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Calcineurin is a Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine phosphatase and has multiple functions in animal cells including regulating ionic homeostasis. We generated transgenic rice plants that not only expressed a truncated form of the catalytic subunit of mouse calcineurin, but also were able to grow and fertilize normally in the field. Notably, the expression of the mouse calcineurin gene in rice resulted in its higher salt stress tolerance than the non-transgenic rice. Physiological studies have indicated that the root growth of transgenic plants was less inhibited than the shoot growth, and that less Na+ was accumulated in the roots of transgenic plants after a prolonged period of salt stress. These findings imply that the heterologous calcineurin plays a significant role in maintaining ionic homeostasis and the integrity of plant roots when exposed to salt. In addition, the calcineurin gene expression in the stems of transgenic plants correlated with the increased expression of the Rab16A gene that encodes a group 2-type late-embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) protein. Altogether our findings provide the first genetic and physiological evidence that expression of the mouse calcineurin protein functionally improves the salt stress tolerance of rice partly by limiting Na+ accumulation in the roots.  相似文献   

Although recent studies have suggested that the microfilament (MF) cytoskeleton of plant cells participates in the response to salt stress, it remains unclear as to whether the MF cytoskeleton actually plays an active role in a plant's ability to withstand salt stress. In the present study, we report for the first time the role of MFs in salt tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana . Our experiments revealed that Arabidopsis seedlings treated with 150 m m NaCl maintained MF assembly and bundle formation, whereas treatment with 250 m m NaCl initially induced MF assembly but subsequently caused MF disassembly. A corresponding change in the fluorescence intensity of MFs was also observed; that is, a sustained rise in fluorescence intensity in seedlings exposed to 150 m m NaCl and an initial rise and subsequent fall in seedlings exposed to 250 m m NaCl. These results suggest that MF assembly and bundles are induced early after salt stress treatment, while MF polymerization disappears after high salt stress. Facilitation of MF assembly with phalloidin rescued wild-type seedlings from death, whereas blocking MFs assembly with latrunculin A and cytochalasin D resulted in few survivors under salt stress. Pre-treatment of seedlings with phalloidin also clearly increased plant ability to withstand salt stress. MF assembly increased survival of Arabidopsis salt-sensitive sos2 mutants under salt stress and rescued defective sos2 mutants. Polymerization of MFs and its role in promoting survival was also found in plants exposed to osmotic stress. These findings suggest that the MF cytoskeleton participates and plays a vital role in responses to salt and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis .  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance in rice is highly desirable to sustain production in areas rendered saline due to various reasons. It is a complex quantitative trait having different components, which can be dissected effectively by genome-wide association study (GWAS). Here, we implemented GWAS to identify loci controlling salinity tolerance in rice. A custom-designed array based on 6,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in as many stress-responsive genes, distributed at an average physical interval of <100 kb on 12 rice chromosomes, was used to genotype 220 rice accessions using Infinium high-throughput assay. Genetic association was analysed with 12 different traits recorded on these accessions under field conditions at reproductive stage. We identified 20 SNPs (loci) significantly associated with Na+/K+ ratio, and 44 SNPs with other traits observed under stress condition. The loci identified for various salinity indices through GWAS explained 5–18% of the phenotypic variance. The region harbouring Saltol, a major quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosome 1 in rice, which is known to control salinity tolerance at seedling stage, was detected as a major association with Na+/K+ ratio measured at reproductive stage in our study. In addition to Saltol, we also found GWAS peaks representing new QTLs on chromosomes 4, 6 and 7. The current association mapping panel contained mostly indica accessions that can serve as source of novel salt tolerance genes and alleles. The gene-based SNP array used in this study was found cost-effective and efficient in unveiling genomic regions/candidate genes regulating salinity stress tolerance in rice.  相似文献   

