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Until recently, morphological differences between castes in independent-founding polistine wasps were considered absent. This paper investigates the extent of morphological and physiological differences between reproductive (foundress and gyne) and worker castes of Belonogaster petiolata, and tests the hypothesis that caste differentiation in this species occurs pre-imaginally.Foundresses were significantly larger than workers, to the extent that foundress/worker ratios were comparable with those between queens and workers in some swarm-founding Polistinae. Early emerging workers were small, but body size increased over the colony cycle such that late-season workers were similar in size to gynes. In proportion to body size, workers possessed broader heads while foundresses and gynes had broader thoraces and gasters. All queens, 98% of subordinate foundresses, and 95% of over-wintering gynes were inseminated. Workers were never inseminated and lacked mature ovaries in colonies with active queens. However, in the absence of the queen (and other foundresses), 11% of workers developed mature ovaries. Ovarian size and fat content of foundresses and gynes was significantly greater than that of workers. The differences in external morphology and reproductive physiology between castes support the hypothesis that differentiation occurs pre-imaginally. However, imaginal factors, in particular social dominance of the queen, maintain the reproductive subordinance of workers.  相似文献   

The distinction between worker and reproductive castes of social insects is receiving increased attention from a developmental rather than adaptive perspective. In the wasp genus Polistes, colonies are founded by one or more females, and the female offspring that emerge in that colony are either non-reproducing workers or future reproductives of the following generation (gynes). A growing number of studies now indicate that workers emerge with activated reproductive physiology, whereas the future reproductive gynes do not. Low nourishment levels for larvae during the worker-rearing phase of the colony cycle and higher nourishment levels for larvae when gynes are reared are now strongly suspected of playing a major role in this difference.Here, we present the results of a laboratory rearing experiment in which Polistes metricus single foundresses were held in environmental conditions with a higher level of control than in any previously published study, and the amount of protein nourishment made available to feed larvae was the only input variable. Three experimental feeding treatments were tested: restricted, unrestricted, and hand-supplemented. Analysis of multiple response variables shows that wasps reared on restricted protein nourishment, which would be the case for wasps reared in field conditions that subsequently become workers, tend toward trait values that characterize active reproductive physiology. Wasps reared on unrestricted and hand-supplemented protein, which replicates higher feeding levels for larvae in field conditions that subsequently become gynes, tend toward trait values that characterize inactive reproductive physiology. Although the experiment was not designed to test for worker behavior per se, our results further implicate activated reproductive physiology as a developmental response to low larval nourishment as a fundamental aspect of worker behavior in Polistes.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that differences in the relative abundance of cuticular hydrocarbons occur between reproductives and non-reproductives in many social insects. These differences also exist between Polistes dominulus foundresses and their first emerged daughters (usually indicated as workers), but they gradually disappear when workers from orphaned colonies develop their ovaries and assume a reproductive role in the colony. However, hydrocarbons are not the exclusive components of cuticular layer of wasps. Mass-spectrometry analysis of cuticular methanol extracts from Polistes paper wasps showed a complex pattern of polar substances, partly or totally proteinaceous in nature. We found that these compounds, ranging from 918 to 2679 Da, showed a clear caste differentiation between foundresses and their first emerged daughters (usually indicated as "workers"), both in queen-right and in orphaned colonies. Conversely to hydrocarbons, workers from orphaned colonies maintain a significant difference from foundresses in the pattern of the medium molecular weight (MW) polar compounds obtained by MALDI-TOF. On the basis of such results we hypothesize that a reliable cue to identify foundresses from daughters, and not only their reproductive status, may exist in Polistes wasps. Although the great majority of previous work on social insect communication has focused on cuticular hydrocarbons, our findings suggest that the medium MW component of cuticular substances may be involved in recognition.  相似文献   

