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Since the beginning of breeding narrow‐leafed lupins [Lupinus angustifolius L. (Fabaceae)] with a low alkaloid content, susceptibility to several aphid species has increased. Therefore, the probing and feeding behavior of Aphis fabae Scopoli, Aphis craccivora Koch, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and the well‐adapted Macrosiphum albifrons Essig (all Hemiptera: Aphididae) was studied over 12 h on narrow‐leafed lupin genotypes containing varying amounts and compositions of alkaloids. We used the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique to obtain information on the influence of alkaloid content and composition on the susceptibility to various aphid species. Results indicated that the total time of probing of A. fabae, A. craccivora, A. pisum, and M. persicae increased with a reduced alkaloid content, whereas the alkaloid content had no influence on M. albifrons. Almost all of the individuals (>93%) conducted sieve element phases on the highly susceptible genotype Bo083521AR (low alkaloid content). A reduced occurrence of phloem phases was observed during the 12‐h recording on the alkaloid‐rich cultivar Azuro, especially for A. pisum (37.5%) and A. fabae (55.0%). Furthermore, aphids feeding on genotypes with low alkaloid content had in most cases significantly longer sieve element phases than when feeding on resistant genotypes (Kalya: low alkaloid content, yet resistant; Azuro: high alkaloid content, resistant), whereas M. albifrons showed the longest phloem phase on the alkaloid‐rich cultivar Azuro. As most significant differences were found in phloem‐related parameters, it is likely that the most important plant factors influencing aphid probing and feeding behavior are localized in the sieve elements. The aphids’ feeding behavior on the cultivar Kalya, with a low alkaloid content but reduced susceptibility, indicates that not only the total alkaloid content influences the feeding behavior but additional plant factors have an impact.  相似文献   

二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch是世界性的重大农业害螨,为明确其对不同甜瓜品种的取食和产卵选择性,采用离体叶碟法研究了二斑叶螨在7种不同甜瓜品种上的选择性及其产卵量,并探究了其在活体植株上的种群增长动态。结果表明,离体叶碟上,二斑叶螨对不同甜瓜品种的取食和产卵选择存在明显差异。选择2 h时二斑叶螨在IVF29品种上的成螨数量最低,而在IVF168上成螨数量最高,选择率为28.73%;选择12 h时,二斑叶螨成螨量及产卵量在IVF58和IVF118品种上较低,而在羊角蜜和IVF168品种上表现较高,24 h时选择趋势一致。活体植株上的种群动态结果表明,调查时间段内二斑叶螨种群数量持续升高,第20天时羊角蜜、IVF58和IVF118种群数量(低于400头/株)显著低于IVF117和IVF168的螨量(高于660头/株)。对测试不同时间段内各个参数进行综合比较和分析,二斑叶螨对甜瓜IVF168品种的选择性强、适合度高,而对IVF58和IVF118品种的选择性较差,表明IVF58和IVF118可用于甜瓜生产中的备选品种及高抗螨性甜瓜新品种的选育。  相似文献   

Tang  C.  Buirchell  B. J.  Longnecker  N. E.  Robson  A. D. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):513-516
Commercial lupins grow poorly on alkaline and neutral fine-textured soils. Genotypic variation exists among lupins. The present study compared the growth of 13 lupin genotypes, including introduced cultivars and wild types, in an alkaline loamy soil and an acid loamy soil.Plants grown in the alkaline and acid soils did not show obvious symptoms of iron deficiency at any stage. There was however a large variation of shoot fresh weight among genotypes in response to the alkaline soil with L. atlanticus and L. pilosus being more tolerant than L. luteus, L. cosentinii, L. albus and L. angustifolius. Some variation also existed among genotypes of L. angustifolius. In addition, root growth was retarded on the alkaline soil except for L. atlanticus, L. pilosus P20955 and L. albus Kiev mutant. In the alkaline soil, root growth at week 2 correlated well with the shoot fresh weight at week 12. The results suggest that early root elongation may be useful for screening tolerant genotypes for alkaline soils.  相似文献   

朱砂叶螨对不同蔬菜寄主的取食选择性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus寄主范围广泛,其对不同蔬菜寄主的取食选择性研究很少.本研究采用离体叶碟法和活体寄主法研究了朱砂叶螨在菜豆、茄子、番茄、黄瓜和甜椒等5种蔬菜寄主上的成螨数量、产卵数量、由卵发育至成若螨期的比例及活体寄主上叶螨数量的增长速度.结果表明,朱砂叶螨对供试的不同蔬菜寄主均可...  相似文献   

