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GAY  A. P. 《Annals of botany》1989,64(5):593-598
Measurements of leaf water conductance (LWC) were made in agrowth room on plants previously selected for either high orlow LWC as seedlings from two Lolium perenne L. populations.Differences in LWC were maintained between selection groupswhen measured as older plants, but there were considerable changesin LWC of individual selection groups on remeasurement. TheLWCs and the rankings of LWCs of individual genotypes were correlatedbetween experiments, thus demonstrating that selection of genotypeswas worthwhile. Thus the possibility of including LWC in selectionprogrammes was established. Investigations conducted to optimize sampling for LWC are described.It was concluded that little further reduction in the standarderror of LWC measurements was obtained by making more than eightmeasurements per genotype, and it was important to sample onat least four tillers. A new measure for the phenotypic stabilityof a selection group is proposed, named realized ‘selectivity’.The realized selectivity can be used to estimate the upper valuefor realized heritability and is about 0.5 for LWC in L. perenne.The values of phenotypic repeatability of LWC are compared withother similar measurements. Lolium perenne L, leaf water conductance, selection, components of variance, scale of measurement  相似文献   

Leaf stomatal conductance measured and analysed in the canopies of two winter wheat varieties in the field revealed that the probability of adaxial to abaxial conductance ratio followed an approximately normal distribution with a peake value of about 1.5. The ratio changed with the developmental stages being maximium at the heading stage. Leaf stomata in wheat of the upper part of the canopy were more active and showed more pronounced diurnal change of conductance than those of the lower part. Stomatal conductance decreased from top to bottom in canopy as a negative exponential function. By comparing adaxial and abaxial conductances in the apical, middle and basal parts of a leaf, the distribution of the stomatal conductances of a wheat leaf was as follows: a steady decrease from the basal part of adaxial, through the middle and apical parts of the adaxial surface turning to the apical part of abaxial, and then the middle and lastly, the basal part of abaxial. Based on values of the correlation coefficients among the various stomatal conductance and average stomatal conductance, the authors suggested that optimal apical measurement of stomatal conductance would be at the middle and apical parts and that of abaxial would be at middle and basal parts.  相似文献   

脱落酸与植物水分胁迫的关系已进行了大量的研究,现已明确脱落酸可以抑制气孔的开放(Jones和 Mansfield 1970,Weyers和 Hillman 1979,Henson等 1989),但它的作用机制仍然很不清楚。已有报告指出,当土壤水分亏缺时,ABA可以作为根与地上部间的通讯信号,由很运到地上部并抑制气孔的开放(Blackman和 Davies1985,Gollan等 1986,Zhang和 Davies  相似文献   

The Growth and Survival of Severely-shaded Tillers in Lolium perenne L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
ONG  C. K.; MARSHALL  C. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(2):147-155
The effect of shading a single tiller to below its compensationpoint for a period of 5 weeks in vegetative plants of Loliumperenne L. cv. S23, was studied in two different experimentseach employing two light regimes, one of which was common toboth experiments. In the first experiment tillers in the axils of the first leafwere shaded three weeks from appearance at both 40 and 70 Wm–2. None of the shaded tillers died and they continuedto produce new leaves and increase in dry weight but at a reducedrate. In the second experiment, tillers with one emerged leafin any leaf axil position were shaded at 70 W m–2 andin a treatment in which light was reduced to 13 W m–2after initial growth at 70 W m–2. As in the first experimentall shaded tillers survived at 70 W m–2 but in the 70 13 W m–2 transfer regime all shaded tillers died. In the second experiment shaded tillers in both light regimeswere supplied with 14C-assimilate by translocation from theremainder of the plant but in the 70 13 W m–2 the initialsupport was withdrawn within 5 weeks of shading. The results are discussed in terms of the physiological relationshipsbetween the tillers of the grass plant. Lolium perenne L., growth of tillers, survival of tillers, effect of light  相似文献   

