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周伟  李旭  杨颖 《动物学研究》2005,26(6):673-679
中国科群鱼类至今已记录8属23种(亚种),但分布于云南澜沧江、怒江等水系的一些种类及分布于四川西南地区的属和石爬属的一些种的有效性仍存疑问或争议,值得进一步研究。分子生物学证据为解决种级阶元分类地位的争议,或者为系统发育研究提供了微观证据。但形态学之间、形态学与分子生物学之间、分子生物学之间的研究结果均不完全吻合,甚至同一作者不同年代形态学与分子生物学的研究结果也相互矛盾。鱼类的分布格局及不同阶元的分化与青藏高原的3次隆升有着密不可分的关系。鱼类的分化不仅体现在各大水系之间,也体现在同一水系的不同支流或上下游之间。该类群的分化既包括了自然阻障形成导致的分类阶元的隔离分化过程,也包括了同一阶元在同一水系扩散分化的生态适应过程。这两个过程的交织,使得鱼类的分化和分布异常复杂。尽可能收全鱼类现生种类,发现更多的分类学证据,形态特征与分子证据的有机结合,是今后鱼类分类、系统发育和地理分布格局研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

青藏高原的隆升与鰋鮡鱼类(鲇形目:鮡科)的隔离分化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统发育和生物地理学分析认为喜马拉雅地区  鱼类的物种分化过程与青 藏高原的隆升有直接的关系,并可用隔离分化假说加以解释. 鱼类的祖先与目前 广布的纹胸 属鱼类和/或 属鱼类相似.在Tethys海封闭、印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞 的初期,纹胸 属鱼类或经属鱼类广泛分布于青藏高原地区.更新世后,随着碰撞的 加深,青藏高原逐步隆起并造就了山区水系的急流环境,  鱼类就是在这种环境因 子的压迫下从类纹胸 属鱼类产生的.目前跨喜马拉雅山分布的原 属就是  鱼类 中最原始的种类.在青藏高原的3次隆升过程中,随着该区域水系的发育,类似原 的 祖先被隔离在不同的河流中,从而导致了该类群物种的分化和生物地理分布格局的形 成.  相似文献   

角蟾科Megophryidae是原始无尾两栖类中分化最多的科,分布于亚洲东部、南部及东南部.但角蟾科各类群的分类地位长期以来存在较大争议.本文从形态、染色体、DNA水平方面详细介绍了角蟾科系统学研究的进展;从科的建立、亚科的分类、属的争议、种的争议等各级分类阶元讨论了其研究历史,包括不同阶元的订正、类群的系统发育关系、起源与分化等不同学者的见解;展望了将来的一些研究方向.  相似文献   

主要采用形态学与比较解剖学的方法,对采自云南曲靖地区下泥盆统西山村组中的1件盔甲鱼类标本进行了详细的形态学研究,建立了多鳃鱼类四营鱼属1新种:宽棘四营鱼(Siyingia perlatuspinosa sp.nov.),并据此修订了四营鱼属的特征。在此基础上,应用分支系统学对多鳃鱼类属一级的系统发育关系进行了重新分析与探讨,确定了四营鱼在多鳃鱼类中的系统发育位置。系统发育分析结果显示,四营鱼(Siyingia)与多鳃鱼(Polybranchiaspis)亲缘关系最近,二者形成了一个单系类群,与宽甲鱼(Laxaspis)+坝鱼(Damaspis)组成的单系类群互为姊妹群。宽棘四营鱼的发现不仅拓宽了四营鱼在华南的时空分布范围,而且丰富了多鳃鱼类的多样性,并为多鳃鱼类的深入研究提供了可靠的化石新证据。  相似文献   

