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The spring ephemeral Berteroa incana is a familial relative of Arabidopsis thaliana and thrives in a diverse range of terrestrial ecosystems. Within this study, the novel chlorophyll fluorescence parameter of photochemical quenching in the dark (qPd) was used to measure the redox state of the primary quinone electron acceptor (QA) in order to estimate the openness of photosystem II (PSII) reaction centres (RC). From this, the early onset of photoinactivation can be sensitively quantified alongside the light tolerance of PSII and the photoprotective efficiency of nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ). This study shows that, with regards to A. thaliana, NPQ is enhanced in B. incana in both low-light (LL) and high-light (HL) acclimation states. Moreover, light tolerance is increased by up to 500%, the rate of photoinactivation is heavily diminished, and the ability to recover from light stress is enhanced in B. incana, relative to A. thaliana. This is due to faster synthesis of zeaxanthin and a larger xanthophyll cycle (XC) pool available for deepoxidation. Moreover, preferential energy transfer via CP47 around the RC further enhances efficient photoprotection. As a result, a high functional cross-section of photosystem II is maintained and is not downregulated when B. incana is acclimated to HL. A greater capacity for protective NPQ allows B. incana to maintain an enhanced light-harvesting capability when acclimated to a range of light conditions. This enhancement of flexible short-term protection saves the metabolic cost of long-term acclimatory changes.  相似文献   

Microalgae-nitrifying bacteria consortia have gained attention because photooxygenation of algae can supply oxygen to bacteria which eliminates the need for costly mechanical aeration. However, nitrifying bacteria are known to suffer from photoinhibition. In this study, we developed “Light-shielding hydrogel”, in which bacteria were immobilized in hydrogel and light-shielding particles (carbon black) were incorporated, and evaluated its effectiveness to mitigate photoinhibition for bacteria under strong light irradiation. For comparison, “Hydrogel”, in which bacteria were immobilized in hydrogel without carbon black, and “Dispersion” which was simply suspended bacteria were prepared. At 1600 μmol photons m−2 s–1, the nitrification performance markedly decreased to 15.1 and 48.0% compared to the dark condition in the Dispersion and the Hydrogel, respectively. Meanwhile, it was successfully maintained for the Light-shielding hydrogel. Our results showed that the effectiveness of light-shielding hydrogel to mitigate photoinhibition on nitrifying bacteria even under strong light irradiation.  相似文献   

Spring ephemeral herbs inhabiting deciduous forests commonly complete reproduction and vegetative growth before canopy closure in early summer. Effects of shading by early canopy closure on reproductive output and vegetative growth, however, may vary depending on the seasonal allocation patterns of photosynthetic products between current reproduction and storage for future growth in each species. To clarify the effects of sink–source balance on seed production and bulb growth in a spring ephemeral herb, Gagea lutea, we performed a bract removal treatment (source reduction) and a floral-bud removal treatment (sink reduction) under canopy and open conditions. Leaf carbon fixations did not differ between the forest and open sites and among treatments. Bract carbon fixations were also similar between sites but tended to decrease when floral buds were removed. Seed production was higher under open condition but decreased by the bract-removal treatment under both light conditions. In contrast, bulb growth was independent of light conditions and the bract-removal treatment but increased greatly by the bud-removal treatment. Therefore, leaves and bracts acted as specialized source organs for vegetative and reproductive functions, respectively, but photosynthetic products by bracts were flexibly used for bulb growth when plants failed to set fruits. Extension of bright period was advantageous for seed production (i.e., source limited) but not for vegetative growth (i.e., sink limited) in this species.  相似文献   

Parachlorella kessleri is a promising oil-bearing marine alga which shows decreased growth under high light stress. Osmolytes are known to relieve stress by protecting the cell membrane, proteins, and enzymes. Enhanced production of osmolyte (trehalose) was thus used to relieve stress in P. kessleri by overexpression of trehalose phosphate synthase (TPS) gene. Transformed P. kessleri was grown under different light regimes to study the effect of trehalose overproduction on growth. Study of one of the TPS transformants showed increased trehalose as well as increased biomass and decreased pigments, reactive oxygen species, and lipid peroxidation of cell membrane. The improved photosynthetic performance of the transformant was also signified by pulse-amplitude-modulated fluorometric analysis. All of these factors reveal improved stress tolerance under high light conditions by increased trehalose accumulation due to TPS overexpression in P. kessleri.  相似文献   

