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东北镜泊湖硅藻对近现代气候变化和人类干扰的响应过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖梦娜  李艳玲 《生态学报》2018,38(4):1458-1469
全球气候变暖和人类活动加剧已经导致中国大量湖泊生态系统功能退化,而目前对东北地区湖泊生态系统变化的认识主要源于短期的监测。以东北镜泊湖为例,通过沉积记录和现代监测资料,分析一个多世纪以来以硅藻群落为代表的湖泊生态系统对气候波动和区域人类活动的响应过程。研究结果表明,在人类干扰显著加强之前,风力扰动是镜泊湖硅藻群落变化的一个重要因子,表现为Aulacoseira属种取代小型浮游种(Cyclostephanos、Stephanodiscus和Discostella)成为优势种。20世纪70年代以来,Asterionella formosa、Nitzschia palea和Fragilaria crotonensis的相继增加则反映了流域农业活动加剧、农业化肥大量施用以及污水排放导致的湖泊营养水平升高。温度的持续上升已经引起东北地区一些湖泊硅藻群落结构发生显著变化,但镜泊湖的硅藻记录却未显示这一气候变化的信号。考虑湖泊-流域形态和人类活动的不同,研究认为近几十年气候变化对镜泊湖硅藻群落结构的影响被强烈的人类干扰所掩盖而未显现出来。  相似文献   

The use of East African freshwater wetlands for agriculture has increased in recent decades, raising concerns about potential impacts on wetlands and the long-term sustainability of such land use trends. WET-health is an indicator-based rapid wetland assessment approach developed in South Africa. It allows determining the conditions of wetlands in four assessment modules (hydrology, geomorphology, vegetation, and water quality) by observing the degree of deviation of a wetland from its anticipated natural reference state. We tested the transferability of the WET-health concept for East African inland valley swamps and floodplain wetlands based on 114 assessment units at four study sites. Due to large wetland areas and different environmental settings in East Africa, we modified the original approach using a random selection of assessment units and an assessment scheme based on disturbance types (Appendices A and B). Estimated WET-health impact scores were matched with biophysical and socioeconomic variables using a generalized linear mixed model. Land use included largely undisturbed wetland units occurring side by side with seasonally cropped or grazed units, and drained, permanently cultivated units. A strong differentiation of impact scores between the four assessment modules was apparent with highest scores for vegetation and lowest scores for geomorphology. Vegetation and water quality responded most sensitively to land use changes. The magnitude of wetland disturbance is predominantly determined by management factors such as land use intensity, soil tillage, drainage intensity, and the application of agrochemicals and influences vegetation attributes and the provision of ecosystem services. The proposed modification of WET-health enables users to assess large wetland areas during relatively short periods of time. While further studies will be required, WET-health appears to be a promising concept to be applied to wetlands in East Africa and possibly beyond.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic increases in nitrogen (N) concentrations in the environment are affecting plant diversity and ecosystems worldwide, but relatively little is known about N impacts on terrestrial invertebrate communities. Here, we performed an exploratory meta-analysis of 4365 observations from 126 publications reporting on the richness (number of taxa) or abundance (number of individuals per taxon) of terrestrial arthropods or nematodes in relation to N addition. We found that the response of invertebrates to N enrichment is highly dependent on both species' traits and local climate. The abundance of arthropods with incomplete metamorphosis, including agricultural pest species, increased in response to N enrichment. In contrast, arthropods exhibiting complete or no metamorphosis, including pollinators and detritivores, showed a declining abundance trend with increasing N enrichment, particularly in warmer climates. These contrasting and context-dependent responses may explain why we detected no overall response of arthropod richness. For nematodes, the abundance response to N enrichment was dependent on mean annual precipitation and varied between feeding guilds. We found a declining trend in abundance with N enrichment in dry areas and an increasing trend in wet areas, with slopes differing between feeding guilds. For example, at mean levels of precipitation, bacterivore abundance showed a positive trend in response to N addition while fungivore abundance declined. We further observed an overall decline in nematode richness with N addition. These N-induced changes in invertebrate communities could have negative consequences for various ecosystem functions and services, including those contributing to human food production.  相似文献   

