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The dystroglycan gene produces two products from a single mRNA, the extracellular alpha-dystroglycan and the transmembrane beta-dystroglycan. The Duchenne muscular dystrophy protein, dystrophin, associates with the muscle membrane via beta-dystroglycan, the WW domain of dystrophin interacting with a PPxY motif in beta-dystroglycan. A panel of four monoclonal antibodies (MANDAG1-4) was produced using the last 16 amino acids of beta-dystroglycan as immunogen. The mAbs recognized a 43 kDa band on Western blots of all cells and tissues tested and stained the sarcolemma in immunohistochemistry of skeletal muscle over a wide range of animal species. A monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the WW domain of dystrophin, MANHINGE4A, produced using a 16-mer synthetic peptide, recognized dystrophin on Western blots and also stained the sarcolemma. We have identified the precise sequences recognized by the mAbs using a phage-displayed random 15-mer peptide library. A 7-amino-acid consensus sequence SPPPYVP involved in binding all four beta-dystroglycan mAbs was identified by sequencing 17 different peptides selected from the library. PPY were the most important residues for three mAbs, but PxxVP were essential residues for a fourth mAb, MANDAG2. By sequencing five different random peptides from the library, the epitope on dystrophin recognized by mAb MANHINGE4A was identified as PWxRA in the first beta-strand of the WW domain, with the W and R residues invariably present. A recent three-dimensional structure confirms that the two epitopes are adjacent in the dystrophin-dystroglycan complex, highlighting the question of how the two interacting motifs can also be accessible to antibodies during immunolocalization in situ.  相似文献   

A number of key regulatory proteins contain one or two copies of the WW domain known to mediate protein–protein interaction via proline-rich motifs, such as PPxY. The Hippo pathway components take advantage of this module to transduce tumor suppressor signaling. It is becoming evident that tyrosine phosphorylation is a critical regulator of the WW proteins. Here, we review the current knowledge on the involved tyrosine kinases and their roles in regulating the WW proteins.  相似文献   

Dystrophin and beta-dystroglycan are components of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC), a multimolecular assembly that spans the cell membrane and links the actin cytoskeleton to the extracellular basal lamina. Defects in the dystrophin gene are the cause of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies. The C-terminal region of dystrophin binds the cytoplasmic tail of beta-dystroglycan, in part through the interaction of its WW domain with a proline-rich motif in the tail of beta-dystroglycan. Here we report the crystal structure of this portion of dystrophin in complex with the proline-rich binding site in beta-dystroglycan. The structure shows that the dystrophin WW domain is embedded in an adjacent helical region that contains two EF-hand-like domains. The beta-dystroglycan peptide binds a composite surface formed by the WW domain and one of these EF-hands. Additionally, the structure reveals striking similarities in the mechanisms of proline recognition employed by WW domains and SH3 domains.  相似文献   

Disabled-1 (Dab1) plays a key role in reelin-mediated neuronal migration during brain development. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Dab1 at two YQXI and two YXVP motifs recruits multiple SH2 domains, resulting in activation of a wide range of signaling cascades. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the coordinated regulation of Dab1 downstream effectors remain poorly understood. Here, we show that alternative splicing results in inclusion of different combinations of YQXI and YXVP motifs in Dab1 isoforms during development. Dab1 variants with partial or complete loss of YQXI motifs are preferentially expressed at early developmental stages, whereas the commonly studied Dab1 is predominantly expressed at late developmental stages. Expression of Dab1 variants in 293T and Neuro2a cells reveals reduced levels or absence of tyrosine phosphorylation in variants that have lost one or both YQXI motifs. We further demonstrate that Dab1 variants differ in their abilities to activate Src and recruit distinct SH2 domains involved in specific downstream signaling pathways. We propose that coordinated expression of specific Dab1 isoforms in different populations of cells in the developing brain contributes to precise neuronal migration by modulating the activity of subsets of Dab1 downstream effectors.  相似文献   

