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Characteristics of the deposition of cellulose microfibrilsduring formation of polylamellate walls and the arrangementof cortical microtubules in the tip-growing bipolar cells ofChamaedoris orientalis were examined by replica preparationmethods and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. The polylamellatewall is made up of two or three kinds of wall lamella whichdiffer in terms of the orientation of microfibrils. Individuallamellae were periodically initiated one after another fromthe pole that was situated exactly at each growing apex of thecell and they were deposited basipetally. The orientation ofmicrofibrils in each lamella was constant during deposition.Microfibrils in different lamellae were deposited at the sametime through the cell wall but the timing of the depositionwas staggered between neighboring lamellae so that the microfibrilswould not be interwoven. By contrast, cortical microtubuleswere persistently arranged longitudinally all over the celland no focal points to which they converged helically were visible,even around the cell apices. The mechanisms that regulate theformation of the polylamellate wall are discussed and a modelfor interpreting the involvement of the cortical microtubulesin such mechanisms is proposed. (Received July 31, 1989; Accepted January 27, 1990)  相似文献   

Cellulose microfibril orientation patterns in thallus cellsof Chaetomorpha moniligera were studied, and the relationshipbetween the microfibril and the peripheral microtubule arrangementsduring cell-shape modification by colchicine was examined. Inthe cuttings from growing thalli, linearly arranged cylindricalcells developed into cask-shaped cells during 4–6 daysof culture at 27?C. In the cylindrical cells, microfibrils formingthe innermost portion of the wall were arranged alternatelyin longitudinal and transverse directions, but peripheral microtubuleswere always arranged only in a longitudinal direction. Thesefeatures were also noted in the cask-shaped cells. Colchicineat 10–3M and 3?10–3M accelerated both cell expansionand wall thickening with matrix deposition, but the directionsin which both microfibrils and microtubules were arranged werethe same as those of the cylindrical cells. These results indicatethat (1) the microfibril and microtubule arrangements of Chaetomorphaare not necessarily correlated, (2) changes in cell shape ofChaetomorpha are not necessarily accompanied by changes in thearrangement of cell-wall microfibrils, and (3) colchicine playsa role in the loosening and thickening of cell walls by enhancingmatrix deposition. (Received June 2, 1986; Accepted February 13, 1987)  相似文献   

The stability and ordered assembly of cytoskeletal microtubules(MTs) and the relationship between cell growth and MT cytoskeletonin the coenocytic green alga, Chaetomorpha moniligera Kjellmanwere examined. The cytoplasm of cylindrical growing cells ofChaetomorpha is covered with dense arrays of longitudinallyarranged cortical MTs which constitute the MT cytoskeleton.Seventy-five percent of MTs of the cytoskeleton disappearedwithin 4 h, with 25% remaining after 20 h following cold treatment.On terminating MT assembly with amiprophos-methyl (APM), thenumber of MTs decreased by 75% within 4 h. The remaining MTsdisappeared gradually within 24 h. The MT cytoskeleton of Chaetomorphawould thus appear to be composed of at least two kinds of MTsdiffering in stability. The MT cytoskeleton returned to normalafter treatment with APM for less than 48 h. However, this didnot occur after treatment with APM for more than 48 h, and theMT arrays became random. Cell elongation ceased completely within24 h after treatment with APM for less than 48 h but was restoredwithin 24 h after removing APM. The restoration of cell elongationwas no longer evident after removaI of APM for more than 48h. The results indicate that assembly of MTs into ordered arraysdepends on cell polarity and that in turn cell elongation isdependent on the polar-dependent arrays of MTs.Copyright 1994,1999 Academic Press Cell polarity, Chaetomorpha moniligera, coenocytic green alga, cold treatment, immunofluorescence, microtubule  相似文献   

