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Expanding cryopreservation methods to include a wider range of cell types, such as those sensitive to freezing, is needed for maintaining the viability of cell-based regenerative medicine products. Conventional cryopreservation protocols, which include use of cryoprotectants such as dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO), have not prevented ice-induced damage to cell and tissue matrices during freezing. A family of antifreeze proteins (AFPs) produced in the larvae of the beetle, Dendroides canadensis allow this insect to survive subzero temperatures as low as −26 °C. This study is an assessment of the effect of the four hemolymph D. canadensis AFPs (DAFPs) on the supercooling (nucleating) temperature, ice structure patterns and viability of the A10 cell line derived from the thoracic aorta of embryonic rat. Cryoprotectant solution cocktails containing combinations of DAFPs in concentrations ranging from 0 to 3 mg/mL in Unisol base mixed with 1 M Me2SO were first evaluated by cryomicroscopy. Combining multiple DAFPs demonstrated significant supercooling point depressing activity (∼9 °C) when compared to single DAFPs and/or conventional 1 M Me2SO control solutions. Concentrations of DAFPs as low as 1 μg/mL were sufficient to trigger this effect. In addition, significantly improved A10 smooth muscle cell viability was observed in cryopreservation experiments with low DAFP-6 and DAFP-2 concentrations in combination with Me2SO. No significant improvement in viability was observed with either DAFP-1 or DAFP-4. Low and effective DAFP concentrations are advantageous because they minimize concerns regarding cell cytotoxicity and manufacturing cost. These findings support the potential of incorporating DAFPs in solutions used to cryopreserve cells and tissues.  相似文献   

The importance of photoperiod, temperature and their interaction in controlling the seasonal pattern of haemolymph antifreeze protein levels in larvae of the beetle Dendroides canadensis was investigated. A complete photoperiodic response curve for antifreeze protein production was generated at 20°C with larvae collected in early fall. Individuals exposed to a 10-h photoperiod or less, including constant darkness, had significantly elevated antifreeze levels over those maintained in an 11-h photoperiod or more, including constant light. The critical daylength resulting in 50% population response lies between LD 11:13 and LD 10:14. This photoperiodic response was masked at sufficiently low (threshold between 15 and 10°C) and high (threshold between 25 and 30°C) temperatures. Partial photoperiodic response curves (at 17 and 25°C) obtained within this specified temperature range indicate that the position of the critical photoperiod (between 10 and 11 h) is stable while the amplitude of the response curve is temperature dependent.Experiments investigating the mechanisms controlling the spring depletion of protein antifreeze levels suggest that both photoperiod and temperature are important.The dominant response of photoperiod in the fall along with the modifying effects of temperature are considered to provide the necessary precision to assure adequate cold tolerance early in the fall and the flexibility to protect the species from yearly variation in weather conditions.  相似文献   

An insect antifreeze protein gene Mpafp698 was cloned by the RT-PCR approach from the desert beetle Microdera punctipennis. The gene was constructed and heterogeneously expressed in Escherichia coli as fusion proteins, His-MpAFP698, glutathione S-transferase (GST)-MpAFP698, and maltose-binding protein (MBP)-MpAFP698. The thermostability and thermal hysteresis activity of these proteins were determined, with the aim of elucidating the biological characteristics of this protein. The approximate thermal hysteresis (TH) value of the purified His-MpAFP698 was 0.37 °C at 0.84 mg/ml, and maintained approximately 95.7% of the TH activity at 100 °C for 5 min. Furthermore, heat incubation showed that MBP-MpAFP698 was 10 °C more thermostable than MBP protein, indicating that MpAFP698 could, to some extent, improve the thermal stability of the fused partner MBP protein. This study suggests that MpAFP698 has a high thermal stability and could be used to improve the thermal stability of the less stable proteins by producing fusion proteins, which could be used for biotechnological purposes.  相似文献   