In monocarpic plants, reproduction is closely associated with senescence, which is itself often correlated to specific environmental signals. Floerkea proserpinacoides (Limnanthaceae) is a spring ephemeral annual of the deciduous forests of eastern North America. The phenology of its growth and reproduction is considered to be a specific adaptation to the short period during which there is a high availability of resources (mostly light). Indeed, flowering starts 2-3 wk following seedling emergence soon after snowmelt and continues until tree canopy closure. However, fruit maturation is postponed for several weeks and is followed by the plant's death. The objective of this study is to determine if senescence in F. proserpinacoides is primarily cued by fruit maturation or deteriorating light conditions associated with tree canopy closure. Plants for which reproductive investment was manipulated by removing their carpels were grown either in full light or in the shade. Carpel-removal plants reached a higher biomass than control plants (46.0- 57.5% higher), especially in full light. However, longevity was greater in carpel-removal plants, particularly in the shade (25.3-37.8% greater). These results thus suggest that fruit maturation, not deteriorating light conditions associated with canopy closure, is the primary cue of plant senescence in F. proserpinacoides.  相似文献   

Exposure of the photosynthetic machinery to strong light causes the photoinhibition of the photosystem II complex. The recovery from the photoinhibition in vivo was characterized by monitoring the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) in detached leaves of broad bean (Vicia faba). The changes in the ratio were explained in terms of three components, namely, two saturating exponential components with half rise-times of about 15 and 120 min, respectively, and a non-recovery component. The non-recovery component increased gradually as the exposure to strong light was prolonged. Our results suggest that this irreversible component of the photoinhibition of the photosystem II complex was caused by severe stress due to strong light under which repair of the photosystem II complex was insufficient to allow full recovery. The irreversible photoinhibition is discussed in terms of both the physiology and ecology of plants.  相似文献   

环境强光诱导玉簪叶片光抑制的机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为进一步阐述光抑制的强光诱导和发生机制, 该文以喜阴植物玉簪(Hosta spp.)为材料研究其光抑制发生规律及其与环境光强的关系。结果表明, 全日照和遮阴条件下玉簪叶片发育分别形成适应强光和弱光的形态特征; 与遮阴处理相比, 强光下生长的玉簪光合速率和叶绿素含量较低, 但两种处理叶片最大光化学效率差异很小, 证明强光下植株可以正常生长且光合机构未发生严重的光抑制。将遮阴处生长的植株转移到全日照下, 光合速率和最大光化学效率急剧下降; 荧光诱导动力学曲线发生明显改变, 而且光系统II供体侧和受体侧荧光产量的变化幅度分别达到24.3%和34.2%, 表明玉簪由弱光转入强光后光系统II发生不可逆失活, 且受体侧受到的伤害较供体侧更严重。因此, 作者认为环境光强骤然提高并超过玉簪生长光强时很容易诱导其光合机构发生严重的光抑制。该研究对于理解植物适应光环境的策略以及喜阴植物的优质栽培有重要意义。  相似文献   

Aims It has long been recognized that photoinhibition of photosynthesis is induced by high light. However, our recent studies are not consistent with this traditional view. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore the induction of photoinhibition and its mechanisms under full sunlight outdoors.
Methods Changes of leaf morphology, gas exchange, and chlorophyll a fluorescence were measured to investigate the induction and mechanisms of photoinhibition under high light in Hosta, which is a typical shade-tolerant plant.
Important findings Hosta plants grown under full sunlight (HT) and low light (LT) developed sun- and shade-type leaf morphological characteristics, respectively. Under a full sunlight, Hosta plants had lower photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content than under the LT; whereas, there were only slight difference in the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) between the two treatments, suggesting that Hosta plants could grow normally under full sunlight without severe photoinhibition. After transition from the low to a high light (LHT), the photosynthetic rate and maximum quantum yield of photosystem II decreased sharply, reflecting that the LHT treatment led to irreversibly inactivation of photosystem II. Additionally, the shape of chlorophyll a fluorescence transients also changed significantly; the relative fluorescence yield of the K and J steps were reduced by 24.3% and 34.2%, respectively, indicating that the acceptor side of photosystem II was damaged more severely than the donor side. Consequently, we postulate that photoinhibition in Hosta leaves is mainly induced by the sudden enhancement of light intensity outdoors. Hosta can acclimate to high irradiance through leaf development outdoors. Our finding is of great significance in understanding the acclimation of plants to high light and cultivation of shade-tolerant plants in field.  相似文献   

