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This checklist summarises information on the digenean trematodes of Indian marine fishes contained in the world literature dating from 1913 to the end of 2008. Altogether more than 700 species of digeneans belonging to more than 200 genera and 32 families are recorded. For each parasite species information is provided on the host(s), geographical locality (-ies) and the published source(s). The synonymies proposed in the literature for some of the parasite species are also included. The classification follows that given in the 'Keys to the Trematoda'.  相似文献   

Digenetic trematodes: quinone tanning system in eggshells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three species of digenetic trematodes with colorless and transparent eggshells, Philophthalmus megalurus, Gorgoderina attenuata, and Megalodiscus temperatus, were compared by histochemical tests with Haematoloechus medioplexus, which has an identifiable quinone tanning system. Precursors for tanning including basic and tyrosine-rich proteins were identified histochemically in all species. Autoradiograms indicated that tyrosine was taken up after in vitro exposure of adult worms by vitelline tissue of G. attenuata and M. temperatus, but at a slower rate in the latter species. Protein synthesis inhibitor studies utilizing cycloheximide showed a reduction of tyrosine incorporation in the vitelline tissue of G. attenuata suggesting that tyrosine is incorporated into protein. Inhibition in M. temperatus was negligible, but evidence from other studies indicated absorption of cycloheximide by the adult may be minimal. Phenolase could not be found in G. attenuata and M. temperatus but was identified in P. megalurus. However, the enzyme system in the latter species seemed to be a partial one capable of oxidizing dihydroxyphenols but not monohydroxyphenols. Histochemical and solubility tests for keratin-type protein in the eggshells were inconclusive. It is suggested that positive identification of keratin as a structural protein of trematode eggshells be withheld until more reliable techniques can be employed. Possible evolutionary implications of the tanned eggshell in the Digenea are discussed.  相似文献   

Faustulid trematodes (Digenea) from marine fishes of Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twelve species of faustulid trematode are described or redescribed from Australian marine fishes. Bacciger lesteri Bray, 1982 and B. sprenti Bray, 1982 are redescribed from Selenotoca multifasciata from Moreton Bay. It is suggested that the original host record for these species, Mugil sp., was incorrect. The genera Discogastroides, Odontocotyle and Pseudodiscogasteroides are synonymised with Paradiscogaster. The new combinations Paradiscogaster arabi (Hafeezullah & Siddiqi, 1970), P. hainanensis (Shen, 1970), P. indicus (Srivastava, 1939), P. macrostomus (Shimazu & Kamegai, 1990), P. ostracii (Yamaguti, 1934) and P. pritchardae (Gupta & Ahmad, 1978) are proposed. Discogasteroides hawaiensis Hanson, 1955 is synonymised with P. ostracii. P. macrostomus and P. ostracii are redescribed from Ostracion meleagris and O. cubicus from the Great Barrier Reef. P. farooqii Hafeezullah & Siddiqi, 1970 is redescribed from Monodactylus argenteus from Moreton Bay. The following new species are described: P. machidai n. sp. from Pomacanthus semicirculatus and P. sexstriatus from the Great Barrier Reef, P. dweorg n. sp. from Meuschenia galii, P. lobomyzon n. sp. from Tilodon sexfasciatus and P. habilis n. sp. from Pelates octolineatus, all from Western Australia. Antorchis pomacanthi (Hafeezullah & Siddiqi, 1970) Machida, 1975 is redescribed from Pomacanthus semicirculatus and P. sexstriatus from the Great Barrier Reef. The new combination Antorchis intermedius (Madhavi, 1975) is proposed for Parantorchis intermedius. Parayamagutia ostracionis is redescribed from O. cubicus from the Great Barrier Reef. Trigonocryptus conus is redescribed from Arothron hispidus from South-east Queensland and from A. nigropunctatus from the Great Barrier Reef. The new combination Trigonocryptus australiensis (Kurochkin, 1970) is proposed for Pseudodiscogasteroides australiensis. The Echinobrevicecinae is reduced to synonymy with the Faustulidae.  相似文献   

Two new species of lepocreadiid trematodes are reported from marine fishes from the Taiwan Straits, China: Diploproctodaeum spinosus n. sp. from the intestine of Takifugu oblongus (= Fugu oblongus) and Preptetos parapristipomae n. sp. from Parapristipoma trilineatum. Diploproctodaeum spinosus differs from the known species of Diploproctodaeum, with 1 spine at the base of the ejaculatory duct. Preptetos parapristipomae is most similar to Preptetos rotto in having an entire ovary but differs from it in the sucker ratio, distribution of the uterus, position of the cirrus sac, and locality.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of the Capsalidae suggested that the genus Benedenia is polyphyletic, but a taxonomic organization of the genus that reflects molecular data has not yet been proposed. As a result of molecular analysis (28S rDNA, ITS1–5.8S-ITS2, and cox1 data) including specimens of Benedeniinae newly obtained from Okinawa-jima Island in Japan, two new genera and the revival of Tareenia independent to the genus Benedenia are proposed. Gracilobenedenia n. gen. is distinguished from the other genera of Benedeniinae based on morphological characteristics. This new genus comprises 6 species: G. lutjani n. comb. (type species), G. anticavaginata n. comb., G. rohdei n. comb., G. beverleyburtonae n. comb., G. kuremibai n. gen., n. sp., and G. hichi n. gen., n. sp. Armatobenedenia n. gen. is a monotypic genus for A. armata n. comb. The present molecular phylogenetic analysis showed the independence of Tareenia, and it can be morphologically separated from the other benedeniines. Four species including two new species obtained from Okinawa-jima Island are reported: G. kuremibai n. sp., G. hichi n. sp., G. lutjani n. comb., and Metabenedeniella parva. Furthermore, in the species identification and phylogenetic analysis of capsalids, the usefulness of not only the 28S rDNA but also ITS and the cox1 regions was suggested. These genes were evaluated the efficacy of those regions in DNA barcoding, and the ITS and cox1 regions shown to be useful for DNA barcoding in capsalids compared to the 28S rDNA sequence.  相似文献   

