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茚虫威在红火蚁工蚁间的横向接触传导效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[背景]红火蚁是我国重要的外来入侵害虫。利用其相互清洁和交哺行为等社会性昆虫特有的生活习性,使杀虫剂在巢群内传导,可以达到全巢药剂控制的目的。然而,有关茚虫威在红火蚁巢群内的传导效应尚未见有详细报道。[方法]采用供药蚁/受药蚁模型,研究了药剂剂量、供药蚁—受药蚁比例、处理时间对茚虫威在红火蚁工蚁间横向传毒的影响。[结果]剂量越高,受药蚁的死亡率越高,25 ng·头-1处理组受药蚁死亡率为14.1%~70.0%,而50 ng·头-1处理组的受药蚁死亡率最高可达100%;供药蚁—受药蚁比例显著影响茚虫威的传毒,比例为1∶1时,50、100、250、500 ng·头-1处理组受药蚁死亡率可达100%;随着时间延长,受药蚁的死亡率升高,但在12 h后,供药蚁死亡率最高仅为8.0%,表明茚虫威具缓效特性。[结论与意义]本研究明确了在红火蚁工蚁间茚虫威横向传毒的剂量、时间和供药蚁—受药蚁比例的效应,为应用该药剂提供了依据。  相似文献   

无人机遥感技术在景观生态学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张志明  徐倩  王彬  孙虎  耿宇鹏  田冀 《生态学报》2017,37(12):4029-4036
野外数据的获取是生态学研究的挑战之一,而通过遥感技术能够实现对地球表面的多面立体观测,获取丰富多样的空间信息数据,开展从微观到宏观不同尺度上的景观单元(包括物种、种群、群落、生态系统等)的空间关系研究。传统卫星遥感影像受空间和时间分辨率的限制,难以满足局域尺度或者时间序列上的景观空间生态学研究需求。无人机遥感技术为生态学研究的野外数据获取提供了一种新方法,以其灵活、高效、简便等特点弥补了传统卫星遥感的空间分辨率低、重访周期长、云雾影响等方面的不足,在景观空间生态学研究中受到越来越多的关注。简要介绍无人机类型及其搭载常见的传感器类型,分别从不同尺度的景观单元,即物种、种群、群落以及生态系统水平上探讨其应用进展,并指出当前无人机技术在景观生态学研究中存在的挑战与困难,同时展望了未来可能的研究热点,以期对今后无人机遥感技术在景观生态学领域的应用研究有所启发。  相似文献   

红火蚁及其重要近似种的鉴别   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了红火蚁及其重要近似种的分类特征和分布,以及火蚁属中国已知种类,还提供了上述种类的鉴别检索表。  相似文献   

不同浓度茚虫威对红火蚁的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索适合防治红火蚁的茚虫威浓度,利用丙酮溶解茚虫威原药,使用雾化手段与载体和配方其他试剂充分混合,干燥后保存,进行野外试验测定其防治红火蚁的药效。结果表明,研制的0.025%茚虫威饵剂综合防治效果达85.30%,0.05%茚虫威饵剂达100%,0.1%茚虫威饵剂达100%。3个浓度的茚虫威饵剂拥有良好的防治红火蚁药效,0.05%浓度最适合研制红火蚁饵剂。  相似文献   

