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A group of breast cancer patients with a higher probability of developing metastasis expresses a series of carboxyl-terminal fragments (CTFs) of the tyrosine kinase receptor HER2. One of these fragments, 611-CTF, is a hyperactive form of HER2 that constitutively establishes homodimers maintained by disulfide bonds, making it an excellent model to study overactivation of HER2 during tumor progression and metastasis. Here we show that expression of 611-CTF increases cell motility in a variety of assays. Since cell motility is frequently regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, we looked for phosphoproteins mediating the effect of 611-CTF using two alternative proteomic approaches, stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture and difference gel electrophoresis, and found that the latter is particularly well suited to detect changes in multiphosphorylated proteins. The difference gel electrophoresis screening identified cortactin, a cytoskeleton-binding protein involved in the regulation of cell migration, as a phosphoprotein probably regulated by 611-CTF. This result was validated by characterizing cortactin in cells expressing this HER2 fragment. Finally, we showed that the knockdown of cortactin impairs 611-CTF-induced cell migration. These results suggest that cortactin is a target of 611-CTF involved in the regulation of cell migration and, thus, in the metastatic behavior of breast tumors expressing this CTF.Deregulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor signaling network contributes to initiate and/or maintain malignant growth (1). One of these alterations, aberrant cellular motility, is necessary for invasive growth, which eventually culminates with the establishment of distant metastases, the leading cause of death in patients with cancer.The epidermal growth factor receptor is the prototype of a family that also includes HER2 (ErbB2, Neu), HER3, and HER4 (ErbB3 and ErbB4). The analysis of cells expressing various HER receptors indicated that HER2 plays a critical role in the regulation of motility (2, 3). Upon activation through homo- or heterodimerization with other HER receptors, several tyrosines in the cytoplasmic tail of HER2 are phosphorylated and initiate intracellular signaling pathways, including the phospholipase C-γ1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways (4), which, in turn, promote cell migration through partially understood cascades. These cascades are largely regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of cellular components.A subgroup of HER2-positive patients expresses a series of carboxyl-terminal fragments (CTFs)5 of HER2. HER2 CTFs can be generated by two independent mechanisms: proteolytic processing and alternative initiation of translation. Metalloproteases with the so-called α-secretase activity shed the extracellular domain of HER2, leaving behind a fragment, known as P95, that starts around alanine 648 (5) (see also Fig. 1A). Alternative initiation of translation of the mRNA encoding HER2 from the methionine codons 611 and 687 generates two fragments: 611- and 687-CTF. These differ by a stretch of 76 amino acids, which includes the transmembrane domain and a cysteine-rich short extracellular domain (6) (see also Fig. 1A).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Effect of HER2 CTFs on cell migration. A, schematic showing the different constructs used in these studies. The primary sequence of the extracellular and intracellular juxtamembrane domains of HER2 is shown. The transmembrane domain (TM) is represented by a hatched box. The positions of amino acids 611, 648, and 687 are indicated. The N at the beginning of the rectangle representing HER2 identifies the amino terminus. The vertical bold double line represents the plasma membrane, and the extracellular (out) and intracellular (in) regions are marked. B, MCF7 Tet-Off cells stably transfected with the empty vector (Vector) or with the vector containing the cDNAs encoding HER2 or 611-, 648-, or 687-CTFs under the control of a Tet/Dox-responsive element were kept with or without doxycycline for 24 h, lysed, and analyzed by Western blot with CB11, an antibody against the cytoplasmic domain of HER2. C, MCF7 Tet-Off cells transfected with empty vector or with 611-CTF were seeded in the absence of doxycycline, and motility was monitored by time lapse video microscopy. Representative fields of migrated cells at the