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The extraction of critical minerals used in clean technologies has profound impacts on sustainable development goals (SDGs). Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) is used to evaluate the sustainability impacts of products and services, but few frameworks exist to support SDGs assessment for the “green minerals” extraction. Here, we propose a mining-specific framework identifying linkages between LCSA and SDGs, along with a process to integrate methods and data. As a proof of concept, we assess the LCSA performance and local-community level SDG impacts of a nickel mining project in Indonesia. Integrating remote sensing, media sources, stakeholder's data, and expert opinion, we find that LCSA encompasses all 17 goals but only a subset of targets and indicators. The study highlights the need to incorporate indigenous people's perspectives in both LCSA and SDG assessments, and points to priority areas for improving life cycle sustainability and SDG outcomes: fighting corruption, protecting cultural heritage, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We suggest that this framework can inform corporate social responsibility activities, as well as consumer choices for low-carbon technologies.  相似文献   

Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) can be used as a tool to understand how products and operating systems can meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, existing linkages between SDGs and LCSA are limited and an analysis of coverage in literature is needed. In this paper, we propose a generic methodological framework establishing connections between LCSA categories at micro-level and SDGs at macro-level based on derivation from the literature. The qualitative heuristic research method developed builds on keyword literature search, bibliometric analysis, mapping, and narrative literature review for connection rationales. By using qualitative assessment levels, an assessment of linkages between LCSA categories and SDGs reveal that “technology development,” “public commitment to sustainability issues,” “access to material resources,” and “education provided in the local community” have the highest number of reported relationships with SDGs. Twenty-two LCSA categories were found with no direct/indirect connection with any SDG; reasons include absence of life cycle thinking perspective in SDGs and lack of sustainability-based discussion for workers, consumers, and value chain actors' stakeholder groups. Despite these gaps, the results provide new insights for industries looking to measure the contribution of their product systems along their life cycle in the context of SDGs supporting them to some extent, to select LCSA categories with either highest number of identified relationships to SDGs or that contribute to prioritized list of SDGs. The approach provides a starting point to improve transparency and consistency of reporting of sustainability performance of product systems by connecting LCSA to the global agenda for sustainable development.  相似文献   

王一婷  陈利顶  李纯  李泞吕  易盛媛 《生态学报》2023,43(22):9564-9575
作为探索可持续发展实现路径的关键工具,社会-生态系统理论研究框架的重要性日益凸显,但截至目前,对如何运用社会-生态系统理论研究框架解读各项可持续发展目标(SDGs)还缺乏比较清晰的认识。概述了社会-生态系统的主要研究框架,基于文献计量软件和可视化手段系统分析了面向SDGs的社会-生态系统研究的现状和特点。结果表明:"SDG1-无贫困"、"SDG2-零饥饿"、"SDG8-体面工作和经济增长"、"SDG13-气候行动"和"SDG14-水下生物"是目前研究中关注的热点,涉及了多尺度的农林、淡水、海洋、城乡等典型系统,呈现出跨学科、数据多元化和方法集成化的显著特征;而有关"SDG4-优质教育"、"SDG5-性别平等"、"SDG7-经济适用的清洁能源"和"SDG10-减少不平等"等目标的研究相对较少;SDGs研究热点与国家发展阶段密切相关,基于社会-生态系统视角的多项目标关联关系的研究较少,该领域研究主要为可持续发展目标提供了"分析框架、达标评估、趋势预测和管理决策"的支撑服务作用。未来亟需加强以下四个方面的研究:(1)基于社会-生态系统视角的SDGs关联关系研究;(2)构建因地制宜的社会-生态系统研究框架;(3) SDGs导向的社会-生态系统动态反馈机制研究;(4)学科融合和数据平台建设。为探索适宜中国SGDs的实现路径提供科学参考。  相似文献   

