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The Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) has been extending its summer feeding distribution north and west, including around Iceland, since around 2006. The objective of this study is to quantify the weight gain and total food consumption of mackerel and to evaluate the food competition between mackerel and herring (Clupea harengus) feeding in the marine ecosystem around Iceland during the summers 2009–2011. Mackerel feeding in Icelandic waters gained around 43% on average in weight during these summers. Based on swept-area abundance estimates of mackerel from an international survey in 2011 and available estimates of food conversion efficiency in mackerel, the weight gain in Icelandic waters in 2011 corresponded to a total consumption of around 3.4 (2.4?4.5) million tonnes. Overall, 98% of 2314 mackerel, 91% of 398 Icelandic summer-spawning herring and 96% of 424 Norwegian spring-spawning herring stomachs, collected over the summers 2009?2011, contained food. The mean weight of the stomach content of mackerel was higher than for herring in all the years. While the stomach content weight of mackerel was generally highest in southeastern and southwestern areas, it was highest for herring in western, eastern and northern areas. Analysis of stomach contents showed that Copepoda were the most important food of mackerel in most areas, while Copepoda and Euphausiacea were the most important food items for herring. Fish prey contributed a higher proportion in stomachs of mackerel than herring, although relatively low for both species.  相似文献   

Female flathead sole Hippoglossoides elassodon maturity appears not to be area dependent since the total length ( L T) at which 50% were mature ( L T50) was similar for the central Gulf of Alaska (333 mm) and south‐eastern Bering Sea (320 mm) areas. Likewise the age at which 50% were mature ( A 50) was similar in the south‐eastern Bering Sea (9·7 years) and central Gulf of Alaska (8·7 years). The timing of female flathead sole spawning may also be similar between areas. Batch or serial spawning was indicated for flathead sole. Female flathead sole grew at a similar rate in both the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. In contrast, males grew faster in the Bering Sea than in the Gulf of Alaska. Males grew more slowly than females in both areas after 5 years of age, and reached a smaller maximum L T. The growth of both sexes was similar during 1993 and 1996 in the Gulf of Alaska.  相似文献   

With the increase in global oceanic trade the establishment of non-indigenous marine organisms has become a major environmental and economic problem worldwide. Recently, the Atlantic rock crab (Cancer irroratus) was reported in Icelandic waters, Eastern North Atlantic. This is the first record of this relatively large crab species outside its natural range, i.e. the east coast of North America. The crab was most likely transferred to Iceland as larvae in ballast water and has successfully established a reproducing population in Icelandic waters. The species is distributed along the southwestern- and western-coast of Iceland. Adult specimens are now common in Faxaflói Bay, Southwest Iceland, but with sporadic occurrences in western and northwestern Icelandic waters. The green crab (Carcinus maenas) and the spider crab (Hyas araneus) are the only native brachyuran decapod species commonly found in its new habitat, but despite its recent colonization the rock crab was the most abundant brachyuran in the areas studied in southwest Iceland. Egg bearing rock crab and green crab females were found from June to October, while egg bearing spider crab females were seen from July to December. In Southwest Iceland both rock crab and green crab larvae were abundant in mid-summer but rare in both spring and autumn, which is opposite of what was observed for the spider crab. The size and abundance of adult crabs, their reproductive conditions, and occurrence of all larval stages, indicate that the Atlantic rock crab has successfully colonized Iceland.  相似文献   

Recent warming has caused a northern extension in the distribution of many southern fish species in Icelandic waters. Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) around Iceland are near the southern limit of their distribution, but are poorly studied in the area. Therefore, material sampled during demersal fish surveys in March 1985–2013 and in pelagic 0-group surveys in Iceland–East Greenland waters in August–September 1974–2003 was used to investigate their distribution, abundance and biology. Demersal polar cod were most often caught on the outer shelf to the north-west and north of Iceland, but during years of widest distribution and highest abundance, they were caught farther to the east on the northern shelf. Pelagic 0-group polar cod were only caught sporadically and mainly confined to the waters off the north-west shelf of Iceland and the East Greenland shelf (southern Denmark Strait). In demersal hauls, the number of stations with polar cod decreased with increasing bottom temperature and polar cod were most widely distributed in the years 1989, 1994 and 1995. Highest numbers of demersal polar cod per haul were caught at temperatures of ?0.5 to 2.5 °C and at 200–450 m depth. The length of demersal polar cod ranged from 5 to 32 cm, while the fish caught in the pelagic trawl ranged from 2.2 to 19 cm. The polar cod in the subarctic waters north of Iceland most likely originate from the waters off East Greenland and further warming and decline in sea ice may eventually lead to the disappearance of polar cod from Icelandic waters.  相似文献   

