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植物群落构建的生态过滤机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许驭丹  董世魁  李帅  沈豪 《生态学报》2019,39(7):2267-2281
生物多样性的形成和维持机制,即群落构建机制,一直以来都是群落生态学研究的核心问题。植物群落构建的确定性过程主要是生态过滤机制(包括环境过滤和生物过滤,其中生物过滤包括种间竞争和种内功能性状变异)作用的结果。学者们构建了大量的理论、方法、模型来解释和验证生态过滤机制对群落构建的影响,并取得了显著的成果。然而,关于生态过滤机制在不同尺度的作用、生态过滤机制的各要素分解和量化等方面的研究仍有诸多疑问。重点综述了环境过滤、种间竞争和种内功能性状变异的最新研究进展,并指出了现有研究的不足之处。在未来的研究中,应注重生态过滤机制的各要素分解和量化,加强研究手段的综合运用,关注时空动态变化对植物群落构建的影响,重视对不同植物群落构建机制的共性和个性特征的认识,同时强调与其他生态过程、群落构建机制的整合。通过这些尝试,有助于人们更好的理解植物群落构建过程中的生态过滤机制的作用。  相似文献   

Identifying the influence of stochastic processes and of deterministic processes, such as dispersal of individuals of different species and trait‐based environmental filtering, has long been a challenge in studies of community assembly. Here, we present the Univariate Community Assembly Analysis (UniCAA) and test its ability to address three hypotheses: species occurrences within communities are (a) limited by spatially restricted dispersal; (b) environmentally filtered; or (c) the outcome of stochasticity—so that as community size decreases—species that are common outside a local community have a disproportionately higher probability of occurrence than rare species. The comparison with a null model allows assessing if the influence of each of the three processes differs from what one would expect under a purely stochastic distribution of species. We tested the framework by simulating “empirical” metacommunities under 15 scenarios that differed with respect to the strengths of spatially restricted dispersal (restricted vs. not restricted); habitat isolation (low, intermediate, and high immigration rates); and environmental filtering (strong, intermediate, and no filtering). Through these tests, we found that UniCAA rarely produced false positives for the influence of the three processes, yielding a type‐I error rate ≤5%. The type‐II error rate, that is, production of false negatives, was also acceptable and within the typical cutoff (20%). We demonstrate that the UniCAA provides a flexible framework for retrieving the processes behind community assembly and propose avenues for future developments of the framework.  相似文献   

Communities are thought to be assembled by two types of filters: by the environment relating to the fundamental niche and by biotic interactions relating to the realized niche. Both filters include parameters related to functional traits and their variation along environmental gradients. Here, we infer the general importance of environmental filtering of a functional trait determining local community assembly within insular adaptive radiations on the example of Caribbean Anolis lizards. We constructed maps for the probability of presence of Anolis ecomorphs (ecology‐morphology‐behavior specialists) on the Greater Antilles and overlaid these to estimate ecomorph community completeness (ECC) over the landscape. We then tested for differences in environmental parameter spaces among islands for real and cross‐fitted ECC values to see whether the underlying assembly filters are deterministic (i.e., similar among islands). We then compared information‐theoretic models of climatic and landscape parameters among Greater Antillean islands and inferred whether body mass as functional trait determines ECC. We found areas with high ECC to be strongly correlated with environmental filters, partly related to elevation. The environmental parameters influencing high ECC differed among islands. With the exception of the Jamaican twig ecomorph (which we suspect to be misclassified), smaller ecomorphs were more restricted to higher elevations than larger ones which might reflect filtering on the basis of differential physiological restrictions of ecomorphs. Our results in Anolis show that local community assembly within adaptive island radiations of animals can be determined by environmental filtering of functional traits, independently from species composition and realized environmental niche space.  相似文献   

