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We have used a vibrating probe and intracellular recording techniques to study the development of a steady electric current generated by rat lumbrical muscle. In adult animals, previous work has revealed a steady outward current generated at the end plate region. In the present study, we show that at birth muscles generate a steady inward, not outward current. The inward current declines with age, disappearing about 5 days after birth. At about the same time, the steady outward current appears, and reaches adult amplitude by 2-3 weeks after birth. The two currents are generated by completely different mechanisms. The inward current is blocked by alpha-bungarotoxin and apparently results from activation of acetylcholine-gated channels at the end plate. The outward current, on the other hand, is not affected by alpha-bungarotoxin but is blocked by agents which interfere with chloride movements across the membrane, as in the adult.  相似文献   

Properties of an endogenous steady current in rat muscle   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A vibrating probe was used to study a steady electric current generated by isolated, whole lumbrical muscles of the rat. Spatial mapping showed that current leaves the muscle in the synaptic region and re-enters in the flanking extrajunctional regions. The point of maximum outward current coincided precisely with the endplate region. As the probe was moved radially away from the endplate region, the current declined monotonically, and the results could be fit with a simple model. As the probe was moved axially away from the endplate region, the current declined and became inward over a distance of approximately 0.5 mm. The physiological mechanism by which the current is generated was also studied. alpha-Bungarotoxin and tetrodotoxin had no significant effect on the current, which suggests that acetylcholine channels and gated sodium channels are not involved in the generation of the current. Ouabain produced a slowly developing, partial inhibition of the current, reducing it by approximately 40% over a period of 30-40 min. Carbachol produced a large inward current at the endplate region. After the carbachol action was terminated with alpha-bungarotoxin, an outward current reappeared, and a transient "overshoot" developed. During the overshoot, which lasted approximately 30-40 min, the outward current was approximately doubled. This overshoot was completely abolished by ouabain. The overshoot is interpreted as reflecting the increased activity of electrogenic sodium pumping in the endplate region, caused by the influx of Na ions during carbachol application. Because of the very different actions of ouabain on the normal current and on the overshoot after carbachol application, we concluded that the normal outward current is not produced by electrogenic sodium pumping in the endplate region.  相似文献   

The generation and development of muscle cells in the IVth hindlimb lumbrical muscle of the rat was studied following total or partial denervation. Denervation was carried out by injection of beta-bungarotoxin (beta-BTX), a neurotoxin which binds to and destroys peripheral nerves. Primary myotubes were generated in denervated muscles and reached their normal stable number on embryonic day 17 (E17). This number was not maintained and denervated muscles examined on E19 or E21 contained many degenerating primary myotubes. Embryos injected with beta-bungarotoxin (beta-BTX) on E12 or E13 suffered a partial loss of motoneurones, resulting in a reduced number of axons in the L4 ventral root (the IVth lumbrical muscle is supplied by axons in L4, L5 and L6 ventral roots) and reduced numbers of nerve terminals in the intrinsic muscles of the hindfoot. Twitch tension measurements showed that all myotubes in partly innervated muscles examined on E21 contracted in response to nerve stimulation. Primary myotubes were formed and maintained at normal numbers in muscles with innervation reduced throughout development, but a diminished number of secondary myotubes formed by E21. The latter was correlated with a reduction in number of mononucleate cells within the muscles. If beta-BTX was injected on E18 to denervate muscles after primary myotube formation was complete, E21 embryo muscles contained degenerating primary myotubes. After injection to denervate muscles on E19, the day secondary myotubes begin to form, E21 muscles possessed normal numbers of primary myotubes. In both cases, secondary myotube formation had stopped about 1 day after the injection and the number of mononucleate cells was greatly reduced, indicating that cessation of secondary myotube generation was most probably due to exhaustion of the supply of competent myoblasts. We conclude that nerve terminals regulate the number of secondary myotubes by stimulating mitosis in a nerve-dependent population of myoblasts and that activation of these myoblasts requires the physical presence of nerve terminals as well as activation of contraction in primary myotubes.  相似文献   

Muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) refers to changes in the contrast properties of certain MR images that occur in exercising muscles. In part, these changes result indirectly from increased rates of cellular energy metabolism, which alter the image contrast properties by increasing the water content and by decreasing the intracellular pH. Also, increases in blood oxygen extraction cause a rapidly evolving, small, and negative contribution to signal. Together, these changes produce a complex time course of contrast changes during exercise. Analysis of this time course may provide insight into the physiology of exercising muscles. These contrast changes also provide a non-invasive method for determining the spatial pattern of muscle activation.  相似文献   