红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta)具有扩散迅速、攻击性强等特点,常对入侵地区造成巨大的生态危害。虽然很多文献报道了红火蚁对无脊椎动物的影响,但红火蚁对脊椎动物影响的研究较少,也缺乏系统的总结。综述了红火蚁对不同脊椎动物类群的影响和主要的研究方法(野外调查、案例分析、实验室评估、比较分析和人工移除红火蚁),以及脊椎动物对红火蚁的行为和生理防御机制。一般而言,红火蚁常以腹部末端的螯针攻击其他动物并释放毒液,可直接捕食、伤害各种脊椎动物的卵、幼体和成体,并影响动物的行为。此外,红火蚁可降低生境内无脊椎动物的丰度,间接影响捕食者的种群数量。尽管红火蚁是陆生生物,但鱼类可能取食掉落在水面的有翅繁殖蚁而中毒,且漂浮于水面的红火蚁蚁筏也可能对鱼类造成威胁。由于两栖类动物通常体型较小,运动能力较弱,且皮肤缺乏角质层与鳞片毛发等结构的保护,极易受到红火蚁的攻击和伤害。对于鸟类和爬行类,红火蚁主要捕食卵和幼体,并干扰成体的筑巢和育幼行为,降低其繁殖成功率。此外,红火蚁对小型哺乳动物的觅食行为和种群数量均可造成负面影响,并可蛰刺伤害牛羊等家畜,对畜牧业造成巨大的经济损失。一些动物对红火蚁具有行为防御,如用附肢蹬掉体表的红火蚁,或避免取食或接触红火蚁。此外,一些动物能对红火蚁的毒素产生抗体,或调整体内荷尔蒙水平以应对红火蚁的攻击。然而,仍不清楚这些行为和生理反应是否普遍存在于其他脊椎动物,以及能在多大程度上保护其免受红火蚁伤害。值得注意的是,几乎所有的相关研究都是由国外研究者完成的,建议我国学者更多的关注红火蚁对我国经济物种、珍稀动物和食蚁物种的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract  The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta , a damaging invasive pest, was discovered in February 2001 in Brisbane, Australia at two sites, Fisherman Islands and suburban Richlands-Wacol. Using four microsatellite loci and the protein marker Gp-9 , we compared the two infestations with each other, and with potential source populations in North and South America to better understand the history of their introduction to Brisbane. Based on an analysis of molecular variance, as well as a maximum likelihood tree of colonies from the two Australian sites, we found that the two sites were genetically distinct and were almost certainly introduced separately. All of the colonies at Fisherman Islands were monogynous, headed by a single queen, while the Richlands-Wacol site had a mixture of single-queen monogynous and multiple-queen polygynous colonies. However, the monogynous and polygynous colonies at the Richlands-Wacol site were not genetically distinct from each other, and probably constitute a single, mixed introduction. Based on allele frequencies at the microsatellite loci, and Gp-9 , both Australian infestations were more similar to North American populations than to South American, though the Fisherman Islands infestation was intermediate, making it difficult to assign. Thus, there has been one introduction from either a North or South American monogynous population at Fisherman Islands, and one introduction from a mixed monogynous/polygynous North American population at Richlands-Wacol. These findings have implications for the control of the current infestations, as well as for the quarantine regulations necessary to prevent additional introductions to Australia.  相似文献   

Impact of the invasion of the imported fire ant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of the imported fire ant (IFA) is complex, in large part, because several very different species of “Fire Ants” have invaded and one of these has two forms, all of which are hard to separate by the public, as well as, some investigators not focused on the ant. Each of these different “IFA” species and forms differ in their impact. Further, these ants impact a number of “things” ranging from the environment and wildlife (plants and animals) as well as people, their environment and infrastructure. In addition, they can not only lead to death of living things (including people), but they can destroy many aspects of our environment and infrastructure at the cost of millions of dollars. But there are some beneficial aspects and some people can make many thousands of dollars due to their presence. This is an attempt to look at these issues.  相似文献   

The introduced tramp ant, Pheidole megacephala, is a well‐known pest of urban areas and coastal dune ecosystems in eastern Australia. Until recently, establishment and spread of P. megacephala colonies has been regarded as likely only in disturbed areas. Here we describe the extent of an established colony of P. megacephala in a long undisturbed open forest near Maryborough in southeast Queensland and compare ant community structure with those of nearby uninfested sites. Tuna baiting revealed three distinct zones: (i) a zone totally dominated by P. megacephala (at least 10 ha) where few other ant ant species were detected; (ii) a zone where P. megacephala was absent and many other ant species were found; and (iii) a zone where opportunists (species of Ochetellus and Paratrechina) competed with P. megacephala at baits. Pitfall trapping over a 9‐month period resulted in 12 species being recorded at the infested site, compared with a mean of 25 species recorded at adjoining uninfested forest. Over 94% of ants recorded in pitfalls at the infested site were P. megacephala. Most notably, P. megacephala had completely displaced dominant Dolichoderines (species of Iridomyrmex), subordinate Camponotini (species of Camponotus, Opisthopsis and Polyrhachis) and other species of Pheidole which are common at forest sites.  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是国际上一种重要危险性入侵害虫,已经入侵我国多年,并对我国社会多个方面造成危害和威胁。调查和明确红火蚁的分布、发生和危害是做好科学防控的基础和前提。本研究明确了大(体长:5~6 mm)、中(3~4 mm)、小(2~2.5 mm)3类不同体型工蚁在死亡和活体状态下同一体积时的重量和数量差异性及相关性。在此基础上建立了拟合2种状态下3类体型工蚁的体积、重量和数量间关系的系列幂模型,其中大、中、小体型活工蚁的体积与重量之间关系模型分别为Y=0.2066X^1.09265、Y=0.2179X^1.2362、Y=0.1725X^1.0897,死亡工蚁的体积与重量之间关系模型分别为Y=0.2003X^1.2226、Y=0.0876X^1.3038、Y=0.1491X^1.2041;大、中、小体型活工蚁的体积与数量之间关系模型分别为Y=41.7252X^1.5681、Y=27.9203X^1.7075、Y=181.7866X^1.0187,死亡工蚁的体积与数量之间关系模型分别为Y=115.8781X^1.1245、Y=460.1223X^1.0039、Y=433.0574X^0.9595;大、中、小体型活工蚁和死亡工蚁的重量与数量之间关系模型分别为Y=390.6213X1.4699、Y=219.6564X^1.4133、Y=942.2587X^0.9267、Y=524.3954X^0.8803、Y=3005.7651X^0.7571、Y=1984.2138X^0.7818;并依据以上各个模型,计算、制作了2种状态3类体型时依据体积估测重量和数量,依据重量估测数量的分级表。  相似文献   

