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Pancreatico-biliary secretion is reduced during acute hyperglycemia. We investigated whether alterations in pancreatico-biliary flow or volume output are responsible for the observed reduction in duodenal output of pancreatic enzymes and bilirubin during hyperglycemia. Eight healthy subjects were studied on two occasions during normoglycemia and hyperglycemia (15 mmol/l). Pancreatico-biliary output was measured by aspiration using a recovery marker under basal conditions (60 min), during secretin infusion (0.1 CU/kg.h) for 60 min and during secretin + CCK (0.5 IDU/kg.h) infusion for 60 min. Secretin was infused to stimulate pancreatico-biliary flow and volume output. Secretin significantly (P<0.005-P<0.05) increased volume and bicarbonate output and CCK significantly (P<0.01) increased the output of bilirubin, pancreatic enzymes, bicarbonate and volume, both during normoglycemia and hyperglycemia. During hyperglycemia basal, secretin stimulated and secretin + CCK stimulated total pancreatico-biliary output were significantly (P<0.005-P<0.05) reduced compared to normoglycemia. The incremental outputs, however, were not significantly different between hyper- and normoglycemia. Pancreatic volume output was significantly (P<0.05) reduced during hyperglycemia compared to normoglycemia under basal conditions (31+/-16 m/h versus 132+/-33 m/h) during secretin infusion (130+/-17 ml/h versus 200+/-34 m/h) and during secretin + CCK infusion (370+/-39 ml/h versus 573+/-82 ml/h). Plasma PP levels were significantly (P<0.05) reduced during hyperglycemia. It is concluded that 1) hyperglycemia significantly reduces basal pancreatico-biliary output 2) the incremental pancreaticobiliary output in response to secretin or secretin + CCK infusion is not significantly affected during hyperglycemia, 3) a reduction in volume output contributes to the inhibitory effect of hyperglycemia on pancreatico-biliary secretion, 4) hyperglycemia reduces PP secretion suggesting vagal-cholinergic inhibition of pancreatico-biliary secretion and volume during hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

White Leghorn hens, 14-29 weeks old, were surgically fitted with cannulas for collecting pancreatic and biliary secretions, and a jugular cannula for continuous infusion of either cholecystokinin (CCK), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), or secretin. As compared to secretory levels during saline infusion, CCK significantly stimulated biliary flow and biliverdin concentration in bile; VIP significantly depressed biliverdin concentration but enhanced bicarbonate secretion in both pancreatic and biliary secretions, and also increased total pancreatic flow. Secretin depressed biliary flow and increased pancreatic bicarbonate release. The principal hormonal regulator of biliary secretion appears to be CCK, and that of pancreatic secretion to be VIP.  相似文献   

Fourteen castrated male Large White pigs, weighing 42.5 +/- 1.0 kg, were fitted with pancreatic and duodenal fistulae for pancreatic secretion studies. Moreover, catheters were placed in a carotid artery for blood sampling and in a jugular vein for peptide infusion. Pancreatic juice was automatically restituted to the animals and continuously sampled for analysis on experimental days. Following an 8-day recovery period, perfusion studies were performed after an overnight fast. After a 30-min basal period, sustained pancreatic flow and protein output were obtained and maintained throughout the assay with secretin (36 pmol/kg/h) and CCK-8 (600 pmol/kg/h) infusion. Then, 200, 400, 600, 800 or 1200 pmol/kg/h of porcine pancreatic polypeptide (PP) were infused for 60 min. Secretin + CCK infusion was continued for 1 h after PP infusion was stopped. Each dose of PP was given on a separate day. Neither pancreatic flow nor bicarbonate output were affected whatever the dose of infused PP. On the contrary, protein concentration and output decreased with the lowest dose of PP (200 pmol/kg/h) and the diminution was more pronounced with the other doses. With 600 pmol/kg/h as well as with 800 and 1200 pmol/kg/h of PP, pancreatic protein output fell to about 20% of values obtained with secretin + CCK. Plasma levels of PP were below or similar to postprandial values for 200, 400 and 600 pmol/kg/h and they were significantly larger with 800 and 1200 pmol/kg/h. Protein concentration and output returned to values obtained with secretin + CCK infusion after cessation of PP infusion. In conclusion, porcine PP given in physiological doses to the pig decreases pancreatic protein output whereas pancreatic flow remains unaffected.  相似文献   

