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The lower lethal temperature of many insects indicates an overwintering flexibility as a result of either extensive supercooling or production of cryoprotectants. Ontogenetically, the gall fly (Eurosta solidagensis) utilizes both means of seasonal cryoprotection. All stages except third instar larvae demonstrate supercooling points well below the lowest temperature normally experienced by that particular stage. The third instar larvae exhibit a high supercooling point but are well protected by a cryoprotectant system consisting of glycerol, sorbitol, and trehalose. Glycerol is accumulated, possibly from triglyceride sources, during early autumn and reaches plateau levels (0·6 M) by early winter. Sorbitol synthesis is delayed until freezing exposures and reaches a plateau with glycerol at 0·3 M. It is not until mid-winter that peak trehalose levels are reached (300 mg %). All cryoprotectant levels are a reflection of haemolymph concentrations.Laboratory acclimation experiments further quantify these results. Trehalose synthesis is time and temperature dependent and appears to be affected by developmental processes.  相似文献   

Extracellular freezing and dehydration concentrate hemolymph solutes, which can lead to cellular injury due to excessive water loss. Freeze tolerant larvae of the goldenrod gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis, may experience extreme cold and desiccation in winter. To determine whether larvae employ protective mechanisms against excessive cellular water loss we examined the effect of extracellular freezing and dehydration on hemolymph volume, and cryoprotectant and ion levels in the hemolymph. Dehydrated larvae or ones that had been frozen at −5 or −20 °C had a significantly smaller proportion of their body water as hemolymph (26.0-27.4%) compared to controls (30.5%). Even with this reduction in water content, hemolymph osmolality was similar or only slightly higher in frozen or dehydrated individuals than controls (908 mOsm kg−1), indicating these stresses led to a reduction in hemolymph solutes. Hemolymph and intracellular content of ions remained largely unchanged between treatment groups; although levels of Mg++ in the hemolymph were lower in larvae subjected to freezing (0.21 ± 0.01 μg mg−1 dry mass) compared to controls (0.29 ± 0.01 μg mg−1 dry mass), while intracellular levels of K+ were lower in groups exposed to low temperature (8.31 ± 0.21 μg mg−1 dry mass). Whole body glycerol and sorbitol content was similar among all treatment groups, averaging 432 ± 25 mOsm kg−1 and 549 ± 78 mOsm kg−1 respectively. However, larvae subjected to dehydration and freezing at −20 °C had a much lower relative amount of cryoprotectants in their hemolymph (∼35%) compared to controls (54%) suggesting these solutes moved into intracellular compartments during these stresses. The correlation between reduced hemolymph volume (i.e. increased cellular water content) and intracellular movement of cryoprotectants may represent a link between tolerance of dehydration and cold in this species.  相似文献   

Two populations of the gall fly Eurosta solidaginsis utilize different strategies to endure seasonal exposure to temperatures below freezing. Both populations are freezing tolerant. In north temperate populations, supercooling points rise from ?10.2°C to ?6.2°C following exposures to temperatures below freezing. This level is maintained throughout winter and ensures frequent and prolonged periods of tissue freezing. South temperate populations depress the supercooling point to ?14.2°C during autumn and early winter, and this depression precludes extracellular ice formation during periods of supra-optimal temperature fluctuations. During mid-winter, supercooling points rise to the same level as in northern groups.Both populations accumulate three principal cryoprotective agents following first frost exposures (glycerol, sorbitol and trehalose). Cryoprotectants levels do not peak in northern populations until 4–6 weeks after first frost. In southern populations the accumulation profile is characterized by a high initial rate of synthesis, a protective overshoot and pronounced seasonal fluctuations. The relative survival advantages of each strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Northern and southern populations of the gall fly Eurosta solidaginis utilize quantitatively distinct adaptive strategies when exposed to a laboratory simulation of winter temperatures. Both populations are freezing tolerant and rely in part on the temperature-dependent accumulation of glycerol and sorbitol, and static but elevated levels of trehalose for protection. The accumulation triggers are time-temperature dependent. For northern and southern populations, exposure to 5°C for periods exceeding 24 hr, but less than 5 days or 5°C with a gradual reduction (1°C/day) results in the accumulation of sorbitol at 1.5 μg/mg/day. Glycerol levels remain essentially constant between 10° and ?25°C in each population. However, the concentration of glycerol in the Minnesota population is 3–4 times greater that that of the Texas specimens. Haemolymph melting points varied quantitatively with changing cryoprotectant levels. No significant difference was noted between the supercooling points of each population. This suggests that ice-nucleator levels were comparable throughout the exposure period.  相似文献   

