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王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(6):675-684
描述了毛茛科唐松草属六新种:(1)大关唐松草,发现自云南东北部,与多枝唐松草甚为近缘,区别为其小叶较厚,较大,多呈卵形或宽卵形,心皮花柱较短,稍向后弯曲,瘦果呈新月形。(2)宽柱唐松草,发现自甘肃南部,其特征为心皮花柱扁平,近长圆形,腹面无柱头或柱头组织,据此特征可与此属中国其他种区别。(3)六脉萼唐松草,发现自四川中部,与白茎唐松草近缘,区别为其茎和小叶有毛,萼片具六条脉,一些雄蕊的花药败育,子房被短柔毛,柱头无翅。(4)吉隆唐松草,发现自西藏南部,与白茎唐松草甚为近缘,区别为小托叶卵形、急尖,复单歧聚伞花序一条顶生,无侧生者,雄蕊花药呈狭长圆形,顶端钝,无短尖头。(5)螺柱唐松草,发现自云南西北部,可能与白茎唐松草有亲缘关系,区别为其萼片具1条脉,花有4~5枚雄蕊,心皮花柱顶部螺旋状弯曲,柱头不明显。(6)札达唐松草,发现自西藏西南部,与多叶唐松草近缘,区别为其小叶顶端急尖,边缘具尖牙齿,聚伞圆锥花序具少数分枝和少数花,萼片狭卵形,花药狭长圆形。  相似文献   

All the fish specimens ofNeoclinus bryope species complex collected from Okinawa Island including the 2 specimens already reported asN. bryope are referable toN. okazakii. Neoclinus nudus, hitherto known only from Taiwan, is newly recorded from Okinawa Island. These two species are redescribed on the basis of the specimens from Okinawa Island. The specimens from Okinawa are compared with those from Shirahama in the case ofN. okazakii and with specimens from Taiwan as well asN. lacunicola andN. toshimaensis specimens from Shirahama in the case ofN. nudus. The habitats ofN. okazakii andN. nudus are clearly separated in the waters of Heshikiya, Okinawa Island and the habitat of either species is rather particular in that it is exceptionally unoccupied by blenniids which are flourishing in the coastal waters of the Okinawa Islands.  相似文献   

The classification of the family Micropezidae is re-examined and a key is given to the five subfamilies now recognised, of which Calycopteryginae is described as new and Eurybatinae is raised from tribal rank. Metopochetini is a new tribe of Eurybatinae. A key is given to the nine genera now included in the Eurybatinae, of which Papeza is described as new. P.szentivanyi is a new species from Papua. Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of genera are included. The position of Anaeropsis Bigot in the Micropezidae is confirmed. New synonymies are established as follows: Crepidochetus Enderlein (= Gongylocephala Czerny syn. n.); Metopochetus bivittatus (Macquart) (= Calobata tenuipes Walker syn. n.). New generic combinations are as follows: Metopochetus terminalis (Walker) and M.compressus (Walker) from Calobata; Crepidochetus nigrifemur (Czerny), C.pallidus (Steyskal), and Cater (Steyskal) from Gongylocephala; Crosa fragilis (Walker) from Micropeza; Crosa nigriventris (Enderlein) and C.uneifera (de Meijere) from Eurybata.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the Hatschekiidae, Laminohatschekia synaphobranchi, is described from an eel caught off New Caledonia. It is characterised by its long ribbon-like trunk and by the possession of three pairs of biramous legs. The pennellid Sarcotretes scopeli is redescribed from a macrourid also taken off New Caledonia. Sarcotretes lobatus is recognised as a synonym of S. scopeli. Phrixocephalus carcellesi is described in detail for the first time, from the stomach contents of a King Shag caught in the Falkland Islands. A wide range of individual variability in holdfast structure was noted in P. carcellesi. A new species, Peniculisa bellwoodi, is described from Pomacentrus amboiensis collected at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef. The sphyriid Lophoura cornuta is redescribed from a synaphobranchid eel caught off New Caledonia and both sexes of a lernanthropid, Aethon morelandi, are redescribed from Nemadactylus macropterus in southern Australia.  相似文献   

Gymnoderma, which has been considered a monotypic genus, is composed of three species. G. insulare is described from Japan and differs from G. coccocarpum of southeastern Asia in being smaller and having a thicker cortex with didymic acid present. G. lineare from the Southern Appalachians is transferred from Cladonia because the podetia lack symbiotic algae, are solid, and are located on the marginal lower side of the thallus. Gymnoderma, including three species and possibly representing an ancestral form of Cladonia, is disjunctively distributed in eastern Asia and the Southern Appalachians. G. coccocarpum is reported from Thailand and Borneo for the first time.  相似文献   