利用28S rDNA D1部分基因序列对直突摇蚊亚科代表性属级阶元进行了分子系统学研究。测定了12个内群属和2种外群的28SrDNAD1片段,并结合GenBank中3个同亚科种类该基因的同源序列进行了分析。采用2种建树方法(距离邻近法NJ和最大俭约法MP)分析了直突摇蚊亚科内属级分类单元的分子系统发育关系。结果表明,滨海摇蚊属Clunio位于系统发育树的基部,与该属营海洋生活的特殊性一致。心突摇蚊属和真开氏摇蚊属互为姐妹群,流环足摇蚊属和刀突摇蚊属互为姐妹群,此结果与基于形态学的系统发育研究相结果一致。其它属间的系统发育关系因尚无前人研究而有待做进一步研究。本研究同时证明28S rDNA D1基因片段在分析摇蚊科昆虫属级及属内阶元关系上具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

粘孢子虫是一类拥有广泛寄主的后生动物寄生虫,主要寄生于鱼类,并可引发病害,从而受到人们广泛的关注。但其基础研究还不够深入,在分类地位和分类系统方面存在着许多争议。而碘泡科是粘孢子虫最大的一科,其在属级和种级阶元的归属问题上也一直备受争议。此类动物结构简单、种类繁多,依据传统的形态特征进行的分类并不十分准确,借助更为先进的显微技术和以及分子生物学、免疫学等方法的应用,其分类学研究取得了巨大进步。本文从碘泡科的种、属级阶元分类和方法学两个方面对国内外碘泡科物种系统分类学研究的现状进行了综述,对碘泡科各属的归类问题进行了梳理,并对一些容易混淆的种类进行了厘清,同时总结了应用于碘泡虫系统分类研究中的几种方法,以期为该科动物的系统分类和鱼类粘孢子虫病的防治提供基础资料。  相似文献   

雀形目高级阶元分类与起源研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对雀肜目鸟类高级阶元的分类和系统发育的研究进行了简要概述.经典分类与应用分子生物学方法建立的分类系统在高级阶元(总科)有较大差异,但科级的分类基本一致.在雀形目鸟类起源研究方面,古生物学研究结果认为其起源于劳亚古陆;而分子生物学的证据则认为其起源于冈瓦纳古陆.由于化石的证据与"分子钟"的推测年代相差较大,因此对雀形目鸟类的起源还存在争议,但是目前的研究更倾向于"冈瓦纳起源"假说.  相似文献   

以盘鮈属鱼类作为内群,以巴马拟缨鱼作为外群。通过形态比较共筛选出85个稳定的特征,形成形态特征状态矩阵表。以PAUP4.0b软件,采用均权方式,在无序和有序状态下分别按Heuristic、Branch-and-Bound以及Bootstrap等3种方式计算和构树。每种方法计算均得到唯一的1棵树,最大简约树与严格一致树、Bootstrap值检测树呈现微小差异。但仅最大简约树体现了各种之间先后分化的次序以及各姐妹群之间的关系,所以选择最大简约树作为盘鮈鱼类的系统发育树。其结果显示,盘鮈具小吸盘的种类与具大吸盘的种类分别构成了A、B两支。B支又可分为C、D两支。其中,C支的种类以吻端形成1对明显珠星,甚至形成吻突而区别于同属中具大吸盘的其他种类。运用Component(2.0)软件计算,得到盘鮈属种类分布河流的唯一分支树,其结构基本与水系的地理分布成对应关系。盘鮈属鱼类祖先的形成时期应为第4纪中期之初或更早。古云贵高原是盘鮈属鱼类的起源、分布和分化中心。云贵高原面的抬升与河流的袭夺促成了盘鮈属鱼类的多次分化和扩散,由此形成了该属鱼类的现今分布格局。  相似文献   

