting courtship. However, in the other major locust species, Locusta migratoria, pheromones have not been reported. We have identified the two isomers of naphthylpropionitrile from the male reproductive organs of L. migratoria. Chemical synthesis has confirmed the identity of the two compounds. Both isomers show significant affinity to CSP91, a protein reported in the testis, but not to three other proteins of the same family (CSP180, CSP540 and CSP884) expressed in female accessory glands. The striking similarity of these compounds with phenylacetonitrile and the unusual nature of such chemicals strongly suggest that naphthylpropionitrile could be pheromones for L. migratoria, while their site of expression and binding activity indicate a role in communication between sexes.  相似文献   

Toxicity of cadmium and mercury depends on the age and sex of contaminated locust imagoes. Both metals produce fat body injury, consisting in a reduction of energy reserves. They also disturb the function of the female genital apparatus. It is suggested that Hg has a direct effect on the germinal and the somatic cells of the reproductive system, whereas Cd inhibits the differentiation of the fat body cells and therefore the synthesis of the yolk products. No metallothionein has been detected; but Cd induces the production of a Cd-binding glycoprotein with a binding of Cd in the stoichiometric ratio 1 glycoprotein/1 metal. Besides the glycoprotein, mineralized ommochrome granules are important storage sites for Cd.  相似文献   

The effects of parental and progeny rearing densities on locomotor activity in 1st-stadium nymphs of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, were observed over a 24- or 36-h period using an actograph. Newly hatched nymphs showed a small activity peak shortly after hatching and the peak level was significantly higher in offspring (gregarious nymphs) of crowd-reared adults than in those (solitarious nymphs) of isolated-reared adults. However, no significant difference was found between the two groups in maximum activity levels exhibited after the initial peak. Post-hatching crowding enhanced locomotor activity during 2-5 h of measurements in 2-day-old nymphs. In this case, the parental density resulted in no significant influence on locomotor activity. However, the maximum activity level shown later in the observation period was higher in gregarious nymphs than in solitarious nymphs. Interestingly, this parental effect was more pronounced in nymphs reared in group than in those reared in isolation. The parental density appeared to affect the degree of response to crowding in the progeny. No evidence was found for the phase accumulation in terms of locomotor activity. The variation observed in locomotor activity among geographical populations did not correspond to their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Precocene II can cause juvenilization of 5th instar Locusta migratoria. The adultoids and supernumerary larvae produced following precocene treatment are morphologically indistinguishable from adultoids produced by treatment with a JH-analogue, while the CA are markedly reduced in size or absent. The time-response curves for the induction of juvenile characters and for the degeneration of the CA suggest that the CA may be active during the early 5th instar. The CA are necessary for juvenilization to occur in response to precocene, and the effect is probably the result of synthesis or release of JH during the breakdown of the glands.  相似文献   

Spores from Schizosaccharomyces pombe contain neutral and acid trehalases. When spores from strains disrupted for ntp1(+), which encodes neutral trehalase, were induced to germinate, the onset of the process was markedly delayed as compared to wild-type spores. Further outgrowth was also reduced. Dormant spores lacking neutral trehalase contained twice the amount of trehalose present in wild-type spores and mobilised the intracellular pool of trehalose at a slower rate during germination. Inhibition by phloridzin of the sporulation-specific acid trehalase in ntp1-disrupted spores arrested germination completely while prompting no effect on wild-type spores. These results suggest that the two trehalase enzymes may support the utilisation of trehalose during germination but neutral trehalase is required for a more rapid and efficient process.  相似文献   

