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We used the recombination-promoting activity of the polyomavirus large T antigen (T-ag) to increase the frequency of gene targeting in rat fibroblasts. We constructed a cell line carrying a functional polyomavirus replication origin and a transformation-defective middle T-ag oncogene. The structure of the locus was such that homologous recombination with the targeting DNA reconstituted a functional transforming gene and converted the cells from the normal to the transformed state. Introduction of the large T-ag with the targeting DNA promoted recombinational events that corrected the mutation in either the target locus or the targeting DNA. The frequency of recombination was not substantially influenced by the extent of homology between the recombining sequences. However, it was reduced when the replication origin was inactivated in the targeting DNA, and was reduced further when the origin was inactivated in the target locus.  相似文献   

Transfection of primary rat keratinocytes with the polyomavirus large T gene promotes the establishment of cell lines. The keratinocytes express the large T protein and can be continuously cultured in medium containing a low concentration of calcium. The immortalized keratinocytes retain the ability to differentiate when the calcium concentration is increased to normal levels.  相似文献   

We have identified a putative DNA-binding domain in polyomavirus large T antigen. Mutations introduced into the gene between amino acids 290 and 310 resulted in proteins that no longer bound to the high-affinity binding sites on the polyomavirus genome, showed no detectable nonspecific DNA binding, and were not able to initiate DNA replication from the viral origin. These mutant T antigen genes were introduced into rat embryo fibroblasts together with the neomycin resistance gene to allow selection for growth in the presence of G418. All the mutations tested facilitated the establishment of these cells in long-term culture at an efficiency indistinguishable from that of the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

We developed a procedure to evaluate quantitatively the capacity of subgenomic fragments from polyomavirus and simian virus 40 (SV40) to promote the establishment of primary cells in culture. The large T antigen from both of these viruses can immortalize primary rat embryo fibroblasts. Both antigens have amino-terminal domains that retain biological activity after deletion of other parts of the polypeptide chain. However, this activity varies considerably among various mutants, presumably because of alterations in the stability or conformation of the truncated polypeptides. The polyomavirus middle T gene alone immortalizes at a low efficiency, which indicates that this oncogene can have both immortalization and transformation potentials depending on the assay system chosen. We generated deletions in the polyomavirus and SV40 large T genes to localize more precisely the functional domains of the proteins involved in the immortalization process. Our results show that the region of the SV40 large T antigen involved in immortalization is localized within the first 137 amino acid residues. This region is encoded by the first large T exon and a small portion from the second exon which includes the SV40 large T nuclear location signal. The polyomavirus sequence involved in immortalization comprises a region from the second large T exon, mapping between nucleotides 1016 and 1213, which shares no homology with SV40 and is thought to be of cellular origin. We suggest that this region of the polyomavirus large T gene functions either as a nuclear location signal or as part of the large T protein sequence involved in DNA binding.  相似文献   

Secondary cultures of chicken embryo fibroblasts were transfected with purified nuclei from lysed cells of a clonal line of temperature-sensitive Rous sarcoma virus (tsRSV)-transformed Chinese hamster fibroblasts. After propagation for 3 months an established cell line designated ChR32 was obtained in one chicken cell culture. The cells of this line have been propagated so far for 18 months, whereas normal chicken embryo fibroblasts died after 2 months. The established cells were heteroploid with a diploid modal number of macrochromosomes and two Z chromosomes. No Chinese hamster chromosomes could be identified. Southern blot analysis of DNA from the uncloned ChR32 cells and the clones provided evidence that these established cells were, in fact, clonal in origin and contained full-length RSV proviruses and no defective proviruses. Furthermore, they contained, at the 3' end proviral-cellular junction, Bg/II, HpaI, KpnI, SacI, and XbaI fragments of the same size as the Chinese hamster donor cells, suggesting that the cellular sequence adjacent to the provirus is of Chinese hamster origin. The cells after establishment were able to grow continuously at 37 degrees or 41 degrees C and produce a large amount of ts sarcoma virus particles. A corollary finding was that these virus particles were non-leaky for the transforming function at the non-permissive temperature.  相似文献   

A gene encoding the large T antigen of polyomavirus was inserted into the baculovirus Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus so that gene expression was under the control of the strong, very late polyhedrin gene promoter. Significantly more large T antigen was produced in recombinant virus-infected insect cells than was observed in polyomavirus-transformed mouse cells. The insect-derived T antigen exhibited polyomavirus origin-specific DNA binding. The baculovirus expression system provides a convenient source of T antigen for in vitro studies.  相似文献   

