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Two human homologues of protein kinase C-epsilon (E1 and E2) were isolated from two distinct cDNA libraries. Sequence comparisons to PKC-epsilon cDNAs from several species indicated that each of these human epsilon clones contained cloning artifacts. Thus, a composite PKC-epsilon (E3) clone was derived from clones E1 and E2. Human PKC-epsilon (E3) has an overall sequence identity of 90-92% at the nucleotide level compared to the previously characterized mouse, rat and rabbit clones. At the amino acid level, the deduced human epsilon sequence shows a 98-99% identity with the mouse, rat and rabbit sequences. Expression of the human PKC-epsilon clone in Sf9 cells confirmed that the recombinant protein displayed protein kinase C activity and phorbol ester binding activity. The recombinant protein was also recognized by two distinct epsilon-specific polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

In fibroblasts, the protein kinase C (PKC) activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulates phospholipase D (PLD)-mediated hydrolysis of both phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) by PKC-alpha-mediated nonphosphorylating and phosphorylating mechanisms. Here we have used NIH 3T3 fibroblasts overexpressing holo PKC-epsilon and its regulatory, catalytic, and zinc finger domain fragments to determine if this isozyme also regulates PLD activity. Overexpression of holo PKC-epsilon inhibited the stimulatory effects of PMA (5-100 nM) on both PtdCho and PtdEtn hydrolysis. Overexpression of PKC-epsilon also was found to inhibit platelet-derived growth factor-induced PLD activity. Expression of the catalytic unit of PKC-epsilon had no effect on PMA-induced PLD activity. In contrast, expression of both the regulatory domain fragment and the zinc finger domain of PKC-epsilon resulted in significant inhibition of PMA-stimulated PtdCho and PtdEtn hydrolysis. Interestingly, although PKC-alpha also mediates the stimulatory effect of PMA on the synthesis of PtdCho by a phosphorylation mechanism, overexpression of holo PKC-epsilon or its regulatory domain fragments did not affect PMA-induced PtdCho synthesis. These results indicate that the PKC-epsilon system can act as a negative regulator of PLD activity and that this inhibition is mediated by its regulatory domain.  相似文献   

The effect of sphingosine and 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on ATP-evoked Ca(2+) mobilization in glioma C6 cells was studied with the Fura-2 video-imaging technique. Treatment of the cells with TPA, an activator of protein kinase C, reduced the ATP-evoked release of Ca(2+) from the intracellular stores, whereas sphingosine, known from in vitro studies as a protein kinase C inhibitor, potentiated Ca(2+) release synergistically with ATP. ATP-induced Ca(2+) mobilization was also enhanced by a specific protein kinase C inhibitor, GF 109203X. Pretreatment of the cells with GF 109203X prevented TPA action, whereas TPA diminished the stimulatory effect of sphingosine. However, this sphingosine effect was only observed after a short (1 min) treatment, whereas a longer treatment (5 min) reduced ATP-evoked Ca(2+) release. It is therefore concluded that sphingosine has two apparent actions: it inhibits protein kinase C providing a positive feedback regulation of receptor signals and it releases Ca(2+) from intracellular stores by an unknown mechanism, possibly independent of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that treatment of the human keratinocyte cell line NCTC 2544 with a UVB dose equivalent to 1h exposure (100 mJ/cm2) results in a significant increase of IL-8 production. In this study, we use specific inhibitors to investigate the role of both PKA- and PKC-mediated pathways in the regulation of UVB-induced IL-8 expression in NCTC 2544 cell line. We show here that the treatment of irradiated human keratinocytes with PKA inhibitors [H89 and PKA inhibitor (PKAi)] induced a significant decrease of IL-8 production at both mRNA and protein levels. However, the regulation of IL-8 production seems to be mediated via a cAMP-independent PKA pathway, since drugs known to enhance cAMP concentrations [PGE2, cholera toxin and dibutyryl cAMP] decrease IL-8 production in irradiated cells by down-regulating NF-kappa B activation in response to UVB radiation. Using PMA (a potent pharmacological activator of PKC) and calphostin C (a specific PKC inhibitor), we demonstrated an up-regulation of IL-8 in NCTC 2544 cells and a down-regulation of the cytokine in UVB-irradiated cells, respectively. We also observed that in our experimental conditions, staurosporine, an inhibitor of both PKC and PMA-stimulated cellular responses, does not involve PKC inhibition in irradiated cells and significantly decreased NF-kappa B activity in response to UVB radiation. Finally, we concluded that a cAMP-independent PKA activation and a PKC-associated pathway are probably involved in the regulation of UVB-induced IL-8 synthesis in human keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherins is believed to play an essential role in the control of cell differentiation and tissue formation. Our recent studies indicate that N-cadherin is involved in human osteoblast differentiation. However, the signalling molecules that regulate cadherins in osteoblasts are not known. We tested the possibility that N-cadherin expression and function may be regulated by direct activation of protein kinase C (PKC) in human osteoblasts. Treatment of immortalized human neonatal calvaria (IHNC) cells with phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (100 nM) transiently increased PKC activity. RT-PCR analysis showed that transient treatment with phorbol ester transiently increased N-cadherin mRNA levels at 4-12 h. Western blot analysis showed that N-cadherin protein levels were increased by phorbol ester at 24-48 h, and this was confirmed by immunocytochemical analysis. In contrast, E-cadherin expression was not affected. Transient treatment of IHNC cells with phorbol ester increased cell-cell aggregation, which was suppressed by neutralizing N-cadherin antibody, showing that the increased N-cadherin induced by phorbol ester was functional. Finally, phorbol ester dose-dependently increased alkaline phosphatase activity, an early marker of osteoblast differentiation. This effect was comparable to the promoting effect of BMP-2, a potent activator of osteoblast differentiation. These data show that direct activation of PKC by phorbol ester increases N-cadherin expression and function, and promotes ALP activity in human calvaria osteoblasts, which provides a signaling mechanism by which N-cadherin is regulated and suggests a role for PKC in N-cadherin-mediated control of human osteoblast differentiation.  相似文献   