  • 1 This paper explores the net effect of a suite of mortality factors on a sedentary prey, the larvae of the goldenrod gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis Fitch (Diptera: Tephritidae).
  • 2 Mortality is caused by unknown factors early in larval development, two species of parasitoid wasp (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), an inquiline beetle larva (Coleoptera: Mordellidae), and during the winter months downy woodpeckers Picoides pubescens (L.).
  • 3 Distribution of mortality among galls relative to prey (gall) distribution was measured and discussed with respect to the distribution of relative risk of predation.
  • 4 Galls are by and large contagiously distributed among quadrats, and mortality is distributed in a comparable pattern to that of galls.
  • 5 The pattern of mortality on Eurosta larvae is neither density-dependent nor aggregated independently of gall distribution. Persistence in the system is probably a result of a combination of other factors such as adult mortality and early larval death which may have intergenerational density-dependent effects, and the linkage of locally unstable sub-populations via migration.

Freeze tolerant insects must not only survive extracellular ice formation but also the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during oxygen reperfusion upon thawing. Furthermore, diurnal fluctuations in temperature place temperate insects at risk of being exposed to multiple freeze–thaw cycles, yet few studies have examined metrics of survival and oxidative stress in freeze-tolerant insects subjected to successive freezing events. To address this, we assessed survival in larvae of the goldenrod gall fly Eurosta solidaginis, after being subjected to 0, 5, 10, 20, or 30 diurnally repeated cold exposures (RCE) to −18 °C or a single freeze to −18 °C for 20 days. In addition, we measured indicators of oxidative stress, levels of cryoprotectants, and total aqueous antioxidant capacity in animals exposed to the above treatments at 8, 32, or 80 h after their final thaw. Repeated freezing and thawing, rather than time spent frozen, reduced survival as only 30% of larvae subjected to 20 or 30 RCE successfully pupated, compared to those subjected to fewer RCE or a single 20 d freeze, of which 82% pupated. RCE had little effect on the concentration of the cryoprotectant glycerol (4.26 ± 0.66 μg glycerol·ng protein−1 for all treatments and time points) or sorbitol (18.8 ± 2.9 μg sorbitol·mg protein−1 for all treatments and time points); however, sorbitol concentrations were more than twofold higher than controls (16.3 ± 2.2 μg sorbitol·mg protein−1) initially after a thaw in larvae subjected to a single extended freeze, but levels returned to values similar to controls at 80 h after thaw. Thawing likely produced ROS as total aqueous antioxidant capacities peaked at 1.8-fold higher than controls (14.7 ± 1.6 mmol trolox·ng protein−1) in animals exposed to 5, 10, or 20 RCE. By contrast, aqueous antioxidant capacities were similar to controls in larvae subjected to 30 RCE or the single 20 d freeze regardless of time post final thaw, indicating these animals may have had an impaired ability to produce primary antioxidants. Larvae lacking an antioxidant response also had elevated levels of oxidized proteins, nearly twice that of controls (21.8 ± 3.2 mmol chloramine-T·mg protein−1). Repeated freezing also lead to substantial oxidative damage to lipids that was independent of aqueous antioxidant capacity; peroxides were, on average, 5.6-fold higher in larvae subjected to 10, 20 or 30 RCE compared to controls (29.1 ± 7.3 mmol TMOP·μg protein−1). These data suggest that oxidative stress due to repeated freeze–thaw cycles reduces the capacity of E. solidaginis larvae to survive freezing.  相似文献   

While roles of the clock genes period (per) and timeless (tim) are relatively well understood in relation to circadian clocks, their potential roles in insect photoperiodism remain enigmatic. In this study, the expression of per and tim genes under two contrasting photoperiods is described in the central nervous system of photoperiodically sensitive, newly hatched first instar larvae of the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis. Using qPCR, diel oscillations were observed in the mRNA levels of both genes under long-day (15 h light:9 h dark, promotes direct development) and short-day conditions (11 h light:13 h dark, induces pupal diapause). Peak per and tim mRNA oscillations were closely associated with the light/dark transition. The conspicuous difference between the two photoperiodic conditions was that the sharp increase in per and tim mRNA abundance occurred during the light phase under long days but during the dark phase under short days. The diel oscillations were, at least in part, driven by an endogenous component, as demonstrated by transferring larvae to continuous darkness. The cells displaying Tim- and Per-like immunoreactivities (Tim- and Per-LIRs) were localized using anti-Drosophila-Per and anti-Chymomyza-Tim antibodies. Per-LIR and Tim-LIR co-localized in three groups of cells in each brain hemisphere. Two other groups, one in the brain hemispheres and the other in the fused ventral nerve ganglion, expressed only the Per-LIR.  相似文献   

