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The prevalence and chronology of enamel hypoplasias were studied in a hominid dental sample from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) Middle Pleistocene site at the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, northern Spain). A total of 89 permanent maxillary teeth, 143 permanent mandibular teeth, and one deciduous lower canine, belonging to a minimum of 29 individuals, were examined. Excluding the antimeres (16 maxillary and 37 mandibular cases) from the sample, the prevalence of hypoplasias in the permanent dentition is 12.8% (23/179), whereas the deciduous tooth also showed an enamel defect. No statistically significant differences were found between both arcades and between the anterior and postcanine teeth for the prevalence of hypoplasias. In both the maxilla and the mandible the highest frequency of enamel hypoplasias was recorded in the canines. Only one tooth (a permanent upper canine) showed two different enamel defects, and most of the hypoplasias were expressed as faint linear horizontal defects. Taking into account the limitations that the incompleteness of virtually all permanent dentitions imposes, we have estimated that the frequency by individual in the SH hominid sample was not greater than 40%. Most of the hypoplasias occurred between birth and 7 years (N = 18, X = 3.5, SD = 1.3). Both the prevalence and severity of the hypoplasias of the SH hominid sample are significantly less than those of a large Neandertal sample. Furthermore, prehistoric hunter-gatherers and historic agricultural and industrial populations exhibit a prevalence of hypoplasias generally higher than that of the SH hominids. Implications for the survival strategies and life quality of the SH hominids are also discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

. We describe the pattern of dental development of Hominid XVIII from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos (SH) site of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). As expected, this pattern is similar to that of modern humans. A delay of development of the lower and upper canines was observed. In contrast, the relative advanced development of the lower second molars and, especially, the upper and lower third molars is noteworthy. This latter feature seems to be common in Pleistocene hominids, and suggests that the pattern of dental development evolved in the genus Homo during the Pleistocene. In European Middle Pleistocene hominids, this pattern probably was facilitated by the extra space available in the mandible and maxilla for developing teeth.  相似文献   

A human mandible from the site of Cova del Gegant is described here for the first time and compared with other Middle and Upper Pleistocene representatives of the genus Homo from Europe and Southwest Asia. The specimen was recovered from sediments which also yielded Mousterian stone tools and Pleistocene fauna. The preserved morphology of the mandible, particularly in the region of the mental foramen, clearly aligns it with the Neandertals, making the Cova del Gegant the only known site in Catalonia documenting diagnostic human skeletal remains in association with Middle Paleolithic stone tools. This represents an important new addition to the human fossil record from the Iberian Peninsula and joins the Ba?olas mandible in documenting the course of human evolution in the northern Mediterranean region of Spain.  相似文献   

We present a detailed morphological comparative study of the hominin mandible ATE9-1 recovered in 2007 from the Sima del Elefante cave site in Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, northern Spain. Paleomagnetic analyses, biostratigraphical studies, and quantitative data obtained through nuclide cosmogenic methods, place this specimen in the Early Pleistocene (1.2-1.3 Ma). This finding, together with archaeological evidence from different European sites, suggests that Western Europe was colonised shortly after the first hominin expansion out of Africa around the Olduvai subchron. Our analysis of the ATE9-1 mandible includes a geometric morphometric analysis of the lower second premolar (LP4), a combined and detailed external and internal assessment of ATE9-1 roots through CT and microCT techniques, as well as a comparative study of mandibular and other dental features. This analysis reveals some primitive Homo traits on the external aspect of the symphysis and the dentition shared with early African Homo and the Dmanisi hominins. In contrast, other mandibular traits on the internal aspect of the symphysis are derived with regard to African early Homo, indicating unexpectedly large departures from patterns observed in Africa. Reaching the most occidental part of the Eurasian continent implies that the first African emigrants had to cross narrow corridors and to overcome geographic barriers favouring genetic drift, long isolation periods, and adaptation to new climatic and seasonal conditions. Given these conditions and that we are dealing with a long time period, it is possible that one or more speciation events could have occurred in this extreme part of Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene, originating in the lineages represented by the Sima del Elefante-TE9 hominins and possibly by the Gran Dolina-TD6 hominins. In the absence of any additional evidence, we prefer not include the specimen ATE9-1 in any named taxon and refer to it as Homo sp.  相似文献   

