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The major storage proteins, polypeptides of 31 and 47 kilodaltons (kDa), from the seeds of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), have been identified and partially purified by preparative gel electrophoresis. The polypeptides were both N-terminally blocked, but some N-terminal amino-acid sequence was obtained from a cyanogen bromide peptide common to both polypeptides, permitting the construction of an oligonucleotide probe. This probe was used to isolate the corresponding copy-DNA (cDNA) clone from a library made from poly(A)+ RNA from immature cocoa beans. The cDNA sequence has a single major open reading frame, that translates to give a 566-amino-acid polypeptide of Mr 65 612. The existence of a common precursor to the 31- and 47-kDa polypeptides of this size was confirmed by immunoprecipitation from total poly(A)+RNA translation products. The precursor has an N-terminal hydrophobic sequence which appears to be a typical signal sequence, with a predicted site of cleavage 20 amino acids after the start. This is followed by a very hydrophilic domain of 110 amino acids, which, by analogy with the cottonseed -globulin, is presumed to be cleaved off to leave a domain of approx. 47 kDa, very close to the observed size of the mature polypeptide. Like the hydrophilic domain of the cottonseed -globulin the cocoa hydrophilic domain is very rich in glutamine and charged residues (especially glutamate), and contains several Cys-X-X-X-Cys motifs. The cyanogen-bromide peptide common to the 47-kDa and 31-kDa polypeptides is very close to the proposed start of the mature domain, indicating that the 31-kDa polypeptide arises via further C-terminal processing. The polypeptide sequence is homologous to sequences of the vicilin class of storage proteins, previously found only in legumes and cotton. Most of these proteins have a mature polypeptide size of approx. 47 kDa, and are synthesised as precursors only slightly larger than this. Some, however, are larger polypeptides (e.g. -conglycinin from soybean is 72 kDa), usually due to an additional N-terminal domain. In cottonseed the situation appears to parallel that in cocoa in that the vicilin is synthesised as an approx. 70-kDa precursor and then processed to a 47-kDa (and in the case of cocoa also a 31-kDa) mature protein. In this context it is interesting that cotton is closer in evolutionary terms to cocoa than are the legumes, both cotton and cocoa being in the order Malvales.Abbreviations A absorbance - cDNA copy DNA - IgG immunoglobulin G - kb kilobase pairs - kDa kilodaltons - Mr relative molecular mass - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacylamide gel electrophoresis The authors are very grateful to Dr R. Jennings of the Virology Department, Sheffield University Medical School, for help in raising antibodies.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding ascorbate peroxidase (AP, EC was isolated from a phage gt11 library of cDNA fromArabidopsis thaliana by immunoscreening with monoclonal antibodies against the enzyme, and then sequenced. The cDNA insert hybridized to a 1.1 kb poly(A)+ RNA from leaves ofA thaliana. Genomic hybridization suggests that the cDNA obtained here corresponds to a single-copy gene. The N-terminal amino acid sequence ofArabidopsis AP was determined by protein sequencing of the immunochemically purified enzyme, and proved to be homologous to the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the chloroplastic AP of spinach. The predicted amino acid sequence of the mature AP ofA. thaliana, deduced from the nucleotide sequence, consists of 249 amino acid residues, which is 34% homologous with cytochromec peroxidase of yeast, but less homologous with other plant peroxidases. Amino acid residues at the active site of yeast cytochromec peroxidase are conserved in the amino acid sequence ofArabidopsis AP. The poly(dG-dT) sequence, which is a potential Z-DNA-forming sequence, was found in the 3 untranslated region of the cDNA.  相似文献   