Summary Immunolocalization of alkaloids in lupin seeds (Lupinus spp.) has been performed by cryofixation and conventional methods. Alkaloids were localized in the protein bodies of the cotyledon cells. Some immunogold particles in the walls of these cells were also observed. There were no differences in the sites of localization between the two mentioned methods. X-ray microanalysis of elements showed the presence of P, Mg, S, and K in the protein bodies of cotyledon cells in lupin seeds. The role of K+ in alkaloids transport is discussed.  相似文献   

栎旋木柄天牛取食与产卵选择性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栎旋木柄天牛Aphrodisium sauteri(Matsushita)是南方地区栎林的重要害虫之一。对三清山高海拔栎林中栎旋木柄天牛Aphrodisium sauteri Matsushita幼虫危害状况、成虫补充营养习性、成虫的产卵选择等情况进行了调查。结果表明,栎旋木柄天牛对寄主树木的危害具有明显的区域性,海拔、坡向、温湿度等对虫害发生有较大影响。主要危害小叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia),轻度危害多脉青冈(C.multinervis)、甜槠(Castanopsis eryei)、木荷(Schima superb)等。野外调查和室内试验发现,成虫有取食液体物质的习性,不同营养液对成虫的取食次数具有显著影响。室内产卵选择试验,成虫在8种供试树种的自然枯枝疤痕凹陷处或枝皮裂缝间隙内产卵,不同树种上的产卵量存在显著差异。栎旋木柄天牛对枝条选择性的室内、外研究结果存在差异:室内试验表明,3种寄主树木的不同枝径水平上的产卵量没有显著差异。林间调查表明,栎旋木柄天牛产卵处的高度与小叶青冈胸径之间存在显著的线性相关,成虫更趋向于在枝径15~25mm、皮厚1~2mm的枝条产卵。对小叶青冈测量分析表明,枝条直径与枝皮厚度间存在着极显著的线性相关。  相似文献   

Two new lupin alkaloids, isokuraramine and (?)-7, 11-dihydromatrine, were isolated from the fresh flowers of Sophora flavescens along with 16 kno  相似文献   

Laboratory studies with Neomegalotomus parvus(Westwood) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) with one nymph per Petri dish in multiple-choice tests indicated that seeds of pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan(L.) Mills.], lablab (Dolichos lablabL.), and soybean [Glycine max(L.) Merrill] were visited before seeds of common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) and rice (Oryza sativaL.). The percentage of individuals engaging in dabbing/antennation resulting in probing, and percentage probing resulting in feeding, were higher on common bean (97%) and pigeon pea (87%) seeds than on lablab (55%), soybean (50%), or rice (5%) seeds. No significant differences were found in preference (number of flanges) among pigeon pea, common bean, and lablab, and preference (insects on foods) varied throughout the assessment period (5 d). In tests using 10 nymphs per dish, pigeon pea was the preferred food (number of flanges and insects on plants) throughout the period (5 d). In no-choice tests, the average duration of a feeding session and the longest feeding session were greater on lablab and common bean than on pigeon pea, soybean, or rice seeds. The number of feeding sessions was greater on seeds of common bean, pigeon pea, and soybean than on those of lablab or rice. Laboratory tests with N. parvusadults indicated that pigeon pea seeds were located faster, followed by common bean, soybean, and rice. When pods were tested, dabbing/antennation time was shorter on pigeon pea than on soybean, and probing time was longer on soybean than on pigeon pea or common bean. On pigeon pea, 100% of the insects probed the host, while on common bean and soybean pods, and on rice panicles, these values dropped to 71.8%, 46.0%, and 10.5%, respectively. Adults showed similar feeding times on pigeon pea, common bean, and soybean pods, but did not feed on rice panicles. Electronmicroscopical analysis showed the presence of two apical lobes with 12 peg sensilla on the labial tip. Sensillum tips were stained with silver nitrate solution, indicating a permeability of the cuticle and, therefore, their function as taste receptors.  相似文献   

