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Non-point-sources of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are recognized as major causes of eutrophication of surface waters. Adoption of policies to reduce pollution in the former German Democratic Republic following re-unification of Germany in 1990 provided an opportunity to examine how taking agricultural land out of production affected nutrient loads and aquatic biota in a small rural watershed. Between 1994 and 1996, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) loads in a first-order agricultural stream decreased by >90% while instream concentrations decreased by 89% for DIN and 40% for SRP. This reduction in nutrients coincided with a decrease in precipitation (from 760 to 440 mm between 1994 and 1996) and an increase in the area of land set aside from agricultural production (from 0.3% in 1990 to a maximum of 8% in 1994). The biomass of primary producers (episammic algae) showed no clear response to this decrease in nutrient concentrations. However, benthic invertebrate composition shifted from a chironomid–amphipod to an oligochaete–gastropod dominated community in response to the decrease in DIN and changes in episammic algal abundance and sediment organic carbon concentrations. Results from our 4-year study showed reductions in soil nutrient losses combined with less precipitation resulted in less P and N in a rural stream and a change in benthic invertebrate community composition and abundance.  相似文献   

While climate change and associated increases in sea surface temperature and ocean acidification, are among the most important global stressors to coral reefs, overfishing and nutrient pollution are among the most significant local threats. Here we examined the independent and interactive effects of reduced grazing pressure and nutrient enrichment using settlement tiles on a coral-dominated reef via long-term manipulative experimentation. We found that unique assemblages developed in each treatment combination confirming that both nutrients and herbivores are important drivers of reef community structure. When herbivores were removed, fleshy algae dominated, while crustose coralline algae (CCA) and coral were more abundant when herbivores were present. The effects of fertilization varied depending on herbivore treatment; without herbivores fleshy algae increased in abundance and with herbivores, CCA increased. Coral recruits only persisted in treatments exposed to grazers. Herbivore removal resulted in rapid changes in community structure while there was a lag in response to fertilization. Lastly, re-exposure of communities to natural herbivore populations caused reversals in benthic community trajectories but the effects of fertilization remained for at least 2 months. These results suggest that increasing herbivore populations on degraded reefs may be an effective strategy for restoring ecosystem structure and function and in reversing coral–algal phase-shifts but that this strategy may be most effective in the absence of other confounding disturbances such as nutrient pollution.  相似文献   

环境污染对小清河口大型底栖动物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2008年7月小清河口和黄河口各8个站位的底栖动物调查资料,运用多种多样性指数对两河口底栖动物群落多样性特征进行了比较,并运用Spearman相关分析分析了14个环境因素和底栖动物群落多样性特征的相关关系。结果显示,小清河口共有大型底栖动物4门6纲17目35科37属38种,平均分类差异指数为85.7,分类差异变异指数为585.6,黄河口共有大型底栖动物6门9纲24目42科45属48种,平均分类差异指数为89.3,分类差异变异指数为435.8。小清河口的多样性指数(H’)仅约为黄河口的1/3。Spearman相关分析表明,H’与铵盐、硝酸盐、铜和汞含量呈负相关性,说明底栖动物群落多样性随着富营养化程度的提高而相应降低,营养物质氮的大量输入和重金属的污染对小清河口大型底栖动物群落产生了一定负面影响。ABC曲线法分析显示,小清河口底栖动物的丰度优势度曲线与生物量优势度曲线相交,表明小清河口底栖动物群落处于中度干扰状态;BOPA指数显示,小清河口8个站位中有4个站位受到不同程度的环境污染,生活污水和工业废水的排放可能对小清河口底栖动物生态特征带来巨大影响,加强工业和生活污水排放管理,强化清洁生产,加强工业污染源的治理力度,对恢复小清河流域水质、改善生态环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