Murids are usually the dominant faunas of the late Miocene and early Pliocene micromammal assemblages. The present work deals with the murid faunas of the well-known late Miocene locality of Venta del Moro, comprising over 2700 molars ascribed to the taxa Apodemus gorafensis, Occitanomys alcalai, Paraethomys meini and Stephanomys dubari. This list differs from those of previous studies by the presence of A. gorafensis instead of A. gudrunae. The presence of A. gudrunae in younger localities than Venta del Moro implies that both species, considered ancestor and descendant, coexisted for some time. In addition, the analysis of such an extensive collection has allowed us to check the variability of the studied species in great detail, such as the development of the longitudinal connections of O. alcalai, to a greater extent than previously described. Finally, we discuss the biometrical changes of the lineages of Paraethomys in Southern Europe from MN13 to MN15, and hypothesize about the mechanisms behind these variations in size.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):696-706
In the Iberian Peninsula, the Late Pleistocene record of small mammal indicators of cold climates is largely restricted to two sets of sites at the eastern and western ends of the Pyrenees. Some assemblages from other sites at the Peninsular centre have, however, recently yielded such taxa. This work describes the remains of three such rodent species from the Buena Pinta Cave, a site in the Sierra de Guadarrama mountains in the Spanish Central System. Excavation campaigns in the cave have taken place every summer since 2003. Thermoluminescence analyses of sediments from levels 2–5 of the site suggest an age corresponding to the middle of the Late Pleistocene, within Marine Isotope Stage 4 or the beginning of Marine Isotope Stage 3. Sieve-washing and picking out of the small fossils contained in the sediments of levels 2–5 yielded several thousand small mammal teeth and other remains, dominated by Microtus arvalis. Smaller numbers of remains belonging to other rodents typical of cold climates were also identified, such as Microtus oeconomus, Microtus gregalis and Chionomys nivalis. Thus, the small mammal record of the Buena Pinta Cave shows that rodent indicators of cold climates reached the centre of the Iberian Peninsula during the mid-Late Pleistocene, i.e., well before the Last Glacial Maximum. These findings represent one of the southernmost Pleistocene records for M. oeconomus in Europe, and the most southerly for M. gregalis.  相似文献   

The Bayesian statistical approach considers teeth as forming a developmental module, as opposed to a tooth-by-tooth analysis. This approach has been employed to analyze Upper Pleistocene hominins, including Neandertals and some anatomically modern humans, but never earlier populations. Here, we show its application on five hominins from the TD6.2 level of the Gran Dolina site (Homo antecessor, Early Pleistocene) and the Sima de los Huesos site (Middle Pleistocene) of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, northern Spain). Our results show an advanced development of the third molars in both populations with respect to modern Homo sapiens. In addition, the Sima de los Huesos hominins differ from H. sapiens and H. antecessor in the relatively advanced development of their second molar. The relative mineralization of I1/M1 in H. antecessor appears to be similar to that of modern humans, as opposed to that of Neandertals, which appear to be unique. These observations, combined with reduced enamel formation times and the advanced development of the third molars, appear to indicate a shorter ontogenetic period in the hominins from Gran Dolina and Sima de los Huesos in comparison to modern human average.  相似文献   

A. Rosas 《Human Evolution》2000,15(1-2):83-98
The ontogenetic processes underlying the variation detected in the European Middle Pleistocene hominids are explored. Regulation of growth parameters of the ontogenetic trajectory of these hominid is discussed in the context of heterochrony schemes. The sample of mandibles coming from the Atauuerca-SH site is used as a study case. The variability shown by these mandibles can be arranged along a morphological gradient, and study of growth directions has shown that the remodelling patterns are in line with the existence of a single morphogenetic pattern controlling the process. In addition, the spectrum of morphology detected in the Atapuerca sample virtually encompasses the entire range of variability detected in European Middle Pleistocene samples. From a morphological viewpoint, a hypermorphic pattern seems to be the responsible for the individual variation detected in the sample. Yet, when this information is related to mandibular growth and craniofacial interactions, evidence of an interindividual gradient of somatic development for the Atapuerca hominids is provided. Several hypotheses concerning growth parameters, however, may account for this gradient. Time and rate hypermorphosis hypothesis are discussed. Coincidence of the gradient of variation detected in this sample and the general mandibular growth trajectory of living species, support the hypothesis that is “time of maturation” of the organism the key factor.  相似文献   