We studied the thermal tolerances of Rhinella arenarum during the dry and wet seasons of the Monte Desert in San Juan Province, Argentina. This toad had differences in CTmax between dry and wet seasons, and the CTmax values were higher in the wet season (Austral summer). Operative temperature, body temperature, environmental maximal temperature, and relative humidity were related to CTmax, suggesting seasonal acclimatization of R. arenarum. Additionally, the CTmax recorded for R. arenarum was 36.2 °C, and the maximum ambient temperature recorded during the toads' activity time was 37 °C. Also, the CTmin recorded for R. arenarum was 5.3 °C and the minimum environmental temperature recorded was 7.2 °C. The wide thermal tolerance range recorded and the relationship between tolerance limits and the environmental extremes indicate that seasonal acclimatization is an effective mechanism by which toads can raise their thermal tolerance, allowing them to survive in the challenging conditions of the Monte Desert. Additional studies are needed to understand the relationship between the thermal tolerance of this desert amphibian and the environmental parameters that influence its thermal physiology.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the tephritid fly Eurosta solidaginis induce ball-shaped galls on the stem of tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima. Survival probability depends on gall size; in small galls the larva is vulnerable to parasitoid oviposition, whereas larvae in large galls are more frequently eaten by avian predators. Fly populations from 20 natural old fields in central Pennsylvania were monitored in 1983 and 1984 to examine the distribution of the selection intensity imposed by natural enemies, the parasitoids Eurytoma gigantea and E. obtusiventris, the inquiline Mordellistena unicolor, and the predatory birds Dendrocopus pubescens and Parus atricapillus. Mordellistena and E. obtusiventris are able to attack galls of all diameters while E. gigantea and the predatory birds preferentially assaulted small and large diameter galls, respectively. Eurosta in intermediate sized galls had the highest survivorship, hence selection had a stabilizing component. However, parasitoid attack was more frequent than bird attack, and the two did not exactly balance, thus there was also a directional component. The mean directional selection intensity on gall size was 0.21 standard deviations of the mean, indicating that larger gall size was favored. Interactions among the insect members of the Eurosta natural enemy guild are complex and frequent.  相似文献   

Lecanora muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh. is a ubiquitous epilithic crustose lichen of the temperate climate. It is well studied in terms of diel and annual carbon budget and productivity with continuous long-term observations in the field in 1995/96 by Otto L. Lange, Würzburg, and collaborators. However, these earlier studies left open the question to which extent the lichen is desiccation tolerant and if desiccation tolerance might possibly limit photosynthetic activity. In present study measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were performed to assess photosynthetic activity under various daily weather conditions throughout the year and recovery from desiccation after various periods of dryness in ambient air. Under any weather conditions, including strong frost for several days with night-temperatures around −15 °C and strong heat of several days with day-temperatures around 35 °C, the lichen was fully photosynthetically competent after wetting the samples for 15 min by submersion in water when they were dry in the field in the absence of actual incident precipitation. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were identical under all weather conditions sampled. A sample kept dry in ambient air for 37 days showed full recovery of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters after wetting for 30 min. Samples desiccated for longer periods up to 155 days took longer wetting times of about 300 min and recovered only partially but nevertheless showed active photosynthetic electron transport. Of 17 samples desiccated for 177–178 days only three recovered after rewetting for several days. It is concluded that the desiccation tolerance of L. muralis is sufficient to overcome dry spells of duration as it normally occurs in its natural environment. Desiccation tolerance is not likely to limit carbon budget and productivity.  相似文献   

We examined seasonal changes in freeze tolerance and the susceptibility of larvae of the gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis to inoculative freezing within the goldenrod gall (Solidago sp.). In late September, when the water content of the galls was high (approximately 55%), more than half of the larvae froze within their galls when held at -2.5 degrees C for 24 h, and nearly all larvae froze at -4 or -6 degrees C. At this time, most larvae survived freezing at > or = -4 degrees C. By October plants had senesced, and their water content had decreased to 33%. Correspondingly, the number of larvae that froze by inoculation at -4 and -6 degrees C also decreased, however the proportion of larvae that survived freezing increased markedly. Gall water content reached its lowest value (10%) in November, when few larvae froze during exposure to subzero temperatures > or = -6 degrees C. In winter, rain and melting snow transiently increased gall water content to values as high as 64% causing many larvae to freeze when exposed to temperatures as high as -4 degrees C. However, in the absence of precipitation, gall tissues dried and, as before, larvae were not likely to freeze by inoculation. Consequently, in nature larvae freeze earlier in the autumn and/or at higher temperatures than would be predicted based on the temperature of crystallization (T(c)) of isolated larvae. However, even in early September when environmental temperatures are relatively high, larvae exhibited limited levels of freezing tolerance sufficient to protect them if they did freeze.  相似文献   

