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在4个温度(15、20、25、30℃)和3个食物浓度(1×104,1×105,5×105 cells ml-1)下研究了大型溞(Daphnia magna)淮河种群的动态和两性生殖,结果表明:(1)在实验初期,大型溞种群密度不断增加,达到最大值后种群密度呈现缓慢下降或趋于稳定的趋势.除15℃下最大瞬时增长率(1.36 d-1)出现在中食物浓度组外,20℃(1.51 d-1)、25℃(1.39 d-1)、30℃(0.69 d-1)下的最大瞬时增长率均出现在高食物浓度组.(2)相同温度下,食物浓度与大型溞最大种群密度间存在显著正相关(p<0.01).(3)相同食物浓度下,随温度升高,大型溞首次产幼溞时间(5~21d)和到达最大种群密度的时间(15~29d)缩短,首次抱卵时的体长(1.75~2.67 mm)减少.(4)在较低的温度和中食物浓度组下,大型溞产生了较多的休眠卵或卵鞍(15℃:(16.7±2.5) ind. 和20℃:(18.3±3.8) ind.);30℃下没有出现休眠卵或卵鞍.除15℃、中食物浓度组外,其它实验组均产生雄体.实验25d后,雄体密度与种群密度呈显著的相关性(30℃:p<0.05;15~25℃:p<0.01).(5)本研究结果暗示大型溞休眠卵的形成受温度、食物浓度和种群密度的共同影响,且较低的温度是大型溞休眠卵形成的主要诱因.  相似文献   

邓道贵  孟琼  毛开云  张赛  封妮莎  肖琴琴 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6351-6358
在20℃、25℃下,将大型溞和老年低额溞分别按7+3(B组),5+5(C组),3+7(D组)的组合进行混合培养,以及用单种培养(10+0(A组),0+10(E组))作为对照,研究了温度和种间竞争对大型溞种群动态和两性生殖的影响.实验结果表明:在混合培养时,大型溞对老年低额溞产生明显的竞争优势.20℃、25℃下,单种培养的老年低额溞最大种群密度分别为大型溞的2.31和1.97,而在混合培养下老年低额溞的种群密度明显低于大型溞,在实验25d后几乎全部死亡.25℃下两种溞的种群密度之间存在极显著的负相关性(C组:r=-0.508,n=30,P<0.01;D组:r=-0.483,n=30,P<0.01).在20℃、单种培养下,大型溞在首次产幼溞时即出现雄体,且种群密度与雄体密度呈显著的相关性(r=0.678,n=24,P<0.01).大型溞的最大雄体密度(106 ind.(200ml)~(-1))和最大雄体比例(36.8%)均出现在20℃、单种培养下.25℃下,大型溞在混合培养的B组和C组首次产幼溞时即出现雄体,且雄体在混合培养B组的比例达28.2%.大型溞在25℃、单种培养下没有产生卵鞍,在混合培养下总计产生66个卵鞍,其中空卵鞍占51.5%,而在20℃、混合培养下没有卵鞍产生.实验结果暗示:在较高的温度下,种间竞争刺激了大型溞雄体的产生和卵鞍的形成,高密度的雄体有助于大型溞孤雌生殖雌体向两性生殖雌体的转化.  相似文献   

李玉颖  邓道贵  雷娟  席贻龙 《生态学杂志》2011,22(12):3337-3342
研究了不同温度和食用藻密度对发头裸腹溞种群动态和两性生殖的影响.结果表明: 温度、食用藻密度对发头裸腹溞的种群密度、雄体密度和卵鞍数均有显著影响.高食用藻密度组的发头裸腹溞种群密度明显高于中、低食用藻密度组,其最大种群密度出现在20 ℃下的高食用藻密度组.在相同的温度下,发头裸腹溞的首次产幼溞数随食用藻密度的降低而减少,平均每个母溞首次产出的最大幼溞数出现在25 ℃下的高食用藻密度组.高食用藻密度组发头裸腹溞产生的雄体密度明显高于中、低食用藻密度组.发头裸腹溞的雄体密度与其种群密度之间存在极显著的相关性.发头裸腹溞所产的卵鞍数随食用藻密度的下降而下降,且25 ℃下发头裸腹溞所产的卵鞍数明显高于其他温度组.与温度相比,食用藻密度对发头裸腹溞的种群动态和两性生殖的影响更大.  相似文献   