The effect of the alkaloid sparteine on arginyl-tRNA formation was studied. It was demonstrated that sparteine sulfate in the concentration range 10–60 mM inhibits the charging reaction when amino acid, ATP and tRNA are used as variable substrates. The mode of action is different for all substrates studied. It was concluded that at high sparteine concentration the pattern of inhibition for all varied substrates is generally uncompetitive. A non-competitive mechanism for amino acid and tRNA was observed at low sparteine concentration, but in the case of ATP it is also uncompetitive.  相似文献   

The causes of different feeding rate in female pea leaf weevil (Sitona lineatus L.) were investigated with three cultivars, namely Gorkovskij, Lancet and Neuga. A negative correlation between leaf thickness and feeding rate was demonstrated, but by using artificial diet saturated with leaf sap, some effects were shown to be of a chemical nature.The effect of some compounds, the concentrations of which differed in the experimental cultivars, was verified by feeding tests. A strong inhibition of feeding was induced by the amino acid tyrosine. Among tested sugars saccharose was the most effective for stimulation of feeding.
zusammenfassung In Freilandversuchen wurden drei Erbsensorten mit unterschiedlicher Frassintensität durch Sitona lineatus ausgewählt, die stark befallene Gorkovskij, die intermediäre Lancet und die wenig befallene Neuga. Die Ursachen der Befallsunterschiede wurden dann im Laboratorium mit weiblichen Käfern untersucht. Blattscheibentests mit frischen Blättern der drei Sorten bestätigten die Feldversuche. Versuche mit künstlichen Substraten, welche mit Blattsaft gesättigt waren, deuteten auf einen Einfluss physikalischer Faktoren, also des anatomischen Baus der Blätter, hin. Zwischen Frassstärke und Blattdicke ergab sich eine negative Korrelation.Bei den Tests mit künstlichen Substraten wurde der Einfluss der biochemischen Zusammensetzung des Blattsafts nachgewiesen. Aufgrund der Pflanzensaftanalyse wurden dann einige Stoffe in ihrer Wirkung auf den Käferfrass geprüft. Die stärkste Frasshemmung bewirkte bei den Aminosäuren Tyrosin, die stärkste Stimulation bei den Zuckern Saccharose.

Cell wall-bound peroxidase (EC from lupin (Lupinus albus) shows a transition from oxidase to peroxidase activity when it oxidizes NADH. The oxidase phase represents a lag period in the time course of the reaction. This phase is phenol-dependent and responsible for hydrogen peroxide formation. Guaiacol, an assay substrate, and p-coumaric, ferulic and sinapic acids, precursors of the cinnamyl alcohols used in the lignification process affect both the length of lag period and the rate of the peroxidase phase of NADH oxidation. The effect of different phenols on the time course of the reaction is related to the efficacy (Vmax/Km ratio) of the enzyme when it is acting on them as a peroxidese.  相似文献   

1 Short-snouted weevils, including Strophosoma spp. and related species, may damage tree seedlings. We investigated the damage caused by these weevils feeding on seedlings of seven tree species planted in clear-cuts and under shelterwoods with three densities (control, dense, and sparse).
2 There were no pronounced differences in damage caused by short-snouted weevils in the various shelterwood densities. Most feeding occurred in the clear-cuts during the first year, whereas more seedlings were damaged in the shelterwoods of all densities in the second year. In the third year, virtually no feeding occurred in either the clear-cuts or shelterwoods. We cannot explain this pattern of damage, but a fallow period of 2 years seems to prevent short-snouted weevil damage.
3 We determined the general feeding preferences for short-snouted weevils to be cherry, lime > beech, oak, spruce > maple, ash. However, although Strophosoma mellanogrammum [Correction added after online publication 8 December 2008: Strophosoma melanogrammum corrected to Strophosoma mellanogrammum ] was observed feeding on seedlings, no full short-snouted weevil inventory was conducted, so caution must be exercised when drawing conclusions from this study regarding weevil damage patterns and feeding preferences.
4 Short-snouted weevils can sometimes occur in large numbers and may destroy entire reforestation projects, but in our study their influence on seedling growth and survival was minor.  相似文献   

