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Electropermeabilization designates the use of short high-voltage pulses to overcome the barrier of the cell membrane. A position-dependent reversible local membrane permeabilization is induced leading to an exchange of hydrophilic molecules across the membrane. This permeabilized state can be used to load cells with therapeutic molecules. In the case of small molecules, such as anticancer drugs, transfer occurs through simple diffusion. In the case of DNA, transfer occurs through a multi-step mechanism, a process that involves the electrophoretically driven association of the DNA molecule with the destabilised membrane and then its passage.  相似文献   

The liver is the largest internal organ in mammals and is involved in metabolism, detoxification, synthesis of proteins and lipids, secretion of cytokines and growth factors and immune/inflammatory responses. Hepatitis, alcoholic or non-alcoholic liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic veno-occlusive disease, and liver fibrosis and cirrhosis are the most common liver diseases. Safe and efficient delivery of therapeutic molecules (drugs, genes or proteins) into the liver is very important to increase the clinical efficacy of these molecules and to reduce their side effects in other organs. Several liver cell-targeted delivery systems have been developed and tested in vivo or ex vivo/in vitro. In this review, we discuss the literature concerning liver cell-targeted delivery systems, with a particular emphasis on the results of in vivo studies.  相似文献   

TP10-5 (TK) was screened as the most promising candidate among the designed analogues of transportan 10 (TP10), a cell penetrating peptide (CPP) with remarkable capacity for membrane translocation. However, low levels of specificity and high toxicity limit its successful use for drug delivery applications. Here, we developed a new type of acid-activated CPP (TH) by replacement of all lysines of TK with histidines. As expected, histidine-containing TH can be activated and subsequently enter cells at pH 6.0, whereas it is less active at pH 7.4. In contrast, the uptake of TK has no significant difference for both pH values. Importantly, the toxicity of TH is significantly lower than that of TK under physiological conditions. After attachment of camptothecin (CPT) to TH, this conjugate exhibited remarkable cytotoxicity to cancer cells in a pH-dependent manner compared with free CPT and TK-CPT. This study opens a new avenue to design CPPs that preferentially enter cells in acidic solid tumors, with minimal cellular uptake in normal tissues.  相似文献   

The end-product profile of the glucose fermentation by Propionibacterium freudenreichii ET-3 changed on an electrochemical treatment, in which the culture vessel was filled with a carbon felt anode. Acetate and propionate were produced as final end products in a molar ratio of 2:3 without any electrochemical treatments at the point of the consumption of lactate as an intermediate of the glucose fermentation. The ratio was changed to 1:1 at the point of the lactate consumption by the electrochemical incubation at an electrode potential of 0.4 V versus Ag|AgCl for 100 h. During further electrochemical incubation, propionate was oxidized to acetate as a final end-product in the microbe-containing anode chamber. 1,4-Dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid produced by P. freudenreichii ET-3 itself would receive electrons from the metabolic pathway and serve as an electron transfer mediator from the microbial cells to the electrode.  相似文献   

Microfluidics-based cell assays offer high levels of automation and integration, and allow multiple assays to be run in parallel, based on reduced sample volumes. These characteristics make them attractive for studies associated with drug discovery. Controlled delivery of drug molecules or other exogenous materials into cells is a critical issue that needs to be addressed before microfluidics can serve as a viable platform for drug screening and studies. In this study, we report the application of hydrodynamic focusing for controlled delivery of small molecules into cells immobilized on the substrate of a microfluidic device. We delivered calcein AM which was permeant to the cell membrane into cells, and monitored its enzymatic conversion into fluorescent calcein during and after the delivery. Different ratios of the sample flow to the side flow were tested to determine how the conditions of hydrodynamic focusing affected the delivery. A 3D numerical model was developed to help understand the fluid flow, molecular diffusion due to hydrodynamic focusing in the microfluidic channel. The results from the simulation indicated that the calcein AM concentration on the outer surface of a cell was determined by the conditions of hydrodynamic focusing. By comparing the results from the simulation with those from the experiment, we found that the calcein AM concentration on the cell outer surface correlated very well with the amount of the molecules delivered into the cell. This suggests that hydrodynamic focusing provides an effective way for potentially quantitative delivery of exogenous molecules into cells at the single cell or subcellular level. We expect that our technique will pave the way to high-throughput drug screening and delivery on a microfluidic platform.  相似文献   

