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A flow cell system was developed which allowed the study of bacterial adhesion to solid substrata at well-defined shear rates. In addition, the system enabled the solid surfaces to be coated with a proteinaceous film under exactly the same shear conditions. In this flow cell system, adhesion of three strains of oral streptococci from a phosphate-buffered solution onto three different substrata was studied as a function of time in the absence and presence of a bovine serum albumin (BSA) coating at a shear rate of 21 s-1. To obtain a wide range in surface free energies (gamma) representative strains (gamma b 38-117 mJ m-2) and solid substrata (gamma s 20-109 mJ m-2) were selected. The number of bacteria adhering was counted microscopically. In the absence of a BSA coating a linear relation was found between the number of bacteria adhering at saturation (nb,s) and the calculated interfacial free energy of adhesion (delta Fadh) for each of the three strains. In the presence of a BSA coating the number of bacteria adhering was greatly decreased in all cases. However, despite the presence of the BSA coating there was still a linear relation between the number of bacteria adhering at saturation and the interfacial free energy of adhesion, calculated on the basis of the surface free energy of the uncoated substrata. It can be concluded that the bare, uncoated substratum still influenced bacterial adhesion in spite of the marked influence of a BSA coating.  相似文献   

Genetic exchange between oral streptococci during mixed growth   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To determine whether oral streptococci might exchange genetic information in the oral cavity, paired transformable strains of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis and Streptococcus milleri were growth together. Chromosomal and plasmid-borne antibiotic resistance markers could be readily transferred from S. mutans GS-5 to S. milleri NCTC 10707 or S. sanguis Challis during mixed growth. However, no exchange from the latter two organisms to strain GS-5 could be detected under these conditions. The transfer of genetic information from S. sanguis to S. milleri was also observed.  相似文献   

Washed organisms, including strains of Streptococcus mitior, S. mutans, and S. sanguis, were examined by curie-point pyrolysis gas-liquid chromatography. A linear discriminant function based upon three items from the output data was adequate for segregating the strains according to species. Strains with intermediate properties were also encountered. Sources of variability in cultures were evaluated, chromatographic performance was maintained throughout the investigation, and matching performance from a duplicate pair of chromatographic columns was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Washed organisms, including strains of Streptococcus mitior, S. mutans, and S. sanguis, were examined by curie-point pyrolysis gas-liquid chromatography. A linear discriminant function based upon three items from the output data was adequate for segregating the strains according to species. Strains with intermediate properties were also encountered. Sources of variability in cultures were evaluated, chromatographic performance was maintained throughout the investigation, and matching performance from a duplicate pair of chromatographic columns was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Bacterial adhesion and coaggregation are involved in the development of oral biofilms, called dental plaque. Although various techniques have already been used to study different aspects of these bacterial interactions, microcalorimetry has not yet been applied. This paper describes how isothermal reaction calorimetry can be employed to determine the enthalpy of coaggregation between two oral bacterial pairs. For most biological processes, the enthalpy tends to reach a minimum value, reflecting the most stable state, which is directly related to the heat content of the system. The calorimeter consists of four measuring units where reaction ampoules are filled with 1.5 ml of an Actinomyces naeslundii 147 suspension, while reference ampoules are filled with buffer only. After equilibration at 25 degrees C, 80 microl of a streptococcal suspension was titrated into the reaction ampoules. To study possible saturation of the binding sites on the actinomyces surface, three consecutive injections with streptococcal suspensions were done. Following each injection, a 20-microl aliquot was taken from the ampoule kept outside the calorimeter and the number of free (S(f)) and bound (S(b)) streptococci was determined microscopically. Experiments were carried out with a coaggregating streptococcal strain (Streptococcus oralis J22) and a non-coaggregating strain (Streptococcus sanguis PK1889), serving as a control. The coaggregation enthalpy was exothermic, that is, heat was released in the reaction ampoule upon coaggregation and the heat released by the coaggregating pair minus the heat released by the non-coaggregating pair yielded a coaggregation enthalpy of -0.015 x 10(-6) mJ/bound streptococcus for the first injection. Upon consecutive injections, the coaggregation enthalpy decreased to -0.0004 x 10(-6) mJ/bound streptococcus. Comparison with enthalpy changes reported for lectin-carbohydrate binding suggests that a huge number of binding sites are involved in the formation of one bacterial coaggregate.  相似文献   

