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The degradation potential of 77 organic chemicals under methanogenic conditions was examined with an anaerobic digesting sludge from the United Kingdom. Degradation was assessed in terms of net total gas (CH4 plus CO2) produced, expressed as a percentage of the theoretical production (ThGP). The compounds tested were selected from various chemical groups and included substituted phenols and benzoates, pesticides, phthalic acid esters, homocyclic and heterocyclic ring compounds, glycols, and monosubstituted benzenes. The results obtained were in good agreement with published surveys of biodegradability in U.S. digesting sludges and other methanogenic environments. In general, the presence of chloro or nitro groups inhibited anaerobic gas production, while carboxyl and hydroxyl groups facilitated biodegradation. The relationship between substituent position and susceptibility to methanogenic degradation was compound dependent. The following chemicals were completely degraded (≥80% ThGP) at a concentration of 50 mg of carbon per liter: phenol, 2-aminophenol, 4-cresol, catechol, sodium benzoate, 4-aminobenzoic acid, 3-chlorobenzoic acid, phthalic acid, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, sodium stearate, and quinoline. 3-Cresol, 4-chlorobenzoic acid, dimethyl phthalate, and pyridine were partially degraded. Although the remaining chemicals tested were either persistent or toxic, their behavior may differ at more environmentally realistic chemical-to-biomass ratios. Our findings suggest that biodegradability assessments made with sludge from one source can be extrapolated to sludge from another source with a reasonable degree of confidence and should help in predicting the fate of an organic chemical during the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge.  相似文献   

The effect of concentration on the biodegradation of synthetic organic chemicals by natural microbial communities was investigated by adding individual 14C-labeled organic compounds to stream water at various initial concentrations and measuring the formation of 14CO2. The rate of degradation of p-chlorobenzoate and chloroacetate at initial concentrations of 47 pg/ml to 47 μg/ml fell markedly with lower initial concentrations, although half or more of the compound was converted to CO2 in 8 days or less. On the other hand, little mineralization of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate and 1-naphthyl-N-methylcarbamate, or the naphthol formed from the latter, occurred when these compounds were present at initial concentrations of 2 to 3 ng/ml or less, although 60% or more of the chemical initially present at higher concentrations was converted to CO2 in 6 days. It is concluded that laboratory tests of biodegradation involving chemical concentrations greater than those in nature may not correctly assess the rate of biodegradation in natural ecosystems and that low substrate concentration may be important in limiting biodegradation in natural waters.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation of organic pollutants has become a topic of great interest in many countries due to the increasing number of recorded spill sites. When applying plant remediation techniques to unknown pollutant mixtures, information on the uptake rates as well as on the final fate of the compounds is generally lacking. A range of compounds are easily taken up by plants, whereas others may stay motionless and recalcitrant in the soil or sediment. Uptake is a necessary prerequisite for close contact between the pollutant and the detoxifying enzymes of plants that are localized in the cytosol of living cells. The presence and activity of these enzymes is crucial for a potential metabolization and further degradation of the chemicals under consideration. Conjugation to biomolecules is regarded as a beneficial detoxification reaction. The present review summarizes several prerequisites for pollutant uptake and discusses information on conjugating detoxification reactions. The final fate of compounds is critically discussed and perspectives for phytoremediation are given.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons is predictable and self-sustaining because bacteria able to use the contaminants as growth substrates are widely distributed. In contrast, bacteria able to grow at the expense of chlorinated aliphatic compounds are less common and the natural attenuation of such compounds is, therefore, less predictable. The purpose of this paper is to describe examples of other synthetic organic compounds that are known to be biodegradable and have the potential for natural attenuation in the field.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of Some Organic Flotation Reagents by Bacillus polymyxa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The soil bacterium Bacillus polymyxa is shown to effectively remove organic flotation collectors such as dodecyl amine, diamine, sodium isopropyl xanthate, and sodium oleate from alkaline solutions. Adsorption and bacterial growth studies indicated enhanced surface affinity of the amine collectors toward the bacterial cells. All the above organic reagents could be efficiently removed from alkaline solutions through bacterial interaction. Ultraviolet (UV)-visible and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra during biodegradation of these reagents revealed the stages in biodegradation. Possible mechanisms are outlined.  相似文献   