Current liver transplantation strategies face severe shortcomings owing to scarcity of donors, immunogenicity, prohibitive costs and poor survival rates. Due to the lengthy list of patients requiring transplant, high mortality rates are observed during the endless waiting period. Tissue engineering could be an alternative strategy to regenerate the damaged liver and improve the survival and quality of life of the patient. The development of an ideal scaffold for liver tissue engineering depends on the nature of the scaffold, its architecture and the presence of growth factors and recognition motifs. Biomimetic scaffolds can simulate the native extracellular matrix for the culture of hepatocytes to enable them to exhibit their functionality both in vitro and in vivo. This review highlights the physiology and pathophysiology of liver, the current treatment strategies, use of various scaffolds, incorporation of adhesion motifs, growth factors and stem cells that can stabilize and maintain hepatocyte cultures for a long period.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid procedure for the intracellular delivery of macromolecules into adherent cultured cells is described. Cells are incubated with cold glycerol, then transiently made permeable with L-alpha-lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) in the presence of test compound to be loaded into cells. LPC induces temporary permeability of the plasma membrane, as evidenced by the loss and recovery of the cells' ability to exclude trypan blue. Molecules at least as large as antibodies are internalized during this transient permeability. Antibodies delivered intracellularly in this manner are able to complex with their specific antigen and exert functional consequences on normal cell metabolism, suggesting that this procedure is useful for determining protein function. As one example of this, we present data on the ability of specific antibodies, delivered intracellularly in this manner, to inhibit morphological differentiation (i.e., neurite outgrowth) in a neuroblastoma cell line.  相似文献   

A peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) conjugate (carrier PNA) was used as ‘bridge-builder’ to connect a CPP with an shRNA. The carrier PNA successfully formed a hybrid with an shRNA bearing complementary dangling bases and the shRNA was introduced into cells by the carrier PNA, and RNAi was induced by the shRNA.  相似文献   

Lentiviral vectors for gene delivery into cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV) is the etiologic agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. Vectors based upon HIV have been in use for over a decade. Beginning in 1996, with the demonstration of improved pseudotyping using vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G protein along with transduction of resting mammalian cells, a series of improvements have been made in these vectors, making them both safer and more efficacious. Taking a cue from vector development of murine leukemia virus (MLV), split coding and self-inactivating HIV vectors now appear quite suitable for phase I clinical trials. In parallel, a number of pre-clinical efficacy studies in animals have demonstrated the utility of these vectors for various diseases processes, especially neurodegenerative and hematopoietic illnesses. These vectors are also appropriate for the study of other viruses (specifically of viral entry) and investigation of the HIV replicative cycle, along with straightforward transgene delivery to target cells of interest. Vectors based upon other lentiviruses have shown similar abilities and promise. Although concerns remain, particularly with regards to detection and propagation of replication-competent lentivirus, it is almost certain that these vectors will be introduced into the clinic within the next 3-5 years.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) promise as a main actor of cell-based therapeutic strategies, due to their intrinsic ability to differentiate along different mesenchymal cell lineages, able to repair the diseased or injured tissue in which they are localized. The application of MSCs in therapies requires an in depth knowledge of their biology and of the molecular mechanisms leading to MSC multilineage differentiation. The knockdown of target genes through small interfering RNA (siRNA) carried by adenoviruses (Ad) represents a valid tool for the study of the role of specific molecules in cell biology. Unfortunately, MSCs are poorly transfected by conventional Ad serotype 5 (Ad5) vectors. We set up a method to obtain a very efficient transduction of rat MSCs with low doses of unmodified Ad5, carrying the siRNA targeted against the mRNA coding for Rb2/p130 (Ad-siRNA-Rb2), which plays a fundamental role in cell differentiation. This method allowed a 95% transduction rate of Ad-siRNA in MSC, along with a siRNA-mediated 85% decrease of Rb2/p130 mRNA and a 70% decrease of Rb2/p130 protein 48 h after transduction with 50 multiplicities of infection (MOIs) of Ad5. The effect on Rb2/p130 protein persisted 15 days after transduction. Finally, Ad-siRNA did not compromise the viability of transduced MSCs neither induced any cell cycle modification. The effective Ad-siRNA-Rb2 we constructed, together with the efficient method of delivery in MSCs we set up, will allow an in depth analysis of the role of Rb2/p130 in MSC biology and multilineage differentiation.  相似文献   