Fourteen castrated male Large White pigs, weighing 42.5 +/- 1.0 kg, were fitted with biliary and duodenal fistulae for biliary secretion studies. Furthermore, catheters were placed in a carotid artery for blood sampling and in a jugular vein for peptide infusion. Bile was automatically restituted to the animals and continuously sampled for analysis on experimental days. Following an 8 day recovery period, infusion studies were performed after an overnight fast. After a 30 min basal period, sustained biliary flow and bile acid output were obtained and maintained throughout the assay with secretin (36 pmol/kg/h) and CCK-8 (600 pmol/kg/h) infusion. Then, 200, 400, 600, 800 or 1200 pmol/kg/h of porcine pancreatic polypeptide (PP) were infused for 60 min. Secretin plus CCK infusion was continued for 1 h after PP infusion was stopped. Each dose of PP was given on a separate day. Biliary flow was not affected by PP except for the dose of 400 pmol/kg/h. On the contrary, bile acid concentration and output decreased with the lowest dose of PP (200 pmol/kg/h). As soon as the first dose of PP was infused, bile acid concentration and output fell to about 60% of values obtained with secretin plus CCK. Plasma levels of PP were below or similar to postprandial values for 200, 400 and 600 pmol/kg/h and they were significantly larger with 800 and 1200 pmol/kg/h. Bile acid concentration and output did not return to values obtained with secretin plus CCK infusion after cessation of PP infusion. In conclusion, porcine PP given in physiological doses to the pig decreases bile acid output whereas biliary flow remains unaffected.  相似文献   

Effects of intravenous (IV) infusion of secretin during IV infusion of glucose were examined in normal men. Secretin was administered according to three schedules: with each schedule a comparable priming dose was delivered in the first minute, but this was followed by a maintained (120 min) infusion of secretin at a relatively high rate, or by maintained infusion at one-third that rate, or by brief (15 min) infusion at the lower rate. The lower infusion rate produced increments in secretin in the blood within the range attainable during endogenous secretion. By comparison with effects of glucose alone each secretin infusion enhanced the increments of immunoreactive insulin in the blood. Enhancement of the early release (0-5 min) of insulin was similar with each type of secretin infusion, but the integrated changes in insulin levels through the total infusion period were related to the total doses of secretin. With each dose of secretin glucose tolerance was improved but the three mean glucose curves observed during infusions of secretin were not distinguishable from one another in spite of widely different integrated insulin responses. Secretin did not modify suppression of immunoreactive glucagon or free fatty acids in the blood during hyperglycemia. The results suggest that the effect of continuous administration of secretin on glucose tolerance is not simply related to its integrated insulinotropic action. It is suggested that the effect may be highly dependent on enhancement of insulin secretion early in the response to glycemia, or that it may be due to effects of secretin on glucose production or disposal which are not mediated by insulin.  相似文献   

In this review, present knowledge of the cellular regulation of renin secretion from renal juxtaglomerular cells has been considered. It appears that calcium is the dominant intracellular regulator of renin secretion and that it acts by inhibiting exocytosis. How calcium exerts this effect is not yet clear, but contraction of myofilaments, opening of chloride channels, and activation of PLA2 could be involved. C-kinase activation and cGMP seem to have an additional inhibitory effect on renin secretion, both in a calcium-dependent fashion. cAMP, on the other hand, stimulates secretion, presumably by decreasing intracellular calcium activity. GTP-binding proteins and electrical properties also seem to be involved in the control of renin secretion. Present knowledge suggests that exocytosis in renal juxtaglomerular cells is regulated by mechanisms which differ from those of other secretory cells, where calcium and C kinase stimulate exocytosis. Revealing the reason for this unusual behavior remains a thrilling task for future research.  相似文献   

