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A variant of histone H2B has been isolated from sea urchin embryo (Parenchinus angulosus). Out of the 53 amino acids positioned in the three CNBr-peptides only 26 residues are identical to those in the corresponding positions of calf thymus histone H2B. A similar degree of homology exists between the embryonic variant and the previously characterized variants from sperm cells of the same organism.  相似文献   

Protease activity was extracted from sea urchin sperm with 1% Triton X-100 and partially purified by DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-100 chromatography. The enzyme preferentially degraded histone H1, while showing only a weak activity toward other histones. Heat-denatured casein and bovine serum albumin were not digested by this enzyme under the present experimental conditions. This protease hydrolyzed only Boc-Val-Leu-Lys-MCA among various peptidyl-MCAs. The optimal pH ranged from 7 to 11. Its molecular weight was about 41,000. Among various known inhibitors of proteases, only omicron-phenanthroline effectively inhibited the activity. The enzyme was stimulated by Zn2+ or Co2+. It was inactivated by omicron-phenanthroline but could be reactivated by the addition of Zn2+ or Co2+. Therefore, this protease seems to be a metalloprotease dependent on Zn2+ or Co2+. The insensitivity of this enzyme to phosphoramidon and its very restricted substrate specificity suggest that this enzyme is very different from other metalloproteases described hitherto.  相似文献   

Promoter of a somatic histone H2B gene of the sea urchin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Phosphorylation of histone H1 occurs when spermatozoa of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus are treated with the macromolecular fraction of solubilized egg jelly. Phosphorylation is on serine residues in the N-terminal fragment of H1 bisected with N-bromosuccinimide. Phosphorylation is maximal by 4-8 min and dependent on Ca2+, but independent of Na+ or increased intracellular pH. Phosphorylation of H1 can be dissociated from the induction of the acrosome reaction. Only a fraction of the H1 molecules become phosphorylated upon treatment of sperm with egg jelly. The amount of phosphate per mole of H1 increases from 0.15 moles before jelly treatment to 0.46 moles after maximal phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of H1 occurs in a cAMP-dependent manner as indicated by the ability of the phosphodiesterase inhibitors IBMX and SQ20009 to induce H1 phosphorylation. This phosphorylation reaction can be blocked by digesting the sperm surface with Pronase, or preincubation of sperm in wheat germ agglutinin, showing that a ligand in egg jelly must interact with a sperm surface receptor to activate the kinase phosphorylating H1.  相似文献   

Three sets of histone variants are coexisting in the embryo at larval stages of sea urchin's development: the maternally inherited cleavage stage variants (CS) expressed during the two initial cleavage divisions, the early histone variants, which are recruited into embryonic chromatin from middle cleavage stages until hatching and the late variants, that are fundamentally expressed from blastula stage onward. Since the expression of the CS histones is confined to the initial cleavage stages, these variants represent a very minor proportion of the histones present in the plutei larvae, whereas the late histone variants are predominant. To determine the position of these CS in the embryonic territories, we have immunolocalized the CS histone variants in plutei larvas harvested 72 h post-fertilization. In parallel, we have pulse labeled the DNA replicated during the initial cleavage cycle with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and its position was further determined in the plutei larvas by immunofluorescence. We have found that the CS histone variants were segregated to specific territories in the plutei. The position in which the CS histone variants were found to be segregated was consistent with the position in which the DNA molecules that were replicated during the initial cleavage divisions were localized. These results strongly suggest that a specification of embryonic nuclei occurs at the initial cleavage divisions which is determined by a chromatin organized by CS histone variants.  相似文献   

The only eukaryotic mRNAs that are not polyadenylated are the replication-dependent histone mRNAs in metazoans. The sea urchin genome contains two sets of histone genes that encode non-polyadenylated mRNAs. One of these sets is a tandemly repeated gene cluster with a 5.6-kb repeat unit containing one copy of each of the five alpha-histone genes and is present as a single large cluster which spans over 1 Mb. There is a second set of genes, consisting of 39 genes, containing two histone H1 genes, 34 genes encoding core histone proteins (H2a, H2b, H3 and H4) and three genes expressed only in the testis. Unlike vertebrates where these genes are clustered, the sea urchin late histone genes, expressed in embryos, larvae and adults, are dispersed throughout the genome. There are also genes encoding polyadenylated histone mRNAs, which encode histone variants, including all variants found in other metazoans, as well as a unique set of five cleavage stage histone proteins expressed in oocytes. The cleavage stage histone H1 is the orthologue of an oocyte-specific histone H1 protein found in vertebrates.  相似文献   