GSTD1 is one of several insect glutathione S-transferases capable of metabolizing the insecticide DDT. Here we use crystallography and NMR to elucidate the binding of DDT and glutathione to GSTD1. The crystal structure of Drosophila melanogaster GSTD1 has been determined to 1.1 Å resolution, which reveals that the enzyme adopts the canonical GST fold but with a partially occluded active site caused by the packing of a C-terminal helix against one wall of the binding site for substrates. This helix would need to unwind or be displaced to enable catalysis. When the C-terminal helix is removed from the model of the crystal structure, DDT can be computationally docked into the active site in an orientation favoring catalysis. Two-dimensional 1H,15N heteronuclear single-quantum coherence NMR experiments of GSTD1 indicate that conformational changes occur upon glutathione and DDT binding and the residues that broaden upon DDT binding support the predicted binding site. We also show that the ancestral GSTD1 is likely to have possessed DDT dehydrochlorinase activity because both GSTD1 from D. melanogaster and its sibling species, Drosophila simulans, have this activity.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) lower the freezing point of water by a non-colligative mechanism, but do not lower the melting point, therefore producing a difference between the freezing and melting points termed thermal hysteresis. Thermal hysteresis activity (THA) of AFPs from overwintering larvae of the beetle Dendroides canadensis is dependent upon AFP concentration and the presence of enhancers of THA which may be either other proteins or low molecular mass enhancers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relative contributions of endogenous enhancers in winter D. canadensis hemolymph.Winter hemolymph collected over four successive winters (1997-1998 to 2000-2001) was tested. The first three of these winters were the warmest on record in this area, while December of the final year was the coldest on record. Protein and low molecular mass enhancers raised hemolymph THA 60-97% and 35-55%, respectively, based on hemolymph with peak THA for each year collected over the four successive winters. However, the hemolymph AFPs were not maximally enhanced since addition of the potent enhancer citrate (at non-physiologically high levels) resulted in large increases in THA. 13NMR showed that glycerol was the only low molecular mass solute present in sufficiently high concentrations in the hemolymph to function as an enhancer. Maximum THA appears to be ∼8.5 °C.  相似文献   

What has driven the sweep of the Accord retrotransposon insertion allele of CYP6G1 in the natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster is unknown. Previous studies on the DDT selection hypothesis produced conflicting data. To reexamine the DDT selection hypothesis and search for alternative explanations, we conducted a series of correlation and genetic linkage experiments with eight D. melanogaster natural populations collected from California (CM1, CM2, CM3, and CM7) and Africa (AM2, AM3, AM4, AM7). Diagnostic PCR showed that CM1, CM2, CM7, and AM3 have the Accord insertion in the CYP6G1 locus, whereas the other four strains do not. RT-PCR analysis exhibits a 100% correlation between Accord insertion and CYP6G1 overexpression. However, among the four strains with Accord-mediated CYP6G1 overexpression only CM1 and CM7 are resistant to DDT, and the other two strains (CM2 and AM3), like the four Accord-free strains, are susceptible to DDT. By contrast, all the four strains with Accord-mediated CYP6G1 overexpression are resistant to nicotine, a plant allelochemical. Genetic crosses between DDT resistant and susceptible Accord-insertion strains, as well as crosses between Accord-insertion and Accord-free strains demonstrated that Accord insertion and CYP6G1 overexpression are genetically linked to nicotine resistance rather than DDT resistance. These results suggest that naturally-occurring allelochemicals such as nicotine are the initial driving force for the worldwide prevalence of the Accord insertion allele of CYP6G1 in D. melanogaster natural populations.  相似文献   

