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Subgenomic mRNA from a virulent isolate of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) was used to produce cDNA which was sequenced. Two non-overlapping open reading frames (ORFs) were identified. The largest, encoding a polypeptide of 382 amino acids (relative molecular mass (Mr) 43,483), was shown to be the viral nucleoprotein gene. The second ORF, found 3' to the larger ORF, encodes a polypeptide of 78 amino acids (Mr 9068) which has yet to be assigned to a viral product. The nucleoprotein gene was expressed in yeast cells under the control of two types of yeast promoters: the constitutive PGK promoter, and the inducible GAL1 promoter. Yeast cells containing recombinant plasmids, with the nucleoprotein gene in the correct orientation, produced a polypeptide of Mr 47,000, identical to the viral product, that reacted with a specific monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli YajC is a small integral membrane protein with a single transmembrane helix. The gene yajC is part of the secD operon and the protein is identified in the SecDF-YajC complex. However, the exact function of YajC remains a mystery. While its function is usually discussed in the context of the SecDF-YajC complex, studies have shown that SecD/F, rather than YajC, are essential for those functions. Recently YajC is identified as the mysterious protein that co-crystallized with AcrB. To further investigate the structure of YajC, we expressed and purified the protein in a detergent solubilized state. The protein assumed a folded structure containing mixed α/β secondary structures, consistent with the structural prediction. Using signal Cys mutations and thiol-specific probes, we found the C-terminus of YajC was cytoplasmic, while the N-terminus of YajC was buried in the membrane. In addition, we expressed and purified a truncated fragment of YajC that corresponded to the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain (YajC(CT)). YajC(CT) formed a compact structure rich in β-strands and existed as a trimer.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli unc-operon encodes the genes for the subunits of the F0F1-ATP synthase and an integral membrane protein of unknown function called UncI. UncI influences the cell-growth and activity of F0F1, but its exact function is still unknown. The expression level is too low to extract milligram amounts of UncI from E. coli membranes and the existing purification protocol based on methanol/chloroform is not suitable for structural and functional studies. Here we present protocols to increase the expression level, to purify UncI in a detergent where UncI is monodisperse, and we characterize its oligomeric state.  相似文献   

Summary The complete (encoding 119 aminon acids, aa) or partial (encoding the N-terminal 90 aa) preS1 region gene of hepatitis B virus (HBV) was fused to the 3-end of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) gene and expressed at 37 °C under the control of the inducible tac promoter in E. coli. The results showed that the fusion protein with the full length of preS1 was moderately expressed, about 10% of total cellular proteins, while the protein with the partial preS1 was highly expressed, about 33% of total cellular proteins but the half was degraded into the protein with about N-terminal 60 aa of preS1. Accordingly, GST fusion protein containing the N-terminal 56 aa of the preS1, which still encodes B-and T-cell epitopes and a hepatocyte receptor binding site, was expressed under the same induction conditions and was shown to be highly and stably expressed, about 37% of total cellular proteins. The fusion protein with the full length or N-terminal 56 aa of preS1 and the peptides were simply and successfully purified by affinity chromatography and were demonstrated to exhibit the antigenicity and immunogenicity of the preS1 antigen.  相似文献   

Strains of transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) virus possessing different pathogenicity were examined for stability to digestive enzymes and acid, and growth at various temperatures. In growth experiments, virus titer obtained at 37 degrees C were about equal between attenuated and virulent strains, but titers attained by the attenuated strain were higher at 30 degrees C. The attenuated virus multiplied at 28 degrees C, but the virulent virus did not at this temperature. The virulent virus was significantly stable to trypsin and pepsin, but the attenuated virus was inactivated rapidly by these proteolytic enzymes. No significant differences were observed in stability to acid between the attenuated and virulent strains. At different pH, both lost their infectivity more rapidly at 37 degrees C than at 22 degrees C.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein I (OprI) is one of the major proteins of the outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Like porin protein F (OprF), it is a vaccine candidate because it antigenically cross-reacts with all serotype strains of the International Antigenic Typing Scheme. Since lipoprotein I was expressed in Escherichia coli under the control of its own promoter, we were able to isolate the gene by screening a lambda EMBL3 phage library with a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against lipoprotein I. The monocistronic OprI mRNA encodes a precursor protein of 83 amino acid residues including a signal peptide of 19 residues. The mature protein has a molecular weight of 6,950, not including bound glycerol and lipid. Although the amino acid sequences of protein I of P. aeruginosa and Braun's lipoprotein of E. coli differ considerably (only 30.1% identical amino acid residues), peptidoglycan in E. coli, are identical. Using lipoprotein I expressed in E. coli, it can now be tested whether this protein alone, without P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide contaminations, has a protective effect against P. aeruginosa infections.  相似文献   

