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The identification of Middle-Late Holocene palaeoenvironmental conditions of the Marathon coastal plain gained great interest in the last decades due to its high environmental and archaeological importance. Palynological analysis of samples from two boreholes and two trenches along a transect in the marshy area of the Marathon coastal plain, enabled the tracing of the vegetation and the main environmental changes for the last ∼6000 cal BP. Pollen data suggest a human disturbed environment with Pinus, Quercus, Juniperus and Ericaceae, while a general trend towards Mediterranean vegetation patterns is observed during the last ∼3000 cal BP. Pollen grains from aquatic and hydrophilous plants, dinoflagellate cysts, algal remains and other palynomorphs were used in order to determine the local depositional environment and its evolution through time.  相似文献   

A new pollen record from Lago di Vico (core V1) provides fundamental new information towards reconstruction of flora and vegetation history in central Italy during the last 90 000 years. The chronological framework is secured by seventeen AMS14C dates, one40Ar/39Ar date and tephra analyses. At the base of the pollen record, i.e. shortly after the40Ar/39Ar date 87 000±7000 B.P., three phases with significant expansion of trees are recorded in close succession. These forest phases, which stratigraphically correspond to St Germain II (and Ognon?) and precede pleniglacial steppe vegetation, are designated by the local names Etruria I, Etruria II and Etruria III. During the pleniglacial, a number of fluctuations of angiosperm mesophilous trees suggest the presence of tree refugia in the area. The lowest pollen concentration values are recorded at ca. 22 000 B.P. which corresponds with other pollen records from the region. The late-glacial is characterized by an expansion in the arboreal pollen curves that is less pronounced, however, than in other pollen profiles from Italy. The Holocene part of the profile is consistently dominated by deciduous oak pollen. No major changes in arboreal pollen composition are recorded but several marked and sudden declines of the tree pollen concentration suggest that the forest cover underwent dramatic changes. Clear evidence for human impact is recorded only when cultivated crops became important which dates to ca. 2630±95 B.P.  相似文献   

A Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediment core from the nowadays terrestrialised portion of the Löddigsee in Southern Mecklenburg, Germany was palynologically investigated. The lake is situated in the rarely investigated Young moraine area at the transition from the Weichselian to the Saalian glaciation. The high-resolution pollen diagram contributes to the establishment of the north-eastern German Late Pleistocene pollen stratigraphy. The vegetation distribution pattern after the end of the Weichselian is in good agreement with other studies from North-eastern Germany, but also has its own characteristics. The Holocene vegetation development reveals features from the north-eastern and north-western German lowlands. A special focus was laid on the environmental history of the two settlements on an island within the lake (Late Neolithic and Younger Slavic period), which were preserved under moist conditions. Both settlements were constructed during a period of low lake level. Although there is evidence of agriculture in the area during the respective periods, the two island settlements seem to have served other purposes.  相似文献   

The direct comparison between microcharcoal and pollen data from the Holocene sediment core of Lago di Pergusa (central Sicily, Italy) led us to investigate the linkages between fire, vegetation, and climate in the Mediterranean Basin. The role of human populations in shaping the environment of the last millennia was closely examined as well. Pollen and charcoal were extracted using a standard pollen methodology and both identified from the same pollen slides. At Lago di Pergusa the importance of fire in maintaining and favouring a Mediterranean vegetation, a basic concept in ecology, seems to be inconsistent, as important fires took place in the open environments with xeric vegetation at the beginning of the Holocene well before the expansion of evergreen vegetation. On the contrary some big fires seem to have happened in the period (around 8000 years BP) in which the greatest wetness, the thickest forest canopy, and the most important expansion of submontane vegetation of the record are found. A probable explanation of this phenomenon can be found in the precipitation regime, in the increased available biomass and in the resulting increase in combustible material, indicating also that the highest humidity achieved in central Sicily during the Holocene was not strong enough to prevent fires. During this period drops in arboreal pollen concentration match in minima in the charcoal curves. Fires were practically absent during the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods and not responsible for the general trend towards aridification identified in the pollen record, at times in which prehistoric populations are generally believed to have caused forest clearance by burning. Important and frequent burnings are documented for the Bronze and Iron Ages and probably not all of them were fires of living trees, but burning of wood for producing metals, cooking or heating. The occurrence of a fire around 3700 years BP temporarily caused a minor decrease of arboreal pollen concentration. In the open landscapes of the two last millennia an almost continuous sign of regional burnings is recognized, confirming the historical evidence of an intense land use in central Sicily at least since Roman times.  相似文献   