Variation in temperature imposes selection pressures on organisms. In variable environments, organisms must adopt fixed or plastic strategies that enable persistence over a broad range of temperatures. In coarse-grained environments, where the thermal variation among generations exceeds that within generations, selection should favor developmental plasticity. Here, we compare the degree of developmental plasticity of thermal tolerances between populations of Drosophila melanogaster from environments with relatively high (Marlton, NJ, USA) and relatively low (Miami, FL, USA) variance in temperature among generations. We predicted that flies from Marlton would exhibit a greater plasticity of thermal tolerances than would flies from Miami. Flies from both populations were reared in three ecologically relevant treatments, after which we assessed knockdown and chill-coma recovery times. Flies from both populations responded plastically to temperature, but flies from New Jersey did not exhibit greater plasticity. Our results complement previous comparative studies and indicate that selection favors plasticity of thermal tolerances equally in these populations.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are essential components of many organisms adaptation to cold temperatures. Fish type III AFPs are divided into two groups, SP isoforms being much less active than QAE1 isoforms. Two type III AFPs from Zoarces viviparus, a QAE1 (ZvAFP13) and an SP (ZvAFP6) isoform, are here characterized and their crystal structures determined. We conclude that the higher activity of the QAE1 isoforms cannot be attributed to single residues, but rather a combination of structural effects. Furthermore both ZvAFP6 and ZvAFP13 crystal structures have water molecules around T18 equivalent to the tetrahedral-like waters previously identified in a neutron crystal structure. Interestingly, ZvAFP6 forms dimers in the crystal, with a significant dimer interface. The presence of ZvAFP6 dimers was confirmed in solution by native electrophoresis and gel filtration. To our knowledge this is the first report of dimerization of AFP type III proteins.  相似文献   

We investigated the fatty acid compositions of phospholipids in Drosophila melanogaster lines showing rapid (CR), intermediate (CTL), or slow (CS) recovery from chill coma, which were established by artificial selection or by free recombination without selection. Compared to CTL, CS showed a low composition of dienoic acids and a small number of double bonds in the fatty acids. The ratio of unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids (UFAs/SFAs) was significantly lower in CS than in CTL. CR had higher monoenoic acid composition and lower dienoic acid composition than CTL. In addition, the amount of SFAs was lower and therefore the UFAs/SFAs ratio considerably higher in CR than in CTL. These changes in phospholipid fatty acids probably contributed to losing and maintaining the homeoviscosity of the cellular membranes in CS and CR, respectively, at low temperature and therefore produced their distinct phenotypes in recovery from chill coma.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE, a zinc dependent dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase) is a major target of drugs due to its role in the modulation of blood pressure and cardiovascular disorders. Here we present a crystal structure of AnCE (an ACE homologue from Drosophila melanogaster with a single enzymatic domain) in complex with a natural product-phosphonotripeptide, K-26 at 1.96 Å resolution. The inhibitor binds exclusively in the S1 and S2 binding pockets of AnCE (coordinating the zinc ion) through ionic and hydrogen bond interactions. A detailed structural comparison of AnCE·K-26 complex with individual domains of human somatic ACE provides useful information for further exploration of ACE inhibitor pharmacophores involving phosphonic acids.  相似文献   

In the first (lamina) and second (medulla) optic neuropils of Drosophila melanogaster, sodium pump subunit expression changes during the day and night, controlled by a circadian clock. We examined α-subunit expression from the intensity of immunolabeling. For the β-subunit, encoded by Nervana 2 (Nrv2), we used Nrv2-GAL4 to drive expression of GFP, and measured the resultant fluorescence in whole heads and specific optic lobe cells. All optic neuropils express the α-subunit, highest at the beginning of night in both lamina and medulla in day/night condition and the oscillation was maintained in constant darkness. This rhythm was lacking in the clock arrhythmic per0 mutant. GFP driven by Nrv2 was mostly detected in glial cells, mainly in the medulla. There, GFP expression occurs in medulla neuropil glia (MNGl), which express the clock gene per, and which closely contact the terminals of clock neurons immunoreactive to pigment dispersing factor. GFP fluorescence exhibited circadian oscillation in whole heads from Nrv2-GAL4 + UAS-S65T-GFP flies, although significant GFP oscillations were lacking in MNGl, as they were for both subunit mRNAs in whole-head homogenates. In the dissected brain tissues, however, the mRNA of the α-subunit showed a robust daily rhythm in concentration changes while changes in the β-subunit mRNA were weaker and not statistically significant. Thus in the brain, the genes for the sodium pump subunits, at least the one encoding the α-subunit, seem to be clock-controlled and the abundance of their corresponding proteins mirrors daily changes in mRNA, showing cyclical accumulation in cells.  相似文献   