Seventy integral membrane proteins from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome have been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. A combination of T7 promoter-based vectors with hexa-His affinity tags and BL21 E. coli strains with additional tRNA genes to supplement sparsely used E. coli codons have been most successful. The expressed proteins have a wide range of molecular weights and number of transmembrane helices. Expression of these proteins has been observed in the membrane and insoluble fraction of E. coli cell lysates and, in some cases, in the soluble fraction. The highest expression levels in the membrane fraction were restricted to a narrow range of molecular weights and relatively few transmembrane helices. In contrast, overexpression in insoluble aggregates was distributed over a broad range of molecular weights and number of transmembrane helices.  相似文献   

We used the cloned tolC gene to identify, locate, and purify its gene product. Strains carrying pPR13 or pPR42 overproduced a cell envelope protein (molecular weight, 52,000). A protein of the same molecular weight was identified in radioactively labeled minicells carrying pPR13; this protein was absent in pPR11-carrying minicells. This protein was the tolC gene product, since pPR11 differed from pPR13 in having a Tn10 insertion in the tolC gene. The protein seen in cell envelopes of whole cells (TolC protein) was found to exist in an aggregated state in the outer membrane; under conditions in which OmpC and OmpF were peptidoglycan associated, TolC protein was not likewise associated. Using these properties, we purified the TolC protein and determined the sequence of twelve amino acids from the amino-terminal end. The location of the TolC protein in the outer membrane was consistent with the proposed function for the tolC gene product as a processing protein in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of a bacterial light-harvesting (LH) integral membrane protein was attempted using Escherichia coli cells and cell-free synthesis systems prepared from E. coli extracts. The alpha-apoprotein of LH1 complex from purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum was overexpressed as a recombinant protein with a histidine (His6) tag added to the carboxyl terminus. Both of the expression systems produced alpha-apoprotein in a fully functional form as can judged by its ability to form a structural subunit with native beta-apoprotein and the pigment molecule bacteriochlorophyll a. The expression product in E. coli appears to be located in the inner cell membrane and can be almost completely extracted by 0.5% (w/v) Triton X-100. Circular dichroism measurement indicated that the expressed alpha-apoproteins from both systems had alpha-helical contents essentially identical with that of the native one. About two thirds of the alpha-apoprotein expressed in E. coli was found to have the amino terminal methionine residue modified by a formyl group. About one third of the alpha-apoprotein expressed in the cell-free system was found to be oxidized at the side chain of the amino terminal methionine residue. Functional expression of the alpha-apoprotein using the cell-free system provides an useful example for producing highly hydrophobic integral membrane proteins with relatively large quantities sufficient for biophysical and structural analysis.  相似文献   

SetB was identified as a high-copy suppressor of the partition defect of a mutation in parC, encoding one of the subunits of topoisomerase IV. Deletion of this integral inner membrane protein causes a delay in chromosome segregation, whereas its overproduction causes nucleoid disintegration and stretching, leading to a cell division defect. setB deletion mutants also exhibit a synthetic phenotype when combined with mutations that delete the C-terminal motor domain of the septal ring protein FtsK. SetB localizes in the cell as a helix and interacts with MreB, the bacterial actin homologue, which also forms a helix. These observations suggest that there may be a link between chromosome segregation and cellular infrastructure.  相似文献   

An integral membrane protein forming channels across Escherichia coli outer membranes, porin, has been crystallized using a polyethylene glycol or salt-generated two-phase system. Monodispersity and homogeneity of protein-detergent complexes were found to be prerequisites for reproducible formation of crystals amenable to X-ray structural analysis. By varying pH, detergent and buffer type, large crystals of three different habits can be obtained, two of which are discussed in this paper. The tetragonal form (space group P4(2); unit cell dimensions, a = b = 155 A, c = 172 A) is suitable for X-ray analysis. Low temperature induces a change of the space group to P4(2)22, with a single trimer in the asymmetric unit. This crystal form diffracts to a resolution beyond 2.9 A. The hexagonal crystal form (space group P6(3)22; unit cell dimensions, a = b = 93 A, c = 220 A) is limited in resolution to 4.5 A, but reveals a packing arrangement very similar to that in two-dimensional membrane-like crystalline arrays.  相似文献   

Refolding of an integral membrane protein. OmpA of Escherichia coli   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
OmpA is an integral membrane protein from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Purified, lipopolysaccharide-free OmpA was denatured by boiling in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Refolding was then induced by replacement of SDS with the nonionic detergent octylglucoside. The structure of both the denatured and refolded protein were investigated by SDS-gel electrophoresis, protease digestion, Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy. Refolded OmpA could be reconstituted into membranes of the synthetic lipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine. Thus, lipopolysaccharide is neither necessary for proper folding of OmpA nor for its insertion into lipid membranes. Based on this result, models for sorting of OmpA into the outer membrane of E. coli are discussed.  相似文献   

Discrete fractions of nonhistone chromosomal proteins (NHCP) were obtained from rabbit liver chromatin by their dissociation in 5 m urea with increasing concentrations of NaCl. Three fractions were obtained: M0, M1, and M3. We found that M0 can modify the conformation of DNA/histone complexes as depicted from their induced increase in the ellipticity of DNA/histone from 5100 to 6900 degree-cm2/dmol. This effect was found to be reversible, while M1 and M3 effects, if any, were not measurable. These results suggest that M0 primarily interacts with the chromatin subunit.  相似文献   

