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A dramatic increase in the breeding population of geese has occurred over the past few decades at Svalbard. This may strongly impact the fragile ecosystems of the Arctic tundra because many of the ultra-oligotrophic freshwater systems experience enrichment from goose feces. We surveyed 21 shallow tundra ponds along a gradient of nutrient enrichment based on exposure to geese. Concentrations of total phosphorus (P) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the tundra ponds ranged from 2–76 to 2–23 μg l−1 respectively, yet there was no significant increase in phytoplankton biomass (measured as chlorophyll a; range: 0.6–7.3 μg l−1) along the nutrient gradient. This lack of response may be the result of the trophic structure of these ecosystems, which consists of only a two-trophic level food chain with high biomasses of the efficient zooplankton grazer Daphnia in the absence of fish and scarcity of invertebrate predators. Our results indicate that this may cause a highly efficient grazing control of phytoplankton in all ponds, supported by the fact that large fractions of the nutrient pools were bound in zooplankton biomass. The median percentage of Daphnia–N and Daphnia–P content to particulate (sestonic) N and P was 338 and 3009%, respectively, which is extremely high compared to temperate lakes. Our data suggest that Daphnia in shallow arctic ponds is heavily subsidized by major inputs of energy from other food sources (bacteria, benthic biofilm), which may be crucial to the persistence of strong top–down control of pelagic algae by Daphnia.  相似文献   

Egerton-Warburton  L.M.  Graham  R.C.  Hubbert  K.R. 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(2):331-342
We documented the spatial distribution, abundance and molecular diversity of mycorrhizal hyphae and physical and chemical properties of soil-weathered bedrock in a chaparral community that experiences seasonal drought. Because plants in this community were known to rely on bedrock-stored water during the summer, the data were used to evaluate the potential role of mycorrhizal hyphae in accessing bedrock-stored water during summer drought. The granitic bedrock was characterized by factures filled with a disaggregated, sandy loam that acted as conduits for water, and matrices composed of soil-weathered granite that retained the fabric and structure of rock. Mycorrhizal hyphae of six ectomycorrhizal taxa (from the Basidiomycota and Ascomycota), and arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae (Zygomycota) were recovered from both fracture and matrix compartments to depths greater than 200 cm. Our findings also indicated a potential linkage between the abundance of Ascomycete hyphae, substrate physical (bulk density) and chemical properties (total N, N:P, Ca:Mg), and bedrock moisture content, as well as spatial patterning between hyphae and resources at a scale of 25–45 cm. Such linkages suggest that mycorrhizal fungal hyphae may be part of an adaptive mechanism that enables chaparral plants to survive seasonal drought.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of mulches on the soil volumetric water content (SVWC), pH, carbon (C), total and mineral (NH4 and NO3) nitrogen (N), total and bicarbonate phosphorus (P), and on the survival and relative growth rate of three species, Ipomea wolcottiana Rose, Lonchocarpus eriocarinalis Micheli and Caesalpinia eriostachys Benth, in a degraded seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) area. Our study year was unusually dry, with only half of the mean annual rainfall. Sixteen plots (5 × 6 m) for each of our four treatments, mulches with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) straw, forest litter (SDTF litter), polyethylene and bare soil (control), were used. In each plot, 20 tree saplings were planted of each species. The SVWC was higher in plots mulched with polyethylene than in bare soil plots. The soil pH did not change with mulching, and there were no differences between treatments in the concentrations of soil organic C, total N, NO3 and total P. However, soil concentrations of NH4 were highest in plots with alfalfa straw and of bicarbonate P in plots with polyethylene. Sapling survival was higher in polyethylene mulch plots than in other mulching treatments, in the order I.␣wolcottiana > C. eriostachys > L. eriocarinalis. Sapling survival under organic mulches, alfalfa straw and forest litter were similar, and lowest in bare soil. The relative growth rate followed the order L. eriocarinalis < C. eriostachys < I. wolcotiana, and the growth rate of all species was greatest under polyethylene mulch. We conclude that a combination of polyethylene mulch with species of high growth rate is best for restoring seasonally dry tropical areas.  相似文献   