The process of neuromuscular synapse elimination has been studied in the fourth deep lumbrical (4DL) muscle of the rat, a preparation which offers technical advantages for some types of experimental work. Studies have been performed both during development and in adult denervated muscles undergoing reinnervation. Results indicate that synapse elimination is dependent upon competition between motoneurons. Cellular mechanisms underlying this competition have also been explored. Both neuromuscular activity and muscle fiber type recognition appear to play a role, but positional cues appear unimportant in this small muscle.  相似文献   

Intracellular Cl- activity (aiCl) was measured with Cl(-)-sensitive microelectrodes in normal and denervated rat lumbrical muscle. In normal muscle bathed in normal Krebs solution, aiCl lay close to that predicted by the Nernst equation. The addition of 9-anthracene carboxylic acid, which blocks Cl- conductance, caused aiCl to increase far above that predicted by a passive distribution. Furosemide (10 microM) reversibly blocked this accumulation. After muscle denervation, aiCl progressively increased for 1-2 wk. The rise occurred in two stages. The initial stage (1-3 d after denervation) reflected passive Cl- accumulation owing to membrane depolarization. At later times, aiCl continued to increase, with no further change in membrane potential, which suggests an active uptake mechanism. This rise approximately coincided with the natural reduction in membrane conductance to Cl- that occurs several days after denervation. Na+ replacement, K+ replacement, and furosemide each reversibly blocked the active Cl- accumulation in denervated muscle. Quantitative estimates suggested that there was little difference between Cl- flux rates in normal and denervated muscles. The results can be explained by assuming that, in normal muscle, an active accumulation mechanism operates, but that Cl- lies close to equilibrium owing to the high membrane conductance to Cl-. The rise in aiCl after denervation can be accounted for by the membrane depolarization, the reduction in membrane Cl- conductance, and the nearly unaltered action of an inwardly directed Cl- "pump."  相似文献   

Muscle functional MRI (mfMRI) has been proposed as a tool for noninvasively measuring the metabolic and hemodynamic responses to muscle activation, but its theoretical basis remains unclear. One challenge is that it is difficult to isolate individually those variables affecting the magnitude and temporal pattern of the mfMRI response. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a computer model of how physiological factors altered during exercise affect the mfMRI signal intensity time course and then predict the contributions made by individual factors. A model muscle containing 39,204 fibers was defined. The fiber-type composition and neural activation strategies were designed to represent isometric contractions of the human anterior tibialis muscle, for which published mfMRI data exist. Sustained isometric contractions at 25 and 40% maximum voluntary contraction were modeled, as were the vascular (capillary recruitment, blood oxygen extraction) and metabolic (lactate accumulation, phosphocreatine hydrolysis, pH) responses. The effects on the transverse relaxation of MRI signal were estimated, and the mfMRI signal intensity time course was measured from simulated images. The model data agreed well qualitatively with published experimental data, and at long exercise durations the quantitative agreement was also good. The model was then used to predict that NMR relaxation effects secondary to blood volume and oxygenation changes, plus the creatine kinase reaction, dominate the mfMRI time course at short exercise durations (up to approximately 45 s) and that effects secondary to glycolysis are the main contributors at later times.  相似文献   

Alcohol-induced muscle damage (AIMD) is an umbrella term that includes all forms of alcoholic myopathy developing in acute or chronic alcohol intoxication. The most common form of destruction of skeletal muscles in alcoholism is chronic alcoholic myopathy, which develops independently of other alcohol-induced disorders, such as polyneuropathy, the malabsorption syndrome, and liver damage, but may be combined with them. The atrophy of muscle fibers underlies skeletal muscle destruction in chronic AIMD. Type II muscle fibers are affected to a greater degree than type I muscle fibers. To date, the pathogenesis of chronic alcoholic myopathy has been studied insufficiently. The imbalance between protein synthesis and proteolysis, as well as increased apoptosis rate, is discussed.  相似文献   