J Zhu  P W Rice  L Gorsch  M Abate    C N Cole 《Journal of virology》1992,66(5):2780-2791
Mouse C3H 10T1/2 cells and the established rat embryo fibroblast cell line REF-52 are two cell lines widely used in studies of viral transformation. Studies have shown that transformation of 10T1/2 cells requires only the amino-terminal 121 amino acids of simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen, while transformation of REF-52 cells requires considerably more of large T antigen, extending from near the N terminus to beyond residue 600. The ability of a large set of linker insertion, small deletion, and point mutants of SV40 T antigen to transform these two cell lines and to bind p105Rb was determined. Transformation of 10T1/2 cells was greatly reduced by mutations within the first exon of the gene for large T antigen but was only modestly affected by mutations affecting the p105Rb binding site or the p53 binding region. All mutants defective for transformation of 10T1/2 cells were also defective for transformation of REF-52 cells. In addition, mutants whose T antigens had alterations in the Rb binding site showed a substantial reduction in transformation of REF-52 cells, and the degree of this reduction could be correlated with the ability of the mutant T antigens to bind p105Rb. There was a tight correlation between the ability of mutants to transform REF-52 cells and the ability of their T antigens to bind p53. These results demonstrate that multiple regions of large T antigen are required for full transformation by SV40.  相似文献   

Polyoma Large T antigen (PyLT) is a viral oncoprotein that targets cell proteins important for growth regulation. PyLT has two functional domains. Here we report 1H, 15N, 13C backbone and 13C beta assignments of 76% of the residues of the polyomavirus large T antigen N-terminal domain (PyLTNT) that is sufficient to regulate cell phenotype. PyLTNT is substantially unfolded even in regions known to be critical for its biological function. The protein also includes a previously characterised J domain that although conformationally influenced by the residue extension, retains its folded state unlike the majority of the protein sequence.  相似文献   

The ability of polyomavirus large T antigen (LT) to promote cell cycling, to immortalize primary cells, and to block differentiation has been linked to its effects on tumor suppressors of the retinoblastoma susceptibility (Rb) gene family. Our previous studies have shown that LT requires an intact N-terminal DnaJ domain, in addition to an Rb binding site, for activation of simple E2F-containing promoters and stimulation of cell cycle progression. Here we show that some LT effects dependent on interaction with the Rb family are largely DnaJ independent. In differentiating C2C12 myoblasts, overexpression of LT caused apoptosis. Although this activity of LT completely depended on Rb binding, LTs with mutations in the J domain remained able to kill. Comparisons of Rb(-) and J(-) LTs revealed additional differences. Wild-type but not Rb(-) LT activated the cyclin A promoter under serum starvation conditions. Genetic analysis of the promoter linked the Rb requirement to an E2F site in the promoter. LTs with mutations in the J domain were still able to activate the promoter. Finally, J mutant LTs caused changes in phosphorylation of both pRb and p130. In the case of p130, Thr-986 was shown to be a site that is regulated by J mutant LT. Taken together, these observations reveal that LT regulation of Rb function can be separated into both DnaJ-dependent and DnaJ-independent pathways.  相似文献   

Localization of the phosphorylations of polyomavirus large T antigen.   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1  
Polyomavirus large T antigen is phosphorylated on both serine and threonine residues at a ratio of approximately 6 to 1. This phosphorylation could be resolved into a series of nine Staphylococcus aureus V8 phosphopeptides. All of these were found in an N-terminal chymotryptic fragment with a molecular weight of 57,000. A C-terminal formic acid fragment of 50,000-molecular-weight lacked phosphate. Therefore, unlike simian virus 40 large T antigen, polyomavirus large T antigen has no significant C-terminal phosphorylation. Limited V8 and hydroxylamine cleavage showed that the phosphorylations can be localized to two different portions of the molecule. A significant fraction of the phosphate was localized in the N-terminal portion of the molecule before residue 183. Within this region V8 peptides 4, 8, and 9 represented phosphorylations that were more proximal, while peptides 1, 2, and 3 included more distal phosphorylations. None of these phosphorylations appeared analogous to those of simian virus 40 large T antigen. V8 phosphopeptides 5 and 7 were more distal and could be distinguished in biological experiments from the N-terminal phosphorylations. Formic acid mapping suggested that much, if not all, of this phosphorylation is located between residues 257 and 285.  相似文献   