可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs)的实现往往会因为生态保护或人类福祉之间可能存在的权衡关系而受到阻碍。将生态系统服务(Ecosystem services,ESs)纳入到可持续发展目标的决策中能够避免各方利益的冲突,促进SDGs的实现。然而,在生态环境脆弱的山区,ESs对SDGs的贡献分析仍然不足。以川西地区为研究区,对2000-2020年11个可持续发展目标进行了量化,利用生态系统服务和权衡的综合评估(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs,InVEST)模型和定量指标法估算了碳固存、土壤保持和食物生产三种重要生态系统服务,并使用空间面板数据模型研究ESs对SDGs的影响及其空间溢出效应。结果表明:(1)可持续发展目标水平整体提升,但SDG1(无贫穷)和SDG3(良好健康和人类福祉)表现较差,分值低于5分。从空间上看,与环境相关的SDGs在川西北高原表现更好,与社会经济相关的SDGs在川西东部和川西南山地地区表现更好。(2)川西地区碳固存和食物生产服务呈现线性增长趋势,土壤保持服务呈现波动增长趋势,分别增长了0.23×108 t、8.93×105 t和1.23×108 t。(3)与土壤保持和食物生产相比,碳固存对SDGs表现出更强烈的直接影响和空间溢出效应。其中县域碳固存对本县域和邻近县域的SDG11(可持续城市和社区)和SDG1具有显著的促进作用,对SDG2(零饥饿)呈现显著负向影响。研究结果可为区域联合管理提供科学依据,推动可持续发展目标的实现。  相似文献   

Given the fast-growing demand for electric mobility, the European Union (EU) has invested in responsible sourcing of battery raw materials, but the sustainability of their value chains is not fully addressed. Life cycle sustainability assessment is a tool to identify social, economic, and environmental aspects of raw materials, but it is mostly used for negative impacts, whereas the supply and use of raw materials may also lead to benefits. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can help to determine how raw materials boost or hinder the achievement of a sustainable society. In this study, the SDGs were used as a reference to assess contributions and risks of cobalt supply for electric mobility in the EU and whether this technology supports the achievement of the SDGs. The risks were determined using eight indicators focused on social risks, but environmental aspects like water quality and usage, and greenhouse gas emissions were also considered. The literature and databases were consulted to identify which SDGs receive contributions or burdens. Global and European cobalt supply scenarios were defined, considering the most representative countries. Results indicate that, although some SDGs receive positive contributions, like SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth) and SDG 13 (Climate action), most of the identified correlations are negative, especially for SDG 3 (Good health and well-being) and SDG 16 (Peace, justice, and strong institutions). The European scenario has a low risk toward socio-environmental issues in 53% of the assessed aspects, whereas the global scenario presents a high risk in 47% of them.  相似文献   

黄河流域可持续发展评估及协同发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为我国重要的生态屏障和经济带,黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展是我国的重大战略需求。目前,黄河流域水资源利用效率较低、水资源配置不甚合理等问题,阻碍了流域整体的可持续发展。以黄河流域上、中、下游9个省份作为研究对象,引入目标间均衡度这一新的评估方法,通过分析上中下游在可持续发展目标达成状况、发展路径、对黄河水资源的依赖程度和工农业用水效率等方面的差异,探讨了基于水资源优化利用的协同发展策略。研究结果表明:(1)2000—2015年间,黄河九省的可持续发展指数都有了显著提高,在不考虑各可持续发展目标间的均衡度时,中下游地区的可持续发展状况显著优于上游地区,考虑均衡度后则未发现显著差异;(2)忽略均衡度对评估结果带来的偏差也体现在省级层面上,如宁夏和山西在不考虑均衡度时都被认为取得了良好的发展,但实际上两者的发展主要体现在少部分目标上,和环境保护相关的部分目标反而出现了退步,这说明不考虑均衡度可能会高估可持续发展目标达成度;(3)黄河流域上中下游均有对黄河水资源较为依赖的省份,这些省份间工农业用水量和用水效率等存在较大差异,总体来看,上游地区用水效率较低,中下游地区用水效率较高;(4)取水量...  相似文献   

