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Abstract Heat treatment of Salmonella typhimurium results in cell death, which coincides with a significant reduction of the cellular content of 16S ribosomal RNA. It is suggested that the degradation of ribosomal RNA is a direct cause of cell death. This conclusion is based on the observations of carbon-starved and magnesium-supplemented cells, which survive heat treatment much better, and which also maintain stable levels of ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

将编码Vi抗原的基因克隆到减毒的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌中组建的基因重组株Vi4072,以3×10~8CFU一次口服感染Balb/C小鼠,4天后按7,14,21,28,35,42,49,56,63,70天的间隔收集分离小鼠的集合淋巴结,肝,脾.鉴别是否有本菌出现,并检测血清和小肠匀浆液中的vi抗体.结果表明,感染后49天仍可从脾中分离到该菌;70天仍可从血清和小肠匀浆液中测出vi抗体。  相似文献   

以伤寒─鼠伤寒双价重组株Vi4072的3×108CFU一次口服感染BALB/C小鼠,4天后即可从小鼠的集合淋巴结、肝、脾中分离到该菌,49天后该菌始被小鼠机体彻底清除。血清和小肠匀浆液中Vi抗体检测结果证明Vi4072菌株有刺激特异性免疫应答的功能。血清、小肠匀浆液中Vi抗体明显升高。  相似文献   

Live vaccine strains of Salmonella should be avirulent, immunogenic and genetically stable. Some isolates of three commercially available live vaccine strains of Salmonella typhimurium, sampled during a study on their persistence in a vaccinated flock of chickens, were analyzed for genetic stability using macrorestriction analysis of their genome. Two out of the three vaccine strains showed genetic instabilities. Two of the 51 isolates of Zoosaloral vaccine strain and nine of the 32 analyzed isolates of chi(3985), a genetically modified organism, were variants and showed different macrorestriction profiles.  相似文献   

Abstract Infection of Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cell monolayers with Salmonella typhimurium SL1344 for 60 min results in widespread bacterial invasion which is associated with remodelling of the apical cell membrane to form 'membrane ruffles'. Treatment of Madin-Darby canine kidney cell monolayers with the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine resulted in a 12-fold increase in the number of adhered bacteria without significantly affecting bacterial invasion. Staurosporine treatment also significantly increased both the number and size of membrane ruffles. As S. typhimurium adhere preferentially to these areas of membrane lacking microvilli, the increased extent of membrane ruffling may explain the increased bacterial adherence. These data provide evidence that the propagation of membrane ruffles during S. typhimurium infection is modulated by changes in the phosphorylation state of host proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract The receptors involved in the recognition of Salmonella typhimurium and S. typhi by murine macrophages were identified, and their relevance to phagosome-lysosome fusion was also investigated. Phagocytosis of S. typhimurium by murine macrophages was dependent on the opsonization with normal fresh serum, although the opsonin had no triggering activity in phagosome-lysosome fusion. In contrast, the opsonization of S. typhi with normal fresh serum efficiently triggered both phagocytosis and following phagosome-lysosome fusion. Anti-murine CR1 antibody suppressed phagocytosis of S. typhimurium by 36%, whereas anti-CR3 antibody, mannan, and advanced glycosylation endproducts (AGE)-BSA all failed to prevent phagocytosis of S. typhimurium , suggesting that CR1 may only contribute to the recognition of S. typhimurium and may possibly play a minor role. Other receptors involved may also influence the outcome phagocytosis in terms of phagosome-lysosome fusion. In the case of S. typhi , only anti-CR3 antibody significantly inhibited not only phagocytosis of S. typhi but also following phagosome-lysosome fusion. Treatment with K76COONa, an inhibitor of C3bINA (I factor), resulted in a marked inhibition of phagosomelysosome fusion in S. typhi -infected macrophages, although no significant inhibition was observed on phagocytosis of S. typhi . These results suggest that S. typhimurium and S. typhi may be recognized at least in part by CR1 and CR3, respectively, and that the recognition by CR3 but not CR1 is functionally associated with subsequent phagosomelysosome fusion in murine macrophages.  相似文献   

Abstract The human histiocytic lymphoma cell line U937 can be induced to differentiate along the monocyte/macrophage pathway by either phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or by the combination of retinoïc acid (RA) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (VD). U937 cells treated with either PMA or RA/VD were able to phagocytose Salmonella typhimurium in the presence of non-immune human serum. However, only cells differentiated by RA/VD were capable of developing an oxidative metabolic burst in response to infection. Since the oxidative burst is considered to be a potent antimicrobial mechanism, we investigated its effect on S. typhimurium . The oxidative burst failed to affect either the viability or the multiplication of S. typhimurium suggesting that if plays only a minor role in the host defence against S. typhimurium .  相似文献   