Biological data from 1125 female Atlantic wolf‐fish Anarhichas lupus were collected during 2002–2006 at their main spawning and fishing grounds in Iceland. The results demonstrated substantial annual variation in growth and maturity of female A. lupus. The fast growing females mature earlier than the slow growing ones. In addition, females mature at a larger size and greater age in warmer temperatures than colder ones. There was a strong negative relationship between temperature and growth, which may indicate that the sea temperature west of Iceland has risen above the optimum for growth of female A. lupus and thereby reduced the reproductive potential of the species.  相似文献   

This paper presents results obtained from data on the greater silver smelt Argentina silus in Icelandic waters collected by the Marine Research Institute, Iceland, mainly since 1981. The greater silver smelt is most abundant in the waters off the south-east coast of Iceland clockwise to those off the west coast, but the species has also been observed off the north coast. Differences in the size composition in relation to area and depth are described. The preferred depth range of the greater silver smelt was found to be 300-600 m and the preferred temperature was about 6°C. Ageing is described showing a relatively fast growth up to the age of 8-9 years. The age/length and length/weight relations are given. Females grow faster than males. The 50% maturity point is reached by males at a length of 36-37 cm and at an age of approximately 8 years, and by females at a length of 37-38 cm and approximately 9 years. Spawning takes place to some extent year round but with one or two periods of greater intensity. Results from experimental fishing are described and problems in connection with a Commercial fishery are discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of poor-cod, Trisoptems minutus L., whiting, Merlangius merlangus L., and Norway pout, Trisoptems esmarkii Nilsson, was studied in western Scottish waters. Sex ratios, size and age at maturation and spawning seasons were determined and compared with other areas. The large juvenile stocks found in inshore areas at the western entrance of the Great Glen were derived from spawning grounds west of Mull, in poor-Cod. In whiting and Norway pout the location of spawning grounds was inferred from the occurrence of planktonic larvae and postlarvae and the hydrography of the area.  相似文献   

Temperature treatment of common wolffish Anarhichas lupus during vitellogenesis affected the time of final maturation; ovulation in fish held at 8 and 12° C from mid-April to October was about four and five weeks delayed, compared with a 4° C group. Fish in the 8° C group had significantly larger eggs than those in the 4° C and the 12° C groups, and a significantly higher egg production than fish in the 12° C group. Temperature treatment did not affect either fertilization rate or relative fecundity, but absolute fecundity was significantly lower in the 12° C group than the other groups due to poor growth of the fish at high temperature. This did not affect the numbers of spawning individuals. There was a trend towards lower egg survival to the eyed stage in the 12° C group compared to the 4 and 8° C groups, although the effect was not statistically significant. The results indicate that both the timing of final maturation and investment in ovarian growth in common wolffish are affected by temperature experienced during vitellogenesis.  相似文献   

Iceland is an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, with an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles that is largely unexplored with respect to chemical constituents of the marine biota. Iceland is a geothermally active area and hosts both hot and cold adapted organisms on land and in the ocean around it. In particular, the confluence of cold and warm water masses and geothermal activity creates a unique marine environment that has not been evaluated for the potential of marine natural product diversity. Marine organisms need to protect themselves from other organisms trying to overgrow, and some need to secure their place on the bottom of the ocean. Unexplored and unique areas such as the hydrothermal vent site at the sea floor in Eyjafjordur are of particular interest. In 1992 a collaborative research programme on collecting and identifying benthic invertebrates around Iceland (BIOICE) was established, with participation of Icelandic and foreign institutes, universities and taxonomists on benthic invertebrates from all over the world. Since the programme started almost 2,000 species have been identified and of those 41 species are new to science. Our recent bioprospecting project is directed towards the first systematic investigation of the marine natural product diversity of benthic invertebrates occurring in Icelandic waters, and their potential for drug-lead discovery in several key therapeutic areas.  相似文献   

Otolith chemistry was used to study the stock structure of Icelandic cod Gadus morhua . Otoliths were collected from spawning cod at 12 and 17 different spawning locations around Iceland during the spawning season in 2002 and 2003, respectively. The otolith elemental composition of cod spawning north and south of Iceland differed substantially from each other, as did spawning cod below and above 125 m depth at the main spawning ground in the south of Iceland. Otolith chemistry differed more between locations than among years within a location, indicating temporal stability between the 2 years. The Icelandic cod stock is managed as a single stock. These results suggest, however, that optimal fisheries management may require different management units than are currently present.  相似文献   

Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt 1898, is an important commercially targeted Notothenioid species in South-Atlantic waters. In this study we aimed to clarify several aspects of reproductive biology of Patagonian toothfish in the Falkland Islands waters. Histological examination of female gonads indicates that with the beginning of maturation females maintain at least two populations of oocytes, suggesting that toothfish requires up to two years for oocytes development. Females become mature at an average size of 79.1 cm indicating a decrease of first maturity size if toothfish females in the Falkland Island waters. The majority of females spawn at the size from 101 to 130 cm total length. Distribution of reproductive phases shows an increase of females at developing stage in December and March prior to the spawning peaks in May and August respectively. However, the majority of the toothfish population consist of non-spawning individuals remaining in regressing phase (55.8 to 85.6%) including the spawning period. The skip-spawning for toothfish has been defined as reabsorbing non-reproductive and resting types. The abbreviation of oocytes development in the gonads was observed from 1 to 22.1% of females which omitted the spawning season. Most likely females which remain in the spawning area have the opportunity to spawn more often, whereas females which undergo foraging migration toward Northern parts of the Falklands waters return to the spawning ground less often. Females remain Northern area longer to accumulate necessary amount of energy. This hypnotise is supported by the presence of females in immature, developing and regressing phase throughout surrounding Falkland Islands waters. Presence of post-spawning females in regressing stage throughout the Falklands waters suggest that toothfish may undertake irregular spawning/foraging migration when favourable for spawning condition occur.  相似文献   

Population characteristics of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides were investigated based on material collected from both trawl and longline fisheries in Falkland Islands' waters. The fish occurred between 56 and 2122 m and attained 225 cm total length ( L T). Males matured earlier, L T at 50% maturity was 86 cm for males v . 90 cm for females. Subadult fish foraged at depths of <600 m, whereas adult Patagonian toothfish lived at >600 m. Spawning occurred on slopes of the Burdwood Bank at c . 1000 m depth with a minor peak in May, and a major peak in July to August. Males arrived at the spawning grounds first. Between spawning peaks both sexes remained around the Burdwood Bank with males occurring at greater depths than females. The Patagonian toothfish in south‐east Patagonia and the Falkland Islands had a long juvenile and sub‐adult period in the relatively shallow and warm waters of the outer shelf and upper slope unlike that of juveniles in other Patagonian toothfish populations. The migratory life style of the south‐west Atlantic population is probably very different from that of other populations, which tend to be resident as they are inclined to inhabit the waters around oceanic islands and sea mounts with narrow shelf areas.  相似文献   

In mid-May 2022, pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha smolts were caught in the rivers Botnsá, Grímsá, and Langá in Iceland. This observation provides the first evidence of successful spawning and the completion of the freshwater phase of the life cycle in Icelandic rivers. It is the most western record of O. gorbuscha smolts in Europe, further west than Russia, Norway, and the UK. Smolts originating from Iceland potentially support the recruitment of this species in the North Atlantic and may lead to the establishment of a self-sustaining population in Iceland.  相似文献   

Maturity in adult female Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides was studied in three areas in west Greenland waters: the inshore area in Disko Bay and two offshore areas, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait. The aim was to monitor maturity changes in the inshore fjords of Disko Bay over an extended period from winter to autumn and compare these findings with specimens from Baffin Bay and the presumed spawning area in Davis Strait. A significant difference in maturity level was observed in and between the three areas. In Disko Bay maturity indices increased significantly in August and September both with respect to the gonado‐somatic index ( I G) and the size in the leading oocyte cohort. In the period February to May no significant changes were observed. Mature ovaries were only observed among fish >80 cm total length and only among a fraction of these large fish. Offshore areas of Baffin Bay, even though poorly sampled, showed similar signs in the maturity indices as in Disko Bay. Relative to Disko Bay and Baffin Bay, female fish in Davis Strait had more progressed maturity indices. Furthermore, almost all fish in Davis Strait showed signs of progressed maturity contrary to Disko and Baffin Bay. A large proportion of the Greenland halibut in Disko and Baffin Bay apparently did not begin the maturation cycle until very late in their life history or were repeat spawners with a multi‐year maturation cycle. These observations could thus support the hypothesis that Greenland halibut have a prolonged adolescent phase. Atresia was highest in the early phases of maturation in Greenland halibut but relatively high levels of atresia were also observed in fish in more advanced maturity phase. The first was ascribed to fecundity regulation while the latter could be linked to the fish's fitness condition but it was not possible to show this with the available condition index.  相似文献   

Length, weight and maturity were studied in relation to age in the common seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina L., 1758), collected during the periods 1979-1983 and 1990-2000 in Icelandic waters. The maximum age of common seal observed was 36 years for females and 30 years for males. For common seal females and males, asymptotic length and weight were 161 cm and 93 kg and 174 cm and 97 kg, respectively, showing slight sexual dimorphism in size. The condition of adult females, measured as fat thickness at the lower end of the sternum, was lower in the period 1979-1983 than in 1990-2000 during June-September, the breeding and mating time of the Icelandic common seal. Males reached sexual maturity between 5 and 7 years, whereas 50% of females did so at age 4 years. Including the length and age interaction term in the logistic regression model for the maturity of females significantly improved it. Thus, body size matters in the onset of maturity. The mean birthing date for the Icelandic common seal was found to be in early June. A comparison of animals collected in the two periods 1979-1983 and 1990-2000 did not show significant differences in growth and the average age of sexual maturity for either males or females. The observed decline of the Icelandic common seal population is most probably caused by increased mortality, due to exploitation and accidental by-catch in gill-nets, rather than a decrease in fecundity.  相似文献   

