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Summary To delimit the 14q32.1 recurrent breakpoint of ataxia telangiectasia clones, we performed an in situ hybridization study with various probes located on the 14q32 band. We thus mapped this breakpoint between the D14S1 and Pi loci. Furthermore, an interstitial duplication including D14S1 and a part of the IgH locus was demonstrated on a t(14;14) clone.  相似文献   

Summary Using in situ chromosomal hybridization we have mapped the gene for the T-cell receptor -chain in three different non-malignant T-cell clones occurring in ataxia telangiectasia. The constant region was translocated in each of the three clones. The variable region remained in its original position in two cases and was deleted in one clone which lost the derivative chromosome 14. We have therefore demonstrated that the T-cell receptor -gene is split in at least two of these translocations. To our knowledge, this is the first direct evidence of the involvement of a gene from the immunoglobulin superfamily in chromosomal rearrangements in ataxia telangiectasia.  相似文献   

Summary Human T cell malignancies often show chromosome breaks at 14q11, within the chain locus of the human T cell antigen receptor, with translocation of the distal portion of 14 to one of several sites. In patients with ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) the majority of T cell chromosome translocations associated with this disorder appear to occur at the sites of the T cell antigen receptor genes 7p14, 7q35, and 14q11 and may result in clone formation. In three large proliferating A-T T cell clones we have observed (including one which became malignant) and in most T cell tumours reported, the clonal chromosome exchange involves one breakpoint at 14q11 with the second breakpoint occurring in a gene not involved in the immunoglobulin supergene family. Our observations on A-T patients confirm the suggestion that chromosome exchanges involving either t(7;14)(p14;q11), t(7;14)(q35;q11), inv(7) (p14q35), or t(7;7)(p14;q35) confer only a small proliferative advantage on T cells in vivo without the capacity for malignant transformation and that the potential for malignant change is not a feature of all these rearrangements, but is restricted to cells or clones with other chromosome exchanges.  相似文献   

Phenotypic and functional characterization of human T cell clones   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The capacity of human peripheral blood-derived T cell clones to carry out a variety of functions was examined. T cell clones were generated by stimulating individual peripheral blood T cells with PHA by a procedure that yielded a growing clone from a mean of greater than 92% of the cultured cells. A total of 65 T cell clones (44 CD4+ and 21 CD8+) generated from two individual donors were examined for their functional capabilities. All T cell clones examined secreted IL-2, IFN-gamma, and lymphotoxin/tumor necrosis factor like activity when stimulated with immobilized mAb to the CD3 complex (64.1). When 54 additional T cell clones from a third donor were analyzed, all were found to produce IL-2. Upon activation with immobilized 64.1, all CD4+ clones and 91% of the CD8+ clones induced the generation of Ig-secreting cells from purified B cells. The CD8+ clones that did not serve as Th cells alone were able to augment the capacity of fresh CD4+ cells to generate Ig-secreting cells. Each of these clones was also found to effect MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity upon activation with immobilized 64.1. The CD8+ clones were somewhat more effective killers than CD4+ clones, although there was considerable overlap. A total of 18 clones was analyzed for TCR beta-chain gene rearrangement. Of the clones exhibiting rearrangements of the beta-chain gene, 94% were found to have a single rearrangement pattern. Finally, the detailed phenotype of 15 (11 CD4+ and 4 CD8+) of these clones was examined. Variable numbers of cells of each of the clones expressed Ag identified by mAb 4B4 (CD29), Leu 8, Leu 15 (CD11b), and NKH1. Moreover, cells of 6 of 11 CD4+ clones and 4 of 4 CD8+ clones also expressed CD45R in addition to CD29; expression of CD45R and CD29 varied with the activation status of the clone. The current data demonstrate that nearly all of the T cell clones were able to accomplish each of the functions examined regardless of the surface phenotype. Inasmuch as the clones were generated using a technique that expanded more than 92% of the circulating T cells, the data imply that the progeny of the vast majority of T cells may have the inherent capacity to exert a wide array of functional activities.  相似文献   