研究了不同温度和食用藻密度对发头裸腹潘种群动态和两性生殖的影响.结果表明:温度、食用藻密度对发头裸腹溞的种群密度、雄体密度和卵鞍数均有显著影响.高食用藻密度组的发头裸腹潘种群密度明显高于中、低食用藻密度组,其最大种群密度出现在20℃下的高食用藻密度组.在相同的温度下,发头裸腹溞的首次产幼溞数随食用藻密度的降低而减少,平均每个母潘首次产出的最大幼潘数出现在25℃下的高食用藻密度组.高食用藻密度组发头裸腹潘产生的雄体密度明显高于中、低食用藻密度组.发头裸腹溞的雄体密度与其种群密度之间存在极显著的相关性.发头裸腹溞所产的卵鞍数随食用藻密度的下降而下降,且25℃下发头裸腹溞所产的卵鞍数明显高于其他温度组.与温度相比,食用藻密度对发头裸腹潘的种群动态和两性生殖的影响更大.  相似文献   

种群密度和培养体积对发头裸腹溞生长和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同培养密度(D1=100 ind·L-1,D2=150 ind·L-1,D3 =300 ind·L-1)和培养体积(V1 =50 mL,V2=100 mL,V3 =400 mL)对发头裸腹溞生长和生殖的影响.结果表明:在相同培养密度下,发头裸腹溞首次怀卵体长、雌体第一窝幼溞数和后代总数均随着培养体积的增大而减少,而雌体所产后代的性比(雄体∶雌体)随着培养体积的增大而增大.在相同培养体积下,雌体产出后代总数随着培养密度的增加而减少.雌体最大首次怀卵体长(0.95±0.10 mm)和最大后代总数(171.3±19.8 ind)均出现在D1V1组合,最大性比(0.54±0.05)出现在D3V2组合.培养密度和培养体积及其协同作用对发头裸腹溞雌体后代总数、后代性比均具有显著影响(P<0.001).  相似文献   

本文报道了南京玄武湖微型裸腹溞和短尾秀体溞的种群变动和生产量的研究结果,并分析了影响它们的生态因子。计算了种群的瞬时出生率(b),瞬时增长率(r)和瞬时死亡率(d)。观察了微型裸腹溞怀卵量的季节变化。微型裸腹溞生长季节平均生物量为87.51μg/L(干重),生产量为8292.36μg/L(干重),P/B系数为94.76;短尾秀体溞生长季节平均生物量为9.58μg/L(干重),生产量为480.02μg/L(干重),P/B系数为50.52。  相似文献   

近年来,随着工农业的快速发展和人们生活水平提高,一些城市生活污水和工农业废水流入江河、湖泊等淡水水体中,加剧了水体的富营养化和污染,导致蓝藻过度生长繁殖而形成水华,其中最常见的是微囊藻水华[1,2].  相似文献   

魏杰  赵文  李文通  张黎  殷旭旺 《生物学杂志》2012,29(2):18-21,46
研究了3种微生态制剂(复合微生态制剂Ⅰ、复合微生态制剂Ⅱ和芽孢杆菌)对大型溞的急、慢性毒性影响,分析比较了3种微生态制剂的安全使用剂量以及对大型溞生殖和种群增长的影响.试验结果表明,3种微生态制剂对大型溞死亡率影响均显著(P < 0.05),从安全浓度来看,对大型溞的毒性作用依次为:复合微生态制剂Ⅱ>复合微生态制剂Ⅰ>芽孢杆菌;在安全浓度范围内,3种微生态制剂对大型溞亲代(P)的生殖和种群增长均有明显的促进作用,表现在随微生态制剂浓度的升高,P代的净生殖率(R0)和内禀增长率(rm)均显著增加(P < 0.05),其中以复合微生态制剂Ⅰ的效果最好,R0最高值为对照组的7倍,rm最高值为对照组的1.7倍;3种微生态制剂对大型溞子一代(F1)和子二代(F2)的生殖和种群增长均没有促进作用.  相似文献   

为了解微塑料对淡水生态环境的影响,选择了大型溞作为受试生物,研究了聚氯乙烯(PVC)对其产生的急性毒性效应与恢复试验.研究设置了7个PVC浓度梯度,范围是0-400 mg/L,等比系数为2,对其进行急性毒性处理,测定96h LC50,并对大型溞心率变化和抗氧化指标进行测定.同时,对其进行清水21d恢复实验.96h LC...  相似文献   

Theory predicts that genetic diversity and genetic differentiation may strongly vary among populations of the same species depending on population turnover and local population sizes. Yet, despite the importance of these predictions for evolutionary and conservation issues, empirical studies comparing high‐turnover and low‐turnover populations of the same species are scarce. In this study, we used Daphnia magna, a freshwater crustacean, as a model organism for such a comparison. In the southern/central part of its range, D. magna inhabits medium‐sized, stable ponds, whereas in the north, it occurs in small rock pools with strong population turnover. We found that these northern populations have a significantly lower genetic diversity and higher genetic differentiation compared to the southern/central populations. Total genetic diversity across populations was only about half and average within‐population diversity only about a third of that in southern/central populations. Moreover, an average southern population contains more genetic diversity than the whole metapopulation system in the north. We based our analyses both on silent sites and microsatellites. The similarity of our results despite the contrasting mutation rates of these markers suggests that the differences are caused by contemporary rather than by historical processes. Our findings show that variation in population turnover and population size may have a major impact on the genetic diversity and differentiation of populations, and hence may lead to differences in evolutionary processes like local adaptation, hybrid vigour and breeding system evolution in different parts of a species range.  相似文献   