The role of soil, straw, and sawdust as supports in enhancing pentachlorophenol (PCP) mineralization by an indigenous soil consortium was examined by assessing the bioavailability of the substrate and other nutrients. PCP sorption tests were conducted in the presence of sterile supports to evaluate PCP bioavailability. Indigenous biomass, practically free of soil particles, was prepared to test the influence of sterile soil and soil components on the mineralization of increasing PCP concentrations. Organic supports such as straw and sawdust were very good sorbents for PCP, resulting in a slow, continuous desorption of substrate, high mineralization rates, and reduced toxicity to the active biomass. Soil and clay retained less PCP and desorbed it in decreasing amounts. Soil was the best amendment to enhance the mineralization of 100 mg/L PCP. Soil, soil extract, and the lowest-molecular-weight fraction of the soil extract facilitated the complete mineralization of 300 mg/L of PCP with a lag time of about 9 days, compared to 21 days for the unamended culture. Addition of soil enhanced PCP mineralization by an indigenous consortium, probably because soil particles served as an adsorbent for the contaminant to decrease its toxicity, as a support for biomass colonization, and as a source of supplementary nutrients for the biomass. This concept is of importance, particularly for the production of active and resistant biomass for the biotreatment of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

生物滴滤池中废气有机物的生物降解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物滴滤法是一种经济、有效的有机废气处理方法。从填料的选择、传质过程、微生物的筛选等几个方面介绍了影响生物滴滤池处理效果的几个关键因素。回顾以前的一些研究成果并对某些重要观点进行了总结与分析,希望能为生物滴滤池在有机废气处理的应用开发提供参考。  相似文献   

A procedure, based on measurement of the stable carbon isotope 13C, has been developed for determining the extent to which petroleum carbon is incorporated into soil organic matter (SOM) by humification of biomass produced during biodegradation of the petroleum in soil. We have shown that a crude oil having a δ13C of-27.4%, when biodegraded in a soil containing SOM with a δ13C of-15.7%, resulted in a change of the δ13C of the bound SOM reflecting that of petroleum carbon. Comparison of five soil biodegradation tests using different amounts and types of fertilizer to stimulate biodegradation of the oil in this soil showed that the extent of the δ13C change in the bound SOM varied with the extent of oil biodegradation observed. To obtain 13C data on the SOM, the residual petroleum was first removed by rigorous extraction with dichloromethane using a Soxhlet apparatus. The extracted soil was then combusted to release bound carbon as CO2, which was analyzed for 13C. Where the SOM has a δ13C similar to that of petroleum, 14C measurements of SOM would give similar results. This type of data, referred to as the petroleum “footprint” in the SOM, could be useful in identifying or confirming intrinsic biodegradation of petroleum in contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate was the major phthalic acid ester in the Mississippi River estuary, with mean levels of 0.1 μg/g (dry weight) in surface sediments, 1.0 μg/liter in river water, and 0.7 μg/liter in delta water. Bacteria that grew aerobically on dibutyl phthalate and o-phthalic acid were readily detected in the sediments and water. Pure cultures of bacteria were isolated on seven different phthalic acid esters from freshwater and marine sources. The marine isolates were taxonomically diverse and grew on a variety of phthalic acid esters. Dibutyl phthalate and o-phthalic acid supported growth in full-strength synthetic sea-water medium, but Na+ -dependent catabolism was demonstrable only for o-phthalic acid.  相似文献   