Studies of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as delivery vehicles have focused mainly on the development of mucosal vaccines, with much effort being devoted to the generation of genetic tools for antigen expression in different bacterial locations. Subsequently, interleukins have been co-expressed with antigens in LAB to enhance the immune response that is raised against the antigen. LAB have also been used as a delivery system for a range of molecules that have different applications, including anti-infectives, therapies for allergic diseases and therapies for gastrointestinal diseases. Now that the first human trial with a Lactococcus strain that expresses recombinant interleukin-10 has been completed, we discuss what we have learnt, what we do not yet understand and what the future holds for therapy and prophylaxis with LAB.  相似文献   

Strategies for improved antigen delivery into dendritic cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficacious vaccines against cancers and infectious diseases will, in general, need to elicit comprehensive immune responses, including cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity. Because of their unique T cell stimulatory capacities, dendritic cells (DC) have emerged as the most potent antigen-presenting cell. Vaccination strategies should therefore aim at the acquisition and display of the antigen(s) of choice by DC. Results from vaccination studies, in animal models and in humans, stress the need for optimized antigen delivery systems to DC, to increase vaccination efficacy as well as to improve control on the immunological outcome. Here, we discuss the advantages and limitations of several recently described methodologies for antigen delivery into DC.  相似文献   



Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an attractive source of adult stem cells for therapeutic application in clinical study. Genetic modification of MSCs with beneficial genes makes them more effective for therapeutic use. However, it is difficult to transduce genes into MSCs by common transfection methods, especially nonviral methods. In this study, we applied microporation technology as a novel electroporation technique to introduce enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and brain-derived neurotropfic factor (BDNF) plasmid DNA into human umbilical cord blood-derived MSCs (hUCB-MSCs) with significant efficiency, and investigated the stem cell potentiality of engineered MSCs through their phenotypes, proliferative capacity, ability to differentiate into multiple lineages, and migration ability towards malignant glioma cells.


Using microporation with EGFP as a reporter gene, hUCB-MSCs were transfected with higher efficiency (83%) and only minimal cell damage than when conventional liposome-based reagent (<20%) or established electroporation methods were used (30-40%). More importantly, microporation did not affect the immunophenotype of hUCB-MSCs, their proliferation activity, ability to differentiate into mesodermal and ectodermal lineages, or migration ability towards cancer cells. In addition, the BDNF gene could be successfully transfected into hUCB-MSCs, and BDNF expression remained fairly constant for the first 2 weeks in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, microporation of BDNF gene into hUCB-MSCs promoted their in vitro differentiation into neural cells.


Taken together, the present data demonstrates the value of microporation as an efficient means of transfection of MSCs without changing their multiple properties. Gene delivery by microporation may enhance the feasibility of transgenic stem cell therapy.  相似文献   

We have developed a device for pinpoint delivery of chemicals, proteins, and nucleic acids into cultured cells. The principle underlying the technique is the flow of molecules from the culture medium into cells through a rupture in the plasma membrane made by a needle puncture. DNA transfection is achieved by stabbing the needle tip into the nucleus. The CellBee device can be attached to any inverted microscope, and molecular delivery can be coupled with conventional live cell imaging. Because the position of the needle relative to the targeted cultured cells is computer-controlled, efficient delivery of molecules such as rhodamine into as many as 100 HeLa cells can be completed in 10 min. Moreover, specific target cells within a single dish can be transfected with multiple DNA constructs by simple changes of culture medium containing different plasmids. In addition, the nano-sized needle tip enables gentle molecular delivery, minimizing cell damage. This method permits DNA transfection into specific hippocampal neurons without disturbing neuronal circuitry established in culture.  相似文献   