indicated times are shown. Results indistinguishable from those corresponding to MCF7 Tet-Off cells transfected with vector and treated without doxycycline were observed when analyzing MCF7/611-CTF Tet-Off cells in the presence of doxycycline (data not shown). D, representative examples of the migratory behavior of MCF7 Tet-Off cells treated as in C. Digital images were taken every 30 min for 24 h (see supplemental videos), and the tracks were manually drawn. Results indistinguishable from those corresponding to MCF7 Tet-Off cells transfected with vector and treated without doxycycline were observed when analyzing MCF7/611-CTF Tet-Off cells in the presence of doxycycline (data not shown). E, tracks from cells analyzed as in D were measured in mm. Bars, average length ± S.D. of the tracks of five cells, each one on a different culture plate. F, MCF7 Tet-Off cells transfected with 611-CTF were seeded in the absence or the presence of doxycycline on transwell plates, as described under “Experimental Procedures.” After 24 h, cells were fixed and stained with DAPI. Representative fields are shown. G, MCF7 Tet-Off cells stably transfected with the empty vector (Vector) or with the vector containing the cDNAs encoding HER2 or 611-, 648-, or 687-CTFs were seeded on transwell plates with or without doxycycline as indicated. After 24 h, cells were fixed, stained with DAPI, and counted. Bars, average of the cells counted in three independent experiments, each one performed in triplicate, ± S.D. H, representative examples of the images obtained by time lapse microscopy of the closure of wounds made in a monolayer of control MCF7 Tet-Off cells stably transfected with 611-CTF and treated with or without doxycycline as indicated. The lines drawn in the images represent reference lines marking the width of the scratch when it was made. I, average values of migration distances in scratch wound assays as in H. Bars, means from three independent experiments, each one derived from evaluation of 10 fields ± S.D.We have recently shown that 687-CTF seems to be inactive (7). In contrast, the two CTFs containing the transmembrane domain, 648- and 611-CTFs, expressed at levels similar to those found in human breast tumors, can activate different intracellular signal transduction pathways (7). The level of activation of these pathways by HER2 CTFs is quite different. 611-CTF activates the mitogen-activated protein kinase and the Akt pathways to a greater extent because it constitutively forms homodimers maintained through disulfide bonds (7). In contrast, 648-CTF does not seem to form homodimers, and its activity is comparable with that of full-length HER2 (7). Therefore, cells expressing transmembrane CTFs, particularly 611-CTF, constitute a relevant model to study the consequences of the overactivation of HER2 signaling in tumors. Supporting this conclusion, it has been shown that breast cancer patients expressing CTFs have worse prognosis and are more likely to develop nodal metastasis compared with patients expressing predominantly full-length HER2 (8).Here we show that expression of 611-CTF enhances the migration of breast cancer cells as judged by monitoring single-cell migration, transwell migration, and wound healing assays. Since cell migration is frequently regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, we searched for phosphoproteins regulated by 611-CTF and probably contributing to cell migration using two independent proteomic approaches. The results of these analyses showed that difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) is a particularly convenient methodology to analyze the regulation of multiphosphorylated proteins.Cortactin, a cytoskeleton-binding protein involved in the regulation of cell migration, was identified by DIGE as a phosphoprotein likely to be regulated by 611-CTF. Several assays showed that expression of 611-CTF leads to an increase in the phosphorylation of cortactin and to the generation of cell protrusions resembling lamellipodia or invadopodia. Confirming a role of cortactin on the increased cell migration induced by 611-CTF, down-modulation of the former with short hairpin RNAs leads to an impairment of the cell migration induced by the HER2 fragment. These results unveil a role of cortactin in the increased cell migration induced by hyperactive HER2 and strongly suggest that cortactin-dependent increased cell migration contributes to the tendency of breast tumors expressing CTFs to metastasize.  相似文献   

