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Since 1930 the approach to fossil primates has undergone a twofold revolution, in more advanced taxonomic thinking, and in the growth of studies relating living primates to the interpretation of past forms. Great strides have also been made in discovering primate fossils–in 1930 there were some 58 genera of extinct primates known, and since then more than 65 new genera have been named. A major aspect of paleoprimatological research today is multidisciplinary field projects, which have accounted for a fuller understanding of dating and context. The application of functional morphology to aspects of primate evolution has allowed better understanding of primate locomotion, diet, and behavior.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To determine the prevalence of asthma in the past 12 months in Melbourne schoolchildren aged 7, 12, and 15 years and to compare the prevalence of a history of asthma with that of 26 years ago. DESIGN--A questionnaire on respiratory symptoms was distributed to children for completion by parents and return to the school. Subjects were selected by a stratified cluster design. SETTING--Government and non-government schools in the greater Melbourne area, Australia. SUBJECTS--10,981 children. Parents completed questionnaires for 3324 children aged 7, 2899 aged 12, and 2968 aged 15. The overall response rate was 90%. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--History of wheeze or asthma in the past 12 months and in lifetime. RESULTS--The prevalences of wheeze in the past 12 months were 23.1%, 21.7%, and 18.6% for 7, 12, and 15 year olds respectively. A history of wheeze was more common in boys than in girls at age 7 (443/1711 v 324/1614) and 12 (418/1767 v 322/1718) but not at age 15. Overall, 78% (1548) of those reporting wheeze also reported a history of asthma and 83% (1611) had used a bronchodilator. The prevalence of a history of asthma among 7 year olds was 46% compared with 19.1% in the 1964 survey, an increase of 141%. CONCLUSIONS--The current prevalence of asthma in Melbourne schoolchildren is high and has risen substantially over the past 26 years.  相似文献   



We have previously shown that approximately 25% of those with asthma in West Sweden have multiple asthma symptoms, which may describe a group of patients with more severe disease. Furthermore, asthma is associated with several co-morbid diseases, including rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis. The aim of this study was to determine whether multi-symptom asthma is related to signs of severe asthma, and to investigate the association between multi-symptom asthma and different symptoms of allergic and chronic rhinosinusitis.


This study analyzed data on asthma symptoms, rhinitis, and chronic rhinosinusitis from the 2008 West Sweden Asthma Study, which is an epidemiologically based study using the OLIN and GA2LEN respiratory and allergy focused questionnaires.


Multi-symptom asthma was present in 2.1% of the general population. Subjects with multi-symptom asthma had more than double the risk of having night-time awakenings caused by asthma compared with those with fewer asthma symptoms (P < 0.001). The prevalence of allergic rhinitis was similar in the fewer- and multi-symptom asthma groups, but nasal blockage and rhinorrhea were significantly increased in those with multi- versus fewer-symptom asthma (odds ratio 2.21; 95% confidence interval 1.64-2.97, versus 1.49; 1.10-2.02, respectively). Having any, or one to four symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis significantly increased the risk of having multi- versus fewer-symptom asthma (P < 0.01).


An epidemiologically identified group of individuals with multiple asthma symptoms harbour to greater extent those with signs of severe asthma. The degree of rhinitis, described by the presence of symptoms of nasal blockage or rhinorrhea, as well as the presence of any or several signs of chronic rhinosinusitis, significantly increases the risk of having multi-symptom asthma.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence for morphological change in response to recent environmental change, but how this relates to fluctuations in geographic range remains unclear. We measured museum specimens from two time periods (1902–1950 and 2000–2008) that vary significantly in climate to assess if and how two high elevation contracting species of ground squirrels in the Sierra Nevada of California, Belding's ground squirrel (Urocitellus beldingi) and the golden‐mantled ground squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis), and one lower elevation, stable species, the California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi), have responded morphologically to changes over the last century. We measured skull length (condylobasal length), an ontogenetically more labile trait highly correlated with body size, and maxillary toothrow length, a more developmentally constrained trait predictive of skull shape. C. lateralis and U. beldingi, both obligate hibernators, have increased in body size, but have not changed in shape. In contrast, O. beecheyi, which only hibernates in parts of its range, has shown no significant change in either morphometric trait. The increase in body size in the higher elevation species, hypothesized to be a plastic effect due to a longer growing season and thus prolonged food availability, opposes the expected direction of selection for decreased body size under chronic warming. Our study supports that population contraction is related to physiological rather than nutritional constraints.  相似文献   