The improvement of non-viral-based gene delivery systems is of prime importance for the future of gene and antisense therapies. We have previously described a peptide-based gene delivery system, MPG, derived from the fusion peptide domain of HIV-1 gp41 protein and the nuclear localisation sequence (NLS) of SV40 large T antigen. MPG forms stable non-covalent complexes with nucleic acids and improves their delivery. In the present work, we have investigated the mechanism through which MPG promotes gene delivery. We demonstrate that cell entry is independent of the endosomal pathway and that the NLS of MPG is involved in both electrostatic interactions with DNA and nuclear targeting. MPG/DNA particles interact with the nuclear import machinery, however, a mutation which affects the NLS of MPG disrupts these interactions and prevents nuclear delivery of DNA. Nevertheless, we show that this mutation yields a variant of MPG which is a powerful tool for delivery of siRNA into mammalian cells, enabling rapid release of the siRNA into the cytoplasm and promoting robust down-regulation of target mRNA. Taken together, these results support the potential of MPG-like peptides for therapeutic applications and suggest that specific variations in the sequence may yield carriers with distinct targeting features.  相似文献   

Transient membrane permeabilization by application of high electric field intensity pulses on cells (electropermeabilization) depends on several physical parameters associated with the technique (pulse intensity, number, and duration). In the present study, electropermeabilization is studied in terms of flow of diffusing molecules between cells and external medium. Direct quantification of the phenomenon shows that electric field intensity is a critical parameter in the induction of permeabilization. Electric field intensity must be higher than a critical threshold to make the membrane permeable. This critical threshold depends on the cell size. Extent of permeabilization (i.e., the flow rate across the membrane) is then controlled by both pulse number and duration. Increasing electric field intensity above the critical threshold needed for permeabilization results in an increase membrane area able to be permeabilized but not due to an increase in the specific permeability of the field alterated area. The electroinduced permeabilization is transient and disappears progressively after the application of the electric field pulses. Its life time is under the control of the electric field parameters. The rate constant of the annealing phase is shown to be dependent on both pulse duration and number, but is independent of electric field intensity which creates the permeabilization. The phenomenon is described in terms of membrane organization transition between the natural impermeable state and the electro-induced permeable state, phenomenon only locally induced for electric field intensities above a critical threshold and expanding in relation to both pulse number and duration.  相似文献   

We present a high-throughput method that enables efficient delivery of biomolecules into cells. The device consists of an array of 96 suspended electrode pairs, where small sample volumes are top-loaded, electroporated and bottom-ejected into 96-well plates. We demonstrate the use of this suspended-drop electroporation (SDE) device to effectively introduce fluorescent dextran, small interfering RNA (siRNA) or cDNA into primary neurons, differentiated neutrophils and other cell types with conventionally low transfection rates.  相似文献   

RNA sequestered by negatively charged liposomes becomes cell-associated following interaction between eucaryotic cells and the liposomes. This paper provides evidence that cell-associated RNA is internalized by the cells. In fact, (a) when Escherichia coli and mammalian RNA are entrapped within the same liposome population and delivered into cultured cells, one can observe degradation of the procaryotic but not the eucaryotic RNA. Such an event cannot happen extracellularly. (b) Scanning electron microscopy reveals no more than 10 liposomes adhering to each cell upon liposome-cell interaction under conditions in which the RNA entrapped by 140 liposomes becomes associated with each cell. The ability of liposomes prepared by (a) the cochleate process, (b) the reverse-phase evaporation technique, and (c) the ether infusion technique, to sequester and deliver RNA into cells was investigated. Reverse-phase evaporated liposomes were most efficient in sequestering RNA (20–40%), however, all types of liposomes delivered RNA with comparable efficiency. The rate of liposome-mediated RNA delivery into mammalian cells could be substantially improved when: (a) liposome-cell interaction was carried out at pH 6.5 (twofold increase over pH 7.5), (b) a basic protein (methylated albumin) was present (two- to threefold increase), (c) liposome-cell cultures were treated with polyethylene glycol 6000 (four- to eight-fold increase), and (d) DEAE-dextran was added during interaction of liposomes with cell monolayers (four- to eight-fold increase).  相似文献   

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