Membrane ghosts were prepared from protoplasts of the greenalga Mougeotia, and the Ca2+-sensitivity of microtubules onthe ghosts was examined. Microtubules on the protoplast ghosts were not depolymerizedby 3 min treatment with 1 mM Ca2+. As the treatment was prolonged,some depolymerization of microtubules became evident, but evenafter 10 min about 50% of the ghosts showed no depolymerization.Ca2+ introduced into intact protoplasts seemed to be ineffectivein depolymerizing microtubules; abundant microtubules were presenton membrane ghosts prepared from protoplasts which had beentreated with 2x10–5M Ca2+-ionophore A23187 [GenBank] plus 1 mM Ca2+for 20 or 30 min. Neither 3 min treatment with 0.2% Triton X-100 nor with 1 mMCa2+ solution containing 5 min MgSO4 and 100 mM KCl caused depolymerisationof microtubules on protoplast ghosts. However, when given successively,these treatments caused complete depolymerization of microtubules. These results suggest that Mougeotia microtubules are stableto Ca2+ and that the stability is conferred by a microtubule-associatedfactor which can easily be removed by Triton X-100 treatment. (Received July 19, 1985; Accepted October 25, 1985)  相似文献   

From August to October 2002, daily measurements of the thallus weight and area were taken in sporophytes and male and female gametophytes of Ulva fenestrata at similar developmental phases. The algae were reared in aquaria at a constant temperature (22 ± 0.5°C); illumination was applied for 12h a day at a photosynthetically active radiation intensity of 400 E/(m2 s). All generations showed a linear increase in the thallus weight and area over time with the same relative daily increment (8 to 15%). Generations differed significantly in time to onset of sporogenesis or gametogenesis. The female gametophyte, sporophyte, and male gametophyte began to release gametes or spores in 7, 10, and 15 days, respectively. A scheme for the distribution of cells among age groups is proposed. The scheme seems to account for the linear pattern of thallus growth.  相似文献   

Effects of ions on the orientation of cortical micro-lubules(MTs) in Spirogyra cells were studied. After depo-lymerizalionwith amiprophos-methyl (APM), MTs were allowed to reorganizein NaCI solutions of various concentrations. As the concentrationof NaCI increased, the frequency of cells that had oblique MTsincreased. When cells in NaCI solution were transferred intoartificial pond water (APW) and incubated for 6 h, all the MTschanged to become transverse to the longitudinal axis of thecell. KC1 and MgCl2 also had effects on the orientation of MTs.However, NH4Cl, CaCl2;, CoCl2, and Co(NO3)2 did not show anyeffect. These results suggest that Na+, K+, and Mg2+have effectson MT orientation and that NH+4, Ca2+, Co2+, Cl, andNO3 have little effect. When MTs were reorganized ineither NaCl or KCl solutions, all the oblique MTs were organizedinto an S-helix. In contrast, some of the oblique MTs were foundas a Z-helix in the cells incubated in MgCl2 or mannitol solutions.These results suggest that effects of Na+ and K+ on the orientationof MTs are not the same as those of Mg2+ and mannitol. Theseresults provide the first evidence that ions are involved inthe orientation of MTs in algae. (Received January 27, 1998; Accepted August 10, 1998)  相似文献   

Domozych, D. S. and Korbusieski, T. J. 1985. The disruptionof dictyosome structure, polarity and secretory activity inthe scale-producing green alga Pyramimonas inconstans.—J.exp.Bot.36: 1304–1312. Dictyosome morphology and scale morphogenesis in the green alga,Pyramimonas inconstans, are well-defined ultrastructurally.By applying the sodium-specific ionophore, monensin, to actively-growingcell cultures, both dictyosome micro-architecture and the scale-basedsecretory pathway can be significantly altered. Applicationof 0.1 mol m3 and 0.01 mol m –3monensin for short periods(1 -3 h) results in cisternal curling and the disorientationof dictyosome polarity. Prolonged exposure to the ionophore(4-24 h) results in the complete disruption of dictyosome morphologyand scale morphogenesis with the emergence of irregular vesiclesfrom the maturing face. Removal of monensin by repeated washingreturns dictyosome structure and secretory activity to normal.These results indicate that Golgi apparatus integrity and secretoryactivity in Pyramimonas may be controlled by a localized, cytoplasmicproton gradient Key words: Monensin, Pyramimonas, dictyosome  相似文献   

