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Newborn infants in endemic areas are markedly resistant to Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Consequently, severe disease is rare during the first few months of life, and infections tend to be low density and relatively asymptomatic during this period. Although this is generally ascribed to passively transferred immunity, attempts to identify the targets and mechanisms of this protection have been unsuccessful. The implications of the hypothesis that the progression from resistance through susceptibility and back to resistance during infancy and early childhood reflects the gradual acquisition of IgG to variant surface antigens (VSAs), while protection from maternal VSA-specific IgG steadily fades, are discussed here.  相似文献   

Kang W  Reid KB 《FEBS letters》2003,540(1-3):21-25
DMBT1 (deleted in malignant brain tumor 1), which encodes a large scavenger receptor cysteine rich (SRCR) B protein, has been proposed to be a tumor suppressor gene, due to the high frequency of its homozygous deletion and the lack of expression in a variety of cancers. However, studies on its physiological functions and its relationship with tumorigenesis are still at an initial stage. Two mucosal defense-related molecules, gp-340 and salivary agglutinin, have been identified to be alternatively spliced products of DMBT1, which suggests that DMBT1 is a pattern recognition receptor in innate immunity. Meanwhile, results from immunohistochemical staining and studies at the cellular level, began to associate DMBT1 with a proliferation to differentiation switching process in gastrointestinal epithelial cells. Together with its up-regulation in inflammation, these findings suggest that DMBT1 might be a local regulator of homeostasis, possibly through linking mucosal inflammation to the modulation of epithelial regeneration, and whose abnormality is a frequent cause of malignancy.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the red alga Porphyra purpurea alternates between two morphologically distinct phases: a shell-boring, filamentous sporophyte and a free-living, foliose gametophyte. From a subtracted cDNA library enriched for sporophyte-specific sequences, we isolated a cDNA encoding an unusual elongation factor 1 (EF-1) that is expressed only in the sporophyte. A second EF-1 gene that is expressed equally in the sporophyte and the gametophyte was isolated from a genomic library. These are the only EF-1 genes detectable in P. purpurea. The constitutively expressed gene encodes and EF-1 very similar to those of most eukaryotes. However, the sporophyte-specific EF-1 is one of the most divergent yet described, with nine insertions or deletions ranging in size from 1 to 26 amino acids. This is the first report of a developmental stage-specific EF-1 outside of the animal kingdom and suggests a fundamental role for EF-1 in the developmental process.  相似文献   

Phytophagous insects may choose host plants based on conditions that enhance offspring performance. However, some insect species may also select plants based on attributes that enhance their own performance regardless of the consequences for offspring survival. An approach evaluating both hypotheses could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the host plant selection by phytophagous insects. In this study, we described the life stages of a Neotropical stink bug, Edessa contermina, co-occurring on Byrsonima verbascifolia plants in a conservation area of the Brazilian Savannah. We also empirically evaluated how food supply, shelter availability and competitors’ density on the host plants affected the densities of nymphs, adults and mating pairs. We identified and described five life stages of E. contermina. The amount of plant resources did not explain the nymph, adult and mating pairs’ density. However, adults and mating pairs chose plants with a low density of nymphs, probably because egg laying on the host plants with a high density of competitors may negatively affect offspring performance.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascades are fundamental components of the signaling pathways associated with plant immunity. Despite the large number of MAP kinase kinase kinases (MAPKKK) encoded in the plant genome, only very few of them have an assigned function. Here, we identified MAPKKK gene of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), SIMAPKKKε, which is required for hypersensitive response cell death and disease resistance against Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. Silencing of SIMAPKKKε compromised tomato resistance to Xanthomonas campestris and Pseudomonas syringae strains, resulting in the appearance of disease symptoms and enhanced bacterial growth. In addition, silencing of NbMAPKKKε in Nicotiana benthamiana plants significantly inhibited the cell death triggered by expression of different R gene/effector gene pairs. Conversely, overexpression of either the full-length SIMAPKKKε gene or its kinase domain in N. benthamiana leaves caused pathogen-independent activation of cell death that required an intact kinase catalytic domain. Moreover, by suppressing the expression of various MAPKK and MAPK genes and overexpressing the SIMAPKKKε kinase domain, we identified a signaling cascade acting downstream of SIMAPKKKε that includes MEK2, WIPK and SIPK. Additional epistasis experiments revealed that SIPKK functions as a negative regulator of SIMAPKKKε-mediated cell death. Our results provide evidence that SIMAPKKKε is a signaling molecule that positively regulates cell death networks associated with plant immunity.  相似文献   