The effects of azadirachtin, a compound from the neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss, were studied during the last-larval instar of Locusta migratoria. A dose-response relationship was established using moult inhibition and mortality as effective parameters. Although injected azadirachtin elicits feeding inhibition, our results prove that moult inhibition is due to an interference with the endocrine system rather than to the altered feeding behaviour. Modification and suppression of the ecdysteroid titre by azadirachtin is closely correlated with the morphogenetic effects. Inhibition of eclosion processes, however, suggest a wide-spread blockage of factors presumably located in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Allatostatin-like immunoreactivity (ALI) is widely distributed in processes and varicosities on the fore-, mid-, and hindgut of the locust, and within midgut open-type endocrine-like cells. ALI is also observed in cells and processes in all ganglia of the central nervous system (CNS) and the stomatogastric nervous system (SNS). Ventral unpaired median neurons (VUMs) contained ALI within abdominal ganglia IV-VII. Neurobiotin retrograde fills of the branches of the 11th sternal nerve that innervate the hindgut revealed 2-4 VUMs in abdominal ganglia IV-VIIth, which also contain ALI. The VIIIth abdominal ganglion contained three ventral medial groups of neurons that filled with neurobiotin and contained ALI. The co-localization of ALI in the identified neurons suggests that these cells are the source of ALI on the hindgut. A retrograde fill of the nerves of the ingluvial ganglia that innervate the foregut revealed numerous neurons within the frontal ganglion and an extensive neuropile in the hypocerebral ganglion, but there seems to be no apparent co-localization of neurobiotin and ALI in these neurons, indicating the source of ALI on the foregut comes via the brain, through the SNS.  相似文献   

In the two-fuel system for flight of the migratory locust, the haemolymph carbohydrate concentration falls during flight periods of up to 1 hr, the decrease being greater in case the pre-flight carbohydrate level is higher. The increase in the lipid concentration from the onset of flight is virtually independent of the initial lipid concentration. Flight intensity affects these changes in substrate concentrations: the carbohydrate level decreases more rapidly if flight speed is higher, whereas the increase in lipid concentration is delayed at higher flight speeds. Respiratory carbon dioxide production is elevated rapidly during flight and reaches over eight times the resting level. From the rate of 14CO2 production after labelling of the haemolymph diglyceride pool it is concluded that diglycerides contribute to providing the energy for flight from the earliest stage of flying activity; diglyceride oxidation increases until maximum utilization is attained after some 45 min of flight. The decline in haemolymph carbohydrate concentration due to flying activity results in a decrease of haemolymph osmolarity. Free amino acids, particularly taurine, increase markedly in the haemolymph during flight; yet their concentration only partially counterbalances the fall in haemolymph osmolarity.  相似文献   

In the haemolymph of adult female locusts six different lipoprotein fractions have been demonstrated by means of isoelectric focusing. One of these binds injected 3H-Cecropia juvenile hormone. The carrier protein is a yellow lipoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 220,000 daltons and an isoelectric point of pH 6·8. The binding of the hormone to the protein is stable during gel filtration over Sephadex G-25 and during dialysis for 24 hr against phosphate buffer pH 7·0.The hormone is quickly metabolized in the locusts. In the haemolymph were found more polar compounds such as 10-epoxy-7-ethyl-3,11 dimethyl-2,6-tridecadienoic acid and the corresponding dioldienoic acid.Both compounds were not bound by the pH 6·8 carrier lipoprotein under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae synthesized and degraded trehalose when they were incubated in a medium containing traces of glucose and acetate. Such protoplasts were gently lyzed by the polybase method and a particulate and soluble fraction was prepared. Trehalose was found in the soluble fraction and the trehalase activity mostly in the particulate fraction which also contained the vacuoles besides other cell organelles. Upon purification of the vacuoles, by density gradient centrifugation, the specific activity of trehalase increased parallel to the specific content of vacuolar markers. This indicates that trehalose is located in the cytosol and trehalase in the vacuole. It is suggested that trehalose, in addition to its role as a reserve may also function as a protective agent to maintain the cytosolic structure under conditions of stress.Non Standard Abbreviations AMPD 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol - DTT dithiothreitol - MES 2-N-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis-2-ethanesulfonic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride  相似文献   

Fractionation of methanolic extracts of haemolymph on thin layer chromatography, followed by bioassay, has been used to measure the titres of adipokinetic hormones I and II in the haemolymph of flown locusts. These titres have been correlated with the elevation in haemolymph lipid. Haemolymph lipid elevates in a biphasic manner during locust flight. A rise in lipid occurs during the first 10 min of flight. Lipid levels then plateau between 10 and 20 min. A second, more pronounced elevation begins at 20 min and continues for up to 60 min. The titre of adipokinetic hormone I elevates 10–15 min after flight commences while that of hormone II elevates between 15–30 min. Adipokinetic hormone I contributes 80% of the activity at 30 min but only 45% at 60 min. It is suggested that the elevation in haemolymph lipid during the first 10 min of flight may not be induced by adipokinetic hormone I or II. The role of octopamine in this initial elevation is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

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