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The phytotoxic effects of aluminum (Al) on root systems of crop plants constitute a major agricultural problem in many areas of the world. Root exudation of Al-chelating molecules such as low-molecular-weight organic acids has been shown to be an important mechanism of plant Al tolerance/resistance. Differences observed in the physiology and electrophysiology of root function for two maize genotypes with contrasting Al tolerance revealed an association between rates of Al-activated root organic acid release and Al tolerance. Using these genotypes, we cloned ZmALMT1, a maize gene homologous to the wheat ALMT1 and Arabidopsis AtALMT1 genes that have recently been described as encoding functional, Al-activated transporters that play a role in tolerance by mediating Al-activated organic acid exudation in roots. The ZmALMT1 cDNA encodes a 451 amino acid protein containing six transmembrane helices. Transient expression of a ZmALMT1::GFP chimera confirmed that the protein is targeted to the plant cell plasma membrane. We addressed whether ZmALMT1 might underlie the Al-resistance response (i.e. Al-activated citrate exudation) observed in the roots of the Al-tolerant genotype. The physiological, gene expression and functional data from this study confirm that ZmALMT1 is a plasma membrane transporter that is capable of mediating elective anion efflux and influx. However, gene expression data as well as biophysical transport characteristics obtained from Xenopus oocytes expressing ZmALMT1 indicate that this transporter is implicated in the selective transport of anions involved in mineral nutrition and ion homeostasis processes, rather than mediating a specific Al-activated citrate exudation response at the rhizosphere of maize roots.  相似文献   

A plant's ability to cope with salt stress is highly correlated with their ability to reduce the accumulation of sodium ions in the shoot. Arabidopsis mutants affected in the ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE (ABI) 4 gene display increased salt tolerance, whereas ABI4‐overexpressors are hypersensitive to salinity from seed germination to late vegetative developmental stages. In this study we demonstrate that abi4 mutant plants accumulate lower levels of sodium ions and higher levels of proline than wild‐type plants following salt stress. We show higher HKT1;1 expression in abi4 mutant plants and lower levels of expression in ABI4‐overexpressing plants, resulting in reduced accumulation of sodium ions in the shoot of abi4 mutants. HKT1;1 encodes a sodium transporter which is known to unload sodium ions from the root xylem stream into the xylem parenchyma stele cells. We have shown recently that ABI4 is expressed in the root stele at various developmental stages and that it plays a key role in determining root architecture. Thus ABI4 and HKT1;1 are expressed in the same cells, which suggests the possibility of direct binding of ABI4 to the HKT1;1 promoter. In planta chromatin immunoprecipitation and in vitro electrophoresis mobility shift assays demonstrated that ABI4 binds two highly related sites within the HKT1;1 promoter. These sites, GC(C/G)GCTT(T), termed ABI4‐binding element (ABE), have also been identified in other ABI4‐repressed genes. We therefore suggest that ABI4 is a major modulator of root development and function.  相似文献   

Aim  To review and critically assess the evidence that the testate amoeba species Nebela vas does not have a cosmopolitan distribution, in contradiction to the paradigm of microbial distribution that 'everything is everywhere'.
Location  Terrestrial and wetland habitats world-wide.
Methods  Relevant data were assembled on the morphology, ecology and global geographical distribution of N. vas from a comprehensive literature review of published original records. The data were collated, analysed and summarized. The roles of long-term and short-term agents of dispersal are discussed.
Results  A clear and repeated pattern has been elucidated of a microbial species, with a distinctive and unmistakeable morphology, that inhabits acid, damp terrestrial and wetland habitats in the southern cool-temperate and sub-Antarctic zones – including similar high-altitude habitats in the Tropics. It is almost entirely confined to the Gondwanaland continents and Southern Hemisphere islands. It is definitively absent from Holarctic regions. It is proposed that the continental distribution of N. vas is a consequence of continental drift following its original speciation in the Mesozoic or earlier, whereas its distribution on sub-Antarctic islands (glaciated in the Pleistocene) has been effected by dispersal from South America by wind around the Southern Ocean.
Main conclusion  Nebela vas is a proven instance of a microbial species that does not have a cosmopolitan distribution.  相似文献   

H uman α ‐lactalbumin m ade le thal to t umor cells (HAMLET) and its analogs are partially unfolded protein‐oleic acid (OA) complexes that exhibit selective tumoricidal activity normally absent in the native protein itself. To understand the nature of the interaction between protein and OA moieties, charge‐specific chemical modifications of lysine side chains involving citraconylation, acetylation, and guanidination were employed and the biophysical and biological properties were probed. Upon converting the original positively‐charged lysine residues to negatively‐charged citraconyl or neutral acetyl groups, the binding of OA to protein was eliminated, as were any cytotoxic activities towards osteosarcoma cells. Retention of the positive charges by converting lysine residues to homoarginine groups (guanidination); however, yielded unchanged binding of OA to protein and identical tumoricidal activity to that displayed by the wild‐type α‐lactalbumin‐oleic acid complex. With the addition of OA, the wild‐type and guanidinated α‐lactalbumin proteins underwent substantial conformational changes, such as partial unfolding, loss of tertiary structure, but retention of secondary structure. In contrast, no significant conformational changes were observed in the citraconylated and acetylated α‐lactalbumins, most likely because of the absence of OA binding. These results suggest that electrostatic interactions between the positively‐charged basic groups on α‐lactalbumin and the negatively‐charged carboxylate groups on OA molecules play an essential role in the binding of OA to α‐lactalbumin and that these interactions appear to be as important as hydrophobic interactions. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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