The dynamics and distribution of oak forests on the territory of Eastern Europe over the last 12500 years have been studied. The basic materials used in this study are spore-pollen diagrams converted into the PALAEO database. As a result of this study, a series of maps describing the paleohabitat of oak forests with a 500-year increment has been constructed. Different structures of the paleohabitat of English oak (Quercus robur L.) and the basic forest paleocommunities including this species have been identified and described. The main migration pathways and refugia of oak forests have been determined, including the Volynskaya and Podolskaya uplands, the southern part of the Central Russian and Privolzhskaya uplands, Meshchera, Kodry, and the Mozyrsk-Ovruch-Slovechan refugium.  相似文献   

High-resolution palaeoenvironmental changes, corresponding to a mean time interval of 450 years covering the last 48,000 years, were examined in a core from the Cretan Basin in the southern Aegean Sea. The intensity and duration of the climatic and oceanographic events were determined by examining the compositional changes in the planktonic foraminifera and pollen assemblages, along with the δ18O signal of Globigerinoides ruber. A reconstruction of sea-surface temperatures was attempted using the Modern Analogue Technique (MAT). In total, 10 stadials and 6 interstadials occurred over the last 48,000 years. These fluctuations in climatic conditions coincide with fluctuations documented in the western and central Mediterranean and seem to be associated with Dansgaard–Oeschger events. Some of these climatic fluctuations are correlated with changes in the vegetation in the surrounding land.

Between 48 and 10 cal kyr BP the most pronounced stadials occurred at 41 cal kyr BP (C69-ST10) and at 13 cal kyr BP (C69-ST4). These events are characterized by: (i) high positive δ18O values of Globigerinoides ruber, (ii) drops in SST and (iii) increases in aridity. These events may be correlated with the Heinrich H4 event and the Younger Dryas event, respectively. Two other stadials at 23 cal kyr BP (C69-ST6) and at 16 cal kyr BP (C69-ST5) which are characterized by increases in the abundance of the cold plaktonic foraminifera species and increases in aridity may be correlated with the H2 and H1 events, respectively. The dominant planktonic foraminiferal species during the stadials witch are correlated with the Heinrich events were Turborotalita quinqueloba and Globorotalia scitula. The most pronounced interstadials occurred between 39.5 and 38.5 cal kyr BP (C69-IST6) and between 25 and 24 cal kyr BP (C69-IST3) and are characterized by depletion in δ18O values, increases in SST and increases in humidity. The former event coincides with the formation of the sapropelitic layer S2.

In the Holocene the most pronounced stadial occurred between 8 and 6.5 cal kyr BP (C69-ST2), during the interruption of S1 and is characterized by a reduction in SST and an increase in aridity. The most pronounced interstadials of Holocene occurred during the formation of S1a and S1b between 9 and 8 cal kyr BP (C69-IST1) and between 6.5 and 5.5 cal kyr BP (C69-IST2), respectively. These events are characterized by depletion in δ18O values, increased SST and an increase in humidity as is indicated by the expansion of temperate evergreen and Mediterranean taxa in the pollen record.  相似文献   