以含1%氟虫腈、植物淀粉、引诱物质及粘附剂等自制的红蚁净(Pyragne)粉剂,在室内测定红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren各虫态的毒力。结果显示:红蚁净粉剂对红火蚁工蚁LT50=20.106h、LT90=23.78h,对有翅繁殖蚁LT50=20.951h、LT90=25.64h;工蚁能将红蚁净传递给蛹和卵引起中毒死亡。  相似文献   

The little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata Roger, is one of the world's most destructive invasive ants. It has been present in Cameroon for more than four decades, but its impact on local ant diversity is not known. We studied impact of W. auropunctata in three disturbed habitats located in rural and urban areas. We monitored ant diversity in both invaded and noninvaded zones in each area using a combination of three sampling methods: bait, pitfall traps and visual catch in quadrat. We collected 28 species in urban area and 64 in rural area. In invaded zone, W. auropunctata made up 97.72% and 99.96% of all ant fauna and ant species richness decreased to 7 and 2 in urban and rural area, respectively. In accordance with others findings in introduced environments, the presence of W. auropunctata has severely reduced abundance and richness of local ant species in both urban and rural environments in Cameroon. Measures should therefore be put in place to prevent its introduction in natural environment as forest reserves and natural parks.  相似文献   

严防危险性害虫红火蚁入侵   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:40  
张润志  任立  刘宁 《昆虫知识》2005,42(1):6-10,F004
原产南美洲的红火蚁SolenopsisinvictaBuren,先后入侵美国和澳洲,最近又入侵中国台湾,对人类健康和环境安全构成重大威胁。该文介绍了红火蚁的形态特征、与近源种的形态区别、生物学特性、入侵特性、危害以及预防、控制等方面的知识,最后提出我国大陆需要高度警惕,严防红火蚁入侵。  相似文献   

本研究使用固定翼无人机拍摄4 200 ha林地,从中选取了广东省河源市和平县阳明镇、紫金县紫城镇、东源县义合镇共3个样地的3 500 ha林地的航拍影像进行分析,用以探究松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus病死树的空间分布情况,及不同立地因子对疫情的影响,为松材线虫病监测预报提供解决途径。通过Pix4Dmapper软件对航拍的图像进行拼接生成正射影像图(DOM)等成果,然后使用eCognition(易康)软件对影像成果进行分割、分类和信息提取,最后借助ArcGIS平台进行病死树数量统计并获取方位、坡向、坡度、海拔等立地因子信息。结果表明,松材线虫病死树分布均呈聚集分布。使用双对角线法、平行线法、“Z”字法、五点法等不同抽样方法调查发现,仅五点法所得平均数与总体平均数无明显差异(P<0.05)。松材线虫病死树在不同立地因子下均有差异:主要分布在西坡、南坡和东南坡,西坡最多为25.94%,其次是南坡23.57%;主要分布在半阳坡和阳坡,半阳坡占36.54%,阳坡占34.09%;主要分布在凸坡,但随着疫情的发展,凹坡病死树数量逐渐超过凸坡;主要分布海拔区间在30...  相似文献   