Irreversible photoinhibition of photosystem II (PSII) occurred when Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells were exposed to very strong light for a prolonged period. When wild-type cells were illuminated at 20 degrees C for 2 h with light at an intensity of 2,500 micromol photons m(-2) s(-1), the oxygen-evolving activity of PSII was almost entirely and irreversibly lost, whereas the photochemical reaction center in PSII was inactivated only reversibly. The extent of irreversible photoinhibition was enhanced at lower temperatures and by the genetically engineered rigidification of membrane lipids. Western and Northern blotting demonstrated that, after cells had undergone irreversible photoinhibition, the precursor to D1 protein in PSII was synthesized but not processed properly. These observations may suggest that exposure of Synechocystis cells to strong light results in the irreversible photoinhibition of the oxygen-evolving activity of PSII via impairment of the processing of pre-D1 and that this effect of strong light is enhanced by the rigidification of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

In a plant’s natural environment, the intensity of light can change rapidly due to sunflecks, cloudiness and intermittent shading. Fluctuations between high and low illumination phases expose the photosynthetic machinery to rapidly changing signals that can be overlapping or contradictory, and accordingly plants have developed astute acclimation strategies to maintain optimal photosynthetic performance in these conditions. Continuous exposure to high light induces an array of protective mechanisms at anatomical, chemical and molecular levels, but when high light phases are short, such as under fluctuating light conditions, the protective strategies that afford protection to constant high light are not employed by plants. One mechanism that is engaged under both constant and fluctuating high light is the photosynthetic control of the Cyt b6f complex, which prevents hyper-reduction of the electron transfer chain in order to protect PSI from photodamage. The PGR5 protein was recently shown to play an indispensable role in this protective mechanism. This review revisits the findings of earlier studies into photosynthetic control and places PGR5 within the broader context of photoprotection and light acclimation strategies.  相似文献   

To know the molecular systems basically flooding conditions in soybean, biophoton emission measurements and proteomic analyses were carried out for flooding-stressed roots under light and dark conditions. Photon emission was analyzed using a photon counter. Gel-free quantitative proteomics were performed to identify significant changes proteins using the nano LC–MS along with SIEVE software. Biophoton emissions were significantly increased in both light and dark conditions after flooding stress, but gradually decreased with continued flooding exposure compared to the control plants. Among the 120 significantly identified proteins in the roots of soybean plants, 73 and 19 proteins were decreased and increased in the light condition, respectively, and 4 and 24 proteins were increased and decreased, respectively, in the dark condition. The proteins were mainly functionally grouped into cell organization, protein degradation/synthesis, and glycolysis. The highly abundant lactate/malate dehydrogenase proteins were decreased in flooding-stressed roots exposed to light, whereas the lysine ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase bifunctional enzyme was increased in both light and dark conditions. Notably, however, specific enzyme assays revealed that the activities of these enzymes and biophoton emission were sharply increased after 3 days of flooding stress. This finding suggests that the source of biophoton emission in roots might involve the chemical excitation of electron or proton through enzymatic or non-enzymatic oxidation and reduction reactions. Moreover, the lysine ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase bifunctional enzyme may play important roles in responses in flooding stress of soybean under the light condition and as a contributing factor to biophoton emission.  相似文献   