Developing cocoa cotyledons accumulate initially an unsaturated oil which is particularly rich in oleate and linoleate. However, as maturation proceeds, the characteristic high stearate levels appear in the storage triacylglycerols. In the early stages of maturation, tissue slices of developing cotyledons (105 days post anthesis, dpa) readily accumulate radioactivity from [14C]acetate into the diacylglycerols and label predominantly palmitate and oleate. In older tissues (130 dpa), by contrast, the triacylglycerols are extensively labelled and, at the same time, there is an increase in the percentage labelling of stearate. Thus, the synthesis of triacylglycerol and the production of stearate are co-ordinated during development. The relative labelling of the phospholipids (particularly phosphatidylcholine) was rather low at both stages of development which contrasts with oil seeds that accumulate a polyunsaturated oil (e.g. safflower). Microsomal membrane preparations from the developing cotyledons readily utilised an equimolar [14C]acyl-CoA substrate (consisting of palmitate, stearate and oleate) and glycerol 3-phosphate to form phosphatidate, diacylglycerol and triacylglycerol. Analysis of the [14C]acyl constituents at the sn-1 and sn-2 positions of phosphatidate and diacylglycerol revealed that the first acylase enzyme (glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase) selectively utilised palmitate over stearate and excluded oleate, whereas the second acylase (lysophosphatidate acyltransferase) was highly selective for the unsaturated acyl-CoA. On the other hand, the third acylase (diacylglycerol acyltransferase) exhibited an almost equal selectivity for palmitate and stearate. Thus, stearate is preferentially enriched at position sn-3 of triacylglycerol at 120–130 dpa because of the relatively higher selectivity of the diacylglycerol acyltransferase for this fatty acid compared with those of the other two acylation enzymes.Abbreviation dpa days post anthesis We are grateful to Drs. G. Pettipher (Cadbury-Schweppes, Reading, UK), M. End and P. Hadley (Department of Horticulture, University of Reading) for the supply of cocoa pods and to the Agricultural and Food Research Council for financial support. We also wish to thank Dr. S. Stymne (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden) for a generous gift of acyl-CoA substrates.  相似文献   

鸡IFN-γcDNA的克隆及测序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用逆转录-多聚酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术,参照图外报道的鸡γ干扰素(CHIFN-γ)cDNA全基因序列,利用自行设计合成的一对引物,从ConA诱导培养的SPF鸡外周血淋巴细胞中扩增出CHIFN-γcDNA基因,并与PMD18-T载体连接,构建了CHIFN-γ基因重组体,经DNA序列测定,确认为CHIFN-γ基因,为进一步表达CHIFN-γ奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Trypsin inhibitor gene sequences were used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among Theobroma and Herrania species, considered as sister-groups, with particular interest on the monophyly and infra-generic relationships of Theobroma. The presumed amino acid sequences of 23 analyzed samples, from 11 Theobroma and three Herrania species, comprising all sections from both genera, demonstrated a high similarity with a previously characterized T. cacao Kunitz trypsin inhibitor. The trypsin inhibitor gene accumulated mutations at faster rate than prior analyzed nuclear or chloroplastic genes. None of the sequences presented introns. The phylogeny of the trypsin inhibitor sequences was congruent with the phylogenetic hypotheses of the Theobroma and Herrania species based on morphology. The monophyly of Theobroma was not strongly supported, corroborating previously described absence of obvious synapomorphies for Theobroma. The species grouped consistently according to genus and section. The monophyly of all Theobroma sections was supported, except for section Glossopetalum, which was paraphyletic to section Andropetalum. Evidences sustain that T. mammosum may be included into section Glossopetalum. The potential use of trypsin inhibitor gene sequences in phylogenetic studies of Theobroma was demonstrated.We acknowledge the financial support by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP); International Foundation of Science (IFS), and the permission from Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisas Agropecuária (EMBRAPA); Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC) to use the plant material. We thank the useful comments from the reviewers.  相似文献   

A defective S-allele, S 0, and a functional S-allele, S x, have previously been found to be retained in an F1 hybrid of a self-compatible commercial cultivar of Petunia hybrida. Pistil proteins associated with these two alleles have also been identified. Their amino-terminal sequences have been found to share a high degree of similarity with those of S-proteins characterized from self-incompatible solanaceous species. Here we report the isolation and sequencing of cDNAs encoding S 0- and S x-proteins. Their deduced amino acid sequences contain all the consensus primary structural features of S-proteins from self-incompatible solanaceous species. Both proteins also have ribonuclease activity. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the presumed function of the S-protein in the self-incompatibility interaction.  相似文献   