The post spawning behaviour of sea trout Salmo trutta was studied over a 2 year period in the river and estuary of the River Fowey, south‐west England. Forty‐five sea trout kelts were trapped immediately after spawning in December and intraperitoneally tagged with miniature acoustic transmitters. The subsequent emigration into coastal waters was monitored using acoustic receivers deployed throughout the river catchment. The levels of gill Na+K+ATPase activity in sea trout kelts sampled at the same time as the tagged fish were within the range of 2·5 to 4·5 μmol Pi per mg protein per h indicating that the post‐spawning fish were not physiologically adapted to salt water. The tagged kelts were resident in fresh water between 4 and 70 days before entering the estuary. Sixty two per cent of the tagged kelts subsequently migrated successfully into coastal waters, with a higher success rate for male fish (75%) than females (58%). There was a significant size related difference in the run‐timing of the kelts with the larger fish moving more quickly into coastal waters after spawning than smaller fish. Seaward migration within fresh water was predominantly nocturnal and generally occurred in conjunction with increasing river discharge and rising water temperature. Migration through the estuary continued to be predominantly nocturnal and occurred during an ebbing tide. Residency within the estuary varied amongst individuals although it was invariably short, with most fish moving out into coastal waters within one to two tidal cycles. Five tagged kelts returned from the coastal zone and re‐entered fresh water during April and June. Marine residence time varied between 89 and 145 days (mean 118 days) and the minimum estimated marine survival was c. 18%. One of these sea trout was subsequently recaptured after successfully spawning in the vicinity where it had been previously tagged demonstrating a degree of spawning site fidelity.  相似文献   

Studies on the maturity and spawning pattern of Sardinella aurita Valenciennes in relation to sea surface temperature (SST) and zooplankton abundance were carried out during the period 1986–91 in Ghanaian waters (West Africa). Both sexes exhibited synchronous seasonal maturation patterns. The mean length at first maturity occurred at approximately16.7 cm for males and 17.1 cm for females. The mean length at first maturity (L50) increased in comparison with that observed in the 1970s. Three spawning seasons were identified: a major season which extends from July to October, and two minor seasons which occur in March and December. Significant correlations were found between the female gonadosomatic index and SST, between egg abundance and SST, and between egg abundance and zooplankton abundance. The SST seems to be an important factor in species maturation. There is a time lag between attainment of peak gonad maturation and onset of spawning. Spawning appears to commence in response to the start of the coastal upwelling which is characterised by a sharp decrease in SST and an increase in zooplankton abundance.  相似文献   

The stomach of a spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) caught in Icelandic waters was found to contain ~727 greater eelpout larvae (Lycodes esmarkii). All the larvae were of similar size and at a similar state of digestion, indicating they were all consumed together. The likely explanation for this observation is that greater eelpout lay their eggs in a nest, with the larvae remaining in the nest for a short period after hatching. The larvae were then predated upon by the spotted wolffish while still in the nest. This study sheds new light on greater eelpout in Icelandic waters, with recently hatched larvae being present in March, breeding at a depth of ~200–250 m, and likely exhibiting nesting behavior, which has not previously been documented.  相似文献   

Aim The objective was to find direct genetic evidence supporting introgressive hybridization between tetraploid tree birch (Betula pubescens) and diploid dwarf birch (B. nana), via triploid hybrids, and to investigate an association between the introgression and phylogeographical distribution of Icelandic birch. Location Samples were collected from 463 trees in 12 woodlands in Iceland and eight locations in Norway, Sweden, Scotland and Greenland. Methods Ploidy status of individual trees was determined by chromosome counting. Variation in the chloroplast genome was assessed using polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism. The geographical distribution of the haplotypes was mapped. The haplotype variation and introgression ratios (IG) were analysed statistically. Results Thirteen haplotypes were identified among Icelandic samples. The most common haplotype (T, 49% occurrence) was present in all ploidy groups and in all woodlands. All common haplotypes were shared between the triploid group and the parental species, indicating introgressive hybridization. This was supported by the statistical analysis of IG indices and the variation components. Considerable differences existed among samples, shaped by isolation by distance and local introgression. An east–west phylogeographical distribution in Iceland was observed. Main conclusions Despite extensive introgression across species and ploidy levels, a biogeographical pattern has been observed, and this may indicate different population histories or multiple origins of Icelandic birch. The chloroplast haplotype diversity found in Iceland resembles that found in birch populations from northern Scandinavia.  相似文献   

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