The polyomavirus large T antigen promotes homologous recombination at high rates when expressed in rat cells carrying the viral replication origin and two repeats of viral DNA sequences stably integrated into the cellular genome. Recombination consists of both reciprocal and nonreciprocal events and is promoted by mutants defective in the initiation of viral DNA synthesis (L. St-Onge, L. Bouchard, and M. Bastin, J. Virol. 67:1788-1795, 1993). We have extended our studies to a rat cell line undergoing amplification of the viral insert. We show that large T antigen promotes amplification independently of its replicative function but that its origin-specific DNA binding activity is not sufficient to promote homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Polyoma middle T antigen (mT) was expressed in rat F-111 cells under control of the dexamethasone-regulatable mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. Graded phenotypic responses to levels of mT induction by the hormone were seen, with morphological transformation, focus formation, and anchorage-independent growth requiring increasing levels of mT expression. The ability of different clones to form tumors reflected their maximum level of induction of mT-associated kinase and their ability to grow in soft agar. Expression of transformation parameters and tumorigenicity correlates with the level of mT phosphorylated by pp60c-src in immune complexes and not with the total amount of mT determined by metabolic labeling. We suggest that cellular factors regulate mT activity by forming a kinase-active fraction of mT molecules that controls the transformed state.  相似文献   

The middle T antigen of polyomavirus transformed primary chicken embryo fibroblasts when expressed from a replication-competent avian retrovirus. This in vitro-constructed retrovirus, SRMT1, is a variant of Rous sarcoma virus that encodes the middle T antigen in place of v-src. Inoculation of SRMT1 into 1-week-old chickens rapidly induced hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas. As shown with mammalian cells infected with polyomavirus, polyomavirus middle T antigen appears to be associated with p60c-src in chicken cells infected with SRMT1. When lysates of SRMT1-infected cells immunoprecipitated with either a monoclonal antibody against p60src or anti-T serum were assayed in an in vitro kinase reaction, the middle T antigen was heavily phosphorylated. To see whether an excess of p60c-src could alter the extent of phosphorylation of the middle T protein or the process of cell transformation by middle T, cells were doubly infected with SRMT1 and NY501, a virus which overexpresses p60c-src. Doubly infected chicken embryo fibroblasts transformed with the same kinetics and were morphologically indistinguishable from chicken embryo fibroblasts infected with SRMT1 alone. Phosphorylation of the middle T antigen was elevated two- to fivefold relative to cells infected only with SRMT1.  相似文献   

Markers of endothelium have been studied in a new endothelial cell line derived from human umbilical cord vein cells by microinjection of a recombinant gene that includes a deletion mutant of the human vimentin gene regulatory region controlling the large T and small t antigen coding region of the SV40 virus. In culture, this immortalized venous endothelial cell line (IVEC) demonstrated morphological characteristics of endothelium; uptake of acetylated low density lipoprotein and presence of the Factor VIII-related antigen. Treatment of IVEC cells with Interleukin-1β (IL-1 β) at 10 U.ml?1 activates the expression of cell adhesion molecules such as endothelial leucocyte adhesion molecule (ELAM-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), as observed in primary culture. Prostacyclin secretion was induced in the IVEC cells by 100 nM PMA treatment and thrombin at 0.5 U/ml. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity detected in IVEC cells was present but lower than ACE activity in primary endothelial cells and was completely blocked by enalaprilat (1 μM), a specific ACE inhibitor. The presence of ACE mRNA was also demonstrated in IVEC cells by RT-PCR amplification. Our data demonstrate that endothelial cells immortalized by use of this recombinant gene retain the morphological organization and numerous differentiated properties of endothelium. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

L St-Onge  L Bouchard    M Bastin 《Journal of virology》1993,67(4):1788-1795
We investigated the mechanism by which the large T antigen (T-Ag) of both polyomavirus and simian virus 40 (SV40) promotes homologous recombination in mammalian cells. To this end, we constructed a rat cell line, designated Hy5, that carries two mutated copies of the polyomavirus middle-T-Ag (pmt) oncogene lying as direct repeats on the same chromosome. The structure of the viral insert was devised so that intrachromosomal recombination between the pmt repeats reconstitutes wild-type pmt and yields cell populations amenable to selection for the transformed phenotype. Correction of pmt by gene conversion occurred spontaneously at a rate of ca. 1.7 x 10(-7) per cell generation and was masked by another recombination event that also led to the transformation of the Hy5 cell line. This event was identified as chromosomal inversion and overexpression of the upstream pmt copy as a result of homologous recombination between adjacent pBR322 sequences. Both events were promoted by the polyomavirus large T-Ag by several orders of magnitude, as well as by mutants defective in the initiation of viral DNA synthesis. Large T-Ag also promoted reconstitution of wild-type pmt by unequal exchange between sister chromatids, yielding structures compatible with some of the chromosomal aberrations commonly observed in transformed cells. Our data indicate that large T-Ag has a recombination-promoting activity that can be dissociated from its replicative function.  相似文献   