1. Stream managers need to understand relationships between multiple stressors and ecological responses. We examined responses of benthic invertebrates and algae along two land‐use‐related stressor gradients of concern in running waters. Our correlative study of the consequences of augmented deposited fine sediment and nutrient concentrations was conducted in a regional set of streams and rivers monitored by a water management authority in New Zealand and incorporated a wide range of catchment geologies and stream orders. 2. We used multiple linear regression analysis and an information‐theoretic approach to select the best predictive models for our biological response variables by testing multiple competing hypotheses that include nonlinear subsidy‐stress relationships and interactive effects between the two stressors. 3. Patterns consistent with a subsidy‐stress response to increasing dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration were found for the relative abundances of the common invertebrate genera Pycnocentrodes and Deleatidium and for the relative abundance of total individuals in the EPT orders (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera). 4. Fine sediment seemed the more pervasive stressor, apparently counteracting and overwhelming any initial subsidy effect of increased nutrients, and accounting for more of the variance in biological response variables. Relationships with high nutrient concentrations were weaker and modelled with less certainty, probably reflecting the indirect modes of action of nutrients compared to those underlying sediment effects. Nevertheless, in several cases, the models indicated that nutrients interacted synergistically with fine sediment, lending further weight to the conclusion that managers need to address both stressors to achieve the best outcomes.  相似文献   

During the early 1900s, more than 90% of the surface area of Cootes Paradise Marsh was covered with emergent vegetation; currently, less than 15% of the surface is covered with aquatic vegetation and the remainder is wind-swept, turbid, open water. The loss of emergent cover is significantly correlated with mean annual water levels that increased more than 1.5 m over the past 60 years. Species diversity and the percent cover of the submerged macrophtye community also declined dramatically after the 1940s, coincident with decreased water clarity and increased nutrients from pollution by sewage and stormwater effluent. Phosphorus levels in the marsh dropped ten-fold after the sewage plant was upgraded to a tertiary-treatment facility in 1978; however, there was no measurable improvement in water clarity, in spite of a decrease in chlorophyll concentrations. Long-term changes in the composition of the planktonic, benthic and fish communities accompanied changes in water clarity, nutrient status and macrophyte cover. Phytoplankton changed from a community dominated by diverse taxa of green algae and diatoms during the 1940s, to a less diverse community dominated by a few taxa of green and blue-green algae in the 1970s, then to a much more diverse community recently, including many taxa of green algae, diatoms and chrysophytes; however, because water turbidity continues to be high, and algae tolerant of low light levels are now very abundant. Daphnia, which were prominent during the 1940s (especially in the vegetated sites) were replaced in the 1970s by smaller zooplankton such as the cladoceran, Bosmina, and several rotifer species including Brachionus, Asplanchna and Keratella. In the recent survey conducted in 1993 and 1994, small-bodied forms still dominate the turbid open-water areas, while medium-sized cladocerans such as Moina were common near macrophyte beds. Generally, total herbivorous zooplankton biomass tended to be highest next to Typha beds and declined with increasing distance from the plants. Conversely, biomass of edible algae at these sites increased with distance from the macrophytes. Species diversity of aquatic insects declined dramatically over the past 40 years, from 57 genera (23 families and 6 orders) in 1948, to 9 genera (6 families and 3 orders) in 1978, to only 5 genera (3 families and 2 orders) in 1995. The diverse benthic community present 5 decades ago has now been replaced by a community consisting primarily of chironomid larvae, oligochaetes and other worms associated with low-oxygen environments. These successional changes illustrate the impact of natural (fluctuating water levels) and anthropogenic (deterioration in water quality) stressors on the character of the biotic communities, and reveal the complex interactions among the various trophic levels and the abiotic environment as degradation and remediation proceeded.  相似文献   

Changes to land use affect streams through nutrient enrichment, increased inputs of sediment and, where riparian vegetation has been removed, raised water temperature. We manipulated all three stressors in experimental streamside channels for 30 days and determined the individual and pair-wise combined effects on benthic invertebrate and algal communities and on leaf decay, a measure of ecosystem functioning. We added nutrients (phosphorus+nitrogen; high, intermediate, natural) and/or sediment (grain size 0.2 mm; high, intermediate, natural) to 18 channels supplied with water from a nearby stream. Temperature was increased by 1.4°C in half the channels, simulating the loss of upstream and adjacent riparian shade. Sediment affected 93% of all biological response variables (either as an individual effect or via an interaction with another stressor) generally in a negative manner, while nutrient enrichment affected 59% (mostly positive) and raised temperature 59% (mostly positive). More of the algal components of the community responded to stressors acting individually than did invertebrate components, whereas pair-wise stressor interactions were more common in the invertebrate community. Stressors interacted often and in a complex manner, with interactions between sediment and temperature most common. Thus, the negative impact of high sediment on taxon richness of both algae and invertebrates was stronger at raised temperature, further reducing biodiversity. In addition, the decay rate of leaf material (strength loss) accelerated with nutrient enrichment at ambient but not at raised temperature. A key implication of our findings for resource managers is that the removal of riparian shading from streams already subjected to high sediment inputs, or land-use changes that increase erosion or nutrient runoff in a landscape without riparian buffers, may have unexpected effects on stream health. We highlight the likely importance of intact or restored buffer strips, both in reducing sediment input and in maintaining cooler water temperatures.  相似文献   