ATM and ataxia telangiectasia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
McKinnon PJ 《EMBO reports》2004,5(8):772-776
Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) has long intrigued the biomedical research community owing to the spectrum of defects that are characteristic of the disease, including neurodegeneration, immune dysfunction, radiosensitivity and cancer predisposition. Following the identification of mutations in ATM (ataxia telangiectasia, mutated) as the underlying cause of the disease, biochemical analysis of this protein kinase has shown that it is a crucial nexus for the cellular response to DNA double-stranded breaks. Many ATM kinase substrates are important players in the cellular responses that prevent cancer. Accordingly, AT is a disease that results from defects in the response to specific types of DNA damage. Thus, although it is a rare neurodegenerative disease, understanding the biology of AT will lead to a greater understanding of the fundamental processes that underpin cancer and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by numerous clinical and cellular features. The pleiotropic nature of the AT syndrome attests to the multiple roles of ATM, the protein codified by the gene altered in AT patients. We investigated if different mutations of ATM could reflect on different alterations of nuclear architecture and chromatin organization. We selected three lymphoblastoid cell lines isolated from AT patients affected by different mutations of ATM gene and one healthy control. We characterized the in situ chromatin structure of each cell line by a biophysical approach: (1) we evaluated the rearrangements of the chromatin domains at the level of single cell by quantitative fluorescence microscopy; (2) we analysed the changes of the average chromatin condensation by differential scanning calorimetry. The results show that the three different ATM mutations produce significant modifications of both nuclear architecture and chromatin condensation.  相似文献   

Ataxia telangiectasia is one of a group of recessive hereditary genomic instability disorders and is characterized by progressive neurodegeneration, immunodeficiency and cancer susceptibility. Heterozygotes for the mutated gene are more susceptible to cancer and to ischaemic heart disease. The affected gene, ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), has been cloned and codes for a protein kinase (ATM), which orchestrates the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks after ionising radiation. An underlying feature of ataxia telangiectasia is oxidative stress and there is chronic activation of stress response pathways in tissues showing pathology such as the cerebellum, but not in the cerebrum or liver. ATM has also been shown to be activated by insulin and to have a wider role in signal transduction and cell growth. Many, but not all, aspects of the phenotype can be attributed to a defective DNA damage response. The oxidative stress may result directly from accumulated DNA damage in affected tissues or ATM may have an additional role in sensing/modulating redox homeostasis. The basis for the observed tissue specificity of the oxidative damage in ataxia telangiectasia is not clear.  相似文献   

Summary X-ray induced chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes as well as in skin fibroblasts from ataxia telangiectasia patients, and from normal individuals were studied. At all stages of cell cycles—namely G0, G1, and G2, more aberrations were induced in AT cells than in normal cells. In addition, AT cells were sensitive to induction of chromosomal aberrations by tritium beta rays from incorporated radioactive thymidine. Possible reasons for the increased sensitivity of AT cells for induction of chromosomal aberrations by ionizing radiations are discussed.  相似文献   

Over 80 human T helper cell (Th) clones reactive with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) were generated using purified whole Towne strain HCMV as the in vitro antigen. These cloned T cells are CD3+, CD4+, CD8- and proliferate specifically to HCMV. All of the clones tested produce interleukin 2 and gamma-interferon and failed to show HCMV-specific cytotoxicity or natural killer (NK) activity. Most of the Th clones recognize multiple laboratory-adapted and wild-type strains of HCMV. The Th clones were also tested for their reactivity to a major envelope glycoprotein complex (gcI) and a 64,000 dalton internal matrix protein. Our results show that both proteins as well as other unidentified protein(s) are involved in Th responses to HCMV.  相似文献   

Although ataxia telangiectasia (AT) cells are more sensitive than normal cells to killing by ionizing radiation, their DNA synthesis is more resistant to inhibition by radiation. It was thought that this anomaly in DNA synthesis was likely to perturb cell cycle progression. Flow cytometry and the fraction of labelled mitoses (FLM) were used to investigate effects of irradiation in normal and AT cell lines. The FLM indicated that radiation apparently induced a longer G2 delay in normal cells than in AT cells. However, flow cytometry showed that radiation induced much larger and more prolonged increases in the proportion of G2 cells in AT than in normals. AT populations also showed much larger postirradiation decreases in viable cell numbers. These data suggest that a large proportion of the radiosensitive AT cells are not reversibly blocked in G2 but die there, and never proceed through mitosis. The less radiosensitive normal cells are delayed in G2 and then proceed through mitosis. We suggest that the apparently shorter radiation-induced mitotic delay seen in AT cells by FLM is not real but is an artifact arising from perturbation of steady state conditions by selective elimination of a particular cohort of AT cells. Accumulation of AT cells in G2 is compatible with radiosensitivity of these cells and may arise from a defect in DNA repair or an anomaly in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Measles virus (MV)-specific murine helper T cell clones (Thy-1.2+, CD4+, CD8-) were generated from mice immunized with MV-infected mouse brain homogenate by limiting dilution and in vitro stimulation of spleen cells with UV-inactivated MV Ag. The protein specificity of 7 out of 37 stable T cell clones, which displayed MHC-restricted MV Ag recognition, could be assessed by using purified MV proteins. Two fusion (F) protein-specific, two hemagglutinin-specific, and three nucleoprotein- or matrix protein-specific clones were shown to be established. The F protein-specific T cell clones together with a panel of previously generated F protein-specific T cell clones were characterized for their fine specificity by using beta-galactosidase fusion products, which contained different parts of the F protein. It was shown that at least two epitopes on the major part of the F protein (amino acid 2-513) can be recognized by mouse T cells. Functional characterization of three T cell clones showed that they were able to assist MV-specific B cells and bystander B cells for antibody production. Furthermore, they were shown to produce the lymphokines IL-2 and IFN-gamma. It was also shown that these T cell clones induced a MV-specific delayed type hypersensitivity response. These observations suggest that all of the T cell clones characterized belong to the TH1 helper subset.  相似文献   