在籼稻品种R401辐射诱变的M2群体中筛选到一个苗期耐盐突变体, 在150 mmol/L的NaCl溶液处理下对照植株枯萎死亡, 而突变体植株依然存活。以粳稻品种Nipponbare(不耐盐)和耐盐突变体作亲本, 构建了一个F2群体, 调查该群体在150 mmol/L的NaCl溶液胁迫下的表现, 发现Nipponbare和耐盐突变体苗期耐盐性的差异受单个主基因控制, 耐盐为隐性, 将该基因暂时命名为SST(t)。利用该F2群体, 采用集团分离分析(Bulked segregant analysis, BSA)法将SST(t)定位在第6染色体上, 进一步对F2群体中137个典型的耐盐单株的分子标记进行分析, 将该基因定位在InDel标记ID26847和ID27253之间, 约2.3 cM (或406 kb)的区间内, 与两标记分别相距1.2 cM和1.1 cM。  相似文献   

Salt tolerance of plants depends on HKT transporters (High-affinityK+ Transporter), which mediate Na+-specific transport or Na+-K+co-transport. Gene sequences closely related to rice HKT geneswere isolated from hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum)or barley (Hordeum vulgare) for genomic DNA southern hybridizationanalysis. HKT gene sequences were mapped on chromosomal armsof wheat and barley using wheat chromosome substitution linesand barley–wheat chromosome addition lines. In addition,HKT gene members in the wild diploid wheat ancestors, T. monococcum(Am genome), T. urartu (Au genome), and Ae. tauschii (Dt genome)were investigated. Variation in copy number for individual HKTgene members was observed between the barley, wheat, and ricegenomes, and between the different wheat genomes. HKT2;1/2-like,HKT2;3/4-like, HKT1;1/2-like, HKT1;3-like, HKT1;4-like, andHKT1;5-like genes were mapped to the wheat–barley chromosomegroups 7, 7, 2, 6, 2, and 4, respectively. Chromosomal regionscontaining HKT genes were syntenic between wheat and rice exceptfor the chromosome regions containing the HKT1;5-like gene.Potential roles of HKT genes in Na+ transport in rice, wheat,and barley are discussed. Determination of the chromosome locationsof HKT genes provides a framework for future physiological andgenetic studies investigating the relationships between HKTgenes and salt tolerance in wheat and barley. Key words: Barley, comparative mapping, HKT, rice, salt tolerance, sodium transport, wheat  相似文献   

A cDNA for the gene ZFP182, encoding a C2H2-type zinc finger protein, was cloned from rice by RT-PCR. ZFP182 codes an 18.2 kDa protein with two C2H2-type zinc finger motifs, one nuclear localization signal and one Leu-rich domain. The DLN-box/EAR-motif, which exists in most of plant C2H2-type zinc finger proteins, does not exist in ZFP182. The expression analysis showed that ZFP182 gene was constitutively expressed in leaves, culms, roots and spikes at the adult rice plants, and markedly induced in the seedlings by cold (4 °C), 150 mM NaCl and 0.1 mM ABA treatments. The approximate 1.4 kb promoter region of ZFP182 gene was fused into GUS reporter gene and transformed into tobacco. The histochemical analysis revealed that GUS expression could not be detected in transformed tobacco seedlings under normal conditions, but strongly observed in tobacco leaf discs and the vascular tissue of roots treated with NaCl or KCl. Expression of ZFP182 in transgenic tobacco and overexpression in rice increased plant tolerance to salt stress. These results demonstrated that ZFP182 might be involved in plant responses to salt stress.  相似文献   

Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) are extracellular proteoglycans that are implicated in many plant growth and developmental processes, but in no case has a biological function been assigned to a particular AGP. AtAGP30 is a non-classical AGP core protein from Arabidopsis that is expressed only in roots. Analysis of the corresponding mutant, agp30, has revealed that the wild-type gene product is required in vitro for root regeneration and in planta for the timing of seed germination. The mutant shows a suppression of the abscisic acid (ABA)-induced delay in germination and altered expression of some ABA-regulated genes. This suggests that AtAGP30 functions in the ABA response. By analogy to proteoglycan-mediated regulation of growth-factor-signalling pathways in animals, our data indicate that phytohormone activity in plants can be modulated by AGPs.  相似文献   