过去50年中国竹林碳储量变化   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
陈先刚  张一平  张小全  郭颖 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5218-5227
竹林是陆地生态系统中一个重要植被类型。中国是世界竹林分布中心,有39个属500多个竹种,竹林面积由20世纪50年代的2453900hm^2增长到本世纪初的4842600hm2(未计入台湾数据),增加了97.34%。调研20世纪80年代以来有关中国(竹林)的面积、生物量、碳密度、土壤有机碳等要素的研究成果,经统计分析得出中国竹林的平均单位面积生物量、平均单株生物量、土壤有机质含量及碳密度。在此基础上,依据过去6次全国森林资源连续清查的相关数据资料,计算出过去50a中国竹林碳储量及其变化。结果表明,我国竹林碳储量在过去50a呈增加趋势,其中1950~1962期间为322.65TgC;1977~1981期间为431.15TgC;1984~1988期间为469.30TgC;1989~1993期间为499.25TgC;1994~1998期间为555.57TgC;1999~2003期间为639.32TgC。越到后期增加越快。预期随着中国森林面积的增加,竹林碳储量仍将继续增加。  相似文献   

The primary aim of this paper is to assess patterns of morphological variation in the mandible to investigate changes during the last 500 years in the Netherlands. Three-dimensional geometric morphometrics is used on data collected from adults from three populations living in the Netherlands during three time-periods. Two of these samples come from Dutch archaeological sites (Alkmaar, 1484–1574, n = 37; and Middenbeemster, 1829–1866, n = 51) and were digitized using a 3D laser scanner. The third is a modern sample obtained from MRI scans of 34 modern Dutch individuals.Differences between mandibles are dominated by size. Significant differences in size are found among samples, with on average, males from Alkmaar having the largest mandibles and females from Middenbeemster having the smallest. The results are possibly linked to a softening of the diet, due to a combination of differences in food types and food processing that occurred between these time-periods. Differences in shape are most noticeable between males from Alkmaar and Middenbeemster. Shape differences between males and females are concentrated in the symphysis and ramus, which is mostly the consequence of sexual dimorphism. The relevance of this research is a better understanding of the anatomical variation of the mandible that can occur over an evolutionarily short time, as well as supporting research that has shown plasticity of the mandibular form related to diet and food processing. This plasticity of form must be taken into account in phylogenetic research and when the mandible is used in sex estimation of skeletons.  相似文献   

The transformation of climatic regime has an undeniable impact on plant production, but we rarely have long enough date series to examine the unfolding of such effects. The clarification of the relationship between crop plants and climate has a near‐immediate importance due to the impending human‐made global change. This study investigated the relationship between temperature, precipitation, drought intensity and the yields of four major cereals in Hungary between 1921 and 2010. The analysis of 30‐year segments indicated a monotonously increasing negative impact of temperature on crop yields. A 1°C temperature increase reduced the yield of the four main cereals by 9.6%–14.8% in 1981–2010, which revealed the vulnerability of Eastern European crop farming to recent climate change. Climate accounted for 17%–39% of yield variability over the past 90 years, but this figure reached 33%–67% between 1981 and 2010. Our analysis supports the claim that the mid‐20th century green revolution improved yields “at the mercy of the weather”: during this period, the impact of increasing fertilization and mechanisation coincided with climatic conditions that were more favourable than today. Crop yields in Eastern Europe have been stagnating or decreasing since the mid‐1980s. Although usually attributed to the large socio‐economic changes sweeping the region, our analysis indicates that a warming climate is at least partially responsible for this trend. Such a robust impact of increasing temperatures on crop yields also constitutes an obvious warning for this core grain‐growing region of the world.  相似文献   