The calmodulin antagonist N(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene-sulfonamide (W-7) has been examined as an inhibitor of superoxide anion production and granule exocytosis in phorbol ester (PMA)-activated neutrophils. Inhibition of the respiratory burst was observed at a concentration of W-7 identical to that required for inhibition of native protein kinase C (PKC), whereas the concentration required to inhibit the secretory response was found to correspond to that required for inhibition of the proteolytically converted fully active PKC. The IC50 of W-7 was in both cases 5 and 12 fold higher than that required for inhibition of calmodulin dependent kinases. The results confirm the essential role for the membrane-bound PKC in the production of O2- radicals and provide a clear evidence of the direct participation of the proteolytically activated cytosolic PKC to the secretory response of PMA activated neutrophils.  相似文献   

Human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs), a predominant cell type in tooth-supporting structure, are presently recognized for their active role in the innate immune response. They produce a variety of inflammatory cytokines in response to microbial components such as LPS from the key periodontal pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis. In this study, we demonstrated that HGFs expressed mRNA of TLRs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9, but not TLRs 7, 8, and 10. Stimulation of HGFs with highly purified TLR2 ligand (P. gingivalis LPS), TLR3 ligand (poly(I:C)), TLR4 ligand (Escherichia coli LPS), and TLR5 ligand (Salmonella typhimurium flagellin) led to expression of IL-8 and IDO. A potent TLR 9 ligand, CpG oligodeoxynucleotide 2006 had no effect, although HGFs showed a detectable TLR9 mRNA expression. No significant enhancement on IL-8 or IDO expression was observed when HGFs were stimulated with various combinations of TLR ligands. Surprisingly, the TLR9 ligand CpG oligodeoxynucleotide 2006 was able to specifically inhibit poly(I:C)-induced IL-8 and IDO expression. TNF-alpha enhanced TLR ligand-induced IL-8 production in HGFs, whereas IFN-gamma enhanced TLR ligand-induced IDO expression. HGF production of IDO in response to P. gingivalis LPS, IFN-gamma, or the two in combination inhibited T cell proliferation in MLRs. The observed T cell inhibition could be reversed by addition of either 1-methyl-dl-tryptophan or l-tryptophan. Our results suggest an important role of HGFs not only in orchestrating the innate immune response, but also in dampening potentially harmful hyperactive inflammation in periodontal tissue.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is an increasingly common malignancy. Several vitamins such as retinoic acid (RA), ascorbic acid (AA), vitamin D and vitamin E are known to prevent the development and progression of breast cancer. OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine whether RA and AA together (RA+AA) acted synergistically in blocking the proliferation of human breast cancer cells. To elucidate the mechanism by which RA+AA inhibited breast carcinoma proliferation, we then evaluated the gene expression profiles of the treated and untreated cells by radioactive cDNA microarray analysis. METHODS: We cultured the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 for 3 days with 100 nM RA and/or 1 mM AA, counted the cell numbers and harvested the total RNAs for cDNA microarray analysis. RESULTS: RA, AA and RA+AA reduced MCF-7 cell proliferation by 20.7%, 23.3% and 75.7% relative to the untreated cell proliferation, respectively. The synergistic ratio of RA and AA was 1.72. The MCF-7 gene expression profiles showed that 29 genes were up-regulated and 38 genes were down-regulated after RA+AA treatment. The nature of these genes suggests that the mechanism by which RA and AA act synergistically in inhibiting human breast cancer cell proliferation may involve the expression of genes that induce differentiation and block proliferation, and the up-regulation of antioxidant enzymes and proteins involved in apoptosis, cell cycle regulation and DNA repair. CONCLUSION: Combined treatment with RA and AA inhibits the proliferation of human breast cancer cells by altering their gene expression related to antioxidation processes as well as the proliferation inhibitory pathway.