The dihydropyridine (DHP) receptor of normal skeletal muscle is hypothesized to function as the voltage sensor for excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling, and also as the calcium channel underlying a slowly activating, DHP-sensitive current (termed ICa-s). Skeletal muscle from mice with muscular dysgenesis lacks both E-C coupling and ICa-s. However, dysgenic skeletal muscle does express a small DHP-sensitive calcium current (termed ICa-dvs) which is kinetically and pharmacologically distinct from ICa-s. We have examined the ability of ICa-dys, or the DHP receptor underlying it, to couple depolarization and contraction. Under most conditions ICa-dys is small (approximately 1 pA/pF) and dysgenic myotubes do not contract in response to sarcolemmal depolarization. However, in the combined presence of the DHP agonist Bay K 8644 (1 microM) and elevated external calcium (10 mM), ICa-dys is strongly potentiated and some dysgenic myotubes contract in response to direct electrical stimulation. These contractions are blocked by removing external calcium, by adding 0.5 mM cadmium to the bath, or by replacing Bay K 8644 with the DHP antagonist (+)-PN 200-110. Only myotubes having a density of ICa-dys greater than approximately 4 pA/pF produce detectible contractions, and the strength of contraction is positively correlated with the density of ICa-dys. Thus, unlike the contractions of normal myotubes, the contractions of dysgenic myotubes require calcium entry. These results demonstrate that the DHP receptor underlying ICa-dys is unable to function as a "voltage sensor" that directly couples membrane depolarization to calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity is known to be important in learning and memory, persistent pain and drug addiction. Glutamate NMDA receptor activation stimulates several protein kinases, which then trigger biochemical cascades that lead to modifications in synaptic efficacy. Genetic and pharmacological techniques have been used to show a role for Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) in synaptic plasticity and memory formation. However, it is not known if increasing CaMKII activity in forebrain areas affects behavioral responses to tissue injury. Using genetic and pharmacological techniques, we were able to temporally and spatially restrict the over expression of CaMKII in forebrain areas. Here we show that genetic overexpression of CaMKII in the mouse forebrain selectively inhibits tissue injury-induced behavioral sensitization, including allodynia and hyperalgesia, while behavioral responses to acute noxious stimuli remain intact. CaMKII overexpression also inhibited synaptic depression induced by a prolonged repetitive stimulation in the ACC, suggesting an important role for CaMKII in the regulation of cingulate neurons. Our results suggest that neuronal CaMKII activity in the forebrain plays a role in persistent pain.  相似文献   

The study aim was to investigate the interaction of physical conditioning and chronic ethanol ingestion on blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), nitric oxide (NO) and oxidants/antioxidants balance in the plasma of rats. Male Fisher rats were divided into four groups of seven animals each and treated as follows: (1) Control (5% sucrose, orally) daily for 12 weeks; (2) ethanol (4 g kg−1, orally) daily for 12 weeks; (3) exercise training on treadmill plus sucrose daily for 12 weeks and (4) exercise training on treadmill followed by ethanol (4 g kg−1, orally) daily for 12 weeks. The body weight, BP and HR were recorded every week. The animals were sacrificed under ether anesthesia after 12 weeks, blood collected in heparinzed vials, plasma isolated and analyzed. The results show that exercise training significantly lowered the weight gain 6–12 weeks in ethanol treated rats compared to ethanol alone or control rats. The mean arterial BP was significantly elevated 6–12 weeks after ethanol ingestion without significant alterations in HR. Exercise training lowered the BP close to the normal control values in ethanol fed rats. Ethanol significantly decreased the plasma NO levels, reduced to oxidized glutathione ratio (GSH/GSSG) and antioxidant enzymes-superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD, and Mn-SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities while plasma NADPH oxidase activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were significantly elevated compared to control. Exercise training significantly restored the depletion of plasma NO levels, GSH/GSSG ratio, and antioxidant enzyme activities and normalized the MDA levels and NADPH oxidase activity in the plasma of ethanol treated rats. The study concluded that physical conditioning attenuates the chronic ethanol-induced hypertension by augmenting the NO bioavailability and reducing the oxidative stress response in the plasma of rats.  相似文献   

Identification of an endogenous activator of calpain in rat skeletal muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An additional component of the regulatory system of rat skeletal muscle calpain has been identified. It exerts a potent activating effect on calpain activity and is a heat stable small molecular weight protein. Of the two calpain isozymes present in muscle, the activator is specific for calpain II, being uneffective with calpain I. It promotes activation of the proteinase by reducing 50 fold, from 1 mM to of 20 microM, the requirement of Ca2+ for maximum catalytic activity of the proteinase. However in the presence of the activator calpain II expresses a consistent fraction of the maximum activity even at significantly lower concentrations of Ca2+ (below 5 microM Ca2+). The activator effect follows kinetics that are consistent with the presence of specific binding sites on the calpain molecules. The activator not only removes in a dose dependent fashion the inhibition of calpain by calpastatin, but also prevents inhibition of the proteinase upon the addition of calpastatin. Competition experiments revealed that the proteinase contains distinct sites for the activator and the inhibitor, and that both ligands can bind to calpain with the formation of an almost fully active ternary complex.  相似文献   