Meristies and morphometries are reported for 81 specimens of Alepisaurus ferox and 31 of A. brevirostris, mostly from the Pacific Ocean. The holotype and topotype of A. ferox and two paratypes of A. brevirostris, all from the Atlantic Ocean, were also examined. For specimens longer than aJoout 500 mm SL, ferox is distinguishable from brevirostris by its relatively longer head and snout. In ferox the dorsal fin origin is a1bove or behind the hind margin of the operculum; in brevirostris it is in front. Paoific Ocean ferox have significantly fewer dorsal fin rays (mean 36.6) than Atlantic (40.5) and Indian Ocean (40.8) examples. In the Pacific, ferox can be distinguished from brevirostris by its fewer dorsal rays, but in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean there is considerable overlap in dorsal ray counts. A. ferox is found world-wide, whereas brevirostris is not known from the North Pacific. The northernmost record of brevirostris in the Pacific is from 14°47′S.  相似文献   

Anthobothrium laciniatum Linton, 1890 is redescribed based on specimens taken from the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus (Lesueur) collected from the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, and a neotype is designated. A. laciniatum differs from A. cornucopia van Beneden, 1850, A. altavelae Euzet & Ben Hassine, 2002, A. lesteri Williams, Burt & Caira, 2004 and A. spinosum Subhapradha, 1955 in total length. It further differs from A. cornucopia, A. altavelae and A. spinosum in proglottid number, and differs from A. galeorhini Suriano, 2002, A. cornucopia, and A. spinosum in testis number. A. lyndoni n. sp. is described from the sandbar shark C. plumbeus (Nardo). This new species differs from A. laciniatum in ovarian width and from A. cornucopia, A. altavelae, A. galeorhini and A. spinosum in the total number of proglottids. It further differs from A. cornucopia, A. galeorhini, and A. spinosum in total length, and from A. cornucopia and A. galeorhini in the number of testes. A. lyndoni n. sp. differs from A. lesteri in bothridial muscle and ovarian morphology. Anthobothrium caseyi n. sp. is described from Prionace glauca (Linnaeus). This new species differs conspicuously from the other six species of Anthobothrium van Beneden, 1850 (sensu stricto) in the shape of its proglottid laciniations. The taxonomic status of 43 species that have been associated with Anthobothrium is addressed. Taxonomic actions regarding Anthobothrium during the past century have resulted in a polyphyletic taxon.  相似文献   

Three poorly known bucephalid species are described from off Corsica, in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Bucephalus gorgon (Linton, 1905) (syn. B. introversus Manter, 1940) from Seriola dumerili is reported for only the third time in the Mediterranean Sea. Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton, 1900) from Sarda sarda is reported for the first time from the Mediterranean Sea. P. tergestinum (Stossich, 1883) n. comb. (originally in Gasterostomum von Siebold 1848; has also been in Bucephalopsis Diesing, 1855 and Bucephalus von Baer, 1827) from Gobius geniporus is reported for only the second time.  相似文献   

New members of the family Blattogryllidae are described, including Permoblattogryllus praecox gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Permian Soyana locality in Russia, Protoblattogryllus nedubrovensis from the Lower Triassic Nedubrovo locality in Russia, Madygenocephalus micropteron gen. et sp. nov. (the second known case of brachyptery in grylloblattids), and Costatoviblatta similis sp. nov. from the Middle Triassic Madygen locality in Kyrgyzstan. Protoblattogryllus zajsanicus Storozhenko, 1990 from the Upper Permian Karaungir II locality in Kazakhstan is redescribed. The genus Microblattogryllus Storozhenko, 1990 from Madygen is considered to be a synonym of Protoblattogryllus Storozhenko, 1990. Protoblattogryllus abruptus Storozhenko, 1990 from the Madygen locality is transferred to the genus Mesoblattogryllus Storozhenko, 1990.  相似文献   