Summary The AT-rich highly repeated satellite DNA of Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) and Cucurbita maxima (pumpkin) were cloned and their DNA structure was investigated. DNA sequencing revealed that the repeat length of satellite DNA in Cucurbita pepo is 349–352 base pairs. The percentage of AT-base pairs is about 61%. This satellite is highly conserved in restriction enzyme pattern and DNA sequence; sequence heterogeneity is about 10%. In contrast, the satellite DNA of Cucurbita maxima has a repeat length of 168–169 base pairs. This satellite is also rich in AT-base pairs (64%), existing in at least three different variants as revealed by restriction enzyme analysis and DNA sequencing. The sequence heterogeneity between these variants is about 15%. The two satellite DNAs showed no cross-hybridization to each other and sequence homology is only limited. Nevertheless, we found in the C. pepo genome a high amount of sequences resembling the satellite of C. maxima. In contrast, the satellite repeat of C. pepo is found in the C. maxima DNA only in a few copies. These observations were discussed with respect to satellite DNA evolution and compared to the data received from monocotyledonous species.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of pollen selection for rapid pollen-tube growth on progeny vigor. First, we crossed a wild gourd (Cucurbita texana) to a cultivated zucchini (Cucurbita pepo cv Black Beauty) to produce an F1 and then an F2 generation. Half of the F1 seeds were produced by depositing small loads of C. texana pollen onto the stigmas of C. pepo. These small pollen loads were insufficient to produce a full complement of seeds and, consequently, both the fast- and the slow-growing pollen tubes were permitted to achieve fertilization. An F2 generation was then produced by depositing small loads of F1 pollen onto stigmas of F1 plants. The F2 seeds resulting from two generations of small pollen loads are termed the non-selected line because there was little or no selection for pollen-tube growth rate on these plants. The other half of the F1 and F2 seeds were produced by depositing large pollen loads (>10 000 pollen grains) onto stigmas and then allowing only the first 1% or so of the pollen tubes that entered the ovary to fertilize the ovules. We did this by excising the styles at the ovary at 12–15 h after pollination. The resulting F2 seeds are termed the selected line because they were produced by two generations of selection for only the fastest growing pollen tubes. Small pollen loads from the F2plants, both the selected and the non-selected lines, were then deposited onto stigmas of different C. pepo flowers, and the vigor of the resulting seeds was compared under greenhouse and field conditions. The results showed that the seeds fertilized by pollen from the selected line had greater vegetative vigor as seedlings and greater flower and fruit production as mature plants than the seeds fertilized by pollen from the non-selected line. This study demonstrates that selection for fast pollen-tube growth (selection on the microgametophyte) leads to a correlated increase in sporophyte (progeny) vigor.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cultures of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) were initiated from mechanically wounded mature zygotic embryos on 2,4-D-containing MS medium, and on hormone-free, semisolid modified MS medium containing NH4Cl as the sole source of nitrogen. The habituated line was derived from the embryogenic tissue induced with 2,4-D and maintained on medium without growth regulators. Sustained subculturing of the three embryogenic lines on a medium with NH4Cl as the sole source of nitrogen enabled the establishment of highly uniform cultures in which no further development into mature embryo stages occurred. The tissue consisting of proembryogenic globules or globular stage embryos was maintained, without decline, for over six years. Globular embryos proceeded to maturity when a combination of reduced (NH4) and unreduced (NO3) forms of nitrogen was provided in the medium. Different nitrogen sources in the medium caused changes of medium pH during subculture in the pH range of 4.0-6.5. The tissue growth and embryo development were blocked on medium with pH adjusted and stabilized at 4.0 or at 3.2.  相似文献   

By comparing the isotopic composition of tissues deposited at different times, we can identify individuals that shift diets over time and individuals with constant diets. We define an individual as an isotopic specialist if tissues deposited at different times have similar isotopic composition. If tissues deposited at different times differ in isotopic composition we define an individual as an isotopic generalist. Individuals can be dietary generalists but isotopic specialists if they feed on the same resource mixture at all times. We assessed the degree of isotopic and dietary specialization in three related Chilean bird species that occupy coastal and/or freshwater environments: Cinclodes oustaleti, Cinclodes patagonicus, and Cinclodes nigrofumosus. C. oustaleti individuals were both isotopic and dietary generalists. Tissues deposited in winter (liver and muscle) had distinct stable C (δ13C) and stable N isotope ratio (δ15N) values from tissues deposited in the summer (wing feathers) suggesting that birds changed the resources that they used seasonally from freshwater habitats in the summer to coastal habitats in the winter. Although the magnitude of seasonal isotopic change was high, the direction of isotopic change varied little among individuals. C. patagonicus included both isotopic specialists and generalists, as well as dietary specialists and generalists. The isotopic composition of the feathers and liver of some C. patagonicus individuals was similar, whereas that of others differed. In C. patagonicus, there were large inter-individual differences in the magnitude and the direction of seasonal isotopic change. All individuals of C. nigrofumosus were both isotopic and dietary specialists. The distribution of δ13C and δ15N values overlapped broadly among tissues and clustered in a small, and distinctly intertidal, region of δ space. Assessing individual specialization and unraveling the factors that influence it, have been key questions in animal ecology for decades. Stable isotope analyses of several tissues in appropriate study systems provide an unparalleled opportunity to answer them.  相似文献   