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of Ca2+-mobilizing agonists such as vasopressin, platelet-activating factor, ADP, the endoperoxide analogue U44069 and the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 enhance the binding of [3H]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PdBu) to intact human platelets. This effect is prevented by preincubation of platelets with prostacyclin (except for A23187). Adrenaline, which does not increase Ca2+ in the platelet cytosol, does not enhance the binding of [3H]PdBu to platelets. In addition, all platelet agonists except adrenaline potentiate the phosphorylation of the substrate of protein kinase C (40 kDa protein) induced by PdBu. Potentiation of protein kinase C activation is associated with increased platelet aggregation and secretion. Stimulus-induced myosin light-chain phosphorylation and shape change are not significantly affected, but formation of phosphatidic acid is decreased in the presence of PdBu. The results may indicate that low concentrations of agonists induce in intact platelets the translocation of protein kinase C to the plasma membrane by eliciting mobilization of Ca2+, and thereby place the enzyme in a strategic position for activation by phorbol ester. Such activation enhances platelet aggregation and secretion, but at the same time suppresses activation of phospholipase C. Therefore, at least part of the synergism evoked by Ca2+ and phorbol ester is mediated through a single pathway which involves protein kinase C. It is likely that the priming of protein kinase C by prior Ca2+ mobilization occurs physiologically in activated platelets.  相似文献   

Chronic diseases may involve an "innate" response followed by an adaptive immune response, of a Th1 or Th2 variety. Little is known regarding the interactions of these responses. We hypothesized that TGF-beta1 (innate response factor associated with wound repair) in combination with IL-13 (Th2 factor) might augment inflammatory processes associated with asthma. Airway fibroblasts were cultured from asthmatic subjects and normal controls. These fibroblasts were exposed to TGF-beta1 and IL-13 alone or in combination, and eotaxin-1 expression and production were evaluated. At 48 h, eotaxin-1 production was markedly increased with the combination of TGF-beta1 and IL-13 (p < 0.0001) compared with either stimulus alone. mRNA increased slightly at 1 h with IL-13 or TGF-beta1 plus IL13, peaked, and became significantly increased over IL-13 alone at 24 h. Protein was measurable from 6 h with IL-13 and TGF-beta1 plus IL-13, but greater levels were measured over time with the combination. Actinomycin ablated the increase in mRNA and protein seen with IL-13 alone and with TGF-beta1 plus IL-13. Cycloheximide blocked the increase in mRNA at 6 h in both conditions, but also blocked the increase at 24 h with TGF-beta1 plus IL-13. STAT-6 was rapidly activated with both IL-13 and the combination, without difference. Finally, eotaxin-1-positive fibroblasts were identified in severe asthma biopsies in greater numbers than in normals. These results support the concept that interactions of innate and adaptive immune systems may be important in promoting the tissue eosinophilia of asthma, particularly in those with more severe disease.  相似文献   

