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Since their advent some 25 years ago, monoclonal antibodies have developed into powerful tools for structural and functional analysis of their cognate antigens. Together with the respective antigen binding fragments, antibodies offer exclusive capacities in detection, characterization, purification and functional assays for every given ligand.Antibody-fragment mediated crystallization represents a major advance in determining the three-dimensional structure of membrane-bound protein complexes. In this review, we focus on the methods used to generate monoclonal antibodies against the NhaA antiporter from Escherichia coli as a paradigm of secondary transporters. We describe examples on how antibodies are helpful in understanding structure and function relationships for this important class of integral membrane proteins.The generated conformation-specific antibody fragments are highly valuable reagents for co-crystallization attempts and structure determination of the antiporter.  相似文献   

The authors attempted to relate the cultivar-specific salt tolerance in barley (Hordeum distichum L.) to the efficiency of ion transporters in the plasmalemma and tonoplast. The study involved plasmalemma and tonoplast membrane vesicles isolated from roots and leaves of the 7-day-old barley seedlings exposed to elevated NaCl concentrations. Two barley cultivars were employed: salt-tolerant cv. Elo and salt-susceptible cv. Belogorskii. The vesicles were used to measure the transport activity of plasmalemma and tonoplast proton pumps and the cation/anion exchange. The data obtained in the experiments demonstrated that the changes in the activity of ion transporters under salt stress conditions correlated with the barley cultivar-specific tolerance to elevated NaCl concentrations.  相似文献   

The mechanism of death in densovirus infected mosquitoes remains unexplored. This study investigated the cellular consequences of densovirus infection in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes after a second generation challenge with a densovirus isolated from adult Aedes albopictus mosquitoes in Thailand (AThDNV). Specimens were analyzed by TUNEL assay, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and a calorimic assay to detect activation of caspase 3-like activity. After challenge, moribund mosquitoes showed considerable evidence of TUNEL positive cells. The caspase 3-like activity assay showed that the presence of TUNEL positive cells was associated with increased levels of activated caspase 3-like activity in AThDNV infected mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Apicularen A and the known vacuolar-type (H(+))-ATPase (V-ATPase) inhibitor bafilomycin A(1) induced apoptosis of RAW 264.7 cells, while apicularen B, an N-acetyl-glucosamine glycoside of apicularen A, was far less effective. Apicularen A inhibited vital staining with acridine orange of the intracellular organelles of RAW 264.7 cells, inhibited the ATP-dependent proton transport into inside-out microsome vesicles, and inhibited the bafilomycin A(1)-sensitive ATP hydrolysis. The IC(50) values of the proton transport were 0.58 nM for apicularen A, 13 nM for apicularen B, and 0.95 nM for bafilomycin A(1). Furthermore, apicularen A inhibited the bafilomycin A(1)-sensitive ATP hydrolysis more potently than apicularen B. F-ATPase and P-ATPase were not inhibited by apicularen A. We concluded that apicularen A inhibits V-ATPase, and thus induces apoptosis in RAW 264.7 cells.  相似文献   

Daily fluctuation of permethrin-resistance was found in adult mosquito Aedes aegypti, the major vector of dengue viruses in Taiwan. We hypothesized there is a relationship between resistance and the circadian clock. To test our hypothesis we correlated changes in the knock-down time (KT50) response to permethrin with the expression of the pyrethroid-resistant gene CYP9M9 and the clock gene period (per) during a 12:12 h photoperiodic cycle. Rhythmic expression of per peaked at early scotophase of the light-dark cycle and at early subjective night in constant darkness. The values of KT50 and the expression of CYP9M9 also exhibited circadian rhythms in both susceptible and permethrin-resistant mosquito strains, from which we inferred a link to the circadian clock. The KT50 was significantly longer in the light than in the dark phase, and the level of CYP9M9 mRNA was maximal in early scotophase, dropped to a minimum in the midnight and then slowly increased through the photophase. Existence of a clock control over mosquito sensitivity to permethrin was further indicated by reduced expression of CYP9M9 and reduced mosquito resistance to permethrin after temporal silencing of the per gene. These data provide the first evidence on the circadian control of insect resistance to permethrin.  相似文献   