Feller IC  Chamberlain A 《Oecologia》2007,153(3):607-616
Complex gradients in forest structure across the landscape of offshore mangrove islands in Belize are associated with nutrient deficiency and flooding. While nutrient availability can affect many ecological processes, here we investigate how N and P enrichment interact with forest structure in three distinct zones (fringe, transition, dwarf) to alter patterns of herbivory as a function of folivory, loss of yield, and tissue mining. The effects of nutrient addition and zone varied by functional feeding group or specific herbivore. Folivory ranged from 0 to 0.4% leaf area damaged per month, but rates did not vary by either nutrient enrichment or zone. Leaf lifetime damage ranged from 3 to 10% of the total leaf area and was caused primarily by the omnivorous tree crab Aratus pisonii. We detected two distinct spatial scales of response by A. pisonii that were unrelated to nutrient treatment, i.e., most feeding damage occurred in the fringe zone and crabs fed primarily on the oldest leaves in the canopy. Loss of yield caused by the bud moth Ecdytolopha sp. varied by zone but not by nutrient treatment. A periderm-mining Marmara sp. responded positively to nutrient enrichment and closely mirrored the growth response by Rhizophora mangle across the tree height gradient. In contrast, a leaf-mining Marmara sp. was controlled by parasitoids and predators that killed >89% of its larvae. Thus, nutrient availability altered patterns of herbivory of some but not all mangrove herbivores. These findings support the hypothesis that landscape heterogeneity of the biotic and abiotic environment has species-specific effects on community structure and trophic interactions. Predicting how herbivores respond to nutrient over-enrichment in mangrove ecosystems also requires an assessment of habitat heterogeneity coupled with feeding strategies and species-specific behavior measured on multiple scales of response.  相似文献   

Yarish  C.  Penniman  C. A.  Egan  B. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):505-511
A series of comparative culture experiments were conducted in order to determine responses of Laminaria longicruris male and female gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes to several temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20 °C), light levels (10, 35, 75 µmol m–2 s–1) and media nitrogen concentrations (0, 20, 100 µM ammonium-nitrogen). Responses were measured as numbers of male and female gametophytes producing gametangia and number of sporophytes produced following fertilization. Both male and female gametogenesis was reduced at 5 and 20 °C versus 10 and 15 °C. At 20 °C gametogenesis inhibition was greater with higher levels of ammonium-nitrogen concentration (100 µM). Sporophyte production was more sensitive to light, temperature and nitrogen concentration than gametogenesis. Production of sporophytes was inhibited completely at 20 °C. At lower temperatures, increasingly higher nutrient concentrations produced greater inhibition of production of sporophytes.  相似文献   