Murine fetal thymus from C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J contains a cell population that suppresses CTL responses to alloantigens. This suppressor cell population was found to exist in high frequency in murine fetal thymus at the 14th day of gestation. The activity of this cell in the thymus declined rapidly with increasing time of gestation, and suppressor activity in the thymus was undetectable by the time of birth. On the other hand, suppressor activity could be detected in organ cultures of 14-day fetal thymus even after the organs were cultured for 14 or 21 days. Fetal thymocytes from B6 or DBA/2J mice were grown as long-term lines in interleukin 2 (IL 2)-containing medium. Clones of suppressor cells were derived from long-term cultures by micromanipulation. The clones had an average doubling time of 13 to 16 hr and were dependent on IL 2 for growth. The clones were 10- to 100-fold more efficient in suppressing CTL responses to alloantigens than day 15 fetal thymocytes. Analyses of cell surface molecules with the use of monoclonal antibodies and conventional anti-H-2 sera by radioactive binding assays showed that cloned suppressor cells from B6 fetal thymus were Thy-1 and Lyt-2+, and expressed little or no L3T4, Lyt-1, H-2K, H-2D, and class II molecules. The suppressor clones lacked the cytolytic activity of conventional CTL and also served as very poor target cells in CTL-mediated cytolysis. The suppressor function of the cloned cells was radiation-resistant, and this suppression could not be reversed by the addition of excess exogenous IL 2. The cloned cells suppressed CTL responses only when they were added within the first 48 hr of a 5-day culture period. Analyses of the antigen specificity of the suppressor cells showed that they suppressed CTL responses in a nonantigen-specific manner.  相似文献   

Ni-specific T lymphocyte clones (TLC) were isolated from two patients with Ni-contact dermatitis. All of the isolated TLC required both histocompatible antigen-presenting cells (APC) and Ni for induction of proliferation. By using a panel of HLA-typed Epstein Barr virus-transformed B cells (EBV-B cells) as APC and monoclonal anti-DR antibody, the clones were shown to recognize Ni in the context of HLA class II determinants. All of the clones that were isolated are OKT3+, OKT4+, OKT8-. In the presence of Ni, they polyclonally activate autologous B cells, and in the presence of Ni and autologous EBV-B cells, they produce IL 2 and very high levels of IFN-gamma. The Ni-specific clones should be helpful in the identification of the Ni-induced antigen which is recognized by T cells.  相似文献   

Interactions between autologous T cell clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A human CD4 clone (Mx9/9) using the V beta 8 receptor was used as antigen to generate autologous clones (termed anti-Mx9/9 clones) which proliferate in response to this clone, but not other autologous clones. This was used as an experimental model to explore the specific interactions between autologous T cells. Anti-HLA-DR monoclonal antibodies inhibited the response of the anti-Mx9/9 clones, suggesting that these clones recognize their target antigen in association with HLA-DR. Because of the specificity of the anti-Mx9/9 clones for the initiating clone (Mx9/9), but not any other autologous V beta 8- or V beta 8+ CD4 clones, the target antigen seems to be part of the T cell receptor, but not V beta 8 itself. However, the anti-Mx9/9 clones responded also to the autologous EBV line, and thus the target antigen is not known. The regulatory activity of the anti-Mx9/9 clones was assayed by coculture with their target clone. A variety of responses were seen, both inhibitory and stimulatory, which varied depending on the "conditions" of the T cell used. These results suggest that T cells interact in a complex network, perhaps as complex as the regulatory interactions between antibody molecules and B cells.  相似文献   