A tissue-specific cDNA library was constructed using polyA+ RNA from pituitary glands of the Indian catfishHeteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) and a cDNA clone encoding growth hormone (GH) was isolated. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers representing the conserved regions of fish GH sequences the 3′ region of catfish GH cDNA (540 bp) was cloned by random amplification of cDNA ends and the clone was used as a probe to isolate recombinant phages carrying the full-length cDNA sequence. The full-length cDNA clone is 1132 bp in length, coding for an open reading frame (ORF) of 603 bp; the reading frame encodes a putative polypeptide of 200 amino acids including the signal sequence of 22 amino acids. The 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions of the cDNA are 58 bp and 456 bp long, respectively. The predicted amino acid sequence ofH. fossils GH shared 98% homology with other catfishes. Mature GH protein was efficiently expressed in bacterial and zebrafish systems using appropriate expression vectors. The successful expression of the cloned GH cDNA of catfish confirms the functional viability of the clone.  相似文献   

A cDNA library from ethephon-treated cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Poinsett 76) was constructed. Two cDNA clones encoding putative peroxidases were isolated by means of a synthetic probe based on a partial amino acid sequence of a 33 kDa cationic peroxidase that had been previously shown to be induced by ethylene. DNA sequencing indicates that the two clones were derived from two closely related RNA species that are related to published plant peroxidase sequences. Southern analysis indicates that there are 1–5 copies in a haploid genome of a gene homologous to the cDNA clones. The deduced amino acid sequences are homologous with a tobacco (55% sequence identity), a horseradish (53%), a turnip (45%), and a potato (41%) peroxidase. The cloned sequences do not encode the 33 kDa peroxidase from which the original synthetic probe was been derived, but rather other putative peroxidases. An increase in the level of mRNA is evident by 3 hours after ethephon or ethylene treatment and plateaus by 15 hours.  相似文献   

The cacao plant, Theobroma cacao L., produces white seeds (beans) that form the major ingredient of processed chocolate. A great deal of research effort has been expended to the development of new genetically modified cacao plants with improved productivity and resistance and beans of good industrial quality. The availability of suitable genetic markers is an important aspect of the efficient selection and breeding of this perennial species. We describe the development of 123 microsatellite loci of cacao. An optimized protocol was used to construct and screen a microsatellite-enriched genomic library from which we isolated 64 di-nucleotide, 45 tri-nucleotide and 14 tetra-nucleotide microsatellite loci. The primers were tested on samples from five different T. cacao accessions, one accession from T. grandiflorum and one accession from Herranea sp. Among the 123 loci, 54 were polymorphic, 61 were monomorphic and eight did not present an amplification product. These new markers will be useful in future studies by increasing the accuracy of genotypic assessments in diverse cocoa tree populations as well as in other species of the Theobroma genus.  相似文献   

Two full-length (or nearly so) cDNA clones containing information for the protease inhibitors PI IV and C-II from soybean seeds were identified by means of a synthetic probe. DNA sequencing revealed that the two protease inhibitors are synthesized as precursors with a short peptide leader. The coding regions of the two clones show 80% homology, wheraes the 5 non-coding regions are 90% homologous. Homology of 75% is found in the region extending beyond the stop codons.  相似文献   

Direct N-terminal amino acid sequencing of the phloem protein 2 (PP2) from 3-month old Cucurbita pepo L. (pumpkin), purified by SDS-PAGE and blotted onto PVDF membrane, showed that the protein had a blocked N-terminus. However, after in situ cleavage of the polypeptide in a gel slice by cyanogen bromide, 75 residues of sequence on two cyanogen bromide fragments were determined. An oligonucle-otide probe based on this amino acid sequence was used to screen a cDNA library, constructed from mRNA of 3–5-day old seedling hypocotyls, in ZAP II. A cDNA clone (p11A) predicted an amino acid sequence of 218 residues, in full agreement with the sequences determined for two CNBr fragments of PP2, and suggests that the N-terminus of the protein is a blocked methionine residue which is cleaved off by CNBr. Two additional cDNA clones were sequenced but no heterogeneity in the PP2 sequence was found. The deduced amino acid sequence of C. pepo differs in nine residues from the recently published sequence of Cucurbita maxima (Bostwick et al., Plant Cell 4 (1992) 1539–1548). Southern blot showed that PP2 is encoded by a gene family with a relatively large number of members (estimated as 7–15 per haploid genome).  相似文献   