The hypothesis that soil water potential (s) is better correlatedto heliotropic leaf orientation, photosaturated photosyntheticCO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance during periods oflimited water availability than is bulk leaf water potential(1) was examined in greenhouse-grown soybean (Glycine max) plants,submitted to a progressive drought. Paired plants were exposedto either 1000 or 100 µmol m–2 s–1 photonflux densities (PFD) for 45–60 mins. The higher irradianceinduced short-term decreases in 1, due to increased transpiration,while l in the plant exposed to low PFD did not decrease. Thesechanges in 1 occurred independently of changes in soil waterstatus. Concurrent to the light treatments, a single attachedleaf from each of the two plants was isolated from the restof the plant by shading, and the pulvinus of its terminal leafletwas exposed to a perpendicular PFD of 500 µmol m–2S–1. Leaf movement of this leaflet was recorded in responseto this light, until a stable leaflet angle was achieved. Valuesof s and l (before and after light treatment), and photosaturatedrates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, were thenmeasured on these leaves. Leaflet angle and gas exchange werebetter correlated with s (r2 = 0.50, 0.50 and 0.57 for angle,photosynthesis and conductance, respectively) than with l especiallywhen l was the result of short-term, high-light induced changesin leaf water status (r2 = 0.36, 0.32 and 0.49, for the sameparameters). Leaflet angle was also correlated with stomatalconductance (r2 = 0.61) and photosynthetic rate (r2 = 0.60),suggesting a close association between leaf orientation, leafmetabolism and soil water availability. Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Essex, soybean, heliotropism, water potential, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, solar tracking  相似文献   

A technique for studying variation in the accumulation of abscisicacid (ABA) in response to drought stress is described. Two experiments,each testing 26 spring wheat genotypes, were carried out usingpot grown plants in controlled environment cabinets with nutrientsolution culture, though the results of only one experimentare described in detail. Plants were subjected to water stressby withholding water as the fifth or sixth leaf on the mainstem was emerging. Two stressed plants of each genotype wereharvested 5 and 7 days after the treatment commenced and measurementsof leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and ABA concentrationwere taken. There was considerable genotypic variation in the rate at whichwater potential decreased, partly explained by variation inplant size. Inia 66 (a genotype common to both experiments)had consistently much lower water potentials than the othergenotypes. Stomatal conductances of all genotypes decreasedrapidly and after 5 and 7 days they were negatively correlatedwith the changes in water potential. ABA concentrations varied considerably between genotypes afterboth 5 and 7 days without water, the variation being associatedwith genotypic differences in water potential on these occasions.The overall relationship between ABA concentration and waterpotential was highly significant. Significant differences betweenthe slopes of the regressions for individual genotypes werefound. The cultivar Sirius accumulated the most ABA at any waterpotential and Pelissier, Wascana and Hybrid 46 accumulated theleast. The significance for drought resistance of variation in ABAaccumulation is discussed. Triticum aestivum L. ABA, wheat, absasic acid, leaf water potential, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

The relationship between shoot hydraulic conductance (L) and stomatal sensitivity to changes in leaf water status was studied in the saplings of six deciduous tree species. L increased significantly in sequence: Acer platanoides < Tilia Cordata < Padus avium = Quercus robur < Salix caprea = Populus tremula. L was higher in the trees grown in soil with a higher nitrogen content and lower in the trees grown under mild water stress or kept in darkness for several days. L was higher in July than in September in all the species. L correlated positively with maximum photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and stomatal sensitivity to an increase in leaf water potential, but negatively with stomatal sensitivity to a decrease in leaf water potential. The correlations between L and any other parameter were approximated by three different curves: data for water-stressed plants fit to the first, data for plants kept in darkness fit to the second and all the other data fit to the third curve. The reasons of the differences of shoot hydraulic conductance in the different experimental sets and the mechanisms which may cause the correlation between L and the other characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