Irreversible photoinhibition of photosystem II (PSII) occurred when Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells were exposed to very strong light for a prolonged period. When wild-type cells were illuminated at 20 °C for 2 h with light at an intensity of 2,500 μmol photons m−2 s−1, the oxygen-evolving activity of PSII was almost entirely and irreversibly lost, whereas the photochemical reaction center in PSII was inactivated only reversibly. The extent of irreversible photoinhibition was enhanced at lower temperatures and by the genetically engineered rigidification of membrane lipids. Western and Northern blotting demonstrated that, after cells had undergone irreversible photoinhibition, the precursor to D1 protein in PSII was synthesized but not processed properly. These observations may suggest that exposure of Synechocystis cells to strong light results in the irreversible photoinhibition of the oxygen-evolving activity of PSII via impairment of the processing of pre-D1 and that this effect of strong light is enhanced by the rigidification of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Arsenate resistance has been used for screening for photosynthetic mutants of Chlamydomonas, since photosynthetic mutants, such as CC981 defective in phosphoribulokinase, were shown to have arsenate resistance. Also, another type of arsenate-resistant mutants, including AR3 that lacks a homolog of a phosphate (Pi) transporter, PTB1, has been isolated. We investigated the uptake of Pi and arsenate, and the gene expression of Pi transporters, which are involved in both Pi and arsenate transport, in mutants CC981 and AR3. In the wild type, both Pi and arsenate uptake were initially high, but were inactivated in the presence of arsenate with time, especially in the dark. In contrast, both mutants were shown to exhibit higher Pi uptake, but lower arsenate uptake than the wild type, regardless of the presence or absence of light. Then, the gene expression of Pi transporters in the cells used for the uptake measurements was investigated and compared between the mutants and the wild type. In CC981, the mRNA levels of PTA2 and PTA4 were higher, while those of PTB3 and PTB5 were lower, as compared with in the wild type. In AR3, those of PTA2 and PTB2 were higher, but that of PTB5 was lower than in the wild type. These findings suggest that the arsenate resistance shown by the mutants in light is due to reduction of arsenate uptake probably through the down-regulation of some Pi transporter expression, while the Pi uptake maintained even in the dark is possibly related to higher expression of other Pi transporter(s) than in the wild type.  相似文献   

The wavelength discrimination threshold of three goldfish was examined in a series of behavioral experiments. Using an auto-shaping technique, detection thresholds were established for 531 and 648 nm spectral increments presented on a 6.6 cd m–2 white background. Next, discrimination between the wavelengths was established at equal, suprathreshold, intensities. Finally, the intensities of the two stimuli were reduced to establish the intensity threshold for the wavelength discrimination. The results indicate that goldfish, like several mammalian species, can discriminate wavelength at detection threshold intensity. This finding suggests that high color sensitivity is not confined to mammals or dependent upon a very high percentage of wavelength opponent ganglion cells. Rather, high color vision sensitivity may be based upon an inherent sensitivity advantage of wavelength opponent receptive fields compared to non-wavelength opponent receptive fields and be an important selective advantage of wavelength opponency and color vision.  相似文献   

Natural regeneration of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) establishes under shade, but sudden exposure to high irradiance may occur due to openings in the canopy. To elucidate ecophysiological mechanisms associated with survival of European beech seedlings, the gas exchange, chlorophyll concentrations, and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters of two different beech populations were studied under changing light conditions. Plants were grown both in a growth chamber and at a natural site (one population) where the seedlings were raised in containers placed in understory and in simulated canopy gaps. Upon exposure to high light in the growth chamber, photosynthetic rates of shade-acclimated leaves of seedlings from both populations increased severalfold and then decreased over several days to the rates of the low-light control seedlings. High-light seedlings always had the highest photosynthetic rates. Initial fluorescence displayed a trend opposite that of photosynthesis; it increased over time, and relative fluorescence and half-time rise declined continuously until the end of experiment to very low values. Exposure to high light of shade-acclimated seedlings resulted in a shift in chlorophyll concentrations to levels intermediate between high-light and low-light seedlings. The light treatment effects were statistically greater than population effects; however, seedlings from the Abetone population were found to be more susceptible to changing light conditions than seedlings from Sicily. Reciprocal light treatments on plants growing at the natural site confirmed the results obtained in the growth chamber experiment. Overall, beech seedlings grown in the field appeared to have a fairly large acclimation potential achieved by plasticity in the photosynthetic apparatus. The lack of pronounced acclimation to high light in seedlings grown in the growth chamber was ascribed to a threshold-type relationship between the acclimation capacity and the level of damage. These observations on the limited potential for acclimation to high light in leaves of European beech seedlings which show a clear capability to exploit sunflecks, are discussed in relation to regeneration following canopy gap formation and reinforce the view of the central role of gap formation in forest dynamics. We conclude that small forest gaps (in which sunflecks play a major role) may present a favorable environment for survival and growth of beech because of their limited ability to acclimate to a sudden increase in irradiance and because of the moderate levels of light stress found in small gaps.  相似文献   