The classical approach of evolutionism is based on the concept of the survival of the fittest individuals. More and more data indicate that natural selection often acts with supra-individual mechanisms favoring genes and actions harmful for the individual. The most striking type of cases is when an individual kills himself or his offspring by actions genetically determined or favored. The neologism “phenoptosis” describes these events and implicates that they are not evolutionary anomalies but physiological phenomena determined by natural selection. The most important and familiar kind of phenoptosis, the “slow phenoptosis” or aging, which is currently considered an inevitable and scarcely changeable event, is transformed by this different interpretation into a function, in principle modifiable and manageable. Perhaps, the neologism “phenoptosis” will represent, together with the term supra-individual selection, the mark of a vital enrichment of evolutionism, conceived in broader terms of which the individual selection is just a particular case, and will be referred to as the brand and the standard for the start of a new era.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a common by-product of viral infections and a potent inducer of innate antiviral immune responses in vertebrates. In the marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, innate antiviral immunity is also induced by dsRNA in a sequence-independent manner. In this study, the hypothesis that dsRNA can evoke not only innate antiviral immunity but also a sequence-specific antiviral response in shrimp was tested. It was found that viral sequence-specific dsRNA affords potent antiviral immunity in vivo, implying the involvement of RNA interference (RNAi)-like mechanisms in the antiviral response of the shrimp. Consistent with the activation of RNAi by virus-specific dsRNA, endogenous shrimp genes could be silenced in a systemic fashion by the administration of cognate long dsRNA. While innate antiviral immunity, sequence-dependent antiviral protection, and gene silencing could all be induced by injection of long dsRNA molecules, injection of short interfering RNAs failed to induce similar responses, suggesting a size requirement for extracellular dsRNA to engage antiviral mechanisms and gene silencing. We propose a model of antiviral immunity in shrimp by which viral dsRNA engages not only innate immune pathways but also an RNAi-like mechanism to induce potent antiviral responses in vivo.  相似文献   

Endo-beta-1,4-xylanases (EC are key enzymes in the degradation of xylan, the predominant hemicellulose in the cell walls of plants and the second most abundant polysaccharide on earth. A number of endoxylanases are produced by microbial phytopathogens responsible for severe crop losses. These enzymes are considered to play an important role in phytopathogenesis, as they provide essential means to the attacking organism to break through the plant cell wall. Plants have evolved numerous defense mechanisms to protect themselves against invading pathogens, amongst which are proteinaceous inhibitors of cell wall-degrading enzymes. These defense mechanisms are triggered when a pathogen-derived elicitor is recognized by the plant. In this review, the diverse aspects of endoxylanases in promoting virulence and in eliciting plant defense systems are highlighted. Furthermore, the role of the relatively recently discovered cereal endoxylanase inhibitor families TAXI (Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor) and XIP (xylanase inhibitor protein) in plant defense is discussed.  相似文献   

The interactions between herbivores and plants are of general interest in ecology. Even though the extensive research carried out during the last decades has culminated in many theories, additional studies are necessary to validate these findings. In particular, the hypotheses dealing with the complex interrelations of plant defense mechanisms and herbivores continue to be debated.In this paper, we develop a new indicator value that quantifies the defense mechanisms of Central European woody plants against large mammalian herbivores. The indicator value is based on three plant-specific traits: chemical defense (toxic compounds, digestion inhibitors), mechanical defense and leaf size. Our validation of the newly established indicator shows that evergreen woody plants have a significantly higher indicator value than deciduous woody plants. Moreover, plant defense is correlated with growth height: woody plants growing in the browsing zone preferred by large mammalian herbivores have significantly higher levels of defense compared with woody plants capable of growth high above the reach of large herbivores.We conclude that the new plant defense indicator value is a valuable tool for the validation of existing hypotheses and habitat calibration on a statistical basis. The quantification of plant mechanisms of defense against large herbivores produces a significantly better understanding of the multifaceted nature of plant–animal interactions and should contribute positively to future studies.  相似文献   