The morphology of two species of bucephalids (Bucephalidae; Digenea; Trematoda), which since 1999 has caused a fish disease at the Uji River, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, is described. Parabucephalopsis parasiluri Wang, 1985 was first recorded in the Uji River in 2000, and Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty, 1937) in 2005. The definitive host of both species is the Lake Biwa catfish (Silurus biwaensis), and the second intermediate hosts include many fish species from several families. P. parasiluri is an introduced parasite that invaded with its first intermediate host, golden mussels (Limnoperna fortunei), from the Asian continent. P. ozakii may also be an introduced species, although its first intermediate host has not been identified.  相似文献   

Trematodes belonging to the species Lepocreadium album (Stossich, 1890) and L. pegorchis (Stossich, 1900) were found in Spondyliosoma cantharus and Spicara smaris (their type-hosts, respectively) and other fishes in Lebanese waters. Morphometric variations in body-size, size and form of the pharynx, egg-size in relation to body-size, etc, according to host-species, are reported and commented upon. L. album obladae n. subsp. is erected for specimens from Oblada melanura.  相似文献   

By carrying out chain-transplantations of intramolluscan stages of digeneans from infected to uninfected snails it has been demonstrated that a great number of generations of these stages can follow one another. In Echinostomatids the succession of redial generations potentially seems to be unlimited.  相似文献   

Summary Fifteen species of didymozoid trematodes are recorded form marine fishes off the Waltair coast, Bay of Bengal, India. These include three new genera, namely, Platocystoides, Indodidymozoon and Renodidymocystis and six new species, namely, Didymozoon lobatum from Euthynnus affinis, Allodidymozoon cylindricum from Sphyraena obtusata and S. picuda, A. operculare from Sphyraena obtusata and S. picuda, Indodidymozzon platycephali from Platycephalus scaber, Renodidymocystis yamagutii from Rastrelliger kanagurta and Metanematobothrioides branchialis from Pristipomoides typus. Other species reported are: Didymocystis wedli Ariola, 1902, Coeliodidymocystis kamegaii Yamaguti, 1970, Platocystoides polyaster (Job, 1962), Neometadidymozoon polymorphis (Oshmarin & Mamaev, 1963), Lobatocystis yaito Yamaguti, 1965, Metadidymozoon branchiale Yamaguti, 1970; Allonematobothrium epinepheli Yamaguti, 1965; Gonapodasmius spilonotopteri Yamaguti, 1970 and Pseudocolocyntotrema yaito Yamaguti, 1970. Two new combinations made are: Allodidymozoon apharyngi (Job, 1961) for Didymozoon apharyngi Job, 1961 and Platocystoides polyaster (Job, 1962) for Platocystis polyaster Job, 1962.  相似文献   

Trematodes found in 10 Numenius americanus from the Galveston area included Pelmatostomum americanum sp. n. (Echinostomatidae) from the intestine; Paratrema numenii gen. et sp. n. (Philophthalmidae) from the Bursa Fabricii and lower intestine; and the following previously known species, all representing new host records: Maritrema arenaria and Probolocorphye glandulosa (Microphallidae); Lyperosomum oswaldoi and L. sinuosum (Dicrocoeliidae); Cyclocoelum obscurum (Cyclocoelidae); Himasthla rhigedana (Echinostomatidae); and Parorchis acanthus (Philophthalmidae). New taxa are diagnosed and H. rhigedana is redescribed.  相似文献   

Many colour morphs have been recognized in the Rhinogobius brunneus complex. A recent electrophoretic study has revealed that some of the colour morphs are well differentiated from each other genetically. In Okinawa, egg-size and life-history variation has been found in addition to the colour variation in this species complex. To clarify the nature of this life-history variation, gobies of a fluviatile morph with large eggs as well as three other amphidromous morphs with small eggs, inhabiting a single stream sympatrically in Okinawa, were analysed by electrophoresis and the females were also used for comparison of egg and clutch sizes. Electrophoretic data for 34 loci showed that each morph was separated by a fixed-allele difference for at least one locus, indicating that the four morphs which occurred sympatrically are reproductively isolated from each other. However, Nei's genetic distance between the fluviatile morph and one of the amphidromous morphs was much smaller (0.026) than distances among amphidromous gobies (0.323-0.480). Egg size of the former was by far the largest among the four. These results imply that speciation of the fluviatile morph accompanied by the egg-size increase has been completed rapidly without considerable genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

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