Class I WW domains are present in many proteins of various functions and mediate protein interactions by binding to short linear PPxY motifs. Tandem WW domains often bind peptides with multiple PPxY motifs, but the interplay of WW–peptide interactions is not always intuitive. The WW domain–containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) harbors two WW domains: an unstable WW1 capable of PPxY binding and stable WW2 that cannot bind PPxY. The WW2 domain has been suggested to act as a WW1 domain chaperone, but the underlying mechanism of its chaperone activity remains to be revealed. Here, we combined NMR, isothermal calorimetry, and structural modeling to elucidate the roles of both WW domains in WWOX binding to its PPxY-containing substrate ErbB4. Using NMR, we identified an interaction surface between these two domains that supports a WWOX conformation compatible with peptide substrate binding. Isothermal calorimetry and NMR measurements also indicated that while binding affinity to a single PPxY motif is marginally increased in the presence of WW2, affinity to a dual-motif peptide increases 10-fold. Furthermore, we found WW2 can directly bind double-motif peptides using its canonical binding site. Finally, differential binding of peptides in mutagenesis experiments was consistent with a parallel N- to C-terminal PPxY tandem motif orientation in binding to the WW1–WW2 tandem domain, validating structural models of the interaction. Taken together, our results reveal the complex nature of tandem WW-domain organization and substrate binding, highlighting the contribution of WWOX WW2 to both protein stability and target binding.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle dystrophin is a 427 kDa protein thought to act as a link between the actin cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. Perturbations of the dystrophin-associated complex, for example, between dystrophin and the transmembrane glycoprotein beta-dystroglycan, may lead to muscular dystrophy. Previously, the cysteine-rich region and first half of the carboxy-terminal domain of dystrophin were shown to interact with beta-dystroglycan through a stretch of fifteen amino acids at the carboxy-terminus of beta-dystroglycan. This region of dystrophin implicated in binding beta-dystroglycan contains four modular protein domains: a WW domain, two putative Ca2+-binding EF-hand motifs, and a putative zinc finger ZZ domain. The WW domain is a globular domain of 38-40 amino acids with two highly conserved tryptophan residues spaced 20-22 amino acids apart. A subset of WW domains was shown to bind ligands that contain a Pro-Pro-x-Tyr core motif (where x is any amino acid). Here we elucidate the role of the WW domain of dystrophin and surrounding sequence in binding beta-dystroglycan. We show that the WW domain of dystrophin along with the EF-hand motifs binds to the carboxy-terminus of beta-dystroglycan. Through site-specific mutagenesis and in vitro binding assays, we demonstrate that binding of dystrophin to the carboxy-terminus of beta-dystroglycan occurs via a beta-dystroglycan Pro-Pro-x-Tyr core motif. Targeted mutagenesis of conserved WW domain residues reveals that the dystrophin/beta-dystroglycan interaction occurs primarily through the WW domain of dystrophin. Precise mapping of this interaction could aid in therapeutic design.  相似文献   

Crk-associated substrate (CAS) is a major tyrosine-phosphorylated protein in cells transformed by v-crk and v-src oncogenes and plays an important role in invasiveness of Src-transformed cells. A novel phosphorylation site on CAS, Tyr-12 (Y12) within the ligand-binding hydrophobic pocket of the CAS SH3 domain, was identified and found to be enriched in Src-transformed cells and invasive human carcinoma cells. To study the biological significance of CAS Y12 phosphorylation, phosphomimicking Y12E and nonphosphorylatable Y12F mutants of CAS were studied. The phosphomimicking mutation decreased interaction of the CAS SH3 domain with focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and PTP-PEST and reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK. Live-cell imaging showed that green fluorescent protein-tagged CAS Y12E mutant is, in contrast to wild-type or Y12F CAS, excluded from focal adhesions but retains its localization to podosome-type adhesions. Expression of CAS-Y12F in cas-/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts resulted in hyperphosphorylation of the CAS substrate domain, and this was associated with slower turnover of focal adhesions and decreased cell migration. Moreover, expression of CAS Y12F in Src-transformed cells greatly decreased invasiveness when compared to wild-type CAS expression. These findings reveal an important role of CAS Y12 phosphorylation in the regulation of focal adhesion assembly, cell migration, and invasiveness of Src-transformed cells.  相似文献   