A new pollen sequence (ca. 15,700-1250 yr BP) is presented for three stratigraphical sections of Carihuela Cave (Granada, southeastern Spain), thus completing a record that covers from the last Interglacial to late Holocene. The Late Glacial is characterized by open landscapes with junipers and early colonisation of Quercus, while the Holocene is depicted by mixed oak forests, with a diversity of broad-leaf trees and scrub, which decrease after ca. 5470 yr BP synchronously with the expansion of xerophytes and occurrence of indicators of anthropogenic disturbance. The whole pollen record of Carihuela fits into the general trends described for reference pollen sites of southern Europe, including Padul in the province of Granada, and other sequences from Mediterranean Spain, through which the heterogeneity of environmental change increases from mid to late Holocene. We conclude that, in contrast with other regions of Spain, deciduous Quercus-dominated forests are very old in eastern Andalusia, thus conflicting with floristic phytosociological models of vegetation change that imply that monospecific Q. ilex/rotundifolia woodlands are the potential mature forest in the region. Dating results suggest that the last Neanderthals of Carihuela lived between ca. 28,440 and 21,430 yr BP, which agrees with the postulation that southern Spain was the latest refugium for this human species in Europe.  相似文献   

The Upper Pleistocene localities of Aduma and Bouri have yielded hominid fossils and extensive Middle Stone Age (MSA) archaeological assemblages. The vertebrate fossils recovered include parts of four hominid crania from Aduma and a complete right parietal from Bouri. Archaeological associations and radiometric techniques suggest an Upper Pleistocene age for these hominids. The more complete cranium from Aduma (ADU-VP-1/3) comprises most of the parietals, the occipital, and part of the frontal. This cranium is compared to late Middle and Upper Pleistocene hominid crania from Africa and the Middle East. The Aduma cranium shows a mosaic of cranial features shared with "premodern" and anatomically modern Homo sapiens. However, the posterior and lateral cranial dimensions, and most of its anatomy, are centered among modern humans and resemble specimens from Omo, Skhul, and Qafzeh. As a result, the Aduma and Bouri Upper Pleistocene hominids are assigned to anatomically modern Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

A complete cranium of Ursus deningeri from Petralona (Chalkidiki, Greece) covered by a thick carbonate crust has been virtually liberated through CT scan and 3D image reconstruction, and compared with a specimen from the Sima de los Huesos, Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain) Middle Pleistocene site. X-ray computed tomography allowed for the identification of previously unrecognized and phylogenetically relevant traits. Analysis of these traits and an additional series of classically defined traits demonstrate the near identity of these specimens, thereby, confirming an early stage of the speloid “(cave bear)” condition. The replicate luminescence ages obtained for the SH deposit provide a combined minimum age estimate of 427 ± 12 ka for the underlying fossils. Based on a series of primitive and derived morphological features of these two crania, a similar age is here proposed for the Petralona and SH U. deningeri.  相似文献   

白龙洞是位于鄂西北部郧西县的一处出土物丰富的古人类洞穴遗址,先后在此出土了8枚古人类牙齿化石、若干石制品和骨制品及大量哺乳动物化石。但有关白龙洞遗址的形成时间却一直存在争议,主要原因之一是动物群没有得到充分研究。基于郧西县文管所和中科院古脊椎所收藏标本,本文首次对白龙洞历年出土的哺乳动物化石进行了综合研究;研究结果表明,白龙洞动物群由32种(含未定种)哺乳动物组成,优势属种是谷氏大额牛、岩羊、野猪及各种鹿类(水鹿、斑鹿、麂、毛冠鹿);此外,还有豪猪、竹鼠、变异狼、貉、豺、猪獾、黑熊、大熊猫、中国硕鬣狗、锯齿剑齿虎、虎、豹、金猫、云豹、剑齿象、苏门犀、梅氏犀、巨貘、鬣羚及水牛等;该动物群缺乏猴类动物,并且豪猪化石也很少,这与其所处的时空位置很不相符;但总体面貌属于大熊猫-剑齿象动物群。白龙洞的大熊猫、中国硕鬣狗、猪獾、虎及巨貘的牙齿测量数值均达到或接近我国各自记录的最大值。白龙洞动物群组成与盐井沟动物群及南京猿人动物群最为接近;从动物群组合及有关属种的演化阶段来综合判断,白龙洞动物群的地质时代应当是中更新世中期。  相似文献   