以伤寒─鼠伤寒双价重组株Vi4072的3×108CFU一次口服感染BALB/C小鼠,4天后即可从小鼠的集合淋巴结、肝、脾中分离到该菌,49天后该菌始被小鼠机体彻底清除。血清和小肠匀浆液中Vi抗体检测结果证明Vi4072菌株有刺激特异性免疫应答的功能。血清、小肠匀浆液中Vi抗体明显升高。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The incidence and timing of emigration, cannibalism, and intraguild predation of larvae of three aphidophagous ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Harmonia axyridis Pallas, Coccinella septempunctata brucki Mulsant, and Propylea japonica Mulsant, relative to the presence of prey was determined in the laboratory in single- and mixed-species populations.
2. In single-species populations, 80% of the larvae of C. s. brucki emigrated prior to the extinction of the aphid population and no larvae were lost due to cannibalism; however > 80% of the larvae of the other two species were still present when the aphid became extinct and the losses due to cannibalism for H. axyridis and P. japonica were 25% and 14% respectively. Finally, 28% of the P. japonica larvae completed their development, whereas no larvae of the other two species became adult.
3. In mixed-species populations, mortality of P. japonica attributable to cannibalism or intraguild predation increased greatly to 60%, whereas that of the other two species remained about the same. Consequently, survival of H. axyridis larvae improved and survival of P. japonica worsened; however the survival of C. s. brucki larvae was not affected by the other two species. Early emigration by C. s. brucki larvae may have enabled them to escape intraguild predation by H. axyridis in this system.  相似文献   

Abstract Live-cell vaccines of Salmonella typhimurium , either a sub-lethal dose of a wild-type (strain LT2) or a high dose of its two-heptose Rd1 mutant (strain SL1004), induced acquired resistance to murine typhoid, which remained 180 days after immunozation. Growth of S. typhimurium as a bacillary form ceased between days 30 and 60 of immunization, but L forms of this bacterium colonized the liver (the mean number of L forms in the liver: 600 L-forming units) even at 180 days post-immunization. In contrast, a high inoculum of either a Ra mutant (strain TV148) of strain LT2 or S. schottmülleri 8006 sharing the same O antigenic components with those of S. typhimurium induced only a short-lived protection in proportion to the number of L forms in the liver, and the protective immunity was lost before day 180. However, there was no significant difference in the salmonella-specific T-cell responses among groups of immunized mice on day 180 of immunization. A lethal infection with strain LT2 in mice which had been immunized 75 days previously with living cells of strain SL1004 resulted in a rapid clearance of the challenge inoculum, together with a rapid elevation of anti- S. typhimurium antibody responses. Thus, the present data suggest that the long-lived immunity conferred upon live S. typhimurium vaccines is attributable to the colonization of this bacterium in the liver as L forms and the ability to colonize the liver as L forms is independent of the brain length of salmonella O-antigens.  相似文献   

采用选择性培养、生化鉴定、血清型鉴定等方法,对从53份水貂病料中分离的35株沙门菌(Salmonella)进行了鉴定,分离率66.04%(35/53),其中34株为肠炎沙门菌(Salmonella enteritidis,Se),分别命名为Se-SD-1~Se-SD-34,1株为鼠伤寒沙门菌(S.typhimurium,St),命名为St-SD-1,这表明沙门菌在山东省诸城市水貂群中流行。采用PCR方法对35株沙门菌的10个毒力基因检测,结果invA和mgtC的携带率为100%(35/35),sopE和tolC 97.14%(34/35),stn 94.29%(33/35),avrA 88.57%(31/35),spiA 82.86%(29/35),hilC 68.57%(24/35),spvB 62.86%(22/35)和pefA 42.86%(15/35),毒力基因在不同菌株的分布不同。对阿莫西林等11种药物敏感性试验结果表明,35株水貂沙门菌存在不同程度的耐药,34株Se普遍耐药,其中对新霉素的耐药率最高(15/34),并存在对多种药物耐药现象,1株St耐药不严重,仅对四环素耐药...  相似文献   

  • 1 The susceptibility of ciliates in a mesotrophic lake to predation by Epischura lacustris, Diaptomus minutus and D. pygmaeus was assessed during summer. Oligotrichs, particularly Strobilidium velox (c. 43 μm), were removed efficiently by adult copepods and contributed substantially to the diet of female D. minutus. The presence of approximately 1,6 adult Epischura 1-?1, or sixteen adult female Diaptomus 1-?1, could halt the growth of S. vechx populations in summer.
  • 2 Factors affecting the rate at which copepods prey on ciliates were examined in experiments with D. pygmaeus and cultured ciliates. Rate of predation on S. velox, the preferred species, became saturated at 5 S. velox ml?1 (45ngCml?1) and did not change with a 10-fold increase in alternative algal food.
  • 3 Behavioural differences among ciliates, and the presence of other ciliates, contributed to differences in ciliate susceptibility to predation and suggest reasons why rates of removal of ciliates are not related to ciliate size.
  • 4 By feeding selectively, at high rates, calanoids may suppress populations of some ciliates and thereby influence microzooplankton community structure.