Increase of phenolic secondary metabolites, phlorotannins, in brown algae due to gastropod grazing has been interpreted as an anti-herbivore adaptation. Here we tested whether such a response could be due to changes in truly available resources for the alga, not by the grazing activity of snails as such. We allowed two species of snails, Theodoxus fluviatilis and Physa fontinalis to graze on Fucus vesiculosus . These species feed on epibiota and particulate matter on the thallus but do not eat the thallus of F. vesiculosus . We further simulated snail grazing by nutrient enhancement, removal of epibiota and by a combination of the two. Manipulations of nutrient and light availability revealed the crucial role of epibiota in mediating resource availability for F. vesiculosus . Nutrient enhancement alone increased epibiota and decreased phlorotannins. Cleaning the thallus resulted in increased growth, and together with nutrient enhancement also in a trade-off with phlorotannins. Presence of T. fluviatilis on the thallus induced phlorotannin production, a response differing from the simulations of snail grazing. However, we suggest that the increase in phlorotannins may not be an induced defense but rather a consequence of a specific way of resource manipulation by this snail species. T. fluviatilis removes hyaline hairs that facilitate nutrient uptake. P. fontinalis did not remove hyaline hairs and the response of the alga to its grazing was similar to the treatment where we mechanically removed epibiota suggesting that cleaning of the thallus is the major mechanism how this snail species affects F. vesiculosus . Genetic variation in phlorotannin concentrations highly exceeded the induced responses of simulated or real snail grazing. This casts doubt for the efficiency of induced phlorotannin production to act as a defense, but is not contradictory with the interpretation of phlorotannins responding to variation in resource availability.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is not a plant-specific compound but one found in organisms across kingdoms from bacteria to animals, suggesting that it is a ubiquitous and versatile substance that can modulate physiological functions of various organisms. Recent studies have shown that plants developed an elegant system for ABA sensing and early signal transduction mechanisms to modulate responses to environmental stresses for survival in terrestrial conditions. ABA-induced increase in stress tolerance has been reported not only in vascular plants but also in non-vascular bryophytes. Since bryophytes are the key group of organisms in the context of plant evolution, clarification of their ABA-dependent processes is important for understanding evolutionary adaptation of land plants. Molecular approaches using Physcomitrella patens have revealed that ABA plays a role in dehydration stress tolerance in mosses, which comprise a major group of bryophytes. Furthermore, we recently reported that signaling machinery for ABA responses is also conserved in liverworts, representing the most basal members of extant land plant lineage. Conservation of the mechanism for ABA sensing and responses in angiosperms and basal land plants suggests that acquisition of this mechanism for stress tolerance in vegetative tissues was one of the critical evolutionary events for adaptation to the land. This review describes the role of ABA in basal land plants as well as non-land plant organisms and further elaborates on recent progress in molecular studies of model bryophytes by comparative and functional genomic approaches.  相似文献   

Larinus curtus Hochhuth (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was first introduced into the western United States from Greece for the biological control of yellow starthistle (YST), Centaurea solstitialis L., in 1992. The discovery of L. curtus adults in the open flowerheads of safflower (SF), Carthamus tinctorius L., near Lewiston, Idaho in 2007 suggested this weevil might be expanding its host range to include a non-target crop species closely related to YST. In 2008 field plots near the 2007 observation site, 92 L. curtus adults fed in open SF flowerheads (pollen feeding and minor feeding on corolla tubes). No eggs were found in the ovarioles of 19 pollen-feeding females. No eggs, larvae, or evidence of larval feeding were detected in 39 tagged SF capitula, and no adults emerged from approximately 7,135 post-flowering SF capitula. These collective results are not indicative of an expanding developmental host-range of L. curtus. Also, they are consistent with pre-release host-specificity test results.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that previous infection by a vascular fungus causes induced resistance against two-spotted spider mites. To test the generality of this phenomenon, a series of experiments was carried out using two lines of tomato, differing only in resistance againstFusarium. In addition, tests were done in order to see whether the defense response against the fungus also affects the phytophagous mite directly. Inoculation of tomato plants with a vascular fungus (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici race 1) prior to infestation with spider mites caused a decrease in the rate of oviposition of two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) on aFusarium-susceptible line, but only when plants were moderately to severely wilted. Spider mite oviposition did not change significantly of a previously inoculatedFusarium-resistant line.AsFusarium causes vascular occlusion and wilting of the plants, drought stress was experimentally induced to determine its influence on the reduction of oviposition. Drought caused a significant reduction in spider mite oviposition. We conclude that the effect of previousFusarium-inoculation on spider mite oviposition is primarily due to the fungus affecting the quality of the host plant (including the effect it may have on the composition of defensive compounds), rather than due to the stimulation of the defense system of the plant. SinceFusarium seals off the xylem vessels, thereby causing wilting of susceptible plants, the reduction in mite oviposition may well be due to drought stress in the leaves, rather than due to the production of phytoalexins.  相似文献   

Jerome J. Howard 《Oecologia》1990,82(3):394-401
Summary Leafcutting ants have strong among- and within-plant preferences, and generally abandon plants long before they are completely defoliated. Two tropical deciduous forest tree species preferred by the leafcutting ant Atta colombica were studied to determine how variation in resource quality affects ant selectivity and partial defoliation of plants. Significant differences in palatability and leaf characteristics of Spondias mombin and Bursera simaruba were found among trees and among leaf types within trees, but not among branches within trees. No short-term responses to experimental defoliation of up to 50% of total canopy were found in either species. Leaf nutrient and poisture content were positively correlated, and phenolic content negatively correlated, with the palatability of Spondias mombin, a species containing hydrolyzable tannins. Leaf moisture and phenolic content were both positively correlated with the palatability of Bursera simaruba, which contains predominantly condensed tannins. The results suggest that variation in leaf quality among and within plants is at least a partial explanation for ant selectivity and partial defoliation of preferred species. There is no evidence that rapidly induced changes in plant chemistry affect ant decisions to abandon these plants. Instead, it appears likely that ants abandon plants once high-quality leaf patches are exhausted. Quantitative variation in leaf nutrients, moisture, and secondary chemicals all appear to contribute to ant preferences for individuals and tissues of highly palatable plants.  相似文献   

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