Abstract. Current land‐use a bandonment and the current rise in temperature in the Alps both suggest that tree limits may change. When it is assumed that the climate of the early mid‐Holocene between 8000 and 5000 yr before present is analogous to that of the predicted climate of the late 21st century, palaeo‐ecological studies of the early Holocene may provide data for the prediction of the vegetation pattern in a century from now. It appears that mid‐Holocene charcoal assemblages can be used to reconstruct the spatial patterns of the vegetation before, or during, the practice of slash‐and‐burn. Correspondence analysis (CA) of charcoal assemblages shows that an important ecological gradient is determined by elevation. However CA also shows that charcoal assemblages in profiles between 1700 and 2100 m a.s.l. are roughly stratified: the more recent assemblages from the topmost centimetres of soil are intermediate between the lowermost assemblages and assemblages from higher elevations. This suggests that the woody communities at the highest elevation were located at lower elevations at a later date. The taxonomic diversity of the soil charcoal assemblages has been compared to that of present‐day phytosociological relevés after transformation to charcoal‐equivalent data. This comparison revealed that the vegetation pattern along the altitudinal gradient in the mid‐Holocene was different from that at present. The assemblages indicate that some communities disappeared, that Picea is a late‐Holocene invading species, and that there is no strict modern analogue for the vegetation structure prior to that of 3000 yr ago. The past structure of the woody vegetation was also different from that of today. Although past vegetation is not a good analogue for predicting future vegetation patterns, it still has potential as an indicator for the potential presence of tree species where there is none today. If we assume a temperature rise, and take into account current trends of landscape use abandonment, then we can expect strong vegetation dynamics at the upper tree line in the future: Abies alba may expand to occupy elevations of ca. 1800–2000 m in mixed communities with Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris and hardwood species, and Pinus cembra may expand up to 2500–2700 m a.s.l.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the development, over the last15 years, of the rearing techniques of the two mostimportant finfish cultivated in France: the sea bass,Dicentrarchus labrax and the sea bream, Sparus auratus.The historical background and the main achievementsthat led to the present industrial production levelare summarised i.e. control of environmentalfactors, intensification of rearing densities, simplification and improvement of feeding sequences,resolution of the main skeletal deformities,utilisation of closed recirculating systems, etc...The new research orientations that are presentlyinvestigated to continue the promotion of marine fishfarming in France are also discussed.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides in perspective: the last ten years.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
T H?kfelt 《Neuron》1991,7(6):867-879

The skull sizes of eight Lake Baikal sable populations (n = 1859) were studied. It was noted that six of them constitute a homogeneous group of the small forms of the species. The decadal dynamics of 17craniometric characters was analyzed. An increase in the skull size in the second half of the 20th century, common for both males and females, was revealed. The average growth trend over a decade was determined for the condylobasal skull length; it amounted to 0.15 mm in males and 0.11 mm in females. It was established that decadal deviations in sizes are, in most cases, not significant statistically; they are of an oppositely directed nature and do not disturb the species stability.  相似文献   

近20年白洋淀湿地水文连通性及空间形态演变   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张梦嫚  吴秀芹 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4205-4213
水文连通性是表征湿地格局和功能稳定性的重要指标,连通性的降低通常意味着湿地生态功能的退化,内部能量流动和养分循环的扰乱。选取京津冀最具典型性的白洋淀湿地为案例,将形态学空间格局分析模型(MSPA,Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis)与连通性指数(IIC,Integral Index of Connectivity;PC,Probability of Connectivity)相结合,从时空两方面分析了白洋淀湿地水文连通性的变化,总结出水文连通性变化的空间形态演变规律。结果表明,1990—2015年间,白洋淀湿地整体连通性较差,以2005年为节点呈现先降低后逐步恢复的趋势;根据MSPA功能类型的变化,将白洋淀湿地空间形态演变分为消退期与恢复期两个阶段。消退期主要表现为核心斑块逐步分裂为分支、环岛、桥接、孤岛等细碎斑块,然后逐渐消退的过程;恢复期各类型主要表现为核心湿地面积逐渐增加,分支向桥接转变的过程。其中核心湿地的面积由1990年的8974.90 hm2,最低下降到2005年2092.97 hm2,到2015年又恢复到4122.14 hm2。整体而言,核心湿地的变化对白洋淀湿地水文连通性变化起主导作用。白洋淀湿地水文连通性降低的影响因素主要有上游补给水量的多少,土地利用变化以及气候变化等因素。研究将MSPA模型与连通性指数相结合的方法,能较好揭示湿地水文连通性变化过程中水文形态组织和运行变化的规律,可为其他地区湿地相关研究提供方法上的借鉴。  相似文献   

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