Somatic embryo formation was induced from cotyledon explants of Styrian pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. styriaca Greb.) by using a solid MS medium supplemented with 16.11M NAA and 4.44M BA or 26.85M NAA and 13.32M BA. The callus proliferation was more efficient on medium supplemented with 26.85M NAA and 13.32M BA. In contrast, the embryogenic response was higher on medium with lower concentrations of growth regulators (16.11M NAA and 4.44M BA). The time needed for embryo induction did not depend on medium composition. Embryos in globular stage were transferred to three different maturation media, containing 2.89M GA3 in combination with 0.54M NAA, 11.42M IAA and growth regulator-free medium. The germination rate was the highest when embryos were cultured on medium with 11.42M IAA. Plantlets grown on this medium achieved maturity suitable for transplantation into soil within 9 to 10weeks. The regenerated plants were successfully transferred into field and developed fertile flowers and set fruits. Biochemical analysis showed significant lower total glutathione levels among in vitro grown plantlets compared to seedlings grown in soil. When the plantlets were transferred into soil, they reached a normal size within a month and the glutathione concentration was comparable to seed-derived plants at the same developmental stage. Transmission electron microscopy was used to investigate possible differences in the ultrastructure of cells from callus cultures, and leaf cells of regenerated and seed-derived plants. Differences in the ultrastructure were found within chloroplasts which contained only single thylakoids, large starch grains and small plastoglobuli in callus cells in comparison to leaf cells, which possessed a well developed thylakoid system, small starch grains and large plastoglobuli.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of nutrient enrichment on a population of brown trout inhabiting a small, alpine lake in north-central Sweden have been studied for nearly 20 years. The study took place between 1981 and 1999 starting up between 1982 and 1987 with full nutrient enrichment of phosphorus and nitrogen in a ratio by weight of 1:8, followed by a period of reduction by half between 1988 and 1994, and thereafter no enrichment at all. Growth of the brown trout population was low before the application of nutrients. Fertilization promoted the development of zooplankton in great abundance, which gave rise to abundant food for the trout. Already during the first year of nutrient addition the average 4+ and 5+ fish had increased in weight by nearly 50% and in length by about 30%. Maximum growth was reached 5–6 years later—weight by about 175% and length by about 50% higher than before application. The slope of the growth curves for fish of ages 2+ to 5+ increased significantly from 1981 to 1987, and so did the size-variation with a high proportion of the fish reaching larger size. After each change in nutrient treatment the mean weights of 5–6-year-old trout were maintained for about 3 years. Five years after termination of fertilization growth was nearly back to the original state. Although badly needed, long-term studies of fish populations like this are few in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of CO2 enrichment on the growth, biomass partitioning, photosynthetic rates, and leaf nitrogen concentration of a grass, Bromus mollis (C3), were investigated at a favorable and a low level of nitrogen availability. Despite increases in root: shoot ratios, leaf nitrogen concentrations were decreased under CO2 enrichment at both nitrogen levels. For the low-nitrogen treatment, this resulted in lower photosynthetic rates measured at 650 l/l for the CO2-enriched plants, compared to photosynthetic rates measured at 350 l/l for the non-enriched plants. At higher nitrogen availability, photosynthetic rates of plants grown and measured at 650 l/l were greater than photosynthetic rates of the non-enriched plants measured at 350 l/l. Water use efficiency, however, was increased in enriched plants at both nitrogen levels. CO2 enrichment stimulated vegetative growth at both high and low nitrogen during most of the vegetative growth phase but, at the end of the experiment, total biomass of the high and low CO2 treatments did not differ for plants grown at low nitrogen availability. While not statistically significant, CO2 tended to stimulate seed production at high nitrogen and to decrease it at low nitrogen.  相似文献   

Plants have been regenerated from abnormal embryos with spongy cotyledons and albino sectors, derived from Cucurbita maxima and C. pepo F1 and BC1 hybrids. Shoot regeneration was induced directly from the cotyledons without an intervening callus phase on the medium without hormones. On the rooting medium, shoots continued to proliferate, which allowed for further multiplication in vitro. The number of plants obtained varied with genotype and ranged up to 65 plants per embryo.  相似文献   

Potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae), is an abundant potato pest and vector of potato leaf-roll virus and potato virus Y in Maine and other potato growing areas. We investigated the circadian rhythmicity of its movement towards host plant odor. Effects of daily cycle (day or night) and illumination (light or dark) on the proportion of aphids colonizing potato leaflets were determined in a Petri plate arena and in a Y-tube olfactometer. In Petri dishes, both daily cycle and light had a highly significant effect on plant colonization. Increasing temperature reduced aphid colonization of the leaflets. In the olfactometer, light had a significant effect on the proportion of aphids walking towards the host plant. Interaction between time and light was also statistically significant, with the effect of illumination being smaller during the day than during the night. Our results suggest that circadian rhythm in host-finding behavior of the potato aphid is regulated by both exogenous and endogenous mechanisms.  相似文献   