Kalacheva  G. S.  Zhila  N. O.  Volova  T. G.  Gladyshev  M. I. 《Microbiology》2002,71(3):286-293
The lipid composition of the green alga Botryococcus was studied at three different cultivation temperatures: suboptimal (18°C), optimal (25°C), and supraoptimal (32°C). Cultivation at the supraoptimal temperature was found to considerably inhibit the synthesis of nearly all intracellular lipids, except for triacylglycerides, and to influence their fatty acid composition. In particular, the content of trienoic fatty acids was significantly lower at the supraoptimal than at the optimal cultivation temperature. At the same time, the fatty acid composition of the extracellular lipids of the alga virtually did not depend on cultivation temperature.  相似文献   

The effects of cytochalasin B, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), colchicine,vinblastine and cycloheximide on the formation of birefringentcell wall layers were studied. Birefringent layers accumulatedoutside the plasma membrane of daughter semicells when cellswere cultured in a 0.16 M mannitol solution without any inhibitors.In cells treated with 2 x 10–5 M cytochalasin B, 3 x 10–5M NEM, 10–4 M vinblastine or 10–5 M cycloheximidefor 24 hr, birefringent layers were not observed outside theplasma membrane, but were present in cells treated with 10–2M colchicine. The possibility is discussed that substances necessaryfor wall synthesis could be transported from the cytoplasm tothe outside of the plasma membrane by a system associated withmicrofilaments, microtubules and myosin-like structures. (Received June 26, 1981; Accepted September 24, 1981)  相似文献   

Longitudinal microtubules are predominant in epidermal cellsof the 3rd internodes of dwarf pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. LittleMarvel) seedlings. In more than 50% of the cells, cortical microtubulesare running parallel to the cell axis. GA3 promotes elongation of the internodes and gives rise toa predominance of transverse microtubules. In more than 60%of the GA3-treatd cells, cortical microtubules are running transverseto the cell axis. Longitudinal microtubules in the GA3-untreated cells are resistantto low-temperature treatment, but transverse microtubules inthe GA3-treated cells are sensitive to it. Longitudinal microtubulesare present in GA3-treated epidermal cells with low frequency.They are resistant to low-temperature treatment. Longitudinal, oblique and transverse microtubules are presentwith almost the same frequency in epidermal cells of the 3rdinternodes of tall pea (cv. Early Alaska) seedlings. GA3 promoteselongation of the internodes also in tall pea seedlings, butit does not alter the direction of cortical microtubules sodistinctly as it does in dwarf pea seedlings. As in dwarf pea seedlings, longitudinal microtubules are resistantto low-temperature treatment, and transverse microtubules aresensitive to it in tall pea seedlings. (Received September 19, 1986; Accepted December 26, 1986)  相似文献   

The combined effect of temperature (5, 10, 15, and 20°C) and illumination (40 and 60 mE/(m2 s)) on growth and reproduction of the green marine alga Ulva fenestrata P. et R. from the sublittoral zone of Amursky Bay, Sea of Japan, was studied in the laboratory environment in the months April–July, 2000. It was demonstrated that the temperature of 5°C and illumination of 40 mE/(m2 s) are the most favorable for maintaining the vegetative mass of the algae. A water temperature of 10°C and illumination of 40 mE/(m2 s) are the optimum conditions for vegetative growth of U. fenestrata thalli. A temperature decrease and increase by 5°C reduces the growth rate on average by 30%. Sporo- and gametogenesis in U. fenestrata are the most regular (every 10 days) and occupy the greatest disk area at a water temperature of 15°C and illumination of 40 mE/(m2 s). Vegetative growth of thalli is sharply inhibited at the stage of cell preparation to gametogenesis a day before the beginning of gamete formation.  相似文献   