无人机技术的运用为自然保护地生物多样性监测与研究带来了新的机遇和变革。然而, 对自然保护地主要保护对象的关注不足, 导致了无人机和地面相结合的监测技术尚未形成。为更好地发挥多种调查监测技术的各自优势, 为自然保护地生物多样性管护和监测提供支撑, 我们总结了国内外已开展的无人机和地面相结合的监测工作进展, 梳理了我国不同类型自然保护地生物多样性保护管理和监测的需求。总的来看, 不同类型自然保护地的主要保护对象围绕在生态系统、物种、遗址遗迹等或由上述要素构成的景观资源上; 管理目标定位则集中在保护、恢复、科研、宣教、游憩和可持续发展等方面。基于上述需求, 我们归纳提出了包括图像识别与分类解译、数据反演与格局分析、数字建模与地表测量、巡护巡检4个类别共计14个专题的无人机和地面相结合的监测技术方案, 明确了监测时期与频次、监测指标、监测技术的结合途径以及数据后处理方法等。同时, 我们在三江并流世界遗产地云岭片区内选择植物识别、植被长势、景观格局、地表测量以及执法检查等技术专题开展了应用试验。在技术方案取得良好验证结果的同时, 实现了对自然保护地生物多样性保护和管理的技术支撑, 为未来自然保护地精细化管理提供了技术储备。  相似文献   

Solenopsis invicta Buren, also known as the red imported fire ant (RIFA), has had a large negative impact on human and livestock health. However, few studies have further investigated the influence of human land use, which is an important factor affecting the habitats of insects, on the expansion of RIFAs. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge of the empirical associations between RIFA diffusion and land use within countries. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to provide an approach to delineate the areas of RIFA infestations and explore how land use influences the spatiotemporal diffusion of S. invicta. We used RIFA data from 2008 to 2015 from the RIFA surveillance system, which was conducted by the National RIFA Control Center in Taiwan. Two regions in Taiwan with different RIFA infestation levels were investigated. The ordinary kriging method was applied to show the spatial intensity of RIFAs, and the extreme distance estimator method was applied to determine the critical dispersal distances, which showed the distance of the highest probability of RIFAs in two consecutive years. In addition, network analyses were used to identify RIFA invasion routes between land‐use types. Finally, bivariate local indicators of spatial association were used to capture the invasion process in time and space. The results showed, paddy fields, main roads, and warehouses were identified as the top three land‐use types of diffusion sources. On average, the critical RIFA dispersal distances were 600 and 650 m in two consecutive years in high‐ and low‐infestation regions, respectively. Finally, RIFAs were likely to diffuse between main roads and warehouses in the low‐infestation region. Therefore, it is suggested that RIFA control activities be implemented at least 600 m from the observed spot. Additionally, control activities should be conducted on the identified three land‐use types of diffusion sources in the high‐infestation region, and the roadsides between main roads and warehouses in the low‐infestation region to prevent the accidental spread of RIFAs.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of eradicating the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, in the hot, humid and rainy conditions of northern Taiwan. Thirteen hectares of the Shihmen Reservoir have been infected with these ants, with a total of 1 578 mounds. Pyriproxyfen was applied at a rate of 2 kg/hectare each season, for a total of four seasons. Surveys using visual examination, bait traps, as well as the population index method showed that the brood, the reproductive ants, and the worker ants within the nests were all significantly reduced 1 month after the first application of pyriproxyfen. Four months after the initial application there were no more brood or reproductive ants. After 8 months there were no longer any active mounds left, and 12 months later there were no more worker ants. After monitoring for 1 more year, it was ascertained that the red imported fire ants were eradicated. The percentages of decrease after 2, 4 and 6 months of treatment were 57.4%, 80.5%, and 98.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

