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广西杉木人工林土壤微生物及生化特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对桂北龙胜里骆林区、桂中宜山庆远林区、桂南岭溪七坪林区和桂西田林老山林区以及龙胜县里骆林区不同立地杉木人工林土壤微生物及其生化特性的研究结果表明:1、四地杉木人工林土壤微生物的数量以龙胜里骆林区和田林老山林区土壤最高,岭溪七坪林区次之,宜山庆远林区最低。2、四地区杉木人工林土壤生化活性也以龙胜里骆林区和田林老山林区土壤最强,岭溪七坪林区次之,宜山庆远林区最弱。3、龙胜里骆林区不同立地杉木人工林土壤微生物数量以山洼和黑砂土土壤最多,山坡次之,山脊、红土和黄土较少。生化活性也以山洼、山坡和黑砂土土壤较强,山脊、红土和黄土较弱。但海与拔不相关。  相似文献   

昆虫线粒体发生的生化和亚显微结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
线粒体在细胞中的发生目前有各种观点的争论,其理论意义涉及到真核细胞的起源和进化、染色体和线粒体两个遗传体系之间的相互关系以及生物膜合成和组装机理等。我们对处于分化中的昆虫胸肌线粒体的观察结果是:(1)对粘虫变态期的呼吸和细胞色素氧化酶活力测定表明蛹期第8天的组织形成阶段是胸肌细胞分化和其线粒体发生的开始。电镜观察表明,线粒体形成分两个阶段:由颗粒结构(可能是酶蛋白与脂的复合体)装配成膜片和膜泡;由膜泡分化出内嵴,进而发育为线粒体。(2)QO2值,P/O比和ATP酶活力的出现与膜结构的分化发育相平行。α-甘油磷酸氧化酶系统比谷氨酸氧化酶系统装配早;电子传递酶系比磷酸化酶系装配早。(3)蝗虫胸肌分化过程的电镜观察证明;先形成内膜小泡(直径约0.1微米左右),后形成外膜,组成简单线粒体;后者进一步分化发育为成熟线粒体。(4)QO2值,P/O比和ATP酶活力与膜结构分化发育相平行。ATP酶的出现与能量转涣功能呈平行关系。膜形成早期和“幼稚”线粒体阶段,ATP酶尚未装配。(5)综合上述结果:线粒体膜由非膜结构逐步组装形成,线粒体内膜的各酶系组装次序不同步,线粒体DNA控制合成的膜蛋白在膜结构形成中似乎起核心和骨架作用;线粒体总组装过程在不同细胞中表现为多种途径和方式。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study has been to elucidate further the cytology of the glandular stigma of Nicotiana tabacum, the mechanism of the secretory process during stigma development and the biochemical composition of the exudate. The stigma consists of two distinct zones: a glandular zone formed by the papillae and 2–3 layers of cells (basal cells) immediately below them, and a non-glandular region formed by vacuolated cells which are in continuity with the transmitting tissue. The stigmatic exudate is a complex mixture of different chemical compounds such as proteins, saccharides, fatty acids and phenols. The role of stigma secretion is discussed in relation to pollen activation, recognition and pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

南方鲶卵巢滤泡细胞和卵膜生成的组织学研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
南方鲶的卵巢滤泡细胞源于卵巢基质细胞,从发生到退化分为零散卵泡膜细胞期、单层扁平泡膜细胞期、多层扁平卵泡膜细胞期、立方形颗粒细胞期柱状颗粒细胞期、颗粒细胞分泌期和颗粒细胞退化期。精孔细胞中发育中滤泡细胞分化形成。初级卵精源于卵母细胞,次级卵膜由晚期滤泡细胞分泌形成。本文还对滤泡细胞和卵膜的作用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Vibrio cyclosites and V. neocistes grew in a defined medium consisting of a mineral basis, nicotinamide or nicotinic acid and the amino acids methionine, histidine, aspartic acid, phenylalanine and iso leucine. Washed suspensions failed to oxidize any of these substances in the Warburg apparatus. It was not possible with these organisms to demonstrate transamination between the five essential amino acids and α-ketoglutaric acid or pyruvic acid.  相似文献   