Kitada K  Oho T 《Gerodontology》2012,29(2):e981-e987
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00595.x Effect of saliva viscosity on the co‐aggregation between oral streptococci and Actinomyces naeslundii Background: The co‐aggregation of oral bacteria leads to their clearance from the oral cavity. Poor oral hygiene and high saliva viscosity are common amongst the elderly; thus, they frequently suffer from pneumonia caused by the aspiration of oral microorganisms. Objectives: To examine the direct effect of saliva viscosity on the co‐aggregation of oral streptococci with actinomyces. Materials and methods: Fifteen oral streptococcal and a single actinomyces strain were used. Co‐aggregation was assessed by a visual assay in phosphate buffer and a spectrophotometric assay in the same buffer containing 0–60% glycerol or whole saliva. Results: Nine oral streptococci co‐aggregated with Actinomyces naeslundii ATCC12104 in the visual assay and were subsequently used for the spectrophotometric analysis. All tested strains displayed a decrease in co‐aggregation with increasing amounts of glycerol in the buffer. The co‐aggregation of Streptococcus oralis with A. naeslundii recovered to baseline level following the removal of glycerol. The per cent co‐aggregation of S. oralis with A. naeslundii was significantly correlated with the viscosity in unstimulated and stimulated whole saliva samples (correlation coefficients: ?0.52 and ?0.48, respectively). Conclusion: This study suggests that saliva viscosity affects the co‐aggregation of oral streptococci with actinomyces and that bacterial co‐aggregation decreases with increasing saliva viscosity.  相似文献   

A gentle method for the lysis of oral streptococci.   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Black lipid planar membranes were prepared by incorporating polymers such as polystyrene in a membrane forming solution. The polymerincorporated planar membranes showed greater stability to applied electric fields and have longer lifertimes. Photopotentials were studied under several conditions; with bacteriorhodopsin in the planar membrane; with bacteriorhodopsin in liposomes; with bacteriorhodopsin fragments in suspension; and with bacteriorhodopsin both in the planar membrane and in liposomes. Skulachev's laboratory has reported that bacteriorhodopsin-liposomes develop potentials across a black lipid planar membrane. In our studies, because the polymer incorporated planar membranes are very stable, it was possible to obtain somewhat larger photopotentials in the presence of bacteriorhodopsin ranging between 30–500 mV. The enhancement of bacteriorhodopsin catalyzed photopotentials, found in the presence of Ca++ (or other bivalent cations) and/or applied electric fields, appeared to result from an orientation effect of bacteriorhodopsin at the membrane interface.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity of oral streptococci   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus were the least proteolytic of 8 species of oral streptococci while Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus sanguis were the most proteolytic. Degradation of FITC-BSA was significantly correlated with the hydrolysis of synthetic endopeptidase substrates. As S. oralis strains proliferate in dental plaque in the absence of dietary food their success, in vivo, might be due partially to their greater proteolytic activity compared to other oral streptococci.  相似文献   

变链素活性与变形链球菌基因多态性的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨变链素的活性与变形链球菌(MS)基因多态性的关系。方法在AP-PCR基因分型的基础上,选择来自单基因型定植的个体50株MS为单基因型组,另50株来自多基因型共同定植的个体为多基因型组,用平板法检测2组菌株产生变链素对10个指示株的抑制情况,T-检验比较2组菌株抑菌环和抑菌谱的均数差异。结果所有的实验株(100%)均可产生抑制6~8个指示株的变链素,抑菌环和抑菌谱在不同个体之间变异,组间均数的比较不具有显著性(P值分别是0.12,1.79)。结论多基因型MS定植的口腔,在产生变链素方面似乎不具有优势。  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among the oral streptococci.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Genetic relationships and species limits among the oral streptococci were determined by an analysis of electrophoretically demonstrable variation in 16 metabolic enzymes. Fifty isolates represented 40 electrophoretic types, among which the mean genetic diversity per locus was 0.857. Mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase was not detected in isolates of the sanguis species complex, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase were absent in species of the mutans complex. Clustering from a matrix of Gower's coefficient of genetic similarity placed the 40 electrophoretic types in 10 well-defined groups corresponding to the Streptococcus species S. mutans, S. sobrinus, S. cricetus, S. rattus, S. ferus, S. oralis (mitior), two distinct assemblages of S. sanguis strains, and two subdivisions of "S. milleri." The assignments of isolates to these groups were the same as those indicated by DNA hybridization experiments, and the coefficient of correlation between genetic distance estimated by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and genetic similarity indexed by DNA hybridization was -0.897 (P less than 0.001) for 50 pairwise combinations of isolates. S. ferus, which is widely believed to be a member of the mutans complex, was shown to be phylogenetically closer to species of the sanguis complex.  相似文献   