THOMAS  HENRY 《Annals of botany》1986,57(2):211-223
Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.). perennial ryegrass (Loliumperenne L.) and Italian ryegrass (L. multiflorum Lam.) plantswere grown on deep (75–95 cm) columns of soil in glasshousesand growth rooms with and without irrigation. The species inwhich growth declined least rapidly after water had been withheldwere those which transpired most slowly. During early establishmentin the glasshouse cocksfoot transpired least because of slowroot growth. In the growth room, when root systems were deeperand denser, perennial ryegrass transpired least because of lowleaf water conductance. Results are discussed in relation to(a) drought resistance in the three species; (b) breeding forincreased drought resistance through modifying root distributionand leaf water conductance; and (c) the use of isolated soilcolumns in water relations studies. Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Lolium multiflorum Lam., cocksfoot, perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass, transpiration, roots, leaf water conductance  相似文献   

农杆菌介导GUS基因对多年生黑麦草转化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张振霞  刘萍  杜雪玲  苏乔  杨中艺   《广西植物》2007,27(1):121-126
通过检测愈伤组织中GUS基因的瞬间表达,研究农杆菌LBA4404/pCAMBIA1301介导多年生黑麦草的转化体系。通过对多年生黑麦草瞬间表达率的比较,确立了其遗传转化的最佳优化条件。研究发现,多年生黑麦草不同品种的转化率在25%~45%之间变化。多年生黑麦草遗传转化最佳优化条件是预培养10d的胚性愈伤组织、浓度为0.5~0.8OD的农杆菌菌液以及2d共培养时间。在共培养基中添加100μmol/L乙酰丁香酮能有效地提高植物瞬间表达率。两种侵染处理方法比较结果为滤纸滴加法比浸泡法更优。转化后对愈伤组织的干燥处理能抑制农杆菌过度繁殖,能改善愈伤状态,有利于提高转化率。  相似文献   

渗透胁迫下内生真菌感染对黑麦草幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
任安芝  高玉葆 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2307-2317
以含有内生真菌的黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)种子为材料,采用4C冰箱内和20℃光照培养箱内保存18个月的方式分别构建内生真菌感染(EI)和内生真菌非感染(EF)的黑麦草种群,通过比较EI和EF种群在正常条件下(对照)和渗透胁迫条件下种子发芽、幼苗生长等方面的差异,探讨内生真菌对其宿主植物的直接和间接影响。结果表明:在对照和胁迫条件下,E1种子的发芽势均明显高于EF种子,而只在重度渗透胁迫下,E1种子的发芽率才显著高于EF种子。对于黑麦草幼苗而言,渗透胁迫下内生真菌对宿主植物的地上部分和地下部分均有增益作用,最终表现为E1种群的总生物量显著高于EF种群,其中对地上部分的促进作用表现为内生真菌的存在不仅提高了宿主叶片的延伸速率、使EI叶片比EF叶片更长、叶面积更大,而且在重度胁迫下,E1种群的分蘖数也显著高于EF种群;对地下部分的促进作用表现为EI种群的根系总长度和根干重均高于EF种群。  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to assess the role of inter-tillerinteractions within plants of Lolium perenne L. cv. S24 as factorswhich could play a part in determining the growth-rate of thewhole plant. In order to do this, the effect of tiller separationon plant growth was studied as well as the influence of theremoval of different parts of the root and shoot system. Wheneverplants were supplied with nutrients by means of culture solutions,separation of tillers brought about a marked increase in theamount of dry matter produced. Root pruning and in particularthe removal of root apices brought about similar increases ingrowth. Separation of tillers in soil-grown plants did not bringabout increased growth. These results are interpreted as indicatingthat separation of tillers or the initial removal of root apicesin plants supplied with nutrients by means of culture solution,promotes root branching which brings about an increased netassimilation rate arising from an increase supply of a growth-promotingsubstance, probably a cytokinin, from the root apices. The resultsare not taken as indicative of an intertiller interaction whichrestricts the growth of intact plants.  相似文献   

An examination of the incompatibility mechanism of Lolium perenne using the pollen stigma reaction has revealed that no precise one or two locus system is operative in this species.  相似文献   

黑麦草内生真菌感染状况的检测及定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取内生真菌特异性引物,成功建立了利用PCR技术对黑麦草中内生真菌感染状况的检测和定量分析方法。此检测方法的准确性高于常规乳酸-苯胺蓝染色法。利用实时荧光PCR定量分析的结果表明:不同植株之间内生真菌含量差异较大,而同株植物相同龄级分蘖之间内生真菌含量无显著差异。由此可见内生真菌的含量不仅与植物种以及品种有关,也与植物的基因型密切相关。  相似文献   