Various pollen sequences from lacustrine deposits close to Lago de Sanabria (NW Iberia) have for several decades been a key source of information for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of SW Europe, though their interpretation has been the subject of some controversy. Here we present two new pollen sequences obtained from this area, and a new palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the region. The available pollen data reach back to before 18,000 b.p., a period of very harsh climate with seasonal (non continuous) sedimentation and a landscape characterised by herbaceous formations dominated by Gramineae and Artemisia, and scrub formations dominated by Ericaceae and Cistaceae. Subsequently sedimentation became continuous, and various regional forest expansions are apparent. At a local level, the first forest expansion began about 12,000 b.p., when Betula pollen reached 70% followed by peaks in Pinus sylvestris-type (>80%) and Quercus robur-type (40%). The Younger Dryas saw a retreat of woodland formations in the area around the lake, with broadleaved deciduous woodland (largely oak) retreating at mid and low altitudes, but with pine woodland persisting in more sheltered sites. The climatic improvement in the Early Holocene favoured re-expansion of woodland, dominated by Pinus sylvestris-type at higher and Quercus robur and Q. pyrenaica at lower altitudes, until anthropogenic deforestation commenced around 4,000 b.p. The disappearance of natural pine woodlands in this region is probably largely attributable to human interference.  相似文献   

High-resolution Holocene pollen profiles from lakes Großer Krebssee and Felchowsee, in the Lower Oder valley, north-eastern Germany, are presented. The Großer Krebssee profile includes a Late-glacial sequence. These investigations have been carried out in the context of a programme of archaeological excavation. AMS radiocarbon dates (26 in all) based on pollen concentrates have been used to provide a chronology for the pollen records. Holocene forest history and human impact are reconstructed for contrasting landscapes, namely, the Neuenhagener Oderinsel in the Lower Oderbruch (Großer Krebssee profile) and the more fertile Uckermärker Hügelland (Felchowsee profile) that lies immediately to the north. Both landscapes were glaciated during the Pomeranian stage of the Weichselian. New information on the spread of trees, includingTilia, Fagus and Carpinus, at both regional and local level, is presented. Five major phases of intensive human activity are recognised, the most intensive activity of the prehistoric period occurring in the Neolithic (Großer Krebssee profile). Differences between the records is explained in terms of local habitat, especially edaphic conditions, settlement history and also the pollen source area, the profile from the much larger Felchowsee lake providing a record of environmental change that is more regional in character.  相似文献   

山顶洞人化石是迄今在东亚地区发现的数量最为丰富、保存状态最为完好的更新世晚期人类化石。多年来,山顶洞人作为东亚地区更新世晚期人类的代表,在研究东亚地区现代蒙古人种及美洲印第安人起源方面发挥着重要作用。随着对现代人起源与演化研究的深入,学术界对更新世晚期人类演化及现代人群形成过程的许多细节及演化机制予以了越来越多的注意,提出了现代人群出现时间及现代人群分化时间的概念。一些研究对山顶洞人的演化程度及其在东亚地区现代人群形成上的作用也提出了不同看法。为了深入探讨这些问题,本文对12项颅骨非测量特征在山顶洞人与现代中国人的表现情况进行了对比研究。发现有8项特征在山顶洞人与现代中国人之间具有不同的表现,作者认为山顶洞人在颅骨特征表现上较现代中国人具有更多的原始性。在此基础上,作者就更新世晚期人群内部变异、现代人群特征标准等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from the Ahlequellmoor in the Solling area shows the history of vegetation and settlement over the last 7,800 years. In the early Atlantic period mixed deciduous forest with mainly Tilia together with Ulmus and Quercus grew in the area. In the late Atlantic period Quercus became most abundant. Fagus spread in the Sub-boreal period at about 2700 B.C. Since ca. 900 B.C. the Solling was covered by beech forests with some oak. In prehistoric times woodland grazing is indicated. Only in Medieval times are two settlements in the vicinity of the Ahlequellmoor reflected in the pollen diagram. The earlier one is dated to about A.D. 750–1020, and may be connected with the former Monastery of Hethis, which is thought to have existed close to the fen from A.D. 815 to 822. The second Medieval settlement dates to the 11th–12th century. The large-scale woodland destruction of late Medieval and modern times is not clearly visible. The silvicultural measures of the last 200 years are reflected by increasing values of spruce and grassland taxa.  相似文献   