将含有外源基因的重组真核表达质粒pcDNA3-F和pCI-F转化减毒鼠伤寒门氏菌,探讨质粒类型和插入片段对重组质粒在细菌内的稳定性和细菌侵袭力的影响。结果表明,外源质粒可降低减毒沙门氏菌在体外的增殖能力和侵袭力,也影响细菌在鸡体内的存活力;就质粒类型而言,pCI的影响大于pcDNA3,而以携带外源基因的重组质粒影响较为显著;外源基因插入也影响质粒在宿主菌内的稳定性。提示利用减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌为载体传递DNA疫苗研究时,要考虑质粒类型与其在宿主菌内稳定性的关系、携带外源基因重组质粒对载体菌侵袭力和存活力的影响等问题。  相似文献   

We investigated temporal and spatial patterns of distribution in two peritrich ciliates (i.e. Zoothamnium intermedium and Epistylis sp.) living as epibionts on calanoid copepods (i.e. Acartia tonsa and Eurytemora affinis) in Chesapeake Bay. Net tow samples collected along the main axis of the Bay were analyzed to estimate the occurrence of epibionts on copepods and to explore relationships among infestation prevalence, host abundance, and environmental variables. Zoothamnium intermedium and Epistylis sp. colonized populations of A. tonsa during spring and summer months, while only Z. intermedium colonized E. affinis during spring. Occurrence of epibionts on copepods showed high interannual variation, marked seasonality, and geographic heterogeneity. Extensive statistical analyses rejected simple scenarios of interactions between epibiosis, environmental variables, and host density, suggesting a more complex dynamics for the system. Analyses of epibiont colonies and zooids per host area (i.e. the sum of width and length of the body including antennae and swimming legs calculated assuming a cylindrical shape) were also performed. Overall, epibiont infestation prevalence (i.e. colonies/host area) and load (i.e. zooids/host area) were higher on copepodites than on adults for both host species, suggesting a preferential attachment to juveniles, or a higher predation pressure on adult stages. Infestation density and loads of both epibiont species were higher on the cephalothorax and abdomen of A. tonsa and E. affinis in comparison to the antennae and swimming legs, suggesting that ciliates can more easily colonize less active parts of the host.  相似文献   

The Peritrichia is a speciose and morphologically distinctive assemblage of ciliated protists that was first observed by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek over 340 years ago. In the last two decades, the phylogenetic relationships of this group have been increasingly debated as morphological and molecular analyses have generated contrasting conclusions, mainly owing to limited sampling. In the present study, we performed expanded phylogenetic analyses of 152 sessilid peritrichs collected from 14 different provinces of China and 141 SSU rDNA peritrich sequences from GenBank. The results of the analyses revealed new divergent relationships between and within major clades that challenge the morphological classification of this group including, (1) the recovery of four major phylogenetically divergent clades in the monophyletic order Sessilida, (2) aboral structures such as the stalk and spasmoneme were evolutionary labile, (3) the stalk or/and spasmoneme was lost in each divergent clade indicating that parallel evolution occurred in sessilid peritrichs and (4) the life cycle and habit drive the diversity of aboral structures as well as diversification and evolution in peritrichs.  相似文献   

目的研究口服益生菌对鼠伤寒沙门菌(STM)感染小鼠Th细胞因子的影响,以探讨益生菌抗沙门菌感染的免疫学机制。方法将95只Balb/c小鼠分为4组,分别为益生菌组(P)、益生菌对照组(Pc)、正常感染组(I)和对照组(C)。P组口服益生菌,I组口服生理盐水,均予等剂量STM口服感染,Pc组接种益生菌但不感染STM,C组不作任何处理。各组动物在11个不同时点处死,观察小肠、肝脏、脾脏病理改变,ELISA测量血清IFN-γ、IL-4表达。结果益生菌组器官组织的病理改变轻微,IFN-γ较正常感染组明显增加(Xp-1=66.52,P=0.001),且其表达在感染最初的1h和后期的72h分别出现两个高峰;IL-4明显降低(Xp-1=-29.02,P〈0.001),且较稳定。IFN-γ/IL4比值扩大(Xp-1=2.64,P〈0.001)。结论口服益生菌使小鼠保持有利于抗STM感染的Th1型反应,减轻了STM对机体的免疫损伤。  相似文献   

Several collections of natural isolates of the genus Salmonella and of the species Escherichia coli were studied for the release of viable temperate phages. The results indicated that functional prophage genomes may be a common constituent of all bacterial genomes of the investigated strains. About 99% of the Salmonella phages are capable of generalized transduction of chromosomal host markers and plasmids. The ratio of transducing E. coli phages is significantly lower.  相似文献   

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