Trichloroethene (TCE) plumes extend north-northeast toward the Ohio River from the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP), a Superfund site in the Gulf Coastal Plain of western Kentucky. Wetlands in the floodplain are in the paths of these plumes, and on-site contamination has migrated downward from the Regional Gravel Aquifer (RGA) into the upper McNairy Formation, which overlies a bedrock aquifer. Intrinsic biodegradation in these two environments at the margins of the RGA could limit further contaminant migration and ecosystem or water-quality degradation. To assess cometabolic biodegradation potential in these uncontaminated environments, we attempted to culture and enumerate methanogens, sulfate- and Fe(III)-reducers, and methanotrophs, which have been implicated elsewhere as TCE degraders. Soil samples were collected at three wetland sites in the floodplain. McNairy sediments were collected beneath one of the suspected source areas at PGDP. Methanogens, sulfate reducers, and methanotrophs were abundant in wetland soils, with populations generally decreasing with depth. Methanogens were the only group cultured from McNairy sediments, and they showed little activity compared with wetland methanogen cultures. TCE loss in methanogenic batch cultures by chemoautotrophic and acetoclastic methanogens was monitored, but no significant degradation was observed.  相似文献   

A new method for assessing the efficiency of batteries of arbitrary numbers of tests is proposed. The posterior probability of the mutagenicity of the substances studied has been estimated using discriminant analysis. The results of tests in each test system has been presented as the probability to obtain a positive result in the given test system. This has made it possible to decrease the sample size as the number of tests in the battery increased. As a result, prognostic power may be assessed even if the matrix of results is incomplete. This approach has been used to estimate the weights of evidence for mutagenic activities of 105 chemical compounds studied by means of a battery of four tests: Ames's test, the test for chromosome aberrations in vitro, the test for cytogenetic defects in vivo, and the test for dominant lethal mutations in rodents.  相似文献   

In vitro toxicological studies together with atomistic molecular dynamics simulations show that occupational co-exposure with C60 fullerene may strengthen the health effects of organic industrial chemicals. The chemicals studied are acetophenone, benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, m-cresol, and toluene which can be used with fullerene as reagents or solvents in industrial processes. Potential co-exposure scenarios include a fullerene dust and organic chemical vapor, or a fullerene solution aerosolized in workplace air. Unfiltered and filtered mixtures of C60 and organic chemicals represent different co-exposure scenarios in in vitro studies where acute cytotoxicity and immunotoxicity of C60 and organic chemicals are tested together and alone by using human THP-1-derived macrophages. Statistically significant co-effects are observed for an unfiltered mixture of benzaldehyde and C60 that is more cytotoxic than benzaldehyde alone, and for a filtered mixture of m-cresol and C60 that is slightly less cytotoxic than m-cresol. Hydrophobicity of chemicals correlates with co-effects when secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α is considered. Complementary atomistic molecular dynamics simulations reveal that C60 co-aggregates with all chemicals in aqueous environment. Stable aggregates have a fullerene-rich core and a chemical-rich surface layer, and while essentially all C60 molecules aggregate together, a portion of organic molecules remains in water.  相似文献   

HT is a powerful vesicant produced for use as a chemical warfare agent. It is a mixture of 60 wt% 2,2' -dichlorodiethyl sulfide (“HD” or “sulfur mustard”) and 40 wt% bis-(2-(2-chloroethylthio)ethyl) ether (T). Because HT reacts with water to form primarily the alcoholic compounds thiodiglycol (TDG) and bis-(2-(2-hydroxyethylthio)ethyl) ether (T-OH), disposal might be accomplished by combining hydrolysis with biodegradation. The half-lives of H and T in a well-agitated 3.8% HT/water reaction at 90°C were 1.4 and 1.6 minutes, respectively. The concentrations of both compounds were reduced to less than 1 mg/L within about 30 minutes. TDG is readily biodegradable. However, T-OH biodegradability has not been reported previously. HBr treatment converted HT ether-alcohol products to TDG. A comparative study of two hydrolysis/biodegradation approaches is reported here. HT was hydrolyzed (1) in water, and (2) in water then with HBr. Products were used as feed for separate aerobic sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), and bioreactor performances were compared. Although both feed solutions were detoxified in the SBRs, water hydrolysis alone yielded better overall bioreactor operation, a more favorable mass balance, and a simpler process than with the HBr step. Results indicated that although the HBr converted ether-alcohol products to TDG, the HT products were biodegraded with greater efficiency when the HBr treatment was omitted.  相似文献   