The Vc-NhaD is an Na+/H+ antiporter from Vibrio cholerae belonging to a new family of bacterial Na+/H+ antiporters, the NhaD family. In the present work we mutagenized five conserved Asp and Glu residues and one conserved Thr residue to Ala in order to identify amino acids that are critical for the antiport activity. All mutations fall into two distinct groups: (i) four variants, Glu100Ala, Glu251Ala, Glu342Ala, and Asp393Ala, did not abolish antiport activity but shifted the pH optimum to more alkaline pH, and (ii) variants Asp344Ala, Asp344Asn, and Thr345Ala caused a complete loss of both Na+/H+ and Li+/H+ antiport activity whereas the Asp344Glu variant exhibited reduced Na+/H+ and Li+/H+ antiport activity. This is the first mutational analysis of the antiporter of NhaD type and the first demonstration of Thr residue being indispensable for Na+/H+ antiport. We discuss the possible role of Asp344 and Thr345 in the functioning of Vc-NhaD.  相似文献   

Vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase), an electrogenic proton pump, is highly expressed in Plasmodium falciparum, the human malaria parasite. Although V-ATPase-driven proton transport is involved in various physiological processes in the parasite, the overall features of the V-ATPase of P. falciparum, including the gene organization and biogenesis, are far less known. Here, we report cDNA cloning of proteolipid subunit c of P. falciparum, the smallest and most highly hydrophobic subunit of V-ATPase. RT-PCR analysis as well as Northern blotting indicated expression of the proteolipid gene in the parasite cells. cDNA, which encodes a complete reading frame comprising 165 amino acids, was obtained, and its deduced amino acid sequence exhibits 52 and 57% similarity to the yeast and human counterparts, respectively. Southern blot analysis suggested the presence of a single copy of the proteolipid gene, with 5 exons and 4 introns. Upon transfection of the cDNA into a yeast null mutant, the cells became able to grow at neutral pH, accompanied by vesicular accumulation of quinacrine. In contrast, a mutated proteolipid with replacement of glutamate residue 138 with glutamine did not lead to recovery of the growth ability or vesicular accumulation of quinacrine. These results indicated that the cDNA actually encodes the proteolipid of P. falciparum and that the proteolipid is functional in yeast.  相似文献   

Summary [14C]Phthalate is transported into L1210 cells via two separate routes, an anion exchange system whose primary substrates are folate compounds, and a second less active system which is sensitive to bromosulfophthalein. When the principal uptake component was blocked by a specific irreversible inhibitor of this system, the remaining route (at pH 7.4) appeared to be saturable and was inhibited by several anions in addition to bromosulfophthalein (K i =2 m), including 8-anilino-1-naphthalein sulfonate (K i =25 m), unlabeled phthalate (K i =500 m), and chloride (K i =3500 m). A pronounced effect by pH was also observed. Influx and total uptake of phthalate both increased progressively with decreasing pH and reached values that were 20-fold higher at pH 6.0, compared with pH 7.4. This pH-dependent increase could be blocked, however, by the addition of compounds (nigericin and carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone) which, in combination, collapse proton gradients. Phthalate efflux was relatively insensitive to changes in extracellular pH but could be inhibited (up to 90%) by bromosulfophthalein. Several other anions also inhibited efflux, but to a lesser extent, while chloride, phthalate, lactate, glycolate and acetate enhanced efflux up to 1.8-fold. Efflux also increased at pH 6.0, but not at pH 7.5, upon addition of nigericin and carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone. These results suggest that phthalate is a nonphysiological substrate for a carrier system which mediates transport via an anion/H+ symport mechanism. This system is not the lactate/H+ symport carrier of L1210 cells since: (A) phthalate and lactate influx were inhibited to differing degrees by various anions; and (B) lactic anhydride inhibited the influx and efflux of lactate but had no effect on the transmembrane movement of phthalate. The specificity of this system suggests that its primary anion substrate may be chloride.  相似文献   