The Slit-Robo GTPase-activating proteins (srGAPs) are critical for neuronal migration through inactivation of Rho GTPases Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA. Here we report that srGAP2 physically interacts with protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5). srGAP2 localizes to the cytoplasm and plasma membrane protrusion. srGAP2 knockdown reduces cell adhesion spreading and increases cell migration, but has no effect on cell proliferation. PRMT5 binds to the N terminus of srGAP2 (225–538 aa) and methylates its C-terminal arginine residue Arg-927. The methylation mutant srGAP2-R927A fails to rescue the cell spreading rate, is unable to localize to the plasma membrane leading edge, and perturbs srGAP2 homodimer formation mediated by the F-BAR domain. These results suggest that srGAP2 arginine methylation plays important roles in cell spreading and cell migration through influencing membrane protrusion.  相似文献   

磷脂酰肌醇-4,5-二磷酸(phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate,PIP2)是细胞膜上一种重要的磷脂酰肌醇,通过作为第二信使前体及自身信号分子的作用,控制其效应物的靶向定位和活性从而调节细胞迁移、囊泡运输、细胞形态发生、信号传导等过程.细胞迁移异常会导致人类多种疾病包括神经发育异常、阿尔茨海默病、癌症和纤毛疾病等.作为细胞骨架的调节剂,PIP2在细胞迁移的关键作用已经被广泛证实,本文将从由PIP5KIs介导的PIP2产生与踝蛋白、Rho家族小GTP酶等效应物关联调节黏附作用和肌动蛋白聚合的角度,讨论PIP2在细胞迁移中发挥作用的具体机制.  相似文献   

The ubiquitously expressed Na–H exchanger NHE1 functions in regulating intracellular pH and cell volume. NHE1 activity is stimulated by hormones, growth factors, and activation of integrin receptors. We recently determined that NHE1 activity is also stimulated by activation of the low molecular weight GTPase RhoA and that increases in NHE1 activity are necessary for RhoA-induced formation of actin stress fibers. We now show that NHE1 acts downstream of RhoA to modulate initial steps in integrin signaling for the assembly of focal adhesions. Adhesion of CCL39 fibroblasts on fibronectin was markedly delayed in the presence of the NHE inhibitor ethylisopropylamiloride. In mutant PS120 cells, derived from CCL39 fibroblasts but lacking NHE1, adhesion was also delayed but was rescued in PS120 cells stably expressing NHE1. In the absence of NHE1 activity, cell spreading was inhibited, and the accumulation of integrins, paxillin, and vinculin at focal contacts was impaired. Additionally, tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK induced by integrin clustering was also impaired. Inactivation of RhoA with C3 transferase and inhibition of the Rho-kinase p160ROCK with the pyridine derivative Y-27632 completely abolished activation of NHE1 by integrins but not by platelet-derived growth factor. These findings indicate that NHE1 acts downstream of RhoA to contribute a previously unrecognized critical signal to proximal events in integrin-induced cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

CD44 is the principle transmembrane receptor for the extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan, hyaluronan. This receptor: ligand interaction is required for many normal cellular processes including lymphocyte homing into inflammatory sites, assembly of a pericellular matrix during chondrogenesis, wound healing and tissue morphogenesis during development. In order to mediate these diverse events, CD44 expressing cells must be able to regulate, and respond to, interactions with hyaluronan. The mechanisms responsible have been subject to scrutiny over the past few years as it has become clear that their disruption can underlie the progression of both metastatic tumours and chronic inflammatory diseases. Here we describe recent data identifying discrete regions within the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of CD44 which regulate this important adhesion receptor.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix is a key event in cell migration and invasion and endocytic trafficking of adhesion receptors and signaling proteins plays a major role in regulating these processes. Beta2-adaptin is a subunit of the AP-2 complex and is involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Herein, β2-adaptin is shown to bind to the focal adhesion protein actopaxin and localize to focal adhesions during cells spreading in an actopaxin dependent manner. Furthermore, β2-adaptin is enriched in adhesions at the leading edge of migrating cells and depletion of β2-adaptin by RNAi increases cell spreading and inhibits directional cell migration via a loss of cellular polarity. Knockdown of β2-adaptin in both U2OS osteosarcoma cells and MCF10A normal breast epithelial cells promotes the formation of matrix degrading invadopodia, adhesion structures linked to invasive migration in cancer cells. These data therefore suggest that actopaxin-dependent recruitment of the AP-2 complex, via an interaction with β2-adaptin, to focal adhesions mediates cell polarity and migration and that β2-adaptin may control the balance between the formation of normal cell adhesions and invasive adhesion structures.  相似文献   

Protein functions are often revealed by their localization to specialized cellular sites. Recent reports demonstrated that swiprosin-1 is found together with actin and actin-binding proteins in the cytoskeleton fraction of human mast cells and NK-like cells. However, direct evidence of whether swiprosin-1 regulates actin dynamics is currently lacking. We found that swiprosin-1 localizes to microvilli-like membrane protrusions and lamellipodia and exhibits actin-binding activity. Overexpression of swiprosin-1 enhanced lamellipodia formation and cell spreading. In contrast, swiprosin-1 knockdown showed reduced cell spreading and migration. Swiprosin-1 induced actin bundling in the presence of Ca2+, and deletion of the EF-hand motifs partially reduced bundling activity. Swiprosin-1 dimerized in the presence of Ca2+ via its coiled-coil domain, and a lysine (Lys)-rich region in the coiled-coil domain was essential for regulation of actin bundling. Consistent with these observations, mutations of the EF-hand motifs and coiled-coil region significantly reduced cell spreading and lamellipodia formation. We provide new evidence of how swiprosin-1 influences cytoskeleton reorganization and cell spreading.  相似文献   

Enabled/Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (Ena/VASP) protein family members link actin dynamics and cellular signaling pathways. VASP localizes to regions of dynamic actin reorganization such as the focal adhesion contacts, the leading edge or filopodia, where it contributes to F-actin filament elongation. Here we identify VASP as a novel substrate for protein kinase D1 (PKD1). We show that PKD1 directly phosphorylates VASP at two serine residues, Ser-157 and Ser-322. These phosphorylations occur in response to RhoA activation and mediate VASP re-localization from focal contacts to the leading edge region. The net result of this PKD1-mediated phosphorylation switch in VASP is increased filopodia formation and length at the leading edge. However, such signaling when persistent induced membrane ruffling and decreased cell motility.  相似文献   

Cells expressing the NG2 proteoglycan can attach, spread, and migrate on surfaces coated with NG2 mAbs, demonstrating that engagement of NG2 can trigger the cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for changes in cell morphology and motility. Engagement of different epitopes of the proteoglycan results in distinct forms of actin reorganization. On mAb D120, the cells contain radial actin spikes characteristic of filopodial extension, whereas on mAb N143, the cells contain cortical actin bundles characteristic of lamellipodia. Cells that express NG2 variants lacking the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains are unable to spread or migrate on NG2 mAb-coated surfaces, indicating that these portions of the molecule are essential for NG2-mediated signal transduction. Cells expressing an NG2 variant lacking the C-terminal half of the cytoplasmic domain can still spread normally on mAbs D120 and N143, suggesting that the membrane-proximal cytoplasmic segment is responsible for this process. In contrast, this variant migrates poorly on mAb D120 and exhibits abnormal arrays of radial actin filaments decorated with fascin during spreading on this mAb. The C-terminal portion of the NG2 cytoplasmic domain, therefore, may be involved in regulating molecular events that are crucial for cell motility.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is currently the leading factor of death in developed countries. It is now recognized as a chronic immune-inflammatory disease, whose initial stages involve the interaction of leukocytes with the endothelial monolayer. The initial stage of atherosclerosis requires the interplay of various cell adhesion molecules and immune cells to trigger leukocyte and lymphocyte migration from the circulating blood into the arterial intima. Studies have unveiled the role of inflammatory mediators in the initiation, onset and progression of the disease. During the last few years we have gained a greater understanding of the mechanism that modulates monocyte, macrophage and T cell infiltration, the role these cells play in the atherosclerotic lesion, in the formation of the fibrous plaque formation with the consequent narrowing of the arteries and the mechanisms that lead to plaque rupture and the formation of thrombi and emboli. This review talks about the leukocyte recruitment in early atherosclerosis, the formation of the plaque, and the mechanisms that lead to thrombosis in advanced atherosclerosis. Finally, we discuss the potential for novel therapies to treat this disease.Key Words: CAMs, leukocyte, lymphocyte, migration, atherosclerosis, extravasation  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is currently the leading factor of death in developed countries. It is now recognized as a chronic immune-inflammatory disease, whose initial stages involve the interaction of leukocytes with the endothelial monolayer. The initial stage of atherosclerosis requires the interplay of various cell adhesion molecules and immune cells to trigger leukocyte and lymphocyte migration from the circulating blood into the arterial intima. Studies have unveiled the role of inflammatory mediators in the initiation, onset and progression of the disease. During the last few years we have gained a greater understanding of the mechanism that modulates monocyte, macrophage and T cell infiltration, the role these cells play in the atherosclerotic lesion, in the formation of the fibrous plaque formation with the consequent narrowing of the arteries, and the mechanisms that lead to plaque rupture and the formation of thrombi and emboli. This review talks about the leukocyte recruitment in early atherosclerosis, the formation of the plaque and the mechanisms that lead to thrombosis in advanced atherosclerosis. Finally, we discuss the potential for novel therapies to treat this disease.  相似文献   

CD9P-1 is a cell surface protein with immunoglobulin domains and an unknown function that specifically associates with tetraspanins CD9 and CD81. Overexpression of CD9P-1 in HEK-293 cells induces dramatic changes in cell spreading and migration on various matrices. Experiments using time-lapse videomicroscopy revealed that CD9P-1 expression has led to higher cell motility on collagen I but lower motility on fibronectin through a β1-integrins dependent mechanism. On collagen I, the increase in cell motility induced by CD9P-1 expression was found to involve integrin α2β1 and CD9P-1 was observed to associate with this collagen receptor. The generation of CD9P-1 mutants demonstrated that the transmembrane and the cytoplasmic domains are necessary for inducing effects on cell motility. On the other hand, expression of tetraspanins CD9 or CD81 was shown to reverse the effects of CD9P-1 on cell motility on collagen I or fibronectin with a concomitant association with CD9P-1. Thus, the ratio of expression levels between CD9P-1 and its tetraspanin partners can regulate cell motility.  相似文献   

We propose a coupled mathematical model for the detailed quantitative analyses of initial microtumour and micrometastases formation by including cancer cell migration, host vessel cooption and changes in microenvironment. Migrating cells are included as a new phenotype to describe the migration behaviour of malignant tumour cells. Migration probability of a migrating cell is assumed to be influenced by local chemical microenvironment. Pre-existing vessel cooption and remodelling are introduced according to the local haemodynamical microenvironment, such as interstitial pressure and vessel wall permeability. After the tumour cells and tumour vessels distribution are updated, the chemical substances are coupled calculated with the haemodynamical environment. The simulation results clearly reproduce the tumour cells migrate and proliferate along the pre-existing vessels at the very early stage of growth, which are consistent with many published experimental observations. In addition, the model demonstrates the interactions of tumour cells with the pre-existing vessels, which are believed to be essential for initial adhesion, proliferation, invasion, and micrometastases establishment. Quantitative analysis of tumour expansion in longitudinal and transverse directions shows that the cooption and migration along host vessels will be inhibited once angiogenesis phase occurs. The influences of the ability of cell migration and the inclusion of vessel cooption on the formation of micrometastases are discussed.  相似文献   

The migration of single cells and epithelial sheets is of great importance for gastrulation and organ formation in developing embryos and, if misregulated, can have dire consequences e.g. during cancer metastasis. A keystone of cell migration is the regulation of adhesive contacts, which are dynamically assembled and disassembled via endocytosis. Here, we discuss some of the basic concepts about the function of endocytic trafficking during cell migration: transport of integrins from the cell rear to the leading edge in fibroblasts; confinement of signalling to the front of single cells by endocytic transport of growth factors; regulation of movement coherence in multicellular sheets by cadherin turnover; and shaping of extracellular chemokine gradients. Taken together, endocytosis enables migrating cells and tissues to dynamically modulate their adhesion and signalling, allowing them to efficiently migrate through their extracellular environment.  相似文献   

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