Turf algae are multispecies communities of small marine macrophytes that are becoming a dominant component of coral reef communities around the world. To assess the impact of turf algae on corals, we investigated the effects of increased nutrients (eutrophication) on the interaction between the Caribbean coral Montastraea annularis and turf algae at their growth boundary. We also assessed whether herbivores are capable of reducing the abundance of turf algae at coral-algae boundaries. We found that turf algae cause visible (overgrowth) and invisible negative effects (reduced fitness) on neighbouring corals. Corals can overgrow neighbouring turf algae very slowly (at a rate of 0.12 mm 3 wk−1) at ambient nutrient concentrations, but turf algae overgrew corals (at a rate of 0.34 mm 3 wk−1) when nutrients were experimentally increased. Exclusion of herbivores had no measurable effect on the rate turf algae overgrew corals. We also used PAM fluorometry (a common approach for measuring of a colony''s “fitness”) to detect the effects of turf algae on the photophysiology of neighboring corals. Turf algae always reduced the effective photochemical efficiency of neighbouring corals, regardless of nutrient and/or herbivore conditions. The findings that herbivores are not capable of controlling the abundance of turf algae and that nutrient enrichment gives turf algae an overall competitive advantage over corals together have serious implications for the health of Caribbean coral reef systems. At ambient nutrient levels, traditional conservation measures aimed at reversing coral-to-algae phase shifts by reducing algal abundance (i.e., increasing herbivore populations by establishing Marine Protected Areas or tightening fishing regulations) will not necessarily reduce the negative impact of turf algae on local coral communities. Because turf algae have become the most abundant benthic group on Curaçao (and likely elsewhere in the Caribbean), new conservation strategies are required to mitigate their negative impact on coral communities.  相似文献   

Multiple natural and anthropogenic stressors impact coral reefs across the globe leading to declines of coral populations, but the relative importance of different stressors and the ways they interact remain poorly understood. Because coral reefs exist in environments commonly impacted by multiple stressors simultaneously, understanding their interactions is of particular importance. To evaluate the role of multiple stressors we experimentally manipulated three stressors (herbivore abundance, nutrient supply, and sediment loading) in plots on a natural reef in the Gulf of Panamá in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Monitoring of the benthic community (coral, macroalgae, algal turf, and crustose coralline algae) showed complex responses with all three stressors impacting the community, but at different times, in different combinations, and with varying effects on different community members. Reduction of top–down control in combination with sediment addition had the strongest effect on the community, and led to approximately three times greater algal biomass. Coral cover was reduced in all experimental units with a negative effect of nutrients over time and a synergistic interaction between herbivore exclosures and sediment addition. In contrast, nutrient and sediment additions interacted antagonistically in their impacts on crustose coralline algae and turf algae so that in combination the treatments limited each other’s effects. Interactions between stressors and temporal variability indicated that, while each stressor had the potential to impact community structure, their combinations and the broader environmental conditions under which they acted strongly influenced their specific effects. Thus, it is critical to evaluate the effects of stressors on community dynamics not only independently but also under different combinations or environmental conditions to understand how those effects will be played out in more realistic scenarios.  相似文献   