Water loss either by desiccation or freezing causes multiple forms of cellular damage. The encysted embryos (cysts) of the crustacean Artemia franciscana have several molecular mechanisms to enable anhydrobiosis—life without water—during diapause. To better understand how cysts survive reduced hydration, group 1 late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, hydrophilic unstructured proteins that accumulate in the stress-tolerant cysts of A. franciscana, were knocked down using RNA interference (RNAi). Embryos lacking group 1 LEA proteins showed significantly lower survival than control embryos after desiccation and freezing, or freezing alone, demonstrating a role for group 1 LEA proteins in A. franciscana tolerance of low water conditions. In contrast, regardless of group 1 LEA protein presence, cysts responded similarly to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) exposure, indicating little to no function for these proteins in diapause termination. This is the first in vivo study of group 1 LEA proteins in an animal and it contributes to the fundamental understanding of these proteins. Knowing how LEA proteins protect A. franciscana cysts from desiccation and freezing may have applied significance in aquaculture, where Artemia is an important feed source, and in the cryopreservation of cells for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

This study identified a hierarchy in levels of cold tolerance for diverse tissues from larvae of Eurosta solidaginis. Following freezing at -80 degrees C, larval survival and the viability of specific tissues were assessed using membrane-permeant DNA stain (SYBY-14) and propidium iodide.Integumentary muscle, hemocytes, tracheae, and the crystal-containing portion of the Malpighian tubules were most susceptible to freezing injury. A second group consisting of fat body, salivary glands, and the proximal region of the Malpighian tubules were intermediate in their susceptibility, while the foregut, midgut, and hindgut were the most resistant to freezing injury. Seasonal increases in larval cold tolerance were closely matched by changes in the cold tolerance of individual tissues. Compared to larvae collected in September, the survival rates for each of the six tissues tested from October-collected larvae increased by 20-30%. The survival rate in all tissues was notably higher than that of whole animals, indicating that larval death could not be explained by the mortality in any of the tissues we tested. This method will be useful for assessing the nature of chilling/freezing injury, the role cryoprotectants, and cellular changes promoting cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Diapause, an alternative developmental pathway characterized by changes in developmental timing and metabolism, is coordinated by molecular mechanisms that are not completely understood. MicroRNA (miRNA) mediated gene silencing is emerging as a key component of animal development and may have a significant role in initiating, maintaining, and terminating insect diapause. In the present study, we test this possibility by using high-throughput sequencing and qRT-PCR to discover diapause-related shifts in miRNA abundance in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata. We identified ten evolutionarily conserved miRNAs that were differentially expressed in diapausing pupae compared to their nondiapausing counterparts. miR-289-5p and miR-1-3p were overexpressed in diapausing pupae and may be responsible for silencing expression of candidate genes during diapause. miR-9c-5p, miR-13b-3p, miR-31a-5p, miR-92b-3p, miR-275-3p, miR-276a-3p, miR-277-3p, and miR-305-5p were underexpressed in diapausing pupae and may contribute to increased expression of heat shock proteins and other factors necessary for the enhanced environmental stress-response that is a feature of diapause. In S. bullata, a maternal effect blocks the programming of diapause in progeny of females that have experienced pupal diapause, and in this study we report that several miRNAs, including miR-263a-5p, miR-100-5p, miR-125-5p, and let-7-5p were significantly overexpressed in such nondiapausing flies and may prevent entry into diapause. Together these miRNAs appear to be integral to the molecular processes that mediate entry into diapause.  相似文献   

The adult tenebrionid beetle Upis ceramboides overwinters in the northern taiga forests of North America in a hibernaculum typically just beneath loose tree bark above the snowline. The beetles may be exposed to temperatures as low as ?55°C, which is approximately the lower limit of cold tolerance found in specimens collected in mid-winter. Supercooling points average ?6.3°C throughout the year and, contrary to expectation, show no seasonal variation in spite of major alterations in haemolymph composition and freezing tolerance. Summer beetles are incapable of withstanding temperatures below the supercooling point but freezing tolerance increases during the fall (September–November) and the lower lethal temperature (LLT) is maintained at ca. ?55°C until March, after which it gradually rises to the summer level of ?6°C. Changes in freezing tolerance are closely associated with seasonal alterations in the polyhydric alcohols sorbitol and threitol. Neither polyol is present in measureable amount during summer; sorbitol accumulates to an average haemolymph concentration of 0.44 M/l in winter and threitol reaches 0.25 M/l. Summer beetles contain about 14% more water than beetles collected during the other seasons. Upis ceramboides thus undergoes unique seasonal changes in physical and chemical characteristics that enable it to tolerate severe, prolonged subfreezing temperatures.  相似文献   

