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Avian reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV-T) is the most virulent of all retroviruses, inducing an invariably fatal leukemia in chickens with a latent period of 7-10 days. Unlike avian cells transformed by other acutely transforming viruses, lymphoid cells transformed by REV-T are immortalized. Furthermore, in vitro derived, REV-T transformed cells which do not produce virus are tumorigenic and induce lethal reticuloendotheliosis when injected into histocompatible birds. Thus REV-T transforms its target cell both in vitro and in vivo. In addition this transformation is independent of any helper virus functions. Like other acute leukemia viruses, REV-T is replication-defective and must co-replicate with a reticuloendotheliosis associated virus (REV-A). During evolution, a substantial portion of its genome has been deleted and replaced with a host-derived genetic sequence, designated v-rel. Presumably, the v-rel oncogene was transduced from a normal turkey DNA locus, c-rel. There are 9 regions of homology between c-rel and v-rel, however, several differences exist between these genes, suggesting that transformation by REV-T results from the production of an altered v-rel protein. The v-rel sequence is distinct from other known oncogenes and encodes a 57-kDa phosphoprotein. In REV-T transformed cells, this pp57v-rel protein is localized in the cytoplasm. The product of the v-rel oncogene is present at a low level, representing only about 0.003% of total methionine-labelled protein. In addition, pp57v-rel is relatively stable, having an estimated half-life of 4-10 h. The v-rel protein when purified close to homogeneity is complexed with a 40-kDa cellular phosphoprotein in transformed lymphoid cells and possesses serine kinase activity. This review discusses the molecular aspects of transformation by REV-T in the context of other oncogene-encoded proteins.  相似文献   

The protein (p59rel) encoded by the transforming gene of reticuloendotheliosis virus strain T (REV-T) has been identified in REV-T-transformed avian lymphoid cells by using antisera raised against synthetic peptides whose sequences were derived from three nonoverlapping regions of v-rel (N. R. Rice, T. D. Copeland, S. Simek, S. Oroszlan, and R. V. Gilden, Virology 149:217-229, 1986). To obtain polyclonal antibodies directed against a larger number of p59rel epitopes, a 262-amino acid segment was expressed in bacteria. Antisera raised against this fusion protein (v-delta-rel) precipitated p59rel from lysates of [35S]methionine-labeled REV-T-transformed cells, thus confirming previous results obtained with the peptide antisera. We used this new antiserum to localize p59rel in REV-T-transformed cells by subcellular fractionation using differential centrifugation and by indirect immune fluorescent staining. After fractionation and immune precipitation, the majority of p59rel was found in the cytosolic fraction. Indirect immunofluorescence experiments also gave results consistent with the cytoplasmic localization of the v-rel protein in transformed lymphoid cells. In previous studies (Rice et al., Virology 149:217-229, 1986) it was shown that immune precipitates formed with one of the three p59rel peptide antisera possessed in vitro protein kinase activity. Immune precipitates formed with the fusion protein antiserum also showed kinase activity in the in vitro assay. Most of this activity was found in the soluble cytoplasmic fraction, indicating that the kinase may be p59rel or a protein closely associated with it.  相似文献   

Rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
R Wilson  J Miller  U Storb 《Biochemistry》1979,18(22):5013-5021

The majority of cell lines derived by infection of murine bone marrow cells with Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) synthesize a mu chain but no detectable light chain. Aside from this mu-only phenotype, lines that make only light chain, both chains or no immunoglobulin-related polypeptides have also been found. Two lines have been studied in detail: one that makes only mu chain and one that makes only kappa light chain. Synthesis of both polypeptides can be increased by modifying the culture conditions so as to decrease the growth rate of the cells. Although some kappa chain secretion was observed, neither secreted nor surface mu was detected. We suggest that the mu- only phenotype may be an early normal step in the pathway of B lymphocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The organization of viral DNA sequences in several cell lines derived from a primary colony of simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed mouse cells was analyzed to examine the origin of the various distinctive patterns of SV40 sequence arrangement present in transformed cells. This analysis revealed a complex arrangement of viral sequences in the uncloned transformed cells but simplified arrangements in cloned derivatives of the primary transformant. The cell lines studied had certain SV40 sequence arrangements in common, but the cloned lines had lost some parental arrangements and acquired new arrangements. These results indicate that the arrangement of viral sequences in some SV40-transformed cells is not fixed but that alterations occur after integration, creating a heterogeneous population of transformants. In the process, expression of viral genes may be altered. Possible causes for and implications of this genetic instability are discussed.  相似文献   