An Arthrobacter strain mineralized naphthalene and n-hexadecane dissolved in 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-heptamethylnonane. The extent of mineralization increased with greater volumes of solvent. Measurements under aseptic conditions of the partitioning of naphthalene into the aqueous phase from the solid phase or from heptamethylnonane showed that the rates were rapid and did not limit mineralization. The rate of mineralization of hexadecane was rapid, although partitioning of the compound into aqueous solution was not detected. The Arthrobacter sp. grown in media with or without heptamethylnonane did not excrete products that increased the aqueous solubility of naphthalene and hexadecane. Measurements of the number of cells in the aqueous phase showed that the Arthrobacter sp. attached to the heptamethylnonane-water interface, but attachment was evident even without a substrate in the heptamethylnonane. Tests with small inocula of the Arthrobacter sp. demonstrated that at least a portion of naphthalene or hexadecane dissolved in heptamethylnonane was degraded by cells attached to the solvent-water interface. The cells did not adhere in the presence of 0.1% Triton X-100. The surfactant prevented mineralization of the hexadecane initially dissolved in heptamethylnonane, but it increased the rate and extent of mineralization of naphthalene initially dissolved in heptamethylnonane. The data show that organic solvents into which hydrophobic compounds partition affect the biodegradation of those compounds and that attachment of microorganisms to the organic solvent-water interface may be important in the transformation.  相似文献   

A variety of exposure factors ultimately control the uptake of xenobiotic chemicals by colonial piscivorous birds, such as herons and egrets. These factors, which include feeding rate for various food sources, feeding territory size, and body weight, are critical to the implementation of models commonly used to predict ecological risks. A critical evaluation of literature on avian behavior, physiology, and ecology was conducted in order to identify those variables that most strongly influence uptake of chemicals by herons and egrets. After developing a database of such exposure factors, we identified each factor's range, central tendency, and distribution. Sufficient information was available to allow the development of statistical distributions for body weight, fraction of diet from fish, prey length, distance to foraging site, and feeding territory size for great blue herons. The five distributions presented in this paper are intended to support probabilistic assessments of potential risks to great blue herons. Distributions of exposure factors for great blue herons have not been previously published. Without such data, application of all but the most simple mechanistic models will require point estimates, most of which will be overly conservative and will not support accurate characterization of actual exposures of herons at hazardous waste sites.  相似文献   

We studied the role of aerobic and anaerobic petroleum hydrocarbon degradation at a boreal, light-weight fuel and lubrication oil contaminated site undergoing natural attenuation. At the site, anoxic conditions prevailed with high concentrations of CH4 (up to 25% v/v) and CO2 (up to 18% v/v) in the soil gas throughout the year. Subsurface samples were obtained mainly from the anoxic parts of the site and they represented both the unsaturated and saturated zone. The samples were incubated in microcosms at near in situ conditions (i.e. in situ temperature 8 degrees C, aerobic and anaerobic conditions, no nutrient amendments) resulting in the removal of mineral oil (as determined by gas chromatography) aerobically as well as anaerobically. In the aerobic microcosms on average 31% and 27% of the initial mineral oil was removed during a 3- and 4-month incubation, respectively. In the anaerobic microcosms, on average 44% and 15% of the initial mineral oil was removed during a 12- and 10-month anaerobic incubation, respectively, and e.g. n-alkanes from C11 to C15 were removed. A methane production rate of up to 2.5 microg CH4 h(-1) g(-1) dwt was recorded in these microcosms. In the aerobic as well as anaerobic microcosms, typically 90% of the mineral oil degraded belonged to the mineral oil fraction that eluted from the gas chromatograph after C10 and before C15, while 10% belonged to the fraction that eluted after C15 and before C40. Our results suggest that anaerobic petroleum hydrocarbon degradation, including n-alkane degradation, under methanogenic conditions plays a significant role in the natural attenuation in boreal conditions.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract is populated by an array of microbial species that play an important role in metabolic and immune functions. The composition of microorganisms is influenced by the components of the host’s diet and can impact health. In the present study, dietary enrichment of lowbush wild blueberries (LWB) was examined to determine their effect on colon microbial composition and their potential in promoting gut health. The microbial composition and functional potential of the colon microbiota from Sprague Dawley rats fed control diets (AIN93) and LWB-enriched diets (AIN93+8% LWB powder substituting for dextrose) for 6 weeks were assessed using Illumina shotgun sequencing and bioinformatics tools. Our analysis revealed an alteration in the relative abundance of 3 phyla and 22 genera as representing approximately 14 and 8% of all phyla and genera identified, respectively. The LWB-enriched diet resulted in a significant reduction in the relative abundance of the genera Lactobacillus and Enterococcus. In addition, hierarchal analysis revealed a significant increase in the relative abundance of the phylum Actinobacteria, the order Actinomycetales, and several novel genera under the family Bifidobacteriaceae and Coriobacteriaceae, in the LWB group. Functional annotation of the shotgun sequences suggested that approximately 9% of the 4709 Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Gene and Genome (KEGG) hits identified were impacted by the LWB-diet. Open Reading Frames (ORFs) assigned to KEGG category xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism were significantly greater in the LWB-enriched diet compared to the control and included the pathway for benzoate degradation [PATH:ko00362] and glycosaminoglycan degradation [PATH:ko00531]. Moreover, the number of ORFs assigned to the bacterial invasion of epithelial cells [PATH:ko05100] pathway was approximately 8 fold lower in the LWB group compared to controls. This study demonstrated that LWBs have the potential to promote gut health and can aid in the development of optimal diets.  相似文献   

