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Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of depriving dairy cows of the ability to feed and lie down for short periods, on behaviour and production. In experiment 1, cows were deprived by confining them in pairs in a pen for 2 or 4 h, and they more frequently exhibited behaviour likely to suggest discomfort - leg stamping, repositioning themselves, shifting their weight between legs and butting. After deprivation, the cows deprived for 2 h made up their lost feeding time within 24 h, but cows deprived for 4 h did not restore their feeding time within the 41-h period of observation. Lying time was not restored in either treatment within the 41-h period. Milk yield was not affected by the treatment. However, in experiment 2, when cows were deprived of feeding and lying for 4 h, during which time their hooves were trimmed (which is likely to be a painful and stressful procedure and result in some discomfort for a period post-trimming) the evidence suggested that milk yield was reduced by approximately 2 l/day for 3 days, with corresponding increases during the subsequent 2 days. Walking speed on returning to the herd was the same as before the treatment. In summary, temporary deprivation of feeding and lying for 2 and 4 h/day induced behaviours that were indicative of discomfort and frustration but had no negative effect on milk production, except when 4 h of deprivation was accompanied by foot trimming.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate if cows milked twice per day have more difficulty lying down and getting up and spend less time lying than cows milked three times per day. Seventeen cows of the Swedish Red and White Cattle Breed were studied, seven of which were milked twice daily (2M) and ten were milked three times (3M) daily. They were kept in individual cubicles, that were closed in the rear end with a rope. They had free access to a mixture of silage, hay and concentrate. The individual cows were video-recorded for 24h every fourth week, starting four weeks after calving for four times. The 2M cows stood significantly longer, 128.11min, than the 3M cows, 64.88min, (P<0.01) during the 4h before morning milking. The 2M cows also had a tendency for longer duration of standing rumination (P=0.059) as well as significantly more bouts of standing rumination (P<0.01) during these hours than the 3M cows. The cows in the 3M group spent less time on the getting up movement (P<0.05) during the 4h before morning milking. The distribution of the lying bouts during these 4h differed significantly between the groups, where the 3M cows had fewer lying bouts shorter than 15min and more lying bouts longer than 90min. The results indicate that milking three times a day contributes to increased comfort in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

In Ireland there is growing interest in managing dairy cows on out-wintering pads (OWPs) during the winter, as a low cost alternative to housing indoors. This study investigated feeding and lying behaviour of two breeds of dairy cow (Holstein-Friesian and Norwegian Red) at pasture (PAS) and in winter (WIN) confinement. Cows (n = 36) were managed as one herd while lactating at PAS, then dried off on entering WIN on 17 November 2005 and assigned to one of the three treatments using a randomised complete block design: (1) indoor matted cubicles [IC], (2) unsheltered OWP [UP] and (3) sheltered OWP [CP] (feed system = concrete feedface). Feeding behaviour was recorded for 1 × 24 h period during PAS and WIN using IGER grazing behaviour recorders. Standing/lying was recorded every 5 min for 2 × 24 h periods at PAS and 1 × 24 h period during WIN using modified voltage dataloggers (Tinytag Plus, Chichester, UK). Although not compared statistically, cows spent more time feeding at PAS (530.7 ± 69.66 min/day) than in any winter confinement system (UP, IC, CP = 453.9 ± 37.36, IC = 462.7 ± 37.31 and CP = 505.9 ± 37.36 min/day). In contrast, cows spent more time lying during the winter period (UP, IC, CP = 11.7 ± 0.45, IC = 10.8 ± 0.39 and CP = 11.0 ± 0.39 h/day) than when at PAS (9.4 h/day). Holstein-Friesian cows had a higher bite rate and fewer mastications while feeding, than Norwegian Red cows (P < 0.05 for both). Shorter feeding times at WIN were likely primarily due to lower metabolic requirements associated with the dry period, although the higher fibre content of the silage may also have contributed. The increase in ruminating times between PAS and WIN is likely also due to the higher fibre content of silage than grass. Differences in feeding behaviour between breeds may be indicative of reduced motivation to ingest food quickly. This may be an indirect consequence of a selection index that has led to improvements in body condition and self-maintenance. The similarity in lying and feeding times during WIN indicates that during these winter weather conditions the feeding and lying behaviour of cows on unsheltered OWPs was not inhibited compared with sheltered cows.  相似文献   