A well-preserved biota of Lower Cambrian cavity-dwelling organisms is recorded within fissures in Neoproterozoic andesites in Ossa-Morena (southern Spain). The cavities are unique among described Lower Cambrian coelobiontic communities due to the igneous character of the host rock. Coelobiontic habitat was episodically enlarged by synsedimentary tectonic fracturing reflecting polyphase infill of recurrent facies. The pioneer coelobiontic biota was diverse, and consisted of encrusting stromatolites and thromboids (dominated by Epiphyton and Renalcis), attached to walls and ceilings of the cavities, associated with archaeocyaths. Sponge spicules and chancelloriid sclerites occur as dense clusters indicating in situ growth, death and decay of spiculate sponges and coeloscleritophorans. Other organisms, such as echinoderms, trilobites and brachiopods, are also found within the cavities as reworked skeletons, indicating that they were washed in from the overlying, open seafloor. The main feature of the coelobiontic biota is the dominance of a sessile, chemosynthetic and filter-feeding epibenthos, composed of microbial communities, archaeocyaths, spiculate sponges (demosponges and rarer hexactinellides) and coeloscleritophorans.  相似文献   

Palynological investigation and radiocarbon dating of a 6-m core from lake Durankulak, north-eastern Bulgaria, enables vegetation development and human occupation from ca. 5500–5300 cal. B.C. onwards to be traced. Steppe vegetation that included with groves of deciduous trees asQuercus, Ulmus, Carpinus belulus andCorylus changed to a forest-steppe after 4000 cal. B.C. The archaeopalynological record indicates three distinct phases of human activity as follows: (1) 5300–4200 cal. B.C. (late Neolithic and Eneolithic) during which farming, that included a substantial arable component, was pursued, (2) 3500–3000 cal. B.C. (transition to early Bronze Age) when stock rearing appears to have dominated, and (3) after 1300 cal. B.C. (late Bronze Age) when arable farming again assumed importance. The palynological data correlate well with the rich archaeological record for human settlement that is available for the region from late Neolithic times onwards.  相似文献   

Graciela Delvene 《Geobios》2003,36(5):519-531
The four sections richest in bivalves from the Middle and Upper Jurassic of the Iberian Range (Spain) were selected for a quantitative palaeoecological analysis of the bivalve fraction of the macrobenthos. Five bivalve associations and two assemblages were recognized with the help of a Q-mode hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward method). The main environmental factors controlling bivalve associations are thought to be substrate, water energy and distribution of organic matter. The bivalves exhibit a distinct spatial and temporal distribution pattern within the Aragonian Branch of the Iberian Range. Four of the bivalve associations occur in the Upper Oxfordian (Sot de Chera Fm) and one association in the Lower Callovian (Chelva Fm). In the Sot de Chera and Loriguilla formations, the abundance of bivalves decreases from NW to SE i.e., from relatively close to the shore line towards the distal-most part of the carbonate platform. In the Chelva Fm, bivalves are abundant in the Ariño region, interpreted as a palaeogeographic high. The spatial distribution of bivalves might have been largely controlled by the availability of nutrients.  相似文献   

The middle Pleistocene bird fauna from Pinilla del Valle, Spain, comprises 20 taxa, several of which are reported for the first time from middle Pleistocene deposits of Spain. Today, these species inhabit a variety of habitats, including fresh water, woodland, shrubland, and various open environments. The species inhabiting the latter category are the most numerous.  相似文献   