The positive association between disturbances and biological invasions is a widely observed ecological pattern in the Anthropocene. Such patterns have been hypothesized to be driven by the superior competitive ability of invaders or by modified environments, as well as by the interaction of these factors. An experimental study that tests these hypotheses is usually less feasible, especially in protected nature areas. An alternative approach is to focus on community resilience over time after the anthropogenic disturbance of habitats. Here, we focused on ant communities within a forest to examine their responses after disturbance over time. We selected the Yanbaru region of northern Okinawa Island, which is a biodiversity hotspot in East Asia. We compared ant communities among roadside environments in forests where the road age differed from 5 to 25 years. We also monitored the ant communities before and after disturbance from forest thinning. We found that the species richness and abundance of exotic ants were higher in recently disturbed environments (roadsides of 5–15 years old roads), where the physical environment was warmer and drier. In contrast, the roadsides of 25‐year‐old roads indicated the potential recovery of the physical environment with cooler and moister conditions, likely owing to regrowth of roadside vegetation. At these sites, there were few exotic ants, except for those immediately adjacent to the road. The population density of the invasive species Technoymex brunneus substantially increased 1–2 years after forest thinning. There was no evidence of the exclusion of native ants by exotic ants that were recorded after disturbance. Our results suggest that local ant communities in the Yanbaru forests have some resilience to disturbance. We suggest that restoration of environmental components is a better strategy for maintaining native ant communities, rather than removing exotic ants after anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances, like roads, increase the landscape fragmentation and affect wildlife migration and biodiversity. Such disturbances often prevent migration of wildlife due to increased barriers and mortality effects.

The aim of our simulation based approach is to assess the landscape permeability considering anthropogenic disturbances. The developed framework SimapD imposes an abstract view of a habitat network, based on an undirected graph. The simulation is done by an individual-oriented approach, where individuals explore the idealized network. Based on the information gained during the simulation, an overall network permeability index is calculated, which can be used to compare different scenarios of landscape development. Disturbances are represented by sub-models, from which appropriate resistance and mortality rates can be deduced. In this paper this is demonstrated by the construction of a fuzzy road kill model for the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. The utilization of the network permeability index and a comparison to other fragmentation measures is shown by an exemplary application.  相似文献   

人为干扰下的亚高山草甸功能多样性和功能冗余 人为干扰程度的加剧会引起植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性的改变,并降低生态系统的稳定性。较高水平的功能冗余对于物种损失引起的生态系统功能和稳定性的改变起到了重要的缓冲作用。然而,关于亚高山草甸植物群落功能冗余对干扰的响应的研究相对较少。本研究的目的是,确定人为干扰下不同退化程度的亚高山草甸,其植物群落功能多样性和功能冗余对干扰的响应特征,及不同物种对功能冗余的贡献程度及其在干扰梯度上的变化规律。研究区位于青藏高原东南缘玉龙雪山上的亚高山草甸。本研究识别出4类干扰强度(无干扰、弱干扰、中度干扰和重度干扰),测定了干扰梯度上的植物物种组成、土壤性质和5个关键的植物功能性状等指标,进一步计算了Simpson多样性指数、功能多样性指数(RaoQ)、功能冗余度、群落的植物功能性状加权平均值(CWM)以及物种水平的功能冗余等指数。研究结果表明,功能多样性和功能冗余在干扰梯度上呈现单峰变化规律,即二者分别在中度干扰、弱干扰下达到最大值。物种多样性在干扰梯度上整体呈下降趋势。随着干扰程度的增加,采取保守生长策略并具有相关性状特征(如较低比叶面积和较高的干物质含量)的物种的丰富度降低,采取资源获取策略并具有相关性状(如低矮植株、较高的比叶面积和较低的干物质含量)的物种增加。不同物种的功能冗余程度存在差异。值得注意的是,一些物种在群落中扮演着独特的功能角色,如无干扰梯度下的网脉橐吾(Ligularia dictyoneura)以及中度和重度干扰梯度下的滇西委陵菜(Potentilla delavayi)。  相似文献   