周伟  李旭  李凯媛  李明会 《生物多样性》2016,24(10):1146-28
将经典动物区系与区系存在度分析方法相结合, 探讨云南萨尔温江水系的南滚河、南汀河及勐波罗河3条一级支流的鱼类多样性相对于萨尔温江中游水系鱼类的代表性, 比较其鱼类区系存在度差异, 分析区系组成特征及科、属在区系建成中的重要性, 旨在探讨区系存在度指标对鱼类保护区设置的指导作用。结果显示, 萨尔温江中游水系(云南段)共记录土著鱼类74种, 分隶于5目12科45属。3条支流共有土著鱼类53种, 分隶于5目12科38属, 其中南滚河鱼类有9科23属32种, 南汀河有11科33属47种, 勐波罗河有10科26属33种。按种类的绝对数排序, 3条支流均是鲤科、鮡科和条鳅科排前3位。而按区系存在度结果排序, 均是鳗鲡科、鳢科、刺鳅科、合鳃鱼科和鮡科等5个科位列前5位。两种方法排序结果显示, 3条支流表现出完全的一致性。同一属级分类阶元的区系存在度在不同支流间变异较大, 属级和种级分类阶元的地域性分布特点渐趋明显。这3条一级支流鱼类均是以老第三纪原始类群为主体, 南方类群次之, 还有少量青藏高原类群。结合鱼类区系存在度研究结果, 在设置淡水鱼类保护区时, 应考虑在大水系的上中下游分别选择1条或多条一级支流建立保护区; 如果目、科级存在度高的阶元在鱼类保护区规划时涵盖得多, 则保护了较多的高级阶元, 但并非是必须考虑的阶元; 而属级存在度值则是保护区规划时需要特别关注的事项。  相似文献   

中国沙塘鳢属鱼类线粒体12S rRNA基因序列分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沙塘鳢属鱼类为东亚特有的小型淡水经济鱼类,中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类分类问题长期存在争议。本文测定了中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类全部种类的线粒体12S rRNA基因部分序列,结合GenBank中下载的2种日本沙塘鳢属鱼类和塘鳢科鱼类同源序列,探讨中国产4种沙塘鳢属鱼类的物种有效性,分析沙塘鳢属鱼类的系统发育关系。作者所使用的同源序列长度为690bp,其中变异位点258个,简约信息位点201个,包括插入/缺失位点34个,转换/颠换平均值为3.0,表明12S rRNA基因是研究沙塘鳢属鱼类系统发育关系的合适分子标记。基于p-distance模型的6种沙塘鳢属鱼类种内遗传距离为0.000—0.024,种间遗传距离为0.058—0.064,支持暗色沙塘鳢和中华沙塘鳢为不同种,中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类包括中华沙塘鳢、河川沙塘鳢、海丰沙塘鳢、鸭绿江沙塘鳢4个种的观点;至于中国还有没有新的沙塘鳢属鱼类,尚有待进一步研究。系统发育分析表明海丰海塘鳢是河川沙塘鳢的姐妹群,暗色沙塘鳢与O.hikimius的亲缘关系最为密切,而同属其余类群之间的系统发育关系则由于自展数据支持率较低而尚不明确。中国产沙塘鳢和日本产沙塘鳢并未单独分群,推测沙塘鳢属鱼类的共同原始祖先可能广泛分布于中国、朝鲜和日本等东亚地区,约在4.9—6.5百万年前的上新世开始分化,系统发育过程比较适合离散假说。  相似文献   

Moravec F 《Parassitologia》2007,49(3):155-160
Although nematodes (Nematoda) belong to the most frequent and the most important parasites of fishes in the freshwater, brackish-water and marine environments throughout the world, the present knowledge of these parasites remains still incomplete, especially as to their biology and ecology, but also taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography, and the like. However, a certain progress in the research of fish nematodes has been achieved during recent years. An overview of some of the most important discoveries and results obtained is presented. As an example, existing problems in the taxonomy of these nematodes are shown in the dracunculoid family Philometridae (presently including 109 species in 9 genera), where they are associated mainly with some biological peculiarities of these mostly important tissue parasites. Nematodes of the Dracunculoidea as a whole remain poorly known; for example, of 139 valid species parasitizing fishes, 81 (58%) are known by females only and the males have not yet been described for members of 8 (27%) of genera. A taxonomic revision of this nematode group, based on detailed morphological, life history and molecular studies of individual species, is quite necessary; for the time being, Moravec (2006) has proposed a new classification system of dracunculoids, where, based on previous molecular studies, the Anguillicolidae is no longer listed in Dracunculoidea, but in an independent superfamily Anguillicoloidea. Important results have recently been achieved also in the taxonomy of fish nematodes belonging to other superfamilies, as well as in studies of their geographical distribution and diversity in different parts of the world and those of their biology. Opportunities for more detailed studies of fish nematodes have recently greatly improved with the use of some new methods, in particular SEM and DNA studies. There is a need to create a new classification system of these parasites reflecting phylogenetic relationships; a prerequisite for this is taxonomic revisions of different groups based on detailed studies of individual species, including mainly their morphology, biology and genetics. Further progress should concern studies on various aspects of biology, ecology and host-parasite relationships, because these data may have practical implications.  相似文献   