The best evidence for identifying the inhabitants of northeast Asia in the terminal Pleistocene or early Holocene periods is provided by the human burials from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian, and in particular the “Old Man”. Apart from the Minatogawa finds on Okinawa, all Late Pleistocene human remains from East Asia that are reasonably well published are poorly preserved and often have equivocal dates. Since the time the Upper Cave was excavated it has been supposed that the human remains were the link between “Peking Man” and the modern Mongoloid complex. We have carried out multivariate analyses of the “Old Man” cranium employing new measurements of Weidenreich's cast of the skull and comparative data from Howells' survey of modern human groups. Despite our expectations the analyses have not shown the “Old Man” to be closely linked with the Mongoloids. Considering all the evidence available we conclude that the common belief of a close biological relationship between the people buried in the Upper Cave and the modern Mongoloids is not yet adequately demonstrated. Of crucial importance in interpreting the Upper Cave burials is their antiquity, which is still commonly thought to be in the order of at least 18 000 years. We believe that recent C-14 dates of about 11 000 years, determined from animal bones, indicate the earliest possible date for the burials. The time span between the Upper Cave burials and the earliest known modern Mongoloids in north China is in the order of about 4–5000 years. It is possible that a major population shift has occurred in north China between the terminal Pleistocene and the mid Holocene, when farming first appears. If this is so, the Upper Cave people may not have been closely allied to the Mongoloid groups that now inhabit East Asia and the Americas.  相似文献   

The Late Glacial and early-Holocene vegetational history of a newly dated pollen and macrofossil diagram from Besbog, a cirque lake at 2250 m just above the forest limit in the Pirin Mountains of southwestern Bulgaria, is compared with a newly dated pollen diagram for the mire Shiroka Polyana at 1400 m in the conifer forest of the nearby Rhodope Mountains in order to investigate the chronology of major changes in the vegetation at different elevations. In the Lake Besbog record the non-arboreal pollen assemblage of the Late Glacial changed abruptly to that of Betula, Quercus and other deciduous types. The date for this change is about 11.6 ka cal b.p. The Quercus assemblage may be composed of pollen blown from intermediate elevations, to which deciduous forest had expanded because of higher summer temperatures related to high summer insolation. At Shiroka Polyana (1400 m) in the modern conifer belt, a similar change did not occur until about 8.8 ka cal b.p. The persistence of the dry steppe or steppe forest in the early Holocene at this lower site can also be attributed to high summer insolation. Thus as atmospheric temperature increased at the end of the Late Glacial, deciduous forests expanded first at intermediate elevations in the Pirin Mountains and only later in the Rhodope Mountains at lower elevations as summer insolation decreased.  相似文献   

周口店田园洞古人类化石点地层学研究及与山顶洞的对比   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
田园洞主体堆积厚度约2.5m,其动物群可分为上、下两个组合:上部组合物种多样性丰富,化石被啮齿类严重啮咬;下部组合化石种类单调,以鹿类和绵羊类为主,但化石丰富,极少有啮齿类咬痕。人类化石发现于下部组合;东洋界动物主要出现在上部组合,例如猕猴、猪獾、果子狸和鬣羚等。而马鹿和绵羊只出现于下部组合。沟齿鼯鼠和豪猪在下部组合开始出现,但主要发现于上部组合。梅花鹿是田园洞的优势种,在各个阶段都出现。通过统计比较,发现山顶洞3个地层单元(上室、下室和下窨)中所含化石属种基本一致,代表同一个动物群。尽管田园洞动物群中尚未发现可靠绝灭种类,但却有10种地区绝灭种,它与现生动物群有一定差异;而在堆积物特征及化石组合方面,与周口店山顶洞的更为接近。在田园洞和山顶洞出现的沟齿鼯鼠、猪獾、果子狸及鬣羚等是各自在华北地区的最早记录,可能代表了更新世末期自南而北的动物迁徙事件。  相似文献   

Palynological investigations on a 3.36 m core from El Atrun, Nubia, show vegetation development and climatic change during a period from approximately 9800 to 7000 uncal B.P. From a dry period with a steppe-like vegetation at about 9800-9500 B.P. (zone A), a change to a period with a more favourable climate and a tree covered savanna-like vegetation can be observed in zone B (about 9500-8900 B.P.). In zone C (8900-8400 B.P.), a climatic setback is indicated, with spreading of steppe vegetation and an increase in swamp vegetation as a result of a low lake level. For zone D (about 8400-7000 B.P.), renewed spreading of wooded savanna is inferred.  相似文献   

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