以扫描正弦光栅作为刺激,用冰冻法毁损皮层17、18、19区和外侧上雪氏回(LS区)来阻断皮层对外膝体的反馈投射,记录并描绘了猫外膝体597个细胞的方位调制特性.去视皮层猫外膝体神经元的平均方位选择性强度(Bias)为0.154,与正常猫(0.155)几乎相同,其最优方位偏向于水平方位.与正常猫外膝体不同的是,去视皮层猫外膝体失去了最优方位的切向分布规律,用GABA或KCl压抑皮层活动得到了相近的实验结果.结果说明正常外膝体的最优方位切向分布规律来自皮层反馈投射.  相似文献   

Unlike abundantly-leafed mature plants, 2- to 3-leafed youngonion seedlings (Allium cepa L. cv. Senshu-Chuko) showed noswelling of leaf sheaths even when they were kept under long-dayconditions. When their roots were excised, however, the seedlingsshowed sign of swelling. Before swelling became evident, changesin the arrangement of cortical microtubules occurred in leafsheath cells. The microtubules, which were oriented transverselyto the cell axis in unexcised seedlings, were oriented longitudinallyor obliquely in excised seedlings. Such effects of root excisionwere observed only in seedlings grown under long-day conditions,but not under short-day conditions. (Received July 14, 1984; Accepted September 26, 1984)  相似文献   


The green alga Ulva reticulata (Forsskal) is often free from biofouling in Hong Kong waters. An early study indicated that bioactive substances from this alga inhibit settlement of the polychaete Hydroides elegans (Haswell). It is also predicted that epibiotic bacteria protect this alga from micro- and macrofouling. In this study, bacterial strains from the surface of U. reticulata were isolated and their inhibitive activities on micro- and macrofouling assayed. The strains were identified by 16S rRNA analysis as belonging to the genera Alteromonas , Pseudoalteromonas and Vibrio . There was no significant effect of these strains or their extracts (aqueous and ethanol) on the growth of five Vibrio strains isolated from natural biofilm. Two bacterial strains ( Alteromonas sp. and Vibrio sp. 3) were non-toxic to the benthic diatom Nitzschia paleacea (Grunow) while the other five strains caused a low level of mortality. No one bacterial strain was toxic to the larvae of H. elegans . Aqueous extract of one of the isolated bacterial species, i.e. Vibrio sp. 2, significantly ( p <0.00001) inhibited the settlement and metamorphosis of H. elegans larvae. The putative antifouling compounds have a molecular weight of >100 kD. On the other hand, biofilm of Pseudoalteromonas sp. 2 and aqueous extract of Vibrio sp. 2 suppressed the settlement of larvae induced by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). Other epibiotic bacteria and their extracts had neither inhibitive nor inductive effects on larval settlement of H. elegans . The results indicate that the antifouling mechanism of U. reticulata may be dependent not only on materials from the macroalga itself but also on the epibiotic bacteria on the algal surface.  相似文献   

The properties of the soluble β-glucans formed during photosynthesis of the green siphonous alga Caulerpa simpliciuscula are described. There are two components in the soluble β-glucan fraction. One has an apparent degree of polymerization of 37 glucose units and the other of 270 glucose units. The β-glucan with the lower apparent molecular weight accounts for most of the mass in the β-glucan fraction and is similar in properties to soluble laminarins reported in other algal and fungal species. The β-glucan with the high apparent molecular weight contains most of the radioactivity accumulated in the β-glucan fraction during short periods of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerol is used for the production of commodities including food oils and biodiesel fuel. Microalgae can accumulate triacylglycerol under adverse environmental conditions such as nitrogen-starvation. This study explored the possibility of air-drying of green algal cells as a novel and simple protocol for enhancement of their triacylglycerol content. Chlorella kessleri cells were fixed on the surface of a glass fibre filter and then subjected to air-drying with light illumination. The dry cell weight, on a filter, increased by 2.7-fold in 96 h, the corresponding chlorophyll content ranging from 1.0 to 1.3-fold the initial one. Concomitantly, the triacylglycerol content remarkably increased to 70.3 mole% of fatty acids and 15.9% (w/w), relative to total fatty acids and dry cell weight, respectively, like in cells starved of nitrogen. Reduction of the stress of air-drying by placing the glass filter on a filter paper soaked in H2O lowered the fatty acid content of triacylglycerol to 26.4 mole% as to total fatty acids. Moreover, replacement of the H2O with culture medium further decreased the fatty acid content of triacylglycerol to 12.2 mole%. It thus seemed that severe dehydration is required for full induction of triacylglycerol synthesis, and that nutritional depletion as well as dehydration are crucial environmental factors. Meanwhile, air-drying of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells increased the triacylglycerol content to only 37.9 mole% of fatty acids and 4.8% (w/w), relative to total fatty acids and dry cell weight, respectively, and a marked decrease in the chlorophyll content, on a filter, of 33%. Air-drying thus has an impact on triacylglycerol synthesis in C. reinhardtii also, however, the effect is considerably limited, owing probably to instability of the photosynthetic machinery. This air-drying protocol could be useful for the development of a system for industrial production of triacylglycerol with appropriate selection of the algal species.  相似文献   