Termites play fundamental roles in tropical ecosystems, and mound-building species in particular are crucial in enhancing species diversity, from plants to mammals. However, it is still unclear which factors govern the occurrence and assembly of termite communities. A phylogenetic community approach and null models of species assembly were used to examine structuring processes associated with termite community assembly in a pristine savannah. Overall, we did not find evidence for a strong influence of interspecific competition or environmental filtering in structuring these communities. However, the presence of a single species, the mound-building termite Macrotermes bellicosus, left a strong signal on structuring and led to clustered communities of more closely related species. Hence, this species changes the assembly rules for a whole community. Our results show the fundamental importance of a single insect species for community processes, suggesting that more attention to insect species is warranted when developing conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Identifying the mechanisms that underlie the assembly of plant communities is critical to the conservation of terrestrial biodiversity. However, it is seldom measured or quantified how much deterministic versus stochastic processes contribute to community assembly in alpine meadows. Here, we measured the decay in community similarity with spatial and environmental distance in the Zoige Plateau. Furthermore, we used redundancy analysis (RDA) to divide the variations in the relative abundance of plant families into four components to assess the effects of environmental and spatial. Species assemblage similarity liner declined with geographical distance (p < .001, R 2 = .6388), and it decreased significantly with increasing distance of total phosphorus (TP), alkali‐hydrolyzable nitrogen (AN), available potassium (AK), nitrate nitrogen (NO3 +–N), and ammonia nitrogen (NH4 +–N). Environmental and spatial variables jointly explained a large proportion (55.2%) of the variation in the relative abundance of plant families. Environmental variables accounted for 13.1% of the total variation, whereas spatial variables accounted for 11.4%, perhaps due to the pronounced abiotic gradients in the alpine areas. Our study highlights the mechanism of plant community assembly in the alpine ecosystem, where environmental filtering plays a more important role than dispersal limitation. In addition, a reasonably controlled abundance of Compositae (the family with the highest niche breadth and large niche overlap value with Gramineae and Cyperaceae) was expected to maintain sustainable development in pastoral production. These results suggest that management measures should be developed with the goal of improving or maintaining suitable local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The stress‐gradient hypothesis predicts a higher frequency of facilitative interactions as resource limitation increases. Under severe resource limitation, it has been suggested that facilitation may revert to competition, and identifying the presence as well as determining the magnitude of this shift is important for predicting the effect of climate change on biodiversity and plant community dynamics. In this study, we perform a meta‐analysis to compare temporal differences of species diversity and productivity under a nurse plant (Retama sphaerocarpa) with varying annual rainfall quantity to test the effect of water limitation on facilitation. Furthermore, we assess spatial differences in the herbaceous community under nurse plants in situ during a year with below‐average rainfall. We found evidence that severe rainfall deficit reduced species diversity and plant productivity under nurse plants relative to open areas. Our results indicate that the switch from facilitation to competition in response to rainfall quantity is nonlinear. The magnitude of this switch depended on the aspect around the nurse plant. Hotter south aspects under nurse plants resulted in negative effects on beneficiary species, while the north aspect still showed facilitation. Combined, these results emphasize the importance of spatial heterogeneity under nurse plants for mediating species loss under reduced precipitation, as predicted by future climate change scenarios. However, the decreased water availability expected under climate change will likely reduce overall facilitation and limit the role of nurse plants as refugia, amplifying biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

Trait‐based ecology suggests that abiotic filtering is the main mechanism structuring the regional species pool in different subsets of habitat‐specific species. At more local spatial scales, other ecological processes may add on giving rise to complex patterns of functional diversity (FD). Understanding how assembly processes operating on the habitat‐specific species pools produce the locally observed plant assemblages is an ongoing challenge. Here, we evaluated the importance of different processes to community assembly in an alpine fellfield, assessing its effects on local plant trait FD. Using classical randomization tests and linear mixed models, we compared the observed FD with expectations from three null models that hierarchically incorporate additional assembly constraints: stochastic null models (random assembly), independence null models (each species responding individual and independently to abiotic environment), and co‐occurrence null models (species responding to environmental variation and to the presence of other species). We sampled species composition in 115 quadrats across 24 locations in the central Pyrenees (Spain) that differed in soil conditions, solar radiation and elevation. Overall, the classical randomization tests were unable to find differences between the observed and expected functional patterns, suggesting that the strong abiotic filters that sort out the flora of extreme regional environments blur any signal of other local processes. However, our approach based on linear mixed models revealed the signature of different ecological processes. In the case of seed mass and leaf thickness, observed FD significantly deviated from the expectations of the stochastic model, suggesting that fine‐scale abiotic filtering and facilitation can be behind these patterns. Our study highlights how the hierarchical incorporation of ecological additional constraints may shed light on the dim signal left by local assembly processes in alpine environments.  相似文献   

Detecting the response of vegetation to climate forcing as distinct from spatial and temporal variability may be difficult, if not impossible, over the typical duration of most field studies. We analyzed the spatial and interannual variability of plant functional type biomass from field studies in low arctic tussock tundra and compared these to climate change simulations of plant community composition using a dynamic tundra vegetation model (ArcVeg). Spatial heterogeneity of peak season live aboveground biomass was estimated using field samples taken from low arctic tundra at Ivotuk, Alaska (68.5°N, 155.7°W) in 1999. Coefficients of variation for live aboveground biomass at the 1 m2 scale ranged from 14.6% for deciduous shrubs, 18.5% for graminoids and 25.3% for mosses to over 57% for forbs and lichens. Spatial heterogeneity in the ArcVeg dynamic vegetation model was simulated to be greater than the field data, ranging from 37.1% for deciduous shrubs to 107.9% for forbs. Disturbances in the model, such as caribou grazing and freezing–thawing of soil, as well as demographic stochasticity, led to the greater variability in the simulated results. Temporal variances of aboveground live biomass over a 19-year period using data from Toolik Lake, AK fell within the range of field and simulation spatial variances. However, simulations using ArcVeg suggest that temporal variability can be substantially less than site-scale spatial variability. Field data coupled with ArcVeg simulations of climate change scenarios indicate that some changes in plant community composition may be detectable within two decades following the onset of warming, and shrubs and mosses might be the key indicators of community change. Model simulations also project increasing landscape scale spatial heterogeneity (particularly of shrubs) with increasing temperatures.  相似文献   