Mapping of phosphorylation sites in polyomavirus large T antigen.   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The phosphorylation sites of polyomavirus large T antigen from infected or transformed cells were investigated. Tryptic digestion of large T antigen from infected, 32Pi-labeled cells revealed seven major phosphopeptides. Five of these were phosphorylated only at serine residues, and two were phosphorylated at serine and threonine residues. The overall ratio of phosphoserine to phosphothreonine was 6:1. The transformed cell line B4 expressed two polyomavirus-specific phosphoproteins: large T antigen, which was only weakly phosphorylated, and a truncated form of large T antigen of 34,000 molecular weight which was heavily phosphorylated. Both showed phosphorylation patterns similar to that of large T antigen from infected cells. Peptide analyses of large T antigens encoded by the deletion mutants dl8 and dl23 or of specific fragments of wild-type large T antigen indicated that the phosphorylation sites are located in an amino-terminal region upstream of residue 194. The amino acid composition of the phosphopeptides as revealed by differential labeling with various amino acids indicated that several phosphopeptides contain overlapping sequences and that all phosphorylation sites are located in four tryptic peptides derived from a region between Met71 and Arg191. Two of the potential phosphorylation sites were identified as Ser81 and Thr187. The possible role of this modification of large T antigen is discussed.  相似文献   

E May  J M Jeltsch    F Gannon 《Nucleic acids research》1981,9(16):4111-4128
It has been reported that SV40-transformed V 11 F 1 clone 1 subclone 7 rat cells (subclone 7) produce a super T antigen of 115,000 M. This super T antigen is entirely SV40 coded and is synthesized by translation of an elongated form of SV40 early mRNA (May, E., Kress, M. Daya-Grosjean, L., Monier, R. and May, P. (1981) J. Virol., 37, 24-35). The results reported here show that there is only one independent insertion of viral DNA in the cellular genome of subclone 7 cells. When DNA from subclone 7 cells was cleaved with Bam HI endonuclease two distinct SV40 sequence containing fragments were generated with sizes of 5 Kb and 10 Kb, respectively. Two recombinant cosmids were constructed by insertion of the 5 Kb and 10 Kb fragments, respectively, into cosmid pHC 79. Using restriction map analysis and nucleotide sequencing, we showed that the 5 Kb fragment actually contained the complete sequence of a gene encoding super T antigen. As compared to the normal SV40 early gene, the sequence of super T gene showed the following rearrangements: (i) The segment between nucleotides 4116 - 3544 was duplicated in a direct order and (ii) these two copies of 573 nucleotide sequence were separated by a 93 nucleotide tract which was a nearly perfect inverted repeat of the segment located between nucleotides 4868 and 4776 (nucleotide numbering used here = Weissmann number +17).  相似文献   

Polyomavirus large tumor antigen (LT) contains a potential C2H2 zinc binding element between residues 452 and 472. LT also contains a third histidine in this region, conserved among the polyomavirus LTs. Synthetic peptides of this region bound a single atom of zinc, as determined by spectroscopic analysis. Blotting experiments also showed that fusion proteins containing the element, as well as full-length LT, bound 65Zn. Polyomavirus middle T and small T antigens also bound zinc in the blotting assay. Site-directed mutagenesis showed the importance of this element in LT. Point mutations in four of the conserved residues (C-452, C-455, H-465, and H-469) blocked the ability of LT to function in viral DNA replication, while mutation of H-472-->L decreased replication to 1/30th that of the wild type. Point mutations in intervening residues tested had little effect on replication. Mutants resulting from mutations in the conserved cysteine or histidine residues retained the ability to bind origin DNA. However, they did show a defect in self-association. Because double-hexamer formation is involved in DNA replication, this deficiency is sufficient to explain the defect in replication. Mutants created by point mutations of the coordinating residues were also deficient in replication-associated phosphorylations.  相似文献   

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