Despite much effort in the past decade to resolve the taxonomy of algae in the Gracilariaceae, the family remains problematic. Genetic concepts have become equivocal as their diagnostic reproductive features have been reported as mixed in single species. Species concepts are often also uncertain since the full phenotypic range of a species is seldom known or appreciated. This paper reviews some of the recent taxonomic controversy from the viewpoints of morphology and molecular biology. As more observations are made, features like spermatangial configuration and mode of gonimoblast nutrition, once considered characteristic of genera and subgenera, are emerging as a continuum of types that may vary within species. Culture studies to establish the reproductive anatomy of a life history and to test crossabilities are invaluable to species concepts but also may yield false results owing to clonal variability and intraspecific sterility. Characteristics of DNA have been effective in clarifying some aspects of gracilariacean taxonomy and phylogeny, and may be able to resolve the major inconsistencies if more widely applied. NRCC 38089  相似文献   

王军  赵超 《生物多样性》2022,30(12):22128-225
菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的重要组分, 它们在生物多样性保护与利用、植物保护、动物地理等领域具有重要的研究价值, 但在我国其分类和物种多样性研究仍有较大不足, 大尺度分布格局形成原因也不清楚。本文基于对我国大部分地区广泛的野外采集调查和国内外多家研究机构馆藏标本的检视, 整理了我国菌食性管蓟马物种名录和地理分布信息, 总结了我国菌食性管蓟马的分类研究现状与简史, 分析了菌食性管蓟马物种多样性的分布格局并探讨了该格局形成原因。目前我国记录菌食性管蓟马237种, 其中管蓟马亚科39属156种, 灵管蓟马亚科22属81种; 竹管蓟马属(Bamboosiella)、剪管蓟马属(Psalidothrips)、网管蓟马属(Apelaunothrips)和全管蓟马属(Holothrips)是物种较多的属, 包含物种数均超过10种; 中国特有73种; 广东、台湾、海南和云南是物种最丰富的省份, 均超过60种, 这些省份都具热带和亚热带气候特征, 适合其生存; 相对多度分析结果表明在热带和亚热带地区森林凋落物层菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的常见类群; 气温、降水量、食物等是限制其分布的主要因素。本结果丰富了土壤生物多样性的研究内容, 为菌食性管蓟马多样性大尺度空间格局研究提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

禾螟亚科昆虫——重要的农业害虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐家生  李后魂 《昆虫知识》2006,43(5):742-746
禾螟亚科Schoenobiinae昆虫是世界性农业大害虫,全球已知46属172种,中国分布12属39种(亚种)。对禾螟亚科的分类地位、中国禾螟地理分布及已知寄主、生物学及其为害特征等作了介绍。提供了中国禾螟亚科昆虫名录,并就容易混淆的重要种类进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Stöhr S  O'Hara TD  Thuy B 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e31940
This review presents a comprehensive overview of the current status regarding the global diversity of the echinoderm class Ophiuroidea, focussing on taxonomy and distribution patterns, with brief introduction to their anatomy, biology, phylogeny, and palaeontological history. A glossary of terms is provided. Species names and taxonomic decisions have been extracted from the literature and compiled in The World Ophiuroidea Database, part of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Ophiuroidea, with 2064 known species, are the largest class of Echinodermata. A table presents 16 families with numbers of genera and species. The largest are Amphiuridae (467), Ophiuridae (344 species) and Ophiacanthidae (319 species). A biogeographic analysis for all world oceans and all accepted species was performed, based on published distribution records. Approximately similar numbers of species were recorded from the shelf (n = 1313) and bathyal depth strata (1297). The Indo-Pacific region had the highest species richness overall (825 species) and at all depths. Adjacent regions were also relatively species rich, including the North Pacific (398), South Pacific (355) and Indian (316) due to the presence of many Indo-Pacific species that partially extended into these regions. A secondary region of enhanced species richness was found in the West Atlantic (335). Regions of relatively low species richness include the Arctic (73 species), East Atlantic (118), South America (124) and Antarctic (126).  相似文献   