Phosphoserine-binding modules help determine the specificity of signal transduction events. One such module, the group IV WW domain, plays an essential role in targeting the phosphorylation-specific prolyl isomerase Pin1 to its substrates. These modules require Ser/Thr phosphorylation of their ligands for binding activity. However, phosphorylation of these modules and its functional significance have not been described, nor is it known whether the function of Pin1 is regulated. Here we show that Pin1 WW domain is phosphorylated on Ser(16) both in vitro and in vivo. Further, this phosphorylation regulates the ability of the WW domain to mediate Pin1 substrate interaction and cellular localization. Moreover, both Pin1 and WW domain mutants refractory to Ser(16) phosphorylation act as dominant-negative mutants to induce mitotic block and apoptosis and increase multinucleated cells with 8 N DNA content. Thus, phosphorylation is a new mechanism critical for regulating WW domain phosphoserine binding activity and Pin1 function.  相似文献   

Binding of proteins with SH2 domains to tyrosine-phosphorylated signaling proteins is a key mechanism for transmission of biological signals within the cell. Characterization of dysregulated proteins in cell signaling pathways is important for the development of therapeutic approaches. The AKT pathway is a frequently upregulated pathway in most cancer cells and the SH2-containing inositol 5-phosphatase SHIP1 is a negative regulator of the AKT pathway. In this study we investigated different mutations of the conserved FLVR motif of the SH2 domain and putative phosphorylation sites of SHIP1 which are located in close proximity to its FLVR motif. We demonstrate that patient-derived SHIP1-FLVR motif mutations e.g. F28L, and L29F possess reduced protein expression and increased phospho-AKT-S473 levels in comparison to SHIP1 wildtype. The estimated half-life of SHIP1-F28L protein was reduced from 23.2 h to 0.89 h in TF-1 cells and from 4.7 h to 0.6 h in Jurkat cells. These data indicate that the phenylalanine residue at position 28 of SHIP1 is important for its stability. Replacement of F28 with other aromatic residues like tyrosine and tryptophan preserves protein stability while replacement with non-aromatic amino acids like leucine, isoleucine, valine or alanine severely affects the stability of SHIP1. In consequence, a SHIP1-mutant with an aromatic amino acid at position 28 i.e. F28W can rescue the inhibitory function of wild type SHIP1, whereas SHIP1-mutants with non-aromatic amino acids i.e. F28V do not inhibit cell growth anymore. A detailed structural analysis revealed that F28 forms hydrophobic surface contacts in particular with W5, I83, L97 and P100 which can be maintained by tyrosine and tryptophan residues, but not by non-aromatic residues at position 28. In line with this model of mutation-induced instability of SHIP1-F28L, treatment of cells with proteasomal inhibitor MG132 was able to rescue expression of SHIP1-F28L. In addition, mutation of putative phosphorylation sites S27 and S33 adjacent to the FLVR motif of SHIP1 have an influence on its protein stability. These results further support a functional role of SHIP1 as tumor suppressor protein and indicate a regulation of protein expression of SH2 domain containing proteins via the FLVR motif.  相似文献   

Recent reports have demonstrated that interactions between the microtubule-associated protein tau and the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Fyn play a critical role in mediating synaptic toxicity and neuronal loss in response to β-amyloid (Aβ) in models of Alzheimer's disease. Disruption of interactions between Fyn and tau may thus have the potential to protect neurons from Aβ-induced neurotoxicity. Here, we investigated tau and Fyn interactions and the potential implications for positioning of these proteins in membrane microdomains. Tau is known to bind to Fyn via its Src-homology (SH)3 domain, an association regulated by phosphorylation of PXXP motifs in tau. Here, we show that Pro216 within the PXXP(213-216) motif in tau plays an important role in mediating the interaction of tau with Fyn-SH3. We also show that tau interacts with the SH2 domain of Fyn, and that this association, unlike that of Fyn-SH3, is influenced by Fyn-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of tau. In particular, phosphorylation of tau at Tyr18, a reported target of Fyn, is important for mediating Fyn-SH2-tau interactions. Finally, we show that tyrosine phosphorylation influences the localization of tau to detergent-resistant membrane microdomains in primary cortical neurons, and that this trafficking is Fyn-dependent. These findings may have implications for the development of novel therapeutic strategies aimed at disrupting the tau/Fyn-mediated synaptic dysfunction that occurs in response to elevated Aβ levels in neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