In a study of androgenesis in 90 Norwegian genotypes of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), heritabilities ranged from h b 2 =0.46 to 0.80. Very high or completely positive genotypic correlations were found between most characters of androgenetic response (e.g. embryo-like structures per 100 anthers, plants per 100 embryo-like structures, albino plants per 100 anthers, green plants per 100 anthers). Three genotypes, 2 Norwegian (7-5 and 9-5) and 1 Danish (245), which had significantly different androgenetic responses were selected to study the genetic control of the processes. Genotypes 7-5 and 9-5 were highly embryogenie, 7–5 and 245 were relatively high producers of green plants, while 9-5 was unable to produce green plants. The six possible reciprocal crosses between these three genotypes were made, and 10 or 11 F1 plants from each cross were used for anther culture experiments. The cross 7-5 x 245 showed average superiority over both parents for total plant regeneration and green plant production, results not previously reported. The phenotypic correlations estimated among progenies from the crosses ranged from r=-0.99*** to 0.81***. These considerable changes, relative to the results of the screening experiment, are most likely the result of changed allele frequencies caused by the strong selection of parents in these crosses, and a relatively simple genetical control. This is also inferred from the large transgressive segregation observed.Abbreviations ANT anthers - ELS embryo-like structures - ALB albino plants - GRP green plants - DH doubled haploid plants  相似文献   

Increasing the extractable sugar yield from perennial crops is one strategy to generate renewable fuels such as bio-ethanol. Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) can contain significant (>30% dry matter) water-soluble sugars in the form of polymeric fructan which is readily extracted, broken down and fermented to bio-ethanol. A population of L. perenne generated from four parents which differed in water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content was subjected to multiple rounds of selection and recombination on the basis of early spring WSC content to produce a high WSC, and a low WSC population. A control population was generated by selecting the same number of plants at random. The alleles present at six candidate gene loci were analysed before and after selection and correlated to WSC content. Significant differences in the allele frequency of L. perenne soluble-acid invertase1:4 were observed between the three populations with one haplotype significantly associated with the high WSC C2S+ population (after three rounds of selection and two rounds of recombination). Moreover, WSC content was also associated with biomass accumulation. Thus, in addition to a 2.84-fold increase in WSC yield, the C2S+ population also had 1.48-fold more biomass per plant, resulting in 3.9-fold higher WSC yield per plant than the control population.  相似文献   

黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)内生真菌的检测、分离及鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从多年生黑麦草(LoliumperenneL.)5个品种———SR4000、Pinnacle、Topgun、CalypsoⅡ、Justus中分离出61个菌株。次培养后,所得形态稳定的菌株可分为4个形态群,依据其形态特征及APPCR的结果,确定其中的57个分离菌株为Neotyphodiumlolii。  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome association at first meiotic metaphase in tetraploid hybrids between Lolium perenne and L. multiflorum was compared with that in autotetraploid L. perenne. The hybrids were found to have significantly higher levels of bivalent frequency, and lower levels of multivalent and chiasma frequency. A significant increase in multivalent frequency with increasing chiasma formation was found in both groups, but the increase was much less in the hybrids. These differences in chromosome associations between the two groups must therefore reflect differences in chiasma distribution and it is suggested that the results indicate a significant degree of preferential bivalent pairing in the hybrids.  相似文献   

An existing system of flowing solution culture, in which pHand the concentration of several nutrient ions are automaticallymonitored and controlled, has been extended to include at 10 mmol N m–3. A brief account is givenof the use of the equipment with a simulated sward of perennialryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Uptake of measured over three successive days in June, varied with dailysolar radiation and exceeded 1000 mg N m–2 d–1.The uptake of showed a pattern of diurnal variation similar to the variation in solar radiation, but witha lag period for uptake of 5 h. Hourly uptake rates ranged from32 to 67 mg N m–2h–1 and solar radiation from 0to 2.8 MJ m–2 h–1. During a 24 h period, additionalmeasurements were made of K+ uptake and net H+ efflux, bothof which showed patterns of diurnal variation with lag periodsof 6 h hand 7 h, respectively. The stoichiometric ratio of thesum of and K+ to the net efflux of H+ was1.02: 1. Key words: Ion uptake, diurnal variation, Lolium perenne L.  相似文献   