The genus Lesleigha gen. nov., based on L. hawaiiensis sp. nov. from Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands, is characterized morphologically and anatomically and strongly supported as distinct from the other genera of the family Sebdeniaceae (Sebdenia and Crassitegula) primarily on the basis of mitochondrial COI-5P and nuclear SSU and LSU ribosomal DNA sequences. Characters distinguishing Lesleigha from Sebdenia include the repent, dorsiventral habit, nemathecial tetrasporangia, and irregularly cruciate tetrasporangial division pattern. Although these features are equally displayed by the recently described Crassitegula from Bermuda, that genus appears to differ from Lesleigha anatomically by its lack of a fusion cell subtending the gonimoblast, although in the absence of carposporophytes it is virtually necessary that DNA-sequence analyses be conducted before a distinction between Lesleigha and Crassitegula can be certain. Besides Lesleigha hawaiiensis, L. howensis sp. nov. is newly described from Lord Howe Island in the southern Pacific, and the Japanese and Korean Sebdenia yamadae is transferred to Lesleigha as L. yamadae, based on habit and anatomical conformity as well as DNA sequences. In addition, a new species of Crassitegula, C. imitans, is described from Lord Howe Island. The existence of further sebdenialean taxa is documented although not formally treated, indicating that substantial additional diversity most likely still awaits discovery in this reputedly species-poor order.  相似文献   

Summary Mylonchulus sessus n.sp. is described. It is close to M. sigmaturus and M. dentatus and was found in soil from around tomato from Brunei. It has an exceptionally well developed and differentiated female reproductive system which is rather unusual in Mylonchulus and, although close to M. sigmaturus and M. dentatus differs from both in having wider amphids and smaller submedian teeth.  相似文献   

The genus Neoerysiphe belongs to the tribe Golovinomyceteae of the Erysiphaceae together with the genera Arthrocladiella and Golovinomyces. This is a relatively small genus, comprising only six species, and having ca 300 species from six plant families as hosts. To investigate the molecular phylogeny and evolution of the genus, we determined the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA ITS regions and the divergent domains D1 and D2 of the 28S rDNA. The 30 ITS sequences from Neoerysiphe are divided into three monophyletic groups that are represented by their host families. Groups 1 and 3 consist of N. galeopsidis from Lamiaceae and N. galii from Rubiaceae, respectively, and the genetic diversity within each group is extremely low. Group 2 is represented by N. cumminsiana from Asteraceae. This group also includes Oidium baccharidis, O. maquii, and Oidium spp. from Galinsoga (Asteraceae) and Aloysia (Verbenaceae), and is further divided into four subgroups. N. galeopsidis is distributed worldwide, but is especially common in western Eurasia from Central Asia to Europe. N. galii is also common in western Eurasia. In contrast, the specimens of group 2 were all collected in the New World, except for one specimen that was collected in Japan; this may indicate a close relationship of group 2 with the New World. Molecular clock calibration demonstrated that Neoerysiphe split from other genera of the Erysiphaceae ca 35–45 M years ago (Mya), and that the three groups of Neoerysiphe diverged between 10 and 15 Mya, in the Miocene. Aloysia citriodora is a new host for the Erysiphaceae and the fungus on this plant is described as O. aloysiae sp. nov.  相似文献   

Dicrocoelium antechini n. sp. is described from the bile ducts of Antechinus swainsonii and A. stuartii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) from New South Wales. The species differs from all others in the genus in that the caecal bifurcation is well posterior to the ventral sucker and testes. Athesmioides aiolos n. g., n. sp. is described from Rattus fuscipes and R. lutreolus from New South Wales and from R. norvegicus, R. lutreolus and Pseudomys higginsi from Tasmania (all Rodentia: Muridae). The genus Athesmioides is characterised by the presence of unilateral vitelline follicles and an undivided caecum. Platynosomum burrman n. sp. is described from Isoodon macrourus (Marsupialia: Peramelidae) from the Northern Territory. It differs from other species in a combination of characters regarding the shape of the forebody, the arrangement of the gonads, the disposition of the uterus and the size of the eggs. The taxonomic status of Platynosomum australiense (Sandars, 1958), Brachylecithum insulare Angel & Pearson, 1977 and Brachylecithum hydromyos Angel & Pearson, 1977 are summarised. Records are presented of undescribed dicrocoeliids from the marsupials Petaurus breviceps, Planigale maculata and Dasyurus hallucatus and the murids Rattus fuscipes and Melomys sp.  相似文献   