孢粉学是解决植物分类中疑难类群物种微形态分化的重要方法, 随着分子系统学的发展, 结合这两门学科的优势可以更加有效地解决疑难类群的分类学问题。鳞盖蕨属(Microlepia)是一个分类困难的疑难类群, 采用孢粉学与分子系统学一一对应的方法, 以及居群取样方式, 选取280份样本, 联合4个叶绿体片段(rbcLtrnL-FpsbA-trnHrps4), 采用最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建该属的系统发生关系, 在此基础上对凭证标本中100份材料的孢子进行观察和分析。综合分子系统学和孢粉学的研究结果, 得出结论: (1) 在形态学研究中广泛被接受的15个物种得到了单系支持, 并厘清了分类困难的复合群; (2) 发现边缘鳞盖蕨(M. marginata)可能存在隐性种; (3) 建议恢复过去归并处理为异名的瑶山鳞盖蕨(M. yaoshanica)、罗浮鳞盖蕨(M. lofoushanensis)、四川鳞盖蕨(M. szechuanica)以及滇西鳞盖蕨(M. subspeluncae); (4) 提出鳞盖蕨属可能存在杂交现象; (5) 提出鳞盖蕨属完整的属下分类建议。  相似文献   

The polymorphic genus Petaurista includes a group of diverse species and subspecies that are adapted for gliding and arboreal life. This morphological diversity has resulted in taxonomic discrepancies, and molecular phylogenetic studies have been limited by taxon sampling. To clarify this controversial taxonomy, we used the cytochrome b gene to reconstruct the phylogeny to obtain a more accurate picture of the evolutionary relationships, species differentiation and divergence pattern of Petaurista. The results revealed a significant inconsistency between taxonomic designations, phylogeny and genetic distances. When 6 recognized species were included, species delimitation revealed 15 putative species, a finding that warrants a comprehensive morphological diagnosis and a re-assessment of the species status. The validity of P. caniceps and P. marica was discussed. An estimation of the molecular divergence time demonstrated that the diversification and speciation of Petaurista began during the later Miocene and may have been affected by the uplifting of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and subsequent climate change.  相似文献   

Following taxonomic revisions in recent years, the originally large family Grapsidae MacLeay, 1838 has become a relatively small and morphologically homogeneous family in terms of adult and larval morphology. Most available molecular studies including more than one genus of the family have also suggested monophyly of the corresponding taxa. However, no single phylogenetic study has ever included all constituent genera of the Grapsidae. In the current study, a molecular phylogeny based on sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene from all eight grapsid genera and 34 species is presented and suggests that up to four genera are not monophyletic. This is mainly due to the polyphyletic nature of the genus Pachygrapsus which can be found in six different lineages of the phylogeny, suggesting that the genus currently does not represent a single evolutionary lineage and is in need of taxonomic revision. Amphi-atlantic and trans-isthmian species pairs or populations in four genera are compared and reveal relatively constant and pronounced divergences across the Panama Isthmus as opposed to moderate divergences across the Atlantic Ocean, thereby suggesting occurrence of gene flow across the Atlantic Ocean during the past three million years.  相似文献   

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