草鱼胸腺组织学的研究   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
草鱼胸腺位于鳃腔背上角,紧贴在鳃腔膜之下,突起部分伸入到下颞凹,整个胸腺形态形似菱角。其组织结构可分为外区、中区和内区。中区和内区主要由淋巴细胞和网状上皮细胞构成,在组织结构上分别类似于高等脊椎动物胸腺的皮质和髓质区。胸腺淋巴细胞可分大、中、小三型,小淋巴细胞约占78%,中淋巴细胞约占15%,大淋巴细胞约占4%。在Ⅰ龄草鱼,每毫克胸腺约有3.6×106个胸腺淋巴细胞,Ⅱ龄草鱼约为2×106。Ⅰ至Ⅱ龄草鱼胸腺重量明显地随鱼龄增加,Ⅱ龄以上草鱼胸腺重量变化无规律,成鱼胸腺表现出明显的退化。草鱼胸腺除年龄性退化外,还存在环境因素引起的非年龄性退化。    相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学全英语教学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顺应医学教育国际化趋势,我们进行组织学与胚胎学全英文教学实践活动已有八年。作为一门医学基础课程,组织学与胚胎学全英文教学改革之初也遇到教材、师资、授课方法等诸多困难,通过学校的政策扶持以及教研室全体教师的努力,目前组织学与胚胎学全英文课程教学体系已日趋完善、成熟,在教学内容、教学方法、教材编写、师资建设等方面取得了长足的进步,为医学生进行后续全英文课程的学习打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

酵母菌絮凝的分型及其生理生化特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对410余株酵母菌进行絮凝测定,从中筛选到5株强絮凝菌。依据不同糖对其絮凝水平的抑制,将5株强絮凝菌分为Flo 1型和NewFlo型。对这两种絮凝型菌株的相关生理生化特性进行了研究。结果表明,Flo 1型菌絮凝只受甘露糖抑制,它对高温(70℃)、蛋白酶E、胰蛋白酶敏感,而对蛋白酶K、糜蛋白酶、Ca\+\{2+\}\,pH有一定耐受性。NewFlo型菌絮凝受甘露糖等多种糖抑制,它对高温(70℃)、各种蛋白酶、Ca\+\{2+\}、pH均较敏感。这两种类型菌株絮凝的最适Ca\+\{2+\}浓度为10mmol/L~1mol/L,最适pH为3.0~45。  相似文献   

为顺应时代发展的需要,改善教学质量,提高医学生专业外语水平,我们在五年制中有选择的进行了多年的组织学与胚胎学双语教学改革。本文就授课对象的选择、教材的选用、教学方法、考核方法、教学效果分析和出现的问题及对策等方面进行了分析和小结。旨在总结经验,并不断的改进和完善双语教学。  相似文献   

The location and activity of a K+-ATPase in mature, dormant peas were investigated using two ultracytochemical techniques, as well as biochemical assays of plasma membrane fractions from separate seed parts. Both the Wachstein and Meisel (1957) and the Ernst (1972) cytochemical methods showed plasma membrane-associated reaction product located primarily on the exterior surfaces of the entire pea embryo, except for the stem apex and tip-most cells of the radicle. No plasma membrane-assocated reaction product was found in the seed coat, which typically consists of cells with degenerating protoplasts. Biochemical results showed the highest specific K+-ATPase activity in the radicles (775 nmol Pi/mg protein/hr), followed by epicotyls (168 nmol Pi/mg protein/hr) and cotyledons (147 nmol Pi/mg protein/hr). It is proposed that the entire pea embryo may function in the active absorption of nutrients during the initial phases of germination. Additional functions of the enzyme may include cell wall loosening prior to cell elongation, regulation of cytoplasmic pH, and the generation of turgor.  相似文献   