Naoto Shinohara  Takehito Yoshida 《Oikos》2021,130(10):1626-1635
Herbivorous insect communities are structured by multiple processes operating locally (e.g. bottom–up effects of plants) and regionally (e.g. dispersal limitation). Although the relative strength of these processes has been well documented, how it varies in time is less understood, especially in relation with the temporal dynamics of plant communities. If temporal turnover of local plant species composition is too rapid for insect community assembly to keep up with, bottom–up effects are expected to be weak. Here, in plant and herbivorous insect communities in Japanese grasslands, we studied how the relative importance of local (bottom–up effects of plants, structures of plant communities and top–down effects of predators) and regional (dispersal limitation) processes varies over the growing season. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that larger temporal turnover of plant species composition is related to the weaker bottom–up effects, that is, the lower explanation power of plant communities for insect communities. We found that, throughout the growing season, the insect species composition was mainly explained by local variables (plant species composition, vegetation height and predator abundance), and their explanation power was higher during later phases of the season (late summer). Furthermore, the variation not explained by plant species composition was correlated with the degree of temporal turnover of plants, suggesting that insect communities failed to track the temporal turnover of plant species. These results were pronounced when we focused on leaf sucker insects, whose host plant range is presumably more limited. We conclude that herbivorous insect communities are mainly regulated by local processes, especially bottom–up effects from plants, while stochasticity may have played a role in early phases of the season. Furthermore, we underscore the importance of considering relative time scale of community assembly and environmental shifts, especially in systems characterized by dynamic changes.  相似文献   

高梅香  林琳  常亮  孙新  刘冬  吴东辉 《生物多样性》2018,26(10):1034-569
群落空间格局和构建机制一直是生态学研究的核心内容。在生物多样性严重丧失的背景下, 揭示群落空间格局及其构建机制, 有助于深刻理解生物多样性丧失的原因, 更有助于应对生物多样性保护等重大生态环境问题。然而, 陆地生态系统的研究多集中于地上生物群落, 对地下生态系统, 尤其是土壤动物空间格局和构建机制的研究尚不充分。事实上, 土壤动物多样性是全球生物多样性的关键组成之一, 是地下生态系统结构和功能维持的重要部分。对土壤动物空间格局和构建机制的研究, 能明确不同空间尺度条件下土壤动物多样性的维持机制。土壤动物群落常在多种空间尺度形成复杂的空间分布格局, 因此, 本文首先介绍了不同空间尺度主要土壤动物群落的空间自相关性特征, 阐述了土壤动物群落斑块和孔隙镶嵌分布的复杂空间格局。继而阐明这种空间格局主要受生物间作用、环境过滤和随机扩散的调控, 并说明这三个过程对土壤动物群落的调控能力和作用方式。作者提出, 这三个过程仍是今后土壤动物群落空间格局和构建机制研究的重点内容, 需要进一步加强以土壤动物为研究对象的群落构建理论的验证和发展。我国土壤动物群落空间格局和构建机制起步较晚, 希望本文能够促进我国土壤动物生态学相关领域的研究。  相似文献   


Background: Tropical sand dunes are ideal systems for understanding drivers of community assembly as dunes are subject to both deterministic and stochastic processes. However, studies that evaluate the factors that mediate plant community assembly in these ecosystems are few.

Aims: We evaluated phylogenetic community structure to elucidate the role of deterministic and stochastic processes in mediating the assembly of plant communities along the north of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Methods: We used plastid genetic markers to evaluate phylogenetic relationships in 16 sand-dune communities. To evaluate the role of climate in shaping plant community structure we carried out linear regressions between climatic variables and mean phylogenetic distance. We estimated the Net Relatedness Index and Nearest Taxon Index to identify ecological processes mediating community assembly.

Results: Observed phylogenetic structure was not different from random, suggesting that stochastic processes are the major determinants of community assembly. Climate was slightly correlated with phylogenetic diversity suggesting that abiotic environment plays a minimal role in community assembly.

Conclusions: Random assembly appears to be the primary factor structuring the studied sand dune plant communities. Environmental filters may represent a secondary factor contributing to the observed phylogenetic structure. Thus, both processes may act simultaneously to mediate the assembly of sand-dune plant communities.  相似文献   

Site‐to‐site variation in species composition (β‐diversity) generally increases from low‐ to high‐diversity regions. Although biogeographical differences in community assembly mechanisms may explain this pattern, random sampling effects can create this pattern through differences in regional species pools. Here, we compared assembly mechanisms between spatially extensive networks of temperate and tropical forest plots with highly divergent species pools (46 vs. 607 species). After controlling for sampling effects, β‐diversity of woody plants was similar and higher than expected by chance in both forests, reflecting strong intraspecific aggregation. However, different mechanisms appeared to explain aggregation in the two forests. In the temperate forest, aggregation reflected stronger environmental correlations, suggesting an important role for species‐sorting (e.g. environmental filtering) processes, whereas in the tropics, aggregation reflected stronger spatial correlations, more likely reflecting dispersal limitation. We suggest that biogeographical differences in the relative importance of different community assembly mechanisms contribute to these striking gradients in global biodiversity.  相似文献   

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