Changes in habitat quality, destruction and fragmentation of the remaining habitats are the main causes of population and species extinction. Patch occupancy decreases with the turnover of the metapopulation dynamics and therefore the population prone to extinct. We have been examining the occurrence of endangered and strictly protected Hungarian root vole subspecies (Microtus oeconomus mehelyi) within the framework of Hungarian Biodiversity Monitoring System Program in Kis-Balaton. We analyzed the dynamics of root vole site occupancy based on 12-year-long period data. From a conservation aspect we investigated how root vole site occupancy dynamics differed in the area under NATURA 2000 protected marshland habitat management and in the privatized marshland under regular perturbation, compared to the initial, disturbance-free conditions. We applied multi-season occupancy models and we took into consideration the effects of perturbance, such as burning and mowing, and natural disturbances such as water cover and weather (wetter, drier weather period). Based on monitoring data there were 397 successful root vole captures and we identified 262 individuals. The results of both detection and occupancy estimates showed that the comprehensive mowing affecting the entire privatized area appeared as a disturbing effect, causing the emigration of the root voles. Most important factor in the loss of root vole is the additive effects of burning and natural aridity. Disturbances and perturbations of certain areas induce movements and spatial translocations which play role in the exchange of genes and individuals, ensuring to maintain the genetic variability of the remaining relict population.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing and the collection of bamboo shoots are the main threats to giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat in the Liangshan Mountains in China. It is important to clarify the effect of these disturbances to the giant panda to formulate targeted management policies. Based on species distribution models and daily activity models, we investigated the effects of livestock grazing and bamboo shoot collection on giant pandas from May 2021 to July 2022. Our results indicated the giant panda's suitable habitat in the reserve covered 51.83 km2 (15.02% of the reserve area). Grazing and bamboo shoot collection led to losses of 19.08 km2 and 7.68 km2 of suitable habitat, respectively. Together, the 2 activities resulted in a loss of 28.35 km2 of suitable habitat, which was more than half of the area of panda habitat. The areas of suitable habitat for giant pandas significantly overlapped with the areas affected by both disturbances. Giant pandas did not show significant differences in daily activity rhythms under a single disturbance, but the daily activity rhythms of giant pandas differed when we compared the area combining the 2 disturbances with the undisturbed area. Our study reveals that the anthropogenic disturbances in the reserve have varying effects on the suitable habitat range and daily activity rhythm of giant pandas and evidence of a synergistic effect. Therefore, when formulating relevant conservation policies, it is important to fully evaluate the extent and characteristics of anthropogenic disturbances in shaping the population distribution and habitat preferences of the giant panda and other wildlife to enhance the efficacy of conservation management practices.  相似文献   

In order to test the response of phytoplankton to anthropogenic pressure, data of chlorophyll a concentration, phytoplankton abundance, and composition are analyzed in relation to anthropogenic pressure gradient and environmental variables such as temperature, salinity and nutrients. Investigated sites encompassed wide tropic range according to a preliminary determination of anthropogenic pressure, quantified through the LUSI index. Statistical analyses indicated nitrates and silicates as proxies of freshwater influence, and phytoplankton single metrics such as concentrations of chlorophyll a and abundances as indicators of anthropogenic pressure. Boundary values for different water quality classes for coastal waters under indirect freshwater influence (Type II) are obtained according to gradient between concentration of chlorophyll a and pressure index (LUSI), which empirically fit to exponential equation. The response of phytoplankton diversity was not linear, as the highest diversity was observed in the area with intermediate disturbance level. CCA analysis identified Skeletonema marinoii, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Guinardia flaccida, Leptocylindrus spp., Prorocentrum spp., Proboscia alata, Eutreptiella spp., and Pseudonitzschia spp. as local eutrophication indicators, whose abundances increased with nutrients loads.  相似文献   