The essential oil composition of Calendula arvensis was established for the first time using GC and GC/MS. Eighty-five essential oil components were identified, which accounted for 90.3 g/100 g of essential oil. The oil contained a high concentration of sesquiterpenes, of which δ-cadinene and α-cadinol were the main components. The chemical composition of 25 Corsican C. arvensis oils was analyzed to determine intraspecies variation in essential oil composition. A matrix linking essential oil composition to sample location was composed to identify relationships between concentrations of volatile samples and the geographical origins of samples. Two main groups of compounds were identified according to the amount of sesquiterpenic compounds (hydrocarbons and alcohols) and soil characteristics. Seasonal variation (winter vs. spring) in the concentrations of two major compounds during the flowering period was observed.  相似文献   

Rectal temperature (Tr) was measured in captive African giant rats (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse), live-trapped in the Savannah during the harmattan, hot-dry and rainy seasons with the aim of determining diurnal, seasonal and sex patterns.
Mean (±SEM) Tr in the morning (37.16±0.04 °C) was lower (P<0.001) than the afternoon (37.49±0.03 °C) and evening (37.66±0.03 °C). There was no significant difference (P>0.05) between afternoon and evening Tr during the harmattan and rainy seasons, but the difference was significant (P<0.001) during the hot-dry season. Overall Tr was higher (P<0.001) during the hot-dry (38.03±0.03 °C) than harmattan (37.17±0.03 °C) and rainy (37.21±0.03 °C) seasons. Tr of bucks was lower than that of does (P<0.0001) during the harmattan and rainy seasons, but sex difference during the hot-dry season was not significant (P>0.05).
Base-line Tr values for the African giant rats are shown for the first time. Season, time of day and sex influence fluctuations in Trs of African giant rats, and should be considered during diagnostic and clinical evaluations.

Overwintering larvae of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis accumulate glycerol and are freezing tolerant to about -25 degrees C. However, non-diapausing larvae cannot accumulate glycerol and are killed by freezing. We compared the extent of tissue damage, the effects of glycerol concentration, and the transport of glycerol and water in fat body tissues from these larvae at selected freezing temperatures. Tissues from overwintering larvae, but not non-diapausing larvae, survive when frozen at -20 degrees C with 0.25 M glycerol, but the protection afforded by glycerol is offset by the water-channel inhibitor mercuric chloride. Glycerol in higher concentration (0.75 M) affords some protection even to the fat body of non-diapausing larvae. Radiotracer assays of overwintering larvae show that water leaves the tissues during freezing while glycerol enters, and that mercuric chloride disrupts this process. Transport is also disrupted after lethal freezing at -35 degrees C. Therefore, membrane transport of water and glycerol is involved in the avoidance of freezing injury to fat body cells of the rice stem borer, apparently by mediating the replacement of water with glycerol in freezing-tolerant tissues.  相似文献   

We examined the larval population densities and biomass of a caddisfly grazer, Micrasema quadriloba, and the abundance and community structures of periphyton at a segment scale (7.4 km with four study sites), along a second-to fourth-order Japanese mountain stream throughout the grazer’s life cycle. In the uppermost riffle of the study segment (site 1), periphyton abundance was kept at low levels when the larvae occurred. The larval distribution spread downstream as larvae developed from first instars in May to fifth instars in January. We performed multiple regression analyses to test the effects of environmental variables and larval biomass on periphyton abundance in both the riffle of site 1 and the study segment; the results revealed that the larval biomass was significantly negatively correlated with periphyton abundance similarly in both the riffle and the study segment. In addition, both the correlation and community analyses showed that the larval biomass was significantly negatively correlated to the relative abundance of large and/or filamentous microalgae, which appeared in the uppermost layer of the periphyton mat, and that larval biomass was significantly positively correlated to the relative abundance of small diatoms, which strongly adhered to the substrate. Thus, the present study implied that the grazing of M. quadriloba larvae would regulate the abundance of periphyton in a riffle and also regulate the abundance and community structure of periphyton at the segment scale with the expansion of their longitudinal distribution.  相似文献   

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