Well characterized gamma-ray sensitive mutants of the fungus Neurospora crassa have been screened for characteristics analogous to those of cell lines derived from humans with the genetic disease, ataxia telangiectasia (AT). Two Neurospora mutants, uvs-6 and mus-9, show the AT cell line characteristics of gamma-ray and bleomycin sensitivity, and little or no repression of DNA synthesis following treatment with these agents. Normal human or Neurospora cells show an extensive biphasic DNA synthesis repression (to 50% of control) and when DNA synthesis is analyzed by alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation, repression of DNA synthesis by low doses of gamma-radiation occurs primarily in low molecular weight (MW) DNA pieces in both organisms. In AT cells and the uvs-6 mutant, no repression in synthesis of low or higher MW DNA is seen at low doses, while the mus-9 mutant shows little repression of high MW DNA, but an intermediate level of low MW DNA synthesis. Both mutants have been shown previously to have an increased level of spontaneous chromosome instability as do AT lines. The uvs-6 and mus-9 mutations are known to be due to two different genes in two different epistatic groups. These results demonstrate that AT-like cellular characteristics can arise from defects in at least two and probably any of several genes, and that lower eukaryotes such as Neurospora can provide an inexpensive and useful model for AT while avoiding the problems inherent in using transformed cell lines.  相似文献   

Human T cell clones present antigen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two human T cells clones are described which react with influenza virus hemagglutinin type H3 and synthetic peptides of H3 when presented by PBMC APC. Both T cell clones also responded to peptide Ag in the absence of additional APC suggesting that T cells can simultaneously present and respond to Ag. T cell clones could only present peptide Ag and not an appropriate strain of inactivated whole influenza virus thus indicating an inability to process Ag conventionally. Peptide presentation by T cells was dose dependent, restricted by MHC class II Ag and was dependent on the number of Ag presenting T cells per culture. Experiments with nested peptides showed that the same epitope was recognized in the presence and absence of PBMC APC. No Ag or IL-2 from the propagation procedure was carried over into assays and two-color fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis of each clone detected no contaminating cells with the phenotype of monocytes, macrophages or B cells; in each T cell clone, all cells expressing MHC class II Ag co-expressed CD3. These date therefore provide strong evidence that human T cell clones can simultaneously present and respond to appropriate forms of Ag.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomal analyses were performed on lymphocytes, fibroblasts and lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from a Saudi family with ataxia telangiectasia (AT). The three siblings of a consanguineous marriage were all affected. The lymphocytes of the AT homozygotes (probands) showed an increase of 2- to 6-fold and 4- to 8-fold respectively, in the frequency of spontaneous and X-ray-induced chromosomal aberrations compared with controls, while the parents (obligate heterozygotes) of the patients showed no notable difference. The unirradiated lymphocytes from the oldest AT sibling, an 11-year-old boy (AT1), showed specific rearrangements involving chromosomes 7 and 14 [t(7;14)(q35;q12)] and 12 and 14 [t(12;14)(q23;q12)] in two different clones. The most severely affected sibling was a 9-year-old girl (AT2) who presented with a clone showing a novel rearrangement involving chromosomes 14 and 17, namely: del(14) (q31q32) and dup(17)(q21–q24). The lymphocytes from the third sibling, a 2-year-old boy (AT3), showed a t(2;14)(p24;q12). In addition, an inv(14)(q12q32) was observed in all three AT patients, while inv(7)(p14q35) was found only in patients 2 and 3. The lymphocytes from the AT parents and controls showed normal karyotypes. The breakpoints involving chromosomes 2,12 and 17, observed in our studies, have rarely been reported in other series of AT patients. No non-random chromosomal rearrangements were observed either in the skin fibroblasts or in the lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from the AT patients, although all cell lines showed an increase in both spontaneous and radiation-induced chromosomal breaks per cell. The present study constitutes the first report on a cytogenetic analysis of a Saudi family with three AT siblings.  相似文献   

UV-irradiated Chinese hamster cells on post-irradiation treatment with caffeine in growth medium for 24 h gave rise to biphasic UV-survival curves. At caffeine concentrations between 0.001 and 0.1 mM, control and caffeine-grown cells had similar survival curves initially from 0 to 30 J/m2. At fluences greater than 30 J/m2, there was effectively only little further killing of caffeine-grown cells beyond that observed at 30 J/m2. At concentrations of caffeine greater than 0.5 mM, there was a gradual sensitization in the early part of the survival curve with increasing caffeine concentrations; but at fluences greater than 3 J/m2, the slopes in the survival curves decreased very much.It has been proposed that the initial sensitization observed at low UV fluences is due to the suppression of post-replication repair by caffeine. After high fluences of UV exposures in these excision-deficient cells, in the presence of caffeine, the possibility of an induced ‘SOS’-like repair process has been suggested. This suggestion was supported by the observation that caffeine increased the yield of the UV-induced 8-azaguanine-resistant mutants only for the cell population exposed to UV fluences greater than 30 J/m2.  相似文献   

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