The mesocotyl length of dark-grown maize seedlings is much shorterin the dwarf (d5) than in the normal. The elongating zone ofd5 mesocotyl is restricted to 1 mm below the coleoptilar node,while that of the normal extends to almost 4 mm. When the 4mm portion below the node was marked at 1 mm intervals and designatedas A, B, C and D from the top, gibberellin (GA3) particularlystimulated elongation of the A–B region of d5 and alsoC to some extent. Electronmicroscopic observation of microtubulesin the epidermal cells of these regions of d5 showed that microtubuleswere longitudinally and/or randomly oriented in all other regionsexcept the region immediately below the node. Following 100µM GA3 treatment for 21 h, the microtubule arrangementbecame transverse to the cell axis in A and B. Even in C a significantnumber of transversely oriented microtubules were observed.On the other hand, in normal seedlings microtubules were orientedtransversely to the cell axis in all four regions regardlessof GA3 treatment. Results indicate that the dwarf habit of d5seedlings can be ascribed to their possession of a small populationof elongating cells, the microtubules of which are predominantlyoriented transversely to the cell axis as a result of insufficientsupply of endogenous gibberellin. 1Present address: Department of Cell Biology, National Institutefor Basic Biology, Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan. (Received December 17, 1985; Accepted March 10, 1986)  相似文献   

Treatment with S-3307, a newly developed growth retardant, causedswelling of leaf sheaths in 2- to 3-leafed young onion seedlings(Allium ccpa L. cv. Senshu-Chuko), which otherwise showed noswelling even under long-day conditions. Before swelling becameevident, changes occurred in the arrangement of cortical microtubulesin leaf sheath cells of S-3307-treated seedlings. Cortical microtubulesin leaf sheath cells, which are normally oriented transverselyto the cell axis in untreated seedlings, were oriented longitudinallyor obliquely in treated seedlings. S-3307 exerted these effectsonly in seedlings grown under long-day conditions, but not undershort-day conditions. Simultaneously applied gibberellin reversed the effect of S-3307on swelling, indicating that S-3307 acts as an inhibitor ofgibberellin biosynthesis in onion seedlings. Endogenous gibberellinseems to play an important role in arranging cortical microtubulestransversely to the cell axis. (Received July 14, 1984; Accepted September 26, 1984)  相似文献   

New round cells of Boergesenia forbesii, which develop fromprotoplasts, form crossed polylamellate cell walls. The frequencyof the shift in microfibril orientation in generating wall layerswas affected not by the photoperiod, but by the total lengthof the illumination period. The dependency of the shift uponlight intensity and quality, and its inhibition by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylureaindicated that the shift in fibril orientation was primarilydependent upon photosynthesis. KCN and NaN3 strongly inhibitedwall thickening but the frequency of the shift only a little.Therefore, the system controlling microfibril orientation functionsindependently of wall synthesis. Both colchicine and cytochalasinB did not affect microfibril orientation as well as wall synthesisin Boergesenia cells. (Received August 1, 1981; Accepted December 14, 1981)  相似文献   

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