Global climate change is likely to modify the ecological consequences of currently acting stressors, but potentially important interactions between climate warming and land‐use related stressors remain largely unknown. Agriculture affects streams and rivers worldwide, including via nutrient enrichment and increased fine sediment input. We manipulated nutrients (simulating agricultural run‐off) and deposited fine sediment (simulating agricultural erosion) (two levels each) and water temperature (eight levels, 0–6°C above ambient) simultaneously in 128 streamside mesocosms to determine the individual and combined effects of the three stressors on macroinvertebrate community dynamics (community composition and body size structure of benthic, drift and insect emergence assemblages). All three stressors had pervasive individual effects, but in combination often produced additive or antagonistic outcomes. Changes in benthic community composition showed a complex interplay among habitat quality (with or without sediment), resource availability (with or without nutrient enrichment) and the behavioural/physiological tendency to drift or emerge as temperature rose. The presence of sediment and raised temperature both resulted in a community of smaller organisms. Deposited fine sediment strongly increased the propensity to drift. Stressor effects were most prominent in the benthic assemblage, frequently reflected by opposite patterns in individuals quitting the benthos (in terms of their propensity to drift or emerge). Of particular importance is that community measures of stream health routinely used around the world (taxon richness, EPT richness and diversity) all showed complex three‐way interactions, with either a consistently stronger temperature response or a reversal of its direction when one or both agricultural stressors were also in operation. The negative effects of added fine sediment, which were often stronger at raised temperatures, suggest that streams already impacted by high sediment loads may be further degraded under a warming climate. However, the degree to which this will occur may also depend on in‐stream nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

Tropical streams are one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world due to the constant pressures from human activities. Among these activities, agriculture represents a land use that is crucial for human development but also a key driver of stream degradation and biodiversity decline in the tropics. Against this background, we investigated indirect effects of agriculture (alterations in stream flow and nutrient availability) and climate characteristics (water temperature) on benthic biofilm communities in tropical streams (São Paulo State, Brazil). Three first‐order streams draining catchments dominated by agricultural land use (sugarcane for bioenergy production, pasture) with some remaining riparian forest were studied for 1 year. We focused on the relationships of benthic biofilm biomass, algal biomass, diatom community, and functional structure with streamflow dynamics, nitrate concentrations, and water temperature. Our results indicate that these biological responses were mainly mediated by flow and water temperature and not by resource availability in the studied headwater streams. This result could be explained by the heavy rains and elevated runoff generation in these tropical catchments under agricultural influence, which might override the known effects of nutrient enrichment on benthic biofilm communities. Considering forecast climate and land‐use changes in tropical streams, our findings may suggest potential shifts in benthic biofilm communities, with functional consequences for aquatic food webs in these environments. Abstract in Brazilian Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

高宇  林光辉 《生物多样性》2018,26(11):1223-137
藻类是红树林生态系统重要的生物类群, 根据生态习性可分为浮游植物、底栖微藻和大型藻类三个生态类群, 它们在红树林生态系统生物多样性、初级生产、元素循环等方面起着重要作用。但在红树林生态系统中, 关注重点多集中在红树植物和动物, 对其中的藻类重视不够, 且多数研究集中在近20年以及亚洲的红树林区。事实上, 红树林生态系统藻类非常丰富, 其多样性研究有助于深入揭示红树林生态系统的结构与功能。本文介绍了红树林生态系统藻类的组成类群及其重要性, 重点对红树林区浮游植物、底栖硅藻和大型海藻的种类组成、地理分布及其与初级生产力、水质污染、元素循环、碳库形成等生态过程中的作用的研究动态和进展等进行了总结。根据已有研究, 红树林区浮游植物和底栖硅藻的种类数一般为几十到上百种, 其中硅藻在种类和数量上都占绝对优势, 它们是重要的初级生产者、饵料生物和水质污染指示生物; 红树林区底栖大型藻类主要由红藻、绿藻、褐藻、蓝藻组成, 绿藻的种类较多, 红藻在数量上占优势; 藻类是红树林湿地碳库的重要贡献者, 在红树林湿地生态系统碳汇和碳循环中起重要作用。红树林生态系统是个高度动态和异质的系统, 今后应加强红树林藻类多样性的长周期、大尺度变化及不同生境藻类的综合研究, 关注大陆径流和潮汐对藻类多样性和蓝碳的影响, 借助沉积物藻类记录, 探明红树林区藻类的长周期变化, 反演气候变化和人类活动对红树林生态系统的影响过程和机制。  相似文献   