The trkG gene encodes a component of the K+ uptake system Trk and is located at 30.5 min inside the lambdoid prophage region rac of the Escherichia coli chromosome. trkG was subcloned, its nucleotide sequence was determined, and its product was identified in a minicell system. The open reading frame of 1,455 bp encodes a hydrophobic membrane protein with a calculated molecular weight of 53,493 that is predicted to contain up to 12 transmembrane helices. The trkG gene product behaved as a hydrophobic membrane protein; it was found exclusively in the membrane fraction of the minicells and its migration in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was anomalous, indicating an apparent molecular weight of 35,000. The trkG gene contains an exceptionally high proportion of infrequently used codons, raising the question of the origin of this gene. trkG does not appear to be a prophage gene since no similarity was observed between the nucleotide sequence of trkG or the amino acid sequence of its product and the sequences of genes or proteins from bacteriophage lambda.  相似文献   

Genetic approaches can address the question of how integral membrane Sec factors interact with each other and facilitate protein translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane of E. coli. This review summarizes genetic analyses of SecY, SecE and some other protein translocation factors, utilizing 'prl' mutations, 'sec' mutations, 'suppressor-directed inactivation', 'Sec titration', dominant negative mutations and their suppressors. Evidence suggests that co-ordinate participation of SecY, SecE, SecD, SecF, and probably some other factors, is crucial for the process.  相似文献   

Although bacteria have diverse membrane proteins, the function of many of them remains unknown or uncertain even in Escherichia coli. In this study, to investigate the function of hypothetical membrane proteins, genome-wide analysis of phenotypes of hypothetical membrane proteins was performed under various envelope stresses. Several genes responsible for adaptation to envelope stresses were identified. Among them, deletion of YhcB, a conserved inner membrane protein of unknown function, caused high sensitivities to various envelope stresses and increased membrane permeability, and caused growth defect under normal growth conditions. Furthermore, yhcB deletion resulted in morphological aberration, such as branched shape, and cell division defects, such as filamentous growth and the generation of chromosome-less cells. The analysis of antibiotic susceptibility showed that the yhcB mutant was highly susceptible to various anti-folate antibiotics. Notably, all phenotypes of the yhcB mutant were completely or significantly restored by YhcB without the transmembrane domain, indicating that the localization of YhcB on the inner membrane is dispensable for its function. Taken together, our results demonstrate that YhcB is involved in cell morphology and cell division in a membrane localization-independent manner.  相似文献   

The SecY protein is a membrane-bound factor required for bacterial protein export and embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane by its 10 transmembrane segments. We previously proposed a topology model for this protein by adapting the Manoil-Beckwith TnphoA approach, a genetic method to assign local disposition of a membrane protein from the enzymatic activity of the alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) mature sequence attached to the various regions. SecY-PhoA hybrid proteins with the PhoA domain exported to the periplasmic side of the membrane have been obtained at the five putative periplasmic domains of the SecY sequence. We now extended this method to apply it to follow export of the newly synthesized PhoA domain. Trypsin treatment of detergent-solubilized cell extracts digested the internalized (unfolded) PhoA domain but not those exported and correctly folded. One of the hybrid proteins was cleaved in vivo after export to the periplasm, providing a convenient indication for the export. Results of these analyses indicate that export of the PhoA domain attached to different periplasmic regions of SecY occurs rapidly and requires the normal functioning of the secY gene supplied in trans. Thus, this membrane protein with multiple transmembrane segments contains multiple export signals which can promote rapid and secY-dependent export of the PhoA mature sequence attached to the carboxyl-terminal sides.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli contains several lipoproteins in addition to the major outer membrane lipoprotein (Ichihara, S., Hussain, M., and Mizushima, S. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 3125-3129). We cloned the gene for one of these new lipoproteins by using a synthetic 15-mer oligonucleotide probe identical to the DNA sequence at the signal peptide cleavage site of the major lipoprotein. The DNA sequence of the cloned gene revealed an open reading frame encoding a 272-amino acid protein with a signal peptide of 23 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the putative cleavage site region of the signal peptide, -Leu-Leu-Ala-Gly-Cys-, is identical to that of the major lipoprotein. When the cloned gene was expressed in E. coli, a gene product with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 29,000 was identified which agrees well with the calculated molecular weight (27,800). The product was labeled with [3H]glycerol, and a precursor molecule of increased molecular weight was accumulated when cells were treated with globomycin, a specific inhibitor for prolipoprotein signal peptidase. We thus designed the gene product as lipoprotein-28. Unlike the major lipoprotein, lipoprotein-28 was found to be localized in the cytoplasmic membrane. A possible orientation of lipoprotein-28 in the E. coli envelope is discussed.  相似文献   

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