In a series of three experiments, the effect of offering conserved forage indoors to grazing dairy cows was examined. In Experiment 1, hay was offered ad libitum for 45 min after morning milking. In Experiments 2 (early season) and 3 (late season), silage was offered ad libitum either after morning milking or overnight. All experiments included a control grazing treatment that received no supplementary forage. Grazing time was reduced by offering forage, particularly at the high levels of forage intake when cows were housed overnight. The bite size and rate of herbage DM intake were reduced for cows eating large quantities of silage, but the rate of biting was not affected. As the grazing season advanced there was a small increase in the rate of biting and grazing time in all treatments, but a large reduction in bite size and the rate of herbage intake. Heifers had a 25% smaller bite size, 5% faster rate of biting and similar grazing times to cows. Spring-calving cows had higher grazing times than autumn-calving cows, with little difference in biting rate. Forage was consumed at a rate between 2 and 4 times that of grazed herbage. Offering forage increased rumination times, particularly when it was eaten in large quantities. Rumination time was reduced for cows on spring grass and when total intakes were low.  相似文献   

The Alfa-Laval automatic feeder is designed to control the daily intake of concentrate by individual cows in a herd. Thirty-two cows which had not previously used feeders were allowed access to them. After three days, 28 cows were using them regularly. The remaining four cows also used them regularly after a 5-min training period.The number of visits each cow made to the feeders daily was consistent, but varied between cows from 4 to 46. Younger cows visited the feeder more often than older cows (P < 0.01). They also wasted more time in the feeders when feed was not being dispensed (P < 0.01). There was a steady decrease in this wasted time during the experiment.There was a good correlation (r = 0.96) between the desired and measured concentrate intake, although 4 cows consistently used the feeder to only 74, 74, 82 and 86% of their allowance. Younger cows ate the greatest proportion of the concentrate allocation determined by their collar settings (P < 0.001).Throughout the experiment there was a significant decrease in the number of cows waiting in the area of the feeders (P < 0.001). There was also a significant difference during the first week of the experiment between the activity of the group with the feeders and that of a control group of 20 cows with no feeder (P < 0.001). There was no difference between the activity of the groups at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

1. Time-depth data recorders (TDRs) have been widely used to explore the behaviour of relatively large, deep divers. However, little is known about the dive behaviour of small, shallow divers such as semi-aquatic mammals. 2. We used high-resolution TDRs to record the diving behaviour of American mink Mustela vison (weight of individuals 580-1275 g) in rivers in Oxfordshire (UK) between December 2005 and March 2006. 3. Dives to > 0.2 m were measured in all individuals (n = 6). Modal dive depth and duration were 0.3 m and 10 s, respectively, although dives up to 3 m and 60 s in duration were recorded. Dive duration increased with dive depth. 4. Temperature data recorded by TDRs covaried with diving behaviour: they were relatively cold (modal temperature 4-6 degrees C across individuals) when mink were diving and relatively warm (modal temperature 24-36 degrees C across individuals) when mink were not diving. 5. Individuals differed hugely in their use of rivers, reflecting foraging plasticity across both terrestrial and aquatic environments. For some individuals there was < 1 dive per day while for others there was > 100 dives per day. 6. We have shown it is now possible to record the diving behaviour of small free-living animals that only dive a few tens of centimetres, opening up the way for a new range of TDR studies on shallow diving species.  相似文献   