冯思远  赵文武  华廷  王涵 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7955-7964
“SDGs加速行动”是国际组织、政府部门、私营机构和其他利益攸关方为加快落实2030年可持续发展议程采取的全球行动。2019年联合国可持续发展目标峰会后,政府、国际组织、私营部门等提出了214项SDGs加速行动。2019年爆发的新型冠状病毒肺炎(Corona Virus Disease 2019,COVID-19)对实现可持续发展目标带来了系列影响,后疫情时代如何推动全球SDGs加速行动的实施成为重要的问题。对可持续发展评估报告(2019)和可持续发展目标加速行动等政策文件进行信息提取,建立加速行动匹配性指数模型和各国应对新冠疫情的恢复力指数模型,根据匹配性-恢复力分类体系将各国按照17项可持续发展目标分为9类,为推动后疫情时代全球可持续发展目标加速行动提供支撑。研究发现:(1)现有可持续发展目标加速行动的实施与区域需求不匹配,且这种不匹配的情况在COVID-19爆发前已经出现;(2)加速行动的实施受限于现有可持续发展水平和国家经济基础,区域关注的可持续发展目标与其自然地理位置和社会发展水平有着密切的关系,多边组织机构和其他利益攸关方需要在发展中国家大力推动可持续发展加速行动;(3)下一步实施加速行动需要加强国际间的合作,根据分类框架和可持续发展目标的关联关系,分重点推进加速行动的实施,完善可持续发展指标监测体系,分类设立后疫情时代不同时期的阶段目标,分阶段循序渐进,定期反馈追踪,以在2030年促进17项可持续目标的实现。  相似文献   

Advancements in portable electronic devices and electric powered transportation has drawn more attention to high energy density batteries, especially lithium–sulfur batteries due to the low cost of sulfur and its high energy density. However, the lithium–sulfur battery is still quite far from commercialization mostly because of incompatibility between all major components of the battery—the cathode, anode, and electrolyte. Here a methodology is demonstrated that shows promise in significantly improving battery stability by multilayer encapsulation of sulfur particles, while using conventional electrolytes, which allows a long cycle life and an improved Coulombic efficiency battery at low electrolyte feeding. The multilayer encapsulated sulfur battery demonstrates a Coulombic efficiency as high as 98%, when a binder‐free electrode is used. It is also shown that the all‐out self‐discharge of the cell after 168 h can be reduced from 34% in the regular sulfur battery to less than 9% in the battery with the multilayer encapsulated sulfur electrode.  相似文献   

Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries continue to be considered promising post‐lithium‐ion batteries owing to their high theoretical energy density. In pursuit of a Li–S cell with long‐term cyclability, most studies thus far have relied on using ether‐based electrolytes. However, their limited ability to dissolve polysulfides requires a high electrolyte‐to‐sulfur ratio, which impairs the achievable specific energy. Recently, the battery community found high donor electrolytes to be a potential solution to this shortcoming because their high solubility toward polysulfides enables a cell to operate under lean electrolyte conditions. Despite the increasing number of promising outcomes with high donor electrolytes, a critical hurdle related to stability of the lithium‐metal counter electrode needs to be overcome. This review provides an overview of recent efforts pertaining to high donor electrolytes in Li–S batteries and is intended to raise interest from within the community. Furthermore, based on analogous efforts in the lithium‐air battery field, strategies for protecting the lithium metal electrode are proposed. It is predicted that high donor electrolytes will be elevated to a higher status in the field of Li–S batteries, with the hope that either existing or upcoming strategies will, to a fair extent, mitigate the degradation of the lithium–metal interface.  相似文献   