We studied the oxidation of [1-14C]phytanic acid, 3-methyl substituted fatty acid, to pristanic acid and 14CO2 in human skin fibroblasts. The specific activity for alpha-oxidation of phytanic acid in peroxisomes was 29- and 124-fold higher than mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. This finding demonstrates for the first time the presence of fatty acid alpha-oxidation enzyme system in peroxisomes.  相似文献   

D Ron  M G Kazanietz 《FASEB journal》1999,13(13):1658-1676
Protein kinase C (PKC), a family of related serine-threonine kinases, is a key player in the cellular responses mediated by the second messenger diacylglycerol (DAG) and the phorbol ester tumor promoters. The traditional view of PKCs as DAG/phospholipid-regulated proteins has expanded in the last few years by three seminal discoveries. First, PKC activity and maturation is controlled by autophosphorylation and transphosphorylation mechanisms, which includes phosphorylation of PKC isozymes by phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinases (PDKs) and tyrosine kinases. Second, PKC activity and localization are regulated by direct interaction with different types of interacting proteins. Protein-protein interactions are now recognized as important mechanisms that target individual PKCs to different intracellular compartments and confer selectivity by associating individual isozymes with specific substrates. Last, the discovery of novel phorbol ester receptors lacking kinase activity allows us to speculate that some of the biological responses elicited by phorbol esters or by activation of receptors coupled to elevation in DAG levels could be mediated by PKC-independent pathways.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC)-related cDNA clones isolated from mouse epidermis cDNA library encoded a 78-kDa protein, nPKC eta. nPKC eta contains a characteristic cysteine-rich repeat sequence (C1 region) and a protein kinase domain sequence (C3 region), both of which are conserved among PKC family members. However, nPKC eta lacks a putative Ca2+ binding region (C2 region) that is seen in conventional PKCs (alpha, beta I, beta II, gamma), but not in novel PKCs (nPKC delta, -epsilon, -zeta). nPKC eta shows the highest sequence similarity to nPKC epsilon (59.4% identity). The similarity extends to the NH2-terminal sequence (E region) which corresponds to one of the divergent regions (D1 region). Northern blot analysis showed that the mRNA for nPKC eta is highly expressed in the lung and skin but, in contrast to other members of the PKC family, only slightly expressed in the brain. nPKC eta expressed in COS cells shows phorbol ester binding activity with a similar affinity to nPKC epsilon. Antiserum raised against a COOH-terminal peptide of nPKC eta identified an 82-kDa protein in mouse lung extract as well as in an extract from COS cells transfected with the nPKC eta-cDNA expression plasmid. Autophosphorylation of nPKC eta immunoprecipitated with the specific antiserum was observed, indicating that nPKC eta is a protein kinase. These results clearly demonstrate the existence and the possible importance of nPKC eta as a member of the phorbol ester receptor/protein kinase, PKC, family.  相似文献   



To summarize data supporting the effects of antidiabetes agents on glucose control and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes.


Studies reporting on the effects of antidiabetes agents on glycemic control, body weight, lipid levels, and blood pressure parameters are reviewed and summarized for the purpose of selecting optimal therapeutic regimens for patients with type 2 diabetes.


National guidelines recommend the aggressive management of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes, including weight loss and achieving lipid and blood pressure treatment goals. All antidiabetes pharmacotherapies lower glucose; however, effects on cardiovascular risk factors vary greatly among agents. While thiazolidinediones, sulfonylureas, and insulin are associated with weight gain, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors are considered weight neutral and metformin can be weight neutral or associated with a small weight loss. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and amylinomimetics (e.g. pramlintide) result in weight loss. Additionally, metformin, thiazolidinediones, insulin, and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists have demonstrated beneficial effects on lipid and blood pressure parameters.


Management of the cardiovascular risk factors experienced by patients with type 2 diabetes requires a multidisciplinary approach with implementation of treatment strategies to achieve not only glycemic goals but to improve and/or correct the underlying cardiovascular risk factors.  相似文献   

We describe two factors in human placenta that modulate the interaction of phorbol ester tumor promoters with cell membranes or with protein kinase C. One, phorbol ester binding inhibitory factor, can inhibit binding of [3H]phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate to cultured cells or to a membrane fraction but does not inhibit its binding to a homogeneous C kinase preparation (phorbol ester binding sites). The other, C kinase activating factor, stimulates C kinase activity in a calcium-dependent manner. We separated these two biochemical activities from a crude human placental fraction by gel filtration.  相似文献   

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