The diurnal feeding patterns of dairy cows affects the 24 h robot utilisation of pasture-based automatic milking systems (AMS). A decline in robot utilisation between 2400 and 0600 h currently occurs in pasture-based AMS, as cow feeding activity is greatly reduced during this time. Here, we investigate the effect of a temporal variation in feed quality and quantity on cow feeding behaviour between 2400 and 0600 h as a potential tool to increase voluntary cow trafficking in an AMS at night. The day was allocated into four equal feeding periods (0600 to 1200, 1200 to 1800, 1800 to 2400 and 2400 to 0600 h). Lucerne hay cubes (CP = 19.1%, water soluble carbohydrate = 3.8%) and oat, ryegrass and clover hay cubes with 20% molasses (CP = 11.8%, water soluble carbohydrate = 10.7%) were offered as the ‘standard’ and ‘preferred’ (preference determined previously) feed types, respectively. The four treatments were (1) standard feed offered ad libitum (AL) throughout 24 h; (2) as per AL, with preferred feed replacing standard feed between 2400 and 0600 h (AL + P); (3) standard feed offered at a restricted rate, with quantity varying between each feeding period (20:10:30:60%, respectively) as a proportion of the (previously) measured daily ad libitum intake (VA); (4) as per VA, with preferred feed replacing standard feed between 2400 and 0600 h (VA + P). Eight non-lactating dairy cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. During each experimental period, treatment cows were fed for 7 days, including 3 days habituation and 4 days data collection. Total daily intake was approximately 8% greater (P < 0.001) for the AL and AL + P treatments (23.1 and 22.9 kg DM/cow) as compared with the VA and VA + P treatments (21.6 and 20.9 kg DM/cow). The AL + P and VA treatments had 21% and 90% greater (P < 0.001) dry matter intake (DMI) between 2400 and 0600 h, respectively, compared with the AL treatment. In contrast, the VA + P treatment had similar DMI to the VA treatment. Our experiment shows ability to increase cow feeding activity at night by varying feed type and quantity, though it is possible that a penalty to total DMI may occur using VA. Further research is required to determine if the implementation of variable feed allocation on pasture-based AMS farms is likely to improve milking robot utilisation by increasing cow feeding activity at night.  相似文献   

Estimation of cold stress effect on dairy cows   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Twelve crossbred heifers (Slovak Spotted x Holstein-Friesian) were housed in an open, uninsulated barn with straw bedding and a concrete-floored yard. Minimum temperatures inside the barn were as low as –19°C. The average milk yield decreased as the temperatures approached these minima. Compared with the temperate conditions, the feed intake and blood levels of glucose and free fatty acids increased. The level of sodium declined significantly during the second cold period. Correlations and regressions between milk yield and biochemical parameters were calculated, and the results indicate that the concentrations of free fatty acids, cholesterol, and triiodothyronine and the haematocrit values may serve to predict milk production during periods of cold stress, or in lactations of 305 days.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to test the hypothesis that oral manipulation of feed is a behavioural need in cattle, irrespective of actual rumen load. Twelve rumen fistulated cows were used and subjected to four different treatments: low rumen content+long duration of eating (A), high rumen content+short duration of eating (B), high rumen content+long duration of eating (=positive control) (C) and low rumen content+short duration of eating (=negative control) (D). To obtain treatment A and B, rumen content was transferred by hand from cow A to B through the rumen fistulaes. Each treatment lasted for 3 days with 2 weeks of recovery between each new treatment. The experiment was repeated twice during two consecutive years. All cows were fed the same mixture of silage, concentrate and hay. The cows were videotaped under normal conditions (24h), and on the third day of the experiment. From these videotapes, the behaviours (frequency and duration per 24h) have been analysed.Time spent eating differed between the four treatments (P<0.001), with shortest eating-times in B and D. The cows with low rumen content (A and D) spent shorter time ruminating (P<0.001) than the cows with filled rumen (B and C). The B and D cows (short duration of eating) spent longer time (P<0.001) with behaviours related to feed-searching than the cows with long duration of eating (A and C). The C cows had fewer (P<0.001) bouts of behaviours related to feed-searching than the A, B and D cows. Time spent with stereotypies (tongue-rolling) was longer (P<0.01) in D than in the other treatments. There was a difference (P<0.001) between treatments in eating bouts. The A cows had more (P<0.05) eating bouts than the cows in B, C and D. The cows with low rumen content (A and D) had fewer ruminating bouts (P<0.001) than the cows with filled rumens (B and C). The number of bouts with stereotypies differed (P<0.01), the cows in D having the highest figures compared with all the other treatments.In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that oral manipulation of feed is a behavioural need in cattle irrespective of rumen load. A low duration of feeding behaviours combined with a low rumen load, which is a common practice in certain categories of growing cattle or dry dairy cows, seriously impairs the welfare in cattle.  相似文献   