The pulp and paper industry largely depends on the biodegradation activities of heterotrophic bacteria to remove organic contaminants in wastewater prior to discharge. Our recent discovery of extensive cyanobacterial communities in pulp and paper waste treatment systems led us to investigate the potential impacts of cyanobacterial exudates on growth and biodegradation efficiency of three bacterial heterotrophs. Each of the three assessed bacteria represented different taxa commonly found in pulp and paper waste treatment systems: a fluorescent Pseudomonad, an Ancylobacter aquaticus strain, and a Ralstonia eutropha strain. They were capable of utilizing phenol, dichloroacetate (DCA), or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), respectively. Exudates from all 12 cyanobacterial strains studied supported the growth of each bacterial strain to varying degrees. Maximum biomass of two bacterial strains positively correlated with the total organic carbon content of exudate treatments. The combined availability of exudate and a known growth substrate (i.e., phenol, DCA, or 2,4-D) generally had a synergistic affect on the growth of the Ancylobacter strain, whereas mixed effects were seen on the other two strains. Exudates from four representative cyanobacterial strains were assessed for their impacts on phenol and DCA biodegradation by the Pseudomonas and Ancylobacter strains, respectively. Exudates from three of the four cyanobacterial taxa repressed phenol biodegradation, but enhanced DCA biodegradation. These dissimilar impacts of cyanobacterial exudates on bacterial degradation of contaminants suggest a species-specific association, as well as a significant role for cyanobacteria during the biological treatment of wastewaters.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted using a 10-chamber Micro-Oxymax (Columbus, OH, USA) respirometer to determine the effect of bioaugmentation and biostimulation (by diverse ways of O2 supply) on enhancing biodegradation of oil hydrocarbons to reduce risk at a former military airport in Kluczewo, Poland. Indigenous or exogenous bacteria bioaugmentation was used to degrade hydrocarbons. Aerated water and/or aqueous solutions of H2O2 or KMnO4 were used to supply O2. The intrinsic and enhanced biodegradation was evaluated by the O2 uptake and CO2 production rates obtained using a linear regression of the cumulative O2 uptake and CO2 production curves. Generally, in all cases biodegradation rates enhanced by bioaugmentation were two to four times higher than the rates of intrinsic biodegradation. Moreover, application of indigenous bacteria was more efficient in comparison to the exogenous consortia. The highest CO2 production rates were achieved when aqueous solution of KMnO4 was applied, as the increase of CO2 production rates were about 71% to 97% higher compared to a control. The aqueous solution of H2O2 did not cause any significant improvement of the biodegradation rates. Compared to a control, the addition of aerated water resulted in a decrease of CO2 production rates. Most probably the excessive soil moisture could reduce the air-filled porosity and, consequently, the oxygen contents in soil.  相似文献   

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