Formation of primary and secondary myotubes in rat lumbrical muscles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Numbers of myoblasts, primary myotubes and secondary myotubes in developing rat embryo hindlimb IVth lumbrical muscles were counted at daily intervals up until the time of birth, using electron microscopy. Motoneurone death at the spinal cord level supplying the lumbricals was assessed by counting axons in the 4th lumbar ventral root. Death of the motoneurones that supply the intrinsic muscles of the hindfoot was monitored by comparing the timecourse of development of total muscle choline acetyltransferase activity in control embryos with that in embryos where motoneurone death was inhibited by chronic paralysis with TTX, and by counting axons in the mixed nerve trunks at the level of the ankle at daily intervals. Condensations of undifferentiated cells marking the site of formation of the muscle were seen on embryonic day 15 (E15). Primary myotubes began to appear on E16 and reached a stable number (102 +/- 4) by E17. Secondary myotubes first appeared two days later, on E19, and numbered 280 at the time of birth (E22). The adult total of about 1000 muscle fibres, derived from both primary and secondary myotubes, was reached at postnatal day 7 (PN7) so considerable generation of secondary myotubes occurred after birth. There was a linear correlation between the number of undifferentiated mononucleate cells in a muscle and the rate of formation of secondary myotubes. The major period of motoneurone death in lumbar spinal cord was during E16-E17, when axon numbers in the L4 ventral root fell from 12,000 to 4000, but a discontinuity in the curve of muscle ChAT activity versus time indicated that death in the lumbrical motor pool occurred during E17-E19, after all primary myotubes had formed and before generation of secondary myotubes began. We suggest that motoneurone death, by regulating the final size of the motoneurone pool, regulates the ratio of secondary to primary myotube numbers in a muscle.  相似文献   

Physiological roles of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) in the lymphatic pump activity of rat mesenteries in vivo were evaluated using an intravital video microscope system. Changes in the pumping frequency (F), the end diastolic diameter (EDD), and the end systolic diameter (ESD) of the mesenteric lymph microvessels were measured with the microscope system and then the pump flow index (PFI) was calculated. A 15-min superfusion of 30 microM N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in the mesenteries caused significant increases of F and PFI and a significant decrease of the EDD and ESD. Simultaneous superfusion of 1 mM L-arginine with 30 microM L-NAME produced a significant reversal of the L-NAME-mediated increase of F and decrease of ESD. A 15-min superfusion of 100 microM aminoguanidine caused no significant effects on F, EDD, and ESD of the mesenteric lymph vessels in vivo. These findings suggest that endogenous NO has physiologically modulated the lymphatic pump activity in rat mesentery in vivo and that the production and release of NO may be mediated by constitutive NO synthase but not by inducible NO synthase.  相似文献   

The molecular regulation of skeletal muscle proteolysis and the pharmacological screening of anticatabolic drugs have been addressed by measuring tyrosine release from prepubertal rat skeletal muscles, which are thin enough to allow adequate in vitro diffusion of oxygen and substrates. However, the use of muscle at accelerated prepubertal growth has limited the analysis of adult muscle proteolysis or that associated with aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Here we established the adult rat lumbrical muscle (4/hindpaw; 8/rat) as a new in situ experimental model for dynamic measurement of skeletal muscle proteolysis. By incubating lumbrical muscles attached to their individual metatarsal bones in Tyrode solution, we showed that the muscle proteolysis rate of adult and aged rats (3-4 to 24 mo old) is 45-25% of that in prepubertal animals (1 mo old), which makes questionable the usual extrapolation of proteolysis from prepubertal to adult/senile muscles. While acute mechanical injury or 1- to 7-day denervation increased tyrosine release from adult lumbrical muscle by up to 60%, it was reduced by 20-28% after 2-h incubation with β-adrenoceptor agonists, forskolin or phosphodiesterase inhibitor IBMX. Using inhibitors of 26S-proteasome (MG132), lysosome (methylamine), or calpain (E64/leupeptin) systems, we showed that ubiquitin-proteasome is accountable for 40-50% of total lumbrical proteolysis of adult, middle-aged, and aged rats. In conclusion, the lumbrical model allows the analysis of muscle proteolysis rate from prepubertal to senile rats. By permitting eight simultaneous matched measurements per rat, the new model improves similar protocols performed in paired extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles from prepubertal rats, optimizing the pharmacological screening of drugs for anticatabolic purposes.  相似文献   

The simple rhythmic motion of protoplasm back and forth along microfilaments sited at the active boundary of the streaming layer of Nitellais conjectured as a possible mechanism for the motive force for protoplasmic streaming. A theoretical model is set up to illustrate the process and estimate appropriate values for time scales and velocities of such oscillations to mantain streaming velocities of the order of those measured in these cells.  相似文献   

Summary Rate of evaporation, resistance to drying, temperature selection, and critical thermal maximum were measured for Jamaican Eleutherodactylus acclimated to 20° C and a 12:12 L:D photoperiod. Two introduced species, E. planirostris and E. johnstonei, selected higher temperatures and had higher CTMs than two native species, E. cundalli and E. gossei. The introduced species lost water as rapidly as the native species, but tolerated 30–73% greater water loss before losing their righting response. The physiological differences are reflected in the microhabitat selection and activity patterns of the four species.  相似文献   

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