Coastal communities are under threat from many and often co‐occurring local (e.g., pollution, eutrophication) and global stressors (e.g., climate change), yet understanding the interactive and cumulative impacts of multiple stressors in ecosystem function is far from being accomplished. Ecological redundancy may be key for ecosystem resilience, but there are still many gaps in our understanding of interspecific differences within a functional group, particularly regarding response diversity, that is, whether members of a functional group respond equally or differently to anthropogenic stressors. Herbivores are critical in determining plant community structure and the transfer of energy up the food web. Human disturbances may alter the ecological role of herbivory by modifying the defense strategies of plants and thus the feeding patterns and performance of herbivores. We conducted a suite of experiments to examine the independent and interactive effects of anthropogenic (nutrient and CO2 additions) and natural (simulated herbivory) disturbances on a seagrass and its interaction with two common generalist consumers to understand how multiple disturbances can impact both a foundation species and a key ecological function (herbivory) and to assess the potential existence of response diversity to anthropogenic and natural changes in these systems. While all three disturbances modified seagrass defense traits, there were contrasting responses of herbivores to such plant changes. Both CO2 and nutrient additions influenced herbivore feeding behavior, yet while sea urchins preferred nutrient‐enriched seagrass tissue (regardless of other experimental treatments), isopods were deterred by these same plant tissues. In contrast, carbon enrichment deterred sea urchins and attracted isopods, while simulated herbivory only influenced isopod feeding choice. These contrasting responses of herbivores to disturbance‐induced changes in seagrass help to better understand the ecological functioning of seagrass ecosystems in the face of human disturbances and may have important implications regarding the resilience and conservation of these threatened ecosystems.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effect of taxonomic level on the sensitivity of bioindicators has been widely investigated in aquatic ecosystems and, to a lesser extent, in terrestrial ecosystems. However, no studies have been conducted on the sensitivity of the different taxonomic levels of soil mites, especially Gamasina, to human activities.
  • 2 The present study aimed to assess the sensitivity of different taxonomic levels of soil Gamasina mites to anthropogenic disturbances in Europe and Argentina. We arranged the data from previous projects in a hierarchical system and conducted a study to identify the critical taxonomical levels that had the highest discriminative potential between sites (Europe and Argentina) or management types (forests, grasslands, fallows, succession, recultivation and agricultural sites).
  • 3 For the Gamasina community, geographical location was by far more important than the influence of any land use type. The analysis including only the European sites demonstrated that communities belonging to sites subjected to different land uses were also significantly different.
  • 4 The species data set provided a clearer separation of sites according to both the geographical and the land‐use gradients than the genus and family data sets. The genus and, to a lesser extent, the family approach may be sufficient to elucidate the influence of great geographical differences and also of certain land uses (e.g. grasslands from the forests and arable sites).
  • 5 Species presence/absence data provided valuable information in our analyses, although the use of quantitative data yielded a clearer separation of sites.

The continued increase in the number of tourists visiting the Northern Gulf Coast (NGC), USA, in the last century, and the resulting sprawl of large cities along the coast, has degraded and fragmented the available habitat of Arctosa sanctaerosae, a wolf spider endemic to the secondary dunes of the white sandy beaches of the NGC. In addition to anthropogenic disturbance to this coastal region, hurricanes are an additional and natural perturbation to the ecosystem. The data presented here explore the status of populations of this species spanning the entire known range and the factors influencing population demography including anthropogenic disturbance and severe tropical storms. Using microsatellite markers, we were able to document the genetic structure of A. sanctaerosae, including current and historic patterns of migration. These results combined with ecological and census data reveal the characteristics that have influenced population persistence: ecological variables affecting the recovery of the population clusters after severe tropical storms, genetic fragmentation due to anthropogenic disturbance, and their interaction. These findings demonstrate the significance that the high traffic beach communities of the NGC and their impact on the once intact contiguous dune ecosystem have on recovery after severe tropical storms. Contemporary modeling methods that compare current and historic levels of gene flow suggest A. sanctaerosae has experienced a single, contiguous population subdivision, and the isolates reduced in size since the onset of commercial development of the NGC. These results point to the need for monitoring of the species and increased protection for this endangered habitat.  相似文献   