Effects on dairy cow behaviour of a new type of flooring in tie-stalls, with the ability to drain faeces and urine, was studied in a controlled randomised trial in one Swedish university herd. Forty-two Swedish Red and White cows were kept tied in traditional long-stalls (2.20m). In 21 stalls (one stall row), the rearmost 0.74m of the solid stall floor had been replaced with nine rubber-coated 53mm wide slats, divided by 29mm slots. Stalls with rubber slats were equipped with 20mm ethyl-vinyl-acetate (EVA) mats in the front part and littered with 0.7kg of wood shavings daily, while stalls with a solid floor had standard rubber mats and received 3kg of chopped straw daily as bedding. Behaviour was compared between the two stall types, using video recordings of 12 matched pairs of cows for two complete 24h periods each. Statistical analysis was done using the Student's t-test for matched pairs or the sign test. Cows on the rubber slatted flooring lie down and rise normally and without any increased risk of slipping. They lay down more comfortably, i.e. spent on an average 23% less time preparing to lie down, and slipped less frequently during rising. There was some evidence of a preference for a solid floor when lying.  相似文献   

International Journal of Biometeorology - Lying behavior is an important indicator of the cows’ welfare and health. In this study, we evaluate the effect of the physical environment on dairy...  相似文献   

The present study examines the impact of lameness on the time budgets and gait of dairy cattle during early lactation. Automated assessment of activity together with an objective method (using video motion analysis) of assessing the gait of the cattle was utilised.Twenty-five Holstein dairy cows were recruited to the study and were assessed during weeks 1, 6 and 12 of lactation. Lying behaviour was measured using IceTag? activity monitors which were attached to the right hind leg of the cow for 4 consecutive days during each study week. Cows were locomotion scored to evaluate the influence of lameness on gait and behaviour of cows. Cows that were lame in a hind limb had significantly shorter fore and hind stride lengths. They also tended (p = 0.06) to have a negative tracking distance and walk at a slower (p = 0.002) speed compared with cows that were considered to be non-lame. Lame cows spent 2 h more time lying down per day in comparison to non-lame cows. Cows spent significantly less time lying down during week 6 of lactation and more time standing in comparison to the cows in week 12. The lying behaviour of cows was not different during weeks 1 and 6 or weeks 1 and 12. Cows were significantly more active during week 1 than week 12 of lactation. However the activity of the cows during week 6 was not different from weeks 1 and 12 of lactation. The present study demonstrates that lameness influences stride characteristics and lying behaviour of zero grazed dairy cows.  相似文献   