The potential role of photorespiration in the protection against salt stress was examined with transgenic rice plants. Oryza sativa L. cv. Kinuhikari was transformed with a chloroplastic glutamine synthetase (GS2) gene from rice. Each transgenic rice plant line showed a different accumulation level of GS2. A transgenic plant line, G39-2, which accumulated about 1.5-fold more GS2 than the control plant, had an increased photorespiration capacity. In another line, G241-12, GS2 was almost lost and photorespiration activity could not be detected. Fluorescence quenching analysis revealed that photorespiration could prevent the over-reduction of electron transport systems. When exposed to 150 mM NaCl for 2 weeks, the control rice plants completely lost photosystem II activity, but G39-2 plants retained more than 90% activity after the 2-week treatment, whereas G241-12 plants lost these activities within one week. In the presence of isonicotinic acid hydrazide, an inhibitor of photorespiration, G39-2 showed the same salt tolerance as the control plants. The intracellular contents of NH4 + and Na+ in the stressed plants correlated well with the levels of GS2. Thus, the enhancement of photorespiration conferred resistance to salt in rice plants. Preliminary results suggest chilling tolerance in the transformant.  相似文献   

RFLP tagging of a salt tolerance gene in rice   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A salt tolerant rice mutant (M-20) was obtained through selection in vitro. Its tolerance was stably inherited over eight generations and most traints between M-20 and its sensitive original 77–170 (Oryza sativa) were very similar. By deriving an F2 population of M-20 × 77–170 and splitting every F2 individual into two parts, with one part planted in normal conditions and another part in saline conditions, the inheritance of salt tolerance in rice was studied. Under normal conditions, there was no apparent segregation among F2 individuals. Under saline conditions, however, the segregation of traits was obvious. According to our standards, the ratio of salt sensitive:moderately-tolerant:tolerant plants was 25:42:18, in accordance with a 1:2:1 ratio. It suggested that the improvement of salt tolerance in our materials was induced by the mutation of a major tolerant gene which showed incomplete dominance. By use of 130 RFLP probes distributed throughout the rice genome, the gene was tagged by a single copy DNA probe, RG4, which was located on chromosome 7. The genetic distance between the salt tolerant gene and RG4 was 7.0 ± 2.9 cM. Based on the split method, a method which could be currently used to evaluate the damage of salt stress in rice was proposed.  相似文献   

To investigate factors determining the differences in their salt tolerance, growth and germination, experiments were conducted on two plant species belonging to genus Artemisia: Artemisia fukudo Makino, a biennial salt marsh plant and Artemisia stelleriana Bess, a perennial coastal hind dune plant. Growth experiments revealed that salinity (100 and 300 m m NaCl) inhibited the relative growth rate (RGR) in A. stelleriana significantly but not in A. fukudo. These specific differences in salt tolerance were mainly attributed to differential responses of net assimilation rate (NAR). That is, the reduction in RGR in A. stelleriana was mainly due to the reduction in NAR, whereas no significant reduction in NAR was observed in A. fukudo. The reduction in RGR in A. stelleriana in the salt treatment was also attributable to a reduced leaf area ratio (LAR). Specific leaf area (SLA) in the two species decreased in the 300 m m treatment. The decrease in SLA in A. fukudo was, however, compensated for partly by an increase in leaf weight ratio (LWR). Germination experiments also showed that A. fukudo has a higher salt tolerance than does A. stelleriana. These results are consistent with the differences in the salinity conditions between the native habitats of the two species.  相似文献   

A rice gene encoding a calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK), OsCDPK7, was induced by cold and salt stresses. To elucidate the physiological function of OsCDPK7, we generated transgenic rice plants with altered levels of the protein. The extent of tolerance to cold and salt/drought stresses of these plants correlated well with the level of OsCDPK7 expression. Therefore, OsCDPK7 was shown to be a positive regulator commonly involved in the tolerance to both stresses in rice. Over-expression of OsCDPK7 enhanced induction of some stress-responsive genes in response to salinity/drought, but not to cold. Thus, it was suggested that the downstream pathways leading to the cold and salt/drought tolerance are different from each other. It seems likely that at least two distinct pathways commonly use a single CDPK, maintaining the signalling specificity through unknown post-translational regulation mechanisms. These results demonstrate that simple manipulation of CDPK activity has great potential with regard to plant improvement.  相似文献   

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