Here we present a detailed palaeopathological study of the hominin mandible ATE9-1 found at the Sima del Elefante site (TE), Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain. This fossil represents the earliest hominin remains from Western Europe with an age of ca. 1.3 Ma. The specimen displays several dento-gnathic lesions; the antiquity and geographic location of this fossil justifies a detailed palaeopathological study to determine if the pathologies have significantly altered taxonomically relevant features. Our study reveals severe dental attrition combined with generalized hypercementosis, alveolar root exposure, mild periodontal disease, tooth dislocation, and an anomalous occlusal plane. We have also observed calculus deposits, two cystic lesions and an anomalous wear facet compatible with tooth picking. The majority of these pathological signs can be explained by compensatory eruption. We propose that these lesions are associated as causes, consequences, and amplifiers of one another within the framework of heavy and even traumatic occlusion, masticatory habits, or both traumatic occlusion and masticatory habits. Despite the severity of these lesions, occlusion was at least partially functional so it was unlikely to influence the survival of this individual. In addition, the lesions do not prohibit the taxonomic assessment of the mandible.  相似文献   

Three fossilized trackways of human footprints were discovered in a pyroclastic flow dated to 385–325 ka, along the western margin of the Roccamonfina volcanic complex in Southern Italy. The pyroclastic flow is zeolite-rich and was probably emplaced at a relatively low temperature, forming a nonwelded pyroclastic deposit. The well-preserved footprints show the interesting strategies used by ancient humans in descending steep slopes. The footprints, short and very broad, are entaxonic, plantigrade, with an average length of 24cm and an average width of 10 cm. The three trackways are narrow with an oblique pace of about 60 cm and a stride of about 120 cm.

If dating constraints are correct, the Roccamonfina human fossil footprints are the oldest known in Europe and among the oldest in the world. Moreover, they are preserved on a steep slope lying in a subaerial setting and are associated with handprints. For their potential in preserving evidence of behavior, these tracks provide unique insight into the activities of some of the earliest known Europeans.  相似文献   

New taxonomic study of the “old collection” of Carnivora from Petralona Cave, associated to the well-known hominid skull, housed in the Geology School of the Thessaloniki Aristotle University since 1960, revealed 11 species (Canis arnensis, Lycaon lycaonoides, Vulpes praeglacialis, Ursus deningeri, U. spelaeus, U. arctos, Pliocrocuta perrieri, Pachycrocuta brevirostris, Crocuta crocuta, Panthera leo spelaea, and Felis silvestris), which are described in detail. The species composition is typical of the eastern part of the European Mediterranean and may be divided into three biostratigraphic assemblages: early Middle Pleistocene, late Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic study of the Cova del Gegant’s sedimentary fill revealed different cycles of accumulation of typical interior cave and delta facies. A precise chronology for these deposits, the faunal remains and stone tools contained therein was obtained by radiocarbon, U-Th and OSL. Our results indicate that the Upper Pleistocene archaeological sequence dates between 49.3 ± 1.8 ka BP, the U-Th age of the overlying flowstone, and 60.0 ± 3.9 ka BP, the OSL age of the basal deposits. We have also directly dated the site’s Neandertal mandible to 52.3 ± 2.3 ka by U-Th.  相似文献   

Tracks and trackways of the ruminant goat, Myotragus balearicus Bate, 1909 are abundant in the Late Pleistocene aeolianites of the south coast of Mallorca, Spain. The carbonate aeolianites form impressive dunes and related sand ramps that were initiated as echo dunes in front of a 20–40 m high paleocliff of Miocene reefal limestone. Where the dunes built up to the cliff top, they covered it as an aeolian ramp. The dunes and sand ramps were active during the dry summer months but were passive during the wet winter period. The small, goat-like animals were abundant on the island, and for unknown reasons crossed the aeolian accumulations in large numbers. This study deals with the tracks formed in the dune deposits. All preserved trackways indicate impression into moist sand. Special features of the tracks include the structure produced by the withdrawal of the foot, here called the ‘axis’, and a disturbance zone of plastic deformation around this. On dune crests, the disturbance zone surrounds the axis more or less symmetrically. However, in addition, a ‘pressure pad’ of dislocated, slightly rotated sediment bound by curved microfaults is commonly produced posterior to the axis by propulsive pressure of the foot. On steep stoss and lee slopes, the pressure pad becomes oriented in a down-slope position as a result of gravitational slip of the walking animal. Combination of disturbance of the sediment in this way by manus followed by overprinting of similar disturbance by pes produces highly complicated track structure. This structure may be characteristic of artiodactylous mammals in soft sand, particularly aeolian deposits. The structure is designated as Bifidipes aeolis isp. nov.  相似文献   

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