Glycolysis uncoupled from glucose oxidation is a major reason for the intracellular acidosis that occurs during severe myocardial ischemia. The imbalance between glycolysis and glucose oxidation, and the resultant H+ produced from glycolytically derived ATP hydrolysis in the diabetic rat heart is the focus of this study. Isolated working hearts from 6 week streptozotocin diabetic rat hearts were perfused with 11 mM glucose and 1.2 mM palmitate and subjected to a 25 min period of global ischemia. A second series of experiments were also performed in which hearts from control, diabetic, and islet-transplanted diabetic rats were subjected to a 30 min aerobic perfusion, followed by a 60 min period of low-flow ischemia (coronary flow = 0.5 ml/min) and 30 min of aerobic reperfusion. H+ production from glucose metabolism was measured throughout the two protocols by simultaneous measurement of glycolysis and glucose oxidation using perfusate labelled with [5-3H/U-14C]-glucose. Rates of H+ production were calculated by measuring the difference between glycolysis and glucose oxidation. The H+ production throughout the perfusion was generally lower in diabetic rat hearts compared to control hearts, while islet-transplantation of diabetic rats increased H+ production to rates similar to those seen in control hearts. This occurred primarily due to a dramatic increase in the rates of glycolysis. Despite the difference in H+ production between control, diabetic and islet-transplanted diabetic rat hearts, no difference in mRNA levels of the cardiac Na+/H+-exchanger (NHE-1) was seen. This suggests that alterations in the source of protons (i.e. glucose metabolism) are as important as alterations in the fate of protons, when considering diabetes-induced changes in cellular pH. Furthermore, our data suggests that alterations in Na+/H+-exchange activity in the diabetic rat heart occur at a post-translational level, possibly due to direct alterations in the sarcolemmal membranes.  相似文献   

Experiments on renal cortical brush border membrane vesicles have been undertaken in order to assess the involvement of iron in oxidative stress at physiological temperatures and under conditions of hypothermia. A decrease in temperature stimulated iron-induced lipid peroxidation. The results are discussed in relation to the role of the oxidation state of the iron and iron(II)/iron(III) ratios in the initiation of peroxidative events.  相似文献   

The NADH:menaquinone oxidoreductase (Nqo) is one of the enzymes present in the respiratory chain of the thermohalophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus. The genes coding for the R. marinus Nqo subunits were isolated and sequenced, clustering in two operons [nqo1 to nqo7 (nqoA) and nqo10 to nqo14 (nqoB)] and two independent genes (nqo8 and nqo9). Unexpectedly, two genes encoding homologues of a NhaD Na+/H+ antiporter (NhaD) and of a pterin-4α-carbinolamine dehydratase (PCD) were identified within nqoB, flanked by nqo13 and nqo14. Eight conserved motives to harbour iron-sulphur centres are identified in the deduced primary structures, as well as two consensus sequences to bind nucleotides, in this case NADH and FMN. Moreover, the open-reading-frames of the putative NhaD and PCD were shown to be co-transcribed with the other complex I genes encoded by nqoB. The possible role of these two genes in R. marinus complex I is discussed.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the principal vector of dengue, one of the most devastating arthropod-borne viral infections in humans. The isoform specific A/B region, called the N-terminal domain (NTD), is hypervariable in sequence and length and is poorly conserved within the Ultraspiracle (Usp) family. The Usp protein together with ecdysteroid receptor (EcR) forms a heterodimeric complex. Up until now, there has been little data on the molecular properties of the isolated Usp-NTD. Here, we describe the biochemical and biophysical properties of the recombinant NTD of the Usp isoform B (aaUsp-NTD) from A. aegypti. These results, in combination with in silico bioinformatics approaches, indicate that aaUsp-NTD exhibits properties of an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP). We also present the first experimental evidence describing the dimerization propensity of the isolated NTD of Usp. These characteristics also appear for other members of the Usp family in different species, for example, in the Usp-NTD from Drosophila melanogaster and Bombyx mori. However, aaUsp-NTD exhibits the strongest homodimerization potential. We postulate that the unique dimerization of the NTD might be important for Usp function by providing an additional platform for interactions, in addition to the nuclear receptor superfamily dimerization via DNA binding domains and ligand binding domains that has already been extensively documented. Furthermore, the unique NTD–NTD interaction that was observed might contribute new insight into the dimerization propensities of nuclear receptors.  相似文献   