王彬  孙虎  徐倩  田冀  李强  陈盈赟  杨汝兰  张志明 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3524-3533
植物群落高度是反映植物群落特征的重要指标,植物群落高度的测定能给植物群落多样性分析、生物量估算、功能形状研究提供重要的数据基础。传统的森林调查主要由生态调查工作者通过目测或者利用激光测高仪对每个个体进行逐一测定,因此劳动强度大,耗时费力,并且难以进行大面积的植物群落高度调查。近年来,随着无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)技术的飞速发展,催生了无人机低空摄影测量和遥感技术,该技术已被应用于农作物植株高度测定和生物量估测等。然而针对植被类型多样、树木种类繁多且地形复杂的山区如何精确的获取植物群落高度仍然是一个较大挑战。以缓坡地形的云南大学呈贡校区为研究区,选取校区内人工种植的雪松(Cedrus deodara(Roxb.)G.Don)林为研究对象,利用无人机搭载可见光相机平台获取研究区近地面航空影像,利用高分辨的影像匹配加密获得的点云数据生成数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model,DSM)。依据点云分类提取非植物类点,消除少数因植被与非植被相接的边缘模糊而错分类的部分,内插后生成数字地面模型(Digital Terrain Model,DTM)。将DSM和DTM叠加相减得到树木高度变化模型(Canopy Height Model,CHM),即获得研究区各个雪松的高度。然后利用激光测距仪测定研究样地内100棵雪松的高度,将此测定的树高与无人机航测技术生成的CHM模型测定的树高值进行精度检验。结果表明无人机测定的树高值与激光测距仪测定的树高值线性拟合度较高,r2值在0.904以上。此方法基于无人机影像生成空间模型,提取树高,受外界环境因素影响较小,且成本较传统测树方法低廉,可广泛运用于各种植物群落的调查研究当中,有极好的应用前景。  相似文献   

蚂蚁-紫胶虫兼性互利关系对蚂蚁群落多样性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了探讨蚂蚁-紫胶虫兼性互利关系对树冠上蚂蚁群落多样性的影响,作者于2009年12月至2010年5月,采用目光搜寻的方法调查了不同紫胶虫数量样地(样地Ⅰ有效枝条寄生率为60%、样地Ⅱ为30%、样地Ⅲ为10%、样地Ⅳ不放养紫胶虫)中钝叶黄檀(Dalbergia obtusifolia)树冠蚂蚁群落的多样性.结果显示,兼性互利关系能够显著提高树冠蚂蚁群落多度及物种丰富度,改变树冠上蚂蚁的群落结构;由紫胶虫数量高低导致的蜜露产量的多寡对树冠上蚂蚁的多度和群落结构均具有显著影响,但对物种丰富度无显著影响;同时紫胶虫的个体发育阶段也是影响树冠上蚂蚁多度的重要因素.本研究证明,紫胶虫对于提高树冠上蚂蚁的多样性具有显著的正面影响,紫胶林对蚂蚁多样性保护有利.  相似文献   

Biogeographic effects of red fire ant invasion   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta , was accidentally introduced to North America over 60 years ago and has spread throughout the southeastern United States. We document the biogeographic consequences of this invasion. We censused ground-foraging ant communities on a 2000 km transect from Florida through New York that passed through invaded and intact biotas. Native ant species density peaks at mid-latitudes in the eastern United States, and the location of this peak corresponds to the range limit of S. invicta . In uninvaded sites, ant species co-occur less often than expected by chance. In the presence of S. invicta , community structure converges to a random pattern. Our results suggest that the effects of S. invicta on native ant communities are pervasive: not only does the presence of S. invicta reduce species density at local scales, it alters the co-occurrence patterns of surviving species at a biogeographic scale.  相似文献   

Red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta, are generalist predators that can have major impacts on foliar arthropod communities in agricultural systems; however, their effects as predators at the soil surface have not been adequately characterized. We examined the contribution of fire ants to predation at the soil surface and in cotton foliage at two sites and over the course of two field seasons in Georgia, using egg masses of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua. To assess interactions between fire ants and other arthropod species, we also measured the densities of edaphic predators and honeydew‐producing hemipterans at both sites. The sites occurred in different growing regions (Piedmont and Coastal Plain), and allowed us to characterize the importance of fire ants as predators under different climatic and soil conditions. Fire ant suppression decreased egg predation at both field sites, and predation by fire ants at the soil surface was equal to if not greater than that in cotton foliage. However, the impact of fire ants on predation varied between sites, likely due to differences in climate and the composition and activity of the extant arthropod communities. Our study also indicates that fire ant suppression is associated with decreases in the density of honeydew‐producing insects, and increasing abundance of whiteflies on the plants coincided with a decrease in egg predation at the soil surface. This finding suggests the mutualism between ants and whiteflies may lead to a shift in predation intensity from edaphic towards plant‐based food webs.  相似文献   

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