Abstract The surface free energies ( γ b) of a variety of oral streptococci were determined from contact angle measurements on bacterial deposits, using the concept of dispersion and polar components. At least four strains of each species were tested. Strains of Streptococcus mutans, S. sanguis and S. salivarius possessed relatively high surface free energies (103 ± 12 mJ · m−2) and at the species level no significant difference was found. In contrast, the strains of S. mitis had remarkably low surface free energies (45 ± 14 mJ · m−2). S. milleri appeared to be a heterogeneous species, showing surface free energies over a range of 32–119 mJ · m−2. No significant differences were observed between laboratory strains and strains freshly isolated from the oral cavity.  相似文献   

The binding of lasalocid A to dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles was studied following changes in the intrinsic fluorescence of this ionophore. The binding calculations indicated a dissociation constant of 6.98 +/- 1.5 muM at 48 degrees C, i.e., above the transition temperature (Tc) of the pure phospholipid, with a number of binding sites of 1 per 22 +/- 2.5 molecules of phospholipid, while at 23 degrees C, i.e., below the Tc of the pure phospholipid, the dissociation constant was 9.15 +/- 0.24 muM and the number of binding sites was 1 per each 29 +/- 1.6 molecules of DPPC. Changes in the temperature induced changes in fluorescence intensity of lasalocid A mainly upon phase changes, indicating a progressive decrease in the transition temperature accompanied by a broadening of the transition as lasalocid A concentration was increased. Fluorescence quenching experiments with N-methylnicotinamide showed a certain accessibility of the fluorophoric group of the ionophore to the aqueous quencher. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that increasing concentrations of lasalocid A drastically modified the thermotropic profile. At concentrations higher than 5 mol%, a second peak appeared, possibly due to a lateral phase segregation of lasalocid A trapping some phospholipid molecules. The results are interpreted in terms of limited solubility of lasalocid A in the phospholipid vesicles, this solubility being higher in fluid than in rigid phospholipid. Lateral segregation seems to occur with formation of more than one phase. At least the salicylic acid residue of the ionophore appears to be located near the polar head group of the phospholipid.  相似文献   

To study the interaction between D-amino acid oxidase [EC] and quasi-substrates such as benzoate and o-, m-, and p-aminobenzoate, visible circular dichroism spectra (CD spectra) were measured and the binding rate and affinity of o-aminobenzoate to the enzyme were observed by following the absorption changes at various wavelengths. We found a new CD band around 560 nm, corresponding to the charge-transfer complexes which result from the formation of aminobenzoate complexes with the enzyme. The ellipticity of this band was positive for the p-aminobenzoate complex, but negative for the o- and m-aminobenzoate complexes. Crossover points in CD spectra were observed at 470 nm for the m-aminobenzoate complex and at 475 nm for the o-aminobenzoate complex. They probably resulted from overlapping of the positive CD band of FAD bound with the enzyme and the negative CD band of the charge-transfer complex. We propose that the amino group in aminobenzoate, not the pi-electrons of the benzene ring, is the electron donor in the charge-transfer complex and that the position of the amino group is very important for the charge-transfer interaction. The binding rate and affinity of o-aminobenzoate to the enzyme were determined using the absorption changes at 370 nm (380 nm), caused by the modification of electronic states of FAD bound with the enzyme, and at 550 nm (565 nm), caused by the formation of the charge-transfer complex of o-aminobenzoate with the enzyme. No differences between these parameters with wavelength were observed. This independence of wavelength simplifies discussion of the experimental data obtained from absorption changes.  相似文献   

Summary Virginiamycin S (VS, a type B component of the synergistin group of antibiotics) is fluorescent in solution: the fluorescence intensity is proportional to VS concentration. The intensity of VS fluorescence was found to increase upon addition of 50S ribosomal subunits, and this variation (I416nm) to be proportional to the concentration of 50S subunits. This new technique was, then, used to measure the binding reaction of VS to ribosomes. Similar patterns of link age were obtained for ribosomes and large subunits, whereas very little fixation to 30S particles was detected. The binding reaction was virtually instantaneous at any temperature, and, for saturating VS, was not influenced by Mg++ concentration in the range 1 to 20 mM, nor by the replacement of 100 mM K+ with NH 4 + . The association constant of VS to 50S particles was found to be KA=2.5 × 106M–1, and from the Scatchard plot a value of 0.9 was calculated, which points to a stoichiometric reaction leading to 1 mole VS bound per mole of 50S particles. upon fixation of virginiamycin M (VM, a type A component of the synergistin group of antibiotics), the I of the VS-ribosome complex was increased, and a KA =15 × 106M–1 was recorded for the association constant of VS to 50S particles. Such sixfold increase in the affinity of ribosomes for VS may account for the synergistic effect of the 2 virginiamycin components in sensitive bacteria.  相似文献   

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