The independent and interactive effects of nutrient concentration and epiphyte grazers on epiphyte biomass and macrophyte growth and production were examined in Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) microcosms. Experiments were conducted during early summer, late summer, fall, and spring in a greenhouse on the York River estuary of Chesapeake Bay. Nutrient treatments consisted of ambient or enriched (3× ambient) concentrations of inorganic nitrogen (ammonium nitrate) and phosphate. Grazer treatments consisted of the presence or absence of field densities of isopods, amphipods, and gastropods. epiphyte biomass increased with both grazer removal and nutrient enrichment during summer and spring experiments. The effect of grazers was stronger than that of nutrients. There was little epiphyte response to treatment during the fall, a result possibly of high ambient nutrient concentrations and low grazing pressure. Under low grazer densities of early summer, macrophyte production (g m–2 d–1) was reduced by grazer removal and nutrient enrichment independently. Under high grazer densities of late summer, macrophyte production was reduced by enrichment only with grazers absent. During spring and fall there were no macrophyte responses to treatment. The relative influence of epiphytes on macrophyte production may have been related to seasonally changing water temperature and macrophyte requirements for light and inorganic carbon.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic treatment (0.5–2 min) stimulated multiple shoot regeneration to high levels in vitro from recalcitrant cotyledon explants of commercial squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) cultivars Ma’yan and Bareqet, on Murashige and Skoog [Physiol Plant 15:473–497, 1962] (regeneration) medium augmented with 4.4 μM benzyladenine. At this stage, unsonicated control explants regenerated only a few very small shoots or bud-like structures. Ultrasound also stimulated massive explant growth. Ultrasound treatment resulted in further multiple shoot production (five times greater than control) after explant transfer to elongation medium (Murashige and Skoog [Physiol Plant 15:473–497, 1962] medium with 0.44 μM benzyladenine and 2.9 μM gibberellic acid). Longer ultrasonic treatments (5 or 10 min) promoted multiple shoot regeneration and explant growth accompanied by hyperhydration. Scanning electron microscope observations showed that 2 min ultrasound changed the joint area between epidermal cells and removed some of the surface from the cotyledon epidermal cells, without gross surface injury to the explants. Longer periods of ultrasound (5–10 min) caused further surface erosion. Rubbing the explant contact surface with chloroform or sandpaper emulated the effect of sonication on shoot regeneration and explant growth, demonstrating that ultrasound exerts its morphogenic influence by surface removal. Sonication of explants from other batches of squash seeds (of cultivars Ma'yan and True French), that regenerated without such treatment, reduced regeneration and caused hyperhydration. This is the first report of stimulation of in vitro regeneration by ultrasound treatment. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Growth and shoot: root ratio of seedlings in relation to nutrient availability   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
Ericsson  Tom 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):205-214
The influence of mineral nutrient availability, light intensity and CO2 on growth and shoot:root ratio in young plants is reviewed. Special emphasis in this evaluation is given to data from laboratory experiments with small Betula pendula plants, in which the concept of steady-state nutrition has been applied.Three distinctly different dry matter allocation patterns were observed when growth was limited by the availability of mineral nutrients: 1, Root growth was favoured when N, P or S were the major growth constraints. 2, The opposite pattern obtained when K, Mg and Mn restricted growth. 3, Shortage of Ca, Fe and Zn had almost no effect on the shoot:root ratio. The light regime had no effect on dry matter allocation except at very low photon flux densities (< 6.5 mol m-2 day-1), in which a small decrease in the root fraction was observed. Shortage of CO2, on the other hand, strongly decreased root development, while an increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration had no influence on dry matter partitioning. An increased allocation of dry matter to below-ground parts was associated with an increased amount of starch in the tissues. Depletion of the carbohydrate stores occurred under all conditions in which root development was inhibited. It is concluded that the internal balance between labile nitrogen and carbon in the root and the shoot system determines how dry matter is being partitioned in the plant. The consistency of this statement with literature data and existing models for shoot:root regulation is examined.  相似文献   

Trophic processes in coastal lagoons are strongly influenced by freshwater inputs and water exchanges with the sea. In recent years, stable isotope analysis has become a widespread and reliable method for the examination of trophic structure over time and space, also in complex ecosystems such as coastal lagoons. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen were studied in primary producers and consumers to identify organic matter source pools from terrestrial, benthic and pelagic environments and to characterise the trophic structure in three Mediterranean coastal lagoons (Lake Fusaro, the Lake of Sabaudia and Stagnone di Marsala). The results highlighted the negligible importance of terrestrial production to higher trophic levels in all the ecosystems investigated. Consumer dependence on benthic and pelagic organic matter showed high variability: overall macroalgae were at the base of the food web in Lake Fusaro and the Lake of Sabaudia, while mixed sources (seagrass detritus, epiphytes, macroalgae and sedimentary organic matter) appeared to be the major baseline food resource in the Stagnone di Marsala. We have found evidence for significant changes in the trophic structure in these Mediterranean coastal lagoons and such differences may be triggered by differential environmental features (e.g. freshwater inputs and hydrodynamic regime). Guest editors: A. Razinkovas, Z. R. Gasiūnaitė, J. M. Zaldivar & P. Viaroli European Lagoons and their Watersheds: Function and Biodiversity  相似文献   

Planktonic sculpins (Comephorus baicalensis and Comephorus dybowskii) are endemic to Lake Baikal, and their migration behavior is characterized by their strange movements, which occur only vertically. We investigated their detailed food sources at each growth stage by stable isotope analyses in combination with stomach content analysis. At all growth stages, both fishes and amphipods were the main diet for C. baicalensis, whereas amphipods alone were the main diet for C. dybowskii. Our results indicate that the relationship between the two species shifts from a competitive interaction to a predator–prey interaction with the growth stages of C. baicalensis.  相似文献   

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