The activation of six target enzymes by calmodulin phosphorylated on Tyr99 (PCaM) and the binding affinities of their respective calmodulin binding domains were tested. The six enzymes were: myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), 3'-5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE), plasma membrane (PM) Ca2+-ATPase, Ca2+-CaM dependent protein phosphatase 2B (calcineurin), neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and type II Ca2+-calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CaM kinase II). In general, tyrosine phosphorylation led to an increase in the activatory properties of calmodulin (CaM). For plasma membrane (PM) Ca2+-ATPase, PDE and CaM kinase II, the primary effect was a decrease in the concentration at which half maximal velocity was attained (Kact). In contrast, for calcineurin and NOS phosphorylation of CaM significantly increased the Vmax. For MLCK, however, neither Vmax nor Kact were affected by tyrosine phosphorylation. Direct determination by fluorescence techniques of the dissociation constants with synthetic peptides corresponding to the CaM-binding domain of the six analysed enzymes revealed that phosphorylation of Tyr99 on CaM generally increased its affinity for the peptides.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a nuclear protein possessing a WW domain, Npw38 (Komuro, A., Saeki, M., and Kato, S. (1999) Nucleic Acids Res. 27, 1957-1965). Here we report a Npw38-binding protein, NpwBP, isolated from HeLa cell nuclear extracts and its characterization using a cloned cDNA. NpwBP contains two proline-rich regions that are capable of binding to the WW domain of Npw38. The binding analysis using an oligopeptide-immobilized membrane revealed that the WW domain of Npw38 preferentially recognizes a short proline-rich sequence, PPGPPP, surrounded by an arginine residue, so we named it a PGR motif. Localization analysis using green fluorescent protein fusion protein and immunostaining showed that Npw38 and NpwBP are colocalized in the same subnuclear region. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed the association between Npw38 and NpwBP, which were expressed as epitope-tagged forms in COS7 cells. Furthermore, the N-terminal region of NpwBP has binding ability for poly(rG) and G-rich single-stranded DNA. These results suggest that NpwBP is a physiological ligand of Npw38 and that the Npw38-NpwBP complex may function as a component of an mRNA factory in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Recruitment of cellular signaling proteins by the CD3 polypeptides of the TCR complex mediates T cell activation. We have screened a human Src homology 3 (SH3) domain phage display library for proteins that can bind to the proline-rich region of CD3epsilon. This screening identified Eps8L1 (epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8-like 1) together with the N-terminal SH3 domain of Nck1 and Nck2 as its preferred SH3 partners. Studies with recombinant proteins confirmed strong binding of CD3epsilon to Eps8L1 and Nck SH3 domains. CD3epsilon bound well also to Eps8 and Eps8L3, and modestly to Eps8L2, but not detectably to other SH3 domains tested. Interestingly, binding of Nck and Eps8L1 SH3 domains was mapped to a PxxDY motif that shared its tyrosine residue (Y166) with the ITAM of CD3epsilon. Phosphorylation of this residue abolished binding of Eps/Nck SH3 domains in peptide spot filter assays, as well as in cells cotransfected with a dominantly active Lck kinase. TCR ligation-induced binding and phosphorylation-dependent loss of binding were also demonstrated between Eps8L1 and endogenous CD3epsilon in Jurkat T cells. Thus, phosphorylation of Y166 serves as a molecular switch during T cell activation that determines the capacity of CD3epsilon to interact with either SH3 or SH2 domain-containing proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Phosphorylation reactions are key meditors in a variety of biochemical signal processes. Research into the selective inhibition of protein tyrosine kinases to generate anticancer agents has madeO-phosphotyrosyl analogues important pharmacological tools. The simple procedures reported here involving the formation of interative peptide libraries together with the development of a selective and sensitive bead-binding assay have made it possible to rapidly screen peptides incorporatingO-phosphotyrosyl surrogates (includingO-phospho-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorotyrosine, 4-(phosphono)hydroxymethyl-phenylalanine and 4-(phosphono)fluoromethyl-phenylalanine) for their potential to inhibit the protein tyrosine kinase p56lck. These procedures can be easily adapted to combinatorical peptide libraries.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation reactions are key mediators in a variety of biochemical signal processes. Research into the selective inhibition of protein tyrosine kinases to generate anticancer agents has made O-phosphotyrosyl analogues important pharmacological tools. The simple procedures reported here involving the formation of iterative peptide libraries together with the development of a selective and sensitive bead-binding assay have made it possible to rapidly screen peptides incorporating O-phosphotyrosyl surrogates (including O-phospho-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorotyrosine, 4-(phosphono)hydroxymethyl-phenylalanine and 4-(phosphono)fluoromethyl-phenylalanine) for their potential to inhibit the protein tyrosine kinase p56lck. These procedures can be easily adapted to combinatorial peptide libraries.  相似文献   