Understanding the feeding preferences of abalone (high-value marine herbivores) is integral to new species development in aquaculture because of the expected link between preference and performance. Performance relates directly to the nutritional value of algae--or any feedstock--which in turn is driven by the amino acid content and profile, and specifically the content of the limiting essential amino acids. However, the relationship between feeding preferences, consumption and amino acid content of algae have rarely been simultaneously investigated for abalone, and never for the emerging target species Haliotis asinina. Here we found that the tropical H. asinina had strong and consistent preferences for the red alga Hypnea pannosa and the green alga Ulva flexuosa, but no overarching relationship between protein content (sum of amino acids) and preference existed. For example, preferred Hypnea and Ulva had distinctly different protein contents (12.64 vs. 2.99 g 100 g(-1)) and the protein-rich Asparagopsis taxiformis (>15 g 100 g(-1) of dry weight) was one of the least preferred algae. The limiting amino acid in all algae was methionine, followed by histidine or lysine. Furthermore we demonstrated that preferences can largely be removed using carrageenan as a binder for dried alga, most likely acting as a feeding attractant or stimulant. The apparent decoupling between feeding preference and algal nutritive values may be due to a trade off between nutritive values and grazing deterrence associated with physical and chemical properties.  相似文献   

A study was made of lethal and mutagenic effects of fast neutrons of different energy on spores of prototrophic and auxotrophic strains of Streptomyces griseus. Relative biological effectiveness of fast neutrons is higher than that of gamma-rays and depends on beam energy. Neutrons of 22-50 MeV induce Streptomyces griseus mutations more frequently (by one order of magnitude) than neutrons of 1.4-1.6 MeV do. The obtained mutants can be used in studying Streptomyces griseus genetics.  相似文献   

Duarte  C.  Navarro  J. M.  Acuña  K.  Gómez  I. 《Hydrobiologia》2010,651(1):291-303
Factors such as nutritional quality and the secondary metabolite content of food resources have been shown to influence the feeding behavior of herbivores in many marine habitats. For intertidal macroalgae consumers on sandy beaches, the influence of these factors on feeding behavior and the consequences on their performance is poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated the relationships of nutritional quality, chemical defenses (phlorotannins), and the structure of three macroalgal species that form the bulk of imported wrack subsidies to beaches in southern Chile, with the feeding behavior, absorption efficiency, and growth rate of the talitrid amphipod Orchestoidea tuberculata, one of the most abundant organisms in this environment. The amphipods preferred Durvillaea antarctica over Lessonia nigrescens and Macrocystis pyrifera when simultaneously offered fresh pieces of each alga. Similar results were observed when artificial food made of dry powdered algae of each species was provided, suggesting that the structure of these three algae did not influence preference. The performance of amphipods when reared on a diet of a single algal species matched feeding preferences; higher growth rates were observed in treatments with the preferred alga, D. antarctica. These results imply that D. antarctica is a superior food item for O. tuberculata when compared to L. nigrescens or M. pyrifera, and also that the alga’s intrinsic quality (i.e., not structure) may influence dietary preference in these consumers. The higher content of proteins and carbohydrates found in D. antarctica may explain why this macroalga represents better quality food for O. tuberculata. Phlorotannin content did not have obvious negative effects on diet choice or growth, as D. antarctica, the alga with greater content of these secondary metabolites, was preferred and associated with higher growth rates of O. tuberculata. However, it is necessary to emphasize that the low phlorotannins concentrations registered in the three macroalgae species examined in this study, may not have been sufficient to deter O. tuberculata. When the amphipods were fed with each alga individually, they consumed significantly higher quantities of D. antarctica, which suggests that O. tuberculata did not eat more to compensate for the lower nutritional quality of the other algal species in order to maintain growth. Nor was compensation for lower food quality achieved by increasing absorption efficiency. Our results imply that the composition of the macroalgae arriving on the beach can significantly affect the performance and subsequent life history traits of O. tuberculata and by extension other amphipod species.  相似文献   

Winter turnip rape Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera was shown to have reduced palatability to woodpigeons, enhanced susceptibility to adult flea beetle feeding and reduced susceptibility to larval flea-beetle infection when compared with winter oilseed rape (B. napus) cultivars in field trials. Levels of leaf waxes were negatively correlated with feeding preferences of adult flea beetles. Analysis of volatiles from damaged leaves showed that while all cultivars produce a similar range of nitriles, cyanoepithioalkanes and isothiocyanates, derived from 3-butenyl, 4-pentenyl and phenylethyl glucosinolates, B. rapa leaves produced relatively high levels of 1-methylpropyl isothiocyanate, although there was significant plant-to-plant variation. The possible involvement of this mustard oil glycoside and variation in epicuticular waxes in plant-herbivore interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

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