Understanding the proximate mechanisms of caste development in eusocial taxa can reveal how social species evolved from solitary ancestors. In Polistes wasps, the current paradigm holds that differential amounts of nutrition during the larval stage cause the divergence of worker and gyne (potential queen) castes. But nutrition level alone cannot explain how the first few females to be produced in a colony develop rapidly yet have small body sizes and worker phenotypes. Here, we provide evidence that a mechanical signal biases caste toward a worker phenotype. In Polistes fuscatus, the signal takes the form of antennal drumming (AD), wherein a female trills her antennae synchronously on the rims of nest cells while feeding prey-liquid to larvae. The frequency of AD occurrence is high early in the colony cycle, when larvae destined to become workers are being reared, and low late in the cycle, when gynes are being reared. Subjecting gyne-destined brood to simulated AD-frequency vibrations caused them to emerge as adults with reduced fat stores, a worker trait. This suggests that AD influences the larval developmental trajectory by inhibiting a physiological element that is necessary to trigger diapause, a gyne trait.  相似文献   

P. Luykx 《Insectes Sociaux》1993,40(2):191-205
Summary Analysis of allozyme markers was carried out on 16 colonies of the termiteIncisitermes schwarzi in which one or both primary (founding) reproductives had been replaced by secondary reproductives. About one-quarter of field-collected colonies have replacement reproductives, and the genetic data suggest that in most of these a single replacement event had occurred. Genetic evidence for a second replacement event was found in one colony. Genetic analysis of the offspring allowed the following conclusions: (1) Soldiers are a relatively long-lived caste, so that even in colonies in which all other members have been replaced by offspring of the secondary reproductives, the soldiers remain the offspring of the primary reproductives; and (2) when primary reproductives are replaced by secondary reproductives, the nosoldier offspring of the former are completely replaced by those of the latter over a period of about two or three years, probably as a result of the normal maturation of colony members (workers, nymphs, and alates). The results provide no evidence for the existence of a true sterile worker caste in this species.  相似文献   

In order to maintain healthy colonies, termite workers dispose of the cadavers of dead nest mates by cannibalism, burial, or necrophoresis. However, when multiple reproductives found a new colony by pleometrosis, there are no worker castes at the early stages of the foundation to eliminate or isolate the corpses. In this study, we showed that in young pleometrotic colonies, reproductives of Pseudacanthotermes spiniger had the ability to perform this task. Because of the claustral conditions, and the potential inability of the dealates to feed on their own, their behaviour was restricted to the burial of the cadaver within the initial chamber. This burial behaviour, previously not reported in the reproductive caste of termites, appeared to be induced by chemical signals released by the corpses during decomposition, among which various fatty acids, indole and phenol were the most active. The burial finally resulted in the physical isolation of corpses, thus reducing the chances for opportunistic pathogens to spread among the rest of the individuals.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic structure of perennial colonies of the yellowjacket wasp (Vespula germanica) in its introduced range in Australia and New Zealand. The nuclear genotypes of 712 gynes from 21 colonies, 147 workers from 5 colonies, and 81 males from 4 colonies were assayed at three polymorphic microsatellite loci. The mitochondrial haplotypes of all wasps also were determined for a 450-bp region of the mtDNA using double-stranded conformational polymorphism (DSCP) analysis. We found that multiple reproductives were needed to explain the genotypes of gynes, workers, and males in 7 of 21, 2 of 5, and 2 of 4 colonies, respectively, and that nestmate relatedness of these three castes equaled 0.42, 0.16, and 0.22, respectively. The mitochondrial data revealed that all individuals shared the same mtDNA haplotype in 20 of the 21 colonies. However, in one colony, gynes and workers displayed multiple mtDNA haplotypes, indicating that nonnestmate recruitment had occurred. Overall the genetic structure within the majority of perennial colonies conformed to expectations based on the biology of V. germanica and kin selection theory for polygyne colonies; multiple reproductives successfully produced offspring and were recruited into their natal nests, thereby maintaining relatively high relatedness between interacting individuals.  相似文献   