Plasma secretin concentrations were determined and duodenal pH was recorded continuously for a period of 24 hours after ingestion of a meal in 3 dogs with gastric cannula and duodenal cannula and in 4 dogs with pancreatic fistulae. The mean plasma secretin concentration increased significantly after a meal and it remained elevated for the first 12-hour period (peak at 30 min). Duodenal pH frequently decreased below 4.5 during the first 12-hour postprandial period, but it remained above 5.0 during the second 12 hours. Pancreatic secretion peaked during the first hour of meal ingestion and remained elevated until the end of 12 hours. The increased plasma secretin level in pancreatic fistula dog during the postprandial period was significantly greater than that of duodenal cannula dog, but the trends of increase in the secretin levels were quite identical. The present study indicates that: (1) plasma secretin concentration increases significantly within 30 min after a meal and remains increased during the first 12-hour period, (2) duodenal pH frequently decreased below 4.5 during the same 12 hours but more frequently during the first 6 hours, and (3) a significant increase in pancreatic water, HCO3? and protein occurred during the same time period.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the gastrointestinal hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) induces satiety and reduces food intake in laboratory animals and humans. In the light of this evidence we studied CCK release in patients suffering from eating disorders. The secretion of CCK into the general circulation was measured in 10 anorectic, in 7 bulimic patients, and in 8 healthy controls before and after a high-caloric liquid testmeal. Baseline CCK values were similar in controls (0.6 +/- 0.2 pmol/l) and bulimics (0.6 +/- 0.1 pmol/l) and were significantly increased in the anorectic group (1.8 +/- 0.4 pmol/l) (p less than or equal to 0.005). After eating peak plasma levels increased to 6.1 +/- 0.9 pmol/l in the anorectic, to 3.8 +/- 0.5 pmol/l in the bulimic and to 2.7 +/- 0.6 pmol/l in the control group. All postprandial CCK values were significantly higher in the anorectic group. The secretion of CCK-8-S, an important peptide in the CCK family, was significantly elevated, too. This disturbed CCK secretion in patients suffering from anorexia nervosa, even if it is a secondary, diet-induced defect, may perpetuate this disorder.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the influence of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-OP) on pituitary-adrenal hormone secretion. CCK-OP at a dose of 5 μg/kg (i.p.) elevated plasma corticosterone from 27 to 43 μg/100 ml in one experiment and from 12 to 50 μg/100 ml in a second experiment: Lower doses of CCK-OP (0.5 μg/kg) elevated corticosterone from 12 μg/100 ml to 20 μg/100 ml. CCK-OP (1, 10, and 100 ng/ml) had no effect on ACTH-induced corticosterone released by isolated adrenal cells in vitro when tested in the presence of 50 pg of ACTH1?24. 100 and 500 ng of CCK-OP resulted in an increased pituitary ACTH release equal to 123% (n.s.) and a 206% (P < 0.05) of control, respectively. In comparison, a 35 hypothalamic stalk median eminence equivalent increased ACTH release to 313% of control (P < 0.05). The exact mechanism of this CCK effect on pituitary ACTH release is unknown. Although it is likely that the direct effects on the pituitary in vitro represent a pharmacologic and not a physiologic effect of this peptide, in vivo doses are between doses used for pancreatic effects and satiety effects suggesting that there may be a physiologic stimulating action of this peptide on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis but at a level above the adrenal and pituitary.  相似文献   

Recently, a role for adenosine 5′-triphosphate(ATP)-sensitive potassium channels in the regulation of cholecystokinin (CCK) secretion has been described in STC-1 cells, an intestinal CCK-secreting cell line. To examine whether a similiar mechanism might participate in the regulation of hormone secretion from native CCK cells, the effects of two established inhibitors of ATP-sensitive potassium channels (e.g. glucose, disopyramide) were examined on CCK release from dispersed murine intestinal cells. Both glucose and disopyramide were found to stimulate CCK secretion. Furthermore, CCK release induced by glucose was inhibited by the calcium channel blocker diltiazem. It is concluded that, ATP-sensitive potassium channels may play a role in the regulation of intestinal CCK secretion.  相似文献   

The effect of pentagastrin, secretin and cholecystokinin on biochemical parameters of mucosal growth and differentiation was studied in organ cultured rabbit jejunum and ileum. Pentagastrin at 0.05-5.0 microgram/ml did not affect DNA content of the biopsy, but led to a significant decrease of sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activity in the ileum. Secretin prompted a significant decrease of DNA and protein in the ileum at a level of 10(-7) and 10(-5) M, but had no effect in the jejunum. Of the brush border enzymes, sucrase and alkaline phosphatase were suppressed in both parts of the intestine both with respect to specific activity and total biopsy content. Cholecystokinin, like pentagastrin, did not influence DNA or protein content, but reduced sucrase, maltase and alkaline phosphatase activity. HMG-CoA reductase, the key enzyme of cholesterol synthesis, was not significantly affected by any of the three hormones tested. When brush border enzymes or DNA from desquamated cells were measured in the post-culture medium, no consistent effect of any gastrointestinal hormone was apparent. The present study demonstrates a direct "antitrophic" effect of secretin in cultured mucosa. Pentagastrin and cholecystokinin did not influence mucosal DNA content in vitro but apparently inhibited villus cell differentiation.  相似文献   

In anesthetized dogs given secretin intravenously in doses doubling every 60 min and ranging from 0.5 to 8 units per kg body weight per hr, cyclic-AMP levels in pancreatic tissue rose continuously, whereas DNA concentrations were slightly decreased. Bicarbonate concentrations and bicarbonate outputs, cyclic-AMP tissue concentrations and bicarbonate outputs, as well as cyclic-AMP tissue concentrations and juice outputs, were significantly correlated. In conscious pancreatic fistula dogs, there was also a significant correlation between cyclic-AMP and bicarbonate concentrations and outputs in the pancreatic juice after stimulation by exogenous secretin. Accordingly, enhanced release of endogenous secretin achieved by intraduodenal acidification led to a dose-dependent increase in bicarbonate and cyclic-AMP outputs in both conscious and anesthetized dogs. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (aminophylline, caffeine, and papaverine) given alone to the conscious dogs did not initiate pancreatic bicarbonate secretion, but they potentiated bicarbonate responses to exogenous secretin. These data suggest that cyclic-AMP plays a part in secretin-stimulated pancreatic secretion.  相似文献   

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