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Many studies have addressed the latitudinal gradients in intraspecific genetic diversity of European taxa generated during postglacial range expansion from southern refugia. Although Asia Minor is known to be a centre of diversity for many taxa, relatively few studies have considered its potential role as a Pleistocene refugium or a potential source for more ancient westward range expansion into Europe. Here we address these issues for an oak gallwasp, Andricus quercustozae (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), whose distribution extends from Morocco along the northern coast of the Mediterranean through Turkey to Iran. We use sequence data for a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b and allele frequency data for 12 polymorphic allozyme loci to answer the following questions: (1) which regions represent current centres of genetic diversity for A. quercustozae? Do eastern populations represent one refuge or several discrete glacial refugia? (2) Can we infer the timescale and sequence of the colonization processes linking current centres of diversity? Our results suggest that A. quercustozae was present in five distinct refugia (Iberia, Italy, the Balkans, southwestern Turkey and northeastern Turkey) with recent genetic exchange between Italy and Hungary. Genetic diversity is greatest in the Turkish refugia, suggesting that European populations are either (a) derived from Asia Minor, or (b) subject to more frequent population bottlenecks. Although Iberian populations show the lowest diversity for putatively selectively neutral markers, they have colonized a new oak host and represent a genetically and biologically discrete entity within the species.  相似文献   

Plants have the ability to dampen the effects of variability in water resources. Various mechanisms contribute to these properties: reduction of leaf area, increased rooting depth and stomatal conductance. To evaluate the differential roles and interactions of these mechanisms, we have built a model and simulated flows of water in Mediterranean evergreen scrub. The essential concept of this model is that the water status of the canopy is governed by the water lost by transpiration, the availability of soil water and the hydraulic resistances to water flow in soil and plant. The amount of water supplied by the roots is related to changes in water potential between the soil and the leaf. The amount of water lost to the atmosphere is regulated by an interaction between atmospheric demand and canopy water potential. Water uptake by plant is assumed equal to plant water loss. Leaf area appears to affect largely the annual water balance. The critical leaf water potential required to reduce the maximum stomatal conductance by half has a dominant effect on annual leaf water potential. Reducing rooting depth induces a new functional equilibrium for the plant. This new equilibrium is reached by decreasing leaf area and the critical leaf water potential. Our results show the complexity of interactions of these mechanisms and highlight the importance of the coordination between them. Finally, we suggest a reconsideration of these mechanisms in a context of the survival and long-term persistence of the plant.  相似文献   

The detailed facies and physical stratigraphic analysis of the Primary Lower Gypsum in the Mediterranean indicates a surprising bed-by-bed correlation at basin-scale (Spain, Italy, Hellenic arc and Cyprus arc), that is tuned to the orbital calibration for the first stage of the Messinian salinity crisis from 5.96 to 5.61 Ma ago. A total of 16, precessionally-controlled, gypsum cycles were deposited rapidly in less than 350 ka, forming sequences up to 300 m thick. The lack of subaerial exposure features and the common facies associations and stacking pattern for sections located thousands of kilometers apart in different geological settings indicates a modest depositional depth, not extremely shallow. Selenite deposition occurred only at the bottom of restricted marginal basins less than 200 m deep, while no gypsum could precipitate in the deeper euxinic Mediterranean portions where only thin and barren shale/dolostone couplets formed. The lowermost selenite beds pass laterally to dolomite-rich limestones interbedded with barren euxinic shales in poorly oxygenated settings, indicating that the gypsum sedimentation was diachronous and did not necessarily mark the onset on the Messinian salinity crisis.Evaporite facies sequences (EF1 to 8) within individual gypsum beds show small-scale, subaqueous sedimentary cycles that mimic regressive-transgressive cycles: a) initial evaporite precipitation at relatively low supersaturation produced the massive selenite (facies EF3) in a relatively deep setting; b) continuous evaporation and drawdown by oscillating brine level formed the banded selenite (EF4) at the aridity acme of the precessionally-controlled cycle; c) general progressive brine level rise with strong brine flow led to the formation of large selenite supercones branching laterally (supercones in Spain and branching selenite, EF5, in the rest of the Mediterranean); and d) flooding by undersaturated continental water terminated gypsum precipitation with the deposition of argillaceous sediments (EF1, Northern Apennines), and/or limestone (EF2, Sicily and Spain) during the humid phase in the precession climate cycle.The stacking pattern and selenite facies associations suggest an overall shallowing-upward trend with a basin-wide hydrologic change starting from the 6th cycle (5.84 Ma), which is marked by the appearance of the branching selenite facies (supercones) in Spain and indicates that the brines became current-dominated. The Sr-isotope stratigraphy suggests that in the Northern Apennines the brines were strongly modified by continental waters (87Sr/86Sr = 0.708893 to 0.708998), and received direct pulses of Atlantic seawater (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70900 to 0.709024) only in the upper part of the section. In areas away from the mainland, such as Sicily, the continental input was by far less important.  相似文献   

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