Reproductive division in termites is the most significant biological process that leads to the formation of caste‐specific differences in tasks and status. However, little is known about the mechanism of reproductive division that underlies caste differentiation. In the present study, ovarian development and stage‐specific apoptotic patterns are investigated during oogenesis in reproductive, worker and soldier termites Reticulitermes aculabialis Tsai & Hwang. The results show that the mean lengths of the ovaries of reproductives are two‐fold longer compared with those of workers and six‐fold longer compared with soldiers. By contrast to the reproductives, the process of oogenesis in the workers includes only the oogonium differentiation stage (stage I) and oocyte growth stage (stage II), and oogenesis in the soldiers stops at stage I. Vitelogenic oocytes (stage III) are absent from workers and soldiers. During stage II in the reproductives and workers, the layer of follicle cells has a thickness of 7.56 ± 0.52 and 2.81 ± 0.34 µm, respectively. In addition, there are significant differences in the number and size of the germ cells at the same stage in the various castes. The existence of two apoptotic patterns during oogenesis is demonstrated by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) assay. First, the majority of the cells showing apoptosis occur at stage I of oogenesis in reproductives, workers and soldiers. Second, DNA fragmentation is demonstrated by TUNEL staining of the follicle cell layers and oocytes at stage II in reproductives. Finally, the proliferation activity of follicle cells in the reproductives is observed by 5‐bromo‐2′‐deoxy‐uridine labelling. The level of oogenesis may explain the significant discrepancies in the reproductive capacity among the reproductives, soldiers and workers. These large discrepancies are controlled by apoptosis during early oogenesis.  相似文献   

Neotropical swarm-founding wasps, the Epiponini, are an outstanding group of social insects whose societies are polygynic and complex nest builders. Caste dimorphism in these wasps ranges from incipient to highly distinct. Morphometric analyses of nine body parts, ovarian status, relative age and development of the 5th gastral sternite gland (Richards' gland) of Polybia bistriata Fabricius were undertaken in order to estimate caste differentiation in nine colonies. Morphological and physiological data were used in multivariate analyses in order to evaluate the level of discrimination between inseminated and non-inseminated females. Clear physiological differences were found: queens had highly developed ovaries and they were inseminated, and workers had totally undeveloped ovaries or they had few developed oocytes (only in two colonies), but in both cases insemination was not detected. ANOVA and discriminant function analysis detected slight, but significant differences between castes. In relation to colony cycle, colonies were considered to be in the following stages: one in pre-emergence, four in worker production and four in sexuals production. Richards' gland analyses indicated that in small colonies (<100 females) queens had a less developed gland than in medium (100-200 females), and large colonies (>200 females). Taking the whole data, it was possible to conclude that caste differences were slight, but more evident in some phases of the colony cycle, a phenomenon previously described for other epiponines.  相似文献   

In social animals, inbreeding depression may manifest by compromising care or resources individuals receive from inbred group members. We studied the effects of worker inbreeding on colony productivity and investment in the ant Formica exsecta. The production of biomass decreased with increasing inbreeding, as did biomass produced per worker. Inbred colonies produced fewer gynes (unmated reproductive females), whereas the numbers of males remained unchanged. As a result, sex ratios showed increased male bias, and the fraction of workers increased among the diploid brood. Males raised in inbred colonies were smaller, whereas the weight of gynes remained unchanged. The results probably reflect a trade-off between number and quality of offspring, which is expected if the reproductive success of gynes is more dependent on their weight or condition than it is for males. As males are haploid (with the exception of abnormal diploid males produced in very low frequencies in this population), and therefore cannot be inbred themselves, the effect on their size must be mediated through the workers of the colony. We suggest the effects are caused by the inbred workers being less proficient in feeding the growing larvae. This represents a new kind of social inbreeding depression that may affect sex ratios as well as caste fate in social insects.  相似文献   

Division of labour is the hallmark of advanced societies, because specialization carries major efficiency benefits in spite of costs owing to reduced individual flexibility [1]. The trade-off between efficiency and flexibility is expressed throughout the social insects, where facultative social species have small colonies and reversible caste roles and advanced eusocial species have permanently fixed queen and worker castes. This usually implies that queens irreversibly specialize on reproductive tasks [2]. Here, we report an exception to this rule by showing that virgin queens (gynes) of the advanced eusocial leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior switch to carrying out worker tasks such as brood care and colony defence when they fail to mate and disperse. These behaviours allow them to obtain indirect fitness benefits (through assisting the reproduction of their mother) after their direct fitness options (their own reproduction) have become moot. We hypothesize that this flexibility could (re-)evolve secondarily because these ants only feed on fungal mycelium and thus could not benefit from cannibalising redundant gynes, and because queens have retained behavioural repertoires for foraging, nursing, and defense, which they naturally express during colony founding.  相似文献   