Erik Selsing  Ursula Storb 《Cell》1981,25(1):47-58
A single germline immunoglobulin kappa-variable-region gene, Vκ167, is rearranged and expressed in two myelomas, MOPC167 and MOPC511. Only this single germline gene displays close homology to the expressed genes. Neither of the rearranged, functional genes, however, has a nucleotide sequence that is identical to the germline Vκ167 gene. Both active genes display several single-base-pair mutations with respect to the germline sequence. The nucleotide sequence data predict the alteration of a restriction-enzyme-recognition site within the Vκ167 gene between germline cells and cells producing the MOPC167 light-chain protein. Based on this restriction-site alteration, Southern blot analysis proves unambiguously that no gene present in the germline BALB/c mouse genome contains the exact Vκ167 nucleotide sequence found in cells committed to MOPC167 antibody production. Instead, the alterations found in the expressed MOPC167 and MOPC511 V-region genes have apparently arisen by a process of somatic mutation during cellular differentiation. Since nucleotide alterations are found in framework and hypervariable portions of the variable region, the mechanism of somatic mutation is not limited to hypervariable sequences. In addition, Southern blot hybridization indicates that the observed mutations did not arise by recombinational events, but are single-base-pair substitutions. Based on the distribution of mutations that have been found in expressed immunoglobulin variable-region genes, a model that links the introduction of somatic mutations to DNA replication during the V-J joining event is proposed.  相似文献   

The chicken immunoglobulin light-chain gene (IgL) encodes only a single variable gene segment capable of recombination. To generate an immune repertoire, chickens diversify this unique rearranged VL gene segment during B-cell development in the bursa of Fabricius. Sequence analysis of IgL cDNAs suggests that both gene conversion events derived from VL segment pseudogene templates (psi VL) and non-template-derived single-base-pair substitutions contribute to this diversity. To facilitate the study of postrecombinational mechanisms of immunoglobulin gene diversification, avian B-cell lines were examined for the ability to diversify their rearranged IgL gene during in vitro passage. One line that retains this ability, the avian leukosis virus-induced bursal lymphoma cell line DT40, has been identified. After passage for 1 year in culture, 39 of 51 randomly sequenced rearranged V-J segments from a DT40 population defined novel subclones of the parental tumor. All cloned V-J segments displayed the same V-J joint, confirming that the observed diversity arose after V-J rearrangement. Most sequence variations that we observed (203 of 220 base pairs) appeared to result from psi VL-derived gene conversion events; 16 of the 17 novel single nucleotide substitutions were transitions. Based on these data, it appears that immunoglobulin diversification during in vitro passage of DT40 cells is representative of the diversification that occurs during normal B-cell development in the bursa of Fabricius.  相似文献   

S Simek  N R Rice 《Journal of virology》1988,62(12):4730-4736
Previous studies have identified the protein product of v-rel, the oncogene carried by reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV), as a 59,000-dalton phosphoprotein located predominantly in the cytosol of transformed chicken lymphoid cells. In immune precipitates of p59v-rel, there is a closely associated protein kinase activity. In chicken lymphoid cells that do not contain REV, p68c-rel is found free in the cytosol not associated with other proteins and not detectably phosphorylated. In this study, we found that immune precipitates of 59v-rel from REV-transformed cells contain at least four other proteins, of approximate molecular weights 124, 115, 68, and 36 kilodaltons (kDa). The 124-, 115-, and 36-kDa proteins are apparently unrelated to p59v-rel in sequence, and their coprecipitation suggests that they are complexed with p59v-rel. The coprecipitating 68-kDa protein was found to be p68c-rel, which, like the other three proteins, precipitates by virtue of its association with p59v-rel. Glycerol gradient analysis suggested the presence of more than one type of complex: one containing p115, p68c-rel, p59v-rel, and p36, and another containing p124, p115, p59v-rel, and possibly p68c-rel. In vitro kinase activity was found in all size classes, coinciding with the distribution of p115 and p59v-rel. The complex(es) was stable under a variety of conditions, including a wide range of ionic strengths, chelators, and detergents, and through multiple cycles of immune precipitation and elution. This suggests a specific and functionally significant interaction among the members that may be of direct relevance to the mechanism of REV-induced transformation.  相似文献   