Agricultural land use results in multiple stressors affecting stream ecosystems. Flow reduction due to water abstraction, elevated levels of nutrients and chemical contaminants are common agricultural stressors worldwide. Concurrently, stream ecosystems are also increasingly affected by climate change. Interactions among multiple co‐occurring stressors result in biological responses that cannot be predicted from single‐stressor effects (i.e. synergisms and antagonisms). At the ecosystem level, multiple‐stressor effects can be further modified by biotic interactions (e.g. trophic interactions). We conducted a field experiment using 128 flow‐through stream mesocosms to examine the individual and combined effects of water abstraction, nutrient enrichment and elevated levels of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) on survival, condition and gut content of juvenile brown trout and on benthic abundance of their invertebrate prey. Flow velocity reduction decreased fish survival (?12% compared to controls) and condition (?8% compared to initial condition), whereas effects of nutrient and DCD additions and interactions among these stressors were not significant. Negative effects of flow velocity reduction on fish survival and condition were consistent with effects on fish gut content (?25% compared to controls) and abundance of dominant invertebrate prey (?30% compared to controls), suggesting a negative metabolic balance driving fish mortality and condition decline, which was confirmed by structural equation modelling. Fish mortality under reduced flow velocity increased as maximal daily water temperatures approached the upper limit of their tolerance range, reflecting synergistic interactions between these stressors. Our study highlights the importance of indirect stressor effects such as those transferred through trophic interactions, which need to be considered when assessing and managing fish populations and stream food webs in multiple‐stressor situations. However, in real streams, compensatory mechanisms and behavioural responses, as well as seasonal and spatial variation, may alter the intensity of stressor effects and the sensitivity of trout populations.  相似文献   

The use of trait‐based approaches to detect effects of land use and climate change on terrestrial plant and aquatic phytoplankton communities is increasing, but such a framework is still needed for benthic stream algae. Here we present a conceptual framework of morphological, physiological, behavioural and life‐history traits relating to resource acquisition and resistance to disturbance. We tested this approach by assessing the relationships between multiple anthropogenic stressors and algal traits at 43 stream sites. Our “natural experiment” was conducted along gradients of agricultural land‐use intensity (0–95% of the catchment in high‐producing pasture) and hydrological alteration (0–92% streamflow reduction resulting from water abstraction for irrigation) as well as related physicochemical variables (total nitrogen concentration and deposited fine sediment). Strategic choice of study sites meant that agricultural intensity and hydrological alteration were uncorrelated. We studied the relationships of seven traits (with 23 trait categories) to our environmental predictor variables using general linear models and an information‐theoretic model‐selection approach. Life form, nitrogen fixation and spore formation were key traits that showed the strongest relationships with environmental stressors. Overall, FI (farming intensity) exerted stronger effects on algal communities than hydrological alteration. The large‐bodied, non‐attached, filamentous algae that dominated under high farming intensities have limited dispersal abilities but may cope with unfavourable conditions through the formation of spores. Antagonistic interactions between FI and flow reduction were observed for some trait variables, whereas no interactions occurred for nitrogen concentration and fine sediment. Our conceptual framework was well supported by tests of ten specific hypotheses predicting effects of resource supply and disturbance on algal traits. Our study also shows that investigating a fairly comprehensive set of traits can help shed light on the drivers of algal community composition in situations where multiple stressors are operating. Further, to understand non‐linear and non‐additive effects of such drivers, communities need to be studied along multiple gradients of natural variation or anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

Estuaries are globally important to fisheries but face many anthropogenic stressors that reduce water quality and degrade benthic habitat. The Maumee River estuary has been degraded by industrial contaminants, high sediment and nutrient loads, channelization and elimination of surrounding wetlands, lessening its value as spawning habitat for fishes of Lake Erie. Regulation and better management practices (BMPs) in the watershed have improved the water quality in this estuary, which should result in a response of the biotic community. We compared recent (2010/2011) larval fish assemblage data to similar data from the 1970s (1976/1977) in order to identify changes due to improved water and habitat quality. Family‐level diversity was greater in recent study years compared to the 1970s and family richness increased from 6 to 10. In addition, the abundance of lithophilic spawning fishes was significantly greater in the recent study years. Increased diversity and family richness were consistent with increased water quality in the Maumee River whereas the observed increase in abundance of lithophilic spawners was consistent with an increase in the amount or quality of benthic habitat used by species in these families for spawning. Better wastewater management and agricultural practices in coastal watersheds can benefit the early life stages of fishes, thus benefitting coastal fisheries. Furthermore, larval fish assemblages may be useful indicators of biological integrity because of their sensitivities to environmental change. Routine sampling of estuarine larval fish assemblages could provide practitioners with insight into ecosystem changes and measure the response of the biotic community to restoration.  相似文献   