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are expected to fulfill a crucial role in the renewable energy systems of the future. Within current regulatory frameworks, assessing the sustainability as well as the social risks for BESS should be considered. In this research we conducted a social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) of two BESS: the vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) and the lithium-ion battery (LIB). The S-LCA was conducted based on the guidelines set by UNEP/SETAC and using the PSILCA v.3 database. It was found that most social risks related to the life cycle of the batteries are associated with the raw material extraction stage, while sectors related to chemicals also entail considerable risks. Workers are the stakeholder group affected most. These results apply to supply chains located in both China and Germany, but risks were lower for similar supply chains in Germany. An LIB with a nickel manganese cobalt oxide cathode is associated with considerably larger risks compared to a LIB with lithium manganese oxide cathode. For a VRFB life cycle with an increased vanadium price, the social risks were higher than those of the VRFB supply chain with a regular vanadium price. Our paper shows that S-LCA through the PSILCA database can provide interesting insights into the potential social risks associated with a certain product's life cycle. Generalizations of the results are not recommended, and one should be careful with assessments for technologies that have not yet matured due to the cost sensitivity of the methodology.  相似文献   

Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries have the potential to be as efficient and as widespread as lithium‐ion (Li‐ion) batteries, since sulfur electrode has high theoretical capacity (1672 mA h gsul?1) and this element is affordable. However, unlike their ubiquitous lithium ion (Li‐ion) counterparts, it is difficult to realize the commercialization of Li‐S battery. Because the shuttle effect of polysulfide inevitably results in the serious capacity degradation. Tremendous progress is devoted to approach this problem from the aspect of physical confinement and chemisorption of polysulfide. Owing to weak intermolecular interactions, physical confinement strategy, however is not effective when the battery is cycled long‐term. Chemisorption of polysulfide that derived from polar–polar interaction, Lewis acid–base interaction, and sulfur‐chain catenation, are proven to significantly suppress the shuttle effect of polysulfide. It is also discovered that the metal compounds have strong chemical interactions with polysulfide. Therefore, this review focuses on latest metal–organic frameworks metal sulfides, metal hydroxides, metal nitrides, metal carbides, and discusses how the chemical interactions couple with the unique properties of these metal compounds to tackle the problem of polysulfide shuttle effect.  相似文献   

Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries have the potential to be as efficient and as widespread as lithium‐ion (Li‐ion) batteries, since sulfur electrode has high theoretical capacity (1672 mA h gsul?1) and this element is affordable. However, unlike their ubiquitous lithium ion (Li‐ion) counterparts, it is difficult to realize the commercialization of Li‐S battery. Because the shuttle effect of polysulfide inevitably results in the serious capacity degradation. Tremendous progress is devoted to approach this problem from the aspect of physical confinement and chemisorption of polysulfide. Owing to weak intermolecular interactions, physical confinement strategy, however is not effective when the battery is cycled long‐term. Chemisorption of polysulfide that derived from polar–polar interaction, Lewis acid–base interaction, and sulfur‐chain catenation, are proven to significantly suppress the shuttle effect of polysulfide. It is also discovered that the metal compounds have strong chemical interactions with polysulfide. Therefore, this review focuses on latest metal–organic frameworks metal sulfides, metal hydroxides, metal nitrides, metal carbides, and discusses how the chemical interactions couple with the unique properties of these metal compounds to tackle the problem of polysulfide shuttle effect.  相似文献   

As one of the important ingredients in lithium‐sulfur battery, the binders greatly impact the battery performance. However, conventional binders have intrinsic drawbacks such as poor capability of absorbing hydrophilic lithium polysulfides, resulting in severe capacity decay. This study reports a new type of binder by polymerization of hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether with polyethylenimine, which enables strongly anchoring polysulfides for high‐performance lithium sulfur batteries, demonstrating remarkable improvement in both mechanical performance for standing up to 100 g weight and an excellent capacity retention of 72% over 400 cycles at 1.5 C. Importantly, in situ micro‐Raman investigation verifies the effectively reduced polysulfides shuttling from sulfur cathode to lithium anode, which shows the greatly suppressed shuttle effect by the polar‐functional binder. X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis into the discharge intermediates upon battery cycling reveals that the hydrophilic binder endows the sulfur electrodes with multidimensional Li‐O, Li‐N, and S‐O interactions with sulfur species to effectively mitigate lithium polysulfide dissolution, which is theoretically confirmed by density‐functional theory calculations.  相似文献   