R Maxson  T Mohun  G Gormezano    L Kedes 《Nucleic acids research》1987,15(24):10569-10582
Sea urchins possess several distinct sets of histone genes, including "early" genes, maximally active in cleavage and blastula stages, and "late" genes, active from the late blastula stage onwards. We determined the nucleotide sequences of six sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) late histone genes located on four genomic segments. Comparative analysis of these sequences identified several conserved elements in 5' flanking regions, including the sequences ATGPyATANTATA shared by all late genes and GGCGGGAAATTGAAAA shared by two late H4s. Comparisons of protein-coding sequences of late H4 and H2B genes with their early counterparts showed that silent sites have diverged to the theoretical maximum, indicating that early and late histone gene classes diverged at least 200 million years ago. Since extant echinoderms evolved from a common ancestor at about that time, it is likely that early and late histone gene sets are characteristic of all echinoderm groups. Amino acid sequences derived from nucleotide sequences of late H2A and H2B gistone genes differ substantially from amino acid sequences of their late counterparts. Most such differences are in highly mutable positions. A few, however, occur in positions that do not mutate frequently and thus may reflect functional differences between the early and late forms of the H2A and H2B proteins.  相似文献   

The 125 residues of the histone H2A from the sperm cells of the sea urchin Parechinus angulosus have been positioned. The N terminus is blocked by an acetyl group. Compared to the bovine histone, the sea urchin protein differs in 14 positions.  相似文献   

The organization of sea urchin histone genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sucrose gradient analysis of total sea urchin DNA cleaved with theEcoRI andHind III restriction endonucleases and identification of histone coding gene sequences by hybridization with histone mRNA have elucidated the basic organization of the histone gene repeat unit. These data, plus results obtained by electrophoretic analysis of purified endonuclease-cleaved sea urchin histone DNA and hybridization with cRNA transcribed from the eucaryotic segment of constructed plasmid chimeras cloned in E. coli, show that the several DNA sequences coding for individual histone proteins are intermingled in a 7 kilobase (kb) repeat unit. Cleavage of total sea urchin DNA withEcoRI produces 2.2 and 4.8 kb fragments which are homologous with the two cloned fragments, and which are contained in a 7 kbHind III fragment. Cleavage with both enzymes reveals that the 2.2 kbEcoRI fragment contains aHind III site 0.15–0.2 kb from an end. RNA · DNA hybridization between chimeric plasmid DNA and purified individual mRNAs isolated from sea urchin embryo polyribosomes has been used to assign coding sequences to either the 2.2 or 4.8 kb region of the histone DNA repeat unit. A map of the histone genes is proposed.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone coding for a sea urchin histone H2A variant has been isolated. The coding region of the clone has been sequenced and the sequence found to be closely related to the H2A.F sequence in chickens. The nucleotide sequence of the sea urchin H2A.F/Z is 74% conserved when compared to chicken H2A.F and 51% conserved compared to sea urchin H2A early and 60% compared to sea urchin H2A late. The nucleotide-derived amino acid comparisons show that H2A.F/Z is 97% homologous with H2A.F in chickens and 57% and 56% homologous when compared to sea urchin H2A early and late respectively. There are between 3-6 copies of the H2A.F/Z sequence in the S. purpuratus genome. The H2A.F/Z gene sequence codes for the previously identified H2A.Z protein. All embryonic stages and adult tissues tested contain mRNA for H2A.F/Z. The mRNA appears in the poly A+ RNA fraction after chromatography over oligo dT cellulose.  相似文献   