The question of whether population numbers are predictable in coral reef communities is confronted directly by trying to predict abundances of benthic taxa both within and between two reefs on the central Great Barrier Reef. Using models derived via the Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH), taxon abundances were found to be more predictable at Davies Reef than at Myrmidon Reef and a significant number of taxa showed consistent predictability patterns in all tests. For most taxa, the predictability of benthic abundances increased steadily with increasing spatial scale. Water depth figured prominently in almost all of the models obtained, emphasizing its importance as a physical determinant of local taxon abundances.  相似文献   

森林干扰度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干扰普遍存在于森林生态系统,是森林群落演替的驱动力之一。干扰对森林生态系统的影响程度,决定于干扰的频率、强度、空间范围等,过度频繁或不合理的干扰,可能导致森林生态系统的毁灭。森林对干扰的响应表现在多方面,其内在联系十分复杂,因此,很难用森林中某个现象或某几个现象反映森林生态系统对干扰的响应。为了准确、科学地评价现有森林生态系统对干扰的响应程度,本文提出应用森林干扰度(REFD)评价现有森林受干扰的程度。森林干扰度是由于干扰的存在造成森林生态系统结构与功能的改变程度,仅反映干扰后现有森林与目标森林(地带性顶极植被或原有森林等)的距离程度(差距),不反映干扰的种类、强度、性质等因素;在对森林干扰度内涵进行详细分析的基础上,确定了评价森林干扰度的原则及不同尺度条件下森林干扰度的评价指标。  相似文献   

Chronic anthropogenic disturbances (CAD) have posed tangible threats to biodiversity-relevant tropical biotas, but community- and ecosystem-level impacts still remain poorly understood. Here we address a 152 km2 Caatinga landscape in northeast Brazil in order to investigate how Euphorbiaceae species and these seasonally dry tropical plant assemblages respond to a CAD gradient. Woody plant species were recorded across 26 0.06 ha spatially independent plots exposed to CAD. Euphorbiaceae species accounted for 78.9% of all plants and 21.5% of all species, with some species reaching up to 283 individuals per 0.06 ha or 92% of all recorded plants. Despite such contributions, Euphorbiaceae total and relative abundance, as well as total and relative richness, did not correlate with disturbance intensity at plot scale. At species level, some Euphorbiaceae species responded positively to disturbance, while others declined or did not exhibit a consistence response (i.e., positive, negative, and neutral responses). CAD intensity affected patterns of community similarity considering the whole plant assemblage as follow: first, plot-level disturbance correlated positively with NMDS scores; second, C. sonderianus experienced a 100% increment in terms of relative abundance along the disturbance gradient, and its plot-level abundance correlated positivity with NMDS scores; and finally, cross-plot similarity correlated positively with cross-plot geographical distance. Among others, our results suggest that CAD may favor some particular species (i.e., proliferating taxa), leading to community-level changes, including biotic homogenization as disturbance increases.  相似文献   

  1. Elevated levels of anthropogenic noise, especially those observed through boating activity, can negatively impact fish species, but it remains unclear which species are most affected and which behavioural metrics are best used in assessing fish responses to underwater noise. The effects of boat sounds on freshwater species are of particular interest because freshwater environments are less studied than the marine realm despite comparably high levels of biodiversity.
  2. In the current study, we examine the behavioural responses to boat noise in two freshwater species that differ in their hypothesised response to sound inputs: the spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius), a species with known hearing specialisations, and the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), a species with more generalised hearing capabilities. Fish were presented with boat noise in a laboratory setting, and their swimming, escape and foraging behaviours were assessed to examine differential responses in relation to hypothesised hearing abilities.
  3. Both species showed a decrease in general swimming behaviours but an increase in erratic movements in response to boat noise, indicative of stress responses for both species. Despite the similarities in response based on swimming behaviours however, only spottail shiners exhibited true escape responses to the onset of the noise stimulus, suggesting a more extreme reaction in the species with a more refined hearing ability.
  4. Taken together, these results show that freshwater fish can respond to increased levels of anthropogenic noise, but that the severity of the response may differ based on auditory structures and therefore presumed hearing ability. The differences seen between behavioural metrics used (swimming vs. escape responses) also demonstrate how care must be taken in choosing a metric when developing exposure guidelines for underwater sound exposures, as different metrics could lead to differential impact assessments.

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