Despite their potential advantages over currently widespread lithium‐ion batteries, lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries are not yet in practical use. Here, for the first time bipolar all‐solid‐state Li–S batteries (ASSLSBs) are demonstrated that exhibit exceptional safety, flexibility, and aesthetics. The bipolar ASSLSBs are fabricated through a solvent‐drying‐free, ultraviolet curing‐assisted stepwise printing process at ambient conditions, without (high‐temperature/high‐pressure) sintering steps that are required for inorganic electrolyte‐based all‐solid‐state batteries. Two thermodynamically immiscible and nonflammable gel electrolytes based on ethyl methyl sulfone (EMS) and tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TEGDME) are used to address longstanding concerns regarding the grain boundary resistance of conventional inorganic solid electrolytes, as well as the polysulfide shuttle effect in Li–S batteries. The EMS gel electrolytes embedded in the sulfur cathodes facilitate sulfur utilization, while the TEGDME gel composite electrolytes serve as polysulfide‐repelling separator membranes. Benefiting from the well‐designed cell components and printing‐driven facile processability, the resulting bipolar ASSLSBs exhibit unforeseen advancements in bipolar cell configuration, safety, foldability, and form factors, which lie far beyond those achievable with conventional Li–S battery technologies.  相似文献   

Electrochemical energy storage at a large scale poses one of the main technological challenges of this century. The scientific community in academia and industry worldwide intensively is exploring various alternative rechargeable battery concepts beside state‐of‐the‐art lithium ion batteries (LIBs), for example, all‐solid‐state batteries, lithium/sulfur batteries, magnesium/sulfur batteries or dual‐ion batteries that could outperform LIBs in different aspects. Often, these concepts also promise very high theoretical energies per mass or volume. However, as theoretical values exclude numerous relevant parameters, they do not translate directly into practically achievable energy values: The gaps between practical capacities and voltages compared to the theoretical values differ for each system. In order to provide high transparency and to illustrate which cell components are most important in the limitation of the practical energy values, in this study, the specific energies and energy densities are calculated in six subsequent steps—from the theoretical energy values of the active materials alone to the practical energy values in an 18650 cylindrical cell. By providing a tool to calculate the energy values of six different battery technologies with different assumptions made evident, this study aims for more transparency and reliability in the comparison of different cell chemistries.  相似文献   

The recent proliferation of renewable energy generation offers mankind hope, with regard to combatting global climate change. However, reaping the full benefits of these renewable energy sources requires the ability to store and distribute any renewable energy generated in a cost‐effective, safe, and sustainable manner. As such, sodium‐ion batteries (NIBs) have been touted as an attractive storage technology due to their elemental abundance, promising electrochemical performance and environmentally benign nature. Moreover, new developments in sodium battery materials have enabled the adoption of high‐voltage and high‐capacity cathodes free of rare earth elements such as Li, Co, Ni, offering pathways for low‐cost NIBs that match their lithium counterparts in energy density while serving the needs for large‐scale grid energy storage. In this essay, a range of battery chemistries are discussed alongside their respective battery properties while keeping metrics for grid storage in mind. Matters regarding materials and full cell cost, supply chain and environmental sustainability are discussed, with emphasis on the need to eliminate several elements (Li, Ni, Co) from NIBs. Future directions for research are also discussed, along with potential strategies to overcome obstacles in battery safety and sustainable recyclability.  相似文献   

The complexity of social indicators and their subjective and often qualitative nature render their inclusion into quantitative optimization models for network design and strategic decision-making challenging. The social dimension is thus often implemented only rudimentarily, thwarting a holistic sustainability assessment and neglecting many of the social issues addressed in the sustainable development goals (SDGs). This work presents a structured process for including a comprehensive set of social aspects by selecting applicable quantitative and regionalized social indicators. This approach is applied to the case of second-generation bioethanol production in the EU. Based on inter alia the Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products and Organizations, the Social Hotspots Database, state-of-the-art literature, as well as previous work, we compile 9 social objective functions and 25 functions for social hotspot identification. They are evaluated alongside 1 economic and 21 environmental LCA-based objective functions in a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. Key results show that social optimization either leads to large, labor-intensive or regionally focused, indicator-driven networks. Injuries and fatalities in the feedstock sectors of Central and Eastern European countries is the primary social hotspot. On the level of the overarching SDGs, SDG13 is most congruent with other goals, while SDG7 is hindered by pursuing other goals. This study's approach is novel in strategic network design and the European bioeconomy, and, by operationalizing the social dimension, enables a more holistic life cycle sustainability assessment and the consideration of the SDGs. This article met the requirements for a gold-gold JIE data openness badge described at http://jie.click/badges .   相似文献   