We present a stochastic dynamical model for the transmission of dengue that takes into account seasonal and spatial dynamics of the vector Aedes aegypti. It describes disease dynamics triggered by the arrival of infected people in a city. We show that the probability of an epidemic outbreak depends on seasonal variation in temperature and on the availability of breeding sites. We also show that the arrival date of an infected human in a susceptible population dramatically affects the distribution of the final size of epidemics and that early outbreaks have a low probability. However, early outbreaks are likely to produce large epidemics because they have a longer time to evolve before the winter extinction of vectors. Our model could be used to estimate the risk and final size of epidemic outbreaks in regions with seasonal climatic variations.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4-5):267-275
Experiments on renal cortical brush border membrane vesicles have been undertaken in order to assess the involvement of iron in oxidative stress at physiological temperatures and under conditions of hypothermia. A decrease in temperature stimulated iron-induced lipid peroxidation. The results are discussed in relation to the role of the oxidation state of the iron and iron(II)/iron(III) ratios in the initiation of peroxidative events.  相似文献   

Summary In the presence of inhibitors for mitochondrial H+-ATPase, (Na++K+)- and Ca2+-ATPases, and alkaline phosphatase, sealed brush-border membrane vesicles hydrolyse externally added ATP demonstrating the existence of ATPases at the outside of the membrane (ecto-ATPases). These ATPases accept several nucleotides, are stimulated by Ca2+ and Mg2+, and are inhibited by N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), but not by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). They occur in both brushborder and basolateral membranes. Opening of brush-border membrane vesicles with Triton X-100 exposes ATPases located at the inside (cytosolic side) of the membrane. These detergent-exposed ATPases prefer ATP, are activated by Mg2+ and Mn2+, but not by Ca2+, and are inhibited by DCCD as well as by NEM. They are present in brush-border, but not in basolateral membranes. As measured by an intravesicularly trapped pH indicator, ATP-loaded brush-border membrane vesicles extrude protons by a DCCD- and NEM-sensitive pump. ATP-driven H+ secretion is electrogenic and requires either exit of a permeant anion (Cl) or entry of a cation, e.g., Na+ via electrogenic Na+/d-glucose and Na+/l-phenylalanine uptake. In the presence of Na+, ATP-driven H+ efflux is stimulated by blocking the Na+/H+ exchanger with amiloride. These data prove the coexistence of Na+-coupled substrate transporters, Na+/H+ exchanger, and an ATP-driven H+ pump in brush-border membrane vesicles. Similar location and inhibitor sensitivity reveal the identity of ATP-driven H+ pumps with (a part of) the DCCD- and NEM-sensitive ATPases at the cytosolic side of the brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