Freshwater organisms face numerous stressors, such as nutrient enrichment, contaminant pollution, sedimentation and alterations in stream hydrology and habitat structure. One of the most significant and widespread stressors in European freshwaters is expected to be water pollution from intensive land use. However, the information on critical threshold concentrations at which taxa decline or increase in frequency and abundance is missing for the large majority of river benthic invertebrate taxa. The main aim was to determine ecological change points for benthic invertebrate taxa at which rapid alterations in species frequency and abundance occur as a consequence of relatively small changes in the environmental gradient. These change points can be interpreted as critical threshold concentrations. A total of 468 river benthic invertebrate taxa and nine physico-chemical variables describing the daytime dissolved oxygen, chloride, nutrient concentrations and organic load were analyzed. We selected 751 river sites from a nationwide range of locations in Germany for this investigation. Depending on the physico-chemical variable, between 20.6% and 48.8% of the total number of tested taxa were assigned with a valid change point. All taxa were assigned to negative or positive response groups depending on the response direction. Except for daytime dissolved oxygen, negative responding taxa are referred to as decreasers and positive responding taxa as increasers, respectively. In total, 25.8–100% of the decreasers’ change points were below (and above in the case of daytime dissolved oxygen) the background values defined as quality criteria for German rivers by the water authorities. This indicates that stricter quality criteria may need to be set to reach the good ecological status according to the European Water Framework Directive. The calculated daytime dissolved oxygen change points were essentially in line with the species saprobic values and taxon-specific change points for physico-chemical variables fit well with the data provided in other international studies. We deliver valuable knowledge about the sensitivities and response schemes of river benthic invertebrate species. This information is especially useful for the development of efficient management and policy tools to predict the likelihood of occurrence of individual species under different levels of anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Changes in regional climate in the Rocky Mountains over the next 100 years are expected to have significant effects on biogeochemical cycles and hydrological processes. In particular, decreased discharge and lower stream depth during summer when ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is the highest combined with greater photo-oxidation of dissolved organic materials (DOM) will significantly increase exposure of benthic communities to UVR. Communities in many Rocky Mountain streams are simultaneously exposed to elevated metals from abandoned mines, the toxicity and bioavailability of which are also determined by DOM. We integrated field surveys of 19 streams (21 sites) along a gradient of metal contamination with microcosm and field experiments conducted in Colorado, USA, and New Zealand to investigate the influence of DOM on bioavailability of heavy metals and exposure of benthic communities to UVR. Spatial and seasonal variation in DOM were closely related to stream discharge and significantly influenced heavy metal uptake in benthic organisms. Qualitative and quantitative changes in DOM resulting from exposure to sunlight increased UV-B (290–320 nm) penetration and toxicity of heavy metals. Results of microcosm experiments showed that benthic communities from a metal-polluted stream were tolerant of metals, but were more sensitive to UV-B than communities from a reference stream. We speculate that the greater sensitivity of these communities to UV-B resulted from costs associated with metal tolerance. Exclusion of UVR from 12 separate Colorado streams and from outdoor stream microcosms in New Zealand increased the abundance of benthic organisms (mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies) by 18% and 54%, respectively. Our findings demonstrate the importance of considering changes in regional climate and UV-B exposure when assessing the effects of local anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

太湖上游不同类型过境水氮素污染状况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用GPS定位,在春、夏、秋、冬4个季节,对地处太湖上游宜兴地区受农田径流、农村生活污水、水产养殖和畜禽养殖污水污染的过境水体氮素污染状况进行了调查,对不同类型水体中不同形态氮浓度的季节性变化特征进行了分析,比较了不同类型水体的15N自然丰度.结果表明:不同类型过境水氮素污染严重,人为影响强烈,不同的农业生产和人类活动具有不同的污染特征;受农田径流影响的河流,水体受铵态氮污染的风险较小,受硝态氮的污染较重;农村居民区河流主要受农村生活污水影响,水体铵态氮负荷较高;畜禽养殖场附近的河流受养殖污水的影响,水体的氮素污染最为严重,尤其是铵态氮负荷最高;相比之下,养殖鱼塘水体总氮最低,主要以有机氮为主;水体氮素污染受河流季节性环境演变的影响,表现为夏季浓度最低,冬季浓度最高;农田施肥是太湖氮污染的主要来源,但在丰水期生活污水和畜禽养殖废水也会成为太湖重要的污染源.  相似文献   