Even though tremendous achievement has been made experimentally in the performance of lithium–sulfur (Li–S) battery, theoretical studies in this area are lagging behind due to the complexity of the Li–S systems and the effects of solvent. For this purpose, a new methodology is developed for investigating the 2D hexaaminobenzene‐based coordination polymers (2D‐HAB‐CPs) as cathode candidate materials for Li–S batteries via density functional theory calculations in combination with an in‐house developed charge polarized solvent model and a genetic algorithm structure global search code. With high ratios of transition metal atoms and two‐coordinated nitrogen atoms, excellent electric conductivity, and structural porosity, the 2D‐HAB‐CP is able to address all of the three main challenges facing Li–S batteries: confining the lithium polysulfides from dissolution, facilitating the electron conductivity and buffering the volumetric expansion during the lithiation process. In addition, the theoretical energy density of this system is as high as 1395 Wh kg?1. These results demonstrate that the 2D‐HAB‐CP is a promising cathode material for Li–S batteries. The proposed computational framework not only opens a new avenue for understanding the key role played by solution and liquid electrolytes in Li–S batteries, but also can be generally applied to other processes with liquids involved.  相似文献   

Safety, nontoxicity, and durability directly determine the applicability of the essential characteristics of the lithium (Li)‐ion battery. Particularly, for the lithium–sulfur battery, due to the low ignition temperature of sulfur, metal lithium as the anode material, and the use of flammable organic electrolytes, addressing security problems is of increased difficulty. In the past few years, two basic electrolyte systems are studied extensively to solve the notorious safety issues. One system is the conventional organic liquid electrolyte, and the other is the inorganic solid‐state or quasi‐solid‐state composite electrolyte. Here, the recent development of engineered liquid electrolytes and design considerations for solid electrolytes in tackling these safety issues are reviewed to ensure the safety of electrolyte systems between sulfur cathode materials and the lithium‐metal anode. Specifically, strategies for designing and modifying liquid electrolytes including introducing gas evolution, flame, aqueous, and dendrite‐free electrolytes are proposed. Moreover, the considerations involving a high‐performance Li+ conductor, air‐stable Li+ conductors, and stable interface performance between the sulfur cathode and the lithium anode for developing all‐solid‐state electrolytes are discussed. In the end, an outlook for future directions to offer reliable electrolyte systems is presented for the development of commercially viable lithium–sulfur batteries.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for replacing conventional fossil fuels with clean energy or economical and sustainable energy storage drives better battery research today. Sodium‐ion batteries (SIBs) are considered as a promising alternative for grid‐scale storage applications due to their similar “rocking‐chair” sodium storage mechanism to lithium‐ion batteries, the natural abundance, and the low cost of Na resources. Searching for appropriate electrode materials with acceptable electrochemical performance is the key point for development of SIBs. Layered transition metal oxides represent one of the most fascinating electrode materials owing to their superior specific capacity, environmental benignity, and facile synthesis. However, three major challenges (irreversible phase transition, storage instability, and insufficient battery performance) are known for cathodes in SIBs. Herein, a comprehensive review on the latest advances and progresses in the exploration of layered oxides for SIBs is presented, and a detailed and deep understanding of the relationship of phase transition, air stability, and electrochemical performance in layered oxide cathodes is provided in terms of refining the structure–function–property relationship to design improved battery materials. Layered oxides will be a competitive and attractive choice as cathodes for SIBs in next‐generation energy storage devices.  相似文献   

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