Colonies ofBelonogaster petiolata in Gauteng (South Africa) produced reproductive offspring (gynes and males) in late January and early February of each nesting season; their appearance was associated with a decline in worker and brood numbers. Brood decline could commence in the presence of a dominant, reproductively active queen, and loss or removal of the queen was not followed directly by cessation of nest growth and brood care. An older worker usually took over the α-position in queenless colonies. Several factors appear to contribute to brood decline and, ultimately, termination of the colony cycle in this species. These include (1) cessation of the supply of solid food to colonies (and particularly their larvae) during the reproductive phase, (2) a decrease in the worker/larva ratio during the latter phase due to the progressive loss of workers, (3) increasing number of gynes and males, and (4) an adult priority over food reception from foragers.  相似文献   

The success of an ant colony depends on the simultaneous presence of reproducing queens and non-reproducing workers in a ratio that will maximize colony growth and reproduction. Despite its presumably crucial role, queen–worker caste ratios (the ratio of adult queens to workers) and the factors affecting this variable remain scarcely studied. Maintaining polygynous pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) colonies in the laboratory has provided us with the opportunity to experimentally manipulate colony size, one of the key factors that can be expected to affect colony level queen–worker caste ratios and body size of eclosing workers, gynes and males. We found that smaller colonies produced more new queens relative to workers, and that these queens and workers both tended to be larger. However, colony size had no effect on the size of males or on the sex ratio of the individuals reared. Furthermore, for the first time in a social insect, we confirmed the general life history prediction by Smith and Fretwell (Am Nat 108:499–506, 1974) that offspring number varies more than offspring size. Our findings document a high level of plasticity in energy allocation toward female castes and suggest that polygynous species with budding colonies may adaptively adjust caste ratios to ensure rapid growth.  相似文献   

Termites of the genus Reticulitermes are characteristic of temperate regions. Their colonies comprise various castes, the most numerous being that of workers which can develop into soldiers or secondary reproductives (neotenics). Each caste has a mixture of hydrocarbons (HCs) on the cuticle forming a chemical signature. The primary aim of this study was to compare the changes in the chemical signature of a population of worker termites fed on paper with juvenile hormone to differentiate them into soldiers with a control population of termites fed only on paper or wood for one month. Gas chromatography was used to analyze the cuticular profiles of Reticulitermes flavipes termites to determine whether they changed, and, if so, when and how. The data collected over one month showed that the workers fed with JH did not differentiate into soldiers but that there were progressive changes in the hydrocarbon profile independent of the treatment. These results indicate that the differentiation of the chemical signature of the worker caste is a dynamic process, depending only on time and not on colony membership, confirming that, for these termites, this signature has a lesser role in colony membership than caste membership, unlike the chemical signatures of other social insects. The temporal process of this cuticular change is also associated with a change in the alkene/methyl-branched alkane ratio.  相似文献   



Swarm-founding epiponine wasps are an intriguing group of social insects in which colonies are polygynic (several queens share reproduction) and differentiation between castes is often not obvious. However, caste differences in some may be more pronounced in later phases of the colony cycle.  相似文献   

针毛收获蚁Messoraciculatus(F .Smith)是我国北方特别是西北荒漠草原的优势种蚂蚁 ,亦是重要的种子收获性蚁类 ,收获、贮藏和取食 1 0余种荒漠植物种子。本文以沙坡头自然保护区红卫固定沙丘地段为样地 ,对该蚁的社群密度与分布及社群各品级在自然穴巢中的季节迁移行为作了研究。最近邻体法测定表明 ,社群在新生生境中起初随机定居 ,随社群密度的不断定居 ,空间分布型逐渐向均匀六边形过渡 ;社群密度为成熟社群 34 .98巢 hm2 ,发展中社群 2 6 .99巢 hm2 ,新建社群 4 4.98巢 hm2 ,种群密度 2 .6 8工蚁 m2 。社群结构的季节动态总蚁量和幼蚁为双峰型 ,蚁后和雄蚁为单峰型。室内人工蚁巢饲养表明 ,社群结构约 1月后趋于稳定 ,蚁量 5 0~ 70头 ,单蚁后以 4个品级混合越冬。自然社群的挖掘表明 ,各品级在蚁巢中的季节迁移行为明显呈现上迁、前层持续活动、下迁和深层越冬四期。此外 ,讨论了该蚁对荒漠草原环境的适应性。  相似文献   