We investigated the primary structure of a cDNA encoding a light-harvesting protein from the marine chrysophyteIsochrysis galbana. Antibodies raised against the major fucoxanthin, chlorophylla/c-binding light-harvesting protein (FCP) ofI. galbana were used to select a cDNA clone encoding one of the FCP apoproteins. The nucleic acid and deduced amino acid sequences reveal conserved regions within the first and third transmembrane spans with Chla/b-binding proteins and with FCPs of another chromophyte. However, the amino acid identity betweenI. galbana FCP and othercab genes of FCPs is only ca. 30%. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the FCP genes of both diatoms and chrysophytes sequenced to date are more closely related tocab genes encoding LHC I, CP 29, and CP 24 of higher plants than tocab genes encoding LHC II of chlorophytes. We propose that LHC I, CP 24 and CP 29 and FCP might have originated from a common ancestral chl binding protein and that the major LHC II of Chla/b-containing organisms arose after the divergence between the chromophytes and the chlorophytes.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of mitotic chromosomes of Theobroma cacao (cacao) and T. grandiflorum (cupuaçu) was performed aiming to identify cytological differences between the two most important species of this genus. Both species have symmetric karyotypes, with 2n = 20 metacentric chromosomes ranging in size from 2.00 to 1.19 μm (cacao) and from 2.21 to 1.15 μm (cupuaçu). The interphase nuclei of both species were of the arreticulate type, displaying up to 20 chromocentres, which were more regularly shaped in cacao than in cupuaçu. Prophase chromosomes of both species were more condensed in the proximal region, sometimes including the whole short arm. Both species exhibited only one pair of terminal heterochromatic bands, positively stained with chromomycin A 3 , which co-localized with the single 45S rDNA site. Each karyotype displayed a single 5S rDNA site in the proximal region of another chromosome pair. Heterochromatic bands were also observed on the centromeric/pericentromeric regions of all 20 chromosomes of cacao after C-banding followed by Giemsa or DAPI staining, whereas in cupuaçu they were never detected. These data suggest that the chromosomes of both species have been largely conserved and their pericentromeric chromatin is the only citologically differentiated region.  相似文献   

Summary Rhodocyclus gelatinosus grew photosynthetically in the light and consumed H2 at a rate of about 665 nmol/min per mg protein. The uptake-hydrogenase (H2ase) was found to be membrane bound and insensitive to inhibition by CO. The structural genes of R. gelatinosus uptake-H2ase were isolated from a 40 kb cosmid gene library of R. gelatinosus DNA by hybridization with the structural genes of uptake-H2ase of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Rhodobacter capsulatus. The R. gelatinosus genes were localized on two overlapping DNA restriction fragments subcloned into pUC18. Two open reading frames (ORF1 and ORF2) were observed. ORF1 contained 1080 nucleotides and encoded a 39.4 kDa protein. ORF2 had 1854 nucleotides and encoded a 68.5 kDa protein. Amino acid sequence analysis suggested that ORF1 and ORF2 corresponded to the small (HupS) and large (HupL) subunits, respectively, of R. gelatinosus uptake-H2ase. ORF1 was approximately 80% homologous with the small, and ORF2 was maximally 68% homologous with the large subunit of typical membrane-bound uptake-H2ases.  相似文献   