Lockyer, D. R. 1985. The effect of sulphur dioxide on the growthof Lolium perenne L., Lolium multiflorum Lam., Dactylis glomerataL., and Phleum pratense L.?J. exp. Bot. 36: 1851-1859. Fouragriculturally important grasses, Lolium perenne L., Loliummultiflorum Lam., Dactylis glomerata L. and Phleum pratenseL. were exposed to sulphur dioxide (SO2) in a system of exposurechambers. The plants were exposed for a total of 43 d to meanconcentrations of SO2 in the air of 0,87 or 448 (µg m–3and herbage was harvested twice. All four grasses showed chloroticlesions after exposure to the highest concentration of SO2.The effect of SO2 on the yield of herbage was statisticallysignificant only at the second harvest and at the highest concentration;the dry weights of shoots of D. glomerata and L. perenne werereduced by 33% and 16% respectively. Significant effects ofSO2 were also found on the 'transpiration coefficients' measuredfor D. glomerata and P. pratense. The grasses differed in theiruptake of sulphur from the atmosphere but this was not relatedto their sensitivity to SO2. Total–S concentration inthe shoots of L. perenne, L. multiflorum and D. glomerata increasedalmost linearly in response to increasing SO2 concentration;with P. pratense only the highest SO2 concentration raised total-Sabove the level in control plants. These increases were almostentirely due to the accumulation of sulphate–S. Key words: Sulphur diozide, Lolium perenne, Lolium multiflorum, Dactylis glomerata, Phleum pratense  相似文献   

I. Nijs  I. Impens  T. Behaeghe 《Planta》1989,177(3):312-320
The relationship between leaf photosynthetic capacity (p n, max), net canopy CO2- and H2O-exchange rate (NCER and E t, respectively) and canopy dry-matter production was examined in Lollium perenne L. cv. Vigor in ambient (363±30 l· l-1) and elevated (631±43 l·l-1) CO2 concentrations. An open system for continuous and simultaneous regulation of atmospheric CO2 concentration and NCER and E t measurement was designed and used over an entire growth cycle to calculate a carbon and a water balance. While NCERmax of full-grown canopies was 49% higher at elevated CO2 level, stimulation of p n, max was only 46% (in spite of a 50% rise in one-sided stomatal resistance for water-vapour diffusion), clearly indicating the effect of a higher leaf-area index under high CO2 (approx. 10% in one growing period examined). A larger amount of CO2-deficient leaves resulted in higher canopy dark-respiration rates and higher canopy light compensation points. The structural component of the high-CO2 effect was therefore a disadvantage at low irradiance, but a far greater benefit at high irradiance. Higher canopy darkrespiration rates under elevated CO2 level and low irradiance during the growing period are the primary causes for the increase in dry-matter production (19%) being much lower than expected merely based on the NCERmax difference. While total water use was the same under high and low CO2 levels, water-use efficiency increased 25% on the canopy level and 87% on a leaf basis. In the course of canopy development, allocation towards the root system became greater, while stimulation of shoot dry-matter accumulation was inversely affected. Over an entire growing season the root/shoot production ratio was 22% higher under high CO2 concentration.Abbreviations and symbols C350 ambient CO2, 363±30 l·l-1 - C600 high CO2, 631±43 l·l-1 - c a atmospheric CO2 level - c i CO2 concentration in the intracellular spaces of the leaf - Et canopy evapotranspiration - I o canopy light compensation point - NCER canopy CO2-exchange rate - p n leaf photosynthetic rate - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - r a leaf boundary-layer resistance - RD canopy dark-respiration rate - r s stomatal resistance - WUE water use efficiency  相似文献   

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