The development of stem cell daughters into the differentiated state normally requires a cascade of proliferation and differentiation steps that are typically regulated by external signals. The germline cells of most animals, in specific, are associated with somatic support cells and depend on them for normal development. In the male gonad of Drosophila melanogaster, germline cells are completely enclosed by cytoplasmic extensions of somatic cyst cells, and these cysts form a functional unit. Signaling from the germline to the cyst cells via the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is required for germline enclosure and has been proposed to provide a temporal signature promoting early steps of differentiation. A temperature-sensitive allele of the EGFR ligand Spitz (Spi) provides a powerful tool for probing the function of the EGRF pathway in this context and for identifying other pathways regulating cyst differentiation via genetic interaction studies. Using this tool, we show that signaling via the Ecdysone Receptor (EcR), a known regulator of developmental timing during larval and pupal development, opposes EGF signaling in testes. In spi mutant animals, reducing either Ecdysone synthesis or the expression of Ecdysone signal transducers or targets in the cyst cells resulted in a rescue of cyst formation and cyst differentiation. Despite of this striking effect in the spi mutant background and the expression of EcR signaling components within the cyst cells, activity of the EcR pathway appears to be dispensable in a wildtype background. We propose that EcR signaling modulates the effects of EGFR signaling by promoting an undifferentiated state in early stage cyst cells.  相似文献   

Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), one of the central components of the renin-angiotensin system, is a key therapeutic target for the treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular disorders. Human somatic ACE (sACE) has two homologous domains (N and C). The N- and C-domain catalytic sites have different activities toward various substrates. Moreover, some of the undesirable side effects of the currently available and widely used ACE inhibitors may arise from their targeting both domains leading to defects in other pathways. In addition, structural studies have shown that although both these domains have much in common at the inhibitor binding site, there are significant differences and these are greater at the peptide binding sites than regions distal to the active site. As a model system, we have used an ACE homologue from Drosophila melanogaster (AnCE, a single domain protein with ACE activity) to study ACE inhibitor binding. In an extensive study, we present high-resolution structures for native AnCE and in complex with six known antihypertensive drugs, a novel C-domain sACE specific inhibitor, lisW-S, and two sACE domain-specific phosphinic peptidyl inhibitors, RXPA380 and RXP407 (i.e., nine structures). These structures show detailed binding features of the inhibitors and highlight subtle changes in the orientation of side chains at different binding pockets in the active site in comparison with the active site of N- and C-domains of sACE. This study provides information about the structure-activity relationships that could be utilized for designing new inhibitors with improved domain selectivity for sACE.  相似文献   

In this study, we report a novel cellulase [β-1,4-endoglucanase (EGase), EC] cDNA (Bh-EGase II) belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family (GHF) 45 from the beetle Batocera horsfieldi. The Bh-EGase II gene spans 720 bp and consists of a single exon coding for 239 amino acid residues. Bh-EGase II showed 93.72% protein sequence identity to Ag-EGase II from the beetle Apriona germari. The GHF 45 catalytic site is conserved in Bh-EGase II. Bh-EGase II has three putative N-glycosylation sites at 56–58 (N–K–S), 99–101 (N–S–T), and 237–239 (N–Y–S), respectively. The cDNA encoding Bh-EGase II was expressed in baculovirus-infected insect BmN cells and Bombyx mori larvae. Recombinant Bh-EGase II from BmN cells and larval hemolymph had an enzymatic activity of approximately 928 U/mg. The enzymatic catalysis of recombinant Bh-EGase II showed the highest activity at 50 °C and pH 6.0.  相似文献   

We characterized a novel Bacillus thuringiensis isolate native to China (HS18-1) that shows a spherical crystal harboring two major proteins of about 70 and 130 kDa, and contains three novel cry genes (cry4Cb1, cry30Ga1, cry54-type). Furthermore, the cry4Cb1 and cry30Ga1 genes were expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3): pLysS. Insecticidal activity tests showed that the cry4Cb1 protein exhibited larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti (Diptera) and the cry30Ga1 protein was toxic to both A. aegypti and P. xylostella (Lepidoptera).  相似文献   

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