Limnological sampling of Lake Thonotosassa was initiated in 1970 to document current conditions following 15 years of artificial enrichment by organic wastes from primary treated sewage and citrus processing plants, and to provide base-level data for a long-term study of the rates of change following the installation of a secondary sewage treatment facility. Results from the first year of study indicated that the lake was in an advanced state of eutrophy. Inorganic nutrient levels were high; oxygen deficits occurred in the hypolimnion and at the mud-water interface; phytoplankton volumes were large and dominated by blue-green algae; primary productivity rates were comparable with those of grossly polluted lakes; small-bodied herbivores dominated the zooplankton; and benthic invertebrate populations were comprised of an overwhelming abundance of oligochaetes and chironomids. Construction of the new sewage treatment plant reduced the organic load and B. O. D. of the incoming waters and benthic diversity in the inlet subsequently increased. However, in the lake itself decreases in coliform bacteria concentrations were the only signs of immediate influence.  相似文献   

Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the Kentucky River and its tributaries were assessed for one year to compare effects of seasonal, spatial, and human environmental factors on phytoplankton. Phytoplankton cell densities were highest in the fall and summer and lowest in the winter. Cell densities averaged 1162 (± 289 SE) cells m1–1. Cell densities were positively correlated to water temperature and negatively correlated to dissolved oxygen concentration and to factors associated with high-flow conditions (such as, suspended sediment concentrations). Chrysophytes, diatoms, and blue-green algae dominated winter, spring, and summer assemblages, respectively. Ordination analyses (DCCA) indicated that variation in taxonomic composition of assemblages was associated with stream size as well as season.Spatial variation in phytoplankton assemblages and effects of humans was investigated by sampling 55 sites in low flow conditions during August. Phytoplankton density increased with stream size. Assemblages shifted in composition from those dominated by benthic diatoms upstream to downstream communities dominated by blue-green algae and small flagellates. Human impacts were assumed to cause higher algal densities in stream basins with high proportions of agricultural or urban land use than in basins with forested/mined land use. While density and composition of phytoplankton were positively correlated to agricultural land use, they were poorly correlated to nutrient concentrations. Phytoplankton diversity changed with water quality: decreasing with nutrient enrichment and increasing with conditions that probably changed species composition or inhibited algal growth. Human impacts on phytoplankton in running water ecosystems were as great or greater than effects by natural seasonal and spatial factors. Our results indicated that phytoplankton could be useful indicators of water quality and ecosystem integrity in large river systems.  相似文献   

Overfishing and land-derived eutrophication are major local threats to coral reefs and may affect benthic communities, moving them from coral dominated reefs to algal dominated ones. The Central Red Sea is a highly under-investigated area, where healthy coral reefs are contending against intense coastal development. This in-situ study investigated both the independent and combined effects of manipulated inorganic nutrient enrichment (simulation of eutrophication) and herbivore exclosure (simulation of overfishing) on benthic algae development. Light-exposed and shaded terracotta tiles were positioned at an offshore patch reef close to Thuwal, Saudi Arabia and sampled over a period of 4 months. Findings revealed that nutrient enrichment alone affected neither algal dry mass nor algae-derived C or N production. In contrast, herbivore exclusion significantly increased algal dry mass up to 300-fold, and in conjunction with nutrient enrichment, this total increased to 500-fold. Though the increase in dry mass led to a 7 and 8-fold increase in organic C and N content, respectively, the algal C/N ratio (18±1) was significantly lowered in the combined treatment relative to controls (26±2). Furthermore, exclusion of herbivores significantly increased the relative abundance of filamentous algae on the light-exposed tiles and reduced crustose coralline algae and non-coralline red crusts on the shaded tiles. The combination of the herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment treatments pronounced these effects. The results of our study suggest that herbivore reduction, particularly when coupled with nutrient enrichment, favors non-calcifying, filamentous algae growth with high biomass production, which thoroughly outcompetes the encrusting (calcifying) algae that dominates in undisturbed conditions. These results suggest that the healthy reefs of the Central Red Sea may experience rapid shifts in benthic community composition with ensuing effects for biogeochemical cycles if anthropogenic impacts, particularly overfishing, are not controlled.  相似文献   

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