Summary  Four new species of Asparagus (Asparagaceae) from the Flora Zambesiaca area are described and illustrated; the need for more collections is highlighted to assess their conservation status. Asparagus botswanicus Sebsebe is known from a single locality in Botswana; A. chimanimanensis Sebsebe occurs in Zimbabwe and Mozambique; A. richardsiae Sebsebe is known in Zambia and A. radiatus Sebsebe is from a small restricted area (Goba) in Mozambique and Umbeluzi Gorge in Swaziland.  相似文献   

Phyllobothrium discopygi n. sp. is described from the spiral valve of Discopyge tschudi Heckel, 1846 (Torpedinidae) taken in the Pacific Ocean off Coquimbo, San Antonio and Antofagasta, Chile, Specimens are described from whole-mounts, sections and SEM. Phyllobothrium discopygi is distinguished from other tetraphyllidean cestodes of the genus Phyllobothrium van Beneden, 1849 by a bifurcate scolex with bothridia joined in pairs, short neck, testes number and distribution, and morphology of the vitelline follicles and ovary. Phyllobothrium foliatum Linton, 1890 is considered a junior synonym of P. auricula van Beneden, 1858 following comparisons of P. auricula from D. pastinaca, Linton's holotype of P. foliatum from D. centroura and fresh specimens from D. centroura taken in waters near Woods Hole, Massachusetts. A meristic comparison of the adult worms is presented.  相似文献   

Lobopoda wittmeri n. sp. is described from the Dominican Republic; the male of L. notapuncta Campbell is described for the first time. Lobopoda haitensis, L. notapuncta, and Hymenorus haitius previously known only from Haiti are reported from the Dominican Republic; Allecula ramosi previously known from Puerto Rico is also reported from the Dominican Republic. Hymenorus convexus and H. jamaicensis known previously from the Bahama Islands and Cuba and from Jamaica respectively are reported for the first time from the Cayman Islands.

A key is presented to aid in identification of the Alleculidae of the Cayman Islands and Hispaniola.  相似文献   

Three little-known digeneans, two opecoelids and a derogenid, from marine fishes off Corsica are redescribed and their systematics discussed. Distoma scorpaenae Rudolphi, 1819, from Scorpaena porcus, S. scrofa and S. notata, is transferred to the genus Podocotyle as P. scorpaenae (Rudolphi, 1819) n. comb. The authority for the taxon Poracanthium furcatum is amended to Dollfus (1948). This species is described from Mullus surmuletus and distinguished from Opecoeloides furcatus (Bremser in Rudolphi, 1819). Derogenes latus Janiszewska, 1953 is redescribed from Mullus surmuletus and discussed in relation to D. ruber Lühe, 1900.  相似文献   

Diplobulbus brayi n. sp. is described from the small intestine of Odax acroptilus (Perciformes: Odacidae) from Point Peron in southern Western Australia. One of the five previously described species of Diplobulbus, D. vitellosus Bilqees, 1972 from Tetraodon lunaris (now Lagocephalus lunaris), is synonymised with Alloheterolebes indicus (Gupta, 1968) Hafeezullah, 1971, which is known from the same host in the Indian Ocean. D. brayi n. sp. can be distinguished from the remaining four species of Diplobulbus by the distinct interruption of the vitelline follicles at the ventral sucker, its more elongate form and its long post-testicular space. Diplobulbus is so far restricted to the Indo-Pacific region and appears to be stenoxenic to labroid fishes. This is the first record of a trematode from an odacid fish.  相似文献   

Prodistomum angelae (Kruse, 1981) n. comb. [originally Lepocreadium] is redescribed from the type-host, Scorpis georgiana, from off southwestern Western Australia. P. keyam n. sp. is described from Monodactylus argenteus from off southeastern Queensland. It differs from other members of the genus in its short ejaculatory duct. The genus Prodistomum Linton is discussed and redefined, and an updated key and record list of the nine recognised species are given.  相似文献   

Atkinsiella dubia, isolated from the mantle of abalone (Haliotis sieboldii), is described and illustrated as a new record from Japan. The fungus was also obtained from the gills of swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus). Six other species of the genusAtkinsiella have hitherto been reported from various aquatic animals. The fungus is distinguished from the other six species by the morphology of its mycelia and the process of zoospore production. The most distinctive feature is that zoospores in the first motile stage ofA. dubia encyst in zoosporangia, unlike the other species. We therefore proposeHalocrusticida gen. nov. (Lagenidiales, Haliphthoraceae) for the other six species ofAtkinsiella. A key to species of the genusHalocrusticida is provided.  相似文献   

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