Distribution of histone H1 alpha among cells of the sea urchin embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have used immunofluorescent staining of sea urchin embryos to study how histone H1 alpha is distributed among progeny cells formed after the cessation of its synthesis. Our results are consistent with H1 alpha being distributed to both daughter cells at mitosis, resulting in it being most concentrated in cells that stop dividing shortly after H1 alpha synthesis ends, while cells that continue to divide dilute their H1 alpha content in proportion to the number of cell divisions. This rules out our earlier suggestion that H1 alpha becomes segregated in dividing cells. In addition, our results show that most dividing cells of the 3-day embryo contain predominantly H1 beta and H1 gamma. Since these subtypes are known not to undergo phosphorylation, this finding has implications regarding the roles of H1 phosphorylation in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Cyclic activation of histone H1 kinase during sea urchin egg mitotic divisions   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Fertilized sea urchin eggs undergo a series of rapid and synchronized mitotic divisions. Extracts were made at various times throughout the first three mitotic divisions and assayed for phosphorylating activity toward histone H1. Histone H1 kinase (HH1K) undergoes a transient activation (8- to 10-fold increase) 20 min before each cleavage. The amplitude of the HH1K peak strongly depends on the synchrony of the egg population. Concomitant cytological observations show that the time-course of HH1K correlates with the time-course of nuclear envelope breakdown and of metaphase. This correlation is observed at each cell division cycle. HH1K from each of the three first mitoses show identical time- and concentration-dependence curves as well as identical dose-inhibition curves with 6-dimethylaminopurine and quercetin, suggesting that the same (group of) kinase(s) is (are) activated before each cleavage. Ionophore A23187 does not trigger, but inhibits, HH1K activation; however, partial activation of the eggs with ammonia at pH 9.0 (but not at pH 8.0) triggers the transient HH1K activation. Appearance of the HH1K cycle requires protein synthesis since it is completely abolished in emetine-treated eggs. Although cytochalasin B blocks egg cleavage, it does not inhibit HH1K activation nor nuclear divisions. A prolonged HH1K activation cycle is observed in eggs arrested in metaphase with colchicine or nocodazole. Despite the existence of a cycle in cAMP concentration during mitosis, forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, does not modify the time-course of HH1K activation and of cell division. The cycling HH1K is independent of calcium-calmodulin, calcium-phospholipids, or cyclic AMP. It clearly resembles the mammalian "growth-associated histone kinase." The relationship between the transient activation of HH1K and the intracellular mitotic factors driving the cell cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the condensation of reconstituted complexes of circular SV40 DNA with core histones from calf thymus and sea urchin sperm was performed using sedimentation and electron microscopic techniques. It is shown that in low ionic strength solutions both types of complexes are similar to native minichromosomes. In the region from 0.08 to 0.16 M NaCl the complexes of SV40 DNA with thymus histones form small compact particles. By contrast, the compaction of the SV40 DNA complexes with sperm histones results in the formation of giant intermolecular associates. The results obtained may mean that histone H2B of sea urchin sperm participates in the formation of a higher order structure in sperm chromatin.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks are thought to precede the formation of most radiation-induced micronuclei. Phosphorylation of the histone H2AX is an early indicator of DNA double-strand breaks. Here we studied the phosphorylation status of the histone H2AX in micronuclei after exposure of cultured cells to ionizing radiation or treatment with colchicine. In human astrocytoma SF268 cells, after exposure to gamma radiation, the proportion of gamma-H2AX-positive to gamma-H2AX-negative micronuclei increases. The majority of the gamma-H2AX-positive micronuclei are centromere-negative. The number of gamma-H2AX-positive micronuclei continues to increase even 24 h postirradiation when most gamma-H2AX foci in the main nucleus have disappeared. In contrast, in normal human fibroblasts (BJ), the proportion of gamma-H2AX-positive to gamma-H2AX-negative micronuclei remains constant, and the majority of the centromere-negative cells are gamma-H2AX-negative. Treatment of both cell lines with colchicine results in mostly centromere-positive, gamma-H2AX-negative micronuclei. Immunostaining revealed co-localization of MDC1 and ATM with gamma-H2AX foci in both main nuclei and micronuclei; however, other repair proteins, such as Rad50, 53BP1 and Rad17, that co-localized with gamma-H2AX foci in the main nuclei were not found in the micronuclei. Combination of the micronucleus assay with gamma-H2AX immunostaining provides new insights into the mechanisms of the formation and fate of micronuclei.  相似文献   

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