研究了毛白杜鹃最适生境的相对光强和其在不同相对光强生境中抗性变化的规律。结果表明:当生境的相对光强处于65%以上时,毛白杜鹃叶子内过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性达到较低值,而还原型 Vc,单宁酸,多酚类的含量达到了较高值。同时,在相对光强为65%以上的生境中,毛白杜鹃类不仅生长发育健壮,抗逆性强,而且,开花指数和观赏价值达到了较高值。因此,推断毛白杜鹃类适生生境的相对光强为65%以上。而且过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性及还原型 Vc、单宁酸、多酚类的含量可以作为衡量植物是否处于适生生境的指标。  相似文献   

Aida(1973)首先报道了雌性香鱼的血清中含有雌性特异蛋白。Nath等(1981)也报道了雌性鲇鱼的雌性特异蛋白的分离和鉴定。Wallace(1974)论述了卵黄蛋白原(即雌性特异蛋白)在肝脏合成及在激素的作用下通过血流进入性腺的过程。作者自1980年以来先后报道过10种海水及淡水雌性鱼类血清中含有雌性特异蛋白,对雌性特异蛋白各种氨基酸的含量和组成以及物理化学的特性也进行了分析测定,并开展了应用雌性特异蛋白的科学实验。    相似文献   

1. Phytoplanktonic algae vary in their value as food for zooplankton and no single algal food can meet the full nutritional needs of zooplanktonic animals. Perhaps this is because optimal amounts of essential micronutrients are not all present in any one alga. The dietary requirements of planktonic Crustacea, as far as they are known, bear some resemblance to those of vertebrates. 2. The proteins of phytoplankton are similar in amino acid composition to those of zooplankton. This circumstance should favour efficient synthesis of protein by the animal, for assuming amino acids are all released in the gut and absorbed at approximately the same rate, they will be presented to the tissues in roughly the right relative amounts for protein formation. 3. Zooplankton are able to alter the characteristics of the fatty acids present in their diet by elongating the carbon chain length and by increasing the degree of unsaturation. 4. Measurements of phosphorus and nitrogen excretion indicate that zooplankton are metabolically very active. Some of the very high rates of phosphorus excretion are questioned and it is suggested that some portion of the phosphorus compounds liberated by zooplankton have passed straight through the gut without being assimilated. It is unlikely that all forms of organically bound phosphorus are equally rapidly assimilated and turned over by zooplankton. 5. Estimates of the rate of ammonia excretion by zooplankton differ markedly. This may be a matter of size/surface area of the animals concerned—smaller animals excreting more rapidly than larger animals. It has been claimed that a-amino nitrogen is released in considerable quantities by zooplankton but the evidence is not yet compelling. 6. There is considerable disagreement on the efficiency of food assimilation and conversion by zooplankton. One view is that irrespective of the quantity of phyto-plankton ingested assimilation is uniformly high. The opposing view holds that when rapid ingestion of phytoplankton occurs the percentage assimilated falls. More information on the feeding behaviour of zooplankton and on the physiology of their digestive processes is required before this controversy can be satisfactorily resolved.  相似文献   

本研究工作中,建立了一个有效的甜菜坏死黄脉病毒的分离提纯程序,解决了该病毒粒体易于聚集难以提纯的问题,其操作要点是,(1)通过Sepharose 2B柱层析代替超离心,有效地除去一些小分子量核酸杂质;(2)经PEG再次沉淀浓缩后,调整pH至酸牲(pH3.0),使病毒充分悬浮以减少凝聚;(3)在病毒等电点(pH4.8~4.9)条件下,进一步沉淀以纯化病毒。根据病毒提取物的OD260/OD280比值,算出核酸含量约4.5%。核酸电泳出现4条带,分子量分别为:2.25×10~(?),1.8×10~(?),1.05×10~(?),0.75×10~(?)道尔顿。病毒提取物经超速离心出现4个界面,沉淀系数分别为,200.8S,165S,125.8S,100S。说明甜菜坏死黄脉病毒可能是4组分病毒粒体。病毒粒体含一蛋白亚基,分子量约为2.05±0.05×10~4道尔顿,由16种共199个氨基酸组成。  相似文献   

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