研究了吡咯喹啉醌(PQQ)对大型溞繁殖、发育、存活时间以及抗饥饿能力的影响。结果表明,5μmol/L的PQQ能够显著促进大型溞的繁殖能力,总产幼量从159.5只增加到207.67只(P〈0.05)。随着浓度增加到15和25μmol/L,其促繁殖效应有所减弱。与对照组相比,PQQ对大型溞发育过程中的龄期数和存活时间(寿命)无显著影响(P〉0.05)。然而,与5μmol/L浓度组相比,15和25μmol/L的PQQ却显著降低了大型溞的龄数和存活时间(P〈0.05)。PQQ能够明显提高大型溞的抗饥饿能力,最长存活时间从对照组的3 d增加到0.5 mmol/L PQQ组的8.33 d(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

Understanding rules of resource allocation within individuals is helpful in explaining population dynamics. This is particularly the case under the conditions of resource limitation that are commonly experienced by zooplankton. Here, we evaluate assumptions underlying models of resource allocation in Daphnia and test the predictions of two models of response to starvation.
We also test the predictions of two simple models concerning the mechanisms of egg provisioning in Daphnia magna. Our results: (1) demonstrate that provisioning is discontinuous, occurring over a discrete period of the instar; (2) support the hypothesis that egg production occurs in a serial fashion; (3) show that Daphnia magna responds to starvation by ceasing egg production but that there is an increase in mean size of eggs provisioned during the instar, prior to starvation; and (4) broadly support predictions that the response of Daphnia to starvation is an instantaneous cessation of reproduction but that there is a time lag before death.  相似文献   

The study on the acute,sublethal and chronic toxicity of 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone (1,8-dihAQ) to Daphnia magna showed that the 48 h LC50 was 0.37 mg稬-1,and the feeding behavior of Daphnia magna was severely affected by the compound.When exposed to 0.2 mg稬-1 of 1,8-dihAQ for 5 h,the filtration and ingestion rate of Daphnia magna was inhibited by 97%.Chronic toxicity test results indicated that the reproduction ability decreased dramatically after exposing to sublethal concentration of 1,8-dihAQ.It could be inferred that reproduction parameters and intrinsic rate of natural increase were the sensitive parameters in characterizing sublethal toxicity.The NOEC and LOEC values for reproduction parameters were also given.  相似文献   

The phylogeographical structure of the water flea Daphnia magna in Europe was analysed using a 609-bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene. Only moderate overall genetic divergence was detected within Europe. We detected four genetically and, to a large extent, geographically distinct phylogroups within Europe. Our results suggest that these groups recolonized large parts of Europe around 100,000 BP from different refugia. Overall, the pattern suggests a high degree of provincialism with a patchy occurrence of specific lineages, thus confirming the highly subdivided genetic structure usually observed in freshwater zooplankton populations. Although the region around the Mediterranean Sea was only sampled patchily, we obtained strong indications for the occurrence of more divergent genetic lineages in this region. Comparing our European samples to samples from North America and Japan revealed a higher level of differentiation, reflecting limited intercontinental dispersal.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of lifelong exposure to reversed geomagnetic and zero geomagnetic fields (the latter means absence of geomagnetic field) on the life history of Daphnia carinata King from Australia and Daphnia magna Straus from Europe. Considerable deviation in the geomagnetic field from the usual strength, leads to a decrease in daphnia size and life span. Reduced brood sizes and increased body length of neonates are observed in D. magna exposed to unusual magnetic background. The most apparent effects are induced by zero geomagnetic field in both species of Daphnia. A delay in the first reproduction in zero geomagnetic field is observed only in D. magna. No adaptive maternal effects to reversed geomagnetic field are found in a line of D. magna maintained in these magnetic conditions for eight generations. Integrally, the responses of D. magna to unusual geomagnetic conditions are more extensive than that in D. carinata. We suggest that the mechanism of the effects of geomagnetic field reversal on Daphnia may be related to differences in the pattern of distribution of the particles that have a magnetic moment, or to moving charged organic molecules owing to a change in combined outcome and orientation of the geomagnetic field and Earth's gravitational field. The possibility of modulation of self-oscillating processes with changes in geomagnetic field is also discussed.  相似文献   

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