In some of the most complex animal societies, individuals exhibit a cooperative division of labour to form castes. The most pronounced types of caste formation involve reproductive and non-reproductive forms that are morphologically distinct. In colonies comprising separate or mobile individuals, this type of caste formation has been recognized only among the arthropods, sea anemones and mole-rats. Here, we document physical and behavioural caste formation in a flatworm. Trematode flatworm parasites undergo repeated clonal reproduction of ‘parthenitae’ within their molluscan hosts forming colonies. We present experimental and observational data demonstrating specialization among trematode parthenitae to form distinct soldier and reproductive castes. Soldiers do not reproduce, have relatively large mouthparts, and are much smaller and thinner than reproductives. Soldiers are also more active, and are disproportionally common in areas of the host where invasions occur. Further, only soldiers readily and consistently attack heterospecifics and conspecifics from other colonies. The division of labour described here for trematodes is strongly analogous to that characterizing other social systems with a soldier caste. The parallel caste formation in these systems, despite varying reproductive mode and taxonomic affiliation, indicates the general importance of ecological factors in influencing the evolution of social behaviour. Further, the ‘recognition of self’ and the defence of the infected host body from invading parasites are comparable to aspects of immune defence. A division of labour is probably widespread among trematodes and trematode species encompass considerable taxonomic, life history and environmental diversity. Trematodes should therefore provide new, fruitful systems to investigate the ecology and evolution of sociality.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity benefits for social insect colonies headed by polyandrous queens have received intense attention, whereas sexual selection remains little explored. Yet mates of the same queen may engage in sperm competition over the siring of offspring, and this could confer benefits on queens if the most successful sire in each colony (the majority sire) produces gynes (daughter queens) of higher quality. These benefits could be increased if high-quality sires make queens increase the percentage of eggs that they fertilize (unfertilized eggs develop into sons in social hymenopterans), or if daughters of better genetic quality are over-represented in the gyne versus worker class. Such effects would lead to female-biased sex ratios in colonies with high-quality majority gynes. I tested these ideas in field colonies of Lasius niger black garden ants, using body mass of gynes as a fitness trait as it is known to correlate with future fecundity. Also, I established the paternity of gynes through microsatellite DNA offspring analyses. Majority sires did not always produce heavier gynes in L. niger, but whenever they did do so colonies produced more females, numerically and in terms of the energetic investment in female versus male production. Better quality sires may be able to induce queens to fertilize more eggs or so-called caste shunting may occur wherever the daughters of better males are preferentially shunted to into the gyne caste. My study supports that integrating sexual selection and social evolutionary studies may bring a deeper understanding of mating system evolution in social insects.  相似文献   

In social insects, the caste systems are based on reproductive division of labor; queens specialize in reproduction and workers primarily maintain the colony. Recently, a volatile pheromone containing n-butyl-n-butyrate and 2-methyl-1-butanol was identified as a termite queen pheromone that inhibits the differentiation of female neotenic reproductives (secondary queens). Although this volatile inhibitory pheromone regulates caste differentiation directly, the method by which it reaches members without direct contact with the queen in large colonies is not well understood. Therefore, additional mechanisms of indirect communication must exist, such as worker-mediated queen signal transport. We found that workers exposed to female reproductives did not mediate queens’ inhibitory signal in a termite Reticulitermes speratus. The experiment assessed worker transfer from direct to indirect contact groups and determined that the differentiation of new female reproductives in the indirect contact groups was not influenced by the direct contact groups, whereas direct contact with functional female reproductives and artificial queen pheromone did suppress neotenic differentiation. This suggests that worker transfer of the queen signal is unlikely and that for colony-wide inhibition direct contact by the majority of infertile members with reproductives or eggs, which emit the same volatiles as female reproductives, is necessary within a certain time interval.  相似文献   

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