A 516-bp winged bean chymotrypsin-trypsin inhibitor (WbCTI) gene was amplified from genomic DNA and cDNA isolated from winged bean using a pair of degenerate primers designed on the basis of the amino acid sequences of WbCTI. The amplified PCR products were cloned and sequenced to confirm their authenticity. DNA sequence analysis of the genomic and cDNA clones of WbCTI revealed the same nucleotide sequence in the coding region and showed WbCTI to be an intron less gene. WbCTI was subcloned into pTrc99A and expressed in Escherichia coli to yield a recombinant protein (rWbCTI). rWbCTI was purified by a rapid and single step immunoaffinity chromatography method, with an overall yield of 1.1 mg/g of wet cells. The homogeneity of the purified protein was checked by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which showed the presence of a single protein band. Functionally rWbCTI is indistinguishable from WbCTI, since both inhibit bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin in a 1:1 molar ratio. FPLC binding studies also confirmed that rWbCTI binds the proteases in a 1:1 molar ratio.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated and sequenced cDNAs for S2- and S3-alleles of the self-incompatibility locus (S-locus) in Solanum chacoense Bitt., a wild potato species displaying gametophytic self-incompatibility. The S2-and S3-alleles encode pistil-specific proteins of 30 kDa and 31 kDa, respectively, which were previously identified based on cosegregation with their respective alleles in genetic crosses. The amino acid sequence homology between the S2- and S3-proteins is 41.5%. This high degree of sequence variability between alleles is a distinctive feature of the S-gene system. Of the 31 amino acid residues which were previously found to be conserved among three Nicotiana alata S-proteins (S2, S3, and S6) and two fungal ribonucleases (R Nase T2 and R Nase Rh), 27 are also conserved in the S2- and S3-proteins of S. chacoense. These residues include two histidines implicated in the active site of the R Nase T2, six cysteines, four of which form disulfide bonds in R Nase T2, and hydrophobic residues which might form the core structure of the protein. The finding that these residues are conserved among S-proteins with very divergent sequences suggests a functional role for the ribonuclease activity of the S-protein in gametophytic self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

甘蔗ACC氧化酶全长cDNA的克隆及序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ACC氧化酶是高等植物乙烯生物合成途径中的限速酶。根据报道的植物ACC氧化酶基因序列设计特异引物,从甘蔗cDNA文库中克隆到一ACC氧化酶基因片段,命名为GZ-ACO,该基因长792bp,与甘蔗基因组文库中克隆的ACO基因片段仅18个碱基之差。根据该cDNA片段序列,设计两对末端扩增的特异引物,利用RACE-PCR技术,获得GZ-ACO片段的5′端和3′端序列。用VectorNTI7.0软件对三个序列进行拼接和分析,结果得到全长的甘蔗GZ-ACO氧化酶基因。GZ-ACOcDNA核苷酸序列长1307bp,具有一个972bp完整的读码框,启动子ATG位于126bp,终止子TAA位于1097bp,推导编码323个氨基酸。系统进化分析表明,GZ-ACO基因氨基酸序列与其它植物已报道的ACC氧化酶基因具有65%~86%的同源率,且与单子叶禾本科植物首先聚类,其次与单子叶芭蕉科、兰科植物聚类,最后与双子叶植物聚类,与植物形态的系统进化结果一致。该基因已在DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank基因数据库注册,注册号为AY521566。  相似文献   

The variability of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) cytoplasmic genomes has been investigated. A total of 177 cocoa clones was surveyed for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in chloroplast DNA and in mitochondrial DNA using two restriction endonucleases and various heterologous cytoplasmic probes. A high level of polymorphism was found for the mitochondrial genome. This study points up a structuring of the species that fits with the distinction between the Criollo and Forastero populations. In contrast to all previous analyses, a higher level of polymorphism is found among the Criollo clones while the Forastero clones form quite a homogeneous group.  相似文献   

A Triticum durum cDNA library prepared from developing endosperm (22 days after flowering (DAF)) was screened using synthetic oligonucleotide probes covering part of the CM3 and CM16 N-terminal protein sequences. A full-length cDNA clone (pTd78) encoding the CM16 protein (chloroform/methanol-soluble protein) was isolated and characterized. To our knowledge this is the first characterization of a clone coding for a wheat CM protein. The CM16 protein is synthesized as a preprotein with a signal peptide of 24 residues, the molecular weight of the mature protein being 13 438 Da. As other members of the cereal trypsin/-amylase inhibitor family, the CM16 protein contains 10 cysteine residues, their position being well conserved. In developing endosperm the highest level of CM16 mRNA was detected at mid-maturation.  相似文献   

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