Employing a simple one-step sucrose gradient fractionation method, gastric mucosal membrane of Syrian hamster was prepared and demonstrated to be specifically enriched in H+,K+-ATPase activity. The preparation is practically devoid of other ATP hydrolyzing activity and contains high K+-stimulated ATPase, activity of at least 4–5 fold compared to basal ATPase activity. The H+,K+-ATPase showed hydroxylamine-sensitive phosphorylation and K+-dependent dephosphorylation of the phospho-enzyme, characteristic inhibition by vanadate, omeprazole and SCH 28080, and nigericin-reversible K+-dependent H+-transport — properties characteristic of gastric proton pump One notable difference with H+,K+-ATPase of other species has been the observation of valinomycin-independent H+ transport in such membrane vesicles. It is proposed that such H+,K+-ATPase-rich hamster gastric mucosal membrane preparation might provide a unique model to study physiological aspects of H+,K+-ATPase-function in relation to HCl secretion.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the effect of second messengers on ATP-driven H+ transport in an H+ ATPase-bearing endosomal fraction isolated from rabbit renal cortex. cAMP (0.1mm) had no effect on H+ transport. Acridine orange fluorescence in the presence of 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA) was 19±6% of control. Inhibition of ATP-driven H+ transport by Ca2+ was concentration dependent; 0.25 and 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA) inhibited acridine orange fluorescence by 50 and 80%, respectively. Ca2+ also produced a concentration-dependent increase in the rate of pH-gradient dissipation. Ca2+ did not affect ATP hydrolysis. ATP-dependent Br uptake was virtually unchanged in the presence of 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA). These vesicles were also shown to transport Ca2+ in an ATP-dependent mode. Inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate had no effect on ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake. These results are consistent with the co-existence of an H+ ATPase and an H+/Ca2+ exchanger on these endosomes, the latter transport system using the H+ gradient to energize Ca2+ uptake. Attempts to demonstrate an H+/Ca2+ antiporter in the absence of ATP have been unsuccessful. Yet, when a pH gradient was established by preincubation with ATP and residual ATP was subsequently removed by hexokinase + glucose, stimulation of Ca2+ uptake could be demonstrated. A Ca2+-dependent increase in H+ permeability and an ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake might have important implications for the regulation of vacuolar H+ ATPase activity as well as the homeostasis of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Acidosis commonly observed in solid tumors like pancreatic cancer promotes genetic instability and selection of a more malignant phenotype of cancer cells. Overexpression or activation of integral membrane proteins mediating H+ efflux may contribute to extracellular acidification. Neurotensin (NT) induces intracellular alkalinization and stimulates interleukin-8 production in pancreatic cancer cells and, as demonstrated here, the stable NT analog Lys8-ψ-Lys9NT(8-13) enhances the amiloride-sensitive, Na+-dependent transmembrane H+ flux by a factor of 2.05 ± 0.28 and 2.69 ± 0.07 in BxPC-3 and PANC-1 pancreatic cancer cells, respectively, by phosphorylation of the Na+/H+ exchanger 1 (NHE1). Human genome-wide gene expression analysis was performed to detect effects of Lys8-ψ-Lys9NT(8-13) on BxPC-3 cells. Results indicated upregulation of genes involved in regulation of NHE1, hypoxic response and glycolysis in response to Lys8-ψ-Lys9NT(8-13) even under normoxic conditions. Therefore, our findings suggest that growth factors like NT may be implicated in the early progression of pancreatic cancer by localized acidification and induction of an aerobic glycolytic phenotype with higher metastatic potential in small cell aggregates.  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH by extruding an intracellular H+ in exchange for one extracellular Na+. In this study we examined the effect of site-specific mutagenesis on the pore-lining amino acid Phe161 and effects of mutagenesis on the charged amino acids Asp159 and Asp172. There was no absolute requirement for a carboxyl side chain at amino acid Asp159 or Asp172. Mutation of Asp159 to Asn or Gln maintained or increased the activity of the protein. Similarly, for Asp172, substitution with a Gln residue maintained activity of the protein, even though substitution with an Asn residue was inhibitory. The Asp172Glu mutant possessed normal activity after correction for its aberrant expression and surface targeting. Replacement of Phe161 with a Leu demonstrated that it was not irreplaceable in NHE1 function. However, the mutation Phe161lys inhibited NHE1 function, while the Phe161Ala mutation caused altered NHE1 targeting and expression levels. Our results show that these three amino acids, while being important in NHE1 function, are not irreplaceable. This study demonstrates that multiple substitutions at a single amino acid residue may be necessary to get a clearer picture membrane protein function.  相似文献   

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