选用西葫芦(Cucurbita pepo)品种"阿兰"一代为试验材料,研究了外源Ca2+处理对高温强光交叉胁迫下西葫芦幼苗生长特征、光合特性及叶绿素荧光参数的影响.结果表明:高温强光胁迫下,5~20mmol·L-1Ca2+处理的西葫芦幼苗具有较高的株高和较大的叶面积,其叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量及光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)和光化学猝灭系数(qP)均较高,而胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)较低,其中以10mmol·L-1Ca2+处理效果最好.说明5~20mmol·L-1Ca2+处理能有效缓解高温强光对西葫芦光合机构的不可逆伤害,使其保持较快的光合电子传递速率和较高的PSⅡ电子传递活性.Ca2+处理浓度超过40mmol·L-1时对高温强光胁迫没有缓解效应.  相似文献   

Thylakoid membranes were subjected to photoinhibitory illumination. The use of oxygen-consuming enzymes to obtain strictly anaerobic conditions showed that while the absence of oxygen is a prerequisite for the formation of a reversibly photoinhibited state, the presence of oxygen is required for the recovery in the dark. The formation of the reversibly photoinhibited state did not protect the thylakoid membranes against irreversible damage. The effects of both bicarbonate and formate were found to be qualitatively different for photoinhibition under strictly anaerobic conditions compared to the effects observed under normal aerobic photoinhibition. It is suggested that there are two different mechanisms of photoinhibition, occurring to different extent under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively, involving QA in both cases, but the QB-site in the former only.Abbreviations chl chlorophyll - PpBQ phenyl-p-benzoquinone - PS 2 Photosystem 2 - QA and QB primary and secondary quinone acceptors of Photosystem 2  相似文献   

Two species of Brassica were used to study their acclimation to heat and high illumination during the first stages of development. One, Brassica fruticulosa, is a wild species from south-east Spain and is adapted to both heat and high light intensity in its natural habitat, while the other, Brassica oleracea, is an agricultural species that is widely cultivated throughout the world. Growing Brassica plants under high irradiance and moderate heat was seen to affect the growth parameters and the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus. The photosystem II (PSII) quantum yields and the capacity of photosynthetic electron transport, which were lower in B. fruticulosa than in B. oleracea, decreased in B. oleracea plants when grown under stress conditions, indicating inhibition of PSII. However, in B. fruticulosa, the values of these parameters were similar to the values of control plants. Photosystem I (PSI) activity was higher in B. fruticulosa than in B. oleracea, and in both species this activity increased in plants exposed to heat and high illumination. Immunoblot analysis of thylakoid membranes using specific antibodies raised against the NDH-K subunit of the thylakoidal NADH dehydrogenase complex (NADH DH) and against plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) revealed a higher amount of both proteins in B. fruticulosa than in B. oleracea. In addition, PTOX activity in plastoquinone oxidation, and NADH DH activity in thylakoid membranes were higher in the wild species (B. fruticulosa) than in the agricultural species (B. oleracea). The results indicate that tolerance to high illumination and heat of the photosynthetic activity was higher in the wild species than in the agricultural species, suggesting that plant adaptation to these stresses in natural conditions favours subsequent acclimation, and that the chlororespiration process is involved in adaptation to heat and high illumination in Brassica.  相似文献   

To avoid the photodamage, cyanobacteria regulate the distribution of light energy absorbed by phycobilisome antenna either to photosystem II or to photosystem I (PSI) upon high light acclimation by the process so-called state transition. We found that an alternative PSI subunit, PsaK2 (sll0629 gene product), is involved in this process in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. An examination of the subunit composition of the purified PSI reaction center complexes revealed that PsaK2 subunit was absent in the PSI complexes under low light condition, but was incorporated into the complexes during acclimation to high light. The growth of the psaK2 mutant on solid medium was inhibited under high light condition. We determined the photosynthetic characteristics of the wild type strain and the two mutants, the psaK1 (ssr0390) mutant and the psaK2 mutant, using pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer. Non-photochemical quenching, which reflects the energy transfer from phycobilisome to PSI in cyanobacteria, was higher in high light grown cells than in low light grown cells, both in the wild type and the psaK1 mutant. However, this change of non-photochemical quenching during acclimation to high light was not observed in the psaK2 mutant. Thus, PsaK2 subunit is involved in the energy transfer from phycobilisome to PSI under high light condition. The role of PsaK2 in state transition under high light condition was also confirmed by chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectra determined at 77 K. The results suggest that PsaK2-dependent state transition is essential for the growth of this cyanobacterium under high light condition.  相似文献   

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