The cellular Bcr protein consists of an N-terminal serine/threonine kinase domain, a central guanine nucleotide exchange factor homology region and a C-terminal GTPase-activating protein domain. Previous work in our laboratory established that Bcr is a major transformation-related substrate for the v-Fps tyrosine kinase, and tyrosine phosphorylation of Bcr induces Bcr-Grb-2/SOS association in vivo through the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of Grb-2. In the present study, we mapped the region of Bcr tyrosine phosphorylation by c-Fes, the human homologue of v-Fps, to Bcr N-terminal amino acids 162-413 by using a baculovirus/Sf-9 cell co-expression system. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Bcr by Fes greatly enhanced the binding of Bcr to the SH2 domains of multiple signalling molecules in vitro, including Grb-2, Ras GTPase activating protein, phospholipase C-gamma, the 85,000 M(r) subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase, and the Abl tyrosine kinase. In contrast with SH2 binding, tyrosine phosphorylation of Bcr reduced its ability to associate with the 14-3-3 protein Bap-1 (Bcr-associated protein-1), a Bcr substrate and member of a family of phosphoserine-binding adaptor proteins. These experiments provide in vitro evidence that tyrosine phosphorylation may modulate the interaction of Bcr with multiple growth-regulatory signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Two solid-phase binding assays were designed and evaluated for their potential use in comparing the affinity of peptides to the Src SH2 domain. Resin beads attached to peptides were incubated with the enhanced green fluorescence protein(EGFP)-Src SH2 domain fusion protein or the biotinylated Src SH2 domain and extensively washed. The beads-attached tetrapeptides with high affinities to the EGFP-Src SH2 domain showed more fluorescence intensity than those beads containing tetrapeptides with weak binding affinities, as shown by fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence imaging system. Only the beads attached to pYEEI produced a dark purple color on incubation of the beads, respectively, with the biotinylated Src kinases SH2 domain, alkaline phosphatase-coupled streptavidin, and BCIP/NBT. These solid-phase binding assays may have potential applications for the screening of peptides for the Src kinases SH2 domains.  相似文献   

The formins, proteins involved in murine limb and kidney development, contain a proline-rich region that matches consensus sequences for Src homology 3 (SH3) ligands. To identify proteins that interact with formins, we used this proline-rich region to screen mouse limb bud expression libraries for formin binding proteins (FBPs). As expected, we found one class of FBPs that contains SH3 domains, including two novel members of this class. In addition, however, we also found a novel class of FBPs that contains one or two copies of a 26 amino acid homology region that has been recently termed the WWP or WW motif. We demonstrate that WWP/WW domains as short as 26 amino acids can act as modular protein-binding interfaces that bind with high affinity to proline-rich sequences that are similar and, in some cases, identical to SH3 ligands. Furthermore, we find that the WWP/WW domain can compete with the Abl SH3 domain in binding a proline-rich peptide present in formin. Our results suggest that these novel protein interaction domains can perform functions similar to those of SH3 domains and, thus, might regulate SH3 interactions with target proteins through competitive binding.  相似文献   

D Park  Y Yun 《Molecules and cells》2001,12(2):244-249
In this paper, we established a modified yeast two-hybrid system, which is specialized for the detection of SH2 domain-binding proteins. The employment of the SH2 domain-tyrosine kinase fusion protein as bait allowed the efficient identification of SH2 domain-binding proteins. The general applicability of the system was tested using various combinations of SH2-kinase fusion bait and prey. The results indicate that the system specifically detected the previously reported in vivo interactions between the SH2 domains and their binding partners. In addition, using this system, we found the interaction between the adaptor protein, Lad, and the SH2 domain of Grb2 or PLC-gamma1. The binding of Lad to Grb2 was further confirmed in mammalian cells by a co-immunoprecipitation study. The conclusion is that the established tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent yeast two-hybrid system provides a novel and efficient way to define the SH2 domain-binding molecules.  相似文献   

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