Splenic lymphocytes from chickens infected with reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) are cytostatically impaired in their ability to undergo mitogen-induced blastogenesis ([3H]TdR uptake and proliferation), but are fully capable of eliciting cytotoxic reactions against allogeneic, 51Chromium-labeled chicken erythrocytes. Spleen cells from birds with reticuloendotheliosis (REs) are able to suppress DNA synthesis of normal splenic lymphocytes (Ns), but are unable to inhibit 1[3H]TdR uptake by chick embryo fibroblasts. The suppression of the Ns mitogenic response is not restricted by major histocompatibility (B-locus) differences between populations of REs suppressor and Ns target cells. Moreover, infection of birds with an attenuated form of REV, which replicates in the host but does not cause tumorigenesis, also leads to suppression of phytohemagglutinin-induced, [3H]TdR uptake by host lymphocytes. These results are discussed in terms of the interaction between viral-infected/transformed cells and host defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Illuminating insights into lymphoid oncogenesis came with the finding that the chromosome translocations characteristic of many tumors of immunoglobulin-producing cells represent conjunction of an immunoglobulin gene locus with the myc oncogene. The potency of this combination has been underlined by recent studies in which DNA regions mimicking certain chromosome junctions of lymphomas were shown to be highly tumorigenic when inserted into the mouse germline. Nevertheless, the mechanism by which an immunoglobulin locus activates the oncogene remains largely an enigma, particularly in those cases where the two loci remain at some distance.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulins are encoded by a large multigene system that undergoes somatic rearrangement and additional genetic change during the development of immunoglobulin-producing cells. Inducible antibody and antibody-like responses are found in all vertebrates. However, immunoglobulin possessing disulfide-bonded heavy and light chains and domain-type organization has been described only in representatives of the jawed vertebrates. High degrees of nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence identity are evident when the segmental elements that constitute the immunoglobulin gene loci in phylogenetically divergent vertebrates are compared. However, the organization of gene loci and the manner in which the independent elements recombine (and diversify) vary markedly among different taxa. One striking pattern of gene organization is the "cluster type" that appears to be restricted to the chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) and limits segmental rearrangement to closely linked elements. This type of gene organization is associated with both heavy- and light-chain gene loci. In some cases, the clusters are "joined" or "partially joined" in the germ line, in effect predetermining or partially predetermining, respectively, the encoded specificities (the assumption being that these are expressed) of the individual loci. By relating the sequences of transcribed gene products to their respective germ-line genes, it is evident that, in some cases, joined-type genes are expressed. This raises a question about the existence and/or nature of allelic exclusion in these species. The extensive variation in gene organization found throughout the vertebrate species may relate directly to the role of intersegmental (V<==>D<==>J) distances in the commitment of the individual antibody-producing cell to a particular genetic specificity. Thus, the evolution of this locus, perhaps more so than that of others, may reflect the interrelationships between genetic organization and function.   相似文献   

We have used Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) transformed pre-B cell lines to test the hypothesis that the rearrangement potential of a developing B-lymphocyte is dependent on an "opening" of the chromatin structure surrounding immunoglobulin (Ig) genes, thus allowing accessibility to an Ig gene recombinase. The chromatin structures surrounding heavy (H), kappa (kappa), and lambda (lambda) chain constant-region genes were assessed by DNase I sensitivity in A-MuLV transformed cell lines capable of H, kappa or lambda gene rearrangement. Our results indicate that DNase I-sensitive chromatin structures of these Ig constant-region genes correlate closely with the ability of the genes to undergo recombination. We also find that the chromatin structure of an Ig constant-region locus becomes DNase I sensitive before any DNA rearrangement events occur.  相似文献   

N Davis  W Bargmann  M Y Lim    H Bose  Jr 《Journal of virology》1990,64(2):584-591
The v-rel oncogene of avian reticuloendotheliosis virus type T (REV-T) encodes a 59-kilodalton (kDa) phosphoprotein located principally in the cytosol of transformed lymphoid cells. All of the detectable pp59v-rel was present in high-molecular-weight complexes containing at least five cellular proteins (p124, p115, p75c-rel, p70hsc, and pp40). Antiserum was developed against the 40-kDa protein, the most abundant cellular protein associated with the complex. The 40-kDa phosphoprotein was complexed with pp59v-rel in REV-T-transformed lymphoid cell lines arrested at different stages of B-cell development as well as in lymphoid tumor cells and in fibrosarcomas. The half-life (8 h) of pp40 in REV-T-transformed lymphoid cells was the same as that of pp59v-rel. Antiserum against pp40 permitted the identification of two pp59v-rel complexes. The most abundant cytoplasmic complex contained approximately 75% of the pp59v-rel and all of the detectable pp40 in REV-T-transformed lymphoid cells. Twenty-five percent of the pp59v-rel was present in a minor complex that contained the majority of p75c-rel along with p115 and p124. In nuclear extracts of REV-T-transformed lymphoid cells, pp59v-rel was complexed with pp40. The two high-molecular-weight proteins (p115 and p124) and p75c-rel were not detected in the nuclear complex. In the cytosolic complexes, pp40 was heavily phosphorylated, whereas the nuclear form was much less extensively phosphorylated.  相似文献   

Bovine papillomavirus-1 (BPV-1) replicates extrachromosomally in certain murine cell lines, suggesting that vectors based on the BPV-1 replicon might provide a means of obtaining more uniform gene expression among independent transformants. We have tested such a vector for the expression in hybridoma cells of the immunoglobulin κ light-chain gene, but found that the level of expression varies greatly among transformants. Our results also indicate that in these transformants the vector has probably been incorporated into chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

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