Lameness in cattle is a major welfare problem and has important economic implications. It is known that lameness has a multifactorial causation; however, it is still not clear why some individuals are more susceptible than others to present foot lesions under the same environment. Social and individual behaviour is thought to play an important role. The aim of this study was to assess the possible relationships between social behaviour, individual time budgets, and the incidence of lameness in 40 dairy cows. The incidence of lameness in the group of cows observed was 42%. There were no differences in the mean time standing between low-, middle- and high-ranking cows. Low-ranking cows spent more time standing still in passageways and standing half in the cubicles than middle- and high-ranking cows. No differences were found in the mean time standing between cows that got lame and cows that did not get lame. However, cows that got clinically lame spent longer standing half in the cubicles and had a significantly lower index of displacements than those cows that did not get lame. This study may offer a starting point to better understand the relationships between behaviour and the occurrence of lameness in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Nutritional strategies to mitigate the negative effects of heat stress on animal welfare and productivity often involve changes in ration formulation. However, cattle commonly sort their ration in favour of certain components, and it is not clear how feed sorting responds to heat stress. This study investigated the association between heat stress and feed sorting behaviour. Lactating Holstein dairy cows (n = 32; parity = 2.8±1.2; mean±SD) were housed in a free stall barn and milked 3×/day. Cows were fed individually using the Calan Broadbent Feeding System and offered ad libitum access to a total mixed ration (containing on a dry matter basis: 3.3% ryegrass hay, 16.5% ryegrass baleage, 24.7% corn silage, 11.1% brewers grains, 19.7% ground corn, 19.8% concentrate and 4.9% protein/mineral supplement), provided 1×/day. Beginning at 186±60 days in milk, cows were exposed to either: heat stress conditions (HT; n = 15) (average temperature–humidity index: 77.6), or evaporative cooling (CL; n = 17), consisting of misters and fans over the freestall and feed bunks. Data were collected during a 4-day baseline period, and two 4-day experimental periods: starting at 10 days after implementing treatments (defined as acute heat stress for HT cows), and at 62 days after implementing treatments (defined as chronic heat stress for HT cows). Daily feed intake and physiological responses to heat stress (body temperature, respiration rate) were recorded. Samples of fresh and refused feed were collected daily from individual cows for particle size analysis. The particle size separator had three screens (19, 8 and 1.18 mm) and a bottom pan, resulting in 4 fractions (long, medium, short and fine particles). Feed sorting was calculated as the actual intake of each particle size fraction expressed as a percentage of the predicted intake of that fraction. During both heat stress periods, HT cows sorted for long particles more than CL cows (105.0% v. 100.6%; SE = 1.1). During acute heat stress, HT cows sorted to a greater extent than CL cows against medium and short particles, whereas sorting of these fractions did not differ during chronic heat stress. Body temperature and respiration rate were associated across treatments with the extent of sorting for long particles and against short particles during acute heat stress. These results suggest that feed sorting is particularly influenced during acute heat stress, and that sorting for longer particles may increase in heat stress.  相似文献   

The impact of relatively small externally attached time series recorders on some foraging parameters of seabirds was investigated during the austral summer of 1995 by monitoring the diving behaviour of 10 free-ranging king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) over one foraging trip. Time-depth recorders were implanted in the abdominal cavities of the birds, and half of the animals also had dummy loggers attached on their backs. Although most of the diving behaviour was not significantly affected by the external loggers (P>0.05), the birds with externally attached loggers performed almost twice as many shallow dives, between 0 and 10 m depth, as the birds without external loggers. These shallow dives interrupted more frequently the deep-diving sequences in the case of birds with external loggers (percentage of deep dives followed by deep dives: 46% for birds with implants only vs. 26% for birds with an external attachment). Finally, the distribution pattern of the postdive durations plotted against the hour of the day was more heterogeneous for the birds with an external package. In addition, these penguins had extended surfacing times between two deep dives compared to birds without external attachments (P<0.0001). These results suggest the existence of an extra energy cost induced by externally attached loggers.  相似文献   

Petr J  Míka J  Jílek F 《Theriogenology》1990,33(5):1151-1155
Superovulation was induced in 56 dairy cows to evaluate the effect of two different regimens using pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG). Thirty-two cows (controls) were superovulated between Days 9 and 12 of the estrous cycle with a single dose of PMSG (2 800 IU), while remaining 24 cows (PMSG-primed) received 200 IU of PMSG on Day 4 of the estrous cycle and subsequently a single dose of PMSG (2 800 IU) between Days 8 and 12. The cows in both treatments were each given 0,5 mg of cloprostenol at 48 h after the superovulatory PMSG treatment. They were then artifically inseminated twice, 48 h and 72 h later. Embryos were recovered at sloughter between Days 2 and 5 of the cycle and morphologically evaluated. The number of corpora lutea (CL) in the ovaries of the cows was recorded. The mean number of CL (7.2 vs 17.8) was significantly higher (P 0.01) for PMSG-primed cows. The percentage of recovered ova (60.5 vs 70.2 %) and good embryos (79.3 vs 70.7%) were not significantly different between groups. The percentage of fertilized ova (91.4 vs 83.8%) was significantly (P 0.025) greater for the controls. Results of the study